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10/21/22, 12:14 PM Dynamic manipulation of plasmon induced transparency with parallel-orthometric graphene strips structure - ScienceDirect

Results in Physics
Volume 40, September 2022, 105816

Dynamic manipulation of plasmon induced transparency with

parallel-orthometric graphene strips structure
Junyi Li a, Jun Weng a, Jiaqi Li a, Shuxian Chen a, Zicong Guo a, Pengbai Xu b, c, Wenjie Liu b, c, Kunhua Wen a, c ,
Yuwen Qin b, c

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• Single and dual dynamic tunablePIT in terahertz frequency have been achieved
through the mode couplings.

• The transmission , the bandwidth and the frequency of the PIT window can be
dynamically controlled through the Fermi level of graphene.

• The MD of the switching effect of single PIT is up to 89%, while multiple

switching effects are also achieved with the MDs of 57%, 67%, and 61%,

We put forward an uncomplicated and novel graphene structure, which produces single and
dual dynamic tunable plasmon induced transparency (PIT) in terahertz frequency through the
coupling of bright-bright modes and bright-dark modes. The structure is studied
theoretically by using the coupled mode theory (CMT), which is consistent with the finite
difference time domain (FDTD) simulation one. The Fermi level of graphene is investigated to 1/20
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dynamically control the transmission of the PIT peak at the center frequency, and the
modulation depth of this switch effect is up to 89%. Besides, the bandwidth and frequency of
the PIT can also be altered through the Fermi level. Furthermore, multiple switching effects
are achieved with the modulation depths of 57%, 67%, and 61%, respectively. We believe that
this structure has a good application prospect in the communication and sensing areas.

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Graphene; Plasmon induced transparency; Fermi energy; Multiple switching effects

Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is an important phenomenon produced in a
three-level energy system [1], [2]. The principle is due to the quantum interference effect
between the atomic level and the activation path, which leads to the formation of a
transmitted window [3], [4], [5]. However, because of the strict experimental conditions, such as
coherent pumping, low temperature and high intensity, the research and development of the
atomic system are limited [6], [7]. Due to the development of metamaterials, analogous EIT
currently has been achieved through plasmon resonance, so called as plasmons induced
transparency (PIT). In 2008, Zhang et al. successfully realized the EIT-like effect in the
nanostructures for the first time, and named it as PIT [3]. Subsequently, waveguide structures
based on periodic metallic [8] or graphene [9], [10], [11] patterns have been used to generate
PIT phenomena. Owing to its unique characteristics, the PIT effect is widely used in optical
switches [12], [13], optical storages [14], [15], optical sensors [16], [17], [18] and other
applications. Usually, one way to achieve the PIT is the coupling between a bright mode and a
dark mode excited by the incident light [19], [20]. In addition, it can also be obtained through
the weak hybridization of the bright-bright modes [21], [22], [23], [8].

Recently, various PIT systems have been proposed and demonstrated in view of the bright-
bright modes coupling effect. Jin et al. used two silver bands to generate the plasmonic EIT-
like spectral response at optical frequencies [8]. But the structures made of metals are difficult
to control the PIT windows for the reason that the dielectric constant is invariant and the
metals have huge material loss [24]. Graphene, which is a 2D honeycomb structure comprised
of a single layer of carbon atoms closely arranged [25], [26], [27], has significant advantages of
high carrier mobility, zero bandgap band structure, good thermal and electrical conductivity,
low transmission loss and other unique optical properties. Especially, the gate voltage
dependence makes graphene a promising material for dynamically tuning the PIT windows
[28], [29]. This property allows the real-time tunable permittivity of graphene to be achieved by 2/20
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adjusting the Fermi energy levels regulated by a bias voltage, but there is no need to redesign
the geometry of the structure [30].

In this study, we put forward a simple graphene structure composed of dual transverse
graphene (DTG) strips and dual vertical graphene (DVG) strips. First, the DTG strips generate
a PIT transparent window originated from the bright-bright modes coupling effect. Then, the
bright-dark modes coupling effect occurs after the DVG strips are attached to form the entire
structure (ES). Specifically, the DTG strips can serve as a bright mode by acting directly with
the incident light, but the DVG strips serve as a dark mode that cannot be motivated by the
incident light. Dual noticeable PIT windows are obtained through the destructive interference
between the two modes. The performance of this graphene structure can be real-time tuned
by applying a voltage without changing the geometry. The coupled mode theory (CMT)
method and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method are used to calculated and
simulate the system, respectively, and the two outcomes are highly consistent. The proposed
structure may find important applications in the areas of optical switching, optical
modulation, etc.

Fig. 1(a) and 1(b) show the three-dimensional schematic diagram and the corresponding top
view, respectively. The substrate of the structure is silicon with a refractive index of 1.2 and the
thickness is set as . A single graphene layer, which is laid flat on the substrate, consists
of the parallel DTG strips crossed by the parallel DVG ones, and its thickness is 1 nm. The
proposed graphene metamaterial is a periodical configuration with the periods of L in
both the x- and y-direction. The geometric parameters are , , ,
, , and . The incident terahertz wave irradiates in the z-
direction and is polarized in the x-direction. The PIT effect of the 3D model is simulated by
the FDTD method. The periodic boundary conditions (PEC) are applied along the x- and y-
direction, while the perfect matching layer is applied in the z-direction. The previous studies
have confirmed that surface plasmon in such a structural size can be excited by the incident
light in the terahertz band [1], [31], [32] when PBC is defined in x- and y- directions. 3/20
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Fig. 1. (a) The 3D model diagram of adjustable monolayer graphene. (b) The z-direction
structure diagram of the proposed structure.

According the Kubo model, the conductivity of graphene is composed of the interband part
and the intraband part, and as follows [25]:




where is the electron charge, is the reduced Planck constant, represents the angular
frequency, and the Fermi level of graphene is selected between 0.68 eV and 0.94 eV. The
temperature is assumed to be 300 K. [33] is the carrier relaxation lifetime,
where denotes the Fermi velocity, and represents the carrier mobility.

In the terahertz band, according to the Pauli exclusion principle, only the intraband transition
plays a major role at room temperature, and the interband transition can be ignored.
Therefore, it can be expressed as [34], [35]:


With the purpose of further analysing the properties of graphene, its propagation constant
needs to be calculated. The propagation constant of the guided mode and the effective
refractive index can be expressed as follows [25], [36]: 4/20
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Here, is the wave numbers in free space, is the intrinsic impedance, and is the relative
permittivity of dielectric silicon. As a result, we can figure out the effective refractive index
from . The real and imaginary parts of the effective refractive index vary with
frequency as shown in Fig. 2.

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Fig. 2. (a) The real part of the effective refractive index varies with frequency, here = 0.64 eV.
(b) The imaginary part of the effective refractive index varies with frequency, here = 0.64 eV.

Simulation results and theoretical analysis

We first discuss the simulation results of the structure with only the DTG strips in Fig.
3(a)-3(d). Obviously, a single PIT window is produced at 3.7 THz by the DTG strips in Fig. 3(a)
plotted with red line. In order to comprehend the formation process of PIT, we need to know
the contribution of each part. In particular, the black line in Fig. 3(a) stands for the bright
mode contributed by the long transverse graphene (LTG) strip, and the blue dotted line
represents the bright mode contributed by the short transverse graphene (STG) strip. Both of
them can be motivated directly through the incident light. Owing to the mode interaction in
this composite structure, a PIT peak associated with two dips at 3.01 and 4.43 THz is achieved
with a transmission of 0.88 at 3.7 THz. As shown in Fig. 3(a), it can be found clearly that the
two transmission dips are close to their original frequency. 5/20
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Fig. 3. (a) Transmission spectra of excitation process of the single PIT. Here, the = 0.64 eV.
(b-d) The normalized electric field distributions at the frequencies of 3.01, 3.7, and 4.43 THz
in the DTG structure, respectively.

The z-component distributions of the electric fields are in accordance with the two
transmission dips (3.01 and 4.43 THz) and the transmission peak (3.7 THz) from Fig. 3(b)-3(d),
which further help understand the PIT effect obtained through the bright-bright modes
coupling. As seen from the Fig. 3(b) corresponding to the dip at 3.01 THz, due to the
interference effect of the LTG strip and the STG strip, only the STG strip is strongly excited by
the incident light, but the field intensity around the LTG strip is very weak. While in Fig. 3(c)
at 4.43 THz, the field distributions of the STG and LTG strips are completely opposite to that
in Fig. 3(b). When the frequency of 3.7 THz of the PIT peak is applied in Fig. 3(d), the DTG
strips are motivated concurrently due to the resonance detuning. Interestingly, the phases at
the same ends of the DTG strips are reversed.

Next, the simulation results of the ES consisting of the DTG and DVG strips are discussed and
shown in Fig. 4(a). Two PIT windows plotted with red line are generated in the ES owing to the 6/20
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bright-dark modes interaction. The DTG strips are excited into a bright mode (the blue line)
by the incident light. The DVG strips cannot be motivated by the incident light, so it is
identified as a dark mode (the black line). Owing to the coupling between the dark and bright
modes, the destructive interference induces two distinct transparency windows. Moreover, the
electric field distributions at the resonance frequencies are shown in Fig. 4(b)- 4(d). The three
transmission dips are represented as “ ”, “ ” and “ ”. According to the Fig. 4(b) above, the
electric field distribution of shows that the energy is mainly localized on the DTG and DVG
strips, so is chiefly contributed through the ES. As can be seen from Fig. 4(c), the electric
field distribution of shows that the energy has shifted and is mainly distributed in the DVG
and the STG strips. Obviously, is primarily impacted by the interaction between the bright
mode and the dark mode, and the electric field at the coupling location is opposite.
Additionally, the electric field distribution of indicates that the energy has shifted from the
STG strip to the lower end of the DVG strip in Fig. 4(d), and the upper end of the DVG strip
shows a higher-order pattern of the field.

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Fig. 4. (a) Transmission spectra of excitation process of the dual PIT. Here, the = 0.64 eV.
(b-d) The normalized electric field distribution corresponding at the frequency
and in the ES, respectively.

According to the above analysis, the coupling mechanism of the resonant modes in the ES
monolayer graphene metamaterial is displayed in Fig. 5, where the three models stand for the 7/20
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bright modes (the STG strip and the LTG strip) and the dark mode (the DVG strips),

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Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of coupled mode theory.

To verify the dual PIT phenomenon, the CMT [37], [38] is used to fit the data. Two bright
modes engendered by the STG strip and LTG strip, a dark mode engendered by the DVG are
denoted as , and , respectively. and are, respectively,
the output and input waves of the n resonator, and the energy amplitudes of three modes are
denoted as which can be obtained by:


Where , is the angular frequency of the nth mode,

is the inter-loss coefficient of the nth mode, represents the
extra-loss coefficient of the n mode, and is the coupling coefficients
between the three models. represents the mode quality factors in relation to the inter-loss
and denotes the extra-loss quality factor in the nth mode. They also satisfy the following
formulae: , in which denotes the total quality factor of the
n mode ( is the resonance frequency and is the full width of half maximum).

In conformity with the conservation of energy, three models satisfy the relationships:


(9) 8/20
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Here, and are the phase differences between the and , and ,respectively.
Then, the transmission coefficient of the ES can be described by:





As a result, the theoretical transmission result of the ES can be represented by . In the

above theoretical calculation, can be obtained by the definition
as 10.065, 15.070 and 19.660, respectively, where and
are shown in Fig. 2. The total quality can be got from the formula:
, where the values of are 4.640, 10.371 and 12.631, respectively, and
the values of are 8.608, 33.263 and 35.331, respectively. In this study, the direct
coupling coefficients among the three resonators are as follows:
, and the phase differences between
resonant modes are . Plugging the above parameters into the CMT formula, we
can find that the calculated results are in highly keeping with the simulation ones of FDTD in
Fig. 4(a), which verifies the correctness of the established theory.

Application discussion
The size and position of the graphene strip can affect the appearance of PIT phenomenon. As
shown in Fig. 6(a), when the lengths of two transverse graphene strips are equal (
), the PIT phenomenon disappears. However, when is not equal to , the
PIT will gradually appear, and the PIT phenomenon becomes more and more obvious as the
difference between and increases. After analysis and optimization, we find that the PIT
phenomenon is the most obvious when and . As shown in Fig. 6(b), the
position of the long transverse graphene strip remains unchanged, while the short transverse
graphene strip moves up. It can be seen that the PIT window has only a slight change by
reducing the spacing between two transverse graphene strips. This indicates that the 9/20
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length difference of the graphene strips will greatly influence on the PIT, while the spacing
has little effect on the PIT.

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Fig. 6. Transmission spectra by changing (a) the length difference between two transverse
graphene trips. Here, . (b) the spacing difference between two transverse graphene
trips. Here, and .

By fully taking advantage of the graphene metamaterial, the Fermi energy level regulated by a
gate voltage is used to implement the characteristics of the PIT window. The relationship
between the grid voltage and the Fermi level is as follow [39], [40]:


Here, denotes the gate voltage, is the Fermi carrier velocity, and represent the
dielectric constant of vacuum and silicon, respectively, and is the thickness of silicon. This
equation shows that we can adjust the monolayer by changing the bias voltage, then this
PIT can be successfully on-line tuned. For example, Fig. 7 shows the tuned spectra of the
structure in Fig. 3, indicating that the PIT window has a large blue shift as the Fermi energy
levels of the LTG strip and the STG strip vary uniformly from 0.64 eV to 0.84 eV. The blue
shift is caused by the following formula: [41], in which represents the resonant
frequency. One can flexibly manipulate the center frequency of the PIT peak though a bias
voltage, but the structure does not need to be changed. More interestingly, we can also on-line
tune the transmission at the fixed center frequency and the full width at half maximum
(FWHM) at high transmittance, respectively. In Fig. 8(a), the values of Fermi energy levels of
the LTG strip and the STG strip are set to (0.64 eV, 0.74 eV, 0.88 eV, 0.9 eV) and (0.64 eV,
0.58 eV, 0.52 eV, 0.38 eV), respectively. In particular, the PIT peak at 3.7 THz is obviously 10/20
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transformed to be a valley when the voltages are VLTG = 0.9 eV and VSTG = 0.38 eV, as shown in
Fig. 8(a). Besides, the transmissivity can be continuously regulated between the maximum and
minimum values through designing the voltage, and the transparent window opens gradually
along with the transmissivity. This effect can be applied to optical modulation. The
modulation depth (MD) [42] and insertion loss (IL) [43] are commonly employed to evaluate
the modulator performance:



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Fig. 7. The PIT window has blue shift when the of the LTG and the STG change from
0.64 eV to 0.84 eV. 11/20
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Fig. 8. (a) When the of the LTG and the STG are set to different values, a single PIT can
evolve into a trough. (b) The size range of the PIT window can change with different .

Here, and is the maximum and minimum transmissions, respectively. The values of
the MD and the IL of the bright- bright modes structures are shown in Table 1. As shown in
Fig. 8(b), when the values of Fermi levels of the LTG strip and the STG strip are respectively
set to (0.64 eV, 0.60 eV, 0.56 eV, 0.52 eV) and (0.64 eV, 0.68 eV, 0.72 eV, 0.76 eV), the PIT resonant
window is widened gradually while keeping a high transmittance and a fixed center frequency.
Specifically, Table 1 shows the FWHM of the PIT window increases from 1.02 to 1.62 in this

Table 1. The values of the MD, the IL and the FWHM with different .

Fig. 7(a) LTG = 0.90 eV, STG = 0.38 eV Fig. 7(b)


LTG = 0.64 eV 89 % 0.55 dB LTG = 0.64 eV 1.02

STG = 0.64 eV STG = 0.64 eV

LTG = 0.74 eV 88 % 1.02 dB LTG = 0.60 eV 1.2

STG = 0.58 eV STG = 0.68 eV

LTG = 0.88 eV 83 % 2.59 dB LTG = 0.56 eV 1.412

STG = 0.52 eV STG = 0.72 eV

LTG = 0.90 eV —— —— LTG = 0.52 eV 1.62

STG = 0.38 eV STG = 0.76 eV

From the above discussion, it can be observed that the tunable switching and filtering effects
of the DTG structure are achieved by changing the of graphene to enlarge, restrain or shift
the PIT window. The transmission spectra of the ES with different values are displayed in
Fig. 9(a). It is obvious that two transparency PIT peaks can be produced by the ES, and with the
increase of , the transmission spectrum shows an obvious blue shift. Furthermore, the
three-dimensional evolution of the PIT with different Fermi levels is plotted in Fig. 9(b). The
weakest electric field represents the locations of the three dips of the transmission spectrum.
As the increases, the locations of the three dips transfer from the low frequency to the high
one. 12/20
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Fig. 9. (a) Transmission spectra of simulation results of the ES with different values of
ranging from 0.68 eV to 0.94 eV. (b) 3D blue shift evolution of the dual PIT at different .

As mentioned above, since the PIT window can be shifted by changing , three transmission
peaks or dips at [ ] = [3.75, 4.38, 4.95] THz are dynamically tuned to be the contrary
ones, respectively, when of the ES is set to be 0.68 eV and 0.94 eV. , , are
figured out to be 57 %, 67 %, 61 %, respectively, while , , are all equal to 0.60 dB.
Consequently, a dynamically controllable multiple switching function is achieved in the ES

In conclusion, we proposed a novel and simple graphene structure at terahertz frequency.
Single and dual PIT effects have been investigated and analyzed by the FDTD simulations and
the CMT method. In our proposed structure, the bright-bright modes were coupled in the
DTG to produce single PIT, which performed as a tunable optical switch with a modulation
depth up to 89 % at 3.7 THz. In addition, the on-line controllable filtering characteristics,
including the bandwidth and the frequency, have been investigated. Through combing the
DTG with the DVG, dual PIT effect has been achieved owing to the bright-dark modes
interaction in the ES. Multiple switches could be created and the modulations of 57 %, 67 %
and 61 % were achieved at 3.75, 4.38, and 4.95 THz, respectively. We believe that this structure
provides a novel idea for switches, filters and modulators at terahertz frequency.

Declaration of Competing Interest 13/20
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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFB1803505); the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (62175039, U2001601, 61975037); the Science
and Technology Project of Guangzhou (201904010243); Major Special Projects in Guangdong
Province (2018B010114002); Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province
(2019A1515011471); the Program for Guangdong Introducing Innovative and Enterpreneurial
Teams; the Engineering Research Center of Digital Imaging and Display, Ministry of
Education, Soochow University (Grant No. SDGC2133).

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Data will be made available on request.

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