Dongmin Koo's Career Plan

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10/3/11 10:49 AM

y name is Dongmin Koo and Im currently a sophomore in an international school in Seoul. It is my goal to be a photographer that could inspire people and change the way people thinks about the world and the things that are happening around us. I will achieve my goal through by following my career plan. College Im not a hundred percent sure on which college Im planning on going to but I would love to go to a small college where I could really interact with the professor and where I would be able to ask questions with my professor as many times as I can. I am planning on majoring at photography and my minor major would be advertisement. Job I would love to do a internship at a magazine company. Because it was always my dream to work for a magazine company, where you are able to share ideas and take creative advertisement photos. After the internship I would love to have my first job as steady magazine photographer. Where I could work steady by doing something I love. Capstone of career If I am able to become a photographer in a magazine, I would be taking photos of models advertising things, and I would be able to make a creative photo to pursue people to buy that thing. After retirement I would love to just travel and take pictures from where I traveled, and just post my pictures at my blog and allow people to enjoy my pictures with me.




Develeopme nt in Jobs and Position

Development in Jobs & Positions I hope to work as a magazine company as I said before, to listen and learn about other peoples thoughts and get more creative. From that I would be able to be a more creative photographer, which would help me to pursue my dream in a creative advertisement photographer. I would also love to be just part of a magazine company, even if its not a photographer, by just getting close to the environment I want to work at would allow me to learn more about it.

18 21 22

Highschool degree College degree in Photography Intern photographer

24 31 35 40

Stable photographer in small magazine Sub photographer in big magazine company Lead photographer in big magazine company Have own photography magazine company

Qualities to do well. Determination Meticulous Passionate

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