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● Health Belief Model was developed by Rosenstock (1966)

● Which of the following is a FALSE statement about health promotion programs?

B. They are designed so that they don’t need to affect people’s beliefs and values.
● Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the health belief model?
Whether a person practices a particular health behavior is influenced by how they perceive
a health threat and whether a particular health practice will be effective in reducing that
● Which of the following activities would be considered to be an example of
PRIMARY prevention? Receiving an immunization against influenza.
● Which of the following activities would be considered to be an example of
SECONDARY prevention? Receiving an annual mammogram.
● Which of the following is an appropriate example for the social cognitive theory?
A. People will cross the street against a red light if a well-dressed person with a briefcase
does it first, but not if the same person crosses the street in shabby clothes.
○ B. Nelson Mandela said of his father, ”he could be exceedingly stubborn, another
basketball), they will exert more effort and avoid focusing on their doubts or
problems in life
○ C. Options B and C are correct
○ D. All of the above are correct
● The theory of Planned behavior includes the concept of ”perceived behavioral
control”. Which of the following statements could be said by someone who is
speaking about their self-efficacy? Options B and C are correct
● Which of the following is an INCORRECT example of the instability of health
habits? Consider if each example matches the appropriate component of health
habits. “Person D started smoking because of peer pressure, but now only smokes when
stressed out.” This is an example of how different health habits are controlled by different
● As described by the American Heart Association, which of these modes of action
can prevent cardiovascular disease?
A.Behavioral targets of change
B. Community implementation of Intervention
C. Essential public health services to allow for direct prevention.
D. All of the above
● A 22 year old male client wants to start an exercise program, but he says he
doesn’t have the time or money to attend a fitness club. The nurse recognizes the
behavior-specific cognitions and affect variable of: Perceived Barriers to action
When developing health promotion plans with clients, the educator should take
the role of: Resource person
● A Nurse is using Milio’s framework for prevention to improve the health of
clients. Which of the following would the nurse most likely to implement? Create
appropriate national health policies
● Which of the following statements best describes the major assumption of the
health belief model (HBM)? the major determinant of preventive health behavior is
avoiding disease
● A nurse is using Milio’s approach when caring for a client. Which of the following
advantages will the nurse experience? It will encourage the assessment of the personal
and societal resources of the client
● PRECEDE_PROCEED Model – Assess how the predisposing, enabling, reinforcing
factors impact the program; Assess behavioral and environmental changes in
comparison with phases 3&4? Phase 8 – Impact Evaluation
● Group behavioral and environmental factors into 3 categories:1 predisposing 2
enabling 3 reinforcing- help the planner decide which factors make up these
categories deserve the most attention for intervention Phase 4 Educational &
Organizational Assessment (PRECEDE)
● Identify resources, policies, abilities, and time that may facilitate or hinder
implementation process; Select an appropriate combination of methods and
strategies for intervention Phase 5 Administering & Policy Assessment
● Involvement is not only cleaning surroundings and toilet construction but also
sharing responsibilities and participation in one of the following: Defining health
● To encourage community participation, which of the following should a nurse
do? Listen when people related their problems
● Which one of the following is NOT an essential of Primary Health Care?
Qualification of health providers
● What factor contributes to the effectiveness of care to your clients as a Rural
Unit Nurse? Respect of customs beliefs and values of clients
● As a nurse, you organize community groups to participate in your program? Let
people decide for themselves
● Perla is Elena’s co-worker as a Community Health Nurse. Which of the following
is the general duty of Perla? Provides nursing care to the community
● Each process has a unique way on adaptation. Which aspect should man co-exist
with? Environment
● The following are qualities of a good leader in the community, EXCEPT? Has more
interest to self than others
● In a community organizing who has the power to select and depict the possible
leader in the community? Community people
● In doing a selection the following must be considered EXCEPT? People will only
follow what the nurse suggest
● Inspired by the singing jail inmates, the nurse suggest to the barangay chairman
that the out-of-school-youth teenagers may be encouraged to stay “out of
trouble” by organizing activities that will occupy their time, use up their energy,
and unify them. To realize such goals/objectives, the nurse’s and the community
‘s actions should proceed in which order? 1. Identify what manpower and
money resources are needed to implement the program2. Design the program
that will meet goals/objectives3. Identify support activities that will sustain the
programs4. Determine the program’s impact on the target groups C. 2,1,3,4
● When a community health nurse works as a client advocate, the nurse- C. Is
assertive in speaking and acting on behalf of the client
● The community health nurse leads a class on breastfeeding with a group of
prenatal parents. The nurse allows the participants to ask questions, make
comments, and reason out loud as feedback is given. Which of the following
techniques is the nurse using? Discussion
● Reports are prepared usually for administrative purposes. Which of the examples
below is NOT a REPORT? Client information and profile
● There are commonly used records and reports in public health nursing practice.
The individual clinical record contains which of the following information?1.
Socio-demographic characteristics 2. Patient’s chief complaint
3. Physical examination findings4. Prescription of drugs 5. Frequency of
clinic check up6. Attendance to community settings B. 1,2,3,4
● After setting the objectives and selecting the activities, the following should be
identified as the indicators for evaluation EXCEPT- Promotion achieved
● Nurse Bea included in her data collection the number and proportion of persons
aged 25 or older with less than a high school education. Which of the following
BEST describes this data? Socio-demographic data
● 47. The public health nurse takes an active role in community participation. What
is the primary goal of community organizing? To maximize the community’s resources
in dealing with health problems
● She works independently or as a part of a larger inter-professional health team.
She performs, along with others a job safety analysis. In doing such, the
following methods may be employed, EXCEPT- Personal choices or preference of the
● The head of the health team creates a workplace safety report for a new clinic.
He makes a strict recommendation to ensure that sharps are properly disposed
in a puncture-proof container to decrease the risk of needle-prick injuries. This
upholds safety under which of the following?Physical
● Situation: Public Health Nurse Reyes is a member of the health team that is
tasked by the RHU to identify, define and measure major health problems of
interest. Public health surveillance includes the following activities, EXCEPT-
Disease control
● Ms. Santos knows that the primary goal of Community Health Nursing is to-
Enhance the capacity of individuals, families and communities manage their health needs
● Which nursing activity is unique to community/public health nurse like Ms.
Santos? Focus on vulnerable groups in the community
● Community Organizing is a social development approach that aims to transform
the apathetic, individualistic and voiceless poor into dynamic, participatory and
politically responsive community. The meaning of the word apathetic is which of
the following? Showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action over something
● The PHN wants to emphasize to the new nurses that it is important to observe
professional accountability which is taking responsibility for one’s actions. She
explains that accountability can be done by: 1. Asking assistance from the doctor
2. Performing nursing tasks in a safe manner 3. Reporting and
documenting assessment and interventions 4. Evaluating client’s response to
nursing care given 5. Evaluating the care when there is complaint by the client D.
2,3 and 4
● In identifying factors that contribute to poverty, homelessness, and poor health of
a deprived segment of a population. Which of the following should you assess?
Provision of social support and basic services
● You have learned that people with mental and psychosocial disabilities are a
vulnerable group, who are restricted in their ability to access essential health and
social care. In your advocacy, you will include the following messages, EXCEPT:
Persons with mental and psychosocial disabilities should be confined in an institution
● Situation: In any setting of nursing practice including community health, records
management such as documentation and record keeping, is
important.Documentation is a critical component to the delivery of health care. It
is a tool which serves many purposes. Which of the following is NOT included?
Provide material for discussion by students
● It is the phase of community organizing that is the formation of formal structure
and the inclusion of more formal process of planning, implementing and
evaluating of community wide activities- Organizing –Building Phase
● Refers to a systematic approach, a study of the health condition of a community,
involving the collection, analysis and the interpretation of data including
statistical data- Community Health Diagnosis
● A systematic study designed to collect data about a community, but costly and
time consuming- Survey
● He /She is the one who carries out health services contributing to the promotion
of health, prevention of illness and early treatment of illness- Community Health
Service Provider
● This phase occurs when the Community Organization has already been
established and the community members are already actively participating in
community wide undertakings Sustenance and Strengthening phase
● Clinical Instructor QRS gives emotional support to Student Nurse TUV, Clinical
Instructor is acting as-? Health Counselor
● It is the initial phase of community organizing in which the community organizer
looks for a community to help/serve- Pre-entry phase
● This phase is also called as” Social Preparation phase”- Entry phase
● It is establishing of rapport with the people and imbibing community life by living
with the community people and undergoing the same experience that they have,
sharing their hopes, aspirations and hardships towards building mutual trust and
cooperation- Integration
● What is the best definition for community organizing in the following choices? A
process by which people organize themselves to take charge of their situation and to
develop a sense of being a community together
● The public health nurse is responsible for presenting the municipal health
statistics using graphs and tables. To compare the frequency of the leading
causes of mortality in the municipality, which graph will you prepare? Bar graph
● A level of care and referral system which is devolved to the cities and
municipalities. Health services are provided by center physicians, public health
nurses, rural health midwives, barangay health workers, traditional healers, and
others at the barangay health stations and rural health units. Primary level of care
● Health is defined as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity. This definition is given by which of the
following health agencies? World Health Organization
● Refers to a lifestyle aimed at achieving physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual
and environmental well- being is which of the following? Wellness
● A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the
means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated
by the community as a whole. The answer is which of the following? Philosophy of
● Refers to a dynamic process through which nurses assume accountability for the
quality of care they provide. It is a guarantee to the society that services provided
by nurses are being regulated by members of profession. Quality assurance
● A tool that scientists use to try and predict health behaviors. It was originally
developed in the 1950s and updated in the 1980s. The model is based on the
theory that a person's willingness to change their health behaviors is primarily
due to their health perceptions. Health Belief Model
● This framework proposed that an individual's health and lifestyle choices are
influenced by resources, availability, cost, and convenience more than knowledge
obtained from education. It identifies relationship between health deficits and
availability of health-promoting resources. Milio's Framework for Prevention
● This health promotion model defines health as “a positive dynamic state not
merely the absence of disease.” Health promotion is directed at increasing a
client's level of well-being. It describes the multi-dimensional nature of persons
as they interact within the environment to pursue health. Nola Pender Health
Promotion Model
● A cost-benefit evaluation framework proposed in 1974 by Lawrence W. Green
that can help health program planners, policy makers and other evaluators,
analyze situations and design health programs efficiently. The PRECEDE-PROCEED
● A specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well-being,
academic success, and lifelong achievement of her clients. In this field, nurses
facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and
safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems.School Health Nursing
● A field of nursing that provides holistic nursing services for people with mental
health issues in a community setting. They provide caring and confidential
support for the clients, using the recovery model for care. Community Mental Health
● Refers to the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve,
their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior toward a wide range
of social and environmental interventions. Health promotion
● It constitutes a major part of community health practice. It is which of the
following? Prevention of health problems
● Anticipating and averting problems or discovering them as early as possible to
minimize potential disability and impairment is which of the following? Prevention
● The fourth component of community health practice, that involves efforts to
reduce disability and, as much as possible, restore function is which of the
following? Rehabilitation
● After obtaining the list of health needs and problems, the community health
nurse needs to prioritize the problems, as all the problems cannot be dealt with
simultaneously. The priority is determined on the basis of which of the underlying
criteria: All of the above
● The key in achieving an acceptable level of health throughout the world in the
foreseeable future as part of social development and in the spirit of social
justice.” Primary Health Care
● The President of the Philippines Letter of Instruction, mandated the adoption of
PHC as an approach toward the design, development and implementation of
programs which focus on health development at community levels. It is which of
the following? LOI 949
B, C, A, D, A

1. Which of the following should nurse liza do if the purpose in community organizing is to
integrate with the people:
B. Live with the people
2. Major factors affecting population include the following except:
C. Migration
3. The most common method for community diagnosis that accounts for the bulk of data is
A. Census
4. Infant mortality rates refers to deaths in every 100 births belong to
A. 0-28 days
B. 0-1 month
C. 0-1 week
5. It was election time and a candidate comes to you and request you to participate in a free
clinic which is part of the campaign. What will you do?
A. Ask for an apology for not participating and tell him that people can come to the health
center anytime they need the service

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