Sribd 4

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Scribd has been like this for years and years. It's unlimited with a caveat.

I've been a subscriber

for something like 3 years and it's not new. It has nothing to do with your free trial or canceling
and has everything to do with royalties. Netflix mostly owns the content on its platform now in
order to avoid royalties. Scribd doesn't own its catalogue at all. If you listen to a bunch of avon
audiobooks you lose the entire avon catalogue. If you listen to a bunch of recordedbooks books
you lose that whole catalogue. Listen to a bunch of Julia Quinn and lose the rest of her back
You say you had "unlimited" audiobooks but if you're not listening to about 6 you won't hit the
limit, or if you're listening to indie authors you won't hit the limit. Listen to about three Lorraine
Heath's and you will lose access to the rest.
There's nothing scammy about it you just didn't do a cursory google before you gave them your
money and are mad you didn't know something literally on their faq

That's not true. It seems to me that they only block content when you have a free trial or cancel
with time leftover.
I was with them for about a year, give or take some time. I consumed A LOT of content. I can
finish an audiobook in about a day or 2. My husband was using my account and my daughter
was using my account. Never in that year or so was anything ever blocked.
And they definitely should not advertise as unlimited when that is not true.

I've been on Scribd for a few years now. Here's my take on things. You can listen to any two
books at the beginning of your cycle. Once you've listened to those two then I think the way it
works is the more popular a book/author is, the more likely it will be blocked for you until your
next cycle.
Just my $.02

It really is shady. Just don't give free trials if you don't want to let people use free trials. Easy as
Now, I never had an issue as a paying customer. I consumed A LOT and was never cut off until I
canceled for 6 days but still had my month paid up. But if they do actually cut off paying
customers like they claim, they should he open about how they do it. Let people make an
informed decision.
Hell, they could do a point system if they dont want to be truly unlimited. Let's say they give you
10 points per month. New release audiobooks could be 8 points, new ebooks could be 6 points.
Older books could be half a point or one point. Older audiobooks could be 1-2 points. That way
if someone wants to listen to a newly released audiobook, they can decide if they want to use
that many points and left with very little the rest of the month. If it is worth it, then they will.
Claiming to be unlimited and forcing customers to go in blind is just bad business. We have no
way of knowing what triggers the blocks, what will be blocked, nothing. No other subscription
service claims to allow unlimited consumption but limits customers in such a way. There would
be riots if Netflix put up blocks every time people decided to watch Stranger Thinga or The
Witcher just because they're popular.

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