Jemaah Islamiyah

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Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) is a Sunni Islamist religiously-motivated violent extremist (RMVE) group,

which is inspired by the anti-Western jihadist ideology of al-Qa’ida and supports the use of
terrorism to advance its political objectives. JI seeks to revive a pure form of Islam, governed by
the tenets of Sharia, and represents an evolutionary development of the Indonesian Islamist
movement Darul Islam, which fought an insurgency to establish an Islamist state in Indonesia in
the 1950s and 1960s.
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) is an al-Qa‘ida–linked terrorist group based in Indonesia that killed
hundreds of people in several high-profile attacks in Indonesia during the early 2000s. The group
has conducted fewer attacks since then, but it remains committed to its goal of establishing an
Islamic state in Indonesia and is focusing on propagating its ideology through propaganda,
educational indoctrination, and political activism. Some JI members have traveled to conflict
zones, such as Afghanistan, Syria, and the southern Philippines, to join local terrorist or militant
groups, potentially providing JI a militant capability if the group or elements among its supporters
decide to resume terrorist attacks.
From 2000 to 2009, JI and splinter groups made up of its former members conducted several
mass-casualty attacks in Indonesia, using suicide bombs, VBIEDs, and small arms against
Christian churches and foreign interests, including embassies, hotels, and entertainment venues.
Since then, some JI supporters have participated in militant training or traveled to conflict zones,
such as Afghanistan, the Philippines, and Syria.,Indonesia
The arrests were authorized under revisions to Indonesia’s anti-terror act in 2018
that gave law enforcement broad powers to investigate and arrest people suspected
of planning terrorist attacks, supporting or joining illegal military trainings, or
spreading ideology deemed as a threat to national security.
The surge in arrests indicates that authorities see the network as a threat even if it
has not engaged in violence in more than 10 years, analysts say. Despite being
outlawed, they say that Jemaah Islamiyah has funds, skills and affiliated madrassas
– schools where potential new members are groomed.
Abdullah Sungkar
JI was formally founded on 1 January 1993, by JI leaders, Abu Bakar Bashir and Abdullah Sungkar while
hiding in Malaysia from the persecution (hostility and ill-treatment) of the Suharto government.
why is it nationwide?
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) is an Indonesia-based clandestine (kept secret or done secretively, especially
because illicit.) terrorist network formed in the early 1990s to establish an Islamic state encompassing
southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, and the southern Philippines.
JI seeks to revive a pure form of Islam, governed by the tenets of Sharia (protection of sound religious
practice, life, sanity, the family, and personal and communal wealth), and represents an evolutionary
development of the Indonesian Islamist movement Darul Islam, which fought an insurgency to establish
an Islamist state in Indonesia in the 1950s and 1960s.

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