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Transcriber: Gian Carlo C. Benito

NURSING RESEARCH  Healthcare delivery issues such as cost, quality and

 Result creates a strong scientific base for nursing.
 To look again for something those things that are
existing but needs evidences for innovation or as  Evidence base for practice
new knowledge.  Evidence research finding are being used for as
 Results provide the foundation for practice decisions a basis for clinical decisions.
and behavior.  EBP is defined as the process of systematically
 Results provide support for the quality and cost- finding or using research findings as a basis of
effectiveness of interventions. making decisions about nursing care

 A systemic inquiry that uses discipline methods to METHODS OF ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE IN NURSING
answer questions or solve a problem.
 Application of results demonstrates professional UNSTRUCTURED
accountability to insurers and healthcare
consumers.  No specific path.
 Tradition
 Generate knowledge in areas that indirectly affect
 Authority
the nursing care process.
 Intuition
 GOAL  Experience
 Develop, Refine, and Expand = the body of  Trial and Error
 There is a specific path to acquire knowledge or
 Develop knowledge about health and promotion of evidence
 Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning (the
 over the full lifespan that is care for clients with
use of logic, logic helps decide whether something is
problems and disabilities.
true or false)
 Tool to prove the value of nursing in the society.
 Assembled Information
 Not just a tool to use and obtain knowledge in
 Problem Solving
our daily practice
 Scientific Method
 There is currently a lot of tool already being
used for nursing that is also being used VARIABLES
 This is anything that can take on differing or varying
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE: CRIMEAN WAR Independent (Cause)  Presumed cause
 Influences the dependent
 During this time period, nursing was not considered variable
important. Dependent (Effect)  Presumed effect
 Florence Nightingale made a thorough statistical  Primary interest
study of sanitation. Intervening (In  Time the independent variable
Between) that starts operating and
RESEARCH FOCUS 1900 TO 1940s influencing the dependent
 Nursing education, student characteristics, and

RESEARCH FOCUS 1950 TO 1970s  Formulating the research question or problem.

 Defining the purpose of the study
 Teaching, administration, and curriculum issues.  Reviewing related literature
 Formulating hypothesis and defining variables
 Selecting the research design
 Selecting the population sample and setting
 More qualified researchers
 Conducting a p0lot study
 Widespread availability of computers for data
 Collecting the data
collection and analysis.
 Analyzing the data
 Qualitative studies
 Communicating conclusions
BASED ON APPROACH  Correlation – interrelationship between variables of
interest without any active intervention.
 A whole design including assumptions, process of  Developmental – examining a thing about a
inquiry, type of data collected and measuring the particular time.
findings.  Survey – collecting information/view for the subject
regarding opinion, and perception of data from a
MIXED subject.
 Explanatory
 Exploratory  Basic Research
 Embedded  Applied Research


 Phenomenological EXPERIMENTAL
 Grounded
 Ethnological  True Experimental – M + R + C (all are present, there
 Historical is manipulation, cause and effect, randomization and
 Case studies control group).
 Action Research  Quasi – M+R or C (there is always a M but either the
R or C is present.
QUANTITATIVE  Pre-Experimental – M only, no R and C (you are still
in the beginning of the research.
 Concerned with discovering facts about the
phenomena in numerical investigation. NON-EXPERIMENTAL
 Based on measurement (objectivity, validity,
accuracy and precisions).  No, manipulation, No control.
 Analyzed through numerical comparison and  Descriptive – obsessive, document, describe (ex: the
statistical influences (a conclusion reached on a base researchers would want to show the backpain of the
of evidence reasoning). nurses in the ICU)
 Correlational – interrelationship among variables of
EXPERIMENTAL interest without any active intervention. There is
always a relationship between two things, here and
 True experimental – M + R + C the researchers will examine the cause and effect
 Quasi – M + R or C without giving any intervention or action (ex: the
 Pre-Experimental – M no R or C researchers would want to know if there is a
 This contributes to the experimental approach: correlation of backpain in nurses working in the
 Manipulation – there is a variable, we are ICU)
looking for the cause and effect. E.g if a patient  Developmental – examining a thing about a
came to ER with pain, A pain killer particular time (eg: the researchers would want to
(independent variable) or meds is given to the know the perception of nursing students about the
client in pain (dependent variable). The study nursing profession during the COVID-19 pandemic).
here is we are going to gouge the effectivity of  Survey – used to collect large amount of data
the medication to treat pain. (expensive) and collecting information or view for
 Randomization – there is a process of selection, subject regarding opinion, perception or data from a
or assigning participants to treatment and subject (eg: the researcher would want to know how
controlled group/population. Assuming that long the doctor takes to see the patient when they go
each participant has an equal chance of being to the emergency room).
assigned to any group.  Common Types of Survey: online, paper, mail,
 Control – an element that remains unchanged telephone, in person, panel and focus group.
or unaffected by other variables. There is a
certain group that you will exclude for you to PURPOSE (BASED OR APPLIED)
evaluate if your research is doing good (Valid or
True). E.G: the study aims to know if full BASED ON RESEARCH
medications will be much faster, removing your
flu vs just leaving the flu and wait until it  Commonly used by students
subsides or go away.  Expand current knowledge
 Improving current knowledge or information
NON-EXPERIMENTAL  Example: unhealthy lifestyle in a certain area
 Theoretical or exploratory in nature
 The researchers will not manipulate, there is no  Looking for a related literature review to
control. support the research but there is no solution.
 Descriptive – observe or describe the document.  Wider scope
 Example: effects of smoking in the adolescent  The researcher is going to describe and understand
 Less associated with technology the key psychological and structural process that
 Predicts future phenomena occur in social setting.
 Curiosity driven  The researchers check the root of the problem to
create a new theory, based from the data from the

 Commonly used by professionals HISTORICAL

 Solves particular life problem
 Possible solutions for the problem  Narrative description or analysis of events that
 Example: manpower problem because of you occupied in the past (related to hx).
are looking for solution.  The researcher will collect past data and evaluate
 Practical in nature the old data then makes a relationship of what
 More specific scope happens in the present and in the future.
 Example: manpower. It is specific in 1  Ex: how did handwashing or hand hygiene started
department or area. and how does it affect the spread of infection then
 Associated with advancements of technology and now.
 Creates solutions and preventive to future problems
 Example: bench mark for basis or reference CASE STUDIES
 Client driven
 In depth examination and analysis of people of
 Example: manpower problem – effect poor
group of people in relation to nursing issues or
patient care.
problems that improve the service.
 Single topic/subject, group, institution or social unit
 In depth study of human behavior in the collection of  Ex: ml, covid-19
data, in a descriptive form.
 Language or subjective ACTION RESEARCH
 In words
 Implementation of action to solve the problem then
 Concern with human behavior from informants
checks the effect.
perspective (meaning, we collect information by
language/subjective).  Researchers checks the effect if valid or not.
 Assumes dynamic and negotiated reality (the  Ex: a problem in nursing intervention in critical care
experiences of the participants) setting in emergency resuscitation from various
practices and applies it to the healthcare setting
 Data are reposted in the language format of the
(ICU) and evaluates which is better.
 Cost effectiveness
 Improved pt care
 Examine the experience of the victim (grief or hope)
 The researcher will examine the experiences of the MIXED RESEARCH
victim, the victim will give information to the
 Both data (qualitative and quantitative) are used.
researcher and the researcher examines.
 Integrated approach to answer a research question.
 Ex: VA Experiences or Covid 19 Experience
 Quantitative and qualitative research are mixed at a
ETHNOGRAPHICAL data collection, data analysis and interpretation.

 Learning to learn some culture by living with the
people to learn their culture.
 The quantitative and qualitative data are collected at
 It provides framework for studying the meaning,
the same time.
patterns and life experiences of the people in a
 Understand two data bases at the same time in the
certain culture.
 Ex: immersion, a group of nursing students will have
 Analyze separately
their immersion in Malaysia. These students will
learn the culture of Malaysians and their experiences EXPLENATORY
(be specific on what culture you want to research
on).  The quantitative data is collected first before the
qualitative data.
 Qualities will be the backup for the quantitative.
 Social process EXPLORATORY
 Developing a new theory after the examination of a
data with maybe a previous data in that topic that is  The qualitative data is collected first followed by the
not yet available. quantitative data.
 Use the quantitative data to help explain the
qualitative data.
 Quantitative will be the backup for the qualitative.


 The secondary method (either quantitative or

qualitative) is nested within the predominant
method, which addresses different questions (as
 To address a different question that calls for a
different method.

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