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Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2019, 31, 68–81

Effects of reproductive season on embryo development

in the buffalo

Bianca Gasparrini

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, Federico II University,

Via F. Delpino 1, 80137 Naples, Italy. Email:

Abstract. Interest in buffalo farming is increasing worldwide due to the critical role played by buffaloes as sources of
animal protein in tropical and subtropical environments. However, reproductive seasonality negatively affects the
profitability of buffalo farming. Buffaloes tend to be short-day breeders, with seasonality patterns increasing with greater
distances from the Equator. Although ovarian cyclic activity may occur throughout the year, seasonal anoestrus and cycles
in calving and milk production are recorded. When buffaloes are forced to mate during the unfavourable season, to meet
market demand, they may undergo a higher incidence of embryo mortality. This review addresses the effects of the
reproductive season on embryo development in the buffalo, analysing the different factors involved in determining embryo
mortality during the unfavourable season, such as impaired luteal function, oocyte competence and sperm quality. The
review then focuses on strategies to control the photoperiod-dependent annual fluctuations in conception and embryo
mortality in the female buffalo.

Additional keywords: Bubalus bubalis, photoperiod, luteal function, oocyte competence, sperm quality.

Published online 3 December 2018

Introduction East, northern Africa, North and South America and Australia
The worldwide interest in buffalo farming has been steadily (Zicarelli 1994).
increasing over the years, as indicated by the significant popu- The reproductive activity of buffalo cows is strongly influ-
lation growth from 89 million to 199 million head (þ125%) enced by environmental cues, with nutrition and photoperiod
between 1961 and 2013 (Zicarelli 2016). This is primarily due to contributing to different extents according to the areas con-
the pivotal role played by this species as a source of animal cerned. Around the equatorial belt, where daily light length is
protein in tropical and subtropical developing countries. Else- similar across the year, feed scarcity is the major factor affecting
where, like in Italy, the buffalo is linked to the production of reproduction (Vale et al. 1996), resulting in delayed puberty and
mozzarella cheese, in great demand worldwide and a major long inter-calving intervals (Zicarelli 2007). In contrast, in
source of income for dairy farmers. subtropical countries and at higher latitudes, where there are
Water buffaloes are divided into two subspecies, the river annual cyclic variations in the light : dark ratio, photoperiod has
buffalo (chromosome number ¼ 50) and the swamp buffalo a major effect on ovarian cyclic activity, with increased fertility
(chromosome number ¼ 48), with the former, bred for milk recorded during months with decreased day length (Campanile
and meat production, primarily accounting for the increased et al. 2010; Zicarelli 2016). In most countries where buffaloes
number of head. Indeed, swamp buffaloes, historically bred as are bred, the breeding season coincides with the annual period of
draught animals in South-east Asia, have been decreasing due greater forage availability, corresponding to months with
to the advent of mechanisation in agriculture, and are often decreased daylight length (i.e. July–November in tropical coun-
cross-bred with the river type to meet increased milk demand. tries north of the Equator; Singh and Desai 1979; Singh and Lal
Several factors make buffalo an irreplaceable protein source 1992; Qureshi et al. 1999). Indeed, seasonal breeding is a
in low-input production systems, such as the high feed survival strategy adopted by many wild mammals to ensure that
conversion efficiency, relatively low maintenance require- their progeny are born at the most favourable time of year, when
ments, capacity to exploit pastures restricting cattle produc- the weather is milder, food is available and infectious agents and
tion, perfect interaction between seasonality and forage parasites are less aggressive. The biological programming of
availability in most countries, resistance to diseases, adapt- births in accordance to the most appropriate environmental
ability to tropical environments, longevity and, hence, a lower conditions undoubtedly results in higher chances of offspring
culling rate (Zicarelli 1994, 2016; Paul et al. 2002). Indeed, survival (Wood et al. 2006). In contrast, in Italy, there is a
river buffalo fits most climatic areas, from the Equator to marked tendency for buffalo to give birth during a period when
higher latitudes, being present in Asia, Europe, the Middle forage availability is poor and the temperature is not beneficial

Journal compilation Ó IETS 2019

Reproductive seasonality in the buffalo Reproduction, Fertility and Development 69

(a) 25





Italy India Venezuela Pakistan

(b) 35

5 10 20 30

Fig. 1. (a) Monthly calving rates in Italy, India, Venezuela and Pakistan. (b) Monthly calving
rates in Brazil at different latitudes. Adapted from Zicarelli (2016).

16 13.0




12 11.5


8 10.0

Naples Delhi Lahore Apure (Venezuela)

Fig. 2. Daylight hours in Naples (Italy), Delhi (India), Apure (Venezuela) and Lahore (Pakistan).
Adapted from Zicarelli (2016).

to offspring survival (Zicarelli 1997, 2016). In addition, because concentrated between July and December (decreasing daylight
a balanced diet is consistently provided throughout the year length), with the opposite pattern in the Southern Hemisphere
under current production systems, the seasonal pattern of (i.e. in Brazil; Fig. 1).
reproduction clearly responds to an endogenous rhythm linked Buffalo seasonal anoestrus in countries north of the Equator
to the photoperiod (Zicarelli 1994). This pattern of seasonality, has been attributed to either heat stress (India, Pakistan, Egypt),
with reproductive events not synchronised with forage avail- low environmental humidity (Venezuela) or photoperiod (Italy).
ability, indicates that buffaloes bred in Italy are not autochtho- Interestingly, despite differences in environmental temperature
nous and that seasonality is a remnant of their place of origin and rainfall, all these countries share the same pattern of
(i.e. tropical and subtropical areas corresponding to the large daylight hours, confirming the importance of photoperiod as
valley of the Indus River in Pakistan). The pattern of seasonality the main factor affecting reproduction in this species (Fig. 2).
is similar in Asia, Italy, Venezuela and Colombia, with calving However, it is worth pointing out that in countries like India,
70 Reproduction, Fertility and Development B. Gasparrini



% 10


Control OBMS

Fig. 3. Monthly calving rates in farms where seasonality is not modified (control) and in farms where
the out-of-breeding mating strategy (OBMS) is used. Adapted from Zicarelli (2016).

Pakistan and Egypt, heat stress may further contribute to mortality may be higher (Baruselli et al. 1997; Campanile et al.
seasonal anoestrus (Ahmad et al. 1981; Singh and Nanda 2005; Campanile and Neglia 2007). In addition, buffaloes
1993; Marai and Haeeb 2010). calving during the unfavourable season show long postpartum
The seasonal effect on reproductive activity is regulated by anoestrous periods, with a certain proportion resuming ovula-
melatonin, secreted by the pineal gland in response to darkness, tion in the following breeding season (Zicarelli 2007).
which acts on the hypothalamic–pituitary axis, increasing The present review focuses on the effects of the reproductive
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and gonadotrophin season on embryo development in the buffalo, analysing the
concentrations in short-day breeders, leading to follicular different factors involved in determining embryo mortality
growth and ovulation (Misztal et al. 2002). In Italian Mediterra- during the increased daylight length periods. Therefore, because
nean buffaloes, higher plasma concentrations of melatonin were embryo development results from both a suitable environment
detected 2 h after sunset in animals with a marked tendency to for embryo growth and gamete competence, a description of
seasonality (Zicarelli 2016). Furthermore, upon moving these corpus luteum (CL) function and progesterone secretion, as well
animals to farms with herds that were less sensitive to photope- as oocyte competence and sperm quality, in different seasons is
riod stimuli and had low plasma melatonin concentrations, this provided. The review then addresses strategies that can be used
pattern did not change (Di Palo et al. 1997). It was also reported to control the photoperiod-dependent annual fluctuations in
that the difference in plasma melatonin concentrations between conception and embryo mortality in female buffalo.
day and night is much lower in buffalo heifers, which are less
sensitive to photoperiod, than in buffalo cows (Borghese et al.
1995). The high repeatability (0.733) of plasma melatonin Embryonic mortality
concentrations (Di Palo et al. 1993) suggests that this parameter Embryonic and fetal mortality (FM) are the main factors
be included in genetic selection programs. affecting pregnancy outcome during months with increasing
Therefore, buffaloes tend to be short-day breeders, with the daylight length (i.e. in the winter–spring transition at Italian
seasonality pattern increasing at greater distances from the latitudes). Embryo loss in buffalo may occur between Days 15
Equator. Although ovarian cyclic activity may occur throughout and 24 (early embryonic mortality (EEM)), as well as between
the year, seasonal anoestrus and cycles in calving and milk Days 25 and 45 (late embryonic mortality (LEM)), whereas fetal
production are observed, with a consequent negative economic loss normally takes place between Days 46 and 90 (Vecchio
effect on the profitability of dairy buffalo farming (Campanile et al. 2010). However, the most critical window in the Medi-
et al. 2010; Zicarelli 2016). In Italy, where buffalo farming is terranean buffalo is 25–45 days after AI, with LEM accounting
strictly linked to the production of mozzarella cheese, marketed for 20–40% of embryonic losses during the season characterised
under the European Union’s Protected Designation of Origin by an increasing number of daylight hours (Campanile et al.
(PDO) label, the peak of lactation does not meet the milk market 2005, 2007a, 2008a). A lower incidence of LEM (,7%) was
demand. Hence, in order to distribute calving around the year to reported in Brazil during periods with decreasing daylight
ensure continuity of market supply, it is necessary to use the out- length (Baruselli et al. 1997; i.e. summer–autumn transition),
of-breeding mating strategy (OBMS), which consists of inter- whereas a LEM rate of 20% was recorded in river buffaloes in
rupting sexual promiscuity or the use of AI during the favourable equatorial areas (Vale et al. 1989). In a more recent trial con-
season (Zicarelli 1997). The OBMS strategy has been found ducted in Italian Mediterranean buffalo, despite similar preg-
to be successful at modifying the calendar of calving according nancy rates on Day 25 across seasons (,60%), a higher
to market demand (Fig. 3), but it results in decreased fertility. incidence of LEM was recorded in the increasing day length
Indeed, because buffaloes are forced to conceive during the period compared with the breeding season (23% vs 7%; Di
unfavourable season when ovarian activity is reduced, embryo Francesco et al. 2012a). Seasonal effects on LEM were also
Reproductive seasonality in the buffalo Reproduction, Fertility and Development 71

observed after natural mating (Vecchio et al. 2007). Indeed, 25 and 45 after mating (Campanile and Neglia 2007; Campanile
season is the main factor causing this phenomenon, which does et al. 2010; Vecchio et al. 2010). With regard to LEM, an earlier
not seem to be affected by age, parity or lactation, with infec- trial recorded a high incidence of LEM (45%) during the non-
tious agents only accounting for 2–8% of embryonic losses breeding season; as mentioned previously, the presence of
(Campanile et al. 2005). Therefore, embryo loss during the infectious agents in the uterine flushing only accounted for
unfavourable season is related, in part, to impaired luteal func- 8% of these losses (Campanile et al. 2005). In that study,
tion, leading to reduced progesterone concentrations (Campa- animals undergoing LEM had lower progesterone concentra-
nile et al. 2005, 2007a), and, in part, to decreased oocyte tions on Days 10 and 20 after AI than those maintaining
competence (Di Francesco et al. 2011, 2012b). pregnancy on Day 45, indicating that impaired luteal function
certainly plays a role in embryo mortality. However, decreased
progesterone concentrations were only found in approximately
Seasonal effects on luteal function 50% of buffaloes with LEM, suggesting that other factors may
Inadequate luteal function is involved in both EEM and LEM, as also contribute to embryo loss. Subsequently, it was observed
well as in FM. Interestingly, the incidence of EEM is also higher that the decline in progesterone between Days 10 and 20 plays
in the non-breeding season (Campanile et al. 2010, 2016), when the main role in determining LEM (Russo et al. 2010). Using
plasma progesterone concentrations during oestrous cycles and colour flow Doppler ultrasonography it was possible to show
early pregnancy are lower compared with the breeding season that increased blood flow to the CL on Days 10, 20 and 25 is
(Di Francesco et al. 2012a; Campanile et al. 2016). A delayed linked to a positive pregnancy outcome in buffalo (Russo et al.
increase in progesterone concentrations was reported in river 2010; Vecchio et al. 2012; Neglia et al. 2015). This is likely due
buffaloes undergoing EEM, suggesting that adequate secretion to increased angiogenesis (Papa et al. 2007) and progesterone
of progesterone early in the cycle is required to support buffalo secretion, known to be associated with blood flow in the buffalo
embryo development (Campanile et al. 2010, 2016). The critical (Neglia et al. 2015). The decrease in progesterone after Day 10
role of progesterone in EEM is also confirmed by the efficacy of may interfere with attachment and implantation processes by
a prostaglandin (PG) F2a treatment at the time of AI to increase affecting mucin 1 (MUC-1) expression in the uterine epithelium.
circulating progesterone concentrations on Days 10 and 20, For proper embryo attachment, adequate concentrations of
which significantly improved pregnancy rates (Neglia et al. progesterone are required because progesterone decreases the
2008). In addition, in buffaloes transitioning to seasonal expression of MUC-1, a transmembrane receptor present on the
anoestrus, a higher pregnancy rate was recorded on Day 40 in apical surface of the epithelium (Perucatti et al. 2006), creating a
animals showing increased progesterone secretion in response barrier to the developing blastocyst (Geisert and Malayer 2000).
to GnRH treatment on Day 5 after AI (Campanile et al. 2008b). A comparison between seasons (breeding vs transition
Faster CL growth from Day 5 to Day 10 after AI, associated with periods, characterised by decreasing and increasing daylight
increased vascularisation and an earlier increase in progesterone length respectively) showed a seasonal effect on CL structure
concentrations, was observed in pregnant buffaloes compared and function, as well as on pregnancy outcome in the Mediter-
with buffaloes that did not become pregnant (Vecchio et al. ranean buffalo (Di Francesco et al. 2012a). As expected, a
2012). The importance of the early development and function of higher LEM was recorded in the transition period compared
the CL in supporting embryo development and pregnancy was with the breeding season. Interestingly, progesterone concen-
recently confirmed in buffalo (Neglia et al. 2015). Indeed, early trations on Days 10 and 20 after AI decreased two- to threefold
development of the CL on Day 5 was associated with increased in the transition compared with breeding season. This differ-
expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and Factor ence in progesterone concentrations between seasons was also
VIII, a denser vasculature, increased blood flow and greater observed in animals that maintained pregnancy. The improved
secretion of progesterone. This confirms previous findings in steroidogenic activity of the CL was not due to the size and
cattle and sheep, showing an association of vascularisation of growth of the CL, but rather to increased blood flow, as
the CL and blood flow with progesterone synthesis and release indicated by the greater timed average medium velocity
(Stormshak et al. 1963; Kobayashi et al. 2001). An early (TAMV) recorded on Day 10 during the breeding season.
increase in circulating progesterone is critical for appropriate Regardless of season, pregnant buffaloes had greater CL
embryo growth and elongation in cattle (Carter et al. 2008; dimensions and area, progesterone concentrations and TAMV
Beltman et al. 2009). Embryo elongation in buffaloes is thought than buffaloes undergoing LEM. In addition, in buffaloes
to occur from around Day 13, with the preattachment phase pregnant on Day 45, the CL increased in size (long axis) from
occurring from Day 17 to Day 24 and the transitory attachment Day 10 to Day 20, whereas the size of the CL decreased in non-
phase being initiated around Day 25 (Campanile and Neglia pregnant buffaloes, with this trend more evident during the
2007). It is likely that EEM is caused by failure of maternal breeding season (Di Francesco et al. 2012a).
recognition of pregnancy, due to inadequate progesterone The effectiveness of hormone treatments increasing proges-
secretion, leading to a decreased capacity of the developing terone secretion on Day 25 after mating or AI in reducing LEM
embryo to secrete enough interferon-t (IFNT) to prevent (Campanile et al. 2008a) confirms the importance of high levels
luteolysis (Wathes et al. 1998). of progesterone around Day 27 (Days 25–32; corresponding to
In contrast with other ruminants, EEM as a result of failure of the transition phase of embryo attachment in buffaloes) for the
pregnancy recognition has relatively little effect on mating maintenance of pregnancy. Interestingly, in buffaloes undergo-
outcomes in buffalo, with the main loss occurring between Days ing LEM, embryo growth is retarded, as indicated by the smaller
72 Reproduction, Fertility and Development B. Gasparrini

embryo size (particularly width) on Day 25 compared with that implantation in mice and humans (Iwaki et al. 2002; Blumen-
of pregnant animals (Neglia et al. 2012; Balestrieri et al. 2013). stein et al. 2009).
The delayed development is likely due to decreased progester- Therefore, what is unequivocal is that in the non-breeding
one, because progesterone regulates growth and elongation season the decreased progesterone concentration during early
(Carter et al. 2008; Beltman et al. 2009). Therefore, retarded embryonic development affects embryo growth, resulting in
embryo development on Day 25 and reduced progesterone can delayed development of the conceptus, as well as marked
be considered indicators of imminent embryo mortality. Pro- changes in transcriptome and proteome profiles of the embryos
gesterone plays an important role in ensuring a suitable uterine and the chorioamnios/caruncles respectively, interfering with
environment for the conceptus, and hence insufficient concen- the capacity of the embryo to attach to the uterine endometrium.
trations may alter the structure and function of the uterine
endometrium, which, in turn, affects the developing embryos
Seasonal effects on oocyte competence
(Clemente et al. 2009; Forde et al. 2011). Indeed, retarded
buffalo embryos on Day 27 exhibit an altered transcriptome Another important factor contributing to reproductive failure in
profile compared with non-retarded embryos, with extensive the non-breeding season is oocyte developmental competence,
changes in the expression of genes involved in developmental normally acquired during the maturation process. Several
processes, cell metabolism and differentiation, complement studies have investigated seasonal effects on the follicle popu-
cascade and coagulation, signalling, ion transport, secretion, lation and oocyte quality in buffalo at different latitudes, with
cell junctions, adhesion and extracellular matrix components small discrepancies likely due to differences in breed, man-
(Strazzullo et al. 2014). In addition, the proteome profile of the agement and donor age. However, a common denominator of
chorioamnion and adjacent caruncles of retarded embryos was these studies is evidence of a marked seasonal effect on ovarian
substantially altered, especially for proteins involved in protein activity. Indian authors reported a seasonal effect on in vitro
folding, protease inhibition, calcium binding, DNA and RNA embryo production (IVEP) efficiency in buffaloes undergoing
binding, chromosome segregation, cytoskeletal organisation, ovum pick-up (OPU), mainly related to the decreased follicle
cell redox homeostasis, coagulation and hemoglobin binding population: the numbers of aspirated follicles, recovered
(Balestrieri et al. 2013). Interestingly, transcripts for annexin A2 oocytes and blastocysts produced per animal per session were
and annexin A3 were upregulated in retarded embryos (Straz- reduced during the unfavourable season, whereas oocyte
zullo et al. 2014), whereas annexin A1 and annexin A2 proteins developmental competence, assessed in terms of cleavage and
were downregulated in corresponding chorioamnions (Bales- blastocyst rates, was unaffected (Manjunatha et al. 2009).
trieri et al. 2013). Annexin A2 is involved in cellular growth and Recently, a decreased follicle and oocyte population was
adhesion and has been implicated in embryo attachment to the observed in abattoir-derived ovaries during summer by Egyp-
endometrium (Garrido-Gomez et al. 2012) and placentation tian authors who attributed the seasonal effect to heat stress
(Talbot et al. 2010). Annexins A1 and A2 also affect the (Abdoon et al. 2014). However, in that study oocyte competence
synthesis of prostaglandins (Bennett et al. 1994), involved in was also impaired during the unfavourable season, as indicated
several reproductive events, including maternal recognition of by poorer maturation, cleavage and blastocyst rates, as well as
pregnancy, implantation and maintenance of pregnancy altered gene expression. During the unfavourable period,
(Weems et al. 2006). The deregulation of both transcripts in HSP70, known to act as a proapoptotic factor, was upregulated
retarded buffalo embryos and proteins of the serpin family in the in both cumulus–oocyte complexes (COCs) and IVM oocytes
chorioamnions and caruncles ( Balestrieri et al. 2013; Strazzullo (Abdoon et al. 2014). This may indicate a role for heat stress in
et al. 2014) suggests a disequilibrium in proteolytic control buffalo reproductive seasonality, because the expression of
that has been reported in human pre-eclampsia (Stark 1978; HSP70 increases in cumulus cells of bovine COCs exposed to
Blumenstein et al. 2009). In retarded chorioamnions, there was high temperatures (Payton et al. 2011). IVM buffalo oocytes in
also extensive downregulation of proteins involved in cell redox the non-breeding season also exhibited downregulation of
homeostasis (disulfide isomerase A3, aldose reductase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, involved in
peroxiredoxin-1 (PRDX1)) and heat shock proteins (HSPs), a energy metabolism, and upregulation of b-actin (ACTB), a
family of stress-induced proteins upregulated by a variety of constituent of the actin cytoskeleton, implicated in cortical
stresses, including exposure to oxidative radicals. Retarded granule translocation (Wessel et al. 2002). This is in line with
chorioamnions showed upregulation of amine oxidase A, a the disruption of cortical granule translocation (Payton et al.
potent vasoactive mediator that regulates blood flow and capil- 2004) and premature aging resulting from hastened cytoplasmic
lary permeability (Barkai and Kraicer 1996), and ezrin, a maturation observed in bovine oocytes exposed to 418C during
membrane–cytoskeletal linking protein known to be regulated IVM (Edwards et al. 2005). In addition, it was reported previ-
by IFNT in the cow uterus during attachment (Gray et al. 2006; ously that high environmental temperatures affect oocyte yield
Ledgard et al. 2009). Caruncles adjacent to retarded embryos and the competence of abattoir-derived buffalo oocytes (Nandi
also showed upregulation of haptoglobin, known to modulate et al. 2001).
the maternal immune system and hence with a possible role in Nevertheless, in temperate climates, like that of Italy, the
immunological tolerance during attachment (Herrler et al. seasonality pattern is exactly the same as in tropical countries
2003), and downregulation of a-chain fibronectin, a component north of the Equator, with coincident non-breeding and breeding
of the extracellular matrix involved in the development of fetal– seasons, despite differences in the temperature humidity index
maternal vascular communication and the stabilisation of (THI), confirming the primary role played by photoperiod in the
Reproductive seasonality in the buffalo Reproduction, Fertility and Development 73

(a) 80 16 35 b 16
B 15 15
75 30
AB 14

AB 14

70 13 25

65 13
12 20 b

A 11 a 12
60 15
10 a 11
9 10 10
50 8 a a
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 5 9
Months 0 8
% cleavage Light (h) Transition Spring-summer Fall

(b) 30 % TMBL % adv BL Light (h)

28 ab ab 15
TMBL/ BL G 1&2

26 Fig. 5. Tight morulae–blastocysts (TMBL) and advanced blastocysts (adv

24 b BL) as a percentage of all cumulus–oocyte complexes in different seasons in
22 13
relation to daylight hours. Adapted from Di Francesco et al. (2012b). Values
ab a
20 12 with different letters differ significantly (P , 0.01).
18 ab 11
16 a
12 9
(Stenbak et al. 2001) and decreased blastocyst yields obtained
10 8
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec from abattoir-derived oocytes after IVEP (Mara et al. 2014).
Months In Italian Mediterranean buffalo, a seasonal effect was also
% TM  BL % G1&2 BL Light (h) recorded on embryo quality, indicated by poorer cryotolerance
A, B,
Values with different letters are significantly different; P  0.01 of in vitro-produced (IVP) buffalo embryos during months with
increasing daylight hours. Indeed, both survival (94.6% and
a, b
Values with different letters are significantly different; P  0.05
74.0% in periods with decreasing and increasing day length
Fig. 4. (a) Cleavage rate of abattoir-derived buffalo cumulus–oocyte respectively; P , 0.01) and development rates (67.3 and 40.0%
complexes (COCs) in different seasons in relation to daylight hours. (b) in periods with decreasing and increasing day length respec-
Tight morulae–blastocysts (TM þ BL) and good-quality blastocysts (BL G tively; P , 0.01) of vitrified blastocysts decreased after 24 h
1&2) as a percentage of all abattoir-derived COCs, in different seasons in post-warming culture during the non-breeding season (B. Gas-
relation to daylight hours. Adapted from Di Francesco et al. (2011). parrini, pers. comm.). These findings suggest that the reduced
developmental competence of buffalo oocytes during the non-
breeding season may also lead to lower blastocyst quality. This
buffalo. A retrospective analysis of data collected from abattoir- is in contrast with the evidence in cattle that embryo quality is
derived ovaries over a 3-year period showed an improvement of primarily determined by culture conditions, whereas blastocyst
oocyte developmental competence during decreasing daylight production depends on oocyte quality (Rizos et al. 2002; Lone-
months, with higher cleavage and blastocyst rates (Fig. 4), but rgan et al. 2003).
no effects on the total number of oocytes or on the number or A seasonal effect on oocyte quality was also observed in
percentage of good-quality oocytes (i.e. Grade A þ B; Di Murrah buffalo heifers maintained at constant liveweight and
Francesco et al. 2011). Therefore, although oocyte quality body condition score (BCS) levels by a restricted diet (86%
assessed by morphological criteria was unaffected, the ability recommended daily intake) in Brazil (A Salzano, B Gasparrini,
of buffalo oocytes to be fertilised and develop into viable D Vecchio, V Longobardi, PS Baruselli, G Campanile, MJ
blastocysts improved significantly during the breeding season. D’Occhio, G Neglia, unpubl. data). In that study, reduced
Subsequently, the seasonal effect on oocyte developmental follicular population and deterioration of oocyte quality during
competence was confirmed in Italian Mediterranean buffaloes long day months were associated with decreased oestradiol
undergoing OPU, with a twofold increase in blastocyst yields concentrations in both the plasma and follicular fluid, as
recorded in autumn compared with mid-winter and spring– well as decreased intrafollicular insulin-like growth factor
summer (Fig. 5), despite similar follicular and oocyte popula- (IGF) 1 concentrations (A Salzano, B Gasparrini, D Vecchio,
tions (Di Francesco et al. 2012b). These data are in accord with V Longobardi, PS Baruselli, G Campanile, MJ D’Occhio,
the seasonality pattern of the species, showing increased fertility G Neglia, unpubl. data). Given the role of IGF1 in increasing
during short-day months. Reproductive activity in the buffalo is the proliferation and oestradiol production of granulosa cells
similar to that in other short-day breeders, like small ruminants (Gong et al. 1994; Glister et al. 2001), the reduced oestradiol
in subtropical environments and at higher latitudes (Zicarelli concentration may well have been due to reduced intrafollicular
1994, 1997; Vale et al. 1996; Zicarelli et al. 1997). In sheep, IGF1, although it cannot be ruled out that the decrease in
oocyte competence also decreases during the unfavourable oestradiol also depended on decreased gonadotrophin levels.
season, characterised by increasing daylight hours, as revealed The intrafollicular concentration of IGF1 was lower in the
by the poorer response to multiple ovulation (Mitchell et al. increasing daylight hours period, despite similar plasma con-
2002), the reduced cleavage rates after IVF of ovulated oocytes centrations of IGF1, insulin and growth hormone. This may be
74 Reproduction, Fertility and Development B. Gasparrini

due to either decreased sequestration of IGF1 from the blood, daily melatonin secretion acts on the hypothalamic–pituitary–
reduced local production or reduced bioavailability, known to gonadal axis, improving gonad function and sperm quality
be regulated by IGF-binding proteins (Armstrong and Webb (Zicarelli 1997). Increases in the weight and size of both the
1997; Mazerbourg et al. 2000). However, regardless of the testes and epididymides in buffalo bulls of proven fertility were
mechanism, increased intrafollicular IGF1 and increased oes- found in the breeding compared with non-breeding season
tradiol production in the favourable season were associated with (Arrighi et al. 2010). In addition, in the non-breeding season,
improved oocyte quality, which would have been expected tubular diameter and epithelial cell height decreased in the caput
given the importance of IGF1 in oocyte viability (Walters epididymidis and corpus epididymidis, but increased in the
et al. 2006) and maturation (Izadyar et al. 1997). In addition, cauda epididymidis, suggesting an accumulation of non-ejacu-
because IGF1 promotes follicular vascular endothelial growth lated spermatozoa. Furthermore, decreased noradrenergic
factor production in ruminants (Schams et al. 2001), we specu- innervation to the vas deferens and accessory sex glands was
late that, in buffaloes, the increased angiogenesis of the follicle observed during the non-breeding period (Mirabella et al. 2007).
during decreasing day length would result in higher oocyte The absence of aquaporin 9 in the epithelium of the cauda epi-
quality, as well as in the subsequent development of a vascu- didymidis and vas deferens in the non-breeding season, in
larised, functional CL (Shimizu 2016). Indeed, environmental contrast with marked expression found in the breeding season,
factors are known to interfere with follicular growth, with suggests an impairment of water absorption during transit in the
potential carry-over effects on oocyte quality and CL function. epididymis, affecting sperm viability (Arrighi et al. 2016).
Recently, differences in microRNA (miRNA) profiles were Undoubtedly, although buffalo bulls can breed throughout
detected in Kazakh sheep ovaries during oestrus between the the year, a reduction in libido (Sansone et al. 2000) and reduced
breeding and non-breeding seasons (Zhai et al. 2018). Interest- semen quality are observed in the non-mating period (Lon-
ingly, target gene expression and pathway enrichment analysis gobardi 2015). Seasonal variations were recorded in plasma
revealed that the differentially expressed miRNAs identified membrane integrity and stability in Thai swamp buffalo sires
may affect ovarian activity by regulating hormone secretion, (Koonjaenak et al. 2007), and in post-thaw motility (Bahga and
follicular development and angiogenesis. To better understand Khokar 1991; Sagdeo et al. 1991; Younis et al. 1998; Andrabi
the molecular mechanism underlying the seasonal effects on 2009) and sperm abnormalities (Younis et al. 1998; Andrabi
oocyte competence in buffalo, studies are underway to investi- 2009) in Indian buffaloes. In addition, it was reported that
gate the transcriptome profile of oocytes and the miRNA profile seminal plasma proteins undergo seasonal changes in buffalo
of preovulatory follicles in the two seasons. bulls (Sharma et al. 2014), suggesting an implication in fertility.
Together, all the studies described above demonstrate a Furthermore, significant glycosylation changes of the sperm
seasonal effect on ovarian activity and oocyte quality, suggest- glycocalyx in relation to season have been reported recently in
ing that, when planning OPU trials, the use of reproductive Italian Mediterranean buffalo (Accogli et al. 2017).
technologies, especially oocyte collection for IVEP, be In Italian Mediterranean buffalo, no differences were
restricted to the favourable season in order to save resources observed in ejaculate volume, sperm concentration or the
and improve the cost–benefit ratio. Yet, this constitutes a further viability and motility of fresh spermatozoa between seasons
impediment for the use of advanced reproductive technologies characterised by a negative and positive photoperiod (Lon-
in this species, aggravating the main limitation, namely the gobardi 2015). Instead, seasonal differences were reported in
small number of oocytes that can be recovered per donor cryopreserved spermatozoa after thawing (Longobardi 2015;
(Gasparrini 2002, 2017). Indeed, poor oocyte recovery, respon- Albero et al. 2016). In fact, post-thaw sperm motility increased
sible for the higher costs of embryo production, is known to arise in the decreasing compared with increasing daylight length
from physiological features typical of the species, such as the period, despite comparable sperm viability. Furthermore, cryo-
low number of primordial and antral follicles (Danell 1987; preservation-induced capacitation-like changes decreased dur-
Kumar et al. 1997), as well as a high rate of atresia (Ocampo ing the favourable season. In fact, the proportion of spermatozoa
et al. 1994; Palta et al. 1998). exhibiting chlortetracycline (CTC) Pattern F (non-capacitated
spermatozoa) increased in the breeding compared with non-
breeding season (40.5% and 27.3% respectively; P , 0.01),
Seasonal effects on sperm quality whereas the percentage of spermatozoa with Pattern B (capaci-
Male reproductive activity is also widely acknowledged to be tated spermatozoa; 57.9% and 66.6% respectively; P , 0.01)
affected by season. A paternal contribution to embryo devel- and acrosome reacted (AR; 1.6% and 6.1% respectively; P
opment is also well recognised, because a high incidence of , 0.01) decreased. The importance of this finding is related to
EEM in various species is caused by genetic and centrosomal the very high incidence of sperm capacitation-like changes
defects of spermatozoa (Yanagimachi 2005). Therefore, under observed following cryopreservation in buffalo (Elkhawagah
natural mating conditions, season-dependent changes in sperm et al. 2014) due to the membrane phospholipid composition and
quality may affect both fertilisation and embryo development. particularly to the low cholesterol : phospholipid ratio (Rajoriya
The higher pregnancy rates recorded after AI compared with et al. 2016). Furthermore, improved cleavage, total penetration
natural mating in Italian Mediterranean buffalo during the and normospermic penetration rates after IVF were recorded
increasing daylight length period clearly indicate a seasonal during the breeding compared with non-breeding season,
effect on buffalo bulls (Pelagalli et al. 2009). Photoperiod whereas the incidence of polyspermy was unaffected (Lon-
affects seasonal male reproductive activity, because increased gobardi 2015). Finally, a retrospective analysis of IVEP data
Reproductive seasonality in the buffalo Reproduction, Fertility and Development 75

restricted to the breeding season (to reduce the oocyte source of LEM, representing the main cause of embryo losses in buffalo.
variability) in our laboratory revealed an improvement in Treatments with hCG and a GnRH agonist at Day 25 after AI
blastocyst rates with semen collected during months with significantly decreased the incidence of LEM in a farm with
decreasing daylight length compared with months with increas- repeated pregnancy failure (,11% vs 41%) during the non-
ing daylight length (mean  s.e.m.: 38.5  2.2 vs 20.8  6.4%; breeding season (Campanile et al. 2008a). The beneficial effect
P , 0.01; B. Gasparrini, pers. comm.). of hCG and the GnRH agonist on embryo development is due
primarily to the development of an accessory CL and increased
Strategies to improve embryonic development during the progesterone secretion, because both treatments triggered ovu-
non-breeding season lation in 60–70% of buffaloes with a dominant follicle (Campa-
nile et al. 2007b). However, reduced embryo losses were found
Several strategies have been developed to overcome the sea-
in buffaloes that ovulated after GnRH, whereas no differences
sonal fluctuations in ovarian function in buffalo. These can be
were found with hCG between animals that ovulated and those
divided into four main groups according to the target: (1)
that did not. This could be accounted for by the additional
strategies designed to overcome the impaired luteal function
trophic effect exerted by hCG on the CL. The efficacy of these
causing LEM; (2) strategies to improve oocyte developmental
treatments at reducing the occurrence of LEM was confirmed in
competence; (3) strategies to modify the circannual rhythms of
another trial that also retrospectively demonstrated that the same
ovarian activity; and (4) strategies to improve semen quality.
treatments fail to increase progesterone concentration to levels
required for pregnancy maintenance in animals showing a
Treatments to improve luteal function decline of progesterone on Days 20 and 25 after AI (Vecchio
The efficacy of exogenous hormone treatments that increase et al. 2010). In Mediterranean buffalo undergoing Ovsynch–
progesterone at specific time points after mating or AI has been fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) programs, a GnRH
widely demonstrated in buffalo. Increased progesterone con- agonist is routinely administered on Day 20 after AI. This
centrations can be achieved by treating animals with exogenous schedule allows both improvement in luteal function and pro-
progesterone or with trophic hormones, such as human chori- gesterone secretion, hence decreasing the risks of LEM, and
onic gonadotrophin (hCG) and GnRH agonists (Campanile et al. resynchronisation of buffaloes that do not conceive (Rossi et al.
2008a, 2008b; Vecchio et al. 2010). Treatment with hCG 2014). In commercial programs, buffaloes are treated with a
increases progesterone secretion via a transient trophic effect on GnRH agonist on Day 20 after TAI and then undergo ultrasound
the existing CL and induction of ovulation with subsequent examination on Day 27 for pregnancy diagnosis so that non-
formation of an accessory CL, whereas the effectiveness of a pregnant animals can be treated with prostaglandin on Day 27, a
GnRH agonist is primarily related to the development of an GnRH agonist on Day 29 and inseminated 20 h later (Rossi et al.
accessory CL. The perfect timing of hormone treatments is very 2014). Repeating this schedule a third time results in conception
important to ensure an increase in progesterone at the most rates around 95% after three services.
critical time windows for embryo development. It is worth
pointing out that most of the hormone treatments have been Treatments to improve oocyte competence
merely extrapolated from cattle, without taking into account With regard to oocyte developmental competence, we recently
species-specific differences in the chronology of embryo evaluated the effect of OPU priming with FSH treatment in the
development (Drost and Elsden 1985; Galli et al. 2001). presence of progesterone in different seasons. That preliminary
In order to reduce EEM, treatments have been given at Day 4 trial was performed in buffalo cows reared in two different
or 5 after AI, with inconsistent results. Higher conception rates farms, during the breeding season (n ¼ 14) and non-breeding
were recorded in buffaloes treated with 17a-hydroxyprogester- season (n ¼ 10), over four runs. The priming consisted of
one caproate on Day 4 after AI (Kumar et al. 2003), whereas a removal of dominant follicles and insertion of a progesterone-
higher incidence of embryo mortality was recorded after treat- releasing device on Day 0, followed by twice daily adminis-
ment with a progesterone internal drug-releasing device on Day tration of 40 mg FSH for 3 days and a coasting period of around
5 after AI (Campanile et al. 2007a). The latter unexpected result 40–44 h, with OPU performed on Day 6. The treatment was
could be due to a reduction in LH secretion by progesterone and effective in increasing the number of follicles, the total number
inhibition of endogenous progesterone production. Treatment of COCs, the number of good-quality COCs and the number of
with a GnRH agonist on Day 5 after AI was effective in blastocysts in both seasons (Table 1). Interestingly, the effect
increasing progesterone concentrations on Days 10, 15 and 20 was remarkable in the non-breeding season, when treatment
and pregnancy rates on Day 40 in buffaloes that ovulated and resulted in a higher number of follicles, COCs and good quality
formed an accessory CL (Campanile et al. 2008b). The admin- COCs per animal, with a tendency for an improved blastocyst
istration of a PGF analogue at the time of AI in Mediterranean rate (P ¼ 0.07), leading to increased blastocyst yield per donor
buffaloes synchronised by Ovsynch increased the size of the CL (i.e. comparable to that recorded in the breeding season in
and progesterone production on Day 11, resulting in a higher treated animals). These encouraging results certainly suggest
pregnancy rate on Day 45 (Neglia et al. 2008). However, the that oocyte developmental competence can be improved during
efficacy of this treatment was not consistent in commercial the non-breeding season with hormone treatments, allowing
buffalo dairies (Di Palo et al. 2007). better exploitation of the germinal material, especially when
There is evidence that delayed treatments with progesterone planning an OPU trial. However, due to the high individual
or trophic hormones are effective in reducing the incidence of variability in the follicle and oocyte population (Gasparrini et al.
76 Reproduction, Fertility and Development B. Gasparrini

Table 1. Effect of ovum pick-up priming with FSH and progesterone (treated group) on reproductive parameters in different seasons
Data are the mean  s.e.m. *P , 0.05, **P , 0.001 compared with the control group in the same season. Abbreviation: COCs, cumulus–oocyte complexes

Breeding season Non-breeding season

Control Treated Control Treated

Total no. follicles 3.42  0.34 7.45  1.27** 4.30  0.32 11.45  2.70**
No. small follicles 2.44  0.23 3.53  1.10 2.03  0.31 6.70  2.98*
No. medium follicles 0.72  0.18 2.70  0.18** 1.41  0.14 3.35  0.46**
No. large follicles 0.28  0.10 1.25  0.03** 0.87  0.12 1.40  0.76
Total no. COCs 2.42  0.36 4.53  0.43** 2.21  0.21 6.83  2.77*
No. Grade A, B and C COCs 1.22  0.21 3.40  0.35** 0.40  0.08 3.93  1.17**
No. blastocysts 0.32  0.10 1.43  0.31** 0.35  0.07 1.78  0.50**

2014), it is worth extending the trial to include a large number of comes from studies in rams (Satta et al. 2018), suggesting a
cases and to assess the ability of embryos to maintain pregnancy potential use of melatonin implants to correct semen quality in
after embryo transfer in the non-breeding season. Furthermore, the non-breeding season also in buffaloes. Modification of the
regardless of FSH priming, selection of buffalo donors for OPU extender composition prior to semen cryopreservation may
programs, based on the antral follicular count (Gasparrini et al. represent an alternative strategy to improve semen quality in
2014) or anti-Müllerian hormone concentration (Baldrighi et al. buffalo. Enrichment of the extender prior to cryopreservation
2014; Liang et al. 2016), is undoubtedly required to offset the with antioxidants, such as carnitine and resveratrol, improved
high embryo production costs in this species. buffalo semen quality by decreasing capacitation-like changes
and oxidative stress (Longobardi et al. 2017a, 2017b). Extender
Treatments to manipulate photoperiod supplementation with cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrins also
In order to artificially manipulate the photoperiod and improve proved effective at decreasing sperm cryocapacitation damage
fertility during the non-breeding season, melatonin implants (Longobardi et al. 2017c), known to increase in the non-
have been recently used in buffalo under tropical conditions, as breeding season (Albero et al. 2016). However, the improved
in sheep (Luridiana et al. 2015; Mura et al. 2017). Treatment of semen quality did not always translate to improved fertility. It
summer anoestrous buffalo heifers with a melatonin implant remains to be determined whether these treatments improve the
was effective in inducing ovulation of the dominant follicle, fertility of semen collected during the non-breeding season.
resulting in the formation of a functional CL, as indicated by the
larger size and increased progesterone production (Ghuman Conclusions
et al. 2010). In a subsequent trial, melatonin implant followed by Reproductive seasonality, resulting in cycles in calving and milk
a progesterone-releasing device induced oestrus in 100% of production, is one of the main factors affecting the profitability
anoestrous buffalo heifers, increased the diameter of the domi- of buffalo farming. When buffaloes are forced to mate during the
nant follicle and improved CL maintenance on Day 21 after AI, non-breeding season (i.e. months with increasing daylight
as well as conception rates (Ramadan et al. 2014). Improved CL length) to meet the market demand, the incidence of embryo
function and conception rates, associated with increased mortality is higher. The most critical window for embryo loss in
superoxide dismutase activity, were also recorded with the same buffalo is between 25 and 45 days after AI. There is evidence
treatment in lactating buffaloes (Ramadan et al. 2016). The that embryo mortality is caused, in part, by impaired luteal
protective effect of exogenous melatonin against oxidative function, leading to reduced progesterone concentrations and
stress was confirmed in another study, where anoestrous buf- retarded embryo growth, and, in part, to decreased oocyte
faloes that received a slow-release subcutaneous injection of developmental competence. Furthermore, under natural mating
melatonin showed increased total antioxidant capacity (Kumar conditions, season-dependent changes in sperm quality may also
et al. 2015). The same route of administration of melatonin also play a role in embryo losses. Corrective strategies have been
proved effective in reactivating cyclic activity and improving developed to improve overall fertility and embryo development
conception rates in anoestrous buffaloes (Kumar et al. 2016). in the non-breeding season in order to ensure milk production
Finally, melatonin supplementation before Ovsynch in anoes- throughout the year and speed up genetic progress. Undoubt-
trous heifers during the non-breeding season improved follicular edly, improved management, including water availability for
growth, CL development and function and conception rates bathing, can further improve fertility (Neglia et al. 2009),
(Kavita et al. 2018). counteracting the negative effects of heat stress, particularly in
tropical countries. Furthermore, it is worth recalling that
Treatments to improve semen quality selecting animals that are less sensitive to the light : dark ratio,
To our knowledge, the effect of exogenous melatonin supple- empirically carried out in Italy at culling, has resulted in a
mentation on sperm quality has not yet been investigated in reduced seasonality of the species over the years to a certain
buffalo bulls. However, evidence of beneficial effects on sem- extent in some farms. The possibility of including genetic
inal plasma composition and sperm fertilisation competence markers of seasonality in selection programs, together with a
Reproductive seasonality in the buffalo Reproduction, Fertility and Development 77

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Conflicts of interest onic mortality occurence in buffalo. In ‘Proceedings of the V World
Buffalo Congress’, 13–16 October, Caserta, Italy. (Eds A. Borghese,
The author declares no conflict of interest. S. Failla, and V. L. Barile.) pp. 776–778. (Tipografia Grafitalia, Cercola
(NA), Italy.)
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Nazionale (PRIN) 2008. The semen capacitation/quality trials were sup- phospholipase A2 and lipocortins (annexins) I, II and V in human fetal
ported by project ‘PIFEMARU’ Misura 1.2.4. PSR Umbria 2007/2013. membranes and placenta in association with labour. Prostaglandins 48,
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