CW Story Fiction

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One day on the hot striking ray's of the son above the clear blue sky of Oklahoma at

10:30 a.m. The family Beal- Mr. Patrick Beal, Mrs. Beal and their son Bradly Beal- drove
together with their Mustang car. They choose the old road that serve as a shortcut to the beach of
Florida. The family Beal drove 70 km per hour due to the high speed performance of their sports
car. When their destination appears just 30km. They saw two persons in the person of Mary and
Jobert with their old car, covered with spots of rust. So the family Beal stopped and observed
both of their faces are wrinkled above the forehead due to the car's engine cannot function. So
the family Beal let the two rides with them because they have the same destination.

Mr. Bradley drives the car 40km per hour so that Mary and Jobert will not be shocked by
the speed of the car. Bradley started his mouth is curving down then shouted, "father drive it
more faster!” Mr. Bradley agrees and starts driving with a little wrinkling forehead due to the
disrespectful attitude of Bradley. Bradley starts to laugh with a big smile on his face because he
thought that Mary and Jobert will be feared by the speed, but what happened is opposite to
Bradley's expectation. Both Mary and Jobert raise their hands and embraced each other with a
smile. Meanwhile Bradly started to punch the backseat. Mary and Jobert observe Bradley’s
behavior seems to be wrong. So Mary gets his antique golden ring that is said to be hundred
years old. Mary sneaks her hand to Bradley then put the ring to Bradley's fourth finger in the left
hand. Bradley felt dizzy and then after a minute he collapse. Mrs. Bradley smiled a little bit then
kissed her son on Bradley's forehead and then said, "sleep well my little adorable boy".

Bradley's conciousness brought to another dimensional place because of the ring. When
Bradly woke he observed that everything is different. He observes that the people wear mini
skirt, culottes, and pillbox hat that he can only see at his grandpa’s cabinet. Bradley walks above
the brick floor of the village and then sit aside the wooden stair. While sitting Bradley saw a boy
about 5 feet tall. Bradley recognizes the boy as his grandpa Benjamin then Bradley watched the
calendar then saw that the year is 1960. Bradley's eyes grew in size and his mouth opens a little
because he has back in time. When Bradley was about to go to his grandpa, 3 boys run towards
his grandpa with a fierce looks. The 2 boys in the person of Edward and Richard surround
Benjamin, while the other 1 in the person of Topi punched Benjamin at the head. Benjamin
shouted for help as he feels the pain and then the a person Jonathan rushed towards them.
Jonathan faced with a smile to the 3 boys and said "Hey kids, everyone here are friends". Instead
of following Jonathan the 3 boys shouted, "its non of your business". Jonathan changed the form
of his face to an angry one then forcely pushed the 3 boys now". Bradley ran towards Jonathan
and his grandpa Benjamin. When Bradley about to hug his grandpa, Bradley suddenly wokes up.
Bradley smiled and gives a hug to his mother and father, as well as Mary and Jobert. Bradley
even opens an Oreo to everyone then all of them enjoyed the milky flavor of Oreo. Mary and
Jobert eyes can be seen as small as they smile. Because they succeeded to help another person
understand the essence of respect. At 2 p.m all of them rushed as they have reached their
destination. All of them enjoyed the daylight as it reached to their skin and enjoyed the crystal
clear waters of the white beach of Florida.
“Pearl of the Orient Sea”

Our country Philippines

We live in a country that is rich of natural resources and a home of beautiful sceneries.

I am proud to be a Filipino.

I played above the green grasses.

I eat fruits from the trees freely to full my tummy.

I happily enjoyed the singing of the birds.

I am so overwhelmed by the blessings that our God provided to us.

I love my country.

I am proud and grateful to be a Filipino.

“Woman Power”

I’m empowered woman

I live my life inspiring others and developing others to be the best version of their selves.

I am born to bring changes in this world.

I consider my gender as a gift.

I act with respect to everybody.

I influence others through my capabilities.

I deserve a man that will respect and love me forever.

I’m proud to be a woman.

My duty for myself is my duty for everybody .


Strong, intelligent

Obeying, believing, persevering

A good example to everyone



Brave, independent

Providing, loving, caring

Symbolizes unconditional love

Rieshel Mae

Obedient, Faith

Praying, hoping, believing

Believes everything is possible



Kind, smart

Understanding, helping, comforting

A model of optimism

A. Adnomination

1. Twiglight doesn’t need flashlight because daylight is approaching

2. Sometimes, someone wants to go somewhere.

3. He is nobody from nowhere and he knows nothing.

4. Tonight will be a goodnight because there is a knight.

5. Microbiology studies microorganism through microscope.

B. Alliteration

1. Mike made mellow music with his new microphone.

2. Seven sisters slept soundly on the sand.

3. Becky's beagle barked and bayed, becoming bothersome for Billy.

4. Curry’s car crashed to the carwash.

5. Little Larrie likes licking the sticky lollipop.

C. Anaphora

1. The apartment has a small living-room, a small dining-room, a small bedroom, and a small bathroom.

2. Stay safe, stay well and stay happy.

3. So many places, so little time.

4. Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.

5.. Give much, give often, give freely.

D. Apostrophe

1. Thou was not born for death, immortal Bird!

2. Oh, rose, how sweet you smell and how bright you look!

3. Then come sweet death, and rid me of this grief.

4. Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee! I have
thee not, yet I see thee still!

5. Feet don't fail me now.

E. Assonance

1. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.

2. The crumbling thunder of seas

3. I must confess that in my quest I felt depressed and restless

4. Strips of tinfoil winking like people

5. I find this line difficult to finish in time.

A. Adnomination

1. Somebody calls me nobody in front of everybody.

2. News is what somebody, somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising.

3. Sometimes, someone can’t understand something.

4. I encountered counterargument and I counterpoint it.

5. Malaria is malignant that can cause malfunction.

B. Alliteration

1. Larry's lizard likes lounging in the sun.

2. Kim's kid kept kicking like crazy.

3. While walking wearily home I wondered where Wally was.

4. Bake a big cake with lots of butter and bring it to the birthday bash.

5. Hannah's home has heat now, hopefully.

C. Anaphora

1. It rained on his lousy tombstone, and it rained on the grass on his stomach. It rained all over the

2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

3. Go big or go home

4. You better be nice to my friends, you better leave them alone and you better go away!

5. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, too like the lightning.

D. Apostrophe

1. O mint chip ice cream, laments a man trying to button his favorite shirt, I am breaking up with you for
once and for all!

2. Oh, trees, how majestic you are as you throw down your golden leaves.
3. Dear love, please don't shoot me with your Cupid's bow.

4. Car, please get me to work today.

5. Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches.

E. Assonance

1. The light of the fire is a sight.

2. Go slow over the road.

3. A host of golden daffodils

4. The light fades over the lake

5. Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite

A. Charactonym

1. Mistress Quickly


3. Draco Malfoy

4. Sirius Black

5. Sir Toby Belch.

B. Hyperbole

1. Your skin is softer than silk.

2. She’s as skinny as a toothpick.

3. She was so happy; her smile was a mile wide

4. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

5. It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

C. Irony

1. A man who needs medical assistance is run over by the ambulance.

2. A man works hard for many years to save for retirement; on his last day of work he is given a lottery
ticket worth millions.

3. A man buys a gun to protect his home. During a break-in, an unarmed intruder wrestles the gun from
the homeowner and shoots him with his own gun.

4. After looking at a student’s poor test score, the teacher says, “You will surely finish the year with
highest honors”

5. Our boss, the owner of a big construction firm, cannot fix his house’s broken ceiling.

D. Merism
1. For better or for worse,
for richer, and for poorer,
in sickness, and in health.

2. Born and die

3. Love and hate

4. War and peace

5. Heaven and Earth

E. Metalepsis

1. I’m mighty glad Georgia waited till after Christmas before it secedes or it would have ruined the
Christmas parties.

2. I've got to catch the worm tomorrow.

3. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player.

4. He experienced a pallid death.

5. A lead foot is driving behind me.

A. Charactonym

1. Sir Toby Belch



4. Snow White

5. Remus Lupin

B. Hyperbole

1. Her brain is the size of a pea.

2. He was skinny enough to jump through a keyhole.

3. It was so cold I saw polar bears wearing jackets.

4. Our new house cost a bazillion dollars.

5. I’m so tired that I could sleep for a week.

C. Irony

1. Two people want a divorce, but during the proceedings they discover they still love each other and
get back together.

2. A child runs away from someone throwing a water balloon at him and falls into the pool.

3. After they kissed, the groom, with a smile on his face, muttered to his bride, “This is the day I will
always want to forget”.

4. The defence lawyer failed to acquit his son in a case.

5. A post on Facebook complaining how useless Facebook is.

D. Merism

1. Hook, line, and sinker

2. High and low.

3. Young and old

4. Search every nook and cranny

5. Silence and Speak

E. Metalepsis

1. I've got to catch the worm tomorrow.

2. A lead foot is driving behind me.

3. Was this the face that launched a thousand ships

and burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

4. He experienced a pallid death.

5. As he swung toward them holding up the hand

Half in appeal, but half as if to keep
The life from spilling…

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