Ielts Cue Card 1

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Ielts cue card 1


Describe a garden or park you enjoyed spending time in.

You should say:

 where it is
 how it looks like
 what you did there

and explain why you enjoyed spending time there.

Model Answer 1:

Alton National Park is located adjacent to the Moonie highway in South West Queensland in
Australia and primarily famous for the rare species at the park.

The park is under the reign of Baloone Shire local government and famous for camping inside
the park. But there are no facilities for the campers except the open spaces. People who go for
camping at the park are self-sufficient. They usually carry all their necessary items and amenities
required for the camping. The campers can do everything except creating an open fire for
enjoyment. The authority is always alert to the issue as there were some fire-related accidents
took place here in past. Besides, the natural view of the park is outstanding and in the moonlit
night, the night views are wonderful. But the visitors need to be careful whatever they do here as
this is a restricted area as it houses rare species and they should not be disturbed in any way.

Well, if you ask exactly how it looks like, the shape cannot be described in words. It does not
have any specific shape or size rather the park has stretched for over 5 kilometres and decorated
with varieties of trees and some mountains. It looks like a planned hilly garden with different
plants which are standing with unity. There are many open spaces as well where the campers
place their tents. The park is also the combination of two towns and a village and as a result, the
park is always crowded in some parts and the other parts remain silent. It is a perfect place for
bird watching. Various rare birds are found in the park and it is a prime destination for the bird
watchers in Queensland.

The question ‘what I did there’ is simple but I am afraid the answer cannot be finished in few
sentences. Since the park was a half an hour drive from my home, I usually visited the park in
the holidays and took part in various types of activities inside the Alton National Park. I went to
the park for numerous times and mostly I went for camping purpose. When I was a graduate-
level student, I and my friends used to come here for camping at nights. It was a kind of
celebration for us whenever we finished one of our semesters. It became a tradition for seven of
us. Sometimes I used to visit the park on holidays for bird watching as well and have spotted
different birds at their nest rested high on the tree-tops.

Ummm! Actually, it was the age for me when everything appeared good. In fact, that was the
time of enjoyment for me. In my youth days, I travelled to different parts of Australia and had
spent a large portion of time mostly in the Alton National Park for many reasons. The most
important thing is its natural scenario and the views of the deep blue sky from the ground level.
In the bright summer days, the sky views were breathtaking and I mostly went there in the
evenings to enjoy the blue sky and sunset. Sometimes I turned into the audience for mountain
biking during the events and supported by my favourite bikers.

Model Answer 2:

Living in Florida has some special benefits. This is the place where you can find lots of parks
and gardens where you can enjoy your leisure hours. I frequently visit Madison Blue Springs
State Park for relaxation. This is a very good place. Thank you for the question.

This is one of the newest state parks in Florida. In fact, the park is physically located around 10
miles away from Madison. The park is famous for its spring. I have never seen such a clear
spring before. So, the spot has become a fame for swimming. Further, it has become a great and
attractive place for the limestone basin. The basin is located on the west bank of Withlacoochee

The park has a stunning look. The entire locality is filled with natural resources. Due to the
natural environment, the water in the park is always cool. It has some underwater caves which
are great for diving. The spring is about 82 feet in width and 25 feet in depth. The entire park has
both hardwoods and pines. As a result, the park has got a charming view from all the sides.
Many of the visitors come here only to enjoy the scenic beauty of the area. When I first came
here, I was in love with the park and it was a natural beauty that attracted me most.

I used to walk inside the park in the beginning. But with the passage of time, I have started
participating in some other activities. Swimming is a very popular activity while there are
chances for scuba diving and canoeing. When I have enough time with me and I am with my
family members, I hire a canoe and float on the water. But if I am alone, I take a scuba dive.
Unluckily, I cannot go in to deep with the scuba diving as my certification does not permit me.
But swimming is my regular activity and I love to swim in the cool water.

I enjoyed spending time here for some special reasons. The most important thing is that this is
the place where I can get the peace of mind. The locality is far away from the city and a special
sense of serenity is prevailing in the air of the park. Moreover, the attractive spring, swimming in
the water and other recreational activities help me to get rid of my civic troubles. When I get
back to the city, I feel refreshed and can focus on my activities attentively. For all the reasons, I
enjoy spending time in Madison Blue Springs State Park of Florida.

IELTS Cue Card Question 108 With Model Answer:

Describe a lake, a river or a sea you like to visit.

You should say:

 where it is
 when you usually visit it
 what you do there

and explain your experience visiting this lake, river or sea.

Model Answer 1:

Passing moments by the side of a lake is highly interesting and the moments are enjoyable during
the evening hours. I usually sit by the Lough Neagh, located in Northern Ireland.

The lakes in the Republic of Ireland are commonly termed as Lough and Lough Neagh is the
largest lakes in the country with the span of 151 square miles. This is a freshwater lake and the
sides are well decorated for the visitors. The depth of the lake is around eight feet but the deepest
part of the lake is about 80 feet. The lough reaches to the River Bann and in some parts, it is
considered as the Bann as well for its blend with the river. The lough also supplies a large
portion of the water to the country.

I live in County Antrim and the lake is a 15 minutes drive from my place. I usually go to visit the
lake during the holidays and sometimes we go for a picnic beside the lake. During the holidays,
we go to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the lake. The skies look gorgeous and bright with the
sun. Besides, bay view is also adorable. So, whenever I can manage time either I move to the
lake with my family or friends and if I cannot manage anyone, I go there all by myself. This is a
place for divine peace and the views are outstanding. Like me, many other Irish go to pass their
leisure moments by the side of the lake.

There are many things to do in the lake. Different events and festivals are arranged by the side of
the lake and people from different parts of the country come to enjoy the events. Most of the
events usually begin in the evening and runs until midnight. But sometimes it causes trouble for
me to attend an event which ends during the midnight and return home. I get late for office on
such days. So, I try to come back before 9 o’clock. When I with the participation of friends
arrange for personal events like a short picnic or gathering, I try to hold the event by the daytime
so that everyone could enjoy and that nobody feels the urge to return.

I have lots of memories with the lake. A large portion of my teenage days has experienced the
waves of the lake. I used to come here with my friends and bath on a side of the lake. Besides,
fishing was a common issue for us and then we cooked the fishes on the shore too and that made
us feel completely thrilled. But with the advancement of time and technology, the lake view has
been changed greatly. It has turned into a famous tourist spot and thus different service providers
have emerged with their attractive services and commodities. Earlier, we used to visit the lake at
least once a day but with the extensive crowd of the current days, we cannot manage space to
stand there. Moreover, the crowds gather most in the holidays. However, the experiences amid
the crowds are enjoyable for me as well. I see and learn diversified issues from the people
visiting the lake.

Model Answer 2:

I like to visit the River Daugava and it has become a regular activity for me too. The river bank
provides a great natural view. The river is located in Russia. Thank you for your question.

To be specific, the river is located in the Valdai Hills in Russia. The river flows through Russia
to Belarus. It also crosses Latvia and the Gulf o Riga. This is one of the wonderful rivers in the
country and its length is over 1000 kilometres. But Russia has got around 325 kilometres in
share. The remaining length is shared by the other regions through it is flowing.

I usually visit the river in the evening of my weekends. In fact, the river is around 50 kilometres
away from my home. So, I need a drive over half an hour to reach the river bank. But once, I am
there, the view removes my tiredness and makes me feel refreshed. Besides, I try to pay a visit
whenever I can manage time. But unluckily I cannot manage time more than once or twice in a
month. It is my business that does not allow me to spend some lazy hours by the side of the river
and make a small picnic with near and dear ones.

Usually, I sit by the side of the river bank and enjoy the nature. Sometimes I try to catch fish. But
my luck is not always favourable to me. I am unable to get some large-sized fishes while the
other members, who accompany me there, can have the best pieces. Besides, swimming in the
river is the other preferable activity for me. When I get in touch with the cold water, I feel a
sense of joy inside me. Further, taking lunch under the shade of trees and then passing moments
by chatting with friends is really enjoyable there. In fact, I have formed a group of seven people
who eagerly wait for the weekend and plan various activities to do on the spot.

My experience in the bank of Daugava River is wonderful. Actually, I am charmed with the
natural scenario. The flowing river enchants the mind. On the other side, some of its parts are
deteriorated by the agricultural wastes and pollution. But initiatives to improve the locations are
underway too. Though the river mouth was the place of settlement in the early days, now there
are various changes available. Formerly, the River was a trading route and now it is a place for
entertainment. Whenever I go there, I try to visit the surrounding nice locations as well to be
relaxed. Swimming in the water was also an interesting experience for me. So, I am in love with
this place.

Describe a situation/time when you were late.

You should say:

 what the event was you were late for

 what the reason was for being late
 how you felt about it
and explain how you managed even after being late.

Model Answer 1:


Being late can be a stressful and embarrassing situation, but unfortunately, it's something that
happens to all of us at some point. I remember a time when I was running late for an important
meeting, and it was a situation that I found particularly challenging. Here, I will share this
experience with you.

What the event was you were late for:

I was late for an important job interview that I had been preparing for, for weeks. It was a job
that I was very interested in, and I knew that being late could negatively impact my chances of
getting the job.

What the reason was for being late:

The reason for me to be late for the interview was a combination of things. First, I
underestimated how long it would take me to get to the interview location. Second, there was a
lot of traffic on the road due to a car accident, which caused a significant delay. Finally, I had
taken the wrong turn on the way, which added to the delay.

How you felt about it:

I felt extremely anxious and embarrassed about being late. I knew that my tardiness would not
make a good impression, and it could ruin my chances of getting the job. I felt like I had let
myself down, as I had been so meticulous in preparing for the interview, and this one mistake
could ruin it all.

And explain how you managed even after being late: When I finally arrived at the interview
location, I immediately apologized for the delay and explained the reasons for it. I could sense
that the interviewer was not impressed, but I tried to remain calm and focused during the
interview. I also made sure to use the interview as an opportunity to showcase my skills and
experience. Even though I was running late, I made sure to present myself in the best possible
light, and I tried my best to impress the interviewer. In the end, I didn't get the job, but I learned
a valuable lesson about the importance of time management and punctuality.

Model Answer 2:

Time is priceless and once you lose it, you are to pay heavily for the waste of the moments. I
missed a job interview for being late and I feel regret for that late even today.
I was called for a formal interview at Unilever for the post of communications manager. I
applied for the post about two months ago and they asked me to attend the written test first. I
attended the test and become one of the tenth applicants who passed the test. Then the authority
told us to contact later and accordingly I received the latest email asking me to join the formal
interview. But unfortunately, I could not attend the interview in time and lost the chance to
attend on the job.

In Mumbai, traffic congestion is a common scenario. Many people have to get stuck in the traffic
jam in the early hours of the morning every day and the scenarios are worst in the central area
where almost all the important offices are located. I started for the interview about one hour
before the mentioned time but could not reach in time there. At first, I stood in a bus queue and
when the bus arrived I could not manage to ride as the bus was already packed with office-going
passengers. So, I failed to board in the bus and waited for the next metro service will be late for
me. Immediately I hired an auto to reach the Unilever office. I think my luck betrayed me on that
day so that I could not go for the interview. I got stuck again in the middle of the road.

Initially, I felt that my luck in not favouring me and losing the chance to appear on the interview
was frustrating me as well. Thereby, I felt a deep sense of anger. Traffic congestion is a common
scenario in India and the common citizens are the worst sufferers. They cannot go to their places
at the right time. I did not have any idea how actually they felt when they missed their
appointments. The delay in the interview taught me actually how the feelings of those people. At
last, I felt pity for myself as I could not go to my current office in time which also made me late
for the interview at the same time.

Finally, I appeared before the Unilever office building about one and a half hours later than the
scheduled time. When I entered the interview room, I found that the interviews were going to be
ended and when I informed the interview receptionist that I am one of the candidates, they
allowed me to sit for the interview. But since I was late, they, in fact, did not show much interest
and simply asked a few questions about myself. With the behaviour and attitudes of the interview
board members, I understood that I am discarded from the list.

Model Answer 3:

Usually, I try to do everything on time, but sometimes there are unwanted late. In this case, I can
remember the day when I made late for my biology practical exam my school and consequently
my grades turned poor. Thank you for the question.

In my school days, I was a student of science and thus had to participate in various practical
classes. Biology was one of the most important classes and most of the time it had practical
classes. The teacher who took the class was too much strict and never allowed his students to be
late for class. He punished them with poor scoring if he found someone guilty of the charges of
making them late to attend class. I had fallen victim to the fact. I could not attend the last
practical class in time.

In fact, it was not my fault that I made late willingly. It was a rainy day, and I could not get
something to reach school in time. I went out with an umbrella with me but the school was far
away from my residence. I used to ride on the public transport to reach the school but on that day
nothing was available. Therefore, I had to walk all the way to the school. the school was located
in the centre of the city while my residence was about three kilometres away. Without finding
any transport, I walked and made late.

The feelings were uncontrollable when my teacher told me some harsh words for being late. He
did not understand that it was rain. He only said that as the other students have attended the
school in time and so should be I. I failed to make him understand that the late was unintentional.
Besides, my dad went out early in the morning with his car. If he had been at home, I would have
asked him to drop me at the school. It was not a good day for me.

Managing the event was really tough for me. I was unable to completely manage the event and
the teacher graded me poorly in terms of maintaining discipline in his class. So, the overall grade
in the semester dropped. When the class was over, I went to meet with the teacher at his cabin
but he did not want to understand the issues. In fact, he was a kind of inflexible person and never
compromised with anything. As a result, most of the students of the class did not like him much.
Finally, he gave me poor marks that made me suffer in the next semesters. I never made late in
his classes again. It was a rigid lesson for me.

Describe an indoor game you have enjoyed playing in your free time.

You should say:

 what the game is

 how you learned to play it
 where you have played it

and explain why you have enjoyed playing this game.

Model Answer 1:

Games and sports have always attracted me but I like the indoor games more than the outdoor
ones. I usually play chess in my free times and enjoy it more than any other indoor games.

Chess is a very exciting indoor game and this two-player game requires a lot of attention.
Usually, it is played on a checkered board and the two opponents are trying hard to defeat each
other. This is the only game that could be played at anywhere including both indoor and outdoor
spaces. Not much space is required to play the game and the players are usually more intelligent
than the regular people. There are 16 pieces on each side of the game for each of the player and
the most intelligent one wins the game after lots of mental efforts. It is believed that game has
been originated in India and it was before the 10th century. The players are to attack their
opponent with soldiers, kings, queens, rooks, knights and bishops to win the game.
When I was in my senior high school, I met a boy, Samuel Rodriguez. He was an exceptionally
intelligent boy and loved to play chess. I had one thing common with him. We were neighbours
and as a result, I frequently visited his home. Suddenly, one day I found him playing chess alone.
I had the curiosity to play chess but could not materialise the desire as I did not know how to
play the board game. So, I asked Samuel to teach me chess. He taught me chess like an expert
teacher. He explained the capacity of the pieces and their abilities as well – what they can do or
what they cannot. It took around a week for me to learn the entire game. But in the early days, I
could not win the games due to my unskilled attempts. Gradually I have improved in the game
and can finish the game within the first ten minutes.

I usually play chess with some of my friends who are interested in playing the chess. My father
was a great chess player and had won many prizes in different competitions. But I could not
manage time to play with him as he remained busy always and also did not want to play with me
as well as I could not take proper attempt to defeat him. So, he was a bit irritated with me over
chess playing and thus avoided me. However, now as an expert player, I play the game with my
colleagues, wife and sometimes with my relatives who are also experts in chess. Besides, I am
planning to participate in the upcoming chess championship in the annual sports day at my

I always enjoy the game because it is a mind game and requires lots of patience and intellects.
Unless you are equal to your opponent, you do not have chances to fight back and finally, you
have to lose the game. It is enjoyable when you can discover the next attempt of your opponent
and can accordingly take preventive measures to save your soldiers and other pieces.

Model Answer 2:

Playing card is my hobby and this is one of the most popular indoor games that many of the
people prefer it like. Yes, this is my favourite indoor game that I often play at my home.

This is a very popular indoor game across the world. It is popular for many reasons. There are
some specific games available to play with the cards. In fact, the number of games with cards is
countless. There are some traditional games while there are some specific games as well. I am
able to play some of the traditional and a few specific games. The rules of playing card games
are different in places.

When I was a child, I saw my dad playing cards at home. And most of the time, he played alone
while I sat beside him. He was the first teacher of mine in learning card games. He knew lots of
tricks with the cards and taught me some of them. My father used to tell that if I practice more, I
would be able to deal with the cards perfectly. On the other side, when I went to college, I came
to know some other card games and played with my college mates. Some of the college friends
knew some special ways to play cards. But I have never participated in gambling with cards
while some of my friends did.

I have played cards in several places. But I love to play it at home. Solitaire is my favourite card
game and I can pass hours by playing this game. Sometimes, I play the card with my friends at
their homes too. When playing cards at out of my home, I usually carry a packet of cards with
me for some reasons. In fact, I cannot play a card if the cards are of not standard quality. So, I
carry a packet of my own and use them when I find the cards are not of my standard.

I have enjoyed playing card games. Actually, the enjoyment cannot be described in words. It a
kind of addiction that only the card players know. Besides, there are different types of games are
available with the cards which create a sense of enjoyment for the players. It has also some
positive impacts. Playing cards help to take an instant decision. Besides, dealing the cards also is
a matter of high skill. If you can shuffle and deal the cards perfectly, it points that you have some
extraordinary skills in you. Playing cards also is a great way to pass idle hours. For all the
reasons, I am in love with the game.

Describe a happy childhood event you remember.

You should say:

 what it is
 when it happened
 how you felt at the time

and explain why you remember this particular occasion.

Model Answer 1:

Childhood is the best time of one’s life and most of the adults want to get back on the childhood
days. I was given a novel as the first prize in my school in my early childhood which was a
happy event for me and I still remember it very vividly.

In my junior school, the authority held different competitions to motivate the students into
learning and attending the school. As part of the activities, they annually organised different
competitions like debates, painting, indoor sports and more other events. I took part in a
competition and got the first prize by beating five other contestants. It was the first major success
in my life and I remember it most as it was in my early childhood (I was about seven years then
and just got promoted to the third grade in the elementary school).

The school authority holds the competition in the beginning of every year (basically the first
week). It is a fun to run in the cold in an open field to reach the goals or to sit in a room with
another participant and plan to beat him or her into the indoor games. The situations are exciting
for the participants but it is more thrilling for the audience present before the spot. The authority
usually arranges the events immediately after the New Year so that everyone could join with the
events. When the events are organised during the middle the year, many of the parents cannot
attend there because they cannot manage time. Since a vacation mode flies in the air in the first
week of the New Year, the parents can have the chance to participate.
Since it was the first prize of my life, it was something special for me. I was highly glad and
shouted loud in my victory. My parents were happy too as I have learnt how to spell words from
my father. Actually, he was the happiest man on this award receiving from this Spelling Contest
and my success was like the greatest gift for him. It was also a pleasant surprise for me that I
have secured the first position in the competition by beating several other competitors and some
of them were senior to me in age and class grade as well. It was really unbelievable for me that I
have succeeded in the competition.

There are several reasons for me to remember the event. The first and most important fact is that
I am introvert in nature and do not like to participate in competitions or any external activities.
But with the inspiration of my father, I took part in the Spelling Competition. It was held among
the students of first and fifth grade and I was in the middle (third grade). Besides, I did not have
the idea to beat the contestants. I only played as I was instructed. The result was excellent.
Besides, this was the first award in my life and I have never received any award or reward after

Model Answer 2:

When I was a child, I experienced a notable number of events but not all of them were happy. I
also cannot remember all of them clearly. But I will always remember the event of receiving a
large birthday present.

It was a remote-controlled car that I had long been desiring for. My father presented me with the
gift and it was a surprise for me indeed. I was too happy with the gift that I played with the car
for the remaining parts of the day. Even I forgot to take my regular meals too. In fact, it was the
best present ever I received in my life and also makes me remember of my childhood.

On that day, I was taking preparations from the early part of the day to celebrate the event.
Guests started to arrive in the evening. But the number of guests were limited. Only the family
members, some intimate relatives and some of the business partners of my dad. But the number
of invited guests crossed 20 and it was difficult to manage everything, particularly the
entertainment issue of the guests. However, my dad managed everything. The invited guests also
brought gifts for me marking the fifth birthday of mine.

To be frank, I was overjoyed with the matter. I was amazed at the gifts and the people present
there also greeted me in various ways. The decision to celebrate my birthday was taken a couple
of days ago, and I was joyed hearing the news. Since I was a small kid, I did not know actually
the meaning of celebrating a birthday but enjoyed blowing the candles and cutting the cake. My
parents had been celebrating the day from my early age but once I crossed my teenage, I actually
find no interest in such activities. The feelings in my childhood were really great about the issue.

I can remember this particular event as I received the most impressive gift of my life. I have
celebrated many of my birthdays but that one was the best. I was greatly happy with the people
and presents. To be honest, I had never received such great gifts after that birthday celebration.
Besides, I enjoyed the company of other people and the foods were delicious. I still can
remember the day when my parents fed me the birthday cake and everyone clapped around us. It
was the most special day of my life. Not only the gifts, I was blessed by everyone present at the
event. In fact, it was the best ever birthday celebration of my life. So, it is still vivid in my

Describe a language you would like to learn.

You should say:

 what the language is

 where it is spoken
 how it will help you

and explain why you want to learn this language.

Model Answer 1:

English is an international language and it is a must to communicate in the fast-paced world. As

a French national, I would like to learn English perfectly.

English is the most familiar language across the world and even people living at the farthest
corner knows English. Therefore, having the right command over the language is a must to make
oneself familiar with the global people and the necessity of this language is beyond imagination.
We need English in every sphere of our life. Although French is my mother tongue, the higher
education books are composed in English and the classes are always held in English too.
Sometimes I cannot speak the language properly while attending my university classes and make
grave mistakes in pronunciation of specific words. This is an embarrassing situation for me and
my nation as well.

English is spoken everywhere in this world. It is used for different purposes. The use of the
language is so necessary that it has become the first language for the majority of the developed
countries while the developing ones have made it their second language. The English language is
needed to learn newer things or issues, gather knowledge for everyday use, enjoy movies and
television serials, communication with foreign clients and dealers, travelling in foreign countries
and booking for overseas hotels during the trip, regular conversation in office, responding in
classes, appearing on examinations and many other purposes that could not be described into
words. As a result, the language has become the queen of all language with its outstanding ability
to impress the global people.

I am planning to move to the UK in the next year after completing my Bachelors as a computer
engineer and hope to take the post graduation degree there. As far as I know that the British
people are perfectionists and they do not prefer students who have some other tones except their
native. It becomes difficult for the foreign students to compete with the natives unless at least the
speaking tones are similar to them. So, I want to learn the language, particularly the spoken part.
Gradually, I will follow the British writing style and will start using their native words in my
writings so that I could have a native writing style too. Learning the language will help me to
reach the goals.

I am quite fine with English but lack the ability to speak a standard form of English in formal
situations. French-tones block my natural flow when I start speaking English. I have tried several
times, alone, to change my French tone during the English conversations but failed each of the
moments. Being a French national, I am highly dominated by the local French tone that makes
me feel bad when I speak English. Besides, the pronunciations also become weird to listen to the
others. A professional English language course will help me rid of the local tones. Besides, I
have to practice a lot too to bring the natural tone as the English people use. Hope I will be able
to learn the language for my betterment.

Model Answer 2:

Spanish is one of the leading languages in the world. The language is spoken in over 20 countries
and has gained the position of the second language as well. So, I want to learn the language.

There are some other reasons for learning the language. In fact, Spanish is replacing some other
important language and this is the official second language in the USA too. Hence, there are
fewer chances to ignore the importance of the language. The language is now becoming a
dominating one for its increased popularity around the world. A substantial number of people are
after the language and by learning it, they are getting engaged in various types of activities.

The language basically originated in Spain and spoken in around those belts. But at the same
time, now it has spread around the world. Over 400 million people in the world use the language
in their day to day life. The number is also on the rise for its increasing demands. Basically, the
people of Spain and surrounding countries speak with this language. This is a lucid language and
I love to listen to it. Before learning it, I was unable to comprehend the meaning of the words
they uttered. The languages appeared weird to me. But now I can understand almost all the
words and expression of the language.

If I learn the language, it will help me in several ways. Firstly, the region where I live in the USA
is filled with people who speak Spanish. It would be beneficial for me to communicate with them
effectively. I have a small shop where I sell various items. If I know the language, I would be
able to boost my sales. Recently, I have appointed a local Spanish individual so that he can
communicate with the other local people who come to my shop. But it is difficult for me to talk
with him as he does not know English properly. I think, if I know the language, I would be able
to talk with him in a better manner.

I also want to learn the language for some other grounds. I have a fascination for languages.
Before settling in Long Beach, I was a sales executive at an international sunglasses
manufacturing company and had travelled to different parts of the Europe and USA. I met with
people and came to know about them. But it was difficult to communicate for the language
barrier. So, I decided to learn a couple of international languages which would be helpful for me
too and increase my communication skills. As per my plan, I want to learn the Spanish language.
Describe a friend you had when you were a child. /Describe a friend from your

You should say:

 who he/she was

 how you met
 how long you two have been friends

and explain what you liked doing together in your childhood.

**Model Answer 1:**Introduction:Childhood friends hold a special place in our hearts, and I am
lucky to have had many close childhood friendships. One friend, in particular, stands out in my
mind, and that is my friend Sarah. For this topic, I would like to talk about her. And thank you
for this nice topic.Who he/she was:Sarah was my best friend in elementary school. She had curly
brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright, infectious(!) smile. She was outgoing, funny, and
always had a positive attitude.How you met:I first met Sarah in first grade. We were in the same
class, and I remember being drawn to her friendly and approachable demeanour. We quickly
bonded over our shared interests in playing dress-up, drawing, and reading books.How long you
two have been friends:Sarah and I were friends throughout elementary school and middle school,
so we were friends for about 8 years in total.And explain what you liked doing together in your
childhood:Sarah and I enjoyed doing a variety of things together. We loved playing dress-up and
pretending to be different characters, whether it was princesses, superheroes, or detectives. We
also enjoyed drawing and colouring together, often creating elaborate scenes and characters. We
would often have sleepovers at each other's houses, where we would stay up late giggling and
telling stories. One of our favourite activities was going to the local library and picking out
books to read together.

**Model Answer 2:**When I was at the elementary level at St Mary’s Primary School in
Sydney, I had a friend named Sophia Laurence. She was the most intelligent girl in the class.

We had a deep friendship and that had continued for many consecutive years before she and her
family moved to Queensland leaving New South Wales. Sophia had to leave the school as her
father, a policeman, got transferred from North Sydney to Queensland. In fact, it was painful for
me when I got split with Sophia. She was my best friend in the class and even sometimes I
visited her home while she came to mine on the weekends. Besides, both families turned familiar
and a cordial relationship grew among the family members. So, the departure was sad for both

The pleasures are mine to answer the question as the answer will take me back to my primary
schooling days the past when I was a kid of five or six years. On the first day after admission at
St Mary’s Primary School, I was introduced to Sophia. I could remember the day clearly. I was
early for the class and entered the school premise with my parents. I entered the empty class and
took a seat in the first row. I was in thought that I have to wait for a long until the class begins.
After a few moments, a little girl of my age entered and I invited her to take the seat by me. We
got introduced. You won’t believe that she lived a block near from me! After attending the class,
Sophia and I went to our house without our parents on that day.

We have been friends for seven years until her departure to Queensland. We both started school
at the primary level and Sophia left the school when we were in the seventh grade. We passed
the days with great enjoyment and mostly when it was the exam, I used to be at her home to have
group study. Besides, when she could not go to school or I missed classes, we used to get the
lessons prepared for each other. Will you believe that we did not have any quarrel for a single
day? It was really amazing for us and some of the teachers would call us a pair of jewels for our
intelligence, attention to studies and cordial attitudes with each other.

Sophia and I used to do a lot of things together and watching cartoons was a hobby for us. I
cannot remember that we have missed any episodes of Tom and Jerry, and when it was time for
the show, I used to phone her or she made the call to make me aware of that. Besides, we
together got admitted to a painting class and most importantly we participated in different sports
events in the school. Moreover, skipping was my hobby and Sophia used to be the audience of
my skipping after school or at my home. I also liked to read comic books with her and we bought
different comic books in partnership. But when she left Sydney, she presented me with all the
books she had on her share. It was difficult for me to adjust at the school when she left. But I
have maintained a connection with her and also have a close interaction with her. Usually, we
meet once a month and share the major event over the telephone.

Model Answer 3:

The school days were the best days of my life and I developed a friendship with some of my best
friends. I still have my connection with them. Samuel Jones was one of them. He was my best
friend in school.

Jones was the smartest boy in the class and thus he developed a very good friend with me. In
fact, we had a strong bonding that lasted until the last day of school. After completing my
education from school, he left for higher study in the USA and I remained here in Greece. But
the communication between us is still strong and often we try to meet via the modern
communication system and share our feelings and emotions as we did in childhood.

The meeting with Jones was simple. I met him on the day of admission at the local elementary
school in Athens. In fact, he was the son of my dad’s friend. But we did not know each other
before the day of admission. Later, we got admitted and days passed on. The friendship between
us grew stronger. Interestingly, Jones and his family became my neighbour. Consequently, we
moved to school together. Playing at the local playground was our routine task in the evening.

We have been friends for over 17 years. I met him when I was four or five years old. I exactly
cannot remember the date and time of our meeting. But since then, we are sharing a very
intimate relationship. He is my closest friend of mine and even closer than my other family
members. When he was my neighbour, he used to come to my home and I also went to him.
Sometimes, his parents also came to visit us while we were invited to different social functions at
their residence. Everything went very well until he left the country for higher education. But his
family is still my neighbour and the relations are the same as before.

Both of us were fond of watching cartoons, particularly the Tom and Jerry Show. This was the
most important task for us and we did not miss any of the episodes of the series. We also used to
complete our homework for school and read comic books. sometimes we had quarrels over
sharing the comic book with others and the quarrel lasted for a couple of days. Besides, we also
used to bunk classes together whenever we felt bored in the class or forgot to bring homework or
any other assignments. But the consequences were harmful to our health. Besides, there were
many other activities that we took part in. Now, I miss those days very badly.

Describe someone who has had an important influence in your life.

You should say:

 who the person is

 how long you have known him/her
 what qualities this person has

Explain why this person has had such an important influence on you.

Model Answer 1:

Mr Patrick Robertson was a skilled photographer of his time and had great influence on me in
my youth only for his photographic expertise.

I prefer photography than any other thing. Capturing the moments with a camera was my hobby
and still, it is. You will be glad to hear that I am now a professional photographer and my photos
are printed now on different reputed newspapers both in their online and offline versions. It was
Mr Robertson who taught me the photography and thus his influence is inexpressible in few
words. He was my mentor and even today I seek his suggestions when I go for a photo shoot. His
personality was adorable and the loud lucid voice had a special impact on everyone.

Thank you for asking details about Mr Robertson and I am truly glad to describe him. I know
him for around 13 years since the first meeting. When I was a novice photographer in 2001, I
was admitted into a learning school to get familiarity with camera and photography details. Mr
Robertson was my mentor in the class and he favoured me most among the other students for my
quick learning capacity. Besides, I also build a friendly relationship with him which made me
closer to him. You won’t believe that I changed my residence near Mr Robertson’s house so that
I could accompany him or get help from him.

Mr Robertson is involved in journalism in Australia and been staying here for a long time. In the
line of his news editing skills, he was a skilled and charming photographer. Moreover, he was a
nobleman with a solid character. I have never seen him getting involved in any wrongdoings
with the news like publishing fabricated news or misinformation etc. I had the chance to work
with him in his newspaper and found that he was a truly honest and gentleman. He lived a simple
life and never missed his appointments. Besides, he was kind to others too. Whenever any
photography student asked him for assistance, he never disappointed them by rejecting rather he
cordially invited the students into office if he lacked time to arrange a class.

You will be surprised to hear that he is a fatherly figure to me and always welcomes me on
everything. I am highly influenced by his benevolent behaviour and impressed with the
photography skill. His photographic senses belong to the finest level. I am also influenced by
him for he does not want any exposure for his deeds. His extraordinary skills of photography, his
conversational style, ready wit, benevolent behaviours, honesty, care for his subordinates etc.
have impressed me and thus I am greatly influenced by him. Though it may sound weird to you,
I am greatly influenced by him that I try to follow each of his steps in everyday life. As a result, I
have gained perfection in my photography and my lifestyle is changed to a great extent.

Model Answer 2:

This is a great opportunity to introduce Mr Robert who is my neighbour for long days. He is the
only man who casts a great influence on me. In fact, I am greatly impressed with his skills in
math problem-solving.

Mr Nicholas Robertson is the man whom I admire most out of my family. He loves to be
addressed by his nickname – Robert. He is also an intimate friend of my dad. But he loves to
socialise with people and particularly loves to play with kids. In his early life, he tried to be an
adventurer (as far as I know about him) but now he is an assistant professor of Physics. He owns
a very sharp brain and also he looks very smart with his spectacles.

I know him for over 15 years. He has been living in the opposite apartment of us. He lives with
his family – his wife, two daughters and one son. I have a very good relationship with the other
members of his family and they also love me much. But I am mostly amazed by this man for
many reasons. His extraordinary skills in Mathematics surprises me. Besides, he is also a very
good chess player. Often I play chess with him and have learnt many expert moves from him.
But never I was able to defeat him the game.

To be honest, Mr Robert is a man of quality. He has too many qualities to describe. First of all,
he is a smart man with a very sharp brain. He knows to teach his students very well. Besides, the
way he plays chess is really interesting. Mr Robert also loves to play guitar in his leisure hours. I
am planning to learn guitar from him too but unluckily I am unable to manage time now.
Another important feature of Mr Robert is that he is able to control the situation and becomes the
gainer. Many of the people admire this quality of him.

I am influenced by this man for some specific reasons. He is my mentor in mathematics. Besides,
I also have known numerous real-life skills from him and been benefitted by applying them. He
is also a wise man and never delivers unwanted advice to everyone. His lucid voice and gentle
attitude influenced me most. I came to his close contact when I was in my seventh grade. I was
having trouble with my mathematics and could not solve the problem by myself. So, I needed an
external support. My dad always supported me on such issues but he was out of the city for
business purposes. Then I went to Mr Robertson and everything went normally. For all such
reasons, he has had great influence on me.

ELTS Cue Card Question 113 With Model Answer:

Describe how you would spend your day off from your work or college.

You should say:

 what you would do

 where you would go
 who you will spend time with

and explain why you would spend your day off in this way.

Model Answer 1:

Usually, I do not have much leisure hours or day offs but when I get the chance I would like to
read books or watch movies of different genres.

In Rhodes, the 'law and order' is quite fine but as a police officer, I have to remain busy always
round the week. You know, the police are to do a lot of things in order for the safety of the
citizens, thus I have to be engaged in the works around the week. But sometimes I take a break
for a day or half day and would like to read novels. Sometimes I would watch the latest movies
and I prefer the action genre most while comedy and romantic movies come gradually on the
preference list. Moreover, sometimes I would prefer outing with my spouse (depends on
managing enough time for that) in different places of the island of Rhodes in Greece.

I am pleased with your question that where should I go on the day offs. Actually, there are lots of
places to visit in Rhodes and I usually go there often to pass the day offs. Since there are a large
number of places to visit, I would consider the citadel of Rhodes best for me for its historical
value. The site has been declared as a World Heritage Site in 1988 and been attracting tourists
around the world. This is the best preserved medieval town and contains streets and structures of
the medieval period. The structure was built during the 13th century to prevent the Turkish
threats. Aside from the place, I would also like to go at Ancient Kamiros, located on the north-
western shore of the city. This is the third ancient city in the islands of Rhodes.

I think you are also aware that the trips inside this historic city would not be complete if you do
not have any companion. So, usually my wife, Margaretta, accompanies me on the visits and she
loves such day-long trips. In fact, she eagerly waits for my day offs. Whenever I tell her that I am
free for a day, she starts planning for the visit. Sometimes I plan that I will spend the time with
my relatives and invite them to be my guest at my place and accordingly pass the day. But when
I am at home and no plans to execute, I watch movies with my Margaretta and cook foods by
myself. In the evenings, I go out for a walk, alone, in the streets of Rhodes and come back within
one hour.

Well, I would like to spend the day off in dissimilar ways for several reasons. We are in the
mechanised world now. I think you will agree with me that we just go home to get prepared for
the next day office or respective duties, won’t you? So, there are a few chances to enjoy the day
offs and when the day offs arrive, it appears that the moments are gone within the twinkle of an
eye. You are to agree with me that reading famous novels is a great way to pass an idle day but if
you continue it or make a routine, it will make life tiresome. Or if you only watch movies around
the day, it will have detrimental impacts on your body. But if you are on an outing or make a
combination of outing, reading or watching movies, the leisure times become enjoyable. So, I try
to enjoy the moments in different ways. I would like to bring variations on the day offs so that
they do not get repetitive for me. Repetition makes everything monotonous and the day off
becomes boring. By enforcing the law around the week, I become bored and thus try to make the
day-off exciting to get involved in the work with a refreshed mind and body.

Model Answer 2:

Being the student of BCA College in Athens, I am unable to manage a huge time for recreation. I
only have a single day off and I usually have to remain busy in many unnecessary tasks. But I
would like to spend the day in a different way.

I would like to begin the day lately. It means I will get up late in the day. In the usual days, I
need to get up early to attend my classes. The classes begin at 8.00 am and thus I need to reach
there before the class hour. Besides, I also would like to read some books and play video games
on my computer.

If I can manage time, I would like to go to places where I can find some serenity. I would like to
pick the beaches to visit on the day off. The beaches provide a very nice view and many other
things to do there. Actually, I am fond of the water sports and other activities in the sea beach
areas. Enjoying the sunset on the beach is one of the most attractive things there. But if I need to
make an alternative plan for going during the off days, I would like to move for a long drive.
Driving is a passion for me, but I am extremely careful when I am in the driver’s seat.

I would like to spend time with my favourite people, particularly my family members. In fact, I
love my parents most and thus want always to be with them. But if I cannot get them, then I will
move for my friends from the locality and college. In the usual days, I spend quality times with
the college mates and cannot manage time for the local friends. So, the local friends would be
preferred in this case. And finally, if I cannot manage anyone, I will move alone to make some
short trips in the evening. I have the experiences to move alone and have travelled different parts
of Greece.

The regular days are extremely intolerable. As a student of undergraduate, I need to remain busy
round the day. In fact, I cannot manage half an hour for myself. When I am at the college, I have
to participate in multiple activities related to my academic studies. Besides, when I return home,
I need to focus on my assignments and other activities. So, I plan to begin the day lately. I do not
want to follow the rules that I follow the other days. In fact, I do believe that this is my right to
spend a day in this way. It will make me free of boredom and also will provide the necessary
energy to prepare for the next days.

Describe a tourist attraction that you have recently visited.

You should say:

 where it was
 why you went there
 with whom you went there

and explain if you enjoyed visiting there and why.

Model Answer 1:

I went to Moscow a few days ago where I visited the Red Square. This was a fantastic place for
me and I really enjoyed my visit there and this place was one of the best tourist spots I have
visited so far.

It appeared to me that the Red Square was a type of plaza in the city and separated the Kremlin.
However, I liked the city square and I asked few Russians about the square and they agreed on
the issue that the Red Square was the central square in Moscow. The square was the origin of
many highways and streets in Moscow. You will be surprised to hear that the name was not
introduced from the red bricks of the square rather the history was different. The Red Square has
been serving as the central meeting place for the Russians and the trend was initiated even before
the 18th century.

Thanks for allowing me to say the reason for visiting Moscow being an Asian. I went Moscow
for some business purposes. My father established his plastic material business in Singapore
about 20 years ago and sold the items around the globe headquartered in India. My family
assigned me the responsibilities to take care of the business and therefore, I had to visit Moscow.
I have also visited in some other countries as well. But it was the greatest pleasure for me to visit
the Red Square. I spent an entire day and observed numerous happenings here. Life goes on here
and the place remains crowded always. The surrounding area was buzzing with life for the
people of different countries.

My organisation’s international sales affairs manager, Mr Kukradong Manchee accompanied me

on this trip as he was experienced in travelling in Russia. My father had recruited him for his
experiences in travelling abroad. So, he was sent with me to get me trained in the international
sales affairs. We made a great team though Mr Manchee was senior to me for 15 years. As a
quick learner, I learned lots of practical issues from him in Moscow. At first, the buyers and
distributors objected to some of our damaged products alleging to be faulty with manufacturing
errors. But he managed to let them comprehend that fault was not in manufacture rather the
release and transportation from the ship to inside the Russian boundary was responsible for the
damages. You won’t believe how smartly he handled the issue.

Well, I had joined the business a short time ago after completing my postgraduate and naturally,
I did not have the qualities necessary for maintaining the relationship with the international
clients. Therefore, I went to Moscow and visited different parts of the city but the Red Square
attracted me most. Besides, I learnt about the practical skills of dealing with international
customers and make them pleased in their own way without damaging the reputation of mine.
The visit was highly enjoyable for me and educational as well. It was a practical lesson for me
and I am truly grateful to Mr Manchee for his cordial support. He also advised me with various
real-life examples to deal with the clients and the most important thing I learnt from the Moscow
trip was to be patient with such issues. Therefore, the trip was enjoyable to me.

Alternative Answer:

This is an interesting topic to describe as Russia is a great land for visiting with its diversified
natural beauties and charming locations. In last September, I went to visit the Kremlin from my
college as part of my academic excursion. Here is a brief account of my visit to Kremlin.

The Kremlin in Moscow is located on the bank of Moskva River and is a massive fortress. This
is a place that has been used for numerous purposes like it has played the seat for Dukes,
residence for tsars and also the home to great Soviet leaders. Presently the establishment is being
used as the official residence for the president of the country. But access of the commoners in
allowed in the complex based on certain conditions and some specific parts. This is, in fact, a
great place for Russian politics.

I went to the Kremlin complex in last week. This was the prescribed excursion of my college and
counts a substantial amount of marks. The students who usually go for excursions, they are to
submit a report after the arrival of the trip. Actually, the excursion contained 50 marks which are
considered as a half course at my college. So, after planning everything, we started the journey
and it took around one and a half hour to reach Moscow Kremlin. Usually, the excursions take
place in the last part of the year, right before the year ending exam, this excursion began early
this year.

I was accompanied by all of my friends, classmates and geography teacher. In fact, the entire
class of my college was with me or we were together. The idea to make the study tour more
effective was the brainchild of our geography lecturer. He pointed out that if the students submit
a report on the tour and that carry marks, they would be more eager to learn. Hence the study
tour has been considered as a course for past few years. Now it is mandatory for each of the
classes in the college to attend the tour. So, when I went inside Kremlin, I did not miss anyone
in my class.

During the trip inside the Kremlin, I have seen some of the most notable structures of the
Russian Federation. The complex contains the residents of the renowned leaders of the country
and smelled the glorious past of my land. There some old and modern buildings inside and
surrounding the entire complex and among them the most notable are the Grand Kremlin Palace,
the Assumption Cathedral, the Armoury Chamber, the Diamond Fund, the Cathedral of the
Archangel, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower etc. I took notes of the places and structures and asked
the guide about different information like the year of establishment, the people behind the
formation of the structures, how many rubles were spent and several other necessary information
to use in my excursion report.

IELTS Cue Card Question 115 With Model Answer:

Talk about a place near water that you have visited.

You should say:

 where it was
 why you went there
 what you did there

and say whether you enjoyed it.

Model Answer 1:

I went to Greece and visited the Myrtos Beach located in Kefalonia Myrtos in October of 2015
for my honeymoon purpose and had spent two entire days with my spouse at the beach sides.

The numbers of exotic locations in Greece were ample and sometimes it became difficult for me
and my wife to decide where to go. We went to Greece for honeymoon and had spent 15 days
together in the country. We travelled in different parts of the country and enjoyed numerous
historical structures and monuments. But the day beside the Myrtos Beach is still vivid in my
memory. The commoners of the area said that the beach was one of the wonderful beaches in the
world for its special turquoise water and the breathtaking sunset views. The entire beach was
filled with white pebbles and the serene atmosphere truly attracted us. The beach lied between
the feet of two mountains and geographically located in the north-west of Kefalonia Island.

Thank you for honouring me with the question. I went on my honeymoon trip with my wife.
After lots of calculations and budgeting, we decided to go to Greece for the trip and it was the
most suitable destination for the purpose. We did lots of things there and spent two days
consecutively at the beach. The beach is enriched with natural features and beauties. I had found
that the beach was made up of marble materials and white cobblestones. The shoreline view is
dazzling and the waves are higher than the other beaches in Greece. Walking on the beach
provides a feeling of freshness. The gentle breeze is also enjoyable.

We did a large number of things besides the shoreline and enjoyed doing so. The beach made us
crazy with its stunning look and natural beauties. The deep blue sky, the turquoise water, bathing
in the water, water sports with my wife, clicking photos and posing for them, running across the
shoreline, waiting for the next wave to sink under etc. were the common forms of entertainment
for us. Besides, we had seafood from the nearby restaurants. But we had fun during the bath
most. The water was fresh and crystal clear. I also have bottled some water as a souvenir for me.
Besides, I wanted to surf but my wife did not agree because of less water depth. The photos were
amazing, especially the sunset scenes were superb! If I knew that you would ask me about the
trip, I would have brought some of the images for you!

Ahh!! The days were great!! I truly enjoyed the trip and it was worthy of the efforts I invested
arranging it. We saved money for three months to get on board for the trip. Besides, budgeting
was the most important factor for me as I was the only wage earner for my family. The expenses
were high in my city, Bacoor in Philippines and I had to cut several expenses to save the money.
Thereby, we planned to make the honeymoon a perfect one. I think it is well known to you that
honeymoons are done once in a lifetime and thus it should be done perfectly. We had enjoyed
almost all the available amenities in Greece and particularly by the beach side. The trip will be
memorable to me and my wife and thank you for the chance to recalling the memories of those

Model Answer 2:

My recent visit to India provided me with immense pleasure. I went there for some business
purposes and had to say at Varanasi, a city near the River Ganges. The experiences were
outstanding. In fact, I never had such a wonderful experience in my past visits to the country.

Varanasi is locally also known as Banaras and one of the old cities of the world. This city is
stretched to the River Ganges. Besides, this is a city with some religious perspectives. A notable
number of people come to visit the city annually and perform their rituals with the River Ganges.
The city is also popular for many of noted Indian musicians, scholars, philosophers and others.

I went to India for business purposes. In fact, I have several businesses here in Singapore. I
actually import various types of goods and sell them in my shop here. I own five shops and three
of them are in street market. The street shops sell various types of goods including clothing, toys,
bags, leather goods, ornaments and many other things. But I sell only branded products in two
other shops located in two shopping malls. I have some associates who take care of the selling
and I am involved in the purchase. So, I need to travel frequently to different places and
countries. I prefer India most to import goods because the goods are of best quality. But
sometimes, there are some complications and hence I need to visit the country frequently.

Primarily I was engaged in selecting the products for my shops in Singapore. But I did not miss
the chances to visit the places near the River Ganges. I also had some interesting experiences.
Some of the local people were taking bath in the Ganges with a religious belief that they will be
free of sins. I also visited some of the renowned temples there. The cultural diversity attracted
me most in this place. I cannot forget the scenes of the sunset from the river. I was on a boat
during the sunset and enjoyed the natural view and breeze greatly. Besides, I also took a bath in
the river. It was merely a bath, not to fulfil any religious promises.

I enjoyed visiting the place. In fact, I enjoyed the sightseeing part of my trip. Though it was a
business trip for me, I made a plan to take a short trip around the city. I had never met with the
River Ganges before though I came to the country several times. But it was difficult to manage
time for the trip. But the trip was enjoyable for many reasons. I wish to make such trips again if I
can have chances.

Talk about a sport or exercise that you do for fitness.

You should say:

 what it is
 wow often you do it
 why you do it

and explain how this activity or sport helps your fitness.

Model Answer 1:

Walking is a good form of exercise and requires less physical efforts than any other regular
forms of exercise. I walk regularly in the morning to keep my body fit.

I want to talk about one of the most popular forms of exercise - walking. Walking has a wide
range of health benefits. It makes the people fit and the most important thing is that the people
who walk do not need any external instruments to perform the walk. Moreover, it is convenient
to all ages of people. There is no preset speed or distance is set for walking. So, an individual can
have the walk after his or necessity. But in some cases when walking is prescribed by a doctor to
prevent any specific physical illness or disorder, then you are to follow the prescribed distance to
get cured.

Well, I usually take the walk in the early hours of the day and take it every day. I have no
physical disorders or any other troubles but I go for the walk to have a grand opening for the day.
Usually, on the weekends, I take a break from the walk. You know the weekend nights are too
exciting in Singapore streets and thus I cannot get back at home before midnight. If you were
me, it would have been tougher for you too to get up at 5.30am for the walk. So, I take the breaks
on the weekends. But on the other days, I do not miss the walk and also have formed a team of
walkers who accompany me in the early morning. I have two neighbours who are also conscious
of their health and thus we three move for the walk in the city street.

Do you know that walking is the best form of freehand exercise? I think you are well informed
about it. In fact, walking does not need any specific cause to perform and the benefits are more
than your imagination. I get the walk done in the morning so that I can have a healthy beginning
of the day. When I go out for the walk, I have the chance to breathe in the fresh air. Besides, the
surrounding environment is calm and quiet. There are not traffics on the roads and everything
remains silent which is not found in the other times of the day. So, I walk in the morning.
Besides, I have to sit all the time in my office (the boring desk job) and lack the required
movements to burn calories I intake. Though the calories are not harmful now, they contain the
potentials to affect me after few years if I do not care about them from now. This is another
important issue for me to walk in the morning.

The morning walk is helping me to a great extent to maintain my fitness level. I have been
walking for around three years and as a result, my weight is under control and the heartbeat
follows the regular rhythm while many of my colleagues have gained weight only for their desk
job whereas I have been fit as I was in the beginning days of my job. Moreover, the morning
walk makes my mind fresh and I feel lucky to breathe in the fresh air. Usually, the air is hot and
polluted in the busy hours in this Lion city and I also cannot manage enough spaces to walk
speedily. So, I have picked the morning to get the walk. Besides, it gives me the energy to deal
all the challenges at my office. Moreover, I can think clearly which I believe is the benefit of
walking as it keeps my thoughts cool always.

Model Answer 2:

In this present age, it is extremely difficult to remain fit unless you are engaged in some sort of
exercise. I often perform yoga. This is the best match for me. In fact, it is not possible for me to
take heavy exercises and as a lady, I also cannot move out for outdoor activities after the end of a
hefty day in office.

Yoga is one of the good forms of exercises. It helps to keep people fit and healthy. Besides, there
are numerous health benefits available with this exercise. If someone continues the yoga, the
person will look beautiful. Besides, the exercises are also helpful to remove extra pounds from
the body and bring a nice shape. In fact, I am attracted with yoga to make myself slim and
remove the excess weight from my body that I gained sitting in desk round the day at my office.

I work for a multinational corporation based in Nepal. My job is to coordinate in administrative

works. My office begins at 9.00 am and ends at 5.00 pm. So, I have made a routine for me to
perform yoga two times in a day. When I get up in the morning at 6.00am, I attend a session for
20 minutes. And when I am at home in the evening, I participate in another session for 30
minutes. But I take breaks in the holidays. I need to manage my family and entertain guests on
such days. So, I become unable to start the yoga sessions.

Yoga is an ancient type of exercise. There are different moves in this form. It helps to shape the
body and at the same time brings peace of mind. There are some breathing exercises. The
exercises help to cool down the nerves and simultaneously improve the respiratory organs and
the entire system. I am greatly benefitted by the respiratory exercises. Moreover, yoga helps me
to remain fit for the day. I feel fresh after completing a session.

Yoga is helpful to me in numerous ways. This is a type of exercise that requires almost no tools
or instruments. Moreover, there is no specific time to perform the exercise. I have been being
benefitted by yoga for a long time. Earlier, I had insomnia and now I can have a sound sleep at
night. Yoga also helps me to prevent my asthma. I have no back pain with me as I suffered
before after starting yoga. It also supports me to keep my emotional balance. I do not get angry
about anything easily. Besides, my movements are flexible. I can move my limbs to any
direction which is not possible with other women. Yoga really helps me to remain fit for the day.
IELTS Cue Card Question 117 With Model Answer:

Talk about something you like doing during the winter.

You should say:

 what you do
 where you do it
 what clothes or equipment you need

And explain why you like doing it during the winter.

Model Answer 1:

Greece is a land of ancient history. A wide range of historical events has taken place in the land.
Besides, in the current days, the country takes different looks in different seasons. It looks most
beautiful during the winter season. There are a good number of things to do in Greece during the
winter. Thus, I do not need to worry much about things to do in this season. I mostly like to
participate in special winter film festivals held in Thessaloniki each year and I will go there this
year as well. I like to watch movies on the festivals and enjoy walking on the streets illuminated
with colourful lights during the festival time. The entire location takes the shape of a festive
mood and the night views are breathtaking. Moreover, when if I have more times to spend, I
either read novels published from home and abroad or pass the leisure hours with my family and
friends by inviting them to my place.

Usually, the festival takes place in Thessaloniki in Greece and the place is occupied by events
throughout the year. I come to visit the place, particularly in winter as the climate is adorable and
watching movies are great fun to me during this time of the year. Besides, there are some other
places as well where I take the walk in the evening hours to remove my day-long boredom.
Mostly I visit the seashore where one can have the breezes, free of all forms of pollutions, is
found that will take away all of your tiredness. Sometimes I go to the downtown of Thessaloniki
and this is a very populous place. People of almost all countries are found here and mostly they
come to visit the historical places.

To continue the visit at the festivals during the winter, I need some heavy clothes to prevent the
cold. Since the locality is laid by the seafront, there are too cold comparing the other parts of the
city. The movies are screened on the island harbour area and when the shows are on outdoor; the
freezing wind is felt severely. So, I take proper precautionary measures. Generally, when I go to
the festivals, I wear a heavy jacket, cover my head with a woollen cap, a heavy pant, wear hand
gloves and then cover me with a woollen overcoat. In a word, I make myself wind-proof. It is
truly enjoyable for me. I learnt to cover myself from a real-life experience a couple of years ago.
I came to enjoy a movie on the film festival and had caught a severe cold for the surrounding
environment. That was a practical lesson for me.
Winter is the best season in Greece. The entire environment remains calm and quiet. Nature turns
pale a bit but that brings a different look to them. Besides, the crowds are not seen in the
regularly crowded places and thus the streets are free of noises. In such moments, I feel comfort
to watch movies or read books alone. In fact, to me, it appears that being alone in winter makes
me feel better for several reasons. The most important factor is that I can feel entirely alone. The
feelings of enjoying a movie alone cannot be expressed in words and when it is by the side of a
sea, the feelings turn very special. Besides, reading the novels at room heated by charcoal is also
outstanding. When I feel lonely most, then I invite the friends or the other family members to
accompany me. Then I arrange for a small private party.

Model Answer 2:

During the winter season, India is a great place to travel. I travel in different parts of the country
at this time annually. I think this is the best time to explore my country. The temperature level is
under control and thus anyone can travel at any places.

Usually, the summers are hot in India. So, travelling in this period is not suggested at all. You
will have some troubles while you are on travel during summer. My past experiences have made
me wise and based on the experiences, I have changed my plans. Now I travel around the
country in the winter season. I enjoy the trips and also upload the photos on my social
networking platforms.

India is a vast land or diversity. The natural beauty of the country is amazing. So, I try to move
closer to nature and capture some of their photos. I prefer the rural areas for this purpose. In fact,
I have visited many of the rural areas of my country. The natural views of the country are
outstanding and charming as well. They look striking particularly in winter. The sun rays through
the mists look wonderful and when you are sitting with a cup of tea, the view becomes
unforgettable. There are no specific places for the visit. But I prioritise the rural parts because the
places are comfortable to travel than the city areas. The communication system is not developed
and it makes the trips interesting for me.

Well, I need some heavy clothes to travel during the winter. Actually, when it is cold in India,
the coldness may bring some health disorders for you. If you do not take precautionary measures
appropriately, you may be the sufferer of coughs and colds. Besides, I also keep a flask to carry
tea or coffee. When I am out for the travel in winter, I also carry some other stuff like a small
bag containing my warm clothes, a pair of extra shoes, first aid kit and few necessary medicines.
Besides, I also keep a small knife which I use for multipurpose. These are the necessary
companions for my travel in winter.

I like to travel in winter for some reasons. Firstly, this is the time when everything becomes calm
and quiet. In the other seasons of the years, everything appears chaotic to me. I am unable to bear
the chaos that I find everywhere. Further, in winter, nature takes a beautiful shape. It is like a
mysterious beauty. To be frank, I am a nature lover. The foggy mornings, faded setting suns in
the evening or the bright stars at night – everything appears perfect in this season. So, I like to
take the trips inside India during winter.
Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now.

You should say:

 what was it and where you used to do it

 who you used to do it with
 why you stopped

And say if you would like to restart it or not, why?

Model Answer 1:

Exercises are mostly done to remain physically fit. So, there are a wide number of exercises are
found across the globe to help this purpose. Some of them require instruments while the others
are free-hand exercises without any tools or instruments.

Jogging is a good form of exercise which could be undertaken by almost all ages of people. I
used to jog every morning at the park located beside my residence in Bago in the Philippines. My
spouse accompanied me in the beginning at the entire jogging process and I had also formed a
jogging team. My wife was more inspired by jogging and ran by my side, and we two had
formed a great small team indeed comparing the other team members. When we used to jog in
the morning, we had to get up early so that we could finish the jogging before it is too crowded.
Many of the citizens of Bago come to exercise at the park in morning hours and thus it becomes
much crowded with the health conscious people. So, it was difficult for us to run among the
crowd and thereby, we used to go about half an hour before the arrival of all the other people.

Initially, my wife accompanied me with the jogging and then a team of six members were
formed. It was filled with enjoyment for all of us. The most important thing was that all of us
lived in the same building and it was easy for us to communicate with each other over the
jogging in the morning. Sometimes I used to make phone calls to the other members or pressed
the bells on their doors to get them prepared for the jog. It was a fun for us to go for the jog and
come back with a sweating body. Sometimes we used to take breakfast in some small restaurants
and the bill payment was done in rotation.

I had to stop the jogging as I got promoted to the office and the number of responsibilities on me
was huge. I started making late to return home for almost all of the nights and also made late to
go to bed. So, I could not wake up early like the previous days. It was routine for me that I am
making late in the morning to get up and returning home at the late night. So, the other
teammates continued their jogging but I could not attend them. Unfortunately, I could not
manage time even on the weekends to attend the jogging team. It was only my official
engagement that kept me out of the exercise for a longer time. Moreover, I also could not give up
the job until I am not getting a better one. So, I had to continue the job like a machine.
But now I am planning to start the jogging again. My office has found a helping hand for me at
the office and if the recruitment happens, I will be able to shoulder some responsibilities on the
newly recruited individual. It will help to come back home early. I also have noticed that I have
gained more weight than I had when I jogged. It happened for the physical inactivity. Besides, I
could not also follow my regular routine and the entire lifestyle was changed to a great extent. If
this weight gain continues, I will be so bulky that I have to order for new attires. The old ones
will not fit on me. Further, my wife is also worried about her own health. She went for jogging
with me but as I stopped she also had to stop her own exercise. She does not prefer going alone.
Thereby, I will start jogging shortly.

Model Answer 2:

Earlier, I used to swim as a physical exercise to keep myself fit. But now I am unable to do that
for some reasons. In fact, swimming was my hobby and I never missed a single day to swim. I
had a team of three other members who also went with me in the morning at the swimming pool.

Swimming is the only exercise that requires the movement of almost all of your limbs together.
So, this is termed as one of the best exercises. I live in Manila, Philippines, and there are some
swimming pools available in my locality. I am a member of one the swimming clubs and thus
have the option to swim at any time of the day and night (till it remains open).

I live in an apartment complex with some other neighbours who are also conscious about their
health like me. So, we formed a team of four members, including me. All of us were service
holders. So, we could not manage time for swimming except either in the early morning or after
8.00pm every day. Sometimes, I had to miss the morning session as I could not wake up in the
morning. But if I missed the morning session, I used to replenish that at night. So, there was a
balance in swimming. Besides, we also had set a day for a break, and it was on the weekly
holiday. But if someone missed during the week, the person was supposed to swim on the

I stopped swimming as the swimming pool was under repair. After a sudden earthquake in last
month, some of the parts of the swimming pool was broken and there were some other faults in
the structures. So, the club authority did not take any risk about the matter, they stopped all types
of activities inside the swimming pool and its area until everything was repaired. As a result, I
had to stop swimming there. I can be a member of another swimming pool but do not want to be
because I have been attached to this one since its establishment.

Certainly, I will restart swimming again. In fact, I am waiting for the pool to be repaired. Once
the swimming pool will be repaired, I will be the very first one to jump in the water. It is
becoming a trouble for me to stay without swimming for over a month. I am also becoming
impatient about the repair works but has nothing to do. It will take around one week more to
complete everything. Though it would be difficult to start swimming after a long time but hope I
would get back my speed and skills again shortly.
Describe an exciting competition or sporting event you have
You should say:

 what the competition or sporting event was

 when and where it took place
 who won

and explain why it was exciting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Participating in sports is one of the best ways to keep fit both physically and mentally. The
necessity of sports is immense in human life. It energises people who participate in the events
and the pleasures are inexpressible. It also helps to achieve a specific skill and that is also usable
in everyday life. There are different types of sporting events are also organised and the key
purpose of the events are to create a friendly atmosphere among the players, increasing their
intentions to participate more and inspire them to gain skills, expertise and perfectness on their
respective sports. Usually, the corporate bodies are responsible for sponsoring the events in
exchange for their advertisements.

Basketball is one of the exciting sports and I love participating in the matches arranged in our
college. A few months back, I was the witness of an exciting indoor basketball competition. The
event was organised by the colleges of our city. Unfortunately, I could not participate in the
match for my injury that I got right before the competition day while I was in practice.

The inter-college basketball competition was held in the indoor sports court of our college
premise. The final competition held on the evening of the pre-scheduled day. Almost all the
students of the city attended to enjoy the competition. The earlier matches were too exciting that
they could not resist in joining on the final competition. Our indoor sporting gallery was filled
with the audience on the competition day and they started gathering from the morning so that
they could have their seats before someone else grab those.

The battle was highly attractive. Our team has scored 25 while the opponent had only 17 in their
bag. Our college team won the match with a huge difference, and it happened mostly for the
outstanding practice of the players, their mutual understanding and overall the united efforts to
bag the prize.

The competition was too much excitement for me as I was one of the members of the team, and I
forgot all my sorrows of my absence on the ground for my injury on the right leg which I got
during attempting a jump to throw the ball on the net. It was the victory for us all who were
involved with the playing team.

Alternative Answer 2:

A very exciting competition that I can remember is a cricket match I watched a few years back.
It was a one-day cricket match between two mighty cricket teams – India and Australia. The
match took place at Melbourne Cricket Ground and I watched the whole game and enjoyed the
competition a lot.

It was around 9:30 am, local time, when the match began and there were lots of fans and
supporters of both teams who came there to enjoy the match and to support their favourite team.
It was my first time in the Melbourne Cricket stadium where I went with one of my friends and
his wife.

The cricket match between India and Australia has a different dimension and contest as these
two teams have been competitors from the very early days of cricket history. Their matches
ignite some flair and it is quite a spectacular and enjoyable rivalry to watch. The 50 over cricket
match was very competitive and fans were shouting and cheering with great enthusiasms. The
Indian team did the batting and scored around 280 plus. That was a reasonable score for winning
but their bowler had to perform their best to restrict the Australian batsmen. I was supporting my
country - India and it was the last 3-5 overs of the game that was breathtaking and stirring. Both
teams were performing their best to win the game and the expressions of the viewers were
something unheard of. The fate of the game was decided when an Australian batsman got out
from a superb spin bowl of an Indian blower and the host team needed 7 runs from last 2 balls. It
was the next ball that made the Indian fans to burst out in joys; it was a dot ball with no run. The
final ball of the match was still to be delivered and we were hoping that it goes without any
unexpected outcome like ‘no ball’ or ‘wide ball’ which might still change the game’s result. The
host team took 2 runs from the last ball and it was a 4 run victory for the Indian Cricket team.

The tight competition, my support for my team and wish to win the game, the supporters’
boundless shouting, enthusiasm, the lively stadium and cheering made the game a very
memorable one for me and this game was one of the most competitive cricket matches till the
last moment.


More Ideas to speak about this Cue Card topic/ Candidate Task Card:

This Idea Generation section intends to give you more ways of talking about this cue card topic.
It is always better to read the sample answer of a Cue card topic and then to brainstorm and
collect your own thoughts before preparing an answer to a Cue Card topic. This cue card topic
asks you to describe either a competition (any competition and not necessarily a sporting event)
or a sporting event which was very amusing and exciting. Again you can talk about either a
competition or sporting event in which you took part or witnessed. Following are some other
alternative hints to describe the answer for this cue card topic:

**Part 3: Details Discussion:Q. What do you do to keep fit?

A. To keep myself feet, I regularly perform exercises, mostly the free hand exercises,
swimming, walking for an hour in a day etc. If I could manage more time, then I swim for an
hour and the regular time allotted for swimming is 30 minutes for me. Moreover, I have a private
gym where I exercise with instruments but I use the gym for once or twice in a week.Q. Are
you good at sport?A. I am very good at sport and like it very much. I usually participate in
sports on the weekends or whenever I get time.Q. What sports do you play?A. I mostly prefer
to play basketball and table tennis is another one that I admire most. During the basketball time, I
like to be at the attacking position in the front line and also support those who are with me during
the attack on the opponent court.

Q. What is the most popular sport in your country?A. In my country, cricket is the most
popular sport and the team has occupied a strong position on the world ranking. The national
team has been performing very well in cricket.

Q. What are the best ways to keep fit?A. Exercising for at least one hour a day is one of the
best ways to keep fit. Moreover, one can also participate in sports too. Sports increase the
stamina level and thus they players remain fir for always. Apart from exercise, a healthy diet and
positive lifestyles are also two important aspects of remaining fit.

Q. What is the most popular form of exercise in your country?A. Walking is the most
popular exercise in my country. Many of the people get out for a walk in the morning and the
rest who cannot manage time in the morning; they complete the walk at evening or at night.
Apart from that jogging and running in the open space is also popular in my country as a form of

Q. Do you think people in your country are less healthy than they used to be?A. I do not
think that people are less healthy these days; rather they are healthy enough and it has happened
as they are taking the right and nutritious foods and having their exercises in regular interval.

Q. How can we encourage young people to stay healthy?A. Health is considered as the most
precious wealth. People should be informed about the detrimental effects of poor health and what
types of diseases accompany with the deteriorated health conditions. Massive campaigns may be
conducted on mass media over the importance of a good health. More sporting and gym should
be established from government's fund as well.

Q. Should governments intervene to force people to be healthier?A. I believe that if a man

is made understood anything in the right manner, force is unnecessary to be applied on the case.
Similarly, the government does not need to form any interventions forcing people to be healthier.
When the people will be aware of the negative impact of an ill health, they will try to be healthy
by themselves.
Describe the person in your family who you most admire.
You should say:

 what his/her relationship is with you

 what he/she has done in your life
 what he/she does now

and explain why you admire this person the most.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

My mother is the person in my family whom I most admire. She is not only my mother but also
my role model and best friend. I would like to thank you for this excellent topic that enables me
to talk about the person I love and admire the most.

My mother has done many things in my life that have made me admire her. Firstly, she has
always been there for me, no matter what. Whenever I am going through a difficult time, she
listens to me and offers advice or support. Additionally, my mother has always encouraged me to
pursue my dreams and to never give up. She is the reason I have pursued higher education and
achieved many of my goals.

Currently, my mother is a homemaker. She spends most of her time taking care of our family and
making sure that our home is always in order. She is an excellent cook and always prepares
delicious meals for us. Despite being busy with household chores, she always makes time for me
and my siblings.

I admire my mother the most because of her selflessness, kindness, and strength. She is always
willing to put others before herself and has sacrificed a lot for our family. She has faced many
challenges in her life but has never let them bring her down. Her resilience and positive attitude
inspire me every day. I feel incredibly lucky to have her in my life and hope to be just like her
when I have a family of my own.

Model Answer 2:

'Family' is utterly important for every one of us, and the importance of having a family cannot be
ignored. I believe that a family makes our life worth living and meaningful. I love every single
family member of mine. But if I have to choose someone whom I admire the most, it would be
my father.

My father is truly an admirable person for his outstanding qualities and personality, and he is my
hero in my life. He has guided me to the right path so that I could shine in my career and
personal life. When I was a child, he helped me in all possible ways, and when I turned a
teenager he showed me right from wrong. Most importantly, unlike the fathers of a few friends
of mine, my father has never forced me into doing anything that I did not like. Rather, he
explained to me what should be done and what should not be done. In this regard, he is a great
mentor in my life.

My father has retired from his job, and he is now passing his days with family and friends. My
father loves gardening, and he takes care of the garden that we have at our house. Whenever I
look at him working in the garden, I feel like it is something he does very passionately.I admire
my father the most and will continue doing so for his honesty, his sincerity and sense of
responsibility. I have never seen him ignore his responsibilities towards his family. When I will
have my own family, I would like to be a person like him. I admire him so much also because of
his sympathy and empathy for others. Above all, he has such a great personality that I admire
him so much.

Sample Answer 3:

The person I admire the most in my family is my mother. Why? She is always there for me and
never turns her back on me. She brought me into this world and because of her, I have become
the person I am today. She loves me even when I disagree with her or do something wrong! Her
love for me is unconditional and I have countless reasons to admire and love her the most.

She is the most loving person I could possibly meet in my life. She taught me the basic values of
life and she put a great effort to teach me to distinguish right from wrong. She is a virtuous and
benevolent woman and I have great admiration for her. She took care of my elementary
education and inspired me to read books outside of my academic book list. In my childhood, she
was always near me. She took me to schools and playgrounds and waited patiently for a long so
that she could look after me.

She never hesitates to inspire me whenever I do something good. She is the best critic I can
possibly have and because of her, I have learned computer programming, art and other important
skills. She is a hard-working woman who has devoted her entire life to her family. I learned the
importance and necessity of a close family from her.

She took great care of me when I was ill and I can remember many sleepless nights she spent
looking after me. She still does that whenever I get sick. She inspired me to get admitted to the
best university in our country and she is the one who contributed the most to helping me become
the man I am.

She was a school teacher for about 5 years but she left her career and became a full-time mum
when I was born. Who else would make a such great sacrifice for me except my mother? She is
my inspiration and idol in my life. I admire her for everything she has done for me and
everything she still does for me. Her sacrifices and love for me are unparalleled.

Other family members in your family you might describe:

 Your elder brother or sister.

 Any of your siblings.
 If you are living in a joint family, you can also describe your grandfather, grandmother,
uncle, aunt or any elder cousin.

Do not describe the whole family as the cue card asks you to talk about a single family
member whom you admire the most.

Part 3: Details Discussion:

Attitudes to the family:


In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years?


The families have changed greatly in my country for different reasons and situations. Earlier the
families were united but currently, they have been shaped into nuclear families. When people
used to live the in the country areas, the families were large but with the advancement of time,
the families have broken and taken their own shares and formed small families instead of the
large ones with the excuse of the extensive maintenance cost, misunderstanding and more other


Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why / why not?

A. A husband and a wife should play different roles for different reasons. From time
immemorial, males are considered the bread earners while females are the homemakers. But the
ideas have changed massively in the current days. Now, both the husband and wife are seen
engaged in money-earning activities. Moreover, they are sharing their responsibilities between
them and thus they are playing different roles in the family.

Family or friends:


Which are more important to you - your family or your friends?


My family is the most important thing to me than friends. A Family is a place where you will
have everything. The family members will try to support you reasonably; both in good and bad
situations and in return, they do not expect anything. It is the most important feature of a family.
The family members will never leave you forever, but the scenario is just the opposite with the
friends. When there are no benefits in helping you, your friends will be nowhere to be found!
They will avoid you in every possible manner. So, my family is my top priority.


What conflicts can arise between a person's family and a person's friends?


There are different issues that can create trouble between you and your family or you and your
friends. Regarding the familial issue, your family members may guide you to the right way but
due to your lack of knowledge, you may get involved in arguments over the guidance. You may
prefer following the one which appears better to you (although in reality that is not meant for

On the other hand, conflicts with friends may range from any trifling matter to a major issue like
business loss or life or death situation. Family members are always with the well-wishers or try
to make better but the friends are not always with the same thought to make you feel good unless
they have any hidden benefit with the issue. A common conflict can arise when someone spends
most of his/her time with friends and family members and start complaining about it.

Family responsibilities:

Q. What responsibilities do parents have towards their children?A. Parents naturally love
their kids. However, the parents are responsible for everything of their kids from rearing their
kids well, educating them, and allow picking the right things for them or their career or even
their marriage.

Q. What responsibilities do children have towards their parents?A. The most important
responsibility the children have towards their parents is to abide by all the directives they get
from the parents. There are no parents who want to have their kids in distress. So, the children
should pay attention to their parents, take care of them in their old age and overall they should
respect the parents always.

Describe a trip which was not up to your expectations.

You should say:

 where you went

 what you did
 what happened

and explain why it was not up to your expectations.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

A study tour is one of the best ways to make students learn about the real-life scenarios and
issues. It is the best way to earn knowledge practically. During my college tenure, I went for a
study tour in Agra in India to visit the Taj Mahal, one of the World Heritage sites of the world.
Agra, located in Uttar Pradesh, is a great tourist spot in India and mostly famous across the globe
for the legendary Taj Mahal.We went to the spot for the purpose of learning about the structure
and histories behind the beautiful marble made building and Mughal Empire in India. It is in fact,
a tomb and made in the remembrance of the memory of Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of Mughal
Emperor Shah Jahan. Located on the western bank of Yamuna River, the structure is the
considered as the mausoleum of love.We entered the compound following a queue and gazed
amazingly towards the finest structure of the world. But some of the issues were unpleasant to
me. First of all the colour of the building was faded and seemed a bit of yellowish too for the
pollutions in the surrounding areas.I thought that the surrounding locations will be clean and free
from hawkers but the view was just opposite to my thought and it seemed that the ideas of a calm
environment mocked me in the crowd. Most of the people were engaged in clicking their images
instead of enjoying the beauty of the Taj. Moreover, the number of guides to help visit the area
properly was inappropriate. The authority is taking a higher price for entrance tickets but not
paying attention to make the compound clean and clear. I also expected that I might find Taj
Mahal in its best state as the Indian government is taking care of the structure, but the care was
limited by some signposts ignored by the visitors. People spat here and there, threw waste
materials on the walking paths and some other similar activities made me frustrated.

Cue Card Answer 2:

Last year I went to visit Tower of London and it was a long and monotonous tour for me. I had to
wait a couple of hours to barely catch a glimpse of the famous Crown Jewels. It was a study tour
and our college authority decided to take us to the Tower of London as part of the yearly
excursion. Tower of London is actually a Royal Palace and Fortress which is a historic castle
situated on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.

The tour went wrong from the very beginning. One of our teachers got sick and he could not join
us and my best buddy did not show up and I could not reach him on his cell phone. Some of the
students complained about the proper planning of the tour as the number of students were far
more than the available reserved seats on the train. The train arrived late and we had to wait in
the station. Our lunch was delayed - not sure what was the reason and when we reached our
destination, I was quite exhausted. Probably delayed lunch and unexpected rain caused this.

I waited in the long queue before I could see the main attraction – Crown Jewel and then I had to
move very quickly as I was feeling the pressure from the back of the queue. The worst part of
this tour was that the tour guide did not show up at all. We had to Google for some information
regarding this place and got bored in less than an hour. At a time I was expecting to return home
as soon as possible.
If I compare it with the other fascinating tour experiences I had, I must confess that it was far
worse than my previous tours. That must have been a bad hair day – as many things went wrong
and I had to return home with an overall bad experience though I had a very high expectation
from this tour.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card /Candidate Task Card:

This cue card asks you to describe any tour you had that you did not like. Maybe that was
because of a bad journey experience you had or because you did not like the place you went to. It
could also be for other reasons like your sudden sickness, hassle in the airport, bad weather,
unprofessional service from the tour service provider, hostile behaviour of the local people, an
accident on the road, unattractive destination and many more. Usually, you find a tour worse
than your assumption when you cannot visit the place because it is not open that day, do not like
the place or have any negative experience from that place. You should be able to remember such
a journey or tour that went wrong and you wish that did not happen. Sometimes famous tourists
destinations are overrated and you possess a very high expectation from your visit. In such cases,
the reality strikes you hard and you feel that your experience of the tour does not meet your
expectation at all.

Following are some other options to let you brainstorm for formulating a nice answer for this cue
card topic:

 A journey or tour that was ruined because your best friend did not show up.
 A tour to a place where people were hostile.
 A tour that was shattered by a natural calamity.
 A journey to a highly famous place but personally you did not find it attractive.
 A tour to a place where the environment was very noisy and dirty.
 A tour that you took because you were bound to take.
 A tour you took with some unfriendly people.
 A tour when one of your relatives became sick all of a sudden.
 A tour you went to when the main attraction was closed that day.
 A journey to a very remote place.
 A trip you took that took much longer time than usual.
 A trip to another country where you had a bad experience.

Useful Vocabulary for describing this Cue Card:

 Synonyms of 'Trip': Travel, Tour, Journey, Expedition, Excursion, Outing, Visit.

 Synonyms of 'Expectation': Assumption, Supposition, Forecast, Prediction, Hope,
 Words to express your dissatisfaction: Frustrating, unhappy, disappointing, mediocre,
unpleasant, unfriendly, unsatisfying, tiresome, bitter.


Part 3: Details Discussion:


What are some famous tourist spots in your country?

A. In my country, we have plenty of famous destinations. But the most famous tourist spots are:
Cox's Bazar sea beach – the largest sea beach in the world in association with Saint Martin
Island, Rangamati, Bandar ban, Sylhet and Dhaka city. Most of the tourists gather on the spots
for the attractive locations and modern communication system.Q. What are the impacts of
tourism in your country?A. Although the Bangladeshi economy is not tourism based, it has a
notable impact on the economic growth of the country. The national economy increases and the
local economy also receive a boost for the arrival of the tourists.Q. What are the positive
impacts of tourism in your country?A. There are few positive impacts of tourism in the
country. The most important issue is that the tourism board takes steps to make the locations
attractive and thus the spots turn more beautiful. As the tourists regularly visit the places, it also
creates employment for different people which help contribute to the national income. It is also
beneficial in terms of cultural exchange and exposure to international level.Q. What are the
negative impacts of tourism in your country?A. Unfortunately, some of the locals in the spots
get engaged into misdeeds which defame the country and entirely unwanted. Such issues should
be taken care of properly by the authority strictly. The tourism negatively affects the
environment in some cases and the waste products in such areas are comparatively high. The
foreign cultures also threaten some of our old and traditional ways of life.Q. What do you think
are the reasons people visit new places?A. People mostly visit new places to get fascinated and
learn something newerTravellingng increases the knowledge and also makes familiar with the
culture and customs of different places. So, people who are willing to learn about newer customs
and manners, they go for travel. The busy life we have often become monotonous and people
often seek relaxation and relief from their stress. That’s another reason people travel to new
places to refresh themselves.Q. What can you tell about the future of tourism industry in
your country?A. Tourism future in Bangladesh has a great potential. The business could
flourish if the minor problems are solved. Security is an important issue and if the safety and
security of the tourists are ensured rightly, I think tourism will be a great source of income for
the country.

Describe any law which you like.

You should say:

 what law it is
 how you follow it
 what benefits it brings

what you like the most about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The Blasphemy Law in Pakistan is formulated to prevent blasphemous activities inside the state.
Blasphemy refers to ignore or criticise any of the recognised religions and spread negative ideas
or ideologies, derogatory remarks about those religions or about the preachers of the religions to
defame them. The Penal Code has strict penalties for blasphemy and the law violators will be
punished severely. The punishment ranges from fine to death penalties. I like it because it allows
the member of all religions to perform their respective religious norms.

I always try to follow the law. I believe that hurting other people regarding their religion is the
representation of an ill manner. Religion is a matter of internal belief and it is not the subject to
be forced. If someone does not like my religion, I do not criticise about theirs. I always try to pay
respect to the people following the religions other than mine and also they show respect towards
me. Interfering with the religious issue appears to be the worst one for the negative

The benefits of following the Blasphemy Law in Pakistan are great. The most important benefit
is that people can live happily with their specific religions. As a Muslim majority country, people
of other religions are also living peacefully. No one criticises negatively to other religion and
there are no obligations to follow the state religion. When people used to decline the state
religion, the government imposed penalties strictly on those and thus the other people have
learned the importance of following their own religion. Actually, none of the religion has ordered
to condemn other religions.

I mostly like the penalties of the law. Although I am against death penalty, at times the violators
are punished with standard fines and warned not to commit the crime. If they are seen violating
the law, they are penalised with the death penalty. But in most cases, the citizens change their
attitude when they are fined and do not get engaged in such crimes again, fearing the death
penalty. This has radically changed the situation of the country. As a result, people of different
religion are practising their respective religions.

Cue Card Answer 2:

I live in Australia and it is a country of biodiversity and numerous species. The law
‘Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (also known as EPBC Act) is
one of my favourite laws in my country and it is the Australian Government’s central piece of
environmental legislation. This law was imposed for preserving the environment, including the
biodiversity and naturally and culturally significant places in Australia. As far as I recall this law
was enacted in the year 2000 and this had a monumental effect on preserving the ecological
communities and various species throughout the country. This law established a great variety of
processes to help protect and promote the ecological communities as well as threatened species
in my country.

I think enacting this law was a major step towards preserving the biodiversity we have in our
country. Though I feel that it should have been implemented much earlier – it’s always better
late than never. I read a report a few months ago that this law has a direct correlation with the
improvement of Australian ecological communities, and wildlife. I personally follow this law by
showing my respect and caring towards all species and plants in Australia, migratory species and
following rules regarding the national heritages in Australasia.

In fact, this law has many subsections that ensure the preservation and promoting of the
environment, national heritage, endangered species, bioregional plans and protection of the
environment from nuclear actions. This was a much-needed law to ensure a balanced
environment and making Australia a better place to live in for all species and plants. I like the
initiatives taken by authorities regarding that law and with time the natural environment and
biodiversity of Australia have improved significantly. One particular part of this law that I like
most is the requirement for approval of developments with a significant impact on water
resources. This law ensures the biodiversity of water species and prevents citizens from doing
any harmful act in marine and water region of Australia. Offences relating to water resources is
another part that safeguards the marine environment in our country.

I personally respect this law and this is an exemplary law for other countries in my opinion.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card /Candidate Task Card:

The sample answer given in this post shows you how you can efficiently talk about this cue card
topic. However, there are many other possible ways and some of the ideas are listed below to
help you generate your own ideas.

 A law that ensures transparency of the national election.

 A law that protects the minor population of your country.
 A law related to chemical safety and use of chemicals in human activities.
 A law that was recently implemented to reduce the traffic congestion.
 A law that prevents heinous criminals to appeal for parole.
 A law that ensures equal gender rights.
 A law that governs the emission of air pollutants into the atmosphere.
 A law that makes the primary education mandatory for all children.
 A law that reduces the power of parliament members.
 A law that prevents unhealthy and risky child labour.
 A law that was introduced recently to enhance the safety of local communities.
 A law that governs the transport, treatment, storage, and disposal of wastage.
 A law that prevents the police to misuse their powers.
 A law that will ensure a better political environment in your country.
 A law which forbids any terrorist organisation in the country.
 A law that makes the information technology accessible to rural people.
 A law that controls the market price.
 A law related to forest management and timber harvesting.
 A law that prevents monopoly business.
 A law that prevents drug sales in your country.
 A law that protects biodiversity and ensures the protection of wildlife.
 A law that encourages people not to smoke in public places.
 A law that ensures better rehabilitation for prisoners.
 A law that will ensure paternity paid leaves.
 A law that bans unhealthy products from markets.
 A law that will enhance the tourism of your country.
 A law that will better facilitate the global trade in your country.

[There are possible many others laws that you particularly like in your country especially
because you think this is a very important law. We would highly appreciate your comment
regarding such laws that we have not listed here. Feel free to add the law you like most in the
comment section of this article.]

Useful Vocabulary for describing this Cue Card:

 Law-related vocabulary: Impose, Verdict, Enactment, Mandate, Regulation, Act, Case,

Bylaw, Charge, Offense, Order, Constitution, Decision, Decree, Legislation.
 Synonyms of 'Law': Regulation, act, rule, ordinance, ruling, decree, constitution, statute,
order, legislation, commandment.
 Synonyms of 'Benefit': Advantage, well-being, convenience, welfare, profit, prosperity.
 Synonyms of 'Follow': Abide by, observe, maintain, respect.

Part 3: Details Discussion:


What international law should be applied all over the world?

A. Children are the most vulnerable section of the society and it appears that the International
law on children to protect their basic rights should be applied globally. In most of the countries,
the rights of children are regularly being violated; they are forced into labour, prostitution,
domestic help, and more other hazardous jobs. So, the global leaders should come to an
agreement to enforce the law strictly across the world.Q. Are policemen popular in your
country?A. Policemen in my country are quite popular. People respect the police members for
their sincerity to their jobs and they never keep their assignments unfinished. Accepting bribe is
common for the law enforcers in the neighbouring countries, but the policemen of my state are
free of such bad habits. They also respect the citizens and pay attention to the people who come
up with any complaints. For them, the citizens get the justice.

Q. Who are more popular, the lawyers or the police?A. The lawyers are less popular in the
country comparing the policemen. The lawyers are always seeking chances to trap the victims
while the police members help the victims more than the lawyers to get justice. The lawyers
unusually increase the minor case litigation processes while the policemen try to solve such
issues in the police stations so that the citizens could have less legal complexities.

Q. Why we should follow the rules strictly?A. Rules are made to make the society peaceful. If
there were no rules then people would have done whatever they want to gain their own benefits.
It is the rules which are preventing them from performing the evil tasks. So, for a better and
happy environment, we should follow rules in our everyday life.
Q. What can be done to motivate people so that they abide by the rules and
law? A. Inspiration to follow rules is the key task to make people motivated towards following
rules. The government or the respective authority could arrange some awards for the civil
citizens who follow rules strictly. Mass awareness could also be raised over the benefits of
following rules so that people could be made motivated.

Describe a present which you were given and that you have
broken accidentally.
You should say:

 what is it
 for what occasion it was presented to you
 how you have broken it

how you felt when you broke it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

When I was a grade-schooler, my father bought me a toy robot made of plastic and steel. It was
nice looking and I liked it most for the movements and noise it created. The toy robot created
some noises resembling of handguns and also said some words like – stop or I will shoot. It
appears that the toy robot was made based on any police character. The robot turned into the
most intimate companion of mine for next few months.

My father presented me the toy robot on my birthday. On my 9th birthday, my father presented
me the best gift of my entire life. They earlier had decided to observe the birthday amid joy and
accordingly they planned to surprise me. I did not have any idea that they planned to surprise me
by inviting the relations and my school friends. I was mostly surprised by the gift of my father. I
was fond of the toy robot that even I took it in my school.

But unfortunately, one day the robot got damaged. It required batteries to run and I made it fell
on the ground during the battery-changing process. The robot was kept on a higher place and I
board on a chair to get the robot. When I had the robot in my hand, I started changing the
batteries and opened the back side of the robot. It was my bad luck that I did not grab the robot
strongly while opening its back. As a result, it fell down and severely one of its hands was

I was feeling down with the accident. I was deeply fond of the robot that I took to sleep with me
at night. It was the constant companion for me. But I was amazed at the attitude of parents when
the consoled me with different pleasing words.
Cue Card Answer 2:

My mother gave me a coffee mug on my 19th birthday and within few weeks that mug was
broken unintentionally. The coffee mug was beautifully designed and my mother had my name
and her birthday wish written on that mug from a designer’s shop. This white mug was a very
special gift for me as my mother took the time to pick a gift for me and then took it to a
designer’s shop to make it even special. I was living in my university dormitory at that time and
my mother sent that present through a parcel service and to my amazement, this gift arrived
exactly on my birthday.

After I received the gift I called my mother and thanked her for the magnificent gift and wishes. I
could not be home on my birthday due to my exams. However, I received many wishes and some
gifts from my friends and relatives.

Interestingly I was drinking more coffee than usual after I got that coffee mug from my mother.
First few days I took great care of this mug and cleaned it meticulously. After my exam was
over, I needed very few cups of coffee except in the morning and that’s why I placed the mug
just on the right side of my desk where I could easily find it in the morning. On one sad morning,
I was talking to one of my friends over the cell phone and I tried to grab the coffee mug from my
bed. That must have been a stupid decision as I could not hold the mug firmly from bed and to
my surprise, the mug dropped on the floor and it was broken in several prices.

I was so sad that I became very angry and rebuked myself for being so careless. That was an
exceptional gift for me and I was speechless for few moments. I cleaned the floor and collected
the broken pieces from there and started feeling more miserable when I looked at the broken
pieces of the beautiful mug. My roommate tried to soothe me but I was feeling very low at that
time. It is beyond my ability to describe how sad I really felt. I could easily purchase a new mug
or even my mother would love to do that, but nothing would replace the special care and wished
this particular mug had. I felt like as if I have lost something very important which is

Idea Generation for this Cue Card / Candidate Task Card topic:

You can talk about any gift item which is fragile. First, say who gave you this gift and on what
occasion. Then tell how much this gift meant to you. Finally, talk about the incident when it was
broken. For this cue card you can talk about the following gift items and then generate your own
idea to effectively describe the accompanying questions of this cue card topic:

 A showpiece made of glass.

 A toy.
 A household appliance.
 Tea set.
 A mobile phone.
 A wall clock.
 A wristwatch.
 An alarm clock.
 A cricket bat.
 A pot plant.
 An aquarium.
 A coffee mug.
 An electronic device.
 A blender machine.
 A trophy.

[ Add any item you think is suitable in the comment section.]

Useful Vocabulary you can use while talking about this Cue Card topic:

 Synonyms of 'Present': Gift, souvenir.

 Synonyms of 'Accidentally': Unintentionally, by mistake, unwittingly, fortuitously.
 Some sad feelings: Unhappy, sombre, sad, distress, gloomy, bleak, sorrowful, wistful,
sorry, feeling blue.

**Part 3 – Two-way discussion: Famous stores in your country: Q. Tell me about any
famous stores that sales presents.

A. "Gift Box" is one of the famous present selling stores in the 5th Avenue of New York. The
store is mostly famous for the knick-knacks and souvenirs. Besides, the refund policy of the store
is also praiseworthy. The store sells almost all types of products with a reasonable price and even
the customers can also place orders for products which are currently unavailable.


Tell me about any famous markets or stores which attract tourists.

A. Walmart is global chain store and running its operation in over 20 countries of the world. The
store is famous among the tourists in the USA. Usually, the Walmart shops sell a large number
of products of varied interest under a reasonable cost. People visiting the USA never miss the
chance to peep at the store to have their necessaries.

Q. Why are they popular with tourists?A. The multinational shop is mostly famous among
the tourists because of reasonable price. Moreover, it sells all types of products and they never
compromise quality. The staffs of all the branches are truly helpful to the customers and
particularly for the tourists. They take the right care of them with the right manners. So, the
tourists never miss the chance to do shopping at the Walmart.

Advantages and disadvantages of giving presentQ. Would you agree that presents are always
advantageous for people?A. Nothing in the world has merits only and similarly giving presents
always does not mean it is advantageous. At times it may happen that the presents may not be
received cordially or may be misused in different ways. Sometimes the presents may disappoint
the receivers too.

Q. What kinds of presents are suitable for people in any situations?A. Not all presents are
suitable for every situation but there are some frequently used presents like – coffee mug, photo
holder or photo albums, paintings, gift cards, attractive showpieces etc. may suit all the
occasions. However, the best process to give a present is to learn about the occasion before and
get a present after the event type.


How do you think the way of giving presents will change in the future?


Time changes everything and the way of giving present will also experience change. In future,
people may become more dependent on electronic gifts or may also use gift delivery services to
deliver the presents from one place to another. There would be more occasions than today for
exchanging gifts and wishes.

Describe an old person you admire.

You should say:

 who this person is

 where did you meet with him/her
 what characteristics you most like on him/her

and explain why you admire this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have a senior friend. He is much older than I am and even he is senior to my parents. He is
almost in his 60s and passing the retirement days. He is Mr Rodrick – a neighbour living our
next door apartment. He is a former police officer and now living his retired life with his family.

I first met with Mr Rodrick at the elevator when we newly bought the apartment many years ago.
I was in a rush to attend a social programme and thus was running to catch the elevator but
unfortunately, the elevator was going to be closed. Suddenly I noticed an older man smiling
inside the elevator while he was pressing the waiting button, for me. We got down together and
talked a little. He did not forget to invite me to his apartment.
Mr Rodrcik is the man of natural intelligence. He has very good observation quality. He has
developed the observation power when he was in the police force and that has helped him greatly
to succeed in the profession. His sharp intelligence is still helping him to enjoy his retirement

I mostly admire him for his friendly behaviour which is currently unavailable to the senior
citizens like him. He has the ability to make friends within a few minutes. I have learnt many
important aspects of him and he shared his knowledge with me whenever I wanted to know from
him. He never turned irritated and the most important thing for my admiration for him is his
pleasant behaviour to all.

Cue Card Answer 2:

My grandmother is about 65 and I admire her a lot for the amiable and benevolent nature she
possesses. Her name is Samantha and she is a well educated and wise woman. I have a daughter
of 6 years old and I wish her to become a great person as my grandmother is.

I know my grandmother from the day I came to this world. In fact, she was there when I was
born. I grew up and passed my adolescent and young age with the love and affection of my
grandmother. In fact, after my grandfather died, she started living in our house.

My grandmother is a highly talented person and a great mentor. Her affable characteristics and
helpful mentality are most attractive. Even a stranger can feel her great heart in few minutes. I
can recall several occasions when she took great risks to help others. She was a school teacher
until she retired and there are still so many students who write to her to show their respects and

Personally, I like her firm belief in humanity and an unquenchable thrust for learning and
reading. My father became a voracious reader only because of her. She is caring and emotionally
open. Above all, she is an ideal and successful mother. The other qualities she possesses are also
exemplary. These other qualities include truthfulness, confidence and fairness. I was quite
amazed in my early teens when I found her taking the side of a neighbour against his own son in
a dispute. I have not met so many incorruptible, straight and morally upright humans.

I admire her from the deep down of my heart. I love to spend time with her because she is
intelligent and can give proper guidance. She is a reliable critic who often inspired me to work
harder. Her affection and caring is probably the main reason I admire and love her so much.

Tips for Idea generating for this cue card/candidate task card:

You can describe any old person you know about and respect. This can be your grandfather, a
neighbour or a teacher who is old. Some of the ideas are given below to help you generate your
own ideas to talk about this cue card topic:
 Your grandfather.
 Your grandmother.
 A senior citizen who lives nearby.
 An aged relative.
 A senior teacher in your college or university.
 A famous politician or writer in your country who is over 50 years old.
 A relative of your friend who is a senior citizen.
 A family member of a joint family who is old.

Useful Vocabulary to use while talking about this Cue Card Topic:

 'Old person' Synonyms: Elderly person, senior citizen, old folk, senior person.
 'Admire' Synonyms: Adore, respect, esteem, commend, revere, idolise, honour, hail.
 'Characteristics' Synonyms: Quality, personality trait, aspect, feature,
 Some good characteristics of a human: Integrity in character, Sense of Humor,
Intelligence, Wisdom, Compassion, Empathy, Courageousness, Kindness, Generosity,
Emotionally openness, Benevolence, Discipline, Humanity, Amiable, Good behaviour,
Cooperative, Patience, Caring, Truthfulness, Commitment, Open minded, Affable,
Courteous, Forgiving, Impartial, Loving, Logical, Polite, Realistic, Strong-willed,
Wisdom, Prudence, Conscientious, Fairness, Charming, Encouraging & Nobility.

**Part 3: Details DiscussionQ. What average age is normal for retirement in your opinion?

A. I think the normal retirement age should be 65 years because the average life cycle in my
country is over 70 years and the people who got retired by their 60s may be able to contribute for
five years more if the age is increased. When they got retired, they have nothing much to instead
of remembering the past. But their hard-earned expertise and experience might be used for the
further development of the society.Q. What are the good things about being retired?A. When
someone is retired, there are few good things. Firstly they have enough time to think about any
issue to bring a positive change as most of the employed people are routine-bound and rarely
have time to ponder. Secondly, they are the pool of experience and they could use them to meet
their individual needs. Thirdly, the retired people have plenty of time and thus they could use
them in different productive activities.Q. How does the government in your country treat the
retired people?A. The government of my state provides the retired people with different
incentives. They have health and medical allowance and special facilities in hospitals, they are
awarded different other incentives like senior citizens allowance, priority and assistance in every
task; for instance, they get assistance even if they are in a queue of tickets for a bus ride and
more other similar issues.

Q. Can young specialist substitute the old ones who are in retirement in the workplace?A. I
do not think that the young specialist can substitute the skilled retired workforce. The young are
still in a learning process and lacks the maturity and expertise to execute a task smoothly. On the
other side, the retired people have performed that tasks probably hundred thousand times and
thus they have achieved excellence at their respective workplaces. So, it needs more time for the
young specialists to substitute the retired hands and in fact, it is not possible for the young to beat
the old in terms of executing respective tasks.
Q. What do you think is it necessary to give retirement to people? Why/ Why not?A. In my
individual opinion, it appears that the senior people need retirement after a certain age. As the
human being, we have many limitations and thus we need to take rest. It is applicable for the
retired people too. They may make accidental mistakes in their workplace if they are not retired
after a specific period. With the advancement of age, people start losing their working ability and
when they reach the limit, there are mistakes and accidents. So they need to go for retirement but
that should be done after a certain age.

Q. What are the pros and cons of being retired?A. The most important benefit of retirement is
that you will have plenty of time and no tension to pass the remaining life, but people who are
habituated to work cannot sit idle. There are some people who do not work for earning their
living only rather they need to work to remain alive. They need to work for their mental stability
and when they get retired, they suffer from mental stress.

Describe a gift you have received that was important to you.

You should say:

 who gave it to you and on what occasion

 what it looked like and how you used it
 when you received it

and explain why this gift was important to you.

[You have one to two minutes to talk about this topic. You will have one minute to prepare what
you are going to say]

Model Answer 1:


I have always believed that gifts are an expression of love, care and appreciation. So, in
my humble opinion, receiving a gift from someone special is always a cherished memory. One
such gift that I received from my mother is still very special to me, and for this topic, I will talk
about it.

Who gave it to you, and on what occasion:

The gift was given to me by my mother on my 18th birthday. It was a beautiful leather-bound
journal that had a quote embossed on the front cover.

What it looked like and how you used it:

The journal was bound in soft leather that had a beautiful texture and rich colour. The quote
"Today is a gift. That's why it's called present." was embossed on the front cover, which
reminded me to cherish every moment. The journal had blank pages, with no lines, which
allowed me to express myself freely. I have used this journal to jot down my thoughts, goals,
dreams and ideas. It has become an extension of myself, a place where I can be completely
honest and open.

When you received it:

I received this gift on my 18th birthday, which is a special occasion for everyone. It was a
surprise gift that I received after cutting the cake with my family.

And explain why this gift was important to you:

This gift was important to me because it came from my mother, who has always been my
greatest supporter. The journal is a symbol of her faith in my abilities and her love for me. It has
been with me through thick and thin, and it has witnessed my journey of self-discovery. The
quote on the cover has inspired me to live in the present moment and to appreciate the little
things in life. Every time I write in this journal, I feel a sense of calmness and clarity.

Model Answer 2:

When I was a child, I was given a block set on the eve of Christmas as a gift. One of my
maternal uncles gave that block set to me because I liked to play with the blocks in my
childhood. I was truly surprised when my maternal uncle came to our home to give me the
wonderful gift, although, in the beginning, I did not realise that he was at our home for
presenting me with the wonderful block set.A medium plastic container wrapped in colourful
paper was given to me on Christmas day and when I opened the container, I found the blocks. I
was utterly surprised and happy about the excellent gift from my uncle. The blocks were made of
top-class plastic and there were no sharp edges. They were of different sizes and some of the
block pieces were attached with wheels. The block shapes were not the same. I used to make
different structures with the block set. I preferred making different robots, aeroplanes, cars,
houses and other stuff using the block set.

The block set was important to me for several reasons. Firstly the blocks looked nice and were
something I liked a lot. Secondly, playing with this block set taught me patience and
perseverance – when I used to fail in making any desired structure, I waited, took a break from it,
used to think deeply over the whole thing again, and finally made that. I believe it has sharpened
my imagination and critical thinking power.

Cue Card Answer 3:

My grandfather was very dear to me and I loved him a lot. He was also a great teacher and
mentor for me in my childhood. He inspired me to read and I have read a lot of books only
because of his inspiration and guidance. He died in 2014 (may God bless his departed soul and
rest him in peace) and that was an immense loss for me. He once gave me a book titled "The
Giving Tree" written by "Shel Silverstein", and I still consider it one of the best gifts that I have
ever received.

I was about 11 or 12 years old and a 4th-grader in school when I received this gift from my
grandfather. I can’t recall what the exact occasion was when he gave me the book. All I can
remember is that he went to the town for a week for his business and when he returned, he gave
me a book with an excellent cover picture. The book was a hard-cover average size book, and
there was a small boy who was looking upward towards a tree and a fruit was falling towards the
boy. My grandfather gave me this gift with some chocolates and a toy car.

I kept the book on my desk for a while, and one day he asked me whether I liked the story of the
book he gave me. I was a bit ashamed to hear that as I had not touched the book at all. The next
day, I started reading this book and to my amazement, I was so engrossed in the story that I
forgot to go outside to play with other boys. It took me the whole day to finish the book, and
after reading this book I felt an appetite to read more storybooks like this one for the first time in
my life. That was just the beginning and after that, I become a regular reader.This book has an
excellent story that taught me the importance of loving others. I realised how much my parents
and other family members were sacrificing for me. Honestly, I became more attached to my
mother than my playmates after realising her true sacrifice for me. This book opened a new
horizon for me and this was the beginning of a wonderful journey in my life. I read whenever I
get time these days, and I believe that a reader leads many lives and can think from many
different perspectives. All this has been possible only because of the gift and blessing my
grandfather bestowed on me.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Why do we like receiving gifts?


Well, gifts are always special to us. A gift reminds us of a happy event or someone special, and
thus as humans, we have a natural tendency of liking to receive gifts and presents. Apart from
that, it is always good to get something that might be useful for us. Possessing something we like
and then getting it from someone on a special occasion is desirable to all humans- I believe.

Q. **Can we sometimes hate a gift?**A. Yes, I think so, especially when it is given by someone
we do not like at all. Maybe the hatred for the person makes us not receive his or her gifts very
warmly as well. Sometimes we hate gifts that we personally do not like at all. For instance, if
someone does not like chocolate at all and gets a box of chocolates as a gift on his/her birthday,
he or she would most likely hate the gift.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card / Candidate Task Card Topic:

For this cue card topic, you can talk about any gift, prize or present you received in your life.
That could be a simple chocolate bar that someone dear to you gave you, or could be a luxurious
item like a car. Following are some of the ideas that you can use to prepare your own answer:

 A birthday gift you got from one of your family members.

 A computer/ laptop/ mobile phone that you got as a gift from your parents.
 A gift that a teacher gave to you.
 A gift you received on your graduation day.
 Any electronic device that you got as a gift.
 Any toy you were given in your childhood.
 A book, notebook, or pen that you were given by a friend.
 A household appliance that you were given and you used.
 A gift you received from a cousin.
 A present that you could not purchase but was given by someone.
 A bat, ball, gloves or costume that you received from someone you care about.
 A piece of furniture or an ornament.
 A car, house, prize bond etc.

IELTS Cue Card Question 12 With Model Answer:

Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat] that you

remember well.
You should say:

 where you went

 how you travelled
 why you went on the journey

and explain why you remember this journey well.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

A journey is always pleasant to me. It not only gives us entertainment, it is helpful to teach over
different unknown issues as well. The most important benefit of travelling is the excellent
opportunity to gather knowledge. The knowledge earned in first hand experienced cannot be
found on books or any other place. So, people like to travel and it a trend for a long past. But
sometimes the journeys are not pleasant and the travellers have to undergo different unexpected
situation during the trips.

Recently I have made a train journey and it was the most thrilling event in my life as I have
never ridden on trains before. I went to join at the marriage ceremony of one of my intimate
friends who has passed his childhood days with me. The area where the friend is getting married
is at the farthest part of the country and requires trains to reach there.

Fourteen of our childhood friends planned to reach the village marking the marriage and
accordingly we bought fourteen train tickets for the purpose. My friends and his family members
had started for the village earlier before our journey. On the planned night of the journey, we got
out of home reached the railway station to catch the train. But interestingly the train was half an
hour late due to an accident on its way to the railway station. We all rode the train and finally,
the journey at night on a train begins.

It was the most thrilling experience in my life I have ever made so far. It was highly enjoyable to
me due to the nature of the journey. I used to hear experiences of people attentively when they
described their experiences about the train journeys but could not ride on a train due to different
reasons. So, when the other childhood mates made the plan, I was the only one of them who
jumped out of joy.

The journey is truly substantial one for me. It was a moonlit night when the train started and my
seat was just beside the window. I looked at the full moon and it appeared that I am floating on
the heaven with a great speed. The trees were passing us fast and the illuminated distant
localities appeared like stars to me, shining on the large sky. The deep emotions that I felt on the
night journey are inexpressible.

Alternative Answer 2:

Well, the journey I still remember very vividly is the one I took to Nha Trang, a coastal resort
city in southern Vietnam, where my sister lives with her husband. It was probably early February
2014 when I got a call from my brother-in-law that my sister has given birth to a beautiful baby
girl. We were expecting the baby a few days later but that was indeed a very good news as this
was the first baby in our family and both the mother and child were doing fine as my brother-in-
law informed me.

I immediately returned home from my university to give this wonderful and happy news to my
parents. My parents were quite excited and they planned to visit the newborn and my sister on
the following day. It was more than 10 hours’ journey and we started in the early morning next

We went to the local train station and luckily got three first-class seats on the train. I am very
fond of train journey as it gives me the freedom to walk in different compartments of the train,
read books pleasantly, enjoy the meal in the train cafeteria, buy books and magazines, use the
lavatory if needed and enjoy the scenic beauty of the countryside, unlike the monotonous long
bus journey. The journey was a very pleasant one and I finished a book that I took with me.
Besides, I read two magazines and a daily newspaper that I bought from the station. I specifically
remember the journey because my parents were with me and they also enjoyed being out of
home after a long. The longing and waiting to see the new baby also made it a pleasant journey
and a memorable one. My mother told me some stories of my childhood that she never shared
with me before and my father told about his first experience on a train and that was so funny that
we laughed quite loudly!

Idea Generation for this Cue Card:

The model answer provided with this Cue Card could be followed to understand how you should
answer this topic. However, it is advised that you use your own experience and sentences to
answer any cue card topic. Following are some of the ideas that you can borrow and match with
your own to properly answer the questions.

Some of the other journey types that you can talk about as an answer to this Cue Card

 A journey you took to visit a famous tourist spot in your country.

 A journey to a foreign country.
 Your first experience of walking a long distance.
 A mountain hiking.
 An expedition or a tour you took while you were in school.
 A journey you made by boat.
 A journey to a remote area of your country.
 An experience when you visited one of your relatives.
 A tour you took recently.
 Your experience of visiting a new city. (Focus on the journey, not the city.)
 A journey you made with your friends.
 A journey that took unusually long time.
 A journey when something unusual happened.

While answering the cue card topic, always focus on the accompanying questions. Focus more
on the fourth question and give more details about this.

**Part 3: Details Discussion:Reasons for daily travelQ. Why do people need to travel every

A. People need to travel in their everyday life for a large number of reasons. The most important
thing is their job – they need to attend their office and thus they need to travel using different
transportation mode. But not only the service holders, people of all strata in a society needs to
travel for many other purposes. They need to shop, need to visit relatives, friends or others for
important matters, need to go for learning at schools or educational institutions and many other
issues.Q. What problems can people have when they are on their journey, for example, to
work or school? Why is this?A. A few troubles may occur during their travel to school or
office and the most common trouble is the traffic congestion on a busy road. It mostly happens
when the traffic rules are violated, vehicles are parked on here and there on the roads, non-
motorized vehicles occupy the important streets, and mostly the narrow roads where the traffic is
large. It is also responsible for the law violation competition among the public vehicle drivers,
pedestrians crossing the roads etc. These are the common problems and the regular commuters
are to adjust to the situation.Q. Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so
common in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?A. After passing a certain time, daily
journeys will not be necessary but that should be applicable in some specific areas. When online
presence is required for a formal meeting, someone does not need to be physically present there.
If you work digitally, you always do not need to be at your workplace and there is no travel
required. But if you are driving your own car, you cannot do that sitting on your writing desk at
home. So, I partly agree that in near future journeys will be reduced for the advancement of the

Benefits of international travel

Q. What do you think people can learn from travelling to other countries? Why?
A. Travelling to a foreign country is one of the best ways to learn about that country and gain
direct knowledge. When travellers are on a foreign trip, they try to get information about the
culture and customs of the specific geographical location. They also do not miss the foods of the
nation, visits the popular spots, ride on the common vehicles get pictures and have much fun. In
fact, they learn about the country by their own attempt which is unavailable on books.

Q. Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?A. Definitely,
travel can bring a positive change in the economy of a country. When the travellers go for a trip
in a foreign country, they spend money on their desires. As a result, the travelling spots’
economy gets boosted. For instance, if you are travelling in France, certainly you will buy the
miniature model of the Eiffel Tower for your collection. If the tourists start buying the
miniatures, its demand is on the rise, then its production will also go up and the production
requires employment, while the employed people will have a decent living with the wages they
get and thus the economy of the entire locality will go up. It is happening for your travel in the

Q. Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other
countries? In what ways?A. A society could be benefited if the travelling experiences are used
in a proper manner. When the travellers will return to their native lands, they may share their
experiences with their families or in any formal or informal discussions. As a result, the
knowledge is shared. The travellers may establish a profitable model that they have seen in their
foreign trips and that could employ people or the models could be used for the benefits of the
society. They can also find some exemplary social works in foreign countries and might start
practising that. Thus the knowledge and experience the travellers gather from their visit to others
countries can positively contribute to establishing a better society in their home country.

Describe a change that will improve your local area.

You should say:

 what it is
 how the change would work
 what kinds of problems the change will solve

and describe how it would improve your local area.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Transportation is the most important mode of communication and if the roads are not well
constructed, the entire transportation process gets spoiled and development process is hampered.

The main highway of our locality was built around 15 to 20 years ago and it has connected the
locality with the main city which is about 20 kilometres away from the countryside we are living
in. But now it is almost ruined and there are ditches across the road that has made the road
bumpy. When it rains, the rain waters clog on the centre of the road and make it muddy.

If the road is repaired the transportation system will be easier. The country people will be able to
sell their products at the city markets and newer development endeavours may also be created for
the betterment of the local people.

Currently, the rural people of our locality are having different troubles and the businessmen,
farmers and the students are the worst sufferers. The farmers who produce food crops cannot sell
their goods at a better price. The businessmen cannot continue their business properly for the
want of a well-constructed road. The students have to travel in different transportation mode to
reach their respective educational institutions located in the nearby city. The problems will be
solved only if the highway is rebuilt or repaired.

The local area will be improved in different ways. When the road will be repaired, there will be
newer transportation system relieving the labour of travelling in different vehicles to reach the
town. Sometimes, the food crops get rotten before they are taken to city markets and the prices
fall. If the road is made well it will take less than one hour to reach the city and thus fresh food
crops, vegetables, fishes etc. will be sold at a higher price than regular which will improve the
financial condition of the producers. The businessmen will be able to bring their goods and
necessaries to the village shortly, and thus their business will grow in the village areas. It is
another sign of development. Moreover, the students will be able to get higher studies as there
will be no barrier to move for the town. Besides, people who work in towns will be able to attend
their offices in time by living in their own homes located in the village. Moreover, when the
communication system is better, the government will try initiating different development
initiative for further enhancement of the area.

Alternative Answer 2:

Ever since the Earth has formed and human life has begun, change has become an inevitable part
of our life. Change is a law of nature which we have to accept whether we like it or not. The area
where I live in thus went through countless changes and it must have taken a long time. I would
say I like this part of the city and I am grateful for the blessing of a nice environment and good
people in this area. One particular change that would make this place even better is the
establishment of a large hospital. The building of a new and modern hospital and healthcare
facility is a big change that I would like to talk about.

The nearest modern hospital is about 2 hours away and that has many negative consequences. It
is indeed a terrifying and sad thing to hear that someone might die only because he was not taken
to the hospital earlier! This gives me a terrible feeling and this is why my area is in dire need of a
modern healthcare facility with experienced doctors. Establishing a modern and large hospital
for our area where more than 7 thousand people live in will fill a gap that we had for a long.

As far as I recall a city counsellor promised a long ago to pass a bill so that a hospital with
modern facilities could be built in our area. But I have not seen any progress and implementation
so far. A new healthcare centre and availability of experienced doctors would definitely be a
blessing for the people of this area. People would no longer have to wait for the ambulance and
take their dear and ill one to a hospital which is far away. Travelling this far, for sick senior
citizens and pregnant women, is quite tough and this hospital would solve a complex issue that
we face in our daily life. So, what makes me so interested in this improvement is because of the
suffering people have to go through to get proper treatment in times. A decision is made by the
higher authority, promptness of our municipal administration and people’s voice can make this
remarkable project implemented.

Describe an educational trip you went on.

You should say:

 where you went

 what you did at this place
 who you went there with

and explain why you thought this trip was educational.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Education is a participatory process and requires the participation of both the teachers and
students. But it should also be acknowledged that knowledge is diversified, book pages cannot
hold it alone, educational trips are helpful too to gain it.I went on an educational trip at the
Lincoln Memorial which is built honouring the 16th US President, Abraham Lincoln. This place
is a national monument in the USA and located on the western side of Washington D.C. This is a
must to visit in the USA and contains many educative values for the students who particularly
are interested in American history. This was my first visit to the memorial and got familiar with a
part of US history. I watched the Lincoln statute, read the most famous speeches of Lincoln
carved into the memorial walls. The building architecture amazed me most. I was mostly
surprised by the two of his world-famous speeches – The Gettysburg Address and the other one
that he delivered on his Second Inaugural Address. The speech of Martin Luther King is also
inspiring. The evening view of the structure reflecting on the pool was excellent and I took few
pictures both in solo and group.I went to my class and the history teacher inspired us to visit the
memorial so that we could learn the first-hand knowledge about the 16th President. Our history
teacher, Mr David Parker was telling about the Lincoln Memorial and suddenly I proposed for a
visit (as I have never been there before) while all of my friends and classmates agreed with the
proposal instantly.The trip was highly necessary for us to learn about the Lincoln Memorial. The
knowledge we learned from the book would remain incomplete if we missed the trip. The trip
has exposed the realities to us; especially my view over the Lincoln Memorial has been greatly
changed. The memorial is made symbolically and a nationalistic spirit has been echoing at the
compound – each of the 36 perimeter columns represents 36 states building the Union while
Lincoln died. Different items have been used to build the structure from different US states to
represent their participation. The most interesting fact about the memorial is its 24 hours
availability feature and it requires no entry tickets. Our teacher described the facts of building the
structure and how long did it take to build it, the complexities that the authority experienced
during the construction and much other historical issues about the memorial.The trip was truly
beneficial for me as it gave an excellent opportunity for learning the US history.**Alternative
Answer 2:**Though I went on many educational trips, the first such trip that I took was very
exciting and most memorable for me. I was in grade six and the school arranged a trip to the
national zoo in our capital city. My parents were adamant initially but later on, they talked to my
teachers and agreed to let me go. My excitement and thrilling thus began even before I went on
the trip.It was the first time I went to our capital city and everything I saw and observed was new
and exciting to me. It was like a new land in a different part of the world! I saw skyscrapers,
busy streets, people of various ethnicity and costumes and I was amazed to learn and observe so
many new things. Our history teacher was with us on this trip and he described a long history of
this city and its tradition. We had four teachers, two administrative officers and around 20
classmates with us. Few parents also went with their children.I saw some European people for
the first time in my life and they talked to us for a while and gave us some delicious chocolates.
That was a whole new experience for me. After we reached the zoological garden, I was excited
to be at a place I have seen on TV and read about in the newspapers. It was a very large place
and there were lots of animals, birds and other species. I learned about the animals from a tour
guide and he described the characteristics and other facts about many animals and birds in
details. We walked for about two hours to see the animals kept in the zoo and we ate our lunch at
around 2:30 pm. The lessons I learned about the wild animals, how they are getting extinct and
what we should do to save them were very elaborate. This trip helped me a lot to learn about a
large city as well as the animals and birds. There were more than 200 species in this zoo
including tigers, lions, crocodiles, elephants, mountain gorillas, peacocks and monkeys. I have
never seen many of these animals and birds before and that was an excellent opportunity for me
to learn about them.It’s been quite a long trip but the experience and amazement I had during this
trip are unforgettable.

Describe a time that you and your friend had a

You should say:

 when this happened

 who you disagreed with
 what you and your friend argued about

and if you two solved the disagreement in the end.

Model Answer 1:

When I was a teen of 17 years old, I used to make friends more due to my extrovert nature. But
unfortunately, I also had the most misunderstanding with them. However, I have not lost any of
my friends for the disagreements.

Once I bought few novels to read in my leisure hours during the summer vacation of the college.
During the vacation, one evening two of my college friends reached my home. After having
some chats, one of them started looking at my library that I have built since my childhood (I love
reading books from my early age and has a huge collection of different types of books). He
picked one of the books that I just have started reading since the morning that day.

It was Thomas, my bosom friend at the college. I helped him greatly in mathematics and physics
on the exam before the college closure on the summer. The disagreement began with him when
he wanted to take the novel at his home for reading. The novel named - An American Tragedy
by Theodore Dreiser was his first choice.

I tried to make him realise that I had started reading the novel before they arrive at my home and
has already read a substantial portion of the book. But he was determined to take the book. Thus
the disagreement continued. Samuel, the other friend of us sat motionlessly and observed us
exchanging words with each other.

The argument continued for about 15 minutes, and I tried him to persuade in taking some other
books but he was determined. He did not change his mind and said that once he started reading
the novel but could not finish the book for some reasons. Now he does not want to miss the
chance to complete the book.

I had completed reading one-fourth of the book and as a quick reader, I proposed him to take the
book on the very next day. But he was unchanged in his attitude. He blackmailed me emotionally
saying that if I do not allow him to take the book, then he should not consider me as his friend.

Finally, I had to give up on his stubbornness and let him take the book on one condition that he
should return the book just after he finishes reading and also will not lend someone else (he had
lost most of his books by lending others for his extraordinary generosity) as he did earlier with
my books.

Alternative Answer 2:

Last year during the summer I had a big disagreement with one of my closest friends about a trip
we were planning to go to. It was just after the final term exam in our university when one of our
friends proposed to plan for a trip. We planned to visit a foreign country and have the tour for
about two weeks. The disagreement occurred with Jonathon when he proposed to visit Mexico
while I preferred travelling to England.

Jonathon might have reasons to visit Mexico but I preferred to visit a place far away from our
home country and enjoy the tranquillity and rich heritage of England. I argued that majority of
other friends have agreed to visit England and the sudden change of the plan would deter many
of them to actually join us. I also tried to convince him that Mexico would be a too exotic a place
for us and less interesting for the trip. He seemed quite determined to go to Mexico and
completely adamant to listen to my reasons. After an hour’s argument, frustration and
disagreement I told him that I would in no way tour to Mexico. My friend insisted me that we
should have an unusual tour and unfamiliar experience from this tour. I admitted that his opinion
was reasonable but we should value other friends’ opinion before fighting each other. When he
kept on arguing, I became angry and more frustrated and left his house that day.

After returning home I felt a bit ashamed to quarrel over such a silly issue with my friend when I
could have easily fixed that in a much calmer way. I texted him at night and asked him to meet
me next evening. I also informed other friends who were willing to take part in the tour and we
had a much friendlier discussion at that time. One of the friends proposed that we take the tour in
Australia where he has his relatives and friends. He also proposed that we should talk to our
parents about our destination and should not fix that until our parents give their opinions and

This friend was Pollock and his idea and explanation were something we could not refute. Thus
the disagreement ended and we finally had our tour in Australia!

Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone.

You should say:

 what the situation was

 who you helped
 how you helped

and explain how you felt after helping him/her.

Model Answer 1:

As human beings, we are living in a society from an ancient age and need others help to move on
in both our personal and social life. It would have been too difficult if there were no friends or
helping hands to support in moments of stress, disasters and unfavourable situations.I am 19
years old and live with my parents on the 8th floor of a rented apartment in Mumbai, a renowned
town in India. My parents are service holders and rarely find enough time to stay at home. But I
have to be at my home after finishing my college. The classes begin at 8: 00 am and ends at 2:00
pm. In an afternoon, I woke up from sleep hearing hue and cry outside of our flat. I opened the
windows and found that many of the apartment block tenants are gathering in the open space and
shouting loudly. It was an earthquake, a natural disaster that has suddenly hit the locality. All the
apartment buildings were moving and everything inside our flat started moving from here and
there. I just took my cell phone and rushed to get down too lest I get trapped inside the building
as it is seen in the news. But when I rushed towards the downstairs, I saw that a sexagenarian old
woman was also trying to get down. She used to live with her older son’s family in the opposite
apartment of us and had a very good relationship with my parents. She frequently visited our
home. I addressed her as grandma like her other grandsons and daughters addressed her.She was
also trying to get down fearing the destructive consequences of the earthquake but could not
walk faster on the staircase like the other people as she was weak and old. I was at her back and I
also could not move for her slow movement. Suddenly I thought what if I help her to get down
with me? Although the entire apartment building was trembling, there were chances to get
trapped inside if I do not get off the building quickly.Then I grabbed the old grandma’s hand and
told her that I will take her down. So, she agreed to my plan and allowed me to carry her to the
downstairs. My heart was beating faster when the waves of earthquakes were hitting the
buildings. It was like a perfect nightmare to me. I do not know how I got down grabbing one
hand of the grandma.When we came out of the building, everyone came to help us and took to a
safer distance of the buildings. Fortunately, nothing much happened that day but it panicked the
tenants of the multistoried apartments. But I felt a deep sense of comfort inside me as I have
brought the grandma out of the building. I could have avoided her and get out by myself but that
would make me guilty, at least to myself. Although I risked my life for the non-relative grandma,
it was truly a pleasure and the pleasant feelings are inexpressible in words.Alternative Answer
2: Thank you for the topic as it would allow me to tell you a story that I feel very proud of. I was
in my 10th grade when the event took place.I was returning home from my school and on my
way back to home I noticed that a 10 to 12 years old child was on top of a large tree. At first, it
looked very usual and there were many people in a nearby park. It was almost evening and I
became curious about the boy and his adventure. I went nearer and then noticed that the boy was
trapped between the knot of two branches of that tree and he was literally hanging there. I saw a
cat then which was also in a dangerous position on the edge of another branch. Anytime the
branch could have broken and both the boy and cat would be in jeopardy. The boy got trapped
while trying to help the cat and he must have been a very brave kid.The boy was so scared and
surprised that he forgot to shout for help. I went very close and put down my school bag. I asked
him his name and assured him that I will help him and he has nothing to worry about. In reality, I
was worried. I should have called someone adult and ask for his help but considering the boy’s
condition, I could not leave him. I shouted very loudly for help and to men came nearer. I
explained them the situation very quickly and told them to stay there so that I could climb the
tree and help the boy and the cat. At that time the boy started crying and I consoled him saying
that he is very brave and everything is going to be fine. When I attempted to climb the tree, one
of the two men forbade me and instead, he climbed the tree and asked me to stay there. Time was
passing very slowly and I quickly decided to go to a nearby house to bring further help. They
came with us with two large mattresses and they kept them just below the position where the boy
was hanging. The man who climbed the tree successfully rescued the boy and within few
minutes the cat jumped off from the tree as it saw the mattress and we were relieved from a great
anxiety.The boy thanked us all and other people also congratulated me for the courage I showed.
My feeling about the whole event was very complex. It started with anxiety and then I was
worried, horrified and finally relieved and happy. I congratulated the boy about his heroism and
effort to save the cat. Though the cat was nowhere to be seen at that time, I am sure it was also
silently appreciating our effort. In my opinion, it was a wise decision for me to call for help
though I was determined to climb the tree to rescue them in case no one was nearby.


LabelsCandidate Task CardDescribe an eventDescribe an experienceIELTS Cue Card

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed

You should say:

 where the market is

 what the market sells
 how big the market is

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

Model Answer 1:

Vietnam has numerous tourists’ spots to visit by the global people and thus the number of
markets has also increased to meet the increasing demands. But the open markets (commonly
known as outdoor markets) are the traditional marketplaces in the country for shopping. It is like
a culture to go shopping under the open air.There are few open-air markets available in Saigon
(officially known as Ho Chi Minh City) and those are different from the other contemporary
markets. Both the natives and the global tourists come here to buy their essentials at a reasonable
cost. The markets of Saigon are well organised and the products are flawless.This open-air
market sells a large variety of stuff including goods produced in local factories and imported
goods. The available products of this market are clothing, belts, bags including large and small
such as handbags, electronic products, shoes, cell phones, food stores, hairdressing, branded
attires, suits, dresses made by the finest silk and other valuable materials and more other stuff.
But most of the time the prices are more than the actual price even in the shopping malls, so the
buyers need to bargain with the sellers to get the products at a lower price.The markets are
considerably bigger in size and houses numerous shops and stalls. In Saigon city, there are
several districts and each of the districts has one open-air market. The markets are stretched in
lines and one cannot see the end of the line due to the crowd and goods-laden shops. But there
are some categories of the shops and you have to go to a specific lane to get your
essentials.Usually, I buy my daily essentials and important knick-knacks from the open air
markets. I like the markets as they have many varieties to provide with and the most important
feature of the markets is the bargaining option with the sellers. At times, I bargain with them and
purchase the finest quality product for me at a very lower and unimaginable cost which would
cost me over thousands of bucks at the shopping malls.Besides, the goods sold in the market
belong to top-class in terms of quality and producing materials. Moreover, the sellers are friendly
with me as I have turned into a regular client for some of the specific shops like electronic
gadgets, covers for my iPhone etc.Alternative Answer 2: 'Nakamise Shopping Street' is an
excellent street market in Tokyo, Japan that I visited 3-4 years back and I enjoyed my shopping
and the traditional shops located there. I went there with my husband and 8 years old daughter
and my daughter loved this place so much that she took many photos of this market and still tell
her friends about her experience there.This beautiful and lively pedestrian street has numerous
gorgeous looking shops which sell various items including wooden sandals, wooden dolls,
Japanese clogs, colored papers, postcards, all sorts of Japanese souvenirs, traditional snacks such
as kaminari-okoshi, kind of food that are associated with festivals, various classic Japanese food
and many more items that mainly targets the tourists. When I was there, I noticed a huge crowd
of foreign tourists who were shopping or dining there.As I heard from a local shop owner, this
market is about 250 meters long and the front approach to Senso-Ji Temple and this is one of the
oldest shopping streets in Japan with attracts a great number of tourists each year.My whole
experience of my visit to this street market was stirring and full of surprises. Especially my
daughter’s excitement made this place worth visiting. We bought some traditional goods from
this market, took lots of photos and ate our dinner there. The traditional meal that we ate was
totally exotic to us and indeed very tasty. The Senso-Ji Temple that we visited was also very
exciting and it revealed a past Japanese history in front of us. As a tourist, I had lots to see and
do there and that’s the main reason the experience was so happy and exciting. The prices of
items we bought were reasonable and we had a whole picture of Japanese history and tradition
from this market. Though it’s been over 3-4 years, many items that we bought from this market
are still kept in our house. Part 3: Discussion topics:Shopping at marketsQ. Do people in your
country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes or old objects?
Which type of market is more popular? Why?A. The people of my country usually shop their
necessaries from the open-air markets. It is like a culture for them to visit the markets once a day.
So, it seems they enjoy much in shopping in those markets more than shopping at the concrete-
build shopping malls. The shopping malls are popular among the top class people but most of the
ordinary people like to visit the open markets for some specific reasons. The first cause is that a
large variety of a single product is available there which is not found at the attractive shopping
malls. Besides, the sellers in the shopping malls have no bargaining policy which is practised and
the common feature at the open markets.Q. Do you think markets are more suitable places for
selling certain types of things? Which ones? Why do you think this is?A. The markets are
visited by most of the commoners and they are on their way to home. So, those places are
suitable to sell certain types of things like small electronic gadgets, hair cut facilities, clothes for
common use etc. The things are sold in the open markets as the products and things are
frequently used and thus get damaged soon, but the people do not care about using those with
care as they are less expensive comparing to the shopping malls and available in the open
markets.Q. Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older
people? Why is that?A. In fact, the feelings of shopping differ from generation to generation in
the country. The feelings of the old and adults are not the same for several reasons over using
any product. When they are at the market, the adults may start recalling their past over any
specific product – how it was, how they used the product etc. But it is entirely different for the
younger people because they have no memories to recall any product as they are the fresh users
of the products. Moreover, the choices may also differ from the older people for the age-group
distance and gap.Shopping in generalQ. What do you think are the advantages of buying
things from shops rather than markets?A. If you buy something from a shop, it could be
easier for you to check the thing rightly before you finally purchase that. But in markets, you
might not have that chance to check the thing properly and the sellers at the markets may turn
reluctant to change the product or service. Moreover, if you want hassle-free shopping and
without bargaining, shops are the best places for you rather than markets. Another difference
between these two places is the prices of the products.Q. How does advertising influence what
people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?A. Advertisements have great influences on
the people. If someone is looking for any specific product at a shop or a market, s/he will look
for the thing that they had seen on advertisements in different media. The advertisements
subconsciously influence people to buy specific products. There is none who could avoid the

Q. Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general
shopping trends?A. Yes, definitely the lifestyle, socioeconomic conditions and advertising have
greatly changed people's habit of shopping. Currently, the people have started for branded
products and thus the markets are also providing them with the desired items. The changes are
notable and it is done by advertisements. While people in the past mostly purchased products and
goods they needed, people nowadays purchase more than they actually need. The range of
necessity has also enhanced to a great extent.

Describe something you did that was new or exciting.

You should say:

 what you did

 where and when you did this
 who you shared the activity with

and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

Model Answer 1:

Bushwalking (formally known as hiking) is a great source of day-long entertainment. When

travellers start walking through the stretched landscapes, they feel a different sort of feeling
inside. Moreover, hiking is a good way to explore any specific geographical location which is
not possible through other travelling modes.

Last summer, I went hiking in the Stirling Range for a hike with some of my friends. It was one
of the most exciting events in my life and fortunately, my parents allowed me to move with my
friends without imposing any obligations. We walked all the day long and stayed the night at the
peak. The views were breathtaking.

Before the summer began in Australia, we six friends decided to go for a trip to Perth and
undertake the hiking beginning from the Stirling Mountain range to its peak. We had to walk and
climb together to reach the summit and finally, we succeeded to ride on the top. It was the
daytime and thus the sun was too bright to look forward and amid the situation, we had to drive
about 200 miles to reach the hiking and climbing trail of Stirling Range.

Five of my school friends and I went to the trip and to make it memorable, we went all by us. We
requested our parents to allow us to go without the help of them. As we were growing up teenage
boys, they did allow us and this was the most exciting part of our trip. We all prepared well,
reached the spot in time and returned home safely too after the bush-walk.

This trip was exciting for me and a fresh experience as I never took part in such trips. The most
important thing is that I packed all my necessary stuff at the night before we start the trip. My
parents gave me a few advice that proved effective when applied, particularly walking under the
sun at daytime during the walk. I enjoyed the trip as the views were breathtaking and the roads
were smooth. But I had to face little troubles during the mountain climbing. My hands started
sweating and thus slipped several times when I was climbing the mountain.

The views from the mountaintop are spectacular and I had also seen the ocean lying in a long
distance using my binocular. There were wildflowers all around the walking tracks and smelt
pleasant, and the smells turned more attractive at night when we camped at a camping cave
located by the side of a road. We returned from the walking on the next day and followed the
directions given to return to the city.

Alternative Answer 2:

Recently I opened a WordPress blog and started writing blog posts and this is the first time I own
a blog. This is not only a new activity for me but also very thrilling.

I am a regular internet user and I read numerous blogs quite often. But owning one is something
which happened to me very recently. Earlier last month I opened a blog from and
the blog address comprises my name and then .com. So far I have written 20+ posts and they are
getting more than 200 traffics each day. I always wanted to own a blog and write things that
would let me continue my writing habit as well as help others who are searching for the same
thing I am listing down. For instance, one particular post which is getting much attention and
comments from the users is regarding the best places and activities for the tourists in my

I opened the blog from my home computer and after few hours continuous effort, I gave it a nice
design. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform nowadays and it makes the content
management and maintaining of the blog quite easily. After finishing the initial design, now I
focus on writing new posts. I opened this blog to add posts that will work as a reference for me
as well as help other searchers. For instance, I have visited almost all of the major tourist
attractions in my hometown and I know them quite well. So listing down the major tourist
attractions with some of the pictures and descriptions would help others who are planning to visit
my hometown as tourists.
After opening the blog, I informed few of my very close friends who visited it and gave positive
feedback. I also shared this blog on my Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles where all of my
social connections were notified about this blog. I made Mark, one of my very close friends, an
administrator of this blog so that he can also write his posts and help maintain this blog.

Opening a blog that would be popular among people of different countries was a dream for me. I
am yet to go a long way but the starting is done and that’s very exciting for me. I have integrated
the most popular statistics tool which is 'Google Analytics' and it gives many insights of the blog
including the per day visitors, posts where visitors spend time, live visitor count, where the
visitors are coming from, their visit duration and many other aspects of the blog. Creating
something new that grabs people’s attention and help them is always exciting and motivating.
Looking at the blog and statistics is something that gives me the inspiration to continue to write
and write great posts to help others. The whole thing is quite exhilarating and I am sure I will
continue it for a long time.

Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Doing new things


Why do you think some people like doing new things?


Performing a new task has a different sort of pleasure regardless of mistakes or perfection. Thus,
some people prefer performing newer things to taste the unknown pleasure. It is quite natural to
know the unknowns and based on curiosity humans are performing new things and thus has
invented numerous elements to be used for their comforts. Doing new things is like an addiction
for some people and accordingly, they invent newer ways to live better.


What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?


When it is the first time for something new, there may be different troubles. People might not
come up with the changed situations or behaviours or the presence of something unwanted. The
changes or the new things at the beginning may seem inappropriate or wrong and may also
experience negative criticisms. It also may happen that the community is opposing to start or
continue the new practice as they have never done that before or they are not instructed to
execute things in that way. So, before you start or practice something unconventional or new,
you should think about the issues. If someone wants to bring a change through the new activities
for the first time, the negative criticisms should be accepted in a cool manner.

Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people? Why?


I think it is the best idea to do or practice the new things on one’s own before making it public.
The thing could be made public when it is in a perfect condition or may prove helpful to others
or the community. If there are drawbacks with the new issue, it is imperative not to practice in
public or you might be insulted. Most of the cases, people who try new things lack the tolerance
limit of absorbing the negative remarks over the issue and consequently a complex situation is
created. Therefore, I believe that the new things should be exercised privately before announcing
them in public. If there are troubles with the issue, it may be discussed with few intimate mates
to resolve the drawbacks but not in public, remember – not in public before the drawbacks are
solved perfectly.

Learning new things:


What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young? How important
are these things?


Usually, the children try to imitate the attitudes and behaviours when they are very. The things
are highly important for them and even their parents too. They try to imitate the walking styles,
eating styles, speeches, talking methods, reading books and handwriting and more other issues.
But the most important thing is the way they behave is exactly copied from their parents. It is the
representation of the behaviour they get from their parents at home. If the parents behave well,
the kids will learn that and if the behaves are rude, they will be rude to others too. They love to
copy the adults and thus the adults should be careful over the issue.


Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their
learning style different?


The learning methods for the children and the adults are not the same. Usually, the children learn
from their surrounding environment while the adults mostly learn from trial and error basis.
Sometimes, they try to perform something different from others and thus they learn the newer
things. Since the kids do have such options to try and make errors to learn something and they
also lack maturity like the adults, simply they copy the attitudes they see performance by the
adults. So, the learning styles are not similar because of experience and exercising scopes.

Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in
the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?


Currently, there are lots of changes are happening in the world. As a result, the alternatives are
increasing and people could learn more things which were previously unfamiliar to them. With
the advancement of science, many unfamiliar things have been discovered and the chances to
gain knowledge over the issues have also increased simultaneously. Earlier, people were not that
much smart and intelligent as they are now and the possibilities to experiment something newer
were less than the present days. So, people did not learn well in the past and with the
advancement of time and technology, knowledge gathering and sharing has been made easier.
Therefore, newer things are easy to learn in the current days than before.

Describe something you own which is very important to you.

You should say:

 where you got it from

 how long you have had it
 what you use it for

and explain why it is important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have a large collection of different books in my personal library, and those books are my most
important possessions. Although those books are of diversified categories, most of them are
science fiction and novels by renowned authors and writers. I guess my small library has at least
fifteen hundred books.

I have bought around 80 per cent of those books while the remaining books were given to me as
presents on different occasions by my parents, family members, relatives and friends.

I had grown a hobby of reading and collecting books of different genres from my childhood and
I still have it. So, I built a small library in one of the rooms in our house in my high school days.
My parents motivated me to read books when I was just seven. Since then I have read and
collected many books, and my little adventure with books is still going on. From a very young
age, I have been fascinated by science fiction and history-related books, and I still love them.
My library is my little sanctuary. Every time I am in my library, I feel a different type of
sensation. Sometimes, when I do not feel much inspired or get bored with the banal routine of
my life, I visit my library, conceivably pick a book and read for a while in a tranquil
environment. If I am not reading in my library, I either rearrange the books or clean them from
time to time. All these little works give me immense pleasure, but perhaps reading a book in my
own library is the greatest of all.

Reading books is important to me for primarily two reasons- it gives me joy and I can always
learn something new from reading books. The pleasure of reading books is incomparable. It also
makes me wonder about the different aspects of history, science, society, and culture from a
whole new perspective. My little library has been my inspiration to read and learn more, and
hence has great importance to me.

Model Answer 2:


I have many possessions that are important to me, but the one that I consider the most valuable is
a wristwatch that I received as a gift from my father on my 18th birthday. It has great sentimental
value to me as well as being an incredibly practical and useful item. Thank you very much for
this nice topic.

Where you got it from & and how long I have had it:

I received this wristwatch from my father on my 18th birthday, so I have had it for almost four
years now. He had purchased it from a local jeweller as a birthday gift for me. It is a very elegant
and classy watch, with a stainless steel case and a black leather strap.

What you use it for:

I use this wristwatch every day, and it has become an essential part of my daily routine. I wear it
to work, to social events, and whenever I need to keep track of time. It has a simple yet
sophisticated design, and it is incredibly accurate, so I never have to worry about being late.

And explain why it is important to you:

This wristwatch is very important to me because it reminds me of my father and the special bond
we share. Secondly, it is a practical and useful item that helps me stay on track and manage my
time effectively. It is also important to me because I love wearing this wristwatch most of the
time I go out.

Sample Answer 3: My car is the first thing that popped up in my mind when I thought about one
of my important possessions. So I will go ahead and talk about it.I still live with my parents, and
most of the essential things are owned by them. So I have very few personal belongings. Out of
those, my car, which is a Toyota RAV4 model, is the most important thing to me.I had to save
money for about 3 years and take a loan from my father to purchase it. This was the first
expensive thing that I bought with my own money. I bought it from a local car showroom which
is owned by one of our relatives. I thought buying the car from a known person would be a better
idea in terms of the parts warranty and after-sale service. I bought this car in the first quarter of
the last year. So I own it for just a year and a half.I use my car primarily to commute to different
places I need to go to or places where I like to go to. For instance, I use it to reach my university
and the office where I work part-time in the evening. I also use it to go to different places like
shopping malls, theatres, friends’ houses, libraries and stadiums.

My commuting has become much easier and more flexible after I bought this car. The comfort of
owning a car is far greater than struggling to get a seat in public transportation. In our country,
we have to wait a long time to actually be able to get on a bus or a train. Thus the time that is
killed on the road inevitably is a waste. Finally, the lack of privacy and the intense crowd on
public transportation often irritated me in the past.

As I own a car now, I can better manage my schedule. I can take a shortcut or diversion
whenever I feel there is congestion ahead. I no longer need to kill long hours to ride a bus or a
train. I can listen to music, and news or even talk to my family members whenever I am
travelling in my car. Thanks to the car and my dad for the loan - my life has become more
relaxed, and I have more freedom than I used to have before I owned this car.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card Topic:

The model answers provided in this post should give you ideas on how to answer this cue
card/candidate task card topic. However, there are many other ways to answer this topic, and the
following list gives you plenty of options to pick from and generate your ideas to talk about this
Cue Card topic.

Important things/possessions that you can describe for this Cue Card:

 Your laptop.
 Mobile phone.
 Your car.
 Art collection.
 Stamp collection.
 Books.
 Computer.
 PDA (Personal Digital Assistant).
 A diamond ring.
 A gift from someone you care about.
 Your photo album.
 Any electronic device you own and use.
 Your house.
 An animal or a pet you own.
 An antique object.
 A household device like a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, toaster etc.
 A website or blog you manage and own.

[ Please let us know how you are going to organise your answer for this cue card topic. Write
it in the comment section, and one of our teachers would assess and correct your answer. ]

Useful Vocabulary for this Cue Card topic:

 Ownership: Possess, possession, hold, belonging, personal.

 Important: Essential, vital, crucial, significant, salient, meaningful, critical, beneficial.
 Use: Utilise, apply, employ, work, operate, handle.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Is it valuable in terms of money?

A. It did cost me money, a large sum of money that is. But I am not sure if it has great "resale
value" or not. I would not want to sell it either. So I am not much concerned about its value in
terms of money.

Q. Would it be easy to replace?

A. I would say "no". Maybe books of the same titles could be bought and collected by spending
money, but the memory and passion associated with these books are priceless and could not be
bought with money.

Part 3 – Two-way discussion:

Q. What kind of things give status to people in your country?

A. Different things are considered related to the "status symbol" in our country. Firstly,
education and knowledge are connected to social status in my country. Then, a huge sum of
money may bring status, and society often considers people with money powerful and
successful. Sometimes fame and popularity are also considered status symbols. Finally,
expensive houses, electronic gadgets, cars and fashionable and branded dresses also come into
play when we think about things that bring status to people.

Q. Have things changed since your parents’ time?

A. Well, in terms of status symbols and things that give people status, things have not changed
much since my parents' time. The things that they used to consider as symbols of status are still
prevalent. Only, the latest gizmos and the latest models of cars and electronic items made their
places in the list.

Q. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

A. Advertising has a big impact on human minds as our purchasing and consumerist decisions
are often shaped by those adverts. Those advertisements influence people and often manipulate
their desire for owning particular items or products. For instance, if someone goes to buy a
simple product like a bar of soap, a cosmetic item or a can of soft drink from a nearby store, she
or he will prefer the brand that was advertised on television and that has already been in his/her
mind. The advertised products and brands will subconsciously appear in our minds and give us
the impression that they are good products.

Q. How do you think the Internet will affect our buying patterns in the future?


No doubt that the internet already has and will affect the way we buy things or will buy things in
the future. It will affect us no matter if we are buying some simple children’s toys or comparing
the price of a very luxurious car. For example, the use of the internet will allow more and more
businesses to sell varieties of their products online which was deemed unimaginable even a
decade ago. Besides, the use of the internet will probably also “redefine” the needs of the
consumers since they will continuously become exposed to more and more different kinds of
products and services across different cultures and lifestyles which were deemed “foreign”

Q. Modern society is often called "materialistic". Why do you think this is?


Well, different people would perhaps attribute different reasons behind calling modern society
“materialistic”, but as far as I am concerned, I would suggest that it’s primarily the urge of
people to live a comfortable life that makes their society materialistic. Besides, it is also possible
that modern societies today have become materialistic because their emphasis on religious and/or
moral teachings have loosened more than ever before, and as a result, people, these days, have
mostly forgotten how to feel happy and content with “less”.

Q. Do you think consumerism is a positive or a negative development? Why?


I know that many people will disagree with me on this, but if we take our whole “human nature”
into consideration, we will probably find that consumerism mostly has brought positive
development to our societies. So what is “human nature” here? Well, our common human nature
is to “cultivate” this world and make this world a better place to live for ourselves and our
children, and it is precisely this urge to make our “world a better place” that motivates us to grow
and build more and more things. And once we grow and build more and more things, we would
be able to accommodate the needs of more and more people.

Consumerism also helps industries thrive and create more job opportunities as people, in this
trend, want to consume more and more products.
Describe an ambition/success you have not yet fulfilled/
You should say:

 what it is
 how long you have it
 what you have to do to fulfil/ achieve it

and explain why it is important to you to fulfil/ achieve it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Sample Answer 1:

Introduction:Oh, this is such a nice topic to talk about and I would really like to thank you for
that. I believe that ambitions are essential to keep us motivated and to strive for success. We all
have certain aspirations in life that we wish to fulfil. And for this topic, I'd like to discuss an
ambition that I have not yet achieved.What it is:My ambition is to become a published author. I
have been passionate about writing since my childhood and have always dreamt of seeing my
work in print. I have written several short stories and a novel, but none of them has been
published yet.How long you have had it:I have had this ambition for as long as I can remember. I
used to spend hours writing stories and poems when I was a child. As I grew up, my passion for
writing intensified, and I started taking it more seriously.What you have to do to achieve it:To
achieve my ambition of becoming a published author, I have to take several steps. Firstly, I need
to polish my writing skills and improve my craft. Secondly, I need to build a strong network of
literary agents and publishers. Thirdly, I have to be patient and persistent in my efforts and not
give up even in the face of rejection.And explain why it is important to you to achieve it:

Becoming a published author is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it is a validation of

my writing skills and a fulfilment of my childhood dream. Secondly, it will give me a sense of
accomplishment and pride in my work. Finally, it will allow me to share my stories and ideas
with a wider audience and have a positive impact on their lives. Despite the challenges, I am
determined to achieve the goal and make my mark in the literary world.

Model Answer 2:

I have long been dreaming to become a skilled IT specialist, and then establishing an IT
company in my country. Technology and our dependency on it are advancing faster than we can
imagine. So, boarding on IT would be a great decision, I guess. And I want to own an IT firm
that will serve both local and global clients.I have been dreaming about it for the last few
months. The idea hit me when I came to study in Delhi and found that many students are
engaged in different part-time jobs at different IT firms. I thought it would be an excellent idea to
start such a company that would employ many youths while also contributing to the country's
economic growth.

To reach my goal, I have already taken some initiatives. I've got admitted to a renowned IT
training institute. There, I have started getting extensive training on different software and
application development approaches. I am also learning about various aspects of web designing,
mobile application development, video editing and outsourcing. My plan is that I will devote
myself to learning for the next two years and then start an IT company. In the beginning, I will
start on a very small scale and then gradually expand and get bigger. As I neither have much
money nor sufficient training and expertise, it may take around three more years to succeed in
materialising my plans, ambitions and dreams.

The number of unemployed people, especially youths, is huge in my country. Since these youths
are talented and interested in technology, IT could be a great sector for them to build their career.
If I could establish an IT firm that would promise to provide some great services to its client, I
think I will be able to recruit some talented youths. It will be helpful for me and them at the same
time. Moreover, I believe that I am patient and I never give up. I may have ups and downs but I
am keeping provisions to survive in the initial stage, and once the agency starts generating some
steady revenue, hopefully, it will continue to flourish.

Cue Card Answer 3: I have a great aspiration to establish a nonprofit organisation in my

hometown that would help skilled but less-educated youths. The idea emerged in my mind when
I read a success story of a skilled but less-educated young person from my district a few years
ago. This person had been a successful small business owner with some financial help and advice
from an NGO. I thought many such young people in my hometown could also establish and run
their businesses if they are backed up financially and given proper advice.It was probably 2019
when I had the idea, and after that, it has become one of the serious ambitions that I want to
fulfil. I have done a lot of research and talked to many individuals about it. Most of them agreed
that the idea is quite fascinating. They also warned me about the challenges I will have to face to
make this dream come true. I agree with them as it would require a firm determination, my own
establishment and financial solvency to start it.

My father is a successful businessman and a renowned philanthropist in our locality. I have

discussed my plan with him and he gave me many pieces of advice. He also promised me that he
would help me in every way possible. I, in fact, dared to dream of such a big ambition because I
know that my father would back me up in anything benevolent for others.I would first finish my
Master's degree in a foreign university to get better exposure to new ideas and research facilities,
and then come back to my hometown to start my nonprofit organisation. That would only be the
beginning of my ambition. I will have to go a long way and work really hard to fulfil the desire
and dream I have told you about.

I belong to a family where most of the members are established businessmen and have done
something helpful for others. For example, my uncle finances a daycare centre for children, my
father is one of the founding members of a charity organisation and my grandfather runs two
schools and a college. Following their footsteps is very important for me, and I also have an
aspiration to be able to help others.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Is it important for us to have ambitions?


Yes, I think ambitions in our life help us work harder and do even better. While positive
ambitions can take us further and fulfil our dreams, negative and selfish ambitions can often
drive us in the wrong way.


Will it be easy for you to achieve the ambition you talked about?


I do not think it would be as easy. However, I believe that it is achievable with my

determination, hard work and passion. I am somehow convinced that I will work very hard to
achieve this ambition.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/Candidate Task Card Topic:

For this cue card topic, you should describe one of the big ambitions that you have not achieved
yet. Following are some of the clues to let you brainstorm and organise your own answer. Don't
forget to add your answer in the comment section for our evaluation.

 Your ambition to get a higher degree.

 Your ambition to work for a large company or organisation.
 Your ambition to establish a business of your own.
 Your ambition to study or live in a foreign country.
 Your ambition to learn a particular skill.
 Your ambition to do something for the people in your area.
 Your ambition to become a famous leader, politician, dancer, singer, sportsperson,
model, filmmaker, artist, designer, etc.
 Your ambition to go on a religious pilgrimage.
 Your ambition to buy a luxury/ expensive item like a car or a house etc.
 Your ambition to travel to a part of the world.
 Your ambition to become a certain professional.
 Your ambition to implement an idea.

[Don't forget to write your own ambition that you are yet to achieve in the comment section of
this article.]

Useful Vocabulary for Describing this Cue Card Topic:

Desire and determination someone has to achieve something- is often called ambition.

 'Ambition' Synonyms: Aspiration, goal, aim, purpose, desire, wish, target, dream,
appetite, longing, yearning, zeal.
 Requirements to achieve an ambition: Determination, hard work, passion, desire,
motivation, enthusiasm, commitment, zeal, eagerness, energy, qualification, initiative,
hope, luck, vision, objective.
 'Achieve' Synonyms: Reach, attain, accomplish, gain, complete, earn, obtain, enact, carry
out, resolve, win.
 'Important' Synonyms: Vital, essential, crucial, significant, vital, urgent, key, salient,

Part 3 – Two-way discussion:

Q. What are the important qualities to achieve our ambitions?

A. The most important quality to achieving ambitions is sincerity. Then it should be followed
with perseverance and hard work. One has to stand up against all the odds, and never give up. A
"can-do" attitude is also important to reach the target.

Q. Are all ambitions good in life?

A. If an ambition involves doing something positive, achieving success and helping others, then
they are good ambition. But if it involves being selfish and harming or hurting others to reach the
goal, then they are definitely bad ambitions. I am afraid not all of our ambitions in life are good
as sometimes they are selfish ambitions.

Q. What type of ambitions young generation in your country has?

A. Most youths in my country want to have career success and social recognition with that. Thus
they prefer to be doctors, good players, IT specialists, researchers, professors, engineers,
lawyers, scientists, politicians, government service holders etc. Some youths have different
visions and dream to change the country with their work.

Q. Would you focus more on achieving your ambition or doing things you love to do?

A. I believe I first need to focus more on reaching my ambition. Once I reach there, I will have
much freedom, and time to pursue my interests and hobbies. But if I waste time now, I will not
be able to reach the target. Moreover, time is the most precious thing in this world, so I believe
that wasting time is foolish. I should march on the actions I have decided that I will lead to my
ambition first. And surely then I will work for passion and interests, not for money and fame.

Q. Should parents encourage children to have ambitions? Why/Why not?

A. In my humble opinion, it is absolutely imperative that parents encourage children to have

ambitions while they are growing up. This is mainly because, without any proper ambition or
goal, life is very much like a “radar-less boat”. After all, ambitions generally keep people
motivated to become somebody “important” and productive in life. Besides, having ambitions
also plays an important role in allowing children to understand their strengths and weaknesses
before it becomes too late for them to deliver any good things in life.

Q. Is there any difference between the ambition of grown-ups and that of children?

A. Yes, there are indeed some differences between the ambition of grown-ups and that of
children, depending on the types of environment, culture, environments and surroundings they
are exposed to. For example, a kid will probably have his or her ambition as high as the sky,
whereas the ambition of an adult will probably be more measured or realistic since he/she
probably knows what he or she is capable of doing. Besides, kids can be a lot more competitive
than adults in achieving their goals since they (children) are not generally afraid of losing.

ELTS Cue Card Question


With Model Answer:

Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember.

You should say:

 who the teacher was

 what class the teacher taught you and how old you were then
 what the teacher’s special qualities and characteristics were

and explain why you still remember this teacher.

**Model Answer 1:**Introduction:In my academic journey, I was fortunate to have a lot of great
teachers who inspired me to achieve my goals. Among them, there is one teacher that I still
remember and admire for his exceptional teaching skills and unique personality. Here, I will talk
about this great teacher.Who the teacher was:The teacher that I am going to describe was Mr
John. He was my high school English teacher, and I was around 16 years old when I had the
privilege to attend his class.What the teacher's special qualities and characteristics were:Mr. John
was one of those teachers who had a profound impact on students' lives, not only in terms of
education but also in shaping their personalities. He had a unique teaching style that kept us
engaged and motivated throughout the lecture. His classes were always full of fun and interactive
activities that helped us learn while having a good time. Mr. John was also a great listener, and
he always encouraged students to express their thoughts and ideas freely without fear of being
judged. This made him approachable and helped us build a strong rapport with him.What made
Mr. John an exceptional teacher was his ability to connect with every student on an individual
level. He was patient, understanding, and always ready to provide extra help to those who needed
it. He had an immense knowledge of English literature, and his passion for teaching was evident
in his lectures.And explain why you still remember this teacher:I still remember Mr. John
because of the lasting impact he had on my life. He not only helped me improve my English
language skills but also taught me valuable life lessons that have helped me become a better
person. He instilled in us the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the pursuit of
excellence. Even after all these years, I still apply his teachings in my personal and professional
life, and for that, I will always be grateful to him.Model Answer 2:

When I was in my teenage years, I met one of the best personalities and great teachers in my life,
and this teacher influenced me in my life to a great extent. For this topic, I would like to talk
about this teacher whose name was Mr George.I was in 8th grade in high school back then when
I first met this excellent teacher. I was around fifteen years old at that time. One day, Mr George
entered our classroom as a substitute teacher, and we greeted him with much anticipation as we
heard many impressive stories about him. He taught us geography afterwards as a full-time
teacher. We soon discovered that he was not only a great teacher but also a good human being.
He had great leadership qualities to encourage his pupils.I consider him one of the best teachers
in my life because of his excellent teaching skills and good qualities. Firstly, he was highly
punctual. I have never seen him being late for classes. Secondly, he was very friendly to the
students he taught, and as a result, we could easily share our problems with him. Thirdly and
finally, the teaching method Mr George followed was outstanding. He rarely used books to teach
us any topic. He frequently used graphical images, presentations, charts and his custom-made
notes to explain different topics to us. Attending his classes was never boring.

I still remember Mr George with great respect because of his outstanding teaching quality and
comprehensive support in my high school. He motivated me to study harder, and he was one of
the rare persons in high school with whom I could share my problems. He advised me on
different academic and personal issues which helped me a lot. Moreover, I learned to be punctual
from him.

**Cue Card Answer 3:**I must have been very fortunate to have been taught and guided by
some exemplary and influential teachers at my school and college. Deciding whom I should
describe for this topic was a tough choice for me as I recall many of them who helped me a lot
throughout my academic years. And I've decided that I would like to talk about Mr Stephen who
was one of the greatest teachers I have ever met and had been taught by.Mr Stephen was our
history teacher when we were in the 9th grade. I was around 14 years old back then. He taught us
history as an academic subject in our school and he was quite a brilliant teacher who inspired us
a lot - both personally and to learn more about history.He was tall - around 6 feet 2 inches and
was quite amiable. The most important characteristic he had was his exceptionally brilliant way
of grabbing students’ attention in his classes. We had some teachers who had higher degrees
from very prestigious universities but had been less successful to grab our attention or make the
lesson interesting. While Mr Stephen was one of the teachers who made the time fly. He was
quite affable to us but he never allowed the stubbornness of students. He was a living example of
discipline and good behaviour. I particularly remember him because of his way of teaching and
his attention-grabbing quality. He taught us history as if he was telling us some interesting
stories. I was not that much interested in history subject until I met this teacher. He taught us the
important lessons we should learn from history and how these lessons should be utilised in our
life. He made me curious to read history books outside the academic syllabus and do online
research to learn more about significant historical events and figures. The knowledge I have
about history and our past is due to Mr Stephen's encouragement. This is why I will always be
grateful to him. Though I'm not planning to start my career in the teaching profession, if I ever
pick this profession, I would like to be a teacher like Mr Stephen.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Do you want to be a teacher someday?


Umm! Not really. I have not given it that much thought. But among my many career plans,
entering the teaching profession is not the one that ever attracted me.

Q. Why do we remember some people differently than others?A. Well, in our life we come in
contact with many people who affect us in many ways. I guess we remember people whom we
either like or dislike more than others. For instance, unexpected help from an unknown person
might make us think about that person or event, and as a result, we remember him. The amount
of time we spend with certain people, the things we do with them and how they behave are in my
opinion the determining facts for remembering them.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card Topic:

For this cue card topic, you can talk about any teacher that you can remember from your school,
college or university. You can also describe a home tutor who used to teach you.

Some alternative ways to talk about this cue card topic:

 A mathematics teacher from your school/ college/ university.

 A home tutor who was a great mentor.
 A relative who used to teach you.
 A teacher who taught you a second language or sports.
 Your uncle, aunt, brother or sister, who was a great teacher for you.
 A teacher who inspired you to do better in your education.

Useful Vocabulary for describing this Cue Card:

Synonyms of


: Instructor, master, tutor, mentor, educator, mistress (female), lecturer, professor, coach, faculty

Synonyms of

: Recall, recollect, think of, recognise, commemorate, remind.

**Some special qualities and characteristics of a good teacher:**1) Punctuality, commitment,

and friendliness.

2. Understands each and every student in the class.3) Has an engaging personality
3. Supportive and encouraging.
4. A great mentor, loud and clear while lecturing, promotes positive behaviours among
5. Has a sense of respect for others, and open communication with parents and students.
6. Helpful, attention grabber, encourages students,
7. Motivator, has a great sense of humour, sound knowledge of the school’s curriculum, and
subject matter knowledge.
8. Invites questions and feedback from students,
9. Reliable.
10. Adaptability, creativity, and patience.
11. Supportive and empathetic.
12. Talented.
13. Excellent teaching ability.

**Part 3 – Two-way discussion:Q. What kind of person makes a good teacher?

A. Teaching is considered one of the best and noblest professions in the world as it involves
creating good human beings and building the nation through it. Good teachers help students
learn, grow as a person and explore the possibility around them. So, to be a good teacher, one
needs to be creative, passionate, sincere, and punctual. Moreover, good subject knowledge is also
required to teach students. Finally and most importantly, a person who constantly learns new
things and reads books can also inspire students to learn. Such people, in my opinion, can be
good at teaching.

Q. Why do people choose to become teachers?

A. For some people, this is just a profession, and they are in the teaching job because they were
offered a job in this sector. For some others, teaching as a profession is something they have
always dreamt about. They are passionate about teaching and they know how noble and grand
this profession is. They love to lead and motivate people and choose to become a teacher even if
they could have done any other job with a better pay scale.

Q. Do you think education will change in the future? How?

A. The world will change around us, and so will the education system with it. And these changes
could possibly mean that we most probably won’t see teachers standing in front of the students in
a classroom and delivering lectures or lessons. Instead, teachers and students will interact with
each other and get the job done virtually online from anywhere with the help of technology.
Besides, it is also possible that the educational curriculum will also change to a great extent as
the essential and in-demand skills will be very different from what we have today.
Q. How does technology affect education?

A. In today’s world, virtually every aspect of our lives has been affected by technology in one
way or another, especially our education system. For example, with the help of internet
technology, students and teachers can interact with each other and exchange their views/ideas on
any kind of subject seamlessly without actually being present in a classroom. Besides, children,
especially early learners, can use new technology to explore new worlds, make-believe and
engage actively with their peers in challenging yet fun activities. Of course, technology can
affect education negatively too since over-reliance on it can limit the natural talent and abilities
of the students.

Q. Will technology ever replace teachers in the classroom?

A. Although there is no doubt that technology does a wonderful job of creating/fostering a better
learning environment relatively easily, the truth is, it will never be able to replace teachers,
primarily because technology, in most cases, can’t act by itself without any expert human
intervention. And that “expert human intervention” is none other than those expert and skilled
teachers. After all, technology can’t inspire students and help them through their struggles by
offering all-important human touch!

Q. What is the difference between the way children learn and the way adults learn?

A. We all learn something every day in our lives from our childhood to adulthood. However,
when it comes to the way we learn, absorb and retain information, children and adults differ in
some significant ways. For example, adults have some kind of preconceived notions about
education and learning styles, meaning they prefer to learn in a certain way while, on the other
hand, children usually don’t mind trying new things or tasks. Besides, adults aren’t exactly used
to “taking instructions or directions” unlike children since they (adults) don’t only like to be told
explicitly as to what they are doing but also why they are doing it.

Describe a gift you have received that was important to you.

You should say:

 who gave it to you and on what occasion

 what it looked like and how you used it
 when you received it

and explain why this gift was important to you.

[You have one to two minutes to talk about this topic. You will have one minute to prepare what
you are going to say]

Model Answer 1:

I have always believed that gifts are an expression of love, care and appreciation. So, in my
humble opinion, receiving a gift from someone special is always a cherished memory. One such
gift that I received from my mother is still very special to me, and for this topic, I will talk about

Who gave it to you, and on what occasion:

The gift was given to me by my mother on my 18th birthday. It was a beautiful leather-bound
journal that had a quote embossed on the front cover.

What it looked like and how you used it:

The journal was bound in soft leather that had a beautiful texture and rich colour. The quote
"Today is a gift. That's why it's called present." was embossed on the front cover, which
reminded me to cherish every moment. The journal had blank pages, with no lines, which
allowed me to express myself freely. I have used this journal to jot down my thoughts, goals,
dreams and ideas. It has become an extension of myself, a place where I can be completely
honest and open.

When you received it:

I received this gift on my 18th birthday, which is a special occasion for everyone. It was a
surprise gift that I received after cutting the cake with my family.

And explain why this gift was important to you:

This gift was important to me because it came from my mother, who has always been my
greatest supporter. The journal is a symbol of her faith in my abilities and her love for me. It has
been with me through thick and thin, and it has witnessed my journey of self-discovery. The
quote on the cover has inspired me to live in the present moment and to appreciate the little
things in life. Every time I write in this journal, I feel a sense of calmness and clarity.

Model Answer 2:

When I was a child, I was given a block set on the eve of Christmas as a gift. One of my
maternal uncles gave that block set to me because I liked to play with the blocks in my
childhood. I was truly surprised when my maternal uncle came to our home to give me the
wonderful gift, although, in the beginning, I did not realise that he was at our home for
presenting me with the wonderful block set.A medium plastic container wrapped in colourful
paper was given to me on Christmas day and when I opened the container, I found the blocks. I
was utterly surprised and happy about the excellent gift from my uncle. The blocks were made of
top-class plastic and there were no sharp edges. They were of different sizes and some of the
block pieces were attached with wheels. The block shapes were not the same. I used to make
different structures with the block set. I preferred making different robots, aeroplanes, cars,
houses and other stuff using the block set.
The block set was important to me for several reasons. Firstly the blocks looked nice and were
something I liked a lot. Secondly, playing with this block set taught me patience and
perseverance – when I used to fail in making any desired structure, I waited, took a break from it,
used to think deeply over the whole thing again, and finally made that. I believe it has sharpened
my imagination and critical thinking power.

Cue Card Answer 3:

My grandfather was very dear to me and I loved him a lot. He was also a great teacher and
mentor for me in my childhood. He inspired me to read and I have read a lot of books only
because of his inspiration and guidance. He died in 2014 (may God bless his departed soul and
rest him in peace) and that was an immense loss for me. He once gave me a book titled "The
Giving Tree" written by "Shel Silverstein", and I still consider it one of the best gifts that I have
ever received.

I was about 11 or 12 years old and a 4th-grader in school when I received this gift from my
grandfather. I can’t recall what the exact occasion was when he gave me the book. All I can
remember is that he went to the town for a week for his business and when he returned, he gave
me a book with an excellent cover picture. The book was a hard-cover average size book, and
there was a small boy who was looking upward towards a tree and a fruit was falling towards the
boy. My grandfather gave me this gift with some chocolates and a toy car.

I kept the book on my desk for a while, and one day he asked me whether I liked the story of the
book he gave me. I was a bit ashamed to hear that as I had not touched the book at all. The next
day, I started reading this book and to my amazement, I was so engrossed in the story that I
forgot to go outside to play with other boys. It took me the whole day to finish the book, and
after reading this book I felt an appetite to read more storybooks like this one for the first time in
my life. That was just the beginning and after that, I become a regular reader.This book has an
excellent story that taught me the importance of loving others. I realised how much my parents
and other family members were sacrificing for me. Honestly, I became more attached to my
mother than my playmates after realising her true sacrifice for me. This book opened a new
horizon for me and this was the beginning of a wonderful journey in my life. I read whenever I
get time these days, and I believe that a reader leads many lives and can think from many
different perspectives. All this has been possible only because of the gift and blessing my
grandfather bestowed on me.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Why do we like receiving gifts?


Well, gifts are always special to us. A gift reminds us of a happy event or someone special, and
thus as humans, we have a natural tendency of liking to receive gifts and presents. Apart from
that, it is always good to get something that might be useful for us. Possessing something we like
and then getting it from someone on a special occasion is desirable to all humans- I believe.
Q. **Can we sometimes hate a gift?**A. Yes, I think so, especially when it is given by someone
we do not like at all. Maybe the hatred for the person makes us not receive his or her gifts very
warmly as well. Sometimes we hate gifts that we personally do not like at all. For instance, if
someone does not like chocolate at all and gets a box of chocolates as a gift on his/her birthday,
he or she would most likely hate the gift.

Describe an old person you admire.

You should say:

 who this person is

 where did you meet with him/her
 what characteristics you most like on him/her

and explain why you admire this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have a senior friend. He is much older than I am and even he is senior to my parents. He is
almost in his 60s and passing the retirement days. He is Mr Rodrick – a neighbour living our
next door apartment. He is a former police officer and now living his retired life with his family.

I first met with Mr Rodrick at the elevator when we newly bought the apartment many years ago.
I was in a rush to attend a social programme and thus was running to catch the elevator but
unfortunately, the elevator was going to be closed. Suddenly I noticed an older man smiling
inside the elevator while he was pressing the waiting button, for me. We got down together and
talked a little. He did not forget to invite me to his apartment.

Mr Rodrcik is the man of natural intelligence. He has very good observation quality. He has
developed the observation power when he was in the police force and that has helped him greatly
to succeed in the profession. His sharp intelligence is still helping him to enjoy his retirement

I mostly admire him for his friendly behaviour which is currently unavailable to the senior
citizens like him. He has the ability to make friends within a few minutes. I have learnt many
important aspects of him and he shared his knowledge with me whenever I wanted to know from
him. He never turned irritated and the most important thing for my admiration for him is his
pleasant behaviour to all.

Cue Card Answer 2:

My grandmother is about 65 and I admire her a lot for the amiable and benevolent nature she
possesses. Her name is Samantha and she is a well educated and wise woman. I have a daughter
of 6 years old and I wish her to become a great person as my grandmother is.

I know my grandmother from the day I came to this world. In fact, she was there when I was
born. I grew up and passed my adolescent and young age with the love and affection of my
grandmother. In fact, after my grandfather died, she started living in our house.

My grandmother is a highly talented person and a great mentor. Her affable characteristics and
helpful mentality are most attractive. Even a stranger can feel her great heart in few minutes. I
can recall several occasions when she took great risks to help others. She was a school teacher
until she retired and there are still so many students who write to her to show their respects and

Personally, I like her firm belief in humanity and an unquenchable thrust for learning and
reading. My father became a voracious reader only because of her. She is caring and emotionally
open. Above all, she is an ideal and successful mother. The other qualities she possesses are also
exemplary. These other qualities include truthfulness, confidence and fairness. I was quite
amazed in my early teens when I found her taking the side of a neighbour against his own son in
a dispute. I have not met so many incorruptible, straight and morally upright humans.

I admire her from the deep down of my heart. I love to spend time with her because she is
intelligent and can give proper guidance. She is a reliable critic who often inspired me to work
harder. Her affection and caring is probably the main reason I admire and love her so much.

Tips for Idea generating for this cue card/candidate task card:

You can describe any old person you know about and respect. This can be your grandfather, a
neighbour or a teacher who is old. Some of the ideas are given below to help you generate your
own ideas to talk about this cue card topic:

 Your grandfather.
 Your grandmother.
 A senior citizen who lives nearby.
 An aged relative.
 A senior teacher in your college or university.
 A famous politician or writer in your country who is over 50 years old.
 A relative of your friend who is a senior citizen.
 A family member of a joint family who is old.

Useful Vocabulary to use while talking about this Cue Card Topic:

 'Old person' Synonyms: Elderly person, senior citizen, old folk, senior person.
 'Admire' Synonyms: Adore, respect, esteem, commend, revere, idolise, honour, hail.
 'Characteristics' Synonyms: Quality, personality trait, aspect, feature,
 Some good characteristics of a human: Integrity in character, Sense of Humor,
Intelligence, Wisdom, Compassion, Empathy, Courageousness, Kindness, Generosity,
Emotionally openness, Benevolence, Discipline, Humanity, Amiable, Good behaviour,
Cooperative, Patience, Caring, Truthfulness, Commitment, Open minded, Affable,
Courteous, Forgiving, Impartial, Loving, Logical, Polite, Realistic, Strong-willed,
Wisdom, Prudence, Conscientious, Fairness, Charming, Encouraging & Nobility.

**Part 3: Details DiscussionQ. What average age is normal for retirement in your opinion?

A. I think the normal retirement age should be 65 years because the average life cycle in my
country is over 70 years and the people who got retired by their 60s may be able to contribute for
five years more if the age is increased. When they got retired, they have nothing much to instead
of remembering the past. But their hard-earned expertise and experience might be used for the
further development of the society.Q. What are the good things about being retired?A. When
someone is retired, there are few good things. Firstly they have enough time to think about any
issue to bring a positive change as most of the employed people are routine-bound and rarely
have time to ponder. Secondly, they are the pool of experience and they could use them to meet
their individual needs. Thirdly, the retired people have plenty of time and thus they could use
them in different productive activities.Q. How does the government in your country treat the
retired people?A. The government of my state provides the retired people with different
incentives. They have health and medical allowance and special facilities in hospitals, they are
awarded different other incentives like senior citizens allowance, priority and assistance in every
task; for instance, they get assistance even if they are in a queue of tickets for a bus ride and
more other similar issues.

Q. Can young specialist substitute the old ones who are in retirement in the workplace?A. I
do not think that the young specialist can substitute the skilled retired workforce. The young are
still in a learning process and lacks the maturity and expertise to execute a task smoothly. On the
other side, the retired people have performed that tasks probably hundred thousand times and
thus they have achieved excellence at their respective workplaces. So, it needs more time for the
young specialists to substitute the retired hands and in fact, it is not possible for the young to beat
the old in terms of executing respective tasks.

Q. What do you think is it necessary to give retirement to people? Why/ Why not?A. In my
individual opinion, it appears that the senior people need retirement after a certain age. As the
human being, we have many limitations and thus we need to take rest. It is applicable for the
retired people too. They may make accidental mistakes in their workplace if they are not retired
after a specific period. With the advancement of age, people start losing their working ability and
when they reach the limit, there are mistakes and accidents. So they need to go for retirement but
that should be done after a certain age.

Q. What are the pros and cons of being retired?A. The most important benefit of retirement is
that you will have plenty of time and no tension to pass the remaining life, but people who are
habituated to work cannot sit idle. There are some people who do not work for earning their
living only rather they need to work to remain alive. They need to work for their mental stability
and when they get retired, they suffer from mental stress.
Describe a present which you were given and that you have
broken accidentally.
You should say:

 what is it
 for what occasion it was presented to you
 how you have broken it

how you felt when you broke it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

When I was a grade-schooler, my father bought me a toy robot made of plastic and steel. It was
nice looking and I liked it most for the movements and noise it created. The toy robot created
some noises resembling of handguns and also said some words like – stop or I will shoot. It
appears that the toy robot was made based on any police character. The robot turned into the
most intimate companion of mine for next few months.

My father presented me the toy robot on my birthday. On my 9th birthday, my father presented
me the best gift of my entire life. They earlier had decided to observe the birthday amid joy and
accordingly they planned to surprise me. I did not have any idea that they planned to surprise me
by inviting the relations and my school friends. I was mostly surprised by the gift of my father. I
was fond of the toy robot that even I took it in my school.

But unfortunately, one day the robot got damaged. It required batteries to run and I made it fell
on the ground during the battery-changing process. The robot was kept on a higher place and I
board on a chair to get the robot. When I had the robot in my hand, I started changing the
batteries and opened the back side of the robot. It was my bad luck that I did not grab the robot
strongly while opening its back. As a result, it fell down and severely one of its hands was

I was feeling down with the accident. I was deeply fond of the robot that I took to sleep with me
at night. It was the constant companion for me. But I was amazed at the attitude of parents when
the consoled me with different pleasing words.

Cue Card Answer 2:

My mother gave me a coffee mug on my 19th birthday and within few weeks that mug was
broken unintentionally. The coffee mug was beautifully designed and my mother had my name
and her birthday wish written on that mug from a designer’s shop. This white mug was a very
special gift for me as my mother took the time to pick a gift for me and then took it to a
designer’s shop to make it even special. I was living in my university dormitory at that time and
my mother sent that present through a parcel service and to my amazement, this gift arrived
exactly on my birthday.

After I received the gift I called my mother and thanked her for the magnificent gift and wishes. I
could not be home on my birthday due to my exams. However, I received many wishes and some
gifts from my friends and relatives.

Interestingly I was drinking more coffee than usual after I got that coffee mug from my mother.
First few days I took great care of this mug and cleaned it meticulously. After my exam was
over, I needed very few cups of coffee except in the morning and that’s why I placed the mug
just on the right side of my desk where I could easily find it in the morning. On one sad morning,
I was talking to one of my friends over the cell phone and I tried to grab the coffee mug from my
bed. That must have been a stupid decision as I could not hold the mug firmly from bed and to
my surprise, the mug dropped on the floor and it was broken in several prices.

I was so sad that I became very angry and rebuked myself for being so careless. That was an
exceptional gift for me and I was speechless for few moments. I cleaned the floor and collected
the broken pieces from there and started feeling more miserable when I looked at the broken
pieces of the beautiful mug. My roommate tried to soothe me but I was feeling very low at that
time. It is beyond my ability to describe how sad I really felt. I could easily purchase a new mug
or even my mother would love to do that, but nothing would replace the special care and wished
this particular mug had. I felt like as if I have lost something very important which is

Idea Generation for this Cue Card / Candidate Task Card topic:

You can talk about any gift item which is fragile. First, say who gave you this gift and on what
occasion. Then tell how much this gift meant to you. Finally, talk about the incident when it was
broken. For this cue card you can talk about the following gift items and then generate your own
idea to effectively describe the accompanying questions of this cue card topic:

 A showpiece made of glass.

 A toy.
 A household appliance.
 Tea set.
 A mobile phone.
 A wall clock.
 A wristwatch.
 An alarm clock.
 A cricket bat.
 A pot plant.
 An aquarium.
 A coffee mug.
 An electronic device.
 A blender machine.
 A trophy.

[ Add any item you think is suitable in the comment section.]

Useful Vocabulary you can use while talking about this Cue Card topic:

 Synonyms of 'Present': Gift, souvenir.

 Synonyms of 'Accidentally': Unintentionally, by mistake, unwittingly, fortuitously.
 Some sad feelings: Unhappy, sombre, sad, distress, gloomy, bleak, sorrowful, wistful,
sorry, feeling blue.

**Part 3 – Two-way discussion: Famous stores in your country: Q. Tell me about any
famous stores that sales presents.

A. "Gift Box" is one of the famous present selling stores in the 5th Avenue of New York. The
store is mostly famous for the knick-knacks and souvenirs. Besides, the refund policy of the store
is also praiseworthy. The store sells almost all types of products with a reasonable price and even
the customers can also place orders for products which are currently unavailable.


Tell me about any famous markets or stores which attract tourists.

A. Walmart is global chain store and running its operation in over 20 countries of the world. The
store is famous among the tourists in the USA. Usually, the Walmart shops sell a large number
of products of varied interest under a reasonable cost. People visiting the USA never miss the
chance to peep at the store to have their necessaries.

Q. Why are they popular with tourists?A. The multinational shop is mostly famous among
the tourists because of reasonable price. Moreover, it sells all types of products and they never
compromise quality. The staffs of all the branches are truly helpful to the customers and
particularly for the tourists. They take the right care of them with the right manners. So, the
tourists never miss the chance to do shopping at the Walmart.

Advantages and disadvantages of giving presentQ. Would you agree that presents are always
advantageous for people?A. Nothing in the world has merits only and similarly giving presents
always does not mean it is advantageous. At times it may happen that the presents may not be
received cordially or may be misused in different ways. Sometimes the presents may disappoint
the receivers too.

Q. What kinds of presents are suitable for people in any situations?A. Not all presents are
suitable for every situation but there are some frequently used presents like – coffee mug, photo
holder or photo albums, paintings, gift cards, attractive showpieces etc. may suit all the
occasions. However, the best process to give a present is to learn about the occasion before and
get a present after the event type.


How do you think the way of giving presents will change in the future?


Time changes everything and the way of giving present will also experience change. In future,
people may become more dependent on electronic gifts or may also use gift delivery services to
deliver the presents from one place to another. There would be more occasions than today for
exchanging gifts and wishes.

Describe any law which you like.

You should say:

 what law it is
 how you follow it
 what benefits it brings

what you like the most about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

The Blasphemy Law in Pakistan is formulated to prevent blasphemous activities inside the state.
Blasphemy refers to ignore or criticise any of the recognised religions and spread negative ideas
or ideologies, derogatory remarks about those religions or about the preachers of the religions to
defame them. The Penal Code has strict penalties for blasphemy and the law violators will be
punished severely. The punishment ranges from fine to death penalties. I like it because it allows
the member of all religions to perform their respective religious norms.

I always try to follow the law. I believe that hurting other people regarding their religion is the
representation of an ill manner. Religion is a matter of internal belief and it is not the subject to
be forced. If someone does not like my religion, I do not criticise about theirs. I always try to pay
respect to the people following the religions other than mine and also they show respect towards
me. Interfering with the religious issue appears to be the worst one for the negative

The benefits of following the Blasphemy Law in Pakistan are great. The most important benefit
is that people can live happily with their specific religions. As a Muslim majority country, people
of other religions are also living peacefully. No one criticises negatively to other religion and
there are no obligations to follow the state religion. When people used to decline the state
religion, the government imposed penalties strictly on those and thus the other people have
learned the importance of following their own religion. Actually, none of the religion has ordered
to condemn other religions.

I mostly like the penalties of the law. Although I am against death penalty, at times the violators
are punished with standard fines and warned not to commit the crime. If they are seen violating
the law, they are penalised with the death penalty. But in most cases, the citizens change their
attitude when they are fined and do not get engaged in such crimes again, fearing the death
penalty. This has radically changed the situation of the country. As a result, people of different
religion are practising their respective religions.

Cue Card Answer 2:

I live in Australia and it is a country of biodiversity and numerous species. The law
‘Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (also known as EPBC Act) is
one of my favourite laws in my country and it is the Australian Government’s central piece of
environmental legislation. This law was imposed for preserving the environment, including the
biodiversity and naturally and culturally significant places in Australia. As far as I recall this law
was enacted in the year 2000 and this had a monumental effect on preserving the ecological
communities and various species throughout the country. This law established a great variety of
processes to help protect and promote the ecological communities as well as threatened species
in my country.

I think enacting this law was a major step towards preserving the biodiversity we have in our
country. Though I feel that it should have been implemented much earlier – it’s always better
late than never. I read a report a few months ago that this law has a direct correlation with the
improvement of Australian ecological communities, and wildlife. I personally follow this law by
showing my respect and caring towards all species and plants in Australia, migratory species and
following rules regarding the national heritages in Australasia.

In fact, this law has many subsections that ensure the preservation and promoting of the
environment, national heritage, endangered species, bioregional plans and protection of the
environment from nuclear actions. This was a much-needed law to ensure a balanced
environment and making Australia a better place to live in for all species and plants. I like the
initiatives taken by authorities regarding that law and with time the natural environment and
biodiversity of Australia have improved significantly. One particular part of this law that I like
most is the requirement for approval of developments with a significant impact on water
resources. This law ensures the biodiversity of water species and prevents citizens from doing
any harmful act in marine and water region of Australia. Offences relating to water resources is
another part that safeguards the marine environment in our country.

I personally respect this law and this is an exemplary law for other countries in my opinion.
Describe a trip which was not up to your expectations.
You should say:

 where you went

 what you did
 what happened

and explain why it was not up to your expectations.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

A study tour is one of the best ways to make students learn about the real-life scenarios and
issues. It is the best way to earn knowledge practically. During my college tenure, I went for a
study tour in Agra in India to visit the Taj Mahal, one of the World Heritage sites of the world.
Agra, located in Uttar Pradesh, is a great tourist spot in India and mostly famous across the globe
for the legendary Taj Mahal.We went to the spot for the purpose of learning about the structure
and histories behind the beautiful marble made building and Mughal Empire in India. It is in fact,
a tomb and made in the remembrance of the memory of Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of Mughal
Emperor Shah Jahan. Located on the western bank of Yamuna River, the structure is the
considered as the mausoleum of love.We entered the compound following a queue and gazed
amazingly towards the finest structure of the world. But some of the issues were unpleasant to
me. First of all the colour of the building was faded and seemed a bit of yellowish too for the
pollutions in the surrounding areas.I thought that the surrounding locations will be clean and free
from hawkers but the view was just opposite to my thought and it seemed that the ideas of a calm
environment mocked me in the crowd. Most of the people were engaged in clicking their images
instead of enjoying the beauty of the Taj. Moreover, the number of guides to help visit the area
properly was inappropriate. The authority is taking a higher price for entrance tickets but not
paying attention to make the compound clean and clear. I also expected that I might find Taj
Mahal in its best state as the Indian government is taking care of the structure, but the care was
limited by some signposts ignored by the visitors. People spat here and there, threw waste
materials on the walking paths and some other similar activities made me frustrated.

Cue Card Answer 2:

Last year I went to visit Tower of London and it was a long and monotonous tour for me. I had to
wait a couple of hours to barely catch a glimpse of the famous Crown Jewels. It was a study tour
and our college authority decided to take us to the Tower of London as part of the yearly
excursion. Tower of London is actually a Royal Palace and Fortress which is a historic castle
situated on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.
The tour went wrong from the very beginning. One of our teachers got sick and he could not join
us and my best buddy did not show up and I could not reach him on his cell phone. Some of the
students complained about the proper planning of the tour as the number of students were far
more than the available reserved seats on the train. The train arrived late and we had to wait in
the station. Our lunch was delayed - not sure what was the reason and when we reached our
destination, I was quite exhausted. Probably delayed lunch and unexpected rain caused this.

I waited in the long queue before I could see the main attraction – Crown Jewel and then I had to
move very quickly as I was feeling the pressure from the back of the queue. The worst part of
this tour was that the tour guide did not show up at all. We had to Google for some information
regarding this place and got bored in less than an hour. At a time I was expecting to return home
as soon as possible.

If I compare it with the other fascinating tour experiences I had, I must confess that it was far
worse than my previous tours. That must have been a bad hair day – as many things went wrong
and I had to return home with an overall bad experience though I had a very high expectation
from this tour.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card /Candidate Task Card:

This cue card asks you to describe any tour you had that you did not like. Maybe that was
because of a bad journey experience you had or because you did not like the place you went to. It
could also be for other reasons like your sudden sickness, hassle in the airport, bad weather,
unprofessional service from the tour service provider, hostile behaviour of the local people, an
accident on the road, unattractive destination and many more. Usually, you find a tour worse
than your assumption when you cannot visit the place because it is not open that day, do not like
the place or have any negative experience from that place. You should be able to remember such
a journey or tour that went wrong and you wish that did not happen. Sometimes famous tourists
destinations are overrated and you possess a very high expectation from your visit. In such cases,
the reality strikes you hard and you feel that your experience of the tour does not meet your
expectation at all.

Following are some other options to let you brainstorm for formulating a nice answer for this cue
card topic:

 A journey or tour that was ruined because your best friend did not show up.
 A tour to a place where people were hostile.
 A tour that was shattered by a natural calamity.
 A journey to a highly famous place but personally you did not find it attractive.
 A tour to a place where the environment was very noisy and dirty.
 A tour that you took because you were bound to take.
 A tour you took with some unfriendly people.
 A tour when one of your relatives became sick all of a sudden.
 A tour you went to when the main attraction was closed that day.
 A journey to a very remote place.
 A trip you took that took much longer time than usual.
 A trip to another country where you had a bad experience.

Useful Vocabulary for describing this Cue Card:

 Synonyms of 'Trip': Travel, Tour, Journey, Expedition, Excursion, Outing, Visit.

 Synonyms of 'Expectation': Assumption, Supposition, Forecast, Prediction, Hope,
 Words to express your dissatisfaction: Frustrating, unhappy, disappointing, mediocre,
unpleasant, unfriendly, unsatisfying, tiresome, bitter.


Part 3: Details Discussion:


What are some famous tourist spots in your country?

A. In my country, we have plenty of famous destinations. But the most famous tourist spots are:
Cox's Bazar sea beach – the largest sea beach in the world in association with Saint Martin
Island, Rangamati, Bandar ban, Sylhet and Dhaka city. Most of the tourists gather on the spots
for the attractive locations and modern communication system.Q. What are the impacts of
tourism in your country?A. Although the Bangladeshi economy is not tourism based, it has a
notable impact on the economic growth of the country. The national economy increases and the
local economy also receive a boost for the arrival of the tourists.Q. What are the positive
impacts of tourism in your country?A. There are few positive impacts of tourism in the
country. The most important issue is that the tourism board takes steps to make the locations
attractive and thus the spots turn more beautiful. As the tourists regularly visit the places, it also
creates employment for different people which help contribute to the national income. It is also
beneficial in terms of cultural exchange and exposure to international level.Q. What are the
negative impacts of tourism in your country?A. Unfortunately, some of the locals in the spots
get engaged into misdeeds which defame the country and entirely unwanted. Such issues should
be taken care of properly by the authority strictly. The tourism negatively affects the
environment in some cases and the waste products in such areas are comparatively high. The
foreign cultures also threaten some of our old and traditional ways of life.Q. What do you think
are the reasons people visit new places?A. People mostly visit new places to get fascinated and
learn something newerTravellingng increases the knowledge and also makes familiar with the
culture and customs of different places. So, people who are willing to learn about newer customs
and manners, they go for travel. The busy life we have often become monotonous and people
often seek relaxation and relief from their stress. That’s another reason people travel to new
places to refresh themselves.Q. What can you tell about the future of tourism industry in
your country?A. Tourism future in Bangladesh has a great potential. The business could
flourish if the minor problems are solved. Security is an important issue and if the safety and
security of the tourists are ensured rightly, I think tourism will be a great source of income for
the country.
Describe an app you use in your mobile phone.
You should say:

 what it is
 how you use it
 what benefits do you get

and explain why this mobile app is important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

'Mobile phone' is one of the greatest inventions of the modern science. It appears that without the
mobile phone life would not be as easier as it is today. The use of mobile phone is everywhere
and it has become an important part of our daily life. We cannot do without it. I have an iPhone
and there is a built-in application named compass. But I have also installed another compass
which is more functional and attractive than the built-in one of my iPhone. The compass is a
great thing for me. It is used to navigate and get directions.

I use the compass for navigational purpose. The compass is my favourite application on the
phone. As I like travelling much, I visit different places in the country but it is not possible for
me to know about the directions of the areas I am travelling in. Then I unlock the phone and use
the compass to navigate and get the best direction towards my destination.

The compass is highly useful for a traveller and hiker like me. It helps me to recognise the
directions to my objective and the most important issue is that I do not get lost wherever I go. I
could get a direction to get out of the unknown roads and areas using the compass and a map of
the area. It is also helpful to navigate at night times when there are no lights. I could also use the
compass with the association of stars and get the right direction even in the darkest night when
there is no light or directive measure to guide the travellers.

I have some very important gears to travel from place to place. All of those are necessary for my
survival when I set out for a travel. But without a compass, they are nothing. If I fail to get the
right direction of my destination, I could not be able to use the gears. The hiking and travelling
gears will be of no use if I could not get out of my home and if I have a compass working well, I
will be able to start the journey. Earlier, I had a physical compass but I broke that on my last trip.
Then I decided to install a suitable compass app on my iPhone despite the built-in one as I cannot
do my travelling without the virtual tool.

Cue Card Answer 2:

I use a Sony Xperia series smartphone which has Android operating system. The Gmail Android
application is one of the applications I use very frequently.

As it is an email application I mostly use it to check my emails and to send emails to others. On
an average, I check my emails three to four times and send around 5-7 emails per day.

As a senior employee in a multinational company, I have to track the project status I work on and
thus communicating with my team members and Chief Operating Officer is essential for me. The
nature of projects I work on demands me to keep in touch virtually every hour – be it at office or
home. Thus this application has immense importance for me. Our office rule makes it mandatory
to use the Gmail as our primary official email address. Hence I am kind of obliged to use this
application. Personally, I prefer Gmail over the Yahoo and Hotmail. Gmail is owned by the
Google Incorporation and in my opinion, this is the best email client application for email users.
The simple and user-friendly design, the ease of access and the convenience of receiving and
sending attachments with this email client make it stand out from the crowd.

I use Gmail application for my personal communication with my friends and family members as
well. The advanced spam filter of this application filters the spam and junk emails and thus I feel
quite comfortable using this email application. The convenient notification system of this
application alerts me whenever I get a new message and I can flag them or forward them very
quickly. The tab-based email categorising of this application, which was very recently
introduced, makes it easier to find out the important emails whereas it is quite hard for other
email applications.

In fact, Gmail mobile application has an immense importance to me. Each morning I check my
emails and can plan my day ahead. I can update my team members about any important change
from anywhere and can keep in touch with my family members and friends. Thus this is an
application I cannot do without personally and professionally.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card topic:

This should be a fairly easy topic for you to describe. You can talk about any mobile application
you use like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Facebook Messenger, Google Maps, WhatsApp, Google
Hangouts or even a simple utility application like 'Super Torch' or 'Alarm Clock'. Make sure you
can give some details about the application you are talking about like how popular it is, who is
the publisher of this apps and what benefits it has for you and whether it is a free or paid

A web browser like Google Chrome, Opera Mini or Firefox for mobile can also be described.
Avoid talking about any games like Angry Birds as they are often treated as a game rather than a
utility application.

You must mention the mobile phone you are using (iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, HTC etc.) and then
mention the type of OS it has.
Here we are picking the Android application "Instagram" and writing down some notes to
properly talk about this application, as an example. You are advised to pick one of your most
favourite mobile applications and do the same in the comment section.

What it is

= Android application "



How you use it

= For photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking. It enables me to take pictures and
videos and then share them on a variety of social networking platforms.

What benefits do you get

= I can take and save precious moments via images and videos, I can share them over other
popular social networking platforms, It gives various options to add effects to the images I take
and finally it saves my photos and videos for later use.

And explain why this mobile app is important to you

= I love to capture photos and videos with my handheld mobile phone and this application is one
of the best one for taking photos on the go. I can share my photos and videos in a low internet
bandwidth, update my profile and get in touch with my friends and family members. The photos
and videos uploaded by me are stored on their server and I can retrieve those anytime I want.
This application is fast and usages low resources of my cell phone. One of the most popular
Android Applications, Instagram, is an application I can't do without.

Part 3: Details Discussion:


How can technology make our life easier?

A. Technology is the use of invented science and the uses of technological tools and that have
made our life easier. For example, we are using watches to get time, watching television for
different reasons, and using telephones for communication purposes etc and thus our life is made
easier than before. But if there were no clock, television or the telephone are not invented,
certainly, we should have stayed in the primitive age. The current advancement would not have
been possible. Technology has changed that way we study, work or even spend our leisure time.
With the help of the technology, we can have a better life standard with much more efficient
tools and devices to help us in every way possible.Q. What are some greatest inventions you
know about?A. There are a large number of inventions have been done so far, but the most
important invention appears to me is the invention of electricity. Then I should consider the
invention of wheels which truly has made the communication system and movement easier for
us. Thirdly I should consider the invention of the Internet, which has radically changed the
world. Apart from that, the light bulb, aeroplane, penicillin and the telephone are some other
greatest inventions of all time in my opinion.


Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?


Mobile phone, undoubtedly, is an important invention but it has some detrimental impacts too.
Using mobile phones at public places may appear indecent. Mobile phone users talk about
countless issues but sometimes the speeches may cause irritation to others existing on the public
spots. Moreover, the speakers may also reveal their secrets inadvertently that may hamper their
privacy. Moreover, since the public places are always crowded, the chance of accidents is more
while talking on mobile phones.

Q. Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?A. Mobile phones are gaining popularity as
those are easy to carry. Moreover, someone can buy a mobile phone at an affordable cost and
without any legal complexities. Besides, the tariffs are also economic. It is far more convenient
than other means of communication systems and faster to deliver the message. So, the mobile
phones are gaining popularity gradually.

Q. Can you do without your mobile phone?A. In the current days, it is impossible for me to
do without a mobile phone for a single day. I need the phone not only for communication
purpose, but I also use the phone for passing my time by playing games, using internet
applications and more other necessary issues. So it would be quite difficult for me not to use the
mobile phone.

Describe the person in your family who you most admire.

You should say:

 what his/her relationship is with you

 what he/she has done in your life
 what he/she does now

and explain why you admire this person the most.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
My mother is the person in my family whom I most admire. She is not only my mother but also
my role model and best friend. I would like to thank you for this excellent topic that enables me
to talk about the person I love and admire the most.

My mother has done many things in my life that have made me admire her. Firstly, she has
always been there for me, no matter what. Whenever I am going through a difficult time, she
listens to me and offers advice or support. Additionally, my mother has always encouraged me to
pursue my dreams and to never give up. She is the reason I have pursued higher education and
achieved many of my goals.

Currently, my mother is a homemaker. She spends most of her time taking care of our family and
making sure that our home is always in order. She is an excellent cook and always prepares
delicious meals for us. Despite being busy with household chores, she always makes time for me
and my siblings.

I admire my mother the most because of her selflessness, kindness, and strength. She is always
willing to put others before herself and has sacrificed a lot for our family. She has faced many
challenges in her life but has never let them bring her down. Her resilience and positive attitude
inspire me every day. I feel incredibly lucky to have her in my life and hope to be just like her
when I have a family of my own.

Model Answer 2:

'Family' is utterly important for every one of us, and the importance of having a family cannot be
ignored. I believe that a family makes our life worth living and meaningful. I love every single
family member of mine. But if I have to choose someone whom I admire the most, it would be
my father.

My father is truly an admirable person for his outstanding qualities and personality, and he is my
hero in my life. He has guided me to the right path so that I could shine in my career and
personal life. When I was a child, he helped me in all possible ways, and when I turned a
teenager he showed me right from wrong. Most importantly, unlike the fathers of a few friends
of mine, my father has never forced me into doing anything that I did not like. Rather, he
explained to me what should be done and what should not be done. In this regard, he is a great
mentor in my life.

My father has retired from his job, and he is now passing his days with family and friends. My
father loves gardening, and he takes care of the garden that we have at our house. Whenever I
look at him working in the garden, I feel like it is something he does very passionately.I admire
my father the most and will continue doing so for his honesty, his sincerity and sense of
responsibility. I have never seen him ignore his responsibilities towards his family. When I will
have my own family, I would like to be a person like him. I admire him so much also because of
his sympathy and empathy for others. Above all, he has such a great personality that I admire
him so much.

Sample Answer 3:
The person I admire the most in my family is my mother. Why? She is always there for me and
never turns her back on me. She brought me into this world and because of her, I have become
the person I am today. She loves me even when I disagree with her or do something wrong! Her
love for me is unconditional and I have countless reasons to admire and love her the most.

She is the most loving person I could possibly meet in my life. She taught me the basic values of
life and she put a great effort to teach me to distinguish right from wrong. She is a virtuous and
benevolent woman and I have great admiration for her. She took care of my elementary
education and inspired me to read books outside of my academic book list. In my childhood, she
was always near me. She took me to schools and playgrounds and waited patiently for a long so
that she could look after me.

She never hesitates to inspire me whenever I do something good. She is the best critic I can
possibly have and because of her, I have learned computer programming, art and other important
skills. She is a hard-working woman who has devoted her entire life to her family. I learned the
importance and necessity of a close family from her.

She took great care of me when I was ill and I can remember many sleepless nights she spent
looking after me. She still does that whenever I get sick. She inspired me to get admitted to the
best university in our country and she is the one who contributed the most to helping me become
the man I am.

She was a school teacher for about 5 years but she left her career and became a full-time mum
when I was born. Who else would make a such great sacrifice for me except my mother? She is
my inspiration and idol in my life. I admire her for everything she has done for me and
everything she still does for me. Her sacrifices and love for me are unparalleled.

Other family members in your family you might describe:

 Your elder brother or sister.

 Any of your siblings.
 If you are living in a joint family, you can also describe your grandfather, grandmother,
uncle, aunt or any elder cousin.

Do not describe the whole family as the cue card asks you to talk about a single family
member whom you admire the most.

Part 3: Details Discussion:

Attitudes to the family:


In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years?

The families have changed greatly in my country for different reasons and situations. Earlier the
families were united but currently, they have been shaped into nuclear families. When people
used to live the in the country areas, the families were large but with the advancement of time,
the families have broken and taken their own shares and formed small families instead of the
large ones with the excuse of the extensive maintenance cost, misunderstanding and more other


Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why / why not?

A. A husband and a wife should play different roles for different reasons. From time
immemorial, males are considered the bread earners while females are the homemakers. But the
ideas have changed massively in the current days. Now, both the husband and wife are seen
engaged in money-earning activities. Moreover, they are sharing their responsibilities between
them and thus they are playing different roles in the family.

Family or friends:


Which are more important to you - your family or your friends?


My family is the most important thing to me than friends. A Family is a place where you will
have everything. The family members will try to support you reasonably; both in good and bad
situations and in return, they do not expect anything. It is the most important feature of a family.
The family members will never leave you forever, but the scenario is just the opposite with the
friends. When there are no benefits in helping you, your friends will be nowhere to be found!
They will avoid you in every possible manner. So, my family is my top priority.


What conflicts can arise between a person's family and a person's friends?


There are different issues that can create trouble between you and your family or you and your
friends. Regarding the familial issue, your family members may guide you to the right way but
due to your lack of knowledge, you may get involved in arguments over the guidance. You may
prefer following the one which appears better to you (although in reality that is not meant for

On the other hand, conflicts with friends may range from any trifling matter to a major issue like
business loss or life or death situation. Family members are always with the well-wishers or try
to make better but the friends are not always with the same thought to make you feel good unless
they have any hidden benefit with the issue. A common conflict can arise when someone spends
most of his/her time with friends and family members and start complaining about it.

Family responsibilities:

Q. What responsibilities do parents have towards their children?A. Parents naturally love
their kids. However, the parents are responsible for everything of their kids from rearing their
kids well, educating them, and allow picking the right things for them or their career or even
their marriage.

Q. What responsibilities do children have towards their parents?A. The most important
responsibility the children have towards their parents is to abide by all the directives they get
from the parents. There are no parents who want to have their kids in distress. So, the children
should pay attention to their parents, take care of them in their old age and overall they should
respect the parents always.

Describe an exciting competition or sporting event you have

You should say:

 what the competition or sporting event was

 when and where it took place
 who won

and explain why it was exciting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Participating in sports is one of the best ways to keep fit both physically and mentally. The
necessity of sports is immense in human life. It energises people who participate in the events
and the pleasures are inexpressible. It also helps to achieve a specific skill and that is also usable
in everyday life. There are different types of sporting events are also organised and the key
purpose of the events are to create a friendly atmosphere among the players, increasing their
intentions to participate more and inspire them to gain skills, expertise and perfectness on their
respective sports. Usually, the corporate bodies are responsible for sponsoring the events in
exchange for their advertisements.

Basketball is one of the exciting sports and I love participating in the matches arranged in our
college. A few months back, I was the witness of an exciting indoor basketball competition. The
event was organised by the colleges of our city. Unfortunately, I could not participate in the
match for my injury that I got right before the competition day while I was in practice.

The inter-college basketball competition was held in the indoor sports court of our college
premise. The final competition held on the evening of the pre-scheduled day. Almost all the
students of the city attended to enjoy the competition. The earlier matches were too exciting that
they could not resist in joining on the final competition. Our indoor sporting gallery was filled
with the audience on the competition day and they started gathering from the morning so that
they could have their seats before someone else grab those.

The battle was highly attractive. Our team has scored 25 while the opponent had only 17 in their
bag. Our college team won the match with a huge difference, and it happened mostly for the
outstanding practice of the players, their mutual understanding and overall the united efforts to
bag the prize.

The competition was too much excitement for me as I was one of the members of the team, and I
forgot all my sorrows of my absence on the ground for my injury on the right leg which I got
during attempting a jump to throw the ball on the net. It was the victory for us all who were
involved with the playing team.

Alternative Answer 2:

A very exciting competition that I can remember is a cricket match I watched a few years back.
It was a one-day cricket match between two mighty cricket teams – India and Australia. The
match took place at Melbourne Cricket Ground and I watched the whole game and enjoyed the
competition a lot.

It was around 9:30 am, local time, when the match began and there were lots of fans and
supporters of both teams who came there to enjoy the match and to support their favourite team.
It was my first time in the Melbourne Cricket stadium where I went with one of my friends and
his wife.

The cricket match between India and Australia has a different dimension and contest as these
two teams have been competitors from the very early days of cricket history. Their matches
ignite some flair and it is quite a spectacular and enjoyable rivalry to watch. The 50 over cricket
match was very competitive and fans were shouting and cheering with great enthusiasms. The
Indian team did the batting and scored around 280 plus. That was a reasonable score for winning
but their bowler had to perform their best to restrict the Australian batsmen. I was supporting my
country - India and it was the last 3-5 overs of the game that was breathtaking and stirring. Both
teams were performing their best to win the game and the expressions of the viewers were
something unheard of. The fate of the game was decided when an Australian batsman got out
from a superb spin bowl of an Indian blower and the host team needed 7 runs from last 2 balls. It
was the next ball that made the Indian fans to burst out in joys; it was a dot ball with no run. The
final ball of the match was still to be delivered and we were hoping that it goes without any
unexpected outcome like ‘no ball’ or ‘wide ball’ which might still change the game’s result. The
host team took 2 runs from the last ball and it was a 4 run victory for the Indian Cricket team.

The tight competition, my support for my team and wish to win the game, the supporters’
boundless shouting, enthusiasm, the lively stadium and cheering made the game a very
memorable one for me and this game was one of the most competitive cricket matches till the
last moment.


More Ideas to speak about this Cue Card topic/ Candidate Task Card:

This Idea Generation section intends to give you more ways of talking about this cue card topic.
It is always better to read the sample answer of a Cue card topic and then to brainstorm and
collect your own thoughts before preparing an answer to a Cue Card topic. This cue card topic
asks you to describe either a competition (any competition and not necessarily a sporting event)
or a sporting event which was very amusing and exciting. Again you can talk about either a
competition or sporting event in which you took part or witnessed. Following are some other
alternative hints to describe the answer for this cue card topic:

Exciting competition other than sports:

 The debate competition in which you took part in your school.

 A quiz competition at national level.
 An art competition.
 A competitive exam.
 A programming competition.
 An artwork or sculpture making competition.
 An international level math competition.

A sporting competition:

 An international level soccer or football competition you have seen.

 A football match in your school.
 A fascinating cricket or hockey match.
 A swimming competition.
 A chess competition.
 A baseball or tennis competition.
 A car racing competition.
 Any type of gaming competition. ****

Make sure you describe the event as a very exciting and competitive one. Put more
emphasis on describing why you enjoyed it very much (either participating or observing)
and why it was that much exciting or stirring.

**Part 3: Details Discussion:Q. What do you do to keep fit?

A. To keep myself feet, I regularly perform exercises, mostly the free hand exercises,
swimming, walking for an hour in a day etc. If I could manage more time, then I swim for an
hour and the regular time allotted for swimming is 30 minutes for me. Moreover, I have a private
gym where I exercise with instruments but I use the gym for once or twice in a week.Q. Are
you good at sport?A. I am very good at sport and like it very much. I usually participate in
sports on the weekends or whenever I get time.Q. What sports do you play?A. I mostly prefer
to play basketball and table tennis is another one that I admire most. During the basketball time, I
like to be at the attacking position in the front line and also support those who are with me during
the attack on the opponent court.

Q. What is the most popular sport in your country?A. In my country, cricket is the most
popular sport and the team has occupied a strong position on the world ranking. The national
team has been performing very well in cricket.

Q. What are the best ways to keep fit?A. Exercising for at least one hour a day is one of the
best ways to keep fit. Moreover, one can also participate in sports too. Sports increase the
stamina level and thus they players remain fir for always. Apart from exercise, a healthy diet and
positive lifestyles are also two important aspects of remaining fit.

Q. What is the most popular form of exercise in your country?A. Walking is the most
popular exercise in my country. Many of the people get out for a walk in the morning and the
rest who cannot manage time in the morning; they complete the walk at evening or at night.
Apart from that jogging and running in the open space is also popular in my country as a form of

Q. Do you think people in your country are less healthy than they used to be?A. I do not
think that people are less healthy these days; rather they are healthy enough and it has happened
as they are taking the right and nutritious foods and having their exercises in regular interval.

Q. How can we encourage young people to stay healthy?A. Health is considered as the most
precious wealth. People should be informed about the detrimental effects of poor health and what
types of diseases accompany with the deteriorated health conditions. Massive campaigns may be
conducted on mass media over the importance of a good health. More sporting and gym should
be established from government's fund as well.

Q. Should governments intervene to force people to be healthier?A. I believe that if a man

is made understood anything in the right manner, force is unnecessary to be applied on the case.
Similarly, the government does not need to form any interventions forcing people to be healthier.
When the people will be aware of the negative impact of an ill health, they will try to be healthy
by themselves.

Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat] that you

remember well.
You should say:
 where you went
 how you travelled
 why you went on the journey

and explain why you remember this journey well.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

A journey is always pleasant to me. It not only gives us entertainment, it is helpful to teach over
different unknown issues as well. The most important benefit of travelling is the excellent
opportunity to gather knowledge. The knowledge earned in first hand experienced cannot be
found on books or any other place. So, people like to travel and it a trend for a long past. But
sometimes the journeys are not pleasant and the travellers have to undergo different unexpected
situation during the trips.

Recently I have made a train journey and it was the most thrilling event in my life as I have
never ridden on trains before. I went to join at the marriage ceremony of one of my intimate
friends who has passed his childhood days with me. The area where the friend is getting married
is at the farthest part of the country and requires trains to reach there.

Fourteen of our childhood friends planned to reach the village marking the marriage and
accordingly we bought fourteen train tickets for the purpose. My friends and his family members
had started for the village earlier before our journey. On the planned night of the journey, we got
out of home reached the railway station to catch the train. But interestingly the train was half an
hour late due to an accident on its way to the railway station. We all rode the train and finally,
the journey at night on a train begins.

It was the most thrilling experience in my life I have ever made so far. It was highly enjoyable to
me due to the nature of the journey. I used to hear experiences of people attentively when they
described their experiences about the train journeys but could not ride on a train due to different
reasons. So, when the other childhood mates made the plan, I was the only one of them who
jumped out of joy.

The journey is truly substantial one for me. It was a moonlit night when the train started and my
seat was just beside the window. I looked at the full moon and it appeared that I am floating on
the heaven with a great speed. The trees were passing us fast and the illuminated distant
localities appeared like stars to me, shining on the large sky. The deep emotions that I felt on the
night journey are inexpressible.

Alternative Answer 2:
Well, the journey I still remember very vividly is the one I took to Nha Trang, a coastal resort
city in southern Vietnam, where my sister lives with her husband. It was probably early February
2014 when I got a call from my brother-in-law that my sister has given birth to a beautiful baby
girl. We were expecting the baby a few days later but that was indeed a very good news as this
was the first baby in our family and both the mother and child were doing fine as my brother-in-
law informed me.

I immediately returned home from my university to give this wonderful and happy news to my
parents. My parents were quite excited and they planned to visit the newborn and my sister on
the following day. It was more than 10 hours’ journey and we started in the early morning next

We went to the local train station and luckily got three first-class seats on the train. I am very
fond of train journey as it gives me the freedom to walk in different compartments of the train,
read books pleasantly, enjoy the meal in the train cafeteria, buy books and magazines, use the
lavatory if needed and enjoy the scenic beauty of the countryside, unlike the monotonous long
bus journey. The journey was a very pleasant one and I finished a book that I took with me.
Besides, I read two magazines and a daily newspaper that I bought from the station. I specifically
remember the journey because my parents were with me and they also enjoyed being out of
home after a long. The longing and waiting to see the new baby also made it a pleasant journey
and a memorable one. My mother told me some stories of my childhood that she never shared
with me before and my father told about his first experience on a train and that was so funny that
we laughed quite loudly!

Idea Generation for this Cue Card:

The model answer provided with this Cue Card could be followed to understand how you should
answer this topic. However, it is advised that you use your own experience and sentences to
answer any cue card topic. Following are some of the ideas that you can borrow and match with
your own to properly answer the questions.

Some of the other journey types that you can talk about as an answer to this Cue Card

 A journey you took to visit a famous tourist spot in your country.

 A journey to a foreign country.
 Your first experience of walking a long distance.
 A mountain hiking.
 An expedition or a tour you took while you were in school.
 A journey you made by boat.
 A journey to a remote area of your country.
 An experience when you visited one of your relatives.
 A tour you took recently.
 Your experience of visiting a new city. (Focus on the journey, not the city.)
 A journey you made with your friends.
 A journey that took unusually long time.
 A journey when something unusual happened.

While answering the cue card topic, always focus on the accompanying questions. Focus more
on the fourth question and give more details about this.

**Part 3: Details Discussion:Reasons for daily travelQ. Why do people need to travel every

A. People need to travel in their everyday life for a large number of reasons. The most important
thing is their job – they need to attend their office and thus they need to travel using different
transportation mode. But not only the service holders, people of all strata in a society needs to
travel for many other purposes. They need to shop, need to visit relatives, friends or others for
important matters, need to go for learning at schools or educational institutions and many other
issues.Q. What problems can people have when they are on their journey, for example, to
work or school? Why is this?A. A few troubles may occur during their travel to school or
office and the most common trouble is the traffic congestion on a busy road. It mostly happens
when the traffic rules are violated, vehicles are parked on here and there on the roads, non-
motorized vehicles occupy the important streets, and mostly the narrow roads where the traffic is
large. It is also responsible for the law violation competition among the public vehicle drivers,
pedestrians crossing the roads etc. These are the common problems and the regular commuters
are to adjust to the situation.Q. Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so
common in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?A. After passing a certain time, daily
journeys will not be necessary but that should be applicable in some specific areas. When online
presence is required for a formal meeting, someone does not need to be physically present there.
If you work digitally, you always do not need to be at your workplace and there is no travel
required. But if you are driving your own car, you cannot do that sitting on your writing desk at
home. So, I partly agree that in near future journeys will be reduced for the advancement of the

Benefits of international travel

Q. What do you think people can learn from travelling to other countries? Why?
A. Travelling to a foreign country is one of the best ways to learn about that country and gain
direct knowledge. When travellers are on a foreign trip, they try to get information about the
culture and customs of the specific geographical location. They also do not miss the foods of the
nation, visits the popular spots, ride on the common vehicles get pictures and have much fun. In
fact, they learn about the country by their own attempt which is unavailable on books.

Q. Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?A. Definitely,
travel can bring a positive change in the economy of a country. When the travellers go for a trip
in a foreign country, they spend money on their desires. As a result, the travelling spots’
economy gets boosted. For instance, if you are travelling in France, certainly you will buy the
miniature model of the Eiffel Tower for your collection. If the tourists start buying the
miniatures, its demand is on the rise, then its production will also go up and the production
requires employment, while the employed people will have a decent living with the wages they
get and thus the economy of the entire locality will go up. It is happening for your travel in the

Q. Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other
countries? In what ways?A. A society could be benefited if the travelling experiences are used
in a proper manner. When the travellers will return to their native lands, they may share their
experiences with their families or in any formal or informal discussions. As a result, the
knowledge is shared. The travellers may establish a profitable model that they have seen in their
foreign trips and that could employ people or the models could be used for the benefits of the
society. They can also find some exemplary social works in foreign countries and might start
practising that. Thus the knowledge and experience the travellers gather from their visit to others
countries can positively contribute to establishing a better society in their home country.

Describe an educational trip you went on.

You should say:

 where you went

 what you did at this place
 who you went there with

and explain why you thought this trip was educational.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Education is a participatory process and requires the participation of both the teachers and
students. But it should also be acknowledged that knowledge is diversified, book pages cannot
hold it alone, educational trips are helpful too to gain it.I went on an educational trip at the
Lincoln Memorial which is built honouring the 16th US President, Abraham Lincoln. This place
is a national monument in the USA and located on the western side of Washington D.C. This is a
must to visit in the USA and contains many educative values for the students who particularly
are interested in American history. This was my first visit to the memorial and got familiar with a
part of US history. I watched the Lincoln statute, read the most famous speeches of Lincoln
carved into the memorial walls. The building architecture amazed me most. I was mostly
surprised by the two of his world-famous speeches – The Gettysburg Address and the other one
that he delivered on his Second Inaugural Address. The speech of Martin Luther King is also
inspiring. The evening view of the structure reflecting on the pool was excellent and I took few
pictures both in solo and group.I went to my class and the history teacher inspired us to visit the
memorial so that we could learn the first-hand knowledge about the 16th President. Our history
teacher, Mr David Parker was telling about the Lincoln Memorial and suddenly I proposed for a
visit (as I have never been there before) while all of my friends and classmates agreed with the
proposal instantly.The trip was highly necessary for us to learn about the Lincoln Memorial. The
knowledge we learned from the book would remain incomplete if we missed the trip. The trip
has exposed the realities to us; especially my view over the Lincoln Memorial has been greatly
changed. The memorial is made symbolically and a nationalistic spirit has been echoing at the
compound – each of the 36 perimeter columns represents 36 states building the Union while
Lincoln died. Different items have been used to build the structure from different US states to
represent their participation. The most interesting fact about the memorial is its 24 hours
availability feature and it requires no entry tickets. Our teacher described the facts of building the
structure and how long did it take to build it, the complexities that the authority experienced
during the construction and much other historical issues about the memorial.The trip was truly
beneficial for me as it gave an excellent opportunity for learning the US history.**Alternative
Answer 2:**Though I went on many educational trips, the first such trip that I took was very
exciting and most memorable for me. I was in grade six and the school arranged a trip to the
national zoo in our capital city. My parents were adamant initially but later on, they talked to my
teachers and agreed to let me go. My excitement and thrilling thus began even before I went on
the trip.It was the first time I went to our capital city and everything I saw and observed was new
and exciting to me. It was like a new land in a different part of the world! I saw skyscrapers,
busy streets, people of various ethnicity and costumes and I was amazed to learn and observe so
many new things. Our history teacher was with us on this trip and he described a long history of
this city and its tradition. We had four teachers, two administrative officers and around 20
classmates with us. Few parents also went with their children.I saw some European people for
the first time in my life and they talked to us for a while and gave us some delicious chocolates.
That was a whole new experience for me. After we reached the zoological garden, I was excited
to be at a place I have seen on TV and read about in the newspapers. It was a very large place
and there were lots of animals, birds and other species. I learned about the animals from a tour
guide and he described the characteristics and other facts about many animals and birds in
details. We walked for about two hours to see the animals kept in the zoo and we ate our lunch at
around 2:30 pm. The lessons I learned about the wild animals, how they are getting extinct and
what we should do to save them were very elaborate. This trip helped me a lot to learn about a
large city as well as the animals and birds. There were more than 200 species in this zoo
including tigers, lions, crocodiles, elephants, mountain gorillas, peacocks and monkeys. I have
never seen many of these animals and birds before and that was an excellent opportunity for me
to learn about them.It’s been quite a long trip but the experience and amazement I had during this
trip are unforgettable.

Describe an educational trip you went on.

You should say:

 where you went

 what you did at this place
 who you went there with

and explain why you thought this trip was educational.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

Education is a participatory process and requires the participation of both the teachers and
students. But it should also be acknowledged that knowledge is diversified, book pages cannot
hold it alone, educational trips are helpful too to gain it.I went on an educational trip at the
Lincoln Memorial which is built honouring the 16th US President, Abraham Lincoln. This place
is a national monument in the USA and located on the western side of Washington D.C. This is a
must to visit in the USA and contains many educative values for the students who particularly
are interested in American history. This was my first visit to the memorial and got familiar with a
part of US history. I watched the Lincoln statute, read the most famous speeches of Lincoln
carved into the memorial walls. The building architecture amazed me most. I was mostly
surprised by the two of his world-famous speeches – The Gettysburg Address and the other one
that he delivered on his Second Inaugural Address. The speech of Martin Luther King is also
inspiring. The evening view of the structure reflecting on the pool was excellent and I took few
pictures both in solo and group.I went to my class and the history teacher inspired us to visit the
memorial so that we could learn the first-hand knowledge about the 16th President. Our history
teacher, Mr David Parker was telling about the Lincoln Memorial and suddenly I proposed for a
visit (as I have never been there before) while all of my friends and classmates agreed with the
proposal instantly.The trip was highly necessary for us to learn about the Lincoln Memorial. The
knowledge we learned from the book would remain incomplete if we missed the trip. The trip
has exposed the realities to us; especially my view over the Lincoln Memorial has been greatly
changed. The memorial is made symbolically and a nationalistic spirit has been echoing at the
compound – each of the 36 perimeter columns represents 36 states building the Union while
Lincoln died. Different items have been used to build the structure from different US states to
represent their participation. The most interesting fact about the memorial is its 24 hours
availability feature and it requires no entry tickets. Our teacher described the facts of building the
structure and how long did it take to build it, the complexities that the authority experienced
during the construction and much other historical issues about the memorial.The trip was truly
beneficial for me as it gave an excellent opportunity for learning the US history.**Alternative
Answer 2:**Though I went on many educational trips, the first such trip that I took was very
exciting and most memorable for me. I was in grade six and the school arranged a trip to the
national zoo in our capital city. My parents were adamant initially but later on, they talked to my
teachers and agreed to let me go. My excitement and thrilling thus began even before I went on
the trip.It was the first time I went to our capital city and everything I saw and observed was new
and exciting to me. It was like a new land in a different part of the world! I saw skyscrapers,
busy streets, people of various ethnicity and costumes and I was amazed to learn and observe so
many new things. Our history teacher was with us on this trip and he described a long history of
this city and its tradition. We had four teachers, two administrative officers and around 20
classmates with us. Few parents also went with their children.I saw some European people for
the first time in my life and they talked to us for a while and gave us some delicious chocolates.
That was a whole new experience for me. After we reached the zoological garden, I was excited
to be at a place I have seen on TV and read about in the newspapers. It was a very large place
and there were lots of animals, birds and other species. I learned about the animals from a tour
guide and he described the characteristics and other facts about many animals and birds in
details. We walked for about two hours to see the animals kept in the zoo and we ate our lunch at
around 2:30 pm. The lessons I learned about the wild animals, how they are getting extinct and
what we should do to save them were very elaborate. This trip helped me a lot to learn about a
large city as well as the animals and birds. There were more than 200 species in this zoo
including tigers, lions, crocodiles, elephants, mountain gorillas, peacocks and monkeys. I have
never seen many of these animals and birds before and that was an excellent opportunity for me
to learn about them.It’s been quite a long trip but the experience and amazement I had during this
trip are unforgettable.

Describe a time that you and your friend had a

You should say:

 when this happened

 who you disagreed with
 what you and your friend argued about

and if you two solved the disagreement in the end.

Model Answer 1:

When I was a teen of 17 years old, I used to make friends more due to my extrovert nature. But
unfortunately, I also had the most misunderstanding with them. However, I have not lost any of
my friends for the disagreements.

Once I bought few novels to read in my leisure hours during the summer vacation of the college.
During the vacation, one evening two of my college friends reached my home. After having
some chats, one of them started looking at my library that I have built since my childhood (I love
reading books from my early age and has a huge collection of different types of books). He
picked one of the books that I just have started reading since the morning that day.

It was Thomas, my bosom friend at the college. I helped him greatly in mathematics and physics
on the exam before the college closure on the summer. The disagreement began with him when
he wanted to take the novel at his home for reading. The novel named - An American Tragedy
by Theodore Dreiser was his first choice.

I tried to make him realise that I had started reading the novel before they arrive at my home and
has already read a substantial portion of the book. But he was determined to take the book. Thus
the disagreement continued. Samuel, the other friend of us sat motionlessly and observed us
exchanging words with each other.

The argument continued for about 15 minutes, and I tried him to persuade in taking some other
books but he was determined. He did not change his mind and said that once he started reading
the novel but could not finish the book for some reasons. Now he does not want to miss the
chance to complete the book.

I had completed reading one-fourth of the book and as a quick reader, I proposed him to take the
book on the very next day. But he was unchanged in his attitude. He blackmailed me emotionally
saying that if I do not allow him to take the book, then he should not consider me as his friend.

Finally, I had to give up on his stubbornness and let him take the book on one condition that he
should return the book just after he finishes reading and also will not lend someone else (he had
lost most of his books by lending others for his extraordinary generosity) as he did earlier with
my books.

Alternative Answer 2:

Last year during the summer I had a big disagreement with one of my closest friends about a trip
we were planning to go to. It was just after the final term exam in our university when one of our
friends proposed to plan for a trip. We planned to visit a foreign country and have the tour for
about two weeks. The disagreement occurred with Jonathon when he proposed to visit Mexico
while I preferred travelling to England.

Jonathon might have reasons to visit Mexico but I preferred to visit a place far away from our
home country and enjoy the tranquillity and rich heritage of England. I argued that majority of
other friends have agreed to visit England and the sudden change of the plan would deter many
of them to actually join us. I also tried to convince him that Mexico would be a too exotic a place
for us and less interesting for the trip. He seemed quite determined to go to Mexico and
completely adamant to listen to my reasons. After an hour’s argument, frustration and
disagreement I told him that I would in no way tour to Mexico. My friend insisted me that we
should have an unusual tour and unfamiliar experience from this tour. I admitted that his opinion
was reasonable but we should value other friends’ opinion before fighting each other. When he
kept on arguing, I became angry and more frustrated and left his house that day.

After returning home I felt a bit ashamed to quarrel over such a silly issue with my friend when I
could have easily fixed that in a much calmer way. I texted him at night and asked him to meet
me next evening. I also informed other friends who were willing to take part in the tour and we
had a much friendlier discussion at that time. One of the friends proposed that we take the tour in
Australia where he has his relatives and friends. He also proposed that we should talk to our
parents about our destination and should not fix that until our parents give their opinions and

This friend was Pollock and his idea and explanation were something we could not refute. Thus
the disagreement ended and we finally had our tour in Australia!

ELTS Cue Card Question 16 With Model Answer:

Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone.
You should say:

 what the situation was

 who you helped
 how you helped

and explain how you felt after helping him/her.

Model Answer 1:

As human beings, we are living in a society from an ancient age and need others help to move on
in both our personal and social life. It would have been too difficult if there were no friends or
helping hands to support in moments of stress, disasters and unfavourable situations.I am 19
years old and live with my parents on the 8th floor of a rented apartment in Mumbai, a renowned
town in India. My parents are service holders and rarely find enough time to stay at home. But I
have to be at my home after finishing my college. The classes begin at 8: 00 am and ends at 2:00
pm. In an afternoon, I woke up from sleep hearing hue and cry outside of our flat. I opened the
windows and found that many of the apartment block tenants are gathering in the open space and
shouting loudly. It was an earthquake, a natural disaster that has suddenly hit the locality. All the
apartment buildings were moving and everything inside our flat started moving from here and
there. I just took my cell phone and rushed to get down too lest I get trapped inside the building
as it is seen in the news. But when I rushed towards the downstairs, I saw that a sexagenarian old
woman was also trying to get down. She used to live with her older son’s family in the opposite
apartment of us and had a very good relationship with my parents. She frequently visited our
home. I addressed her as grandma like her other grandsons and daughters addressed her.She was
also trying to get down fearing the destructive consequences of the earthquake but could not
walk faster on the staircase like the other people as she was weak and old. I was at her back and I
also could not move for her slow movement. Suddenly I thought what if I help her to get down
with me? Although the entire apartment building was trembling, there were chances to get
trapped inside if I do not get off the building quickly.Then I grabbed the old grandma’s hand and
told her that I will take her down. So, she agreed to my plan and allowed me to carry her to the
downstairs. My heart was beating faster when the waves of earthquakes were hitting the
buildings. It was like a perfect nightmare to me. I do not know how I got down grabbing one
hand of the grandma.When we came out of the building, everyone came to help us and took to a
safer distance of the buildings. Fortunately, nothing much happened that day but it panicked the
tenants of the multistoried apartments. But I felt a deep sense of comfort inside me as I have
brought the grandma out of the building. I could have avoided her and get out by myself but that
would make me guilty, at least to myself. Although I risked my life for the non-relative grandma,
it was truly a pleasure and the pleasant feelings are inexpressible in words.Alternative Answer
2: Thank you for the topic as it would allow me to tell you a story that I feel very proud of. I was
in my 10th grade when the event took place.I was returning home from my school and on my
way back to home I noticed that a 10 to 12 years old child was on top of a large tree. At first, it
looked very usual and there were many people in a nearby park. It was almost evening and I
became curious about the boy and his adventure. I went nearer and then noticed that the boy was
trapped between the knot of two branches of that tree and he was literally hanging there. I saw a
cat then which was also in a dangerous position on the edge of another branch. Anytime the
branch could have broken and both the boy and cat would be in jeopardy. The boy got trapped
while trying to help the cat and he must have been a very brave kid.The boy was so scared and
surprised that he forgot to shout for help. I went very close and put down my school bag. I asked
him his name and assured him that I will help him and he has nothing to worry about. In reality, I
was worried. I should have called someone adult and ask for his help but considering the boy’s
condition, I could not leave him. I shouted very loudly for help and to men came nearer. I
explained them the situation very quickly and told them to stay there so that I could climb the
tree and help the boy and the cat. At that time the boy started crying and I consoled him saying
that he is very brave and everything is going to be fine. When I attempted to climb the tree, one
of the two men forbade me and instead, he climbed the tree and asked me to stay there. Time was
passing very slowly and I quickly decided to go to a nearby house to bring further help. They
came with us with two large mattresses and they kept them just below the position where the boy
was hanging. The man who climbed the tree successfully rescued the boy and within few
minutes the cat jumped off from the tree as it saw the mattress and we were relieved from a great
anxiety.The boy thanked us all and other people also congratulated me for the courage I showed.
My feeling about the whole event was very complex. It started with anxiety and then I was
worried, horrified and finally relieved and happy. I congratulated the boy about his heroism and
effort to save the cat. Though the cat was nowhere to be seen at that time, I am sure it was also
silently appreciating our effort. In my opinion, it was a wise decision for me to call for help
though I was determined to climb the tree to rescue them in case no one was nearby.

ELTS Cue Card Question 17 With Model Answer:

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed

You should say:

 where the market is

 what the market sells
 how big the market is

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

Model Answer 1:

Vietnam has numerous tourists’ spots to visit by the global people and thus the number of
markets has also increased to meet the increasing demands. But the open markets (commonly
known as outdoor markets) are the traditional marketplaces in the country for shopping. It is like
a culture to go shopping under the open air.There are few open-air markets available in Saigon
(officially known as Ho Chi Minh City) and those are different from the other contemporary
markets. Both the natives and the global tourists come here to buy their essentials at a reasonable
cost. The markets of Saigon are well organised and the products are flawless.This open-air
market sells a large variety of stuff including goods produced in local factories and imported
goods. The available products of this market are clothing, belts, bags including large and small
such as handbags, electronic products, shoes, cell phones, food stores, hairdressing, branded
attires, suits, dresses made by the finest silk and other valuable materials and more other stuff.
But most of the time the prices are more than the actual price even in the shopping malls, so the
buyers need to bargain with the sellers to get the products at a lower price.The markets are
considerably bigger in size and houses numerous shops and stalls. In Saigon city, there are
several districts and each of the districts has one open-air market. The markets are stretched in
lines and one cannot see the end of the line due to the crowd and goods-laden shops. But there
are some categories of the shops and you have to go to a specific lane to get your
essentials.Usually, I buy my daily essentials and important knick-knacks from the open air
markets. I like the markets as they have many varieties to provide with and the most important
feature of the markets is the bargaining option with the sellers. At times, I bargain with them and
purchase the finest quality product for me at a very lower and unimaginable cost which would
cost me over thousands of bucks at the shopping malls.Besides, the goods sold in the market
belong to top-class in terms of quality and producing materials. Moreover, the sellers are friendly
with me as I have turned into a regular client for some of the specific shops like electronic
gadgets, covers for my iPhone etc.Alternative Answer 2: 'Nakamise Shopping Street' is an
excellent street market in Tokyo, Japan that I visited 3-4 years back and I enjoyed my shopping
and the traditional shops located there. I went there with my husband and 8 years old daughter
and my daughter loved this place so much that she took many photos of this market and still tell
her friends about her experience there.This beautiful and lively pedestrian street has numerous
gorgeous looking shops which sell various items including wooden sandals, wooden dolls,
Japanese clogs, colored papers, postcards, all sorts of Japanese souvenirs, traditional snacks such
as kaminari-okoshi, kind of food that are associated with festivals, various classic Japanese food
and many more items that mainly targets the tourists. When I was there, I noticed a huge crowd
of foreign tourists who were shopping or dining there.As I heard from a local shop owner, this
market is about 250 meters long and the front approach to Senso-Ji Temple and this is one of the
oldest shopping streets in Japan with attracts a great number of tourists each year.My whole
experience of my visit to this street market was stirring and full of surprises. Especially my
daughter’s excitement made this place worth visiting. We bought some traditional goods from
this market, took lots of photos and ate our dinner there. The traditional meal that we ate was
totally exotic to us and indeed very tasty. The Senso-Ji Temple that we visited was also very
exciting and it revealed a past Japanese history in front of us. As a tourist, I had lots to see and
do there and that’s the main reason the experience was so happy and exciting. The prices of
items we bought were reasonable and we had a whole picture of Japanese history and tradition
from this market. Though it’s been over 3-4 years, many items that we bought from this market
are still kept in our house. Part 3: Discussion topics:Shopping at marketsQ. Do people in your
country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes or old objects?
Which type of market is more popular? Why?A. The people of my country usually shop their
necessaries from the open-air markets. It is like a culture for them to visit the markets once a day.
So, it seems they enjoy much in shopping in those markets more than shopping at the concrete-
build shopping malls. The shopping malls are popular among the top class people but most of the
ordinary people like to visit the open markets for some specific reasons. The first cause is that a
large variety of a single product is available there which is not found at the attractive shopping
malls. Besides, the sellers in the shopping malls have no bargaining policy which is practised and
the common feature at the open markets.Q. Do you think markets are more suitable places for
selling certain types of things? Which ones? Why do you think this is?A. The markets are
visited by most of the commoners and they are on their way to home. So, those places are
suitable to sell certain types of things like small electronic gadgets, hair cut facilities, clothes for
common use etc. The things are sold in the open markets as the products and things are
frequently used and thus get damaged soon, but the people do not care about using those with
care as they are less expensive comparing to the shopping malls and available in the open
markets.Q. Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older
people? Why is that?A. In fact, the feelings of shopping differ from generation to generation in
the country. The feelings of the old and adults are not the same for several reasons over using
any product. When they are at the market, the adults may start recalling their past over any
specific product – how it was, how they used the product etc. But it is entirely different for the
younger people because they have no memories to recall any product as they are the fresh users
of the products. Moreover, the choices may also differ from the older people for the age-group
distance and gap.Shopping in generalQ. What do you think are the advantages of buying
things from shops rather than markets?A. If you buy something from a shop, it could be
easier for you to check the thing rightly before you finally purchase that. But in markets, you
might not have that chance to check the thing properly and the sellers at the markets may turn
reluctant to change the product or service. Moreover, if you want hassle-free shopping and
without bargaining, shops are the best places for you rather than markets. Another difference
between these two places is the prices of the products.Q. How does advertising influence what
people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?A. Advertisements have great influences on
the people. If someone is looking for any specific product at a shop or a market, s/he will look
for the thing that they had seen on advertisements in different media. The advertisements
subconsciously influence people to buy specific products. There is none who could avoid the

Q. Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general
shopping trends?A. Yes, definitely the lifestyle, socioeconomic conditions and advertising have
greatly changed people's habit of shopping. Currently, the people have started for branded
products and thus the markets are also providing them with the desired items. The changes are
notable and it is done by advertisements. While people in the past mostly purchased products and
goods they needed, people nowadays purchase more than they actually need. The range of
necessity has also enhanced to a great extent.

ELTS Cue Card Question 18 With Model Answer:

Describe something you did that was new or exciting.

You should say:

 what you did

 where and when you did this
 who you shared the activity with

and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

Model Answer 1:

Bushwalking (formally known as hiking) is a great source of day-long entertainment. When

travellers start walking through the stretched landscapes, they feel a different sort of feeling
inside. Moreover, hiking is a good way to explore any specific geographical location which is
not possible through other travelling modes.

Last summer, I went hiking in the Stirling Range for a hike with some of my friends. It was one
of the most exciting events in my life and fortunately, my parents allowed me to move with my
friends without imposing any obligations. We walked all the day long and stayed the night at the
peak. The views were breathtaking.

Before the summer began in Australia, we six friends decided to go for a trip to Perth and
undertake the hiking beginning from the Stirling Mountain range to its peak. We had to walk and
climb together to reach the summit and finally, we succeeded to ride on the top. It was the
daytime and thus the sun was too bright to look forward and amid the situation, we had to drive
about 200 miles to reach the hiking and climbing trail of Stirling Range.

Five of my school friends and I went to the trip and to make it memorable, we went all by us. We
requested our parents to allow us to go without the help of them. As we were growing up teenage
boys, they did allow us and this was the most exciting part of our trip. We all prepared well,
reached the spot in time and returned home safely too after the bush-walk.

This trip was exciting for me and a fresh experience as I never took part in such trips. The most
important thing is that I packed all my necessary stuff at the night before we start the trip. My
parents gave me a few advice that proved effective when applied, particularly walking under the
sun at daytime during the walk. I enjoyed the trip as the views were breathtaking and the roads
were smooth. But I had to face little troubles during the mountain climbing. My hands started
sweating and thus slipped several times when I was climbing the mountain.

The views from the mountaintop are spectacular and I had also seen the ocean lying in a long
distance using my binocular. There were wildflowers all around the walking tracks and smelt
pleasant, and the smells turned more attractive at night when we camped at a camping cave
located by the side of a road. We returned from the walking on the next day and followed the
directions given to return to the city.

Alternative Answer 2:
Recently I opened a WordPress blog and started writing blog posts and this is the first time I own
a blog. This is not only a new activity for me but also very thrilling.

I am a regular internet user and I read numerous blogs quite often. But owning one is something
which happened to me very recently. Earlier last month I opened a blog from and
the blog address comprises my name and then .com. So far I have written 20+ posts and they are
getting more than 200 traffics each day. I always wanted to own a blog and write things that
would let me continue my writing habit as well as help others who are searching for the same
thing I am listing down. For instance, one particular post which is getting much attention and
comments from the users is regarding the best places and activities for the tourists in my

I opened the blog from my home computer and after few hours continuous effort, I gave it a nice
design. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform nowadays and it makes the content
management and maintaining of the blog quite easily. After finishing the initial design, now I
focus on writing new posts. I opened this blog to add posts that will work as a reference for me
as well as help other searchers. For instance, I have visited almost all of the major tourist
attractions in my hometown and I know them quite well. So listing down the major tourist
attractions with some of the pictures and descriptions would help others who are planning to visit
my hometown as tourists.

After opening the blog, I informed few of my very close friends who visited it and gave positive
feedback. I also shared this blog on my Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles where all of my
social connections were notified about this blog. I made Mark, one of my very close friends, an
administrator of this blog so that he can also write his posts and help maintain this blog.

Opening a blog that would be popular among people of different countries was a dream for me. I
am yet to go a long way but the starting is done and that’s very exciting for me. I have integrated
the most popular statistics tool which is 'Google Analytics' and it gives many insights of the blog
including the per day visitors, posts where visitors spend time, live visitor count, where the
visitors are coming from, their visit duration and many other aspects of the blog. Creating
something new that grabs people’s attention and help them is always exciting and motivating.
Looking at the blog and statistics is something that gives me the inspiration to continue to write
and write great posts to help others. The whole thing is quite exhilarating and I am sure I will
continue it for a long time.

Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Doing new things


Why do you think some people like doing new things?

Performing a new task has a different sort of pleasure regardless of mistakes or perfection. Thus,
some people prefer performing newer things to taste the unknown pleasure. It is quite natural to
know the unknowns and based on curiosity humans are performing new things and thus has
invented numerous elements to be used for their comforts. Doing new things is like an addiction
for some people and accordingly, they invent newer ways to live better.


What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?


When it is the first time for something new, there may be different troubles. People might not
come up with the changed situations or behaviours or the presence of something unwanted. The
changes or the new things at the beginning may seem inappropriate or wrong and may also
experience negative criticisms. It also may happen that the community is opposing to start or
continue the new practice as they have never done that before or they are not instructed to
execute things in that way. So, before you start or practice something unconventional or new,
you should think about the issues. If someone wants to bring a change through the new activities
for the first time, the negative criticisms should be accepted in a cool manner.


Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people? Why?


I think it is the best idea to do or practice the new things on one’s own before making it public.
The thing could be made public when it is in a perfect condition or may prove helpful to others
or the community. If there are drawbacks with the new issue, it is imperative not to practice in
public or you might be insulted. Most of the cases, people who try new things lack the tolerance
limit of absorbing the negative remarks over the issue and consequently a complex situation is
created. Therefore, I believe that the new things should be exercised privately before announcing
them in public. If there are troubles with the issue, it may be discussed with few intimate mates
to resolve the drawbacks but not in public, remember – not in public before the drawbacks are
solved perfectly.

Learning new things:


What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young? How important
are these things?

Usually, the children try to imitate the attitudes and behaviours when they are very. The things
are highly important for them and even their parents too. They try to imitate the walking styles,
eating styles, speeches, talking methods, reading books and handwriting and more other issues.
But the most important thing is the way they behave is exactly copied from their parents. It is the
representation of the behaviour they get from their parents at home. If the parents behave well,
the kids will learn that and if the behaves are rude, they will be rude to others too. They love to
copy the adults and thus the adults should be careful over the issue.


Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their
learning style different?


The learning methods for the children and the adults are not the same. Usually, the children learn
from their surrounding environment while the adults mostly learn from trial and error basis.
Sometimes, they try to perform something different from others and thus they learn the newer
things. Since the kids do have such options to try and make errors to learn something and they
also lack maturity like the adults, simply they copy the attitudes they see performance by the
adults. So, the learning styles are not similar because of experience and exercising scopes.


Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in
the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?


Currently, there are lots of changes are happening in the world. As a result, the alternatives are
increasing and people could learn more things which were previously unfamiliar to them. With
the advancement of science, many unfamiliar things have been discovered and the chances to
gain knowledge over the issues have also increased simultaneously. Earlier, people were not that
much smart and intelligent as they are now and the possibilities to experiment something newer
were less than the present days. So, people did not learn well in the past and with the
advancement of time and technology, knowledge gathering and sharing has been made easier.
Therefore, newer things are easy to learn in the current days than before.

ELTS Cue Card Question 19 With Model Answer:

Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat] that you remember well.

You should say:

 where you went

 how you travelled
 why you went on the journey

and explain why you remember this journey well.

Model Answer 1:

Journies are always pleasant to people. The trip removes the monotony of daily life. There are
several ways of travelling and most of the time people prefer the air journey as it is the quickest
and trouble free mode of transportation. But, to me, an air journey appears to be mechanised. I
prefer travelling on waterways.

I had the luck to have a boat journey on a moonlit night on the River Ganges in a participation of
my family members in this year. The journey is made annually by my family and has been
observed for years. It was a highly pleasant journey for us all. Usually, people travel by boat on
daytime but the journey was planned about 20 days back to be held at night of a full moon. All of
our family members (who were available in the city) were invited to participate in the journey.

In the beginning of the journey, we hired a boat with three boaters with the condition to stay the
full night with us. The boat we selected was able to run both by manually and automatically. It
was a large boat and perfectly accommodated us all (45 people) on it. We started our journey
after the dusk and took our special meals with us to be taken during the boat ride. We also had
food provisions for the boatmen too. The journey began from a Ghat of Varanasi at around
6.30pm. Then the boatmen slowly started moving the boat towards the centre of the River.

The Ganges is considered as a holy religious spot for the Hindus and many of the people of
Hindu religion come here to purify themselves. It is our family tradition to take boat journey on
the River annually but we do not pay any forms of tribute to the River. Simply we observe the
moonlit night and the journey helps us remove the monotony of our regular life. The surrounding
environment is calm and quiet and at times some small lights are seen at a far distance. The city
lights are also found and the views are astonishing. The mild wind blowing over the River
creates a sense of satisfactory feelings which is unavailable in the city life.

The journey is an ever reminding one for me. This was the very first journey for me and earlier I
was discarded from the traveller's list for my tender age. I have seen moonlit night but had not
the chance to observe the beauty from a boat. The moon shadow created a highly romantic
environment there. Everyone including the pet dog was silent too during the trip. Everyone was
gazing at the silvery moon like Moonstruck. The waves breaking down on the boat created an
impressive situation. Thus, I will remember the journey forever in my life.

Model Answer 2:
Well, journeys are parts of our life and from the ancient time till now, we move to different
places for work, business, meeting others and for holidays. I would talk about a journey that I
remember quite vividly. It was a journey to Vienna, the capital of Austria, and I had this journey
by a plane.

Last year, my father decided to visit Vienna and take us with him as he got a week’s holiday
vacation from his office. This was a very exciting news for us and we all were looking forward
to having a great journey. We went to Vienna and the journey was quite exciting and memorable.

On the scheduled day we went to the National Airport and completed the paperwork before we
were greeted by an air hostess in the plane. We took our seats and this was the second time for
me to have a plane journey. As soon as the plane took off and rose in the air higher and higher, I
started feeling a bit nervous initially and then overwhelmed by the tranquillity and serenity of the
higher altitude. We were offered some complimentary foods and drinks and I enjoyed the white
cloud, peaks of the mountains and a distant view of different cities beneath ourselves. All of a
sudden I found that my mother was not feeling well with the sudden bump but I assured her and
held her hand for a couple of minutes. When the plane swung from side to side, some of the
passengers were worried but it was a different feeling to me- like a big bird swinging in the air.
My father was reading a magazine while my little sister was enjoying the view through the small
window beside her seat. She was taking pictures and from her facial expression, I could see that
it was quite exciting for her. As we passed over the rivers, forests, hills and cities, I took the
great pleasure in looking at the beautiful scenes and took few photos as well.

It was more than 5 hours’ journey and I was awake the whole time not to miss any noticeable
view. After few minutes, we heard the announcement of safety precaution by another flight
attendants before landing and in 30 minutes we were at the Vienna International airport.

This was a pleasant and memorable journey mostly because this was the second time I had
travelled by plane. This journey was with my family members and to enjoy a vacation ahead. I
loved being close to my family on this journey and the awesome and mesmerising sceneries from
the plane made it unforgettable.


Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Reasons for daily travel


Why do people need to travel every day?


Travelling is not a part of leisure activities rather it has turned into a part and parcel of our
everyday life. People need to travel every day from place to place for different reasons. People
who work at offices need to go office and thus they are travelling from their home to their office
using different transportation mode. Students need to attend classes and they are to go to
respective educational institutions. Moreover, housewives need to have their daily necessaries
and if they do not have anyone to help, they start travelling from home to marketplaces. Again,
some of the people like to travel from place to place only to achieve pleasures. So, there are
numerous reasons for travelling and the trip ranges vary considering different perspectives.


What problems can people have when they are on their daily journey to work or school for
example? Why is this?


The most common problem for people living the cities is traffic congestion and unavailability of
transportation modes in the peak hours. It happens as the number of vehicles is on the rise but the
roads they are plying on are not wide enough to accommodate all the vehicles at a time. So,
traffic congestion is a common scenario for the busy cities, and as a result, the vehicles got stuck
in important crossings for long hours while the remaining passengers waiting at different
stoppages keep waiting. Then it appears that the vehicles are unavailable.


Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so common in the future. Do you
agree or disagree? Why?


There are some people who are on the view that daily journey will be changed and they are right.
In future, everything will be digitised and automated. The digitisation process does not require
physical presence and when the workplaces are made so, it will not require the employees to be
present at the physical office in time by travelling. They will be able to communicate using
virtual communication system and continue their works. But some of the people have to travel
always for their jobs who are involved in technical sections like providing support, harnessing
emergencies etc. but this is a different scenario. The journey patterns will change and may also
not be an essential thing as it considered today. Rather people will undertake journeys to travel
for passing their leisure hours in distant places.

Benefits of international travel


What do you think people can learn from travelling to other countries? Why?

Travelling is the way to broaden knowledge. When people travel, they gain different sorts of
knowledge over issues which were unknown to them before the travelling. If it is about
international travel, the knowledge is vast and wide. Most of the people get ideas over the
overseas issues on television or on newspapers. But when they have the chance to visit the places
they have seen on television or read in newspapers, the knowledge is spread among them. The
learning has positive impacts on them. When they are accustomed to a new foreign or
international culture, they try to practice that in their daily life when they come back to their
native lands. So, I think people have great chances to learn from their international trips.


Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?


Travelling also owns the power of making some positive difference on the national economy of a
country. For instance, if the country has some tourist spots, they could invite the international
tourists or group of people to visit the spots. When the tourists will stay at the spots, they
certainly will spend money to get their daily necessaries or for the other issues. As a result, the
economy of the region or the country will be improved. Moreover, sometimes the travellers turn
into investors if the tourist spot could provide them with the necessary supports to establish a
business or found an organisation which creates the options for employment in any specific area.


Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other
countries? In what ways?


When people travel, they gain knowledge over different issues and the knowledge gaining
process is subconscious. So, when people return from their travel, they try to apply the
knowledge in their daily life which brings some positive changes in them and their surroundings.
So, the numbers of changes in a society increase when more people go to travel in international
regions. The travellers start practising their new learning in their individual events and also share
the knowledge with their communities, and as a result, the knowledge is spread in the society and
brings a social benefit for all.

ELTS Cue Card Question 20 With Model Answer:

Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people.

You should say:

 who this person is/was

 where this person lives/lived
 what he/she has done to help people

and explain how you know about this person.

Model Answer 1:

Humanity is a highly admired virtue across the globe. Unfortunately, most of the people are not
possessed by the virtue rather most of them prefer to be busy on their own. But there were some
people who sacrificed their lives for the betterment of humankind selflessly.

Mother Teresa is one of the holy souls that have spent the entire life for the improvement of the
impoverished section of the society. Born in Macedonia, Mother Teresa was a missionary in
India. She was a Roman Catholic religious sister. She passed her early days in Yugoslavia and
consequently turned into a nun to serve the destitute.

Mother Teresa, the youngest child of Nikollë and Dranafile Bojaxhiu was born with the name -
Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, meaning little flower, in Skopje and she lived with her family in the
locality before all of them moved to Tirana in 1934. Her father was involved in local politics but
he died when she was of eight years old.

Mother Teresa, from her early life, was kind to the destitute people. It is also known that she
loved reading stories of missionaries and was amazed particularly for the service in Bengal.
Gradually she developed a determination to be a missionary and she was only 12 then. She
decided to lead a life for the others and follow the religious views to walk on the chosen path.
When she turned 18, she left her home to be a sister and join with the Sister of Loreto which
served as a missionary. She left her home forever and never met with her mother and sister again
in her life.

She learnt the English language to be applied in the continent she is travelling for helping the
people with the missionaries. Initially, she arrived in India as a teacher and she had to learn
Bengali too. She started teaching the Bengali speaking people. Observing the famine, misery and
religious violence among the people in Calcutta, she determined to change the situation.

She founded Missionaries of Charity, a religious institution to serve the destitute plying on the
streets of Calcutta. ‘Missionaries of Charity’ has different initiatives for the poor, homeless,
disease-affected people and the most important information is the services it offers are free of

Mother Teresa is a globally admired figure and even after her death, she is remembered with
deep respect. Numerous news and events have been created for her remembrance and I live
adjacent to her organisation – Missionaries of Charity. I have seen the good initiatives
undertaken by the organisation. So, Mother Teresa and her institution are more familiar to me
than any other thing in the town.
Model Answer 2:

China is one of the largest and most populated countries in the world but health services are not
accessible equally for everyone in the country. On the contrary, some people are relentless to
provide medical facilities to the impoverished people, and Mr Gui Junjie is one of those great

Mr Juinjie is a doctor by profession and loves to serve the people of all classes. But the majority
of his patients are poor and they cannot even pay his fees as well. He loves to serve them and
when asked about this habit, he has a simple reply that it was his moral duty to serve the people
who are in need of healthcare. Sometimes he arranges for necessary medications for his patients
who are unable to buy them.

Mr Juinjie lives in a corner of the main street in the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province
located in east China. I am quite familiar with his simple living and lifestyle for long. He is
solvent enough to lead a luxurious life but his day to day life is so simple that he even does not
have a car and instead uses a bicycle to move in the city. On the other sides, all of his mates have
started leading fascinating lifestyle as they charge their patients more and more. But Mr Juinjie is
completely different and the only man I have seen ever that did not run after money.

Basically, Mr Juinjie is an M.B.B.S doctor and has some special training in surgery and dentistry
together. So, he is able to deal with almost all types of diseases and if he fails to treat the
patients, he refers them to some other places where they could have the treatment at a reasonable
cost. He has a two-storied building that he inherited from his father and has launched a small
nursing centre at the ground floor of the building where he performs the minor surgeries and
usually meets with the patients at his chamber which is located just aside the surgery room on the
same floor. He has done a varied number of things for the local people and the most important
issue is that he is available for everyone and at any time of the day which has made him unique.
His prescriptions contain comparatively fewer medicines and are filled with more advice.

When I was a kid of seven or eight, I had fallen ill and my parents took me to Mr Juinjie for
treatment. I recovered the illness shortly and came to know that he prescribed me some simple
medicines. Since his chamber is just in the opposite direction of my residence, I have the chance
to meet him twice or thrice in a day while returning home from my colleges and listen to
different stories – how he helped saving lives, served lots of people in different parts of the city
and much more of his past experiences. I believe he is one of the greatest persons I have ever met
in my life.

Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Helping other people in the community


What are some of the ways people can help others in the community? Which is most

There are many other ways to help people living in a community or society. The notable helping
ways are showing kindness to others, assist in doing something regardless of the task shape or
size, behaving in a courteous manner, provide support in mental distress, be with them during
their sorrowful events, sharing the joys, offering voluntary services to the social organizations or
during social events, arranging employment for the unemployed (if possible), lending money in
soft-terms during distress or supporting with foods, help to get justice etc. But the most
important thing, I believe, is to arrange for an employment. There is a proverb – Give a man a
fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.


Why do you think some people like to help other people?


People who are kind and soft-hearted usually love to help others. They find a sort of good
feelings inside their mind when they could help someone in danger or misery. They are of the
view that they are performing some good deeds and in return, they will get that back. There are
theories that everything is round. If you do well of others it will come to you unexpectedly, and
if you do bad things that will hurt you too, unexpectedly. But most of the people who do well to
others are not the theory-believers. They do it selflessly and enjoy the satisfaction of sacrifice.


Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they did in the
past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


The range of good deeds has increased in the society comparing the past. Earlier, people had not
the necessity to mix with people as they are socialising now with the demand of time. So, as they
are socialising more, they are experiencing the necessity of others and accordingly providing
support to the distressed. But, a few decades back, people lived in a constricted loop and their
life was limited to specific people or community consisted of very few members. So, they did not
have the chance to help others in the community as they have today.

Community Services


What types of services, such as libraries or health centres, are available to the people who
live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?

In my area, we do have health centres but we need libraries more. We have a single library and
the books are insufficient for the increasing readers. At times it appears that the number of
patients is on the rise and people are forgetting to meet their thirst for knowledge in the fast-
paced age. Thereby, the health centres are on the rise while the libraries are on a decline. Mostly
the young people, in the evening, pass their time on the library by reading books. So, the number
of libraries needed to be increased and the existing one should b enriched with books and other
reading materials.


Which groups of people generally need the most support in a community? Why?


Women, children and the old people are the most vulnerable section of a society or community.
They need more support in a community than other for their vulnerable nature. For instance, if
there is an earthquake, the aforesaid section should be prioritised regarding escape or taking
shelter to a safer place as they cannot move like men. Besides, disease resistance power is lower
among them comparing the male members of a society. So, they should be allowed to get
advantages in hospitals or other health-related services. The feeble nature has made them
dependent on others and the issue should always be kept in mind regarding behave with them.


Who do you think should pay for the services that are available to the people in a
community? Should it be the government or individual people?


Only the government or any individual cannot run a community service alone. The expenses are
increasing rapidly and thus the maintenance cost is turning higher day by day. So, the people
who are taking the services should also contribute to the sectors so that everyone could get
smooth services. For instance, the health centres provide different vaccines and it may happen
that a certain vaccine price has gone up which is beyond the budget. So, if the other service
receivers contribute a portion of the annual or monthly budget of the health centre, the vaccine
will be affordable to all. So, I think the government, the individuals and the beneficiaries should
pay for the services.

IELTS Cue Card Question 21 With Model Answer:

Describe something that is produced in your country (e.g., a food, a handicraft,

or a car)

You should say:

 what the product is

 what it is used for
 how it is made

and explain why your country produces this thing.

Model Answer 1:

This is the age of communication and technology. Vehicles are the most important and necessary
mode of communication. There are different sorts of vehicles are available around the world and
used for travelling from one place to another for various specific or unspecific reasons.

Germany is globally famous for producing cars and the automotive industry is considered as one
of the best and largest industries in the world. The automotive industry is producing different
types of cars and has created employment for nearly a million of people across the country.
German automobile produces modern, stylish, and well-designed cars, and the features are
competitive too in the European countries. The production of automobiles in Germany boomed
after the 1960s and the expansion is still in progress. The most notable cars are Audi, BMW,
Ford, Porsche, Volkswagen, Opel, Mercedes-Benz etc.

Mostly the cars are used for personal transportation. According to the demand by the buyers,
sometimes the cars are customised and special features are added to the vehicles. At times, some
special types of sports cars are made to be used in car races across the world. Then the cars are
made with special care and prices also go up for the extraordinary characteristics. But the
manufacturers also produce cars for massive transportation like highway bus that carries
passengers from one place to another inside or outside of the country. Interestingly, some of the
people place orders for sports cars for their personal use by spending a huge sum of money.
Whatever the prices are, the vehicles support the users for longer periods.

In the early days, the cars were made on hand and using few employees but with the change of
time the demands of the cars have increased greatly and thus the making process has also been
mechanised. Technologically advanced machines are used to make almost all the parts of a car
and some of the workers are used to assemble the parts together. Commonly, some employees
are engaged in the assembling of specific parts using a conveyer belt. The car body stops at
different stations on a conveyer belt and then the expert hands join the parts with machines and
tools. When the assembly is done for any specific part, the body moves forward to the next

The workers are split into several units under a division to assemble the body parts and thus the
assembly is done. However, the assembly requires a substantial amount of time as a car is made
of numerous specialised metal parts, tools and instruments including electronic circuits, plastics
materials, rubber tires, glass and many other things. When all the elements are assembled
together, the car turns into a fully functioning vehicle.
Germany has been producing automobile since the 18th century and is considered as the
birthplace of this industry. Earlier, the number of produced cars was limited but with the
increasing global demand, it has started massive automobile production and the most famous
brands are produced in Germany. The most important cause of the German automobile demand
is its sustainability and comfort. The cars made by Germany are economic in terms of fuel
consumption and could be used for years.

In terms of quality, the German cars belong to the top class and provide continuous service to the
users and require some routine checks only. The German automobiles are made for luxury and
engineered for travelling long distance with a higher speed.

Model Answer 2:

Rice is one of the main agricultural products in India and considered as the staple food for the
majority of the population living in Southeast Asia. This is the only food crop that is found in
almost all parts of the world and is preferred as the main food item on the table.

India is one of the largest rice growers in the world and the contribution is around 20%
comparing the global rice production in different other countries. The rice production level has
increased in the present days than the past to meet the hunger of the increased population of the
country. India mainly produces the brown and white rice and the demands for both the rice are

Rice is used as the main food for the majority of the Indians though some of them prefer to have
bread instead of rice on their meal. But rice is still on the top of the list and been serving the
people since time immemorial. Rice is grown from paddy and it needs to be cooked before
serving. Usually, the production level remains upwards but due to some natural disasters like
droughts or excessive rains help to decline the rice production. Gradually, the lands producing
paddies are expanding and in fact, rice covers the largest crop producing lands of the country.
There are different sorts of rice is available and they have various purposes. Some of them are
used for preparing regular meals while the special ones are used to cook distinctive foods
marking occasions.

Rice is basically a food grain grown on a tree known as paddy. It requires fertile lands, plenty of
water, and the climate should be humid and moderately hot. Besides, a moderate rainfall is also
required for the cultivation of rice. Rice is grown in plenty in India since the climatic features are
favourable for rice growth. The hot and comfortable climate helps flourish the paddies on the
land. Traditionally, the fields are ploughed before sowing rice seeds and fertilizers and cow
dungs are used to enhance the fertility of the land. When there are scarcities of rain, irrigation is
required and that is done by groundwater using tube wells or deep tube wells. These are the
traditional methods for growing rice but some other non-traditional methods are followed as well
some of the Indian regions to produce rice.

India grows rice not only to meet the increasing food demands, rice is tastier than the other types
of food grains as well and could be taken with several types of curries and vegetables. This is the
only food grain that delivers special aroma after cooking. Moreover, the preparation process for
rice is also simpler and requires no spices at all. Only a cooking pot and a couple mugs of water
are enough to cook the rice. India produces rice as the cultivation needs fewer efforts than other
food crops, and the produced rice is exported which brings a good profit for the country.

Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Food Production


What are some of the main food products ("foods") that your country produces?


Foods, particularly the agricultural products in Germany are different from regions to regions
despite being the country an agricultural land. Cereals are mostly grown across the country and
sugar beets are another important agricultural product. Besides, various types of vegetables are
also found and sold in marketplaces. Vineyards are located in the river valleys. The foods are
produced in such a manner that the prices are lower but the farmers have their profit to a pleasant
level. Organic farming is followed across the country to ensure the highest level of production.


What are some food products that come from different parts of your country?


Being an agricultural country, it produces different sorts of food items both seasonal and round
the year. Vegetable like carrots, potatoes, cabbage, spinach, beans, cauliflowers, tomatoes,
zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli etc. are produced in different parts of Germany. Moreover,
there are some fruits like apples, lemons, kiwis, oranges, avocados, peaches, pears, nectarines,
strawberries, plums, cherries etc. are also grown across Germany and mangoes, bananas,
coconuts and pineapples are also found in German localities.


What widely consumed food products are mainly imported into your country?


The most consumed food in Germany is meat like beef, pork etc. But pork is the most popular
meat across Germany. However, chicken, duck, lamb, rabbit, boar etc. are also consumed on
different occasions and available round the year. Fish is another most wanted item in Germany
and the most common fishes consumed are trout, carp, pike etc. Vegetables are the part and
parcel of German cuisine and it is a must on the food menu. Mostly the vegetables are used to
make soups or stews and sometimes are served as side dish. Take away foods are also popular in
Germany. Dried foods also have a big demand among the Germans, particularly in some specific

Besides, various types of foods are imported to Germany including live animals, beverages, oils
– vegetable and animal, oilseeds, citrus, avocados, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, potatoes, apples,
broccoli, garlic, pears, bananas, mangoes, mushrooms cauliflowers etc.


Do you think it's important that a country is self-sufficient in food?


A country should be self-sufficient in food production for different reasons. The first thing is that
import is a complex process and at times the food items get damaged for the transportation
process and the pricing goes beyond the budget. As a result, the final consumers are to get the
items at a higher rate than usual. Besides, the import process may also get delayed or obstructed
for global political disability. If the country is in need of the products, those become unavailable
inside of the country and the unscrupulous merchants create a syndicate to extend their illegal
profit by storing the available goods.

Other Products /International Trade


Besides food and the product you mentioned earlier, what else is made in your country?


Germany is the country that makes a large number of necessary things. The produced elements
are globally delivered for the daily use of global people. The most important products include
ships, electronic gadgets and gears, beverages like beer of different types and Fanta, filing
cabinets, printers, envelops, papers, cosmetics products like Nivea, medicines like aspirin,
branded sportswear products Puma, Faber Castell pencils, electronic cigarettes, grooming
brushes, medical products, car tires, sailboats, handicrafts, clothing, perfumes and more other


Do you think the globalisation of industry and commerce is a good thing?


Globalisation has made a massive change in the world. The world has turned into a global village
for the entire process and as a result, people have the chances to enjoy products or services of
foreign countries. The globalisation of industry and commerce has made consumption
comfortable to the global consumers. Any specific goods, service or product produced in a
certain part of any geographical location is now available in the remotest part of the world and
this has happened for globalisation process.


Do you think every country should make everything it needs or should it import some


It is my individual concept that every country may not make or produce everything it needs due
to various causes and most importantly the lack of available resource. The resources required to
make or produce any specific product is unavailable everywhere. For instance, the Middle East
countries are selling oil across the world as they have plenty but if they did not have, then they
had to import oil from the producing countries. So, I think in some cases a country should import
the necessary items.


What are the disadvantages of a country producing everything it needs?


When a country will produce everything it needs, the economic situation may turn worse. When
the necessary items will be available for all the people the currency value will go down.
Moreover, there is a common trend of wasting materials when they are found in abundance. So,
the chance of production material wastage like mineral or artificial resources wastage will
emerge. People will be unaware of using or applying the produced, and if the products were
imported, the people would have used them with care.

ELTS Cue Card Question 22 With Model Answer:

Describe a historical building in your country or city that you know about.

You should say:

 what building it is
 where it is
 what it is known for

and describe what you know about this historical building.

Model Answer 1:
Thank you so much for the time and opportunity that you have given me here to talk about a
historical building of my country. In fact, there are numerous historical buildings in India, and
one of the most striking ones is the Taj Mahal, which is located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. It is a
magnificent building and is considered a symbol of India's architectural heritage.

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum that was built in the 17th century by the Mughal
Emperor Shah Jahan. It was built as a tribute to his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died
during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is situated on the banks of the Yamuna River and is surrounded
by beautiful gardens.

The Taj Mahal is famous for its stunning architecture and intricate details. It is one of the most
visited tourist attractions in India, and people from all over the world come to see this
magnificent building. The Taj Mahal is also recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site and is
considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

I have had the opportunity to visit the Taj Mahal twice, and both times, I was mesmerized by its
beauty. The first time I visited the Taj Mahal was on a school trip when I was around 10 years
old. I was amazed by its size and intricate details, and I remember being fascinated by the story
of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal's love story. The second time I visited the Taj Mahal was with
my family a few years ago, and I was still as awestruck as the first time. I learned more about the
building's history and the various legends associated with it.

Sample Answer 2:

History talks about the past. It narrates the events that have gone by. Usually, humans cannot go
back to the past but could have a look at the relics to learn and imagine the past. Usually, the
historical buildings remember past events when people go visit the places.

In my country, South Africa, we have some historical places and structures and among them, the
‘Union Buildings’ is considered one of the most important historical places in the country and
the centre of politics in the country. Actually, the building is the official place for the
government of South Africa and simultaneously the President resides in the house. The house is
situated in Pretoria covering the largest space in the locality under Arcadia and is adjacently
accompanied by Church Square (another historical place of the country) and another monument
named Voortrekker Monument. The building is a South African national heritage site and once it
was the largest building in the entire country and region.

The building was founded in 1910 (in fact the foundation stone was set up on the spot it is
standing today) after lots of speculation. It was necessary to establish a building like that to run
all the necessary administrative activities of the country. In the beginning, the entire area was a
colony and all the colonies started becoming united in 1910 and formed the Union of South
Africa. The current location – Pretoria was considered the administrative capital of the country.
So, when the capital started working effectively, the requirement of a building to accommodate
all the staff, and officials and host a new government was highly needed. Later, based on the
Union Buildings, the entire city was planned.
The building is mostly known for hosting governmental offices and as the residence of the
President of South Africa. A large number of political decisions have been taken and
implemented from the building and it has been serving as the nucleus of politics in South Africa.
Moreover, the building is a sign of the finest architecture in South Africa in terms of different
attractive internal decorations and establishments.

The ‘Union Buildings’ has a unique design with fountains, pools, trees, and an amphitheatre and
the interior design is based on the Cape Dutch Style. All the doors of the building are made with
heavy timbers and furniture is also made with similar woods for durability to the Rhodesian
Teak. Indigenous materials have also been used to beautify the interior. Granite and sandstones
have been used for making courtyards. The building is named after the Union of South Africa
which was founded in 1910 by the unification of the then colonies. Over 1000 workers, artisans
and workmen worked for over three years to make the building and the building was done by
1913. The structure was designed by Sir Herbert Baker.

With the emerging demands, the house was allotted to the President of South Africa although in
the beginning it was aimed to house the Public Service of the Union of South Africa. Regarding
the construction, imported materials have been used but traditional South African materials have
also been prioritised. The architecture is a blend of the Italian and English Renaissance with the
association of Cape Dutch impression.

Sample Answer 3:

India is the land of history and the histories has been created by different rulers at different times.
Now the rulers are absent but their relics are visible. The Mysore Palace is one of those spots
which reminds the olden days of India.

This is a royal palace located in Mysore under Karnataka in the southern part of India. This is a
historical building and was the seat of the royal family in Mysore who also ruled the locality
during the 12th century. This is now one of the most stunning tourist attractions in the country
and has gained fame for some specific reasons. Mysore is known as the city of palaces but the
Palace of Mysore is the most important one for its large structure and architectural designs and

The first palace in Mysore was built in the 14th century by King Yaduraya and he had built the
palace inside the Old Fort for residential purposes. But with the change of times and necessities,
the palace was demolished and again was constructed to meet the needs. After being burnt,
another new palace was constructed at the same place during the ruling period of Rajarshi
Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV in 1897. The construction of the new palace was done by 1912 inside
the Old Fort replacing the damaged one, and gradually it was expanded in 1940. The Public
Durbar Hall was included in the expansion as part of its beautification. Before the construction of
the new palace, the inhabitants used to live in a nearby Jaganmohan Palace and gradually shifted
to the Mysore Palace.

The Mysore Palace is mostly known for its architectural beauty and its linkage with the royal
family. In fact, the palace is the official seat for the rulers of Mysore who ruled the land from
1399 to 1950. The Mysore Palace is located in the central part of Mysore and is renowned for its
durbar halls. There are two large durbar halls and they played the roles of holding different
events and meetings organised by the rulers and royal family members living in the Palace.
Besides, the beautiful garden, large courtyard and buildings are also noteworthy to increase the
Palace’s beauty. A large number of crowds from different parts of the world come here to visit
the Palace and enjoy its beauty.

This is one of the most remarkable historic buildings in India and the architectural design of the
building is known as Indo-Saracenic. As a result, almost all available styles like Muslim, Rajput,
Gothic and Hindu styles have been blended here. When it was commissioned, the design
appeared to be weird but with the passage of time, the oddity of the design has been removed and
now it has become a symbol of Mysore. The entire structure is made of stones while the domes
of the Palace are made of marble. This is a three-story building with a tower measuring 145 feet.
The entire palace is surrounded by a large beautiful garden with three entrances.

Part 3: Detail Discussion:


Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?


The old buildings are the representatives of history. They tell the past stories of thousands of
years and let us know about different issues like how they lived, how their living styles were,
what they did, what sort of construction style they had and other necessary information. If the
historical buildings are not preserved, people will be unable to learn about their pasts. It is
important to know about the origin, the forefathers and the past in order to live with dignity. If
the important buildings are not preserved, the national history will go into oblivion. Moreover,
the young generation of a country will be unaware of its history and the greatness of the nation.
Usually, the old buildings contain relics and people develop their idea of their past which is
another cause for preserving the old establishments.


Is history useful for the coming generations? Why?


History is always useful. It teaches us different important lessons and most of the people who
have succeeded in life have taken their learning from history. So, history is also useful for the
coming generations. It may happen that they are in some sort of trouble and if they look back in
history, they will find that there were some other people who also had the same troubles and got
rid in any specific way. Thus, history helps them to get out of any troublesome situation.
Moreover, if they are in any critical situations, they could take the help of history, but it should
be remembered that history does always not refer the events old about 100 years.

What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?


The basic difference between the house of the past and the current is space. Earlier, the houses
were made more spacious and covered large spaces to be built. But with the increasing
population, houses are made in small spaces and the number of houses is on the increase.
Moreover, the past houses were designed with different distinctive styles. There were ample
spaces for recreation and entertainment for the residents. But in the current days, apartments are
being made with lower space and even at times, they do not have proper walking space in the
staircase. Earlier, the houses covered horizontal space but now they are vertical.


What are the differences in the sizes of houses? Why?


The house sizes are different for various reasons and the primary cause is the increased
population around the world. To meet the demand of the growing population, house sizes are
becoming small. Currently, it is almost impossible to build a house covering a large space for the
living of a family in a comfortable manner rather the large space could be used to build
apartment blocks or residential towers that could house several families instead of one family.
Accommodation is one of the greatest challenges in the coming days and already people are
experiencing the problem in different cities of the world.


Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?


I prefer living in a big house because the environment of a big house is comfortable. The houses
are made in such a manner that light and air could pass easily. Moreover, the houses allow the
people to exercise some hobbies (I like gardening) and if there are spaces, the residents could
make gardens before the house which will increase the beauty of the house. But if it is a small
house, the options are rare. Moreover, the architectural style of the big houses is usually very
attractive and good looking which attracts me more. But the small houses are made
commercially to accommodate people, not to exercise their hobbies.

IELTS Cue Card Question 23 With Model Answer:

Describe a situation when you had to be nice to someone you dislike.

You should say:

 who this person was

 why you do not like him/her
 what happened

and why you still had to be nice to him/her.

Model Answer 1:

Humans cannot live alone. A society or community is a must to live in peace and harmony. It is
also essential to avoid different disasters or distresses together. But to move on with the society,
one cannot have the right person always. There are some people who want to make troubles even
in the delicate situations of the other people but to be courteous, we are to remain calm and show
respect to them even when it is proved that they are responsible making the mess.

In my family, I have a relative who is a kind of ill-mannered man and elder in age. So, I cannot
tell him about his sick nature and consequently, I have to be nice to him always. He is skilled in
making troubles among the other family members and most of the time he brings some false
allegations against us (I was victimised by the man.) He is an uncle of mine and the relationship
between him and my family is intimate. He is the brother of my mother and lives adjacent to our
apartment block in the town with his own family.

There are some villainous characters found in movies and when they exist in real life, the life
turns into a hell. I cannot like or prefer the uncle for his weird behaviour. He always tries to
create confusions among his surrounding people and he finds an invisible delight in doing so.
Now, all of the family members of my family have become aware of his attitude and behaves.
But in the beginning, when he brought charges against someone, all the other people used to
believe and accordingly took measures against the individual. Sometimes the alleged person was
punished rigidly too. Rebuking was the lowest of the punishments.

Once he brought a false allegation against me and he reported the issue to my parents. But
fortunately, I became able to prove that the allegation was false. The uncle alleged that I had
broken a vase at his apartment on a specific event when he invited some of the guests including
our family members. But I denied the allegations and proved that I stayed for a few moments at
his apartment and I did not enter the room where the flower vase was kept. I had to take a leave
from the party due to my academic engagement.

When I turned successful in proving the issue, he changed his tone and said that it was his
mistake to blame me. He also apologised for his mistake. It is his habit to seek apology when he
is proved wrong and then imposed the blame to someone else. As a result, the innocent relatives
of the family turned tired of on him.
Despite all the negative doings, I still have to be nice to him because he is the older than me. My
parents have taught me to be nice to everyone regardless of age, gender or class. I never
misbehaved with him after the allegation and pay proper respect. The other teen members of our
family also pay respect to the man but he believes that we are afraid of him. He takes our
modesty as our weakness and consequently plots different mess to involve us imaginarily.

Sample Answer 2:

I never thought I would have to talk about this incident which I personally hate very much. It
was probably early November in 2014 when I was a fresh graduate and was looking for a job to
start my career. I applied for several jobs, mostly from an online job portal, and for my second
interview, I had to confront a very rude HR manager of the company.

I can’t recall the name of this person but he was around 40 years old and he processed my
application for the interview I faced. I got a call from the HR department that I would have to be
present for the interview in the early morning and the person who called gave me specific
instructions about the interview which I very clearly memorised and followed. I was instructed to
wear a tie and formal dress, take my updated CV and photocopy of my academic certificates. On
the job interview date, I reached the office and I was completely soaked as a hard rain hit me on
the way. I could not wait somewhere fearing that I would be late for the interview. After my
arrival, the HR manager (the rude one) asked me to wait in the conference room and did not
show up in next 30 minutes. After he reappeared he asked me for the papers. I handed him the
papers very politely and he was very much annoyed because he could not find the original
certificates. I told him that I was instructed to bring the photocopies and that’s why I did not
bother to bring the original copies. I also assured him that I can provide the necessary documents
anytime he likes. He looked at me with an angry face and told me why I have not used my
common sense to follow a simple instruction. He was even angry because my dresses got soaked
from the rain. He did not even offer me a dry towel or something like that.

From the very first moment I met him, I started disliking him. He was mean, rude and
unfriendly. When he told me that I was not properly dressed for the interview indicating my wet
dresses, I thought to leave the office immediately. However, I did the opposite. I apologised for
the inconveniences caused by me and assured him that it was completely unintentional. I usually
protest whenever someone misbehaves without any valid reason but in this case. I remained
silent and behaved very politely. Most probably I was trying to be professional and thought that
as part of the job search. Though I was somewhat surprised by this unfriendly and offensive
behaviour, I took as part of the professional life I was going to start. I wanted to face the
interview though I was determined not to join this company even if they offer me the job and
that’s probably the main reason I had been very nice and polite to this person.

IELTS Cue Card Question 24 With Model Answer:

Describe a plant grown in your country.

You should say:

 what the plant is
 where it is grown
 why you like or dislike it

and explain why it is important to your country.

Model Answer 1:

The oil palm tree is considered as one of the greatest helpful plants of Malaysia. It is an
agricultural crop for the country as well. The oil palm tree has grown on the African continent
and gradually it came to the country in the 18th century and then massive agricultural production
began. Currently, the plant is commercially grown to get palm oil which is used for preparing
foods. There are a large number of plantations available in the country that produces the plants as
agricultural products and as a result, the country has turned economically solvent. Mostly the
landless and poverty-stricken people are engaged in the production of the oil. As a result,
Malaysia has become the second largest palm oil exporters in the world.

History of palm tree originates in West Africa and it was introduced in Malaysia during the
colonisation by the British rulers. It was brought in the country as an ornamental tree but later
commercialization began. Mostly the plants grow in desert lands and currently, it is farmed in
estates. There are a good number of palm tree estates where the trees are grown for producing
palm oil. Malaysia has allotted over 4 million hectares of lands for the farming of palm tree.
When matured, the trees turn around 60 feet in height in an average and start reaping fruits after
30 months. Usually, the plants live for 30 years (maximum). Different varieties of the plant are
available but the tenera is the most preferred variety in Malaysia.

I like the plant as it bears two benefits simultaneously. Firstly the trees look beautiful and used
for ornamenting places. Secondly, the tree provides the vegetable oil which contributes a large
portion in the national economy. Moreover, it has created employment for thousands of people
across the country. Although the plant is African, it has turned into a symbol for Malaysia. The
oil derived from the plant is enriched with high beta-carotene and thus a healthy element for
cooking foods and also is lower in cost comparing the other vegetable oils. I prefer the plant as it
is not harmful to the environment too and requires less attention than the other plants. Only a
rough surface is enough to grow the plant and it grows up well without any special care or

The Malaysian economy is highly grateful to the palm plants for producing the oil. The reddish
coloured oil is used in different belts of the world including Southeast Asia and Africa for low
cost and health benefits like low cholesterol. Many of the poor and poverty-stricken population
have changed their luck after planting the palm trees. In 2007, it was estimated that over 4
million hectares of lands had been used for palm tree farming for commercially producing palm
oil in Malaysia and in 2011, the coverage stood to around 4.9 million hectares and thus the
production of palm oil in Malaysia has increased much. Statistics show that the palm oil
production in 2011 was over 18 million tonnes while it was over 16 million tonnes in 2010.
The Malaysian economy has got a boost by exporting the palm oil across the world and this is
the second largest country that exports palm oil (Indonesia is in the first place) after meeting the
local oil demands of the country. A rock-solid industry has been set in Malaysia based on the
palm plants and meets 46 per cent demand of the globe. Palm oil manufacturers have installed
refineries in the country to purify the crude oil which has also created employment opportunity
for the unemployed population. As a result, the living standards in Malaysia have increased to a
standard level.

Thereby, the palm plants are essential for the country and different initiatives are underway to
make the palm oil industry more sustainable so that it could meet the demands of the half of the
world population.

Model Answer 2:

Eggplants are one of the most common types of vegetables and eaten almost everywhere in the
country. This is a popular veggie and could be taken in different forms. Usually, eggplants are
cooked or smashed or used as curry but some other delicious recipes are also prepared with it.

The eggplant is locally known as brinjal and found almost everywhere in the country. The
climate is temperate and the eggplant cultivation is going on in large scale and as a result, the
vegetable is available round the year in the local markets. The eggplants usually grow to 40 –
150 centimetres and softer than the other food crops and vegetable. The flower of the plant looks
beautiful with its white and purple colour. The skin of eggplants is dark purple and it is found in
several varieties.

The plant is grown across the country and particularly in lands where water is not clogged in.
The shapes and sizes of the plant differ based on plant types and usually, three types of varieties
are available in the country and they are available in green, purple and white colours. The plant
needs proper care and water to grow completely and tropical or subtropical climate is the best for
its growth. The plant seeds could be sown directly on the ground but have to remain careful
about diseases and pests. In fact, the plants are more prone to being infected by the insects and
diseases. It is better not to sow eggplants amid different other plants in the same garden and
moderate space should be allotted for each of the plants (at least 25 inches between plants).

I like eggplants for some particular reasons. Eggplants are one of the most delicious vegetables
that people eat and this is available at any time of the year. People need to wait to enjoy the
seasonal vegetables but eggplants are different than those. The items produced with eggplants are
filled with a great smell and when roasted, they taste extremely different. Eggplant smashes are
also delicious and taken with rice, paratha and other food ingredients. The smashes are
commonly known as Bharta and could be made using sweet and sour flavours but when the curry
is prepared with potatoes, it tastes superb! When spices are added to the curry, the taste turns

Eggplants are important for my country in different perspective. The first and most important
aspect of the vegetable is that this is a highly nutritious plant with low calories. This is helpful
for preventing weight gaining and in some cases, it is suggested as part of treating inflammation
and controlling high blood cholesterol. Besides, scientifically it is proved that eggplants are
helpful to prevent cancer and some other diseases like diabetes. So, a large number of people
consume the veggie. Besides, the prevention of heart disease is another feature of eggplants and
for all these reasons, it has become one of the most desired vegetables in the country. A great
number of people are consuming the vegetable round the year and keeping their health in a good

Describe a skill you would like to learn.

You should say:

 what it is
 why you think it is important
 how you are going to learn it

and explain what role it will play in your future life.

Model Answer 1:

In the current age, communication is one of the most important ways to be successful and
physical communication is more effective than virtual. But to be present physically somewhere,
you need vehicles and driving is the most important issue to make the vehicle run.

I would like to learn basic driving of light vehicles so that I could go to my desired places.
Driving is an outstanding quality that everyone should achieve. A driver has always to be alert to
avoid collisions with the other cars. Moreover, the task is highly challenging and requires cent
per cent attention of the driver.

Driving is a very important task. If you are a car owner and do not know how to run the car and
have to depend on someone else, you are an unlucky individual. Driving is a skill and has
numerous benefits. The most important issue is that you do not have to depend on others or your
assigned driver who is hired to take you places. If you learn driving, you could be able to drive
your vehicle on your own. At times it may happen that you need to go somewhere far away for
an emergency and there is none to drive your car, you are truly in danger.

Moreover, the importance of driving is widespread and makes people aware of the current
happenings. If the driver is unaware what is happening on his/ her surrounding, accidents may
occur. So, the drivers are to remain alert in every moment when they are on board. Similarly, if
you are driving the car, all of your senses will be alert and sharp which is also beneficial for

In my locality, there are several driving schools and training institutes are available and they
provide training on driving different sorts of vehicles. I have decided to get admitted at one of
those training institutes to learn the skill. But before the admission, I should collect necessary
information about the training organisation and most importantly if they would help me to get a
legal driving license after completing the training. One of my friends told me that there are some
dishonest training institutes who allure people with the promise of getting them legal driving
license but later avoids the promise.

I would like to learn the skill because when I will have my own car in future, I will drive it by
myself. Moreover, I could be able to take care of the car properly as when the cars are assigned
with hired drivers, they do not take a proper care of the vehicles. They drive rough and gradually
cause damage to the cars. As a result, the durability of the cars gets reduced to a great extent.
When I will drive my own car, I will be careful and also will try to protect my car from any
external or internal damages. Besides, if I turn into a skilled and licensed driver, I will be able to
go anywhere I want without depending on someone and there will be no time limitations too.

Alternative Answer 2:

I am happy to have this topic to talk about. I do not have many skills and I would like to learn
web development and designing. This is something I feel very passionate about and since my
major in university was Journalism, I know very little about web designing and development.

The world-wide-web and the internet are everywhere. More than 30 million websites are present
on the World Wide Web and they are the backbones of information communication in the
present world. A website can be as simple as a personal blog to a complex search engine, web
application or a social networking platform. Knowing about web technology and being about to
actually implement one is very important in personal and professional life nowadays. I can run a
personal blog, publish great contents online that would be viewed by millions of people, build up
a forum and can even make a handy web application for others. This knowledge would also help
me to do better in my career as a journalist.

Well, I have a plan for learning this skill. In a few months, I will get enrolled in a course offered
by a reputed IT training institute in my city and then purchase some related books to practise at
home. Besides the YouTube and similar video sharing websites would be very helpful to watch
and learn the web designing and development. In fact, there are plenty of resources available to
start learning it and I would take advantages of them.

After I learn creating websites, I will launch my personal blog where I would start writing. That
would be a personal blog about my activities. I will also launch a website related to online
newspaper and would manage it. I have a plan to launch a proofreading service offering websites
that would be helpful to connect people who need proofreading and who are skilled to do it for
some money. Honestly, those are yet in the planning phase and the initiation and implementation
of these plans would be possible only if I can learn the skill successfully. Besides, knowing about
the web technology would also help me to do better in my profession. As all of the newspapers
and magazines are going online, it has become a must for journalists to be able to actually know
the technology and be able to take advantages of it.

IELTS Cue Card Question 26 With Model Answer:

Describe a time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or

You should say:

 what the questionnaire/survey was about

 why you were asked to give your opinions
 what opinions you gave

and explain how you felt about giving your opinions in this questionnaire/ survey.

Model Answer 1:

The questionnaire is one of the best ways to collect data on any specific issue to conduct a
research work or improving the current situations. It helps to collect the real information by
asking few similar questions and most of the time the information provided are proved accurate
and correct.

Once I was interviewed by two people (a male and a female) from a local cell phone operator
over the use of cell phone and the facilities I received from my subscribing company. One of the
information collectors asked me different questions while the other one wrote down the answers.
The survey was also about improving the network facilities, adjusting tariffs, providing free data
or Wi-Fi service at any specific zone, allowing the subscribers to change their digits after their
will or having any special number for use and more other issues related to the telecommunication

I have been using Vodafone for about 15 consecutive years and thus I have turned into an
important client for the company in my city. At first, I received a phone call from my cell phone
operator that it wants to hear from me and accordingly after my approval, it will send a team for
a semi-formal interview of mine. I agreed and set a calendar for the interview. But I had no idea
that they are going to use a structured questionnaire to take my answers.

I provided positive feedback in favour of Vodafone which I have been using to communicate
with everyone. They asked me about my basic information in the beginning and also promised to
keep the information confidential. Then I said that Vodafone needs to set a few network towers
in my area to provide a better signal as sometimes we are to experience sudden call drops.
Besides, I also supported their initiative to reduce the tariffs and creating Wi-Fi zones in specific
spots. Moreover, I supported their initiative to allow the users to get a special number after their
demands and it will be helpful for the young generation users.

To be frank over the interview, when I was interviewed, I felt that I am special. Someone cares
about my comment and works accordingly. It was a special experience for me although I had to
think for a while before answering the questions. The most important issue of the survey was to
gather opinion about the popularity of Vodafone in Patras in Western Greece region. Vodafone
networks suddenly started unusual behaviours in the entire region and when the problem was
solved, the cell phone operator wanted to justify its popularity and selected me as a respondent
for the survey.

I was amazed at the questions that they have provided were simple and did not require much
time to answer. Some of the questions were open-ended. However, it was truly an honour for me
that a cell operator has asked me earlier for the interview and has sent people to meet me on the
day I proposed. I take humble pride that my opinions will be reflected in policies of the cell
operator in the coming days.

Model Answer 2:

Recently I participated in a survey conducted by a local train agency in Kuala Lumpur. Since I
am a regular passenger of their services, I was selected to express my opinions on their service
and how that could be improved.

The selection process of the survey was interesting. The people engaged in the survey selected
people randomly. They selected every 10th ticket holder from Kuala Lumpur station who bought
their tickets in early hours of the day. I also came to know that the survey will run around the day
and the gathered information will be analysed and used to improve the train services. I gave my
opinions and also recommended. The interviewers also informed me that the statements I will
deliver will be kept secret and only will be used for research purposes.

I was asked to provide my opinions about the overall conditions of the train service. As a large
number of people use the train service here in Kuala Lumpur, it is impossible to take opinions
from every one of them. So, the surveyors are following some methods and techniques in
selecting the respondents. As per their selection method, I was selected to opine on the issue. In
fact, they were conducting research on how the service quality could be improved and make the
entire system more modernised and in such circumstances, it was important to get information
from the commuters to know the real scenario. Such surveys help reveal the real information
which could not be accessed or gathered without a survey.

I pointed out some of the specific issues about their train service. The top most important issue,
that I figured, was the ticket price. In line with the modern world, the ticket price needs a
decrease. The other countries are selling train tickets at a lower rate while Kuala Lumpur, the
local train tickets are a bit more. Another important issue was comfortability. Presently, the issue
of comfortability in train ride is under threat. A large number of people are riding on trains to
reach their destinations but the majority of them appear uncivilised. They ride on a train, spit
here and there which pollutes the internal environment. So, such issues should be brought under
the scanner and people with such cases should be punished. Besides, the trains make late which
causes schedule damage for the passengers. This is happening frequently in the present days. I
suggested taking steps to eliminate such delays or at least make people aware of the delays
through the public announcement in the stations. It will save their times and labour.

It was the very first experience of my life to get interviewed. There were two of them who took
my interview. One of them asked me questions from a questionnaire while the second one
recorded my speech. Both of them agreed with me in some points and said that they will inform
the authority about the matters. In fact, they had no linked with the train company rather hired
professionals for such large-scale surveys. However, I recommended some other steps like
increasing the routes and issuing lower-priced tickets for students like me etc. It was a nice
experience for me indeed.

Part 3 - Detail Discussion / Two-way discussion:

Asking Questions:


What kinds of organisations want to find out about people’s opinions?


Surveys are mostly done to bring out the opinions of the commoners to reach any specific goal.
The surveys generally are undertaken by research organisations, government bodies and agencies
and other similar organisations engaged in different development activities. But a survey may be
undertaken at any time by any sort of organisation based on the needs. So, it does not always
point that the research agencies are liable for conducting surveys. It may happen that educational
institutions are undertaking studies to compare the quality and standard of education in any
certain geographical location, or any television channel is undergoing a research to know about
its popularity in the state.


Do you think that questionnaires or surveys are good ways of finding out people’s


To get a clear idea about any specific issue, the survey is one of the most effective tools. It helps
to bring out the peoples’ opinions on any specific situation or matters. The survey questionnaires
are designed in such an effective manner that all the necessary information is gathered within the
shortest possible time. Moreover, the questions are not repeated in the paper so that the
respondents do not feel bored by the repeated questions. Sometimes the questions are asked in a
disguise of chatting and the answers are kept in notes to be filled up later if the respondent is
seen busy. At the end of the survey, a clear image is discovered and thus, it is helpful to reflect
people’s opinion on any specific issue.


What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions?

Actually, people answer almost all the questions unless the questions appear to be harmful or too
personal for them. When they find the questions illogical or unusual, they may not provide any
specific or correct reply to the question. Sometimes the questionnaires may contain few
confidential issues which may not be preferred by the people. So, when there are such secret or
unusual questions, people try to keep away from the questions. Further, if the questionnaire asks
to inform about something illegal, people may be reluctant in answering them lest they turn

Questionnaires in schools:


Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about


Asking students about their lessons is a good idea for the educational institutions for the
betterment of the students. When the students will be asked to provide their opinion on any
specific issue or lesson, they will describe their problems with the lesson. It may happen that
they are suggesting ways to make the lesson easier. It may seem weird to ask questions about any
specific lesson to the students but it is the easiest way to help the students overcoming their
lagging. If they discuss a tough lesson at the class with the teacher and set the way to learn the
topic, I think it will be nicer for them.


What would the advantages for schools be if they asked students their opinions?


When the teachers will allow their students to ask questions about any specific topic or lesson of
any book or course, they will share the most difficult topic. Then the teachers in opinion with the
students will set a standard way to teach the topic. As a result, the students will have a good
score on the tests which will make the school or the institution more popular among the
contemporary institutions or schools in the locality. Besides, it will help to raise the standard of
education in the school which is considered as the best criteria by parents regarding admitting
their kids to any school.


Would there be any disadvantages in asking students’ opinions?

There are few disadvantages too. It should be taken care that the students are not exploiting the
chance of taking their opinion. They should be made aware of the issue that the opinions are
accepted only for overcoming any specific issues. It may also happen that the students turn
reluctant to study at home as they are getting the answers in the class which has potential
negative impacts on them in future. If such attempts are found, those should be taken care of in
the very beginning.

Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.

You should say:

 where the restaurant was

 why you chose this restaurant
 what type of food you ate in this restaurant

and explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant.

Model Answer 1:

Food is the key element for every human being for the survival on the earth but not every food is
that much tasty or applicable for all ages of people. Besides, preparation of the foods is also
another issue for consideration. In my city, Mumbai, I have a favourite restaurant that offers
different types of prepared food.

As I am a food-lover, I like to taste foods from different parts of the city and every weekend I
start peeping at different restaurants. I taste all types of foods and finally I turn into a regular
client for the best one. The restaurant named Zodiac Grill is located at the lobby level of the Taj
Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai. It is located almost in the centre area of the city and thus easily
accessible for all.

I liked the restaurant most for different reasons. The first and important cause is its decoration.
The entire restaurant is decorated with zodiac signs (the sign also belongs to me) and the sitting
arrangement was superb. Moreover, I was in love when I had the delicious smoked salmon
before me. In other restaurants, I did not have the fish in a smoked form and the taste was
excellent. Besides, the service was also fantastic. I had experienced delays and other sorts of
problems in other places where I went to have my meals, but here I had no such troubles.
Everything was in order and I was served with the necessary services even before asking for
help. The best thing about the restaurant is its multi-national cuisine. The foods are truly superb!

When I first went to the restaurant, I ordered a tasting menu. It was a smoked salmon and caviar.
The preparation of the foods took short moments than the regular hours and the serving method
was praiseworthy too. I also ordered for tiger prawn and also took some vegetables too. When I
ordered a chicken menu, I found that nothing could be compared to the item and it was prepared
as the way that the meats were melting immediately I took them into my mouth.
Foods are the keys to our life. For a healthy life, we need to have foods and it should be tasty too.
I have taken foods almost all of the restaurants in Mumbai but none of those could be compared
to the foods I have had at the Zodiac Grill. When I entered the restaurant, I was welcomed and
treated like a King of the state. When I ordered the items, they arrived within 15 minutes of the
order placement which amazed me most. The surrounding decoration of the restaurant is
adorable and the foods belong to the finest quality and the prices are reasonable. Thereby, I
enjoyed eating at the restaurant.

Cue Card Answer 2:

I am a food-lover and most of the time spend my evening leisure hours in different restaurants in
the city with my buddies. As a result, I have visited almost all the restaurants but I find the
Diners’ Café as the best one.

The restaurant was located in the centre of the city and half an hour journey from my residence.
Generally, people visited the restaurant as this was located at a prime location of the city and
there was a bus stand adjacent to it as well. As a result, it always remained crowded. The key
attractive matter for the restaurant was that it offered some of the most delicious foods of the city
like tasty kebabs, parathas, biriyani, tikka, zarda, jelabi, mutton paya, chicken tandoori, dosa,
daal chana, soft beverages, tea and coffee, and much more.

Foodie people have a sharp sense of smell and they could figure out event the ingredients used in
the preparation of the meals. I am blessed with that extraordinary smelling power and most of the
times I have found that the foods I took in other restaurants were prepared by wasted materials.
Sometimes I had found that the foods were rotten as well. So, I made a list of restaurants to be
avoided and added those on the list. But when I came here to participate in a party, I found the
foods are up to the mark and the service was outstanding. Besides, there were a wide variety of
foods here and at a reasonable price. Sitting arrangement inside the restaurant is also smart.

The restaurant provides almost all the common foods of the region and some of them are the
most popular ones. The restaurant is opened from morning till late night and caters the needs of
the customers all the time of the day. I went in the evening and had some foods like chicken
tikka kebab with ruti and also enjoyed their breakfast. They sell tandoor rutis with nehari, beef,
mutton paya and daal during breakfast while they also have some other types of dishes for
breakfast like hotchpotch, chicken soups etc. I have not taken any lunch at the restaurant as I
prefer to take lunch at home but they have some mouthwatering dishes for lunch. The fish fries
are charming and they provide fresh fishes and other meats to the customers. I think the crowd
increases in the evening and the rooftop of the restaurant gets filled with food aromas.

The saying goes that foods are the fuels for our body. If there is no or less fuel, the body will
shut down, shortly. So, to provide the fuel, we need the best foods so that the body gets the right
nutrients. At the same time, the foods should also be prepared in cleaner and healthy
environment. the majority of the restaurants in the country have disgusting kitchen scenarios. But
the kitchen of this particular restaurant is cleaner and the chefs are well equipped with tools and
cooking materials. They know how to cook and thus the tastes turn absolutely exceptional. So, I
enjoyed eating here and often come back to test the juicy kebabs!
Part 3 - Detail Discussion / Two-way discussion:



Why do you think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?


A celebration of something requires lots of preparations and the people who are to celebrate
remains busy all the time of the celebration only for the preparation purposes. So, it is a very
common issue that they cannot have the moments to enjoy the events. The most important thing
of any celebration is its foods and those need to be prepared in huge amount which is almost
impossible to make at home. Thereby, the idea to hold the events at restaurants has emerged.
Restaurants are the places where foods are prepared for a large number of people and
accommodate a notable number of guests at the same time which is, in fact, impossible at home.
So, people are tending to go to restaurants during their celebration.


Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants?


Currently, the countrymen are preferring foods out of home mostly because of their business and
most of the time they are to remain out of the home. But they are health conscious and do not
prefer taking foods at the fast food restaurants. Thereby, they take foods from the traditional
restaurants. Moreover, the adult people are habituated with the traditional foods and they go to
the traditional restaurants but a part of the young generations take foods from the fast food


Why do you think that is?


It happens mostly due to the business of the people and sometimes people want to change their
tastes. Besides, people are at times influenced to take foods at any specific restaurants by the
advertisements or recommendations of other people.


Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a cheap
restaurant – would you agree?

It is an important fact that foods at restaurants are sometimes expensive but there are some cheap
restaurants are available too. But there is a basic difference between the foods. The foods of the
expensive restaurants are of the finest quality and the culinary is neat and clean. Moreover, the
serving is also praiseworthy at those restaurants. But none of the facilities is available in the
cheap restaurants and the foods are prepared in an unhealthy environment. So, it is imperative to
take foods at a standard restaurant considering the food quality and environment even if you are
charged more.

Producing Food:


Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future, or will
there be less choice?


Foods are available everywhere but all of the elements are not edible for all ages of people.
However, to meet the needs of the growing population and diversified demand, nowadays
different foods are invented and processed. The newly invented foods are yummy too. So, in near
future, the range of foods will be increased and the shops will start selling different types of
foods for the customers.


What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?


Earlier, foods were produced at home using hands. But in the current days, there are different
devices available to produce foods without the touch of hands. Moreover, the restaurants also use
the tools to improve the food quality. People use to bake cakes using different cooking pots and
placed them in cooking ovens, but now the electric oven has solved the complexities. Besides,
much other technological advancement has been made in cooking and as a result, the foods are
produced in a short time.


How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without importing
any from other countries?

Usually, a country cannot grow all the necessary food elements to meet the needs of its citizens
for different reasons and the geographical feature is the prominent one. As a result, the state
needs to import from the world market or from any specific country. It requires lots of time and
investment and sometimes the imported foods do not belong to the desired quality and may also
get damaged during transportation. So, if the country could grow all the foodstuff, it would be
able to save money and labour, and the foods and grains will remain fresh and edible.

Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college or school.

You should say:

 when and where the meeting was held

 who was at the meeting
 what the people at the meeting talked about

and explain why you remember going to this meeting.

Model Answer 1:

People meet with the other people over different issues and mostly it is done for socialising or
serving some other important purposes. I also meet with people for various reasons and before
holding the meeting, I usually set a schedule with them so that we do not have any scheduling
troubles during the meet.

But there is nothing amazing than a sudden meeting with the person you are looking for in our
mind. I also had such a meeting with a friend of mine while I was my way to work and finally,
the meeting was highly fruitful for me and my office. He has just returned the city from his
month-long travel in several countries assigned by his office. I was entering my office and saw
he was leaving the building. Although it was the beginning of a hefty day for me and I was too
late for the office, I asked him if he could manage few times to spend with me at the coffee shop
at the rooftop. He agreed and also took permission from his companions to sit for an informal

Andrew was accompanied by two of his office colleagues who also went for the travel with him.
My friend introduced me to his colleagues and they welcomed me cordially after hearing about
me. I also showed the right courtesy to them in return. All of us went to the coffee shop located
on the rooftop of our office building and gradually I came to know that they were seniors of our
schools whom we did not meet in our school days. After a few moments, the relationship with
them turned intimate and we started discussing different contemporary issues among us.

But the most important issue of the meeting was revealed later during the conversation. They
were at my office with a proposal to invest in the sectors we are currently working. In a word,
they wanted to start a new business with us and came to discuss the entire issue with the CEO of
my firm.
Unfortunately, the CEO had to attend an emergency and left the office right before the moment
my friend arrives with his colleagues and meets me at the entrance. So, I made a phone call to
the CEO and took permission to discuss the business proposal with them as I was assigned to
amend the proposal they submitted to the office previously. Thus, the initial formalities were

The meeting was held about two years back and still is vivid on my mind for some certain
reasons. We have started a joint venture with my friend’s office. We are producing different raw
materials for producing attires like buttons, clothes, packaging papers etc. They supply us with
the finest quality raw materials and our office produces the product in our own industry. The
profits are plenty and it is heard that the two companies will merge themselves into a single unit
to form a large conglomerate. I was one of the persons who established the linkage between the
two corporations.

Sample Answer 2:

I am a student at Daulat Ram College (DRC) in Delhi and love playing football. Accordingly, I
do not miss any chances to participate in any of the matches and thus I had to meet with my
football mates to discuss on an upcoming football tournament.

The meeting was held at the café of the DRC. Each of the team members was present at the
meeting as this is was the final day to set everything. In fact, we wanted to win the prize for us
like the former year. But we were in a trouble. The key striker of the team got injured in a
practice match and that made us worried. Without him, it is almost impossible for us to defeat
the rival teams.

The meeting was led by the coach and all the other members were present there except the striker
– Ranjeet Kumar. Initially, the coach described us the real situations and asked us to suggest the
immediate steps to win the match. But none of us could provide any suitable solution for the
problem. The possible solution that appeared at the meeting was to hire any external professional
player for the team. I suggested to allowing the position to someone else from the team. But none
of the solutions was feasible. My college team is unable to hire a professional football player for
the match while none of us was capable enough to strike like Ranjeet. So, there were no lights.

Finally, a solution came from the discussion that the team will play without the striker. Though
the supporting striker is unable to take the lead role, we all inspired him to play as like him and
we, the other members, will provide the best support from us. He, Rampaal Yadaav, partially
agreed with us but he lacked confidence for that role. Now it was our turn to inspire him and
everyone including the coach started inspiring him. At last, he agreed to play the role with one
condition that if he fails, no one could blame him for the failure. He also opined that he would
try his best in the match but cannot guarantee the success.

I can remember going to the meeting as this was an important issue for us. My college turned
winner in this inter-college for past three years and the college authority wants us to win this
time as well. Thereby, a well-preparation was taken for the upcoming match but the sudden
injury of the key striker made us change the plan. In fact, the striker has been playing for last two
years and supported greatly winning the matches. So, the match without him was unimaginable.
At last, we made a draw in the match and had shared the victory with the opponent. But if we did
not have that meeting on the day, we could have lost the match.

Part 3 - Detail discussion / Two-way discussion:

Going to Meetings:


What are the different types of meeting that people often go to?


Meetings have different categories and applicable by different types of people. Mostly the word
– ‘meeting’ refers to any formal situations where some people talk together and make decisions
on any specific issue. They might be business meetings, institutional meetings, governmental
meeting with officials, global meetings etc. But not all the meetings are considered formal; there
are informal meetings to decide on any petty matters. But the aim is the same – to decide
something important. When people meet together, they are able to discuss many issues, meeting
agendas help to raise the issues and analyse the obstacles to march ahead. Then decisions are
adopted after the agreement of the members participating in the meeting.


Some people say that no one likes to go to meetings – what do you think?


There are views that a meeting is boring and only the selected issues are discussed. So, some of
the people may dislike attending meetings. But it could not be denied that the typical meetings
are truly boring if held over any urgent or important issues. But sometimes the organisers of the
meetings try to make the situations as normal as possible. They speak in a manner that people do
not feel bored or allow them to break the monotony by entertaining themselves. Usually, people
get bored over the long speeches of the members or dislike to sit idly. Participatory, the process
is one of the best ways to make the meeting lively. Thus, it appears to me that all the meetings
are not boring, they could be enjoyed too.


Why can it sometimes be important to go meetings?


Meeting sometimes is important and requires the presence of all the members of the organisation
or the invited guests. So, attending a meeting is important from different sides. The first thing is
your presence. If you are present at the meeting, you will be asked to opine and the opinion will
be granted as your contribution at the meeting. If you are holding an important position in an
organisation, you need to be present at the meeting as it is necessary for you to be there to decide
issues under your domination. If you are absent, the issues may not be discussed or you may not
prefer the decisions made in your absence. Thereby, sometimes it is very important to be present
at the meetings if invited.

International Meetings:


Why do you think leaders often have meetings together?


Global leaders often meet together not only for socialising rather they have important issues to
discuss with each other. They have numerous issues related to their own countries and those need
to be supported from the other countries for implementation. Moreover, they meet frequently to
share the latest updates of their socio and economic conditions of their countries to the other
leaders. Regular meetings also increase the bonding between the nations. When the other country
leaders arrive into a neighbouring country, the locals entertain them with their hearts’ content. As
a result, the international bond turns stronger. Taking decisions over any national issues become
easier for the leaders as they could follow the examples of the other countries they have recently


What possible difficulties might be involved in organising meetings between world leaders?


Organising an international meeting is not as easy as it is heard. Most of the global leaders
remain highly occupied with their national issues and thus they hardly could manage leisure
hours. So, inviting the world leaders into a global meeting requires much time. The most
common complexity is having the schedule and travel calendar of the global leaders. All the
leaders do not follow the same routine to execute their respective duties and it happens for
geographical distances. All of them could not manage time together to meet unless the situation
is an emergency. When the schedule matches, the right accommodation and ensuring security is
another concern for the organisers. Therefore, the preparations are to be taken exactly and prior
plans should be made to make the meeting happen.


Do you think that meetings between international leaders will become more frequent in the
future? Or will there be less need for world leaders to meet?

The physical presence always bears a great significance. As a result, the international leaders try
to be physically present at the meetings. But we are marching towards a virtual world and life
where physical presence will be not that much important as it is considered now. The global
leaders could meet each other virtually and could have the participation at an international
conference by sitting at their own desk. As a result, the need for frequent meetings will be
reduced. But the physical meeting may be held infrequently to exchange highly confidential
information or mitigate any such issues which are shocking and threatening for all the nations.

Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.

You should say:

 who the person was

 how your family knew this person
 how often this person visited your family

and explain why you remember this person.

Model Answer 1:

I had to grow up in a large family with my parents and their intimate relatives living an entire
apartment block in New York. My father had a friend who was like a family friend in my family
and I was the dearest one for him in my childhood. He used to visit our house frequently.

John Richardson, the man with long black hair and a tall figure is the family friend of my family.
He had long hairs and he loved to keep the hairs long, and sometimes made a ponytail with a
rubber band, and lived near of our apartment located in a corner of Manhattan in New York City.
He was highly welcomed when he arrived at our home and even my grandpa also admired him in
his absence if he needed to provide an example of intelligence. Mr John Richardson was the man
whom every one of my family sought for support during their distress, sometimes I also had to
take his support for my academic purposes, and he was truly an intelligent, smart and attractive
person I have ever seen with an adventure seeker look. His smartness was a divine gift, I guess.

I do not have the exact idea how he was related to our family as after my birth I have seen him
meeting the people in our house regularly. Therefore, I tried to discover the fact and finally came
to know this that uncle John’s father was my grandpa’s intimate friend and their friendship
started when the two were at school in their childhood in Minnesota. Uncle John’s father lived
the next house to my grandpa’s house there. Thus, two of the kids of the two families (my father
and Uncle John) started close interactions together. Gradually they grew matured, shifted in New
York, got married, started their family, and have their own kids. Interestingly they formed a deep
sense of friendship from their childhood and they are maintaining the relationship very well. As a
result, the older boy John Richardson of Roland Nathan becomes the most intimate friend of Jack
Rozario (my father), the older son of Abel Rozario. It is the brief history of his being intimate
with my family.

Uncle John uncle was a businessman and has engaged himself in the same activities for long
years. The most interesting thing about Uncle John is that he does not have a schedule to visit
our home. He has become like a family member of our family who lives the next door from us.
Moreover, whenever someone of my family needs his help or suggestion, s/ he informs him
about the issue over the telephone and then he comes at the same day or night with an attractive
solution. If he needs a secret meeting with my father over any of his internal issues, he comes at
midnight, sits at the living room talks as long as they need and goes away silently without
disturbing anyone. I have counted that he visits our house over 15 times in a week in an average.

Now the time has changed and I have been matured while my parents are turning older
gradually. All of their hairs have turned grey with the advancement of age and it is similar to
Uncle John. In my 30s, I still remember Uncle John most for his extraordinary intelligence,
kindness and simple ways of living. He used to come to our house mostly to resolve the issues
we could not mitigate. But I was the dearest thing for him in the entire house and he never forgot
to bring something for me, especially chocolates and cookies each of the time he arrived at the
house. As he had no kids, I was like his own kid to him. However, the solutions he provided
were simple and everyone was happy with the solutions. Even I also had to contact him for one
of my personal issues in my school life (I had a bad figure in math during my 9th grade) and he
directed me a way that saved me from being lectured badly from my parents.

Sample Answer 2:

Alia Nur is my mother’s best friend and I am familiar with her since my birth. She is one of the
most familiar individuals whom I have been observing since my childhood at the family. She has
turned like a family member as well.

Aunt Alia Nur is the woman of around 40 and she has three kids. She loves to meet people and
share her feelings and emotions with them. But she is also a woman of great heart and comes
forward in the distress of her surroundings. During my birth, she was the leading individual who
did everything for my mum. She is a teacher in her profession and teaches history in a local

As far I came to know about aunt Alia that she was my mother’s school friend. The friendship
between my mother and her grew up long ago and they have been maintaining it even today.
Whenever it is any occasion or festival in Malaysia, my mum sends gifts for her and at the same
time, she also sends gifts and other necessary stuff for my family. In fact, she has become one of
the most prominent members of my family that my parents took her recommendations even
before taking any minor decisions. On the other side, she also invites us at her residence
frequently to attend in her family functions. Her husband is also an amicable person and is nice
to us like her.

My mother keeps regular contact with aunt Alia. In fact, she (aunt Alia) visits our residence at
least twice in a day. When she sets out for her school, she does not miss the chance to have a cup
of tea with my mum and in the evening, after her return from the school, she comes to share the
events of the day with mum. My mum, being a traditional housewife, is not connected with the
outer world and aunt Alia is probably the only source for her to get to know the world. Both of
the friends share a large number of things and they enjoy a lot. I have seen that both of them
share a very strong bond between them and the relation is unbreakable.

I remember her even today as she is still keeping contacts with us. Now she is in the USA with
her family but the bond with her is still the same. When she left the country, it was really a
pathetic event for us all. It appeared that we are losing the dearest one of our family. But the
geographical distance has not separated her from us rather the bond is strengthening gradually.
Now, mum and aunt Alia communicates using the social networking sites and exchange their
views and opinions. I, with my sisters also take part in the communication and make lots of fun.
Now, all of my family members are eagerly waiting for their annual visit to the country.

Part 3 - Detail discussion / Two-way discussion:



What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family?


Friendship is the bonding between people who are not related by blood. But friendship is an
eternal bondage and been being practised from time immemorial. To be a good friend, one needs
to possess some specific and special qualities and if someone tries to be a family friend, they
need to demonstrate the qualities like honesty, sincerity, generosity, respecting others’ feelings
etc. The most important thing is that the person should be well behaved and mannered and have
to adjust to the people of all classes in the society. To be the friend of a whole family, one has to
observe the attitudes and behaviours of the family members and has to reflect the behaviours and
attitudes accordingly.


Do you think we meet different kinds of friends at different stages of our lives? In what
ways are these types of friend different?


Life has different stages and we have to meet different people in the stages we experience. But
all the people we meet are not the same always. It is quite natural to be different. All the people
do not belong to the same class or category and their backgrounds are different. So, it is wise not
to expect the same behaviour from all the people. For instance, when we are at school in a
particular locality, we meet with kids having almost the similar background of us. When we are
at college or university goers, we meet different sorts of people who came from a diversified
background. Moreover, when we are at work, the scenario is different. The people are different
in terms of nature, behaviour and attitudes. The senses for common use are not the same for all
of them.


How easy is it to make friends with people from a different age group?


Usually, friendship is built on the early days of life and the range of making friends is almost
closed when the academic learning is finished. But friendship could also be built in workplaces
too if there are suitable minds. But most of the times friendship could not be made after the
teenage but it may happen that you have a nice and friendly relation with the other people but the
friendly relationship never refers that they are your friends. It is very easy for the young people
to make friends in their early days but it is difficult for the adults to make a friendship with the
people of their similar age.

Influence of friends:


Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person?


This is advanced age and many of our real-life tasks are done virtually and using few mouse
clicks. To be a friend, one does not need to be physically present with the other part to make a
friendship. Using different social communication platforms, we could easily make a friendship
with the other people living in different parts of the world. They do not need to meet every day in
person to share their feelings and emotions. Rather they are communicating easily using the
social communication platform features like chatting or messaging, sharing their pictures etc. As
a result, the necessity of meeting physically every day or after a specific period appears to be less


Is this real friendship?


Real friendship is the thing that is not available everywhere. A real friend is a friend who is
always with friends regardless the situations being good or bad. Now a day the number of real
friends has been limited. The friend who will be with you in your sufferings is your real friend. It
may happen that a friend of your social networking site has appeared during your stressful
moments to support you then the friend should be considered as a real one. It also happens that
the people with whom you have grown up leaves you in your danger, they are not real. So, the
issue of real friendship is similar to the theory of relativity.


What kind of influence can friends have on our lives?


Friends are the part and parcel of our lives. We cannot actually do without them in different
situations of our life. We need their support and sometimes we support them in their needs.
Sometimes people are highly influenced by the friends. They adopt different attitudes and
behaviours regardless of the quality of their friends and exercise in their everyday life. Moreover,
a friend owns the ability to show the way to prosperity to the other friends. Both the positive and
negative impacts could be imposed by the friends and it is the duty of us to pick the right one to
march ahead in our life.


How important would you say it is to have friends from different cultures?


Friends from different cultures are invaluable wealth for us. It is impossible for an outsider to
learn about any specific ethnic group or about their culture unless the group or community
allows (in fact achieving such permission is one of the daunting and toughest tasks). So, if
someone has a friend from different cultures, it becomes easier to know about the rules and
regulations of the culture. People usually trust their friends much. If you ask your friend about
the norms and trends of their societies based on your usual curiosity, s/ he will describe the
issues without any hesitation as you are a friend of him or her. But it is almost impossible for a
stranger to collect the information so easily.

Describe a party that you enjoyed.

You should say:

 whose party it was and what it was celebrating

 where the party was held and who went to it
 what people did during the party

and explain what you enjoyed about this party.

Model Answer 1:
A party usually refers to a social gathering where some selected or invited people to have fun,
take foods and talk over issues of varied range. At times the parties are held marking any special
occasion to remember or celebrate.

There are different types of parties are available and bachelor party is one of them. Usually, the
bachelor with hid friends attends the party to celebrate the last day as a bachelor. Few of his
intimate friends are invited to attend the program and the parties are held outside the home as the
activities performed in the party are not allowed inside the home. In last year, a friend of mine
invited me to a bachelor party in Las Vegas. It was the night before he gets married. So, he
wanted to have a blast among his closest friends with the acts of what we did in our academic

My friend booked a suite at the Bellagio in Las Vegas right before inviting us to the party.
Johnny Fernandez, the young and energetic man to be married, was one of my closest friends
since childhood and we are a bunch of people who have grown up together. It was a surprise for
me that I found everyone at the party and Fernandez never disclosed the identities of the invited
guests. Thereby, it was a pleasant event for us all the suite. We were eight in number in the
childhood and surprisingly all of us were present although we lived in different parts of the USA.
We could not manage time to meet each other in person, but all of us were there to wish luck for
our friend, Fernandez.

In our college and university days, we used to buck classes, watch movies in theatre halls, played
poker and many other interesting things. Sometimes we also used to drink beer and soda but
some of us started consuming alcohol too to prove themselves adult and smart. So, we planned to
recall the days amid the activities we did in those days. Fernandez arranged champagne for us
with some delicious foods and we started the party by uncorking the champagne bottle. Most of
the food items were made of meat like pork, beef, salads, and ended with desserts. Then we
started for our night out at different casinos to play poker and participate in other suitable

The party was special for me as I have never attended such a bachelor party although I have
heard about it. Moreover, the presence of the childhood friends, whom I meet on social
networking websites only, was a blessing for me. All of us went back at the early days of our
life, recalled the memories, drank alcoholic beverages, and remembered the old fiancés and their
memories, sang songs in harsh voices, walked on the streets of the Las Vegas resort town in
Nevada, and did many other things. One of our friends got hooked with another woman in a
casino and left to pass the remaining night with the newly introduced woman being possessed by
her beauty and alcohol. I mostly enjoyed the walking and remembrance of the olden days. In
fact, those were the best days of my life, of our life and all of us still lament for the days and
want to go back to our childhood.

Cue Card Answer 2:

I have recently completed my graduation in Economics from Government College University

Faisalabad in Pakistan. My college life is over but to remember the events, I organised a
graduation party at my home.
In fact, this was not my party alone rather for all the close mates of mine with whom I have
passed the college days. This was a party where only the group members were invited who had
an intimate relationship with me during the college days. All of us gathered to celebrate the
graduation and plan for the future days. Some of the mates were planning to leave the country for
pursuing higher education while some others planned, like me, to have the post-graduation from
the country. My family members also took part in the event.

The party was held at my residence. All of us planned to make the party and accordingly
contributed to the arrangement. We equally contributed to the foods, beverages and other
arrangements so that all of us could enjoy it properly. I planned to have the party around a week
before the party day and made a meeting with nine of my mates. We had some other friends as
well but they were unable to meet on the planned date. So, we made the plan and materialised it.
The party began in the evening and ended with a superb dinner. Everyone, who participated at
the party, contributed to making it a success. Food preparation was done my mum and sister
while the food ingredients were brought by two of my friends and I gathered all the money
required for the shopping from the participants.

It was not a formal party rather we all felt some sort of lamentation inside as we are never going
to get the days back again. So, everyone was remembering the old days that we passed in the
college. We remembered how we bunked the classes when we were unable to complete the
lessons or forget to bring the assignments. Besides, we also discussed the evil things we did
hiding from our teachers during the lectures in the classrooms. Most of us were remembering the
past days as we all knew it was our last meeting together. When we will enter into our careers,
we would not be able to meet together and have chats and fun. Some of them were looking sad.
But I inspired them and proposed to remain together in the upcoming days. I also suggested
meeting at least once in a week at anywhere in the city.

I enjoyed the party and especially the foods were delicious. My mother and sister prepared some
of the traditional Pakistani food items like kebabs, chicken tandoori and biriyani. The party
began with the serving of light soft drinks and gradually the other items were served. Besides,
the moment when we all took pictures together was another important issue. Finally, the moment
of departure appeared and it was really difficult for me to say goodbye to my friends.
Fortunately, still, we meet once in a week as per the decision made on that last meeting at my

Part 3 - Detail discussion / Two-way discussion:

Family Parties:


What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?

Family parties are the events where the members of a family living in distant places come to
meet together and have fun. In my country family parties are arranged for different reasons and
the party range varies based on the familial status. If the families are rich and wealthy, the parties
last longer than usual. The family parties are mostly organised marking the marriage of any
family members and on some other petty issues like observing birthday or marriage anniversary
etc. The family members are invited to attend the party with the other members of their family
and the moments are pleasant for them during the party. But sometimes the parties do not remain
the happier one as it is at the beginning owing to many unwanted and serious incidents that even
leads to quarrelling among the members forming two or three groups.


In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events.
Is this ever true in your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?


Like the other countries, the rich and wealthy families in my country organise family parties and
they spend a huge sum of money for the parties. Mostly they prefer arranging party during the
marriage ceremony or marriage anniversary, but the parties marking marriage ceremony last
longer than the marriage anniversary party. When the parties are arranged, special decorative
materials are used to decorate the house and almost all the rooms are newly decorated. Besides,
catering services are engaged to supply quality foods for the invited guests. The amount of
money spend in marriage is less than it is spent to arrange the family party only. Sometimes I
think it is the wastage of money and wealth. They could have saved the money for the future use
of the newly-wed.


Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do
you think this is?


The parties arranged by family members and those arranged by the friends are quite different for
different reasons. The first and important issue about a family party is that you are to abide some
rules and regulations in a family party. You cannot do whatever you want to drink alcoholic
beverages without the permission of the organiser. But the scenario is the opposite in the parties
arranged by friends. One can drink as much as s/ he wants or smoke cigarettes in plenty. There is
none to forbid over any issue. You can listen to songs at a louder volume, dance together with
the friends and could use slangs to your friends and many other things which are considered as
indecent in the family parties. The differences happen for the generation gap. Family parties
invite guests of all ages while the friends never invite any adult or seniors in their parties.

National Celebrations:

What kinds of national celebrations do you have in your country?


We have different national celebration days and it begins at the beginning of the year with the
celebration of the New Year’s Day. Besides, the USA citizens observe some other days like
Washington's Birthday, the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day etc. All the days remain holiday across the USA and the
citizens observe the days according to their will. But it is important to offer gifts or small
presents to the other people on the Thanks Giving Day and on Christmas Day. Some of the
people also observe the last day of the year - December 31 in every year and exchange greetings
to each other marking the beginning of a new year.


Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more: young people or old people? Why?


The days are celebrated nationally and people of all strata participate in the observance. But the
majority of the days are observed by young people and the seniors are fond of the days like
Independence Day or the Birth Days of national heroes or presidents. It is done in this way due
to the nature of the celebration. Christmas Day, New Year’s Day or Thanksgiving Day has a
special charm, and thus the young people make a huge fun on the days. So, they prefer the days
more than the older people. On the other side, the older people cannot make such fun due to their
age and mental advancements with the age.


Why do you think some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government
money? Would you agree or disagree with this view? Why?


Observing the national days is a must for every country. It helps to let people, particularly the
young people about the history of the country and people who made the history. The days tell
them about the contributions of the national heroes to make the country into a free and
progressive one. But the observance requires lots of preparations and investment. Some people
think that this is wastage of money but is it actually wastage? I do not think so. By spending the
money, the knowledge is being shared among the people and the government is paying the
required charge for the knowledge. It is a simple issue. There is nothing to be worried about the
sense that the money is being wasted.

Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college.

You should say:

 when and where you had your idea

 what your idea was
 who you told about your idea

and explain why you thought your idea would make an improvement.

Model Answer 1:

Ideas are immortal and could change lives within the twinkle of an eye. The idea of inventing
wheels has brought a massive revolution in the entire world of communication. Distance is now
not a major issue for the global population for the idea of wheels. In fact, ideas are used to
improve the current situation.

After completing my graduation, I had joined at a local college in Michigan to teach Science to
the students of 11th grade. So, as the Science teacher in the college grades, in the beginning, it
was difficult for me to teach the subject for different reasons. Most of the students were
mischievous and did not bring their Science books or assigned homework. As a result, they
started having sorry figures in the class tests and examinations of Science class. It turned difficult
for me to teach the course as most of the students did not have their books with them and those
who had the book did not share it with the other for some egoistic causes. I had to go through all
the lines of some important texts. As they did not have books, they missed the lines. So, I started
planning how to improve the situation and finally I had a solution to the problem.

I planned to teach them the texts using multimedia tools. I sought for a projector in the
classroom. I made presentations of the texts using PowerPoint slides. I inserted all the necessary
information, texts, images and rules for solving some complicated issues on the slides. I thought
it will be helpful for all the students regardless with or without books. But it cost me time and
labour more than teaching in the class. I had to compose all the texts all by myself and prepare
the logic into a digital format. But it was effective for all. The students used to look at the
projected screen containing their texts and it did not require books for them. It also made them
more attractive to the class.

When I experienced the troubles with the students, I discussed the issue with some other
colleagues and also informed the college authority. They gladly allowed me to invent something
useful for the students. So, when I appeared before them with my idea, they appreciated it and
instantly allowed me to use a projector in my class. Gradually the issue of using a projector in
the class was spread among the guardians and all of them congratulated me for such a brilliant
idea and its implementation.

As the students were wicked in nature and did not follow the advice both from the teachers and
sometimes from their parents, I thought they need something different. I tried to improve the
situation and suddenly using a projector with digital texts appeared in my mind. In my
university, the teachers also used the technology. However, at first, I was confused about the
acceptance of a projector in a classroom filled with teenagers. I also thought about the negative
criticisms from different quarters. But finally, I decided that if I want to have a better future for
the student, I have to take the risk. I believed that a projector will make a different environment
in the classroom. Usually, the students are bored of textbooks, homework, class tests, monthly
tests, semester exams etc. Something different will revive their willingness to study more and I
was successful.

Sample Answer 2:

Ideas help to make things better and by applying a simple idea, I have improved my as well as
my classmates’ academic studies in both college and home. In fact, before applying the idea to
my real-life, it was troublesome for me to write. Now writings have become simple and easier
for me and many others who also adopted the idea thanked me profoundly.

The idea crossed my mind when I was in my college and still apply it in my daily life. I was a
student of 11th grade, in fact, got newly promoted at the grade at the college from where I passed
the earlier grades. Applying the idea has brought some special changes particularly for my
writings. Before applying the idea, I made huge mistakes and the ratio reduced after applying the

I started using pencils instead of using pens for taking draft notes at class, underlining on books,
writing on papers and drafting notes at home more others things. I believe this is one of the best
ideas that has helped me to improve my writing in college. Before moving to pencil, I used
ballpoint pens for all of my writing purposes. It was really troublesome when I made spelling
and other mistakes with the pen while writing. When I made mistakes using pens, it was difficult
to correct or change the mistakes but using pencils, it is easier to erase the mistakes and write
again freshly.

Initially, I shared the idea with my parents. They were glad that I am conscious of the writings
and applied the new idea. When I got approval from my parents, I shared the idea with some of
my intimate friends and classmates. They also were amazed and congratulated me to invent such
an interesting idea. Gradually, the entire class came to know about my idea of using pencil and
the reactions were mixed. Some of them adored the idea and also implemented with them while
the other mates of mine said they were informed about the idea but did not apply considering it
as silly.

To be frank, I am not a very good student and often make mistakes while writing. the spelling
mistake is the most defective feature of mine and I wanted to check the mistakes. So, when I
made the mistakes, it was impossible for me to erase the mistakes written by pen and write the
correct word. Thereby, the idea to use pencil appeared on my mind as I have used pencils in my
childhood. So, I thought if I write with pencils to make drafts, I would be able to check the
spellings. The idea worked well and my spelling has been improved. Whenever I had a mistake, I
erased that with rubber, wrote the correct one memorised that. By this way, the idea of using
pencil helped me and my classmates to improve the spelling.
Part 3 - Detail discussion / Two-way discussion:

Ideas and Education:


Some people think that education should be about memorising the important ideas of the
past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


Education is a lengthy process. It helps to gain knowledge of the issues required to lead a happy,
healthy and wealthy life. There are some views that education should be based on the past ideas.
But have you ever noticed or thought that we are living in present and even the present moments
are turning past within seconds? So, this is unnecessary to think about the ideas of past. But I am
not of the view that the past ideas are unable to reap benefits for us, but we should not cling to
those and learn to think ahead. The days ahead are more advanced than those were in the past.
Everything is being changed in different ways and if education is based on the past ideas or
ideologies, the students will fail to survive in the future where the past ideas will be ineffective to
cope up with the modern situations. So, this is not the day of memorising the past logic rather we
are to think to improve or invent something newer.


Should education encourage students to develop and share their own ideas?


Currently, education has become routine-bound. There are fewer chances to explore different
ideas or inventions. But the aim should be exercising the free ideas. The students should be
allowed to develop newer ideas which will be helpful for them and the mankind as well. But if
they are not engaged to do so and keep occupied with memorising the ‘E=MC

’ theory for their lifetime, they will not be able to discover or invent something newer. Unless the
education system is encouraging them to exercise their own intelligence, something better in
unexpected. They should develop newer ideas over different issues and share them with their
superiors and mates, and it will be helpful for them to be great in life.


How do you think teachers could help students to develop and share their own ideas?

Teachers are considered as the nation builder. They are the key role player in exploring the
intelligence of the students. They should inspire the students to exercise their own intelligence to
discover improved ideas. They should also show the way of thinking on any specific issues.
They should be taught to get out of logic as logic has limitations and boundary but imagination is
not. The students should be inspired to imagine different things which may appear unusual at
first but will be effective in the long run. By this way, they will be trained to perform the
extraordinary things which are beyond the capacity of the commoners’.

Ideas in the workplace:


Should employers encourage their workers to have new ideas about improving the
company? Why?


Employees are the players who have the leading role in the development and advancement of
any company. They are the people who work relentlessly to improve the situations.
Unfortunately, they are to work in prescribed forms which at times do not bring the desired
success for the company. They should be allowed to contribute newer ideas to improve the
company. During the selection process, the company picks the fittest individuals for the work.
So, it should allow them to speak over different issues and submit their ideas to improve the
company from their respective working conditions. Applicable new ideas are able to improve the
working conditions, production will be increased and the employees will be happy that their
ideas have been granted, and then they will work more attentively than before.


Do you think people sometimes dislike ideas just because they are new? Why?


It should be considered and kept in mind that every people are not the same. There are
differences among the people and they may not like everything in a working condition. Some of
them may think that new ideas are unnecessary as they are accustomed to the older ones. They
may also think that they have to get out of their comfort zone if the new ideas are implemented.
Besides, they also think about the failure of the new ideas. So, they are against the ideas and do
not want the implementation. They are new to the ideas and adjustment is impossible or
sometimes too tougher for them with the new conditions. But they do not understand that once
they are familiarised with the new idea, it will be beneficial for them.


What is more difficult: having new ideas or putting them into practice? Which is more
important for a successful company?

Generating a new idea is truly a daunting and hefty task but to apply the idea in real life
situations is more difficult. Anyone could generate ideas but it is impossible for them to apply in
practical situations. Regarding the company, having an idea is difficult but it is more difficult to
implement the idea inside the company. Usually, the employees are habituated to work in the
way they had been and the introduction of something new will make them puzzled. It may also
create a sense of discomfort with the employees as well. So, the implementation process should
be more technical and easily understandable for all working in a company.

Describe a competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you

took part in.

You should say:

 what kind of competition it was and how you found out about it
 what you had to do
 what the prizes were

and explain why you chose to take part in this competition.

Model Answer 1:

Sports competitions are one the great sources of joy and enjoyment. Both the participants and the
spectators enjoy the competitions and sometimes the events are telecast live on television
channels and even some multinational and corporate companies sponsor for the program in
exchange for their advertisements.

When I was in college in Massachusetts, I used to play basketball for my college team. Actually,
I was fond of the sports due to its nature and mostly the dribbling attracted me most. When I
watched the sports on television, I started nurturing the dream to be a basketball player like the
players on the television. After my admission at the college, I joined the basketball team and
suddenly the team was invited to participate an inter-college basketball championship
competition. So, accordingly, our team started preparing for the upcoming competition. At first, I
was advised to play at the point guard and then was shifted to the centre for my extraordinary
height (I am 6’3”) among the other players of the college team.

Basketball is an interesting sport and the players are assigned to hit the basket of the opposition
to make scores. So, I was assigned to shoot the basket of the opposition as much time as I could.
I also took assistance from the other mates of my college team. But it was not easy for us to
make scores. Most of the players of the opposition team were highly skilled too like us. They
defended almost every attempt of us in the first half of the game. But we finally scored 15 points
while they were only nine. But they tried their best to win the competition and made some fouls
in favour of us. For the fouls, we got three free shots at the basket which ensured our victory.
Interestingly, I took the free shots and scored three goals within one and a half minute which
inspired my teammates greatly. As a result, we were the champion of the competition.

The prizes of the competition were the most attractive things in the entire event. Each of the
participants was awarded a classic basketball medal made with gold and other material while the
champion team was awarded a large trophy and that is kept in a caring condition at our college
compound. Moreover, the participants were awarded gift vouchers worth $200. The prize-giving
ceremony was held in a festive mood and the participating college authorities delivered their
speeches and also vowed to hold such competitions again and again. I have kept my medal at my
home, safely, and even in my current days I check the medal and remember the happy moments I
had in my college days.

Basketball was a charming sport for me from my early days and I started playing the game with
my friends in my school. Since the school had no such team to play basketball, papa told me that
he will allow joining the basketball team when I will be at college. When I joined the college
team, the instructor was happy seeing me and he liked me most for my height and capability to
dodge the opponents with the ball. So, when the invitation for participating at inter-college
competition arrived, I did not miss the chance.

Model Answer 2:

Participating in competitions is really wonderful. The enjoyment doubles if you can win in the
competitions. I can remember such an event in my office where I stood first in a table tennis
completion. Thank you for asking such an interesting matter to describe.

From my university days, I was fond of indoor games and sports. As part of recreation, I used to
take part in table tennis. So, I am highly expert in this indoor game. I work at a multinational
organisation here in Colombo, Sri Lanka and the company is headquartered in Malaysia. To
motivate the employees, the company organises some annual sports events. I took part in the
competition but only became successful in the table tennis. Since I was an expert player of the
game, nobody could stand before me during the competition. It was a glorious victory for me.
The regional president of the company awarded me with prizes.

The competition was declared and I enlisted myself for chess, card games and table tennis. The
completion was held for two days (on the weekends). I was unable to shine in chess and card
because I do not have much idea about them. But I tried my best to survive in the games and
finally, I was defeated. When the table tennis round began, I performed very well in the
preliminary stages. Gradually, I moved to the next rounds and appeared in the final. The table
tennis final competition was an exciting event for everyone. In fact, all the employees turned into
two sides. One part of them was supporting me while the other side was supporting my
opponent. So, there was a sense of rivalry between the groups. But later, when I won the match,
everyone appreciated me for my success. Actually, they were amazed at my table tennis skills.

The prizes of the competition were fabulous. Each of the competitions had attractive prizes. I
won the first prize for table tennis and a certificate of appreciation. The prize that I received was
a LED television set of a reputed brand. The certificate was issued by the company and signed by
the governing body president wishing my success ahead. I was highly glad about the prize and
certificate. In fact, I have received the prize after a long time. I won prizes in my school, college
and university days. But after entering the profession, I did not have many chances to win such a
grand prize. Besides, the prizes that I received before were small and medals made of gold and
silver. Those are still in my collection. But the LED television was the greatest of them. I am
happy with the prize.

I have not been in practice of table tennis. When I was a student, I used to play table tennis for at
least an hour a day. But with the engagement of my occupation, I hardly can manage time.
Though there are options for table tennis in my office, I cannot practice there. In fact, I am
unable to arrange times for practice. But when the annual competition was declared, I practised a
lot in the office and finally won the victory. I decided to take part in the competition to check my
skills. I wanted to know if I am like before or need any modifications for myself. It was a test for
me as well. Crossing all the barriers, I became the winner. I am grateful to my company for such
an interesting competition.

Idea Generation for this cue card topic:

This cue card asks you to describe a competition you took part in either in a television
programme, in your college, office or a sporting competition. So do not talk about a competition
that you only watched. You should start the cue card answer by saying that "Whenever I think
about a competition that I took part in, the inter-college debate competition pops up in my mind.
It was so important for us to win this competition and the struggle that I had to go through is the
main reason I will never forget it." Then say a bit more about the competition like when you took
part in it, what type of competition it was, why it was important for you to win, who was with
you, what challenges you had to face to take part in this competition, what was your part in the
competition and about the prizes of this competition. Finally, give more details about why you
took part in this competition and how you felt about it.

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful.

You should say:

 what it is
 how you learned to use it
 how long you have had it

and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.

Model Answer 1:

Science has made human life comfortable. With the advancement of age, we have started reaping
the benefits of the past inventions and discovered technology, and marching towards an
advanced and digitised world. Thereby, we are surrounded by electronic equipment almost
everywhere regardless of home or working stations.

I have a desktop computer at my home with the latest configuration. It is the most important and
valuable thing for me when I am at home. It helps me in different ways. When I get back home
from work, I play songs on the computer. Sometimes I and my wife watch thrilling movies too
on the computer. It has become an essential part of my life. I also use the electronic equipment
for many other purposes and use the sophisticated applications made for various purposes.
Mostly I play different video games on the computer during my holidays and y wife uses it for
editing photographs. It is truly useful equipment for me and my family.

But learning to run the applications were not so easy for me as it is today. Now I can perform
some extraordinary tasks on the computer. I can edit photos using photo editing software, write
anything on the word writing applications like Ms Word, make presentations for my office using
PowerPoint, analyse numerous data using data analysis software and more others tasks. I took
admission at a training school where I mastered the skills. Now I am also able to edit photos or
create images and give them shapes after needs with the editing applications. All I learnt from
the training school and took a six-month training there. In the beginning, I made silly mistakes to
run the applications but now I am highly skilled in running those and even I do not need to check
the keyboard if I am pressing the right key.

I had to buy the computer for my wife in 2014 as she is a wildlife photographer, captures still
pictures of the animals and needs to edit those before submitting to different agencies. Although
she has a small laptop, she is uncomfortable to work with the equipment and thus I had to buy
the computer. The computer owns a higher configuration and allows running almost all the
heavy, available and complicated applications. It works at an unimaginable speed. Moreover,
after having the computer, I have learnt its use which I was ignorant before. By the span of a
year, I have turned into an expert.

The computer is greatly helpful for me and my wife as well. Both of us use the electronic
equipment to meet our daily needs. Most of the time of the day, my wife uses the machine to edit
her captured wildlife images from different parts of the earth. Besides, I make logical and
beautiful presentations to be presented to my office while taking any important decisions.
Thereby, I am highly benefitted by the applications. Sometimes I am assigned from the office to
design some logos or banners for specific events to be printed, I make them at home which has a
great role in my career development. Moreover, this is the age of communication and I browse
social networking websites using the computer to reach my other family members or friends. I
prefer computer rather than cellular phones to browse the internet. The large screen is really

Model Answer 2:

At present, each of the households is filled with different types of electronic equipment. They are
used for various purposes. I also have some equipment at my home and I would like to talk about
my refrigerator set. Thank you for asking such an interesting question.
I have a nice looking refrigerator of a renowned brand. It is moderate in size and I have been
using this for past five years. This is a great electronic equipment and runs around the day and
night. In fact, this is the only electronic equipment at my home that works continuously. But it
consumes less power than the average refrigerators. I am happy with this feature. Besides, the
quality of foods remains fresh in the refrigerator while I have experienced some negative
experience about food quality as well. So, I am lucky in this sense that I have a quality electronic
equipment at my home.

Learning to use the equipment was not difficult to me. In fact, this was one of the easiest tasks I
have ever done. It is simple. Just I need to plug in to start working with the refrigerator. But
controlling the temperature was an important issue. When you need to make something frost, you
will need to decrease the temperature. On the other side, I was happy that I did not have to clean
the extra ice from the corners of the refrigerator. The majority of the refrigerators come with this
feature that they produce ice and you need to clean them on regular basis. As a result, using a
refrigerator with ice is difficult and the users need to be aware of the icing issues. The fridge has
a couple of drawers where I can place my raw vegetables and other food grains for a better store.
The foods remain fresh for a long time.

I have been using the refrigerator for last five years. My husband bought it as a kind of surprise
marking our marriage anniversary. Before this one, I had been suffering for the want of a quality
refrigerator. The one that I had was out of order. In fact, that one did not perform well. Colling
foodstuff and other materials was a great problem for me. So, I asked him to arrange for a fridge
for me. But he denied my requests and did not act accordingly. Suddenly one day he brought the
refrigerator at home and I was surprised. I knew that it was our marriage anniversary but did not
have the idea that it would be so much thrilling for me. Since 2012, I have been using the fridge
continuously and without any sort of trouble. It is still in operation as it was on the first day.

This is a very useful electronic equipment for me for many reasons. My husband loves to take
various types of foods but I cannot manage them to cook all the times. So, I preserve the raw
materials in a prepared state and just fry or cook in the oven when demanded. It has saved my
time and energy. Besides, the fridge is spacious and has ample storage. So, when I go for
groceries, I collect items that I will need later and store them in the fridge. It saves my time and
physical effort. I have been benefitted with this refrigerator from the very day it came home.
Considering such issues, this is a great useful electronic equipment for me.

Describe a time when you got lost.

You should say:

 when and where it happened

 who was there with you
 how you felt when you got lost

and explain how you eventually found your way.

Model Answer 1:

When I was a student of 9th grade, I went to a summer camp in Palo Duro Canyon State Park in
Texas and got lost from my team.

It was at the beginning of a summer when the school authority decided to take us to a summer
camp in a remote place of Texas. All of us were thrilled to hear that we are going to learn some
extraordinary skills to survive in a desert land. When we were taken at Palo Duro Canyon State
Park, we found the place with a different form of natural beauty and the camping sites were
perfect for us. Following the teachers’ instruction, we pitched our camps and some of us started
collecting woods for fueling the food preparation for the first night under the open sky. I also
went to collect woods (although there were fewer trees), I was lost.

I was accompanied by three of my friends to collect woods to be used as fuel for preparing the
foods at night. So, four of started to collect woods in four different directions. As the entire
location was almost like a desert land, there were no large trees that could be used as fuel. So, I
walked for about 20 minutes in search of such woods and finally decided that I have to uproot
the grass-type smaller trees for fuel. I collected many of them and put those into my collection
bag. But suddenly I realised that I am alone and I could not see any of my teammates who came
with me to collect woods.

I felt scared. I have read many stories earlier over the incidents in deserts. I heard that there were
wild animals that kill the lone rangers in the deserts or try to attack them on their way. Moreover,
I was afraid that what will happen if I cannot get back at the campsite. I also thought if the
teachers and team members will look for me or not. I felt a deep sadness inside. I remembered
my family members and friends. I started thinking if I die now, they will be unable to find my
body or the body may be eaten by the wild animals. Unfortunately, I left my compass inside the
bag in the campsite and if that was with me, I could have started the return journey using the
directions. Actually, I was truly scared when I was lost.

After sometimes, I started planning how to get back. I, in fact, did not have any bend on my way
rather I followed a straight path and reached the place currently I am standing on. I had some
small plants in the bag as fuel. So, I thought that if I start my return journey just in the opposite
direction, it will be a smart idea. Thus, I started walking back on the reverse way I came here.
After walking for a few minutes, I heard some noises; in fact, it was my mates and the other
students and teachers of the camp. They were looking for me and were shouting by my name. I
felt a sense of relief that now I am not alone in the desert.

Sample Answer 2:

I love to travel and have already travelled almost all the European countries. But I had to
experiences some interesting issues during the last trip in France. In fact, I was alone this time
and did not get a map of the locality. Thank you for such an inquisitive question. Here is a brief
answer to it.
Paris is a cosmopolitan city. A large number of people come here every day to visit the tourist
spots and other places. So, it is easy for the tourists to get lost in the city areas if they have no
local guides or at least a map of the city. The similar thing happened to me. Actually, I was in a
rush before moving to Paris from my city Georgia in the USA. I could not collect the map and
based on my intuition, I made the trip. I thought that it would not be hard to visit the city alone.
Earlier, I made trips to some other countries but at that time I was in a group. And this was my
solo trip for the first time as well. I got lost in the city of Paris.

As I told before, it was a solo trip for me. In fact, my parents also forbade me not to make the
solo trip. They were concerned about the safety and security of their daughter (me) in a foreign
land. But with an indomitable spirit, I discarded all of their doubts and started for France to pass
a couple of days. It was a great initiative from my end to know a different city and its cultures,
people and many other things. But there were some hidden detrimental impacts as well that I
could not realise before I fell in danger. If I had someone with me, I could not have felt so
vulnerable as I felt when I was lost in the city.

The feelings were bitter. In fact, I thought I would not be able to return my hotel, my country and
my parents. I was worried about everything. Moreover, I left my passport and money at the hotel.
So, initially, I felt helpless for few moments. Later, I started thinking about the positive aspects
of the situation. I sorted out which benefits do I have with me. I discovered that I had ample
chances to visit the entire city without any bindings or restrictions. When in a team, I had to
undergo various regulations while travelling, but I was free of them now. So, I blew my worries
into the wind and made a successful trip for the day. I came to know many of the streets, corners,
notable places and more other. I was glad indeed, later.

I started moving across the streets of Paris. I took my lunch from a street food selling shop (I
forgot the name of the locality). I also forgot the name of the hotel I checked in as the French
names were a bit difficult for me to remember. I made a plan. I hired a taxi and started talking
with the driver. It was hard to make him understand that I have lost my way back to the hotel.
After lots of efforts, I took help from a policeman standing near the taxi. Waving my hand, I
asked him to appear before me (as I do not know the French language). The taxi driver described
him the issue. And it was the policeman, who helped me to sort out the hotel I was living in. I
thanked him and returned my hotel. It was a memorable journey for me.

Talk about a situation when you saved some money.

You should say:

 why you did it

 how long it took you to save this money
 how much you saved

and explain what you did with it.

Model Answer 1:

Money matters and considered as the most important thing in this material world, and people are
after it (literally) to meet their expenses. But we need to save it too for different purposes. I also
had to save some money for buying my brother’s birthday present.

I was 11 and was in my 5th grade when my younger brother was born. He was too cute in his
childhood that everyone started caring for him. I also cared for him as his older brother and the
sense of brotherhood was raised inside me by my father. Days were passing by and the little kid
started maturing. His first birthday was appearing and I planned to gift him a nice present. But I
did not have enough money to buy a gift for him instantly. Therefore, I started saving money
marking the day. I had to generate the money by reducing my regular expenses.

It took nearly five weeks to gather all the money required for the present. But fortunately, I
found that I have gathered more than the actual amount and also invested the amount to buy
another present for him too. I had bought a block set and a book of colourful images for kids
ranging from 12 -24 months. My parents and other relatives like the presents most and also
praised me for my affection to my younger brother. In fact, I was also glad to be able in buying
the gifts for my younger at an early age. But the irony is that the block set was lost and the books
were torn up by him.

My parents did not give me much money at that time but they cared for me and met all my needs
instantly. Sometimes I demanded few bucks from them saying that I will go for a day out with
my friends or have to participate in a programme arranged by my school friends and such other
excuses to collect the money. In five weeks I gathered 38 dollars. I could have gathered more but
I had less time before the birthday appeared. Moreover, I planned on gathering the money all on
a sudden when I heard that his first birthday will be celebrated in a festive manner.

I went to the local shops that were selling toys for kids of all ages and I selected a block set for
my younger brother. I liked the block set mostly because of its extraordinary features and that
also allowed the players to create different structures including cars, buildings, robots, animals
and many other things. The sets were round edged and thus there were no chances of physical
damage or injury during the play. I also bought a colourful book that contained images of
different things to make the kids familiar. It was printed on the best quality paper with the
lamination of standard plastic materials.

Sample Answer 2:

When I was a child and lived in Delhi, once I saved some money to buy a bicycle for me. In fact,
it was a foolish decision for me as I was unable to get the huge amount of money needed for the
purpose. But it was interesting as well. Thank you for the interesting question and I will describe
it here.
I lived in a moderately populated location in Delhi with my parents. My school was far away
from our residence. So, it was difficult for me to move all the way by walking. Besides, the
number of transportation was fewer than the present days in the locality. In fact, it was the
beginning of the 1990s and development just started the journey across the city. Sometimes, I
used to go to school on my father’s motorbike but when he was in hurry, I had to walk alone for
the school. My mother was unable to move with me as she had to take of the household. So, I
started saving money for a bicycle.

I saved money for over a year. Actually, in those days, the expenses were less than the present.
So, I did not get a huge amount of pocket money. Even sometimes, I was not entitled to the
pocket money, my mother prepared snacks for me. So, I did not get the pocket money on that
day. In such a setting, it was difficult for me to save money. If I got 10 rupees, I used to spend
half of it for snacks and saved the remaining half. I saved money in this ways for around a year
and it was really difficult for me to save. Sometimes, I was unable to save as I had to spend the
entire pocket money for some other purposes in the school. But I tired utmost to save at least a
minimum portion from there.

I saved nearly 3000 rupees in a year. But not all of the money was collected from my pocket
money. Sometimes, I saved from a donation of my father for different tasks. Even I bargained
with the shopkeepers to save a very little amount as well to increase my fund. I saved all the
money at a small depository at my home and finally at the end of the year, I broke that and found
the amount. However, it was one of the greatest achievement of my life. In fact, the amount of
money was huge to me in that days. None of my age-mates had gathered such an amount before.

I bought a bicycle with the money. But my father had to add some additional cash to mine. He
was happy to know about the saving and the habit that I formed at that early age. I was extremely
glad about the bicycle. I used that as my primary vehicle to move in places. Citing my example,
some of the local kids of my age also started saving money but their parents bought them the
bicycles before they could complete the savings. Later, the children who had bicycles used to
move together and a sense of bonding grew among them. In fact, I have got some of my best
friends among them and they are still with me in this matured age.

Describe an important conversation that influenced you.

You should say:

 when this happened

 who you were talking with
 what you talked about

and explain how this conversation influenced you.

Model Answer 1:
In the beginning of my college days, I used to bunk classes, particularly Physics and one day I
had a conversation with my teacher and after that, I never missed my classes in the remaining
college days.

When I was admitted to Santa Monica College in California, the first few days were very
interesting to me because the environment was unfamiliar and people were unknown too. But
gradually I developed a sense of deep friendship with few of my classmates and started building
a community of us only. No outsiders were allowed to be with us. The class bunking rate
increased and then I had the conversation with my honourable teacher.

The conversation took place between me and my honourable Physics teacher Mr Immanuel Pitt.
He was like a father for every student in the college and never behaved roughly for the misdeeds
of the students. Despite being a teacher of Physics, he is also a good student advisor too and
suggests students to be good in their studies and have a good result in the long run. Mr Pitt
invited me, again saying – invited me, one day in his room after my class. It was a memorable
event for me too as I heard about his fame of counselling but at first, I could not realise why I
was invited.

He discussed different issues with me for long hours and entertained me with orange juice. He
wanted to know about my family, my parents – their occupation, academic status and more other
issues. Finally, he asked me why I was missing my Physics class. In reply, I frankly told him that
actually, I do not find interest in the subject. Moreover, I like to play outdoor games in the local
field instead of the attending the boring class, I added. He did not show anger or dissatisfaction
on my speech rather he smiled at me. Then he advised me to be attentive to the study. He also
said that study should not be taken as the study rather than a competition to get prepared for the
future battles.

His speeches clicked my brain and I realised that everything I did so far was wrong. He pointed
out the negative impacts of missing the class. He also said that I might have temporary pleasure
by escaping the classes but I will be unable to survive in future if I continue the escaping. I was
highly influenced by his speech as anyone did not tell me about the detrimental impacts of class-
bunking. Moreover, I thought that the teacher may take punitive measures for my regular
absence and sorry figures in the second class test, but he did not even ask me about the cause of
the shocking scores.

As a result, I changed myself and attended the Physics class regularly, and even persuaded the
friends (with whom I escaped) to be regular in the class. Only for attending the classes, I had a
very good score in the college final exam.

Sample Answer 2:

Before meeting Samantha, the meaning of life was unknown to me completely. In fact, I wanted
to destroy myself in a rage towards the world. But once, I meet with her at a consultancy and
medical centre for the severe depression, I started seeing the world from a whole new
perspective. Thanks for the question. I will describe the darker part of my life now.

I went through a period when I was very depressed. In fact, I was a man who believed in having
fun and enjoy life. But there was a sudden change in my life. I fell in love with a beautiful lady
who was a few years senior to me. She was a charming lady but suddenly she left me alone and I
got quite depressed and pessimist. Gradually, I become more depressed and things became worse
over the next few weeks. One day, I met with Samantha and she brought me to a medical
treatment plus consultancy centre for counselling. It was the beginning of 2014 when the lady (I
will not cite her name here) broke up with me. I met with Samantha, a doctor and counsellor, and
in fact, still, I do not know how she sorted me out amid a devastating time. I am grateful for her
contribution to restrain me from further drowning in the problem.

There were a series of conversations with Samantha and some of her colleagues who worked
voluntarily to help the depressed people. The name of the organisation was ' The Ray of Hope'
where they only helped people with depression and minor addiction. A good number of people
have taken their service and now are living positive life like me. So, I had to talk to them. They
tried to make me understand the issues. At first, I was reluctant to have any conversation with
them. But later, they persuaded me to be with them and pay attention to their speeches. There I
met with Richard (a former chronic depression patient), Paul, Johnson, Maria, Shelly, and some
other people. At first, almost all of them were depressed for some reasons. However, after they
got out from their depression and started life in a different direction, two of them started working
voluntarily in this consultancy cum medical facility.

They wanted to know about my history. I told them in detail about me and my family. I also
described how I had met with the lady and fell in love with her and more other memories related
to her. In fact, they asked me to tell each and everything about the lady and how I responded to
her attitudes, how I felt about her etc. So, I told them about our first meeting and how both of us
fell for each other. But it was hard for me to describe the event of splitting. I was shocked as she
left me alone to buy her happiness. She was having another secret affair with a businessman of
the locality where I lived in. They got married and I was severely shocked. I described
everything thing to them and they listened attentively. Finally, they came up with some of the
special words for me.

They talked about my emotional states. They also analysed how I was depressed for the
situations. Actually, they were sympathetic to me and I was truly happy to have them beside me.
They advised me on various issues. I tried to follow them. Actually, I was also seeking for a
chance to get out of the depression but could not for the lack of a proper counselling and
guidance. Finally, with the conversations with these people, I was impressed and influenced.
They made me realise the true value of life and the reason we should go ahead. I learnt the
meaning of life and started moving ahead with their mental support. In fact, if they had not the
sessions with me, I could not have a healthy and happy life at all. Thanks to the team.

Describe a childhood song you remember well.

You should say:

 what the song was about
 where you first heard this song
 how old you were then

and explain how you feel now when you hear this song.

Model Answer 1:

Childhood is the best part of one’s life and the memories are unforgettable. I heard a song in my
childhood and still, I sing the song by myself unconsciously.

The song was about the early days of the singer Brian Adams. The lyric is composed in a
continual manner to refer few events of his life and how he dealt with the days. He starts the
song describing his buying a guitar (but did not mention the type) and its price from a local shop.
Then he starts telling about the details of using the guitar and band formation to perform rock
songs. But unfortunately the band members were split for different reasons, one of them got
married while another one quitted. But Adams did not lose hope and continued his practice. He is
lamenting for the past days which were best in his life. He also formed a relationship with a girl
during a summer job but that also did not last for longer like the band.

When I was a teenager, I used to visit the home of a senior brother and he frequently played the
song. It was a favourite song for him and accordingly, it also turned popular with me too. I
started hearing the song whenever I got chances. But it was difficult for me to listen in those
days as there were fewer playback instruments like radio or cassette players. So, I used to go to
the house of my senior, and that was located just the opposite of our building.

I was a student of the ninth or tenth grade. It was my teenage. I liked the song because it is about
recalling the past days but there are no regrets about missing the days. The singer is simply
describing the events and it is emotional for him but he is not regretting as he missed his
girlfriend or band members. He is still on his way and living with music. He loves music and
never thinks of getting split with it like the other people he met in his early days.

The song is evergreen to me. In the current days when I listen to the song, I got the similar
feelings that I felt in my teenage. It appears that the events are happening before the eyes and I
am an observer of the entire story. This song is a unique one and been entertaining a large
number of people globally. I believe most of the people who are familiar with the song feel the
same as I do.

Sample Answer 2:

I was born and brought up in Lahore, Pakistan. But the influence of Bollywood was a notable
issue at that time. So, I used to listen to the songs from Bollywood movies. And I can still
remember one of the songs named “Pardesi Pardesi Jana Nahi, Mujhe Chodke .. Mujhe Chodke”.
Thank you for the question that reminds me of my lost childhood.

The song was sung by a female. She was urging her boyfriend not to leave her. In fact, the male
character was from a distant land and had some sort of mental involvement with the lady. They
might have a very good relationship with each other. But when it was the time of departure, the
lady might have asked the man to stay with her. She was in deep love with the man while the
man might have a less emotional attachment to the issues. So, he was leaving. I have not seen the
movie yet and thereby, I am unaware of the movie plot. But the song is still in my memory.

I heard the song for the first time in a local movie cassette-renting-shop in my locality. But I
cannot remember the exact date and time for the event. Later, the song was too much popular
and heard it being played in almost everywhere in the area. Though there are some political
issues between India and Pakistan, there are no notable barriers to entertainment. As a result,
Bollywood has a great market and demand in Pakistan. Recently, many of the Bollywood movies
are released across Pakistan and they are having a good business. But the things were a bit
distressful in the days I am talking about. Gradually, the song got more popular and many of the
people had enjoyed the movie by being attracted to the song.

I was a student of ninth grade at the local school. In fact, I was a teenager then and also got
attracted to the song, its tone and music composition. I memorised the song only by listening.
Actually, the song turned so popular among the locals that I heard it almost every place. Satellite
connections were not as much available as it is now. So, people in those days hired VCR (a sort
of video cassette player) and video cassettes to enjoy the movie. But I was attracted to the song
than the movie. In fact, I lack the patience to sit idly for long hours to enjoy any movie, and even
in this present day, it is tiresome for me to watch a movie completely. I can remember the days
were filled with fun, and it was interesting too to sing the song in line with the original one. I
used to do that.

The emotions are all the same as it was in the past. The song had a long-term impact on me and
some other people of my age. The song lyric is interesting while the music composition is
melodious. But the song is a kind of tragic one. It is really hard to say goodbye to someone you
love. The female character does not want to say goodbye to her beloved man. She is feeling
lonely and thus asks the man to stay with her. Later, when she becomes unable to stop him, she
urges him to remember her in the coming days. I actually could not understand the theme in the
initial stage but now I can realise how pathetic it was to leave someone. Thereby, I feel sad
whenever I hear the song now.

Describe a toy that you often played with as a child.

You should say:

 what the toy was

 how old you were when you had it
 did you play with the toy by yourself or with other kids
and explain how you felt about this particular toy.

Model Answer 1:

I was the only child of my parents and they used to provide me with almost all forms of toys but
I liked the video game much than any other toys.

It was a video game containing different games including block setting, car race, puzzle and
many other video games. Basically, it was a plastic made video game set and was around seven
inches in length and four inches in width. The entire body was made of durable plastic and the
keys were yellowish. The most favourite game of mine was the car race. Sometimes I had to
press the big button hard to increase the car speed and when I crossed the levels, the speed
increased automatically. I loved the game as I had a passion for driving cars but as I could not do
that in reality, I did that in the video game.

I was 10 when my father gave me the video game. He gave me that as a Christmas present. It
was a surprise for me. I saw such a video game to one of my friends and he was playing that with
a smiling face. I touched the game and also experienced the same feelings. He allowed me to
play few of the games for about half an hour but I could not finish as the battery died. Then I told
my mum that I need a video game like that but she instantly said nothing to me. When my father
gave me the pack of Christmas, I was truly surprised at that age. It was a pleasing moment for
me too when I unwrapped the package.

I used to share the video game with the other boys of my school who wanted to play. We used to
play the games by rotation and had to be careful lest our teachers notice the issue. One of the
classmates was caught in red-handed while playing the video games during the math class. So,
we were highly careful about the fact. Besides, when the battery died, I used to buy batteries with
the contribution of the other players (!) who participated the game.

The video game was a kind of treasure to me. In the beginning, I did not allow anyone of my
family and friends to touch the video game piece. I cared for it too much and did not play it
fearing imaginary and potential damages. Besides, I used to take out the battery so that nobody
could play or do anything with the video game in my absence. It was the most valuable thing to
me until it broke in an accident. When it slipped from my hand and fell on the ground from the
window, I was shocked and rushed to the road to collect it from where it fell. Unfortunately, I
found that a vehicle has run over the video game set when I was rushing to rescue it.

It was a deep shock for me. However, my father wanted to buy me another similar thing but
mother did not allow so fearing I might break again. It was the end of my video game era.

Sample Answer 2:

When I was a child, my parents used to bring toys for me. Besides, I received various types of
toys on my birthdays. But among all those toys, I liked the Barbie doll the most. It was an
excellent gift from my father in a birthday. Thank you for the question and it reminds me of my
childhood. Here are the brief descriptions of the matter.

Though I received a good number of toys from my family members, relatives and other people in
my childhood, I cannot forget the memory of the Barbie doll. It was a very nice doll and looked
beautiful. Moreover, it was the best gift for me at that age. None of my friends or age-mates had
the similar type of toy with them. Hence, it was a pride for me and I carried it with me wherever
I went. I have preserved the doll even in the present day and whenever I see it, it reminds me of
my golden past.

I was only nine years old when I received the doll. My dad gave as a gift to me marking the
birthday that year. Since I was the youngest daughter of the family, the other relatives and family
members also presented me with nice gifts on that day. But I liked the Barbie doll most because
of some reasons. In fact, it was the type of toy that I had been looking for. I had some other toys
but I find no interest in playing with them. When I got the Barbie doll, I was happy and started
playing with it. It came with some special features and dresses. I loved changing the dress and
groomed it nicely. Further, I took it with me except the time of attending school. I carried the
doll with me in school for few days until I was warned by the class teacher about not bringing it
to school.

Often I played with the toy alone. But when my cousins came to visit me, I played with them.
They also had dolls but they did not have any Barbie doll. So, I was boastful with my doll and
dominated over them. They also used to listen to my advice regarding the play. In fact, I turned
into their leader while playing with them. And it happened only for possession of the doll. When
I was alone, I used to do some typical activities like changing the dress, adding makeups on the
doll, feeding and caring for it and more other imaginary activities. When I remember the events
now, I feel how meaningless activities I did with the doll! But when I was in the group, we had
lots of fun with our respective dolls and my Barbie used to be the leading one among them.

I had a great feeling with this doll. In fact, it became the part of my regular life. I used to take it
on the bed while sleeping, carried beside me on the dining table while taking meals, placed it on
my reading table so that I could have a clear look at it. Actually, it became a part and parcel of
my daily life. I have damaged and destroyed many other toys, but I was extremely careful about
this particular toy. There are no notable damages have been caused with this piece so far for my
carefulness. I love it very much and will keep the doll with me as long as I can.


LabelsCandidate Task CardDescribe somethingIELTS Cue Card

Describe an interesting job you would like to have.

You should say:

 what it is
 why you think this job is interesting
 what skills you will need to do this job

and explain why you want to have this job.

Model Answer 1:

For a living on the planet, we need a job, but that should be standard and motivating enough to
maintain me and my passion and expenditures. I want to be a journalist in my professional life.

Journalism is the way to explore information and it is also considered as a prestigious job across
the world. I have a fascination for journalism since my childhood and now I am a few years
away to grab the job. After completing my graduation in Journalism and Media Studies, I would
like to take it as my profession. Moreover, it has a good number of benefits too. If you become a
journalist, you will be able to learn about many issues which were unfamiliar to you. You have
to be aware of the happenings of your surroundings and you will also have the chances to travel
in different countries and places in order for collecting news and thus you will be wiser than
before. This job also has a natural obligation for informing people about the events and insight of
everything you write about.

Journalism is a challenging job. No other profession is as challenging as it appears to me. It is

challenging in this sense that a journalist has to collect news and information over different
issues but sometimes they are in real trouble if they fail to collect the news or if they reveal any
confidential information to mass people. In both the ways, they are to experience different
troubles like losing the job and sometimes they are to lose their lives too. Whatever the risks are,
it is truly a thrilling job. Another important aspect is that journalists are accessible to the places
which are too difficult and sometimes beyond imagination for the common people. Besides, they
are sent to meet with famous people or celebrities in order to collect their news and views.

I need at least a graduation on Journalism or similar other subjects. A higher study over the issue
is highly preferable but the graduation will do. I am planning to pursue a higher study on the
field after starting my career as a journalist. Besides, the journalists always need to be careful
about each of their issues related to news collection. They need to use cameras, writing abilities,
drafting skills, shorthand writing capacity to collect news fast, preparing news for the publication
or telecast etc. among the other tasks. Therefore, I have also admitted to a short-term basic
photography learning course and bought a book to learn shorthand writing skills. Besides, a
sharp sense is the other important factor for journalism.

When I read news on newspapers, I try to imagine that I am one of those who are engaged in
collecting the news. They travel here and there and remain busy all the day long. They travel
from different vehicles and mostly collect news from awkward situations. Regarding the
television channels, a few news is aired live and the journalist present there share the latest
situations live with the audience. It is truly an exciting job. Again some of the news reporters
turn famous for their outstanding ability to discover something special.
Since my childhood, I have been fostering the dream to be a journalist and therefore, I am
planning to be one.

Sample Answer 2:

Being a successful an actor is really a tough task. It requires a special set of skills which majority
of the people do not have with them. So, they cannot be actors rather enjoy the performance of
the actors. I have some skills that can elevate me to the stage of a noted actor someday. Thank
you for the smart question.

It may sound weird to many that I want to be a professional actor. To make it clearer, I want to
take it as my job in future. In fact, I have been mulling on the matter for past couple of weeks. I
am a college student here in Greece and continuing my undergraduate. After the completion of
my graduation, I have decided to participate in professional acting. I will start it by performing
arts and then gradually will move for television acting and cinema. Hope I would be successful
in my plans.

I have a passion for acting. In fact, I am in touch with the acting from my early age. My dad was
a great actor of his days and had taken part in some of the cinemas as well. But did not continue
the profession considering some familial issues. It took time for him to grow but the family did
not allow him to be with the profession. So, he left acting and joined at a government job. But
the thing is not similar to me. I have my complete liberty to do whatever I want to do. My dad is
highly supportive of this case. Actually, he is my inspiration in this case. He wants me to be a
famous actor across the nation. Moreover, I am attached to a small group of theatre activists in
my locality and skilled with the acting basics. This is a plus for me that I will not need to get
schooling for acting as many of the artists had undergone.

Acting requires some special skills, particularly the actor need to cope with the situations. S/ he
will need to reflect the character of them. Without properly reflecting the character or completely
getting inside the character, it is impossible to bring out the real performance. Before performing
for any role, most of the artists go through some sort of training to get inside the character.
Besides, they need to reflect the expression perfectly so that the audience could get entertained.
In fact, acting is an art form. To be the artist, actors need to be skilled and invest a huge amount
of time to bring perfection to the character they are carrying on. Imitating is an important skill
here. If the actor is unable to replicate the scenarios or any particular situation, it is tough for
them to entertain the audience.

Being an actor has some special benefits. First of all, it makes the actors famous in both national
and international level. This is the thing I want most. I want to be familiar with people and make
an intimate bond with them. By performance, I would be able to reach them and send them
messages on issues. On the other side, acting is hazardous as well. Often the artists need to take
risky shots and even they may lose their lives. It appears adventurous to me. This type of
activities has a different charm to me. They make me thrilled. Further, acting requires lots of
concentrations. When you are performing in a crowd, you need to be focused on your role. Such
activities help to increase your personal skills like enriched attention, desire to reach goals etc.
Considering all the matters, I have decided to be an actor. But I need to wait and cross a long
road to fulfil my dream. Someday definitely I will be successful in my journey.

Describe an outdoor activity that you would like to try for the first time.

You should say:

 what it is
 when and where you would do it
 what preparations and equipment you would need

and explain why you want to try this activity.

Model Answer 1:

Golf is a popular sport all over the world and I have never played it. This time, I am planning to
play a mini golf and this is the first time for me to grab the club and hit the ball.

Golf has a reputation across the globe as the sport of rich people and also requires patience.
Actually, golf requires a lot of patience and perseverance and the sense of perfect timing is also
an important issue to play golf. I have seen the sport on television and once I also went with my
parents to watch a match. But I did not have the chance to participate in the sport and even I did
not know the rules as well. So, in the next fall, I have decided to start playing mini golf and after
having proper practice on the golf course, I will take part in mini tournaments also.

When my college will be closed for summer next, I will participate in the sport. There are
different mini golf courses are available across the United States but among them, the Par-King
is most famous and might be the best mini golf course in the world. The golf course is located
near my locality in Illinois. The course is suitable for all types of golfers and even one can visit
the course with their families too. The course has different attractive spots and objects that amuse
the golfers at the same time during their play. Besides, the prices are also reasonable on the golf
courses which is unusual in the other courses.

For playing golf, one does not need a lot of preparations. But some specific things should be
there before starting the sport. Firstly you should have your own club, and accordingly, I have
bought three nice clubs to use during the tournament and for my regular practice, I have got two
clubs of standard size and quality. I have also bought two dozens of balls for practice and six
pieces for the tournament. Besides, I have also hired an instructor to teach me golf as I do not
know anything about the sport. The instructor will teach me during the practice at the golf

Golf is a popular sport and people play golf for different reasons. I would like to play it as I do
not have any previous experience. Moreover, the golf courses are decorated beautifully with
greeneries, attractive spots and delicious foods. Besides, the air in the golf courses is fresh due to
the natural environment. If I play golf, I would be able to take my parents and sister to the golf
course which is not possible always for the outdoor activities. As I will participate in the mini
golf completion, I will have a chance to meet with other people which will be beneficial for me
in the long run. If I go to travel to a distant place with my friends and other mates, I will be out
of home for a longer period but I will be able to get back home by the end of the day from the
golf course and tournament. Thereby, I want to take golf as my outdoor activity in the fall next.

Sample Answer 2:

Swimming is a great outdoor activity and also a beneficial sport. I know to swim but unluckily, I
have not got the chance yet to swim on a sea beach. So, now I am planning to swim on a sea
beach in the upcoming summer. This is a great question and I would like to thank you for this
cue card topic.

Swimming by the sea is a great fun. I heard from one of my college friends that it provides more
thrill than swimming in a surrounded swimming pool. He swam a long distance and greatly
enjoyed that. Hearing the description, the desire to swim in a sea crossed my mind and I made
the plan to swim in a sea in the summer next. In fact, I will have a summer vacation and spend
the days near a sea beach so that I could fulfil my desire. It will also help me to see the sea as

I am an undergraduate student at Kathmandu University in Nepal. I have been born and brought
up here and did not have the chances to visit outside of Nepal. Besides, Nepal being a landlocked
country, there are no seas or sea beaches available. Considering all the issues together, I have
planned to visit Bangladesh where there is the longest sea beach is located. I will go there and
swim in the sea to meet my dream. Moreover, it would be a new experience for me to visit a new
place and gain some new experience. My university will be closed in the next month, May for
about nearly a month for summer vacation. I will spend the time on the sea beach and enjoy the
natural beauty. Besides, there are many other visiting places also available in the country where I
want to pay a visit.

There are fewer preparations will be needed for this purpose. I just need some time and
arrangement of money. I already have arranged for the necessary funds and my father agreed to
provide me with the complete financial support in this case. I have also submitted my details for
making the passport and it will be done within next week. Applying for a visa is another
important task but my maternal uncle, who works at the Bangladesh embassy, assured that he
would take care of the visa issues. Swimming in the deep sea requires some special sort of
equipment but swimming near a sea beach does not require so. Hence, I do not need to carry any
extra equipment with me other than the swimming costumes. Besides, I also need to change
some money to use in that country. It would also be beneficial for me if I could do some home
works about the country like knowing about its culture, geography, foods and people.
I want to swim in the sea or sea beach for several reasons. First of all, it would be a great
experience for me. I have seen the sea only on television. It was not possible for me to walk on
the sandy sea beaches and take bath or swim in the water. Moreover, I heard that the sea water is
beneficial for health to some extent. But the most important factor is that I am going to fulfil a
dream. I have a dream to swim in the warm salty water of the sea. If there were any chance in my
land, I would not have to go out for that. Based on the reasons, I want to try this activity and of
course, I will do so, as soon as possible.

Describe something kind that someone did for you.

You should say:

 who this person was

 where and when it happened
 what s/he did for you

and explain how you felt about it.

Model Answer 1:

Since both of my parents are engaged in two different professions, I have to be alone at home for
most of the time and during a sudden illness in the absence of my parents, one of my neighbours
helped me greatly.

It was Aunt Sally who came to my help during a sudden physical illness. She is our neighbour
and lives just opposite of our apartment. She is the wife of my father’s business partner and very
kind in nature. Although she has two kids, she loves me like her own kid too and never makes
any hesitation to share her love and affection to me. I also paid proper respect to her for her
kindness to me. In the absence of my parents, she took care of me and even I stay at her
apartment when my father goes abroad with her husband for business purposes and my mother
goes to meet her parent.

I came back from my school early as I was feeling uncomfortable. Father dropped me at the
school and said that he would take me back when the school is finished. But suddenly I started
feeling uncomfortable. I was affected with a high fever and it was accompanied by a frequent
cough. My muscles were filled with pain and I was feeling like that someone is beating me. Then
I asked my class teacher for an emergency leave. The teacher allowed me to leave the school and
also sent a school staff with me for my safety. The school staff carried me all the way to my
home and handed me over to Aunt Sally as I informed that she will take my care until my parents

When I returned home, Aunt Sally took my responsibilities on her shoulder and took immediate
actions to make me feel comfortable. She informed the issue to my parents over the telephone
and asked them to return as soon as possible. She took me to her apartment, wiped my body with
wet clothes and gave some painkillers and other necessary medications after consultation with a
doctor. Then I slept on a bed in that apartment and when I woke up I saw my parents are sitting
beside me. I would have fallen in a real trouble if Aunt Sally was not at home on that day.

I am truly grateful to her for her kindness to me. She has done a lot of things for me. She never
missed one of my birthdays and even she does not forget to wish me on my birthday. I am highly
lucky that I have a neighbour like her. She is a motherly figure to me and I find a sense of
happiness when I meet or talk with her. When I remember that I was trembling with fever and
my muscles were filled with unbearable pain, she was the only woman who came for my
assistance. She cared for me like her own son and undertook all the necessary steps for my cure
until the arrival of my parents. It is a blessing to me I have such a great neighbour.

Sample Answer 2:

So far I did not have to fall into trouble while I was out of home for my professional
engagements until I lost my purse last month. In fact, it was a difficult situation for me and I
could not seek help to others for my reserved nature. Mr Iqbal came to my help at that moment.
Thank you for the question. It reminds me the situation I was in that day.

Movement for a female in the streets of Mumbai is really tough if you do not have any individual
transportation system. Riding the public buses or hiring a taxi is irritating. I lost my purse on a
public bus on my way back to home after a hefty working day. When I was to pay for the ticket,
I could not find the purse and became perplexed about that. Mr Iqbal paid my ticket and told that
he saw from the window that a kid, around 13/ 14 years old, ran away with the purse while I was
riding on the bus.

I was returning home from my office like the other days. But I went for a shopping to get some
necessary things for my family. So, there were some other bags and stuff with me and I was
unable to take care of everything together. I left the office half an hour before the usual working
hour to complete the shopping. When everything was done, I started for my residence located in
the southern part of Mumbai. I was waiting for the public bus that will drop me right before the
entrance of the apartment complex I live in. The incident happened before riding on the bus.
Usually, I take my purse in my hand in such situations but this time I kept it in a bag on my left
side. I kept the purse on the bag so that I could pay the ticket price easily. But it was a disaster
for me.

I knew Mr Iqbal for a long time. In fact, he is the friend of my husband and lives a few blocks
away from us. He tried to tell me about the issue when I was riding but I could not comprehend it
clearly as I had to handle the bags and groceries. Later, when I took my seat and the ticket seller
approached me, I could not find the purse. It was an awkward situation for me. I rode on the bus
without its fare. Then Mr Iqbal came forward and told the ticket seller about the issue. And then
he paid the ticket price for me. I was grateful to him. In fact, it was a great help for me at that
The feelings were mixed. I laughed at myself and at the same time, I felt worried about the
consequences of the event. If Mr Iqbal had not been there, it would be humiliating for me to the
extreme. The other people would have laughed at me. I cannot think the worst – the ticker seller
asking me to get off the bus before everyone. So, the presence of Mr Iqbal and his cordial
support brought a sense of relief to me. I thanked him and also invited to visit us at our home.
Hearing the matter, my husband also expressed his gratitude for this task. In a word, it was an
unusual experience for me.

Describe a situation when you forgot about an important meeting.

You should say:

 when it was
 what the meeting was about
 what you did about it later

and explain how you felt about it later.

Model Answer 1:

Meetings are always important as different necessary and vital decisions are taken in meetings. I
had to miss such an important meeting for my mother’s sudden illness.

The meeting was set in the headquarters of my office and I was supposed to be one of the
important participants at the meeting. But I had to miss the meeting since I completely forgot
about it from the previous night of the meeting. My mother fell ill all of a sudden. She started
feeling severe abdominal pain in her lower abdomen right after the midnight. I phoned
immediately to the local hospital for an ambulance and then rushed to the hospital with my
mother. The doctors observed her for the sometimes and then prescribed some tests immediately.
By the time, it was morning and I remained busy with my mother. Suddenly I remembered that I
had to attend the meeting.

The meeting was truly important for me as it was about dealing a new contract with a business
giant about supplying some materials for their corporation to be used as raw materials for
producing cars. My organisation usually supplies different sorts of accessories and tools as raw
materials for vehicle production. Since the orders for my company reduced to some significant
extent, the meeting was an important one for us. Earlier, we failed to supply the desired amount
of materials to the other clients due to product shortage and thus the order slipped in the past
quarter, and now we were sufficient to supply them with their required amount of materials. But
unfortunately, the meeting could not be successful at the pre-set time for my absence.

I informed my immediate higher authority about the condition of my mother and how busy I was
with her during the meeting day. I also told that I will meet the clients in person to make the
deals on the next day and considering the entire issue, my office authority allowed me so and set
another meeting with the clients at their office where I will be representing my company alone.
Then I went in the next day and made the deal with them. The clients were highly pleased with
my presentation and promised that they always will collect their required materials from my

When my mother fell ill, I turned highly busy with her and could not remember that I have any
other tasks to do. So, I unintentionally forgot about the meeting with the other corporations.
When I remembered that my absence will make a loss for my company, I politely informed the
issue to my senior official and he took the necessary measures to make the deal. Initially, I felt
sad as the meeting was a failure due to my absence but when there were chances of meeting the
clients in person, I thought I could be able to convince them in picking us to meet their
production needs. Accordingly, I was able to persuade them to us. I felt joy inside when the
clients placed the order and their promise of a longer lasting trading deal with us.

Sample Answer 2:

I have a habit of forgetting the important things and often I need to face trouble with the issue.
Last Monday, such an event happened with me. I completely forgot to attend a meeting at my
office. So, I had to undergo some unwanted hassles from my office. Thank you for the question.

I am a sales executive at a multinational toothpaste manufacturing company here in Jakarta. I

have been working here for the past one year and successfully have completed some of the
assignments on me. But this time, it was my bad luck that I missed the meeting. My boss took
some punitive measures about the issue later and also warned me over the issue. In fact, it was
about the monthly strategy setting meeting at the office that is held on monthly basis. Everyone
related to the sales and marketing team has to attend the meeting and this is a must. But
unluckily, I missed it then.

The meeting was about the implementation of the monthly sales and marketing strategies for the
company. The agendas also included achieving the sales target and how to improve the
marketing issues. The company had been experiencing a downfall in past couple of months for
some reasons. First of all, we had a new competitor with fresh strategies. They are occupying the
market which is a concerning issue for us. So, the meeting also decided to discuss the preventive
measures to battle with the new and upcoming competitor. Further, there were some other issues
like annual increment of the employees working in this region and more other issues. So, it was
an important meeting for all of us. Moreover, the meeting was also set to welcome the governing
body visit in Jakarta in the next month. It discussed the necessary preparations for the purpose.

Later, my manager gave me the meeting minutes to learn about the meeting issues. He asked me
to prepare a draft plan for everything. In fact, I was responsible for writing the meeting minutes
and due to my absence, one of my colleagues did it. Accordingly, I made a draft proposal of
monthly strategy. I added some other issues on the proposal so that it could be more effective.
My manager also asked me to make a PowerPoint presentation to present some ideas about the
marketing strategy for the upcoming season before the governing body members. To adjust to
the changed situations, I had to study the meeting minute seriously. It was necessary for me
because if someone asks anything about the meeting, and if I fail to reply to the question, it
would be shameful for me. It was also given to make me updated.

The feelings were mixed. My boss had words with me about my absence in the meeting. I told
him that I forgot about it and went for a market visit. The meeting was set in the morning while I
returned office after the noon. I had some dealings with some of the local sellers about the
market expansion. And it was also important for me and my company as we were experiencing a
slip in sales. As a result, I was a bit worried and forgot to attend the meeting at the right time. My
boss also failed to inform me as he thought I would be there even if I am late. So, I felt sad about
it and tried to adjust to everything later.

ELTS Cue Card Question 43 With Model Answer:

Describe a place you went to which was full of colours.

You should say:

 where it was
 why you went there
 what you did there

and explain why you think that place was made so colourful.

Model Answer 1:

I live near the Skagit Valley and the place remains colourful almost round the year, and the
colours change with the seasonal changes. But the colours are more flamboyant and attractive
during the Tulip Festival in fall.

The Skagit Valley is a highly charming attraction and located in a prominent place between
Seattle and Washington in the USA. Skagit River is the life of the valley and has crossed the
locality in a snake-like shape. It is in the north-west corner of Washington, a few kilometres
away from my residence. The valley takes different colours in different seasons. To observe the
valley perfectly, you are to visit during the winter. Hiking or riding a ferry is the best way to
enjoy the colourful valley. Migrant birds of different types and colours visit the valley during the
season. During the spring season, the tulips bloom across a long-filed which is another colourful
attraction for the tourists. April is the best month to observe the tulips in their brightest colour
and I hope to visit the valley in the next fall to observe the tulips only.

Skagit Valley is an eye-catching place and many of the global tourists visit the place only to
enjoy its natural beauty. I also went there to enjoy the natural scenes and beauties of the valley.
The valley is a unique one and filled with different colours. The environment is highly colourful
that attracts the mind and the activities are undertaken at the valley are incredible and remarkable
as well. Many of my friends have paid their visits to the valley but I could not manage time for
them to be there. So, I planned my visit the Skagit Valley with my family members and the trip
also aimed to make the other junior members of the family aware of this natural beauty spot in
the state.

There are many things to do for the tourists and we made lots of fun. We participated in both the
indoor and outdoor activities and particularly the kids were the key participants in all the events.
We started hiking in the valley. Then we watched the wildlife of the valley and the kids were
truly contented with the animals and birds under the open sky. Moreover, some of my family
members rode on beach bikes and the other rode on the canoe. I preferred fishing most but could
not catch a single fish within the fishing time. One of the kids wanted to have skiing but I did not
allow him to do that as he is too young to go with the ski board. We also visited the museum
during our return from the valley and truly it was an awesome experience for us all.

The place was too colourful. The environment was charming and the natural colours were eye
soothing. The birds were of different colour, the tulips were attractive for their extraordinary
shades and the people visiting the valley also worn dresses of different attractive and unusual
colours. Everything formed a sense of exceptional and sensual colour around. The trees in the
National Park were breathtaking green, the deep blue water on the beach, the flowers, birds and
small animals, lighting of different colors at the shopping centers, ripe and green crops at the
fields everything is merged with the nature and thus the nature has created a colorful
environment at the valley.

Sample Answer 2:

The planet is made with a large number of colourful things and you will need to sort them out. In
fact, you need to apply your sense to bring out the colours around. My last vacation at Lake Toba
was wonderful. I was amazed by the colours of nature and enjoyed the beauty. Thank you for
such a smart question. It helps to remind me my sweet memories.

Lake Toba is located in Indonesia. This is one of the beautiful lakes in the world and occupies a
crater of a volcano. The lake is a beautiful one covering a range of 100 kilometres in length and
30 kilometres in width. The lake is around 505 meters in depth. The lake is in the northern part
of Sumatra island. This is the largest one in the country and at the same time, this is one the
largest volcanic lakes that has added some special features for this one.

I heard a lot of interesting stories about the lake and its surrounding locality. So, I developed a
sense of visiting the place. Though this is far away from my locality I live in, I made a plan to
visit it whenever I could manage time. Accordingly, I went there to pass some leisure hours and
enjoy the natural view. It was an extremely interesting trip for me. Besides, I was greatly
entertained by the stunning views of the lake and its colourful nature. I came to know about the
history of the lake and how it formed. I also gather knowledge about the climatic conditions and
volcanic issues of the island. But the most important matter was to pass my moments effectively
there. So, I was more interested in investing my time in recreational activities than knowing the
locality. This is also a place of historical importance as it was formed around 70,000 years ago.
It was a very relaxing period for me during my stay at this colourful place. I ate, drank, slept and
overall enjoyed the beauties of the locality. I took the traditional foods of the locality while there
were some restrictions on drinking outside of the hotel I stayed in. Sleeping arrangements were
also attractive. The hotel had a very nice bed and the room decoration was excellent.
Furthermore, I was deeply impressed with the luxurious arrangements for bathing in the hotels
and complementary services. On the other side, I wandered the streets and enjoyed the fresh air.
Visiting near the lake was a charming experience. The locals were highly respectful to me. The
weather was chilly and entertained me greatly. The calm and quiet nature gave me enough
pleasure to get inner peace. I took photos of the breathtaking landscape. I also took part in some
recreational activities like fishing, swimming on the lake and more others.

The greenery and the natural look of everything made the place too much colourful. The local
inhabitants are extremely aware of the issue and thus they do not do anything that may damage
the environment. On the other hand, the local people and their colourful culture and festivals also
played a role to make the place colourful. It was a unique experience for me to visit the place. I
missed the real colour of the place as I went early there. In fact, it should be visited between
September to November to enjoy the real colour of the lake. The lake looks more beautiful with
its deep blue water in that time. Thereby, I am planning to pay another visit to this colourful
place in November next.

Describe your family.

You should say:

 how many family members your family has

 what they do
 how close you are

and explain why your family is important to you.

Model Answer 1:

A family is the most important place for any individual and it is considered as the root of people.
Without a family, one cannot have a decent and happy life. I also live in a family consisting of
several members.

In my family, basically, we are five members altogether. They are – my parents, my younger
sister and younger brother and me. We, five people, live in our own apartment. Besides, we have
some other relatives who are family members too and they live adjacent to us. If I count them,
the number will be more. Most of the members are related to me either from my father or my
mother. But the number of my maternal relatives and family member is more from my paternal
part. I am too lucky that all of them love me much.
My father is a government worker and serves on the District Council while my mother is a
housewife and she takes care of the family. My younger sister is a student of 10th grade while
the brother is in his 6th grade, and I am a university student. As a District Council officer, my
father remains busy always and even he is to bring some work at home to complete as he cannot
execute the massive tasks within the budgeted time of his office. My mother remains busy with
her household chores as we do not have any domestic help. My sister and brother remain
occupied with their studies while I pass my day in the university and return home at night.

I am lucky to have such a family. All the members of the family are highly intimate with me and
I am to them too. The interpersonal relationship with all the family members in my family is fine
and we do truly care for each other. When someone is in any sort of trouble or in any difficulty,
we try to provide necessary supports immediately so the situation could be solved. Moreover, I
always try to help my siblings in their studies and sometimes my father also helps them in
completing their school assignments. Besides, my mother takes every form of care for us all. She
is the one who is the key member of the family. I have a very good relationship with my father
but the relationship is better with my mother and I pass more time with her when I am at home
on my off-days.

My family is important to me for different reasons. First of all, it is the place where I belong to.
Literally, at the end of the day, I return to my home where my family lives. I cannot think that I
am living without my family. When I was younger, my family members provided me with all
forms of necessary supports and I am highly grateful to my parents for the unconditional support
they provided me and still, they are playing the same roles as they did after my birth. I am happy
with my two siblings and cannot imagine my life without them. My family is my life and thus it
is most important to me than any other thing.

Sample Answer 2:

The majority of the families in rural India are still living in a primitive age. They prefer living in
a large family and it brings a sense of deep happiness among the family members. I am lucky to
have one of such families here in a remote state - Bihar in India. Thank you for the question. I
am happy to have the chance of describing my family here.

In many of the modern states, the number of large families is on the decline. But some of the
parts in India, they are still prevailing. The families contain a notable number of members. In
most of the cases, the family is led by the grandfather. He is the family head while his sons and
grandsons live with them. My family has also the similar scenario. In my family, I have my
grandfather, grandmother, my parents, my paternal uncles and their families. In fact, we are30
members altogether including the kids and servants.

Most of the members are adults while there are some children and youths of my age. My
grandfather is a doctor in the locality and he owns a moderate homoeopathy business in his
chamber. On the other side, my father is a businessman and deals in importing raw materials for
preparing plastic goods. My uncles are not involved in the business rather they prefer to be
service holders. One of my uncles is a government official while another one is an engineer. I
have two siblings and they are students like me. I am a student at a local college and completing
my twelfth grade. My younger sister is in her ninth grade while the older one has completed the
graduation and seeking a job. Most of my cousins are of my age and they are also studying in
different educational institutions. My mother is a housewife and she is responsible for taking
care of everything of the house. She is a typical housewife who takes care most of the things,
even the cooking and cleaning.

I am extremely lucky to born in this family. The family bonding is great here. Everyone comes
out to help the others in needs and emergencies. In fact, the entire family backs the other family
member. My one thing should be made clear here – my family does not favour any illicit
activities. If someone is found guilty of any illegal cause, my grandfather does not support him/
her and the similar issue is for us. We do not favour anything illegitimate and in our early
childhood, we were taught to follow the standard rules and laws for everything. The entire family
spends quality time when there is an occasion or during the weekly lunch. In fact, this has
become a tradition for us to take a weekly meal together on the weekly holiday afternoon. It has
been possible only for the strong bond we maintain.

My family is the place where I return at the end of the day. This is the place that takes care of
me. It supports me when I am sick, when I am down – it cheers me up to move ahead. The other
members also take care of me in various aspects. There is a strong feeling inside me for my
family. The feeling is the same to the family members as well. We love to be happy in contact
with each other. As a matter of fact, this is the very best family I have ever seen or met where
there are no major conflicting issues. I have learnt a lot of real-life things from here. Based on
such things, my family is important to me than any other things in the world.

Idea Generating for this Cue Card:

To talk about this cue card you should focus on the questions listed below the Cue card topic.
Then answer each of these questions and focus more on the fourth question which is 'and explain
why your family is important to you.'

Question 1:

How many members your family has?: Before answering this question, give a brief introduction.
A sample introduction is given below:

I have a lovely family and my family is the most important aspect of my life. I am very close to
my family members and they are my best friends, mentors and supporters.

Now say, how many family members you family has and who are they. Give their name and
occupation if possible and then your personal relationship with them.

Question 2:

What they do: This question should include your family members personal characteristics and
professions. Also, mention what they do with you.
Question 3:

How close you are: As you have already said what you do together, give some examples in this
section to express your close relationship with your family members. Mention how they interact
with you, what interesting things you do together and how they help you.

Question 4:

And explain why your family is important to you: To show the importance of your family to you,
give one or two examples or events when your family members supported you in a way that no
one else would do. Then mention how a family is important to a person and how this is even
more true for you.

Describe a success in your life.

You should say:

 what it is
 how you achieved it
 how important it was for you

and explain how difficult it was to achieve.

Model Answer 1:

Success is the buzz word in the current days and might be the word which is most sought in the
world. Success varies from situations and not only limited in material well-being.

In my early days, when I was in my school, I was a student compared to good for nothing by my
parents and teachers. They used to admonish me always for my lack of intentions to study (in
fact I was so and preferred playing with some of my selected friends who were like me). My
scores in the exams were too sorry that I cannot pronounce them before all now. It happened as I
was indifferent to studies but careful to all the other matters except my class, studies and
assignments. But gradually I developed myself and started scoring better than my previous stage
and finally succeeded to be the best student in my class when I was in my 7th grade. My parents
and teachers were highly pleased with the improvement and praised me highly.

But the improvement was not as easy as it sounds now. Naturally, I was not dumb. But as I
lacked sincerity to my studies, I failed to have a good figure in the school tests and thus the
scores were always below the average line. Besides, I had some friends who were similar to my
features and insincere in their studies. So, I passed more time with them instead of study.
Accordingly, my scores fell greatly and it became difficult for me to even pass the final exams
with the minimum score for getting promoted to the next grade. One of my teachers advised me
profoundly and I realised that he was right. So, I started working hard. Frequently I was missing
the games and sports that I used to take part with my friends and also kept myself at home before
and after my school. I studied for about five to six hours a day except, the school hours. Thus I
topped in the next exams and turned successful in my study.

To be successful in the study, was very important for me. My surrounding people including my
parents, teachers, relatives and even some of the classmates started behaving abnormally. It
happened so as I did not have a good score, I was inattentive in my studies and overall I was
being derailed from my track. I actually did not realise the facts until my eyes were opened by
one of my school teachers. He is now like a fatherly figure to me since my advancement. After
my hard work when I got an unexpected result, everyone was happy and they changed their
attitudes to me. I turned into a loving son for my parents and an adorable kid among my

But the achievement did not come easy. I had to study hard and made a routine that ordered to
begin my day from early in the morning. I started getting up before the sunrise and established a
close interaction with my textbooks. Since I bunked classes and did the study at the beginning of
the session, everything seemed too difficult to me. Therefore, I tried to contact with some of my
intimate friends and they helped me with suggestions and made the lessons easier for me by
concise notes and papers. Sometimes I had to understand and sometimes I had to memorise the
lessons to prepare them perfectly. It was the hardest part for me as I was a boy of stormy nature
and sitting before a reading table was beyond my capacity. But I succeeded with difficulties and
finally, my efforts made the best one among the other student of grade 7 in my school.

Sample Answer 2:

I had long been dreaming of establishing an event management company and luckily I have done
it in the last year. In fact, this was one of the greatest success in my life. Thank you for the
question and now I will share the ups and downs of my life.

I am a small businessman in Malaysia. In fact, I have become a businessman by dint of hard

works. In my life, I had a dream to establish something of my own which will be a great source
of inspiration to me. Finally, I have reached my goal. I have established my own business of
event management. I am skilled in planning and managing different events and other necessary
activities. I have a group of people who are skilled at the tasks. They know their works and can
manage a good number of assignments together.

Achieving the business was not so easy as it seems or sounds now. I started working as a petty
staff in an event planning company. To achieve the current position, I had to struggle a lot. I
learnt too many lessons which I am applying in the present day for the growth of my business. I
had to be patient. I worked from dawn to midnight. Even it happened that I worked around the
day and night to make events successful. All these activities gave me experience and I am
applying those now for my own business expansion. Besides, I had to take some loans from a
local bank to start the business. In fact, it was a challenging task for me to take the loan and
repay them within the deadline. On the other terms, there were fewer chances of growth for the
business as there were a substantial number of competitors available in the market. So, I had to
overcome all the challenges together.
Achieving a business on my own was extremely important to me. Actually, I was feeling bored
by serving others. All my potentials were being damaged to a great extent. I was unable to
exercise my intellects to do something for my employer. I had to do whatever I was told to do.
So, it gradually became difficult for me to bear all the issues. I wanted to work independently but
there were fewer chances to work solely. I had to take permission in each and every step before
moving to implement any idea or assignment. My boss used to create unnecessary troubles for
me over petty issues. Thereby, one day I decided to start such a business of my own. And it was
really important to establish me in the level of an owner. In fact, it turned into my dream and I
was determined firmly to be successful.

The way to success was thorny. I experienced challenges in every step. The first and most
important challenge was financing the entire thing. I tried to gather funds from my familiar
sources. But all of them denied showing various excuses. Finally, I took the loan from the bank
to start the business as a small entrepreneur. Besides, organising skilled hands for the agency was
another big challenge for me. But some of my former colleagues came to my help. They assisted
in recruiting skilled employees. My family also supported me for this reason. They relied on me.
There were severe chances of failure and If I failed, the consequences could have been
detrimental for all of us. But nothing like this happened and I am a successful small businessman
now who owns an expanding event management agency in the centre of Malaysia.

Idea Generation for this Cue card Topic.

You can talk about any success, small or big one, for this cue card topic. This success can be
something good you did in your school, a change you bought it yourself, an academic success, a
success in a major competition or sports. This can also be something you did for others, like
helping someone to learn a new skill, helping an ill person to get better or fighting for an

Following are some ideas that you can pick as your idea and then describe it according to the
questions given on the cue card.

1. A success in an academic exam.

2. Achieving a medal in your school for excellent performance in exam, sports or debate.
3. Finding a relative who had no trace at all for a long.
4. Protesting an injustice and then achieving what you were protesting about.
5. Participating in a national/international competition.
6. Helping someone to learn a new skill.
7. Helping someone to get a job.
8. Having the love of your life.
9. Being a father.
10. Getting your dream job.
11. Finishing a very tough assignment or project.
12. Overcoming a very bad habit you once had.
13. Learning a new language.
14. Establishing a business you always wanted to.
15. Getting promoted in your job.
16. Being the student of the year in your college.
17. Being the employee of the month in your office.
18. Inventing something new.
19. Being self-employed.
20. Completing a long tour you always dreamt about.

Describe something you own which is very important to you.

You should say:

 where you got it from

 how long you have had it
 what you use it for

and explain why it is important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have a large collection of different books in my personal library, and those books are my most
important possessions. Although those books are of diversified categories, most of them are
science fiction and novels by renowned authors and writers. I guess my small library has at least
fifteen hundred books.

I have bought around 80 per cent of those books while the remaining books were given to me as
presents on different occasions by my parents, family members, relatives and friends.

I had grown a hobby of reading and collecting books of different genres from my childhood and
I still have it. So, I built a small library in one of the rooms in our house in my high school days.
My parents motivated me to read books when I was just seven. Since then I have read and
collected many books, and my little adventure with books is still going on. From a very young
age, I have been fascinated by science fiction and history-related books, and I still love them.

My library is my little sanctuary. Every time I am in my library, I feel a different type of

sensation. Sometimes, when I do not feel much inspired or get bored with the banal routine of
my life, I visit my library, conceivably pick a book and read for a while in a tranquil
environment. If I am not reading in my library, I either rearrange the books or clean them from
time to time. All these little works give me immense pleasure, but perhaps reading a book in my
own library is the greatest of all.

Reading books is important to me for primarily two reasons- it gives me joy and I can always
learn something new from reading books. The pleasure of reading books is incomparable. It also
makes me wonder about the different aspects of history, science, society, and culture from a
whole new perspective. My little library has been my inspiration to read and learn more, and
hence has great importance to me.

Model Answer 2:


I have many possessions that are important to me, but the one that I consider the most valuable is
a wristwatch that I received as a gift from my father on my 18th birthday. It has great sentimental
value to me as well as being an incredibly practical and useful item. Thank you very much for
this nice topic.

Where you got it from & and how long I have had it:

I received this wristwatch from my father on my 18th birthday, so I have had it for almost four
years now. He had purchased it from a local jeweller as a birthday gift for me. It is a very elegant
and classy watch, with a stainless steel case and a black leather strap.

What you use it for:

I use this wristwatch every day, and it has become an essential part of my daily routine. I wear it
to work, to social events, and whenever I need to keep track of time. It has a simple yet
sophisticated design, and it is incredibly accurate, so I never have to worry about being late.

And explain why it is important to you:

This wristwatch is very important to me because it reminds me of my father and the special bond
we share. Secondly, it is a practical and useful item that helps me stay on track and manage my
time effectively. It is also important to me because I love wearing this wristwatch most of the
time I go out.

Sample Answer 3: My car is the first thing that popped up in my mind when I thought about one
of my important possessions. So I will go ahead and talk about it.I still live with my parents, and
most of the essential things are owned by them. So I have very few personal belongings. Out of
those, my car, which is a Toyota RAV4 model, is the most important thing to me.I had to save
money for about 3 years and take a loan from my father to purchase it. This was the first
expensive thing that I bought with my own money. I bought it from a local car showroom which
is owned by one of our relatives. I thought buying the car from a known person would be a better
idea in terms of the parts warranty and after-sale service. I bought this car in the first quarter of
the last year. So I own it for just a year and a half.I use my car primarily to commute to different
places I need to go to or places where I like to go to. For instance, I use it to reach my university
and the office where I work part-time in the evening. I also use it to go to different places like
shopping malls, theatres, friends’ houses, libraries and stadiums.

My commuting has become much easier and more flexible after I bought this car. The comfort of
owning a car is far greater than struggling to get a seat in public transportation. In our country,
we have to wait a long time to actually be able to get on a bus or a train. Thus the time that is
killed on the road inevitably is a waste. Finally, the lack of privacy and the intense crowd on
public transportation often irritated me in the past.

As I own a car now, I can better manage my schedule. I can take a shortcut or diversion
whenever I feel there is congestion ahead. I no longer need to kill long hours to ride a bus or a
train. I can listen to music, and news or even talk to my family members whenever I am
travelling in my car. Thanks to the car and my dad for the loan - my life has become more
relaxed, and I have more freedom than I used to have before I owned this car.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card Topic:

The model answers provided in this post should give you ideas on how to answer this cue
card/candidate task card topic. However, there are many other ways to answer this topic, and the
following list gives you plenty of options to pick from and generate your ideas to talk about this
Cue Card topic.

Important things/possessions that you can describe for this Cue Card:

 Your laptop.
 Mobile phone.
 Your car.
 Art collection.
 Stamp collection.
 Books.
 Computer.
 PDA (Personal Digital Assistant).
 A diamond ring.
 A gift from someone you care about.
 Your photo album.
 Any electronic device you own and use.
 Your house.
 An animal or a pet you own.
 An antique object.
 A household device like a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, toaster etc.
 A website or blog you manage and own.

[ Please let us know how you are going to organise your answer for this cue card topic. Write
it in the comment section, and one of our teachers would assess and correct your answer. ]

Useful Vocabulary for this Cue Card topic:

 Ownership: Possess, possession, hold, belonging, personal.

 Important: Essential, vital, crucial, significant, salient, meaningful, critical, beneficial.
 Use: Utilise, apply, employ, work, operate, handle.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Is it valuable in terms of money?

A. It did cost me money, a large sum of money that is. But I am not sure if it has great "resale
value" or not. I would not want to sell it either. So I am not much concerned about its value in
terms of money.

Q. Would it be easy to replace?

A. I would say "no". Maybe books of the same titles could be bought and collected by spending
money, but the memory and passion associated with these books are priceless and could not be
bought with money.

Part 3 – Two-way discussion:

Q. What kind of things give status to people in your country?

A. Different things are considered related to the "status symbol" in our country. Firstly,
education and knowledge are connected to social status in my country. Then, a huge sum of
money may bring status, and society often considers people with money powerful and
successful. Sometimes fame and popularity are also considered status symbols. Finally,
expensive houses, electronic gadgets, cars and fashionable and branded dresses also come into
play when we think about things that bring status to people.

Q. Have things changed since your parents’ time?

A. Well, in terms of status symbols and things that give people status, things have not changed
much since my parents' time. The things that they used to consider as symbols of status are still
prevalent. Only, the latest gizmos and the latest models of cars and electronic items made their
places in the list.

Q. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

A. Advertising has a big impact on human minds as our purchasing and consumerist decisions
are often shaped by those adverts. Those advertisements influence people and often manipulate
their desire for owning particular items or products. For instance, if someone goes to buy a
simple product like a bar of soap, a cosmetic item or a can of soft drink from a nearby store, she
or he will prefer the brand that was advertised on television and that has already been in his/her
mind. The advertised products and brands will subconsciously appear in our minds and give us
the impression that they are good products.

Q. How do you think the Internet will affect our buying patterns in the future?

No doubt that the internet already has and will affect the way we buy things or will buy things in
the future. It will affect us no matter if we are buying some simple children’s toys or comparing
the price of a very luxurious car. For example, the use of the internet will allow more and more
businesses to sell varieties of their products online which was deemed unimaginable even a
decade ago. Besides, the use of the internet will probably also “redefine” the needs of the
consumers since they will continuously become exposed to more and more different kinds of
products and services across different cultures and lifestyles which were deemed “foreign”

Q. Modern society is often called "materialistic". Why do you think this is?


Well, different people would perhaps attribute different reasons behind calling modern society
“materialistic”, but as far as I am concerned, I would suggest that it’s primarily the urge of
people to live a comfortable life that makes their society materialistic. Besides, it is also possible
that modern societies today have become materialistic because their emphasis on religious and/or
moral teachings have loosened more than ever before, and as a result, people, these days, have
mostly forgotten how to feel happy and content with “less”.

Q. Do you think consumerism is a positive or a negative development? Why?


I know that many people will disagree with me on this, but if we take our whole “human nature”
into consideration, we will probably find that consumerism mostly has brought positive
development to our societies. So what is “human nature” here? Well, our common human nature
is to “cultivate” this world and make this world a better place to live for ourselves and our
children, and it is precisely this urge to make our “world a better place” that motivates us to grow
and build more and more things. And once we grow and build more and more things, we would
be able to accommodate the needs of more and more people.

Consumerism also helps industries thrive and create more job opportunities as people, in this
trend, want to consume more and more products.

Describe an ambition/success you have not yet fulfilled/

You should say:

 what it is
 how long you have it
 what you have to do to fulfil/ achieve it

and explain why it is important to you to fulfil/ achieve it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Sample Answer 1:

Introduction:Oh, this is such a nice topic to talk about and I would really like to thank you for
that. I believe that ambitions are essential to keep us motivated and to strive for success. We all
have certain aspirations in life that we wish to fulfil. And for this topic, I'd like to discuss an
ambition that I have not yet achieved.What it is:My ambition is to become a published author. I
have been passionate about writing since my childhood and have always dreamt of seeing my
work in print. I have written several short stories and a novel, but none of them has been
published yet.How long you have had it:I have had this ambition for as long as I can remember. I
used to spend hours writing stories and poems when I was a child. As I grew up, my passion for
writing intensified, and I started taking it more seriously.What you have to do to achieve it:To
achieve my ambition of becoming a published author, I have to take several steps. Firstly, I need
to polish my writing skills and improve my craft. Secondly, I need to build a strong network of
literary agents and publishers. Thirdly, I have to be patient and persistent in my efforts and not
give up even in the face of rejection.And explain why it is important to you to achieve it:

Becoming a published author is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it is a validation of

my writing skills and a fulfilment of my childhood dream. Secondly, it will give me a sense of
accomplishment and pride in my work. Finally, it will allow me to share my stories and ideas
with a wider audience and have a positive impact on their lives. Despite the challenges, I am
determined to achieve the goal and make my mark in the literary world.

Model Answer 2:

I have long been dreaming to become a skilled IT specialist, and then establishing an IT
company in my country. Technology and our dependency on it are advancing faster than we can
imagine. So, boarding on IT would be a great decision, I guess. And I want to own an IT firm
that will serve both local and global clients.I have been dreaming about it for the last few
months. The idea hit me when I came to study in Delhi and found that many students are
engaged in different part-time jobs at different IT firms. I thought it would be an excellent idea to
start such a company that would employ many youths while also contributing to the country's
economic growth.

To reach my goal, I have already taken some initiatives. I've got admitted to a renowned IT
training institute. There, I have started getting extensive training on different software and
application development approaches. I am also learning about various aspects of web designing,
mobile application development, video editing and outsourcing. My plan is that I will devote
myself to learning for the next two years and then start an IT company. In the beginning, I will
start on a very small scale and then gradually expand and get bigger. As I neither have much
money nor sufficient training and expertise, it may take around three more years to succeed in
materialising my plans, ambitions and dreams.
The number of unemployed people, especially youths, is huge in my country. Since these youths
are talented and interested in technology, IT could be a great sector for them to build their career.
If I could establish an IT firm that would promise to provide some great services to its client, I
think I will be able to recruit some talented youths. It will be helpful for me and them at the same
time. Moreover, I believe that I am patient and I never give up. I may have ups and downs but I
am keeping provisions to survive in the initial stage, and once the agency starts generating some
steady revenue, hopefully, it will continue to flourish.

Cue Card Answer 3: I have a great aspiration to establish a nonprofit organisation in my

hometown that would help skilled but less-educated youths. The idea emerged in my mind when
I read a success story of a skilled but less-educated young person from my district a few years
ago. This person had been a successful small business owner with some financial help and advice
from an NGO. I thought many such young people in my hometown could also establish and run
their businesses if they are backed up financially and given proper advice.It was probably 2019
when I had the idea, and after that, it has become one of the serious ambitions that I want to
fulfil. I have done a lot of research and talked to many individuals about it. Most of them agreed
that the idea is quite fascinating. They also warned me about the challenges I will have to face to
make this dream come true. I agree with them as it would require a firm determination, my own
establishment and financial solvency to start it.

My father is a successful businessman and a renowned philanthropist in our locality. I have

discussed my plan with him and he gave me many pieces of advice. He also promised me that he
would help me in every way possible. I, in fact, dared to dream of such a big ambition because I
know that my father would back me up in anything benevolent for others.I would first finish my
Master's degree in a foreign university to get better exposure to new ideas and research facilities,
and then come back to my hometown to start my nonprofit organisation. That would only be the
beginning of my ambition. I will have to go a long way and work really hard to fulfil the desire
and dream I have told you about.

I belong to a family where most of the members are established businessmen and have done
something helpful for others. For example, my uncle finances a daycare centre for children, my
father is one of the founding members of a charity organisation and my grandfather runs two
schools and a college. Following their footsteps is very important for me, and I also have an
aspiration to be able to help others.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Is it important for us to have ambitions?


Yes, I think ambitions in our life help us work harder and do even better. While positive
ambitions can take us further and fulfil our dreams, negative and selfish ambitions can often
drive us in the wrong way.

Will it be easy for you to achieve the ambition you talked about?


I do not think it would be as easy. However, I believe that it is achievable with my

determination, hard work and passion. I am somehow convinced that I will work very hard to
achieve this ambition.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/Candidate Task Card Topic:

For this cue card topic, you should describe one of the big ambitions that you have not achieved
yet. Following are some of the clues to let you brainstorm and organise your own answer. Don't
forget to add your answer in the comment section for our evaluation.

 Your ambition to get a higher degree.

 Your ambition to work for a large company or organisation.
 Your ambition to establish a business of your own.
 Your ambition to study or live in a foreign country.
 Your ambition to learn a particular skill.
 Your ambition to do something for the people in your area.
 Your ambition to become a famous leader, politician, dancer, singer, sportsperson,
model, filmmaker, artist, designer, etc.
 Your ambition to go on a religious pilgrimage.
 Your ambition to buy a luxury/ expensive item like a car or a house etc.
 Your ambition to travel to a part of the world.
 Your ambition to become a certain professional.
 Your ambition to implement an idea.

[Don't forget to write your own ambition that you are yet to achieve in the comment section of
this article.]

Useful Vocabulary for Describing this Cue Card Topic:

Desire and determination someone has to achieve something- is often called ambition.

 'Ambition' Synonyms: Aspiration, goal, aim, purpose, desire, wish, target, dream,
appetite, longing, yearning, zeal.
 Requirements to achieve an ambition: Determination, hard work, passion, desire,
motivation, enthusiasm, commitment, zeal, eagerness, energy, qualification, initiative,
hope, luck, vision, objective.
 'Achieve' Synonyms: Reach, attain, accomplish, gain, complete, earn, obtain, enact, carry
out, resolve, win.
 'Important' Synonyms: Vital, essential, crucial, significant, vital, urgent, key, salient,

Part 3 – Two-way discussion:

Q. What are the important qualities to achieve our ambitions?

A. The most important quality to achieving ambitions is sincerity. Then it should be followed
with perseverance and hard work. One has to stand up against all the odds, and never give up. A
"can-do" attitude is also important to reach the target.

Q. Are all ambitions good in life?

A. If an ambition involves doing something positive, achieving success and helping others, then
they are good ambition. But if it involves being selfish and harming or hurting others to reach the
goal, then they are definitely bad ambitions. I am afraid not all of our ambitions in life are good
as sometimes they are selfish ambitions.

Q. What type of ambitions young generation in your country has?

A. Most youths in my country want to have career success and social recognition with that. Thus
they prefer to be doctors, good players, IT specialists, researchers, professors, engineers,
lawyers, scientists, politicians, government service holders etc. Some youths have different
visions and dream to change the country with their work.

Q. Would you focus more on achieving your ambition or doing things you love to do?

A. I believe I first need to focus more on reaching my ambition. Once I reach there, I will have
much freedom, and time to pursue my interests and hobbies. But if I waste time now, I will not
be able to reach the target. Moreover, time is the most precious thing in this world, so I believe
that wasting time is foolish. I should march on the actions I have decided that I will lead to my
ambition first. And surely then I will work for passion and interests, not for money and fame.

Q. Should parents encourage children to have ambitions? Why/Why not?

A. In my humble opinion, it is absolutely imperative that parents encourage children to have

ambitions while they are growing up. This is mainly because, without any proper ambition or
goal, life is very much like a “radar-less boat”. After all, ambitions generally keep people
motivated to become somebody “important” and productive in life. Besides, having ambitions
also plays an important role in allowing children to understand their strengths and weaknesses
before it becomes too late for them to deliver any good things in life.

Q. Is there any difference between the ambition of grown-ups and that of children?

A. Yes, there are indeed some differences between the ambition of grown-ups and that of
children, depending on the types of environment, culture, environments and surroundings they
are exposed to. For example, a kid will probably have his or her ambition as high as the sky,
whereas the ambition of an adult will probably be more measured or realistic since he/she
probably knows what he or she is capable of doing. Besides, kids can be a lot more competitive
than adults in achieving their goals since they (children) are not generally afraid of losing.
Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember.
You should say:

 who the teacher was

 what class the teacher taught you and how old you were then
 what the teacher’s special qualities and characteristics were

and explain why you still remember this teacher.

**Model Answer 1:**Introduction:In my academic journey, I was fortunate to have a lot of great
teachers who inspired me to achieve my goals. Among them, there is one teacher that I still
remember and admire for his exceptional teaching skills and unique personality. Here, I will talk
about this great teacher.Who the teacher was:The teacher that I am going to describe was Mr
John. He was my high school English teacher, and I was around 16 years old when I had the
privilege to attend his class.What the teacher's special qualities and characteristics were:Mr. John
was one of those teachers who had a profound impact on students' lives, not only in terms of
education but also in shaping their personalities. He had a unique teaching style that kept us
engaged and motivated throughout the lecture. His classes were always full of fun and interactive
activities that helped us learn while having a good time. Mr. John was also a great listener, and
he always encouraged students to express their thoughts and ideas freely without fear of being
judged. This made him approachable and helped us build a strong rapport with him.What made
Mr. John an exceptional teacher was his ability to connect with every student on an individual
level. He was patient, understanding, and always ready to provide extra help to those who needed
it. He had an immense knowledge of English literature, and his passion for teaching was evident
in his lectures.And explain why you still remember this teacher:I still remember Mr. John
because of the lasting impact he had on my life. He not only helped me improve my English
language skills but also taught me valuable life lessons that have helped me become a better
person. He instilled in us the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the pursuit of
excellence. Even after all these years, I still apply his teachings in my personal and professional
life, and for that, I will always be grateful to him.Model Answer 2:

When I was in my teenage years, I met one of the best personalities and great teachers in my life,
and this teacher influenced me in my life to a great extent. For this topic, I would like to talk
about this teacher whose name was Mr George.I was in 8th grade in high school back then when
I first met this excellent teacher. I was around fifteen years old at that time. One day, Mr George
entered our classroom as a substitute teacher, and we greeted him with much anticipation as we
heard many impressive stories about him. He taught us geography afterwards as a full-time
teacher. We soon discovered that he was not only a great teacher but also a good human being.
He had great leadership qualities to encourage his pupils.I consider him one of the best teachers
in my life because of his excellent teaching skills and good qualities. Firstly, he was highly
punctual. I have never seen him being late for classes. Secondly, he was very friendly to the
students he taught, and as a result, we could easily share our problems with him. Thirdly and
finally, the teaching method Mr George followed was outstanding. He rarely used books to teach
us any topic. He frequently used graphical images, presentations, charts and his custom-made
notes to explain different topics to us. Attending his classes was never boring.
I still remember Mr George with great respect because of his outstanding teaching quality and
comprehensive support in my high school. He motivated me to study harder, and he was one of
the rare persons in high school with whom I could share my problems. He advised me on
different academic and personal issues which helped me a lot. Moreover, I learned to be punctual
from him.

**Cue Card Answer 3:**I must have been very fortunate to have been taught and guided by
some exemplary and influential teachers at my school and college. Deciding whom I should
describe for this topic was a tough choice for me as I recall many of them who helped me a lot
throughout my academic years. And I've decided that I would like to talk about Mr Stephen who
was one of the greatest teachers I have ever met and had been taught by.Mr Stephen was our
history teacher when we were in the 9th grade. I was around 14 years old back then. He taught us
history as an academic subject in our school and he was quite a brilliant teacher who inspired us
a lot - both personally and to learn more about history.He was tall - around 6 feet 2 inches and
was quite amiable. The most important characteristic he had was his exceptionally brilliant way
of grabbing students’ attention in his classes. We had some teachers who had higher degrees
from very prestigious universities but had been less successful to grab our attention or make the
lesson interesting. While Mr Stephen was one of the teachers who made the time fly. He was
quite affable to us but he never allowed the stubbornness of students. He was a living example of
discipline and good behaviour. I particularly remember him because of his way of teaching and
his attention-grabbing quality. He taught us history as if he was telling us some interesting
stories. I was not that much interested in history subject until I met this teacher. He taught us the
important lessons we should learn from history and how these lessons should be utilised in our
life. He made me curious to read history books outside the academic syllabus and do online
research to learn more about significant historical events and figures. The knowledge I have
about history and our past is due to Mr Stephen's encouragement. This is why I will always be
grateful to him. Though I'm not planning to start my career in the teaching profession, if I ever
pick this profession, I would like to be a teacher like Mr Stephen.

**Rounding off questions:**Q. Do you want to be a teacher someday?


Umm! Not really. I have not given it that much thought. But among my many career plans,
entering the teaching profession is not the one that ever attracted me.

Q. Why do we remember some people differently than others?A. Well, in our life we come in
contact with many people who affect us in many ways. I guess we remember people whom we
either like or dislike more than others. For instance, unexpected help from an unknown person
might make us think about that person or event, and as a result, we remember him. The amount
of time we spend with certain people, the things we do with them and how they behave are in my
opinion the determining facts for remembering them.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card Topic:
For this cue card topic, you can talk about any teacher that you can remember from your school,
college or university. You can also describe a home tutor who used to teach you.

Some alternative ways to talk about this cue card topic:

 A mathematics teacher from your school/ college/ university.

 A home tutor who was a great mentor.
 A relative who used to teach you.
 A teacher who taught you a second language or sports.
 Your uncle, aunt, brother or sister, who was a great teacher for you.
 A teacher who inspired you to do better in your education.

Useful Vocabulary for describing this Cue Card:

Synonyms of


: Instructor, master, tutor, mentor, educator, mistress (female), lecturer, professor, coach, faculty

Synonyms of


: Recall, recollect, think of, recognise, commemorate, remind.

**Some special qualities and characteristics of a good teacher:**1) Punctuality, commitment,

and friendliness.

2. Understands each and every student in the class.3) Has an engaging personality
3. Supportive and encouraging.
4. A great mentor, loud and clear while lecturing, promotes positive behaviours among
5. Has a sense of respect for others, and open communication with parents and students.
6. Helpful, attention grabber, encourages students,
7. Motivator, has a great sense of humour, sound knowledge of the school’s curriculum, and
subject matter knowledge.
8. Invites questions and feedback from students,
9. Reliable.
10. Adaptability, creativity, and patience.
11. Supportive and empathetic.
12. Talented.
13. Excellent teaching ability.

**Part 3 – Two-way discussion:Q. What kind of person makes a good teacher?

A. Teaching is considered one of the best and noblest professions in the world as it involves
creating good human beings and building the nation through it. Good teachers help students
learn, grow as a person and explore the possibility around them. So, to be a good teacher, one
needs to be creative, passionate, sincere, and punctual. Moreover, good subject knowledge is also
required to teach students. Finally and most importantly, a person who constantly learns new
things and reads books can also inspire students to learn. Such people, in my opinion, can be
good at teaching.

Q. Why do people choose to become teachers?

A. For some people, this is just a profession, and they are in the teaching job because they were
offered a job in this sector. For some others, teaching as a profession is something they have
always dreamt about. They are passionate about teaching and they know how noble and grand
this profession is. They love to lead and motivate people and choose to become a teacher even if
they could have done any other job with a better pay scale.

Q. Do you think education will change in the future? How?

A. The world will change around us, and so will the education system with it. And these changes
could possibly mean that we most probably won’t see teachers standing in front of the students in
a classroom and delivering lectures or lessons. Instead, teachers and students will interact with
each other and get the job done virtually online from anywhere with the help of technology.
Besides, it is also possible that the educational curriculum will also change to a great extent as
the essential and in-demand skills will be very different from what we have today.

Q. How does technology affect education?

A. In today’s world, virtually every aspect of our lives has been affected by technology in one
way or another, especially our education system. For example, with the help of internet
technology, students and teachers can interact with each other and exchange their views/ideas on
any kind of subject seamlessly without actually being present in a classroom. Besides, children,
especially early learners, can use new technology to explore new worlds, make-believe and
engage actively with their peers in challenging yet fun activities. Of course, technology can
affect education negatively too since over-reliance on it can limit the natural talent and abilities
of the students.

Q. Will technology ever replace teachers in the classroom?

A. Although there is no doubt that technology does a wonderful job of creating/fostering a better
learning environment relatively easily, the truth is, it will never be able to replace teachers,
primarily because technology, in most cases, can’t act by itself without any expert human
intervention. And that “expert human intervention” is none other than those expert and skilled
teachers. After all, technology can’t inspire students and help them through their struggles by
offering all-important human touch!

Q. What is the difference between the way children learn and the way adults learn?
A. We all learn something every day in our lives from our childhood to adulthood. However,
when it comes to the way we learn, absorb and retain information, children and adults differ in
some significant ways. For example, adults have some kind of preconceived notions about
education and learning styles, meaning they prefer to learn in a certain way while, on the other
hand, children usually don’t mind trying new things or tasks. Besides, adults aren’t exactly used
to “taking instructions or directions” unlike children since they (adults) don’t only like to be told
explicitly as to what they are doing but also why they are doing it.

Describe an app you use in your mobile phone.

You should say:

 what it is
 how you use it
 what benefits do you get

and explain why this mobile app is important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

'Mobile phone' is one of the greatest inventions of the modern science. It appears that without the
mobile phone life would not be as easier as it is today. The use of mobile phone is everywhere
and it has become an important part of our daily life. We cannot do without it. I have an iPhone
and there is a built-in application named compass. But I have also installed another compass
which is more functional and attractive than the built-in one of my iPhone. The compass is a
great thing for me. It is used to navigate and get directions.

I use the compass for navigational purpose. The compass is my favourite application on the
phone. As I like travelling much, I visit different places in the country but it is not possible for
me to know about the directions of the areas I am travelling in. Then I unlock the phone and use
the compass to navigate and get the best direction towards my destination.

The compass is highly useful for a traveller and hiker like me. It helps me to recognise the
directions to my objective and the most important issue is that I do not get lost wherever I go. I
could get a direction to get out of the unknown roads and areas using the compass and a map of
the area. It is also helpful to navigate at night times when there are no lights. I could also use the
compass with the association of stars and get the right direction even in the darkest night when
there is no light or directive measure to guide the travellers.

I have some very important gears to travel from place to place. All of those are necessary for my
survival when I set out for a travel. But without a compass, they are nothing. If I fail to get the
right direction of my destination, I could not be able to use the gears. The hiking and travelling
gears will be of no use if I could not get out of my home and if I have a compass working well, I
will be able to start the journey. Earlier, I had a physical compass but I broke that on my last trip.
Then I decided to install a suitable compass app on my iPhone despite the built-in one as I cannot
do my travelling without the virtual tool.

Cue Card Answer 2:

I use a Sony Xperia series smartphone which has Android operating system. The Gmail Android
application is one of the applications I use very frequently.

As it is an email application I mostly use it to check my emails and to send emails to others. On
an average, I check my emails three to four times and send around 5-7 emails per day.

As a senior employee in a multinational company, I have to track the project status I work on and
thus communicating with my team members and Chief Operating Officer is essential for me. The
nature of projects I work on demands me to keep in touch virtually every hour – be it at office or
home. Thus this application has immense importance for me. Our office rule makes it mandatory
to use the Gmail as our primary official email address. Hence I am kind of obliged to use this
application. Personally, I prefer Gmail over the Yahoo and Hotmail. Gmail is owned by the
Google Incorporation and in my opinion, this is the best email client application for email users.
The simple and user-friendly design, the ease of access and the convenience of receiving and
sending attachments with this email client make it stand out from the crowd.

I use Gmail application for my personal communication with my friends and family members as
well. The advanced spam filter of this application filters the spam and junk emails and thus I feel
quite comfortable using this email application. The convenient notification system of this
application alerts me whenever I get a new message and I can flag them or forward them very
quickly. The tab-based email categorising of this application, which was very recently
introduced, makes it easier to find out the important emails whereas it is quite hard for other
email applications.

In fact, Gmail mobile application has an immense importance to me. Each morning I check my
emails and can plan my day ahead. I can update my team members about any important change
from anywhere and can keep in touch with my family members and friends. Thus this is an
application I cannot do without personally and professionally.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card topic:

This should be a fairly easy topic for you to describe. You can talk about any mobile application
you use like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Facebook Messenger, Google Maps, WhatsApp, Google
Hangouts or even a simple utility application like 'Super Torch' or 'Alarm Clock'. Make sure you
can give some details about the application you are talking about like how popular it is, who is
the publisher of this apps and what benefits it has for you and whether it is a free or paid
A web browser like Google Chrome, Opera Mini or Firefox for mobile can also be described.
Avoid talking about any games like Angry Birds as they are often treated as a game rather than a
utility application.

You must mention the mobile phone you are using (iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, HTC etc.) and then
mention the type of OS it has.

Here we are picking the Android application "Instagram" and writing down some notes to
properly talk about this application, as an example. You are advised to pick one of your most
favourite mobile applications and do the same in the comment section.

What it is

= Android application "



How you use it

= For photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking. It enables me to take pictures and
videos and then share them on a variety of social networking platforms.

What benefits do you get

= I can take and save precious moments via images and videos, I can share them over other
popular social networking platforms, It gives various options to add effects to the images I take
and finally it saves my photos and videos for later use.

And explain why this mobile app is important to you

= I love to capture photos and videos with my handheld mobile phone and this application is one
of the best one for taking photos on the go. I can share my photos and videos in a low internet
bandwidth, update my profile and get in touch with my friends and family members. The photos
and videos uploaded by me are stored on their server and I can retrieve those anytime I want.
This application is fast and usages low resources of my cell phone. One of the most popular
Android Applications, Instagram, is an application I can't do without.

Part 3: Details Discussion:


How can technology make our life easier?

A. Technology is the use of invented science and the uses of technological tools and that have
made our life easier. For example, we are using watches to get time, watching television for
different reasons, and using telephones for communication purposes etc and thus our life is made
easier than before. But if there were no clock, television or the telephone are not invented,
certainly, we should have stayed in the primitive age. The current advancement would not have
been possible. Technology has changed that way we study, work or even spend our leisure time.
With the help of the technology, we can have a better life standard with much more efficient
tools and devices to help us in every way possible.Q. What are some greatest inventions you
know about?A. There are a large number of inventions have been done so far, but the most
important invention appears to me is the invention of electricity. Then I should consider the
invention of wheels which truly has made the communication system and movement easier for
us. Thirdly I should consider the invention of the Internet, which has radically changed the
world. Apart from that, the light bulb, aeroplane, penicillin and the telephone are some other
greatest inventions of all time in my opinion.


Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?


Mobile phone, undoubtedly, is an important invention but it has some detrimental impacts too.
Using mobile phones at public places may appear indecent. Mobile phone users talk about
countless issues but sometimes the speeches may cause irritation to others existing on the public
spots. Moreover, the speakers may also reveal their secrets inadvertently that may hamper their
privacy. Moreover, since the public places are always crowded, the chance of accidents is more
while talking on mobile phones.

Q. Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?A. Mobile phones are gaining popularity as
those are easy to carry. Moreover, someone can buy a mobile phone at an affordable cost and
without any legal complexities. Besides, the tariffs are also economic. It is far more convenient
than other means of communication systems and faster to deliver the message. So, the mobile
phones are gaining popularity gradually.

Q. Can you do without your mobile phone?A. In the current days, it is impossible for me to
do without a mobile phone for a single day. I need the phone not only for communication
purpose, but I also use the phone for passing my time by playing games, using internet
applications and more other necessary issues. So it would be quite difficult for me not to use the
mobile phone.

IELTS Cue Card Question 102 With Model Answer:

Describe a person who you believe dresses well.

You should say:

 who this person is
 what kind of dresses he/she wears
 how you know him/her

and explain why you think this person dresses well.

Model Answer 1:

The saying goes that a man is judged by his clothes. In true sense, clothing is a very special thing
to make people feel noticed and Mr Samuel Robertson, my teacher for English languages dresses
very well.

Beauty depends on a good dress. Having a good dress is one of the prerequisites to be count.
People mostly ignore the individuals with poor or below standard clothing. So, to maintain the
society one needs to maintain proper dress code or dress well. Mr Robertson is my English
language instructor in the colleges and I have never seen him dress informally. Even when I went
to meet him at his home for some instructions on an essay composition, I find him in formal
attires too. Once asked about the formal dress, he replied that he never compromises with his
dresses and loves to be formal every time except when he is in sleeping mode.

Mr Robertson usually wears formal suits. He has several suits and they are of different colours.
He wears leather shoes with the shoes. Besides, his colour combination is also adorable. He
combines his shirts with the suit colours. For instance, when he is in his black suit, he wears a
white formal shirt along with a red tie. When he is wearing a blue suit, he wears a black shirt
with a dark coloured tie. Besides, his tie knotting styles are different and he never ties the knot in
the same way as he did on his last working day. He back brushes his hair with soft hair gel which
makes an outstanding look for him.

Last summer I got admitted in British Council in Paris and met Mr Samuel Robertson. The
British council authority assigned Mr Robertson, a British national, for us to learn pure British
English. So, he accordingly instructs us English. I have developed English very well after
attending the course. Mr Robertson teaches the language spontaneously and as we are all
professionals here, he also allows meeting him after the class or invites at his home if anyone
fails to meet him after the class. He is active in social networking and all of his students are
linked with him either on Twitter or via Facebook.

It is solely my own observation and opinion that the British people love to be formal. They are a
formal nation and prefer to maintain the formalities and customs everywhere. Regarding their
dress code, they also want to continue the formal tradition and literally, they do it. I have seen
him even on the hot summer day he is in his black suit which would be uncomfortable for me or
anyone else of the class. The sense of being formal everywhere might be deeply graved in their
minds. So, they are always formal. But it should not be taken as a negative remark. In the current
days, a well-dressed body is also required with a wise brain to bloom.
Sample Answer 2:

I like Mr David Peterson for his smartness and casual attire. He is neat and clean and loves to
dress well but keeps a notable distance with the formal attire. Nonetheless, he is attractive and
gorgeous with his casual clothing.

Mr Peterson is a professional instructor of the French language. I met him first when I went to
learn French at a locally reputed French learning school in Cape Town. In fact, I was planning to
learn the language as my family is shifting there. My father is a government employee and has
recently been transferred there from Cape Town. So, I went to learn French and met with Mr

Mr Peterson is a nice guy with a tall figure. So, when he wears jeans pants and T-shirts, he looks
excellent. I have never seen him get attired in formal dresses. He loves to be casual and enjoys
flexibility in this case. Nobody has any complaint about his attires so far. Besides, he really looks
smart with his casual fashion. Mr Peterson also likes to wear colourful dresses. But white is his
preferred colour. Whenever goes to attend any event, he dresses in a white T-shirt and blue or
dark jeans. It brings a majestic look for him.

As I said before, I had met him at the language club. He was sitting beside me and was observing
the reaction of others. In fact, he did not tell us that he was the instructor for whom we were
waiting. Suddenly he stood up and started lecturing about the language. We were surprised.
Actually, all of us were amazed at his introductory class. He described a large number of aspects
of the French language. Besides, he asked us to introduce ourselves and we did so one after
another. Later, he described many important aspects of the French language and how it
originated. In fact, he shared almost all of his knowledge with us about the language.

The person dresses well for some reasons, I think. He is a language instructor and needs to move
around the class. So, if he is in formal attires, he might be in some problems of movement.
Moreover, there are some hassles of formal attires too. You always need to be aware of the dress
and cannot do whatever you want. A type of invisible restriction is imposed. So, when you are
chained with such restrictions, you cannot provide the best shots in your jobs. Therefore, the
dress you are in should be comfortable for you. For all the reasons, I think Mr Peterson dresses
casually always. But he looks beautiful with the attires and his colour and fabric selection is
outstanding indeed.

Describe a place that has a special meaning to you.

You should say:

 what kind of place it is

 where it is
 what it looks like

and explain why this place has a special meaning to you.

Model Answer 1:

Jeffreys Bay is a small heaven on earth in South Africa. In fact, this was a small fishing town
where people now come mostly for water sport on the wave and on the sandy beach, enjoy the
sunset, play with dolphins, and other recreational activities.

Commonly it is known as the J-Bay, this is an exotic location near the Port Elizabeth under the
Eastern Cape region. This is the place where several hundred surfers come annually to surf on
the famous blue sea waves and enjoy the natural beauties of the locality. The small town mostly
attracts the international surfers for different reasons. The surfers enjoy the surfing during the
morning and evening hours. They also take a sunbath, swim in different hours of the day or
enjoy the sunrise in line with the sunset. They cannot leave the location easily for its
extraordinary beauty.

Geographically, J-Bay is located adjacent to the N2 Highway. It is also 75 kilometres southwest

of the Port Elizabeth. The entire town is under the domination of Eastern Cape Province
governance. Earlier, it was a tiny town where only fishermen lived and now the area of the town
is expanding to accommodate the extensive tourists and guests. As a result, the entire
environment of the J-Bay has become relaxed and wonderful. Seashells and gorgeous white
sandy beach are the key attractions for the surfers and tourists. The town has expanded more
after the 1960s when it was used as a location for filming the movie ‘Endless Summer’. Since
then different advancements are underway.

The entire J-bay looks wonderful. The white sandy beach glitters by the sunlight and appears that
stars glittering on the land. The sunrise and sunset scenarios are also breathtaking and mostly
attract romantic couples from home and abroad. The waves are interesting and famous around
the world. The city does not need to decorate marking any occasion because it is well decorated
round the year to welcome the tourists. But the night view of the town is highly charming and
sitting on the beach makes a sense of deep relaxation. Thereby, hundreds of visitors are found in
the evening and sometimes they sit by the picturesque beach silently.

The J-Bay is very special for me because I have lots of memories here, particularly with the
beach. I learnt surfing in my teenage with my father and the memories are still vivid in memory.
This is the place where I proposed my fiancé to marry me in presence of our relatives. When I
was a kid, I used to come here with my neighbouring friends to swim and participate in other
forms of water sports etc. When I had mental troubles, I used to (and still I do) come here to
relax and think deeply to get the better solution. Considering all the aspects, the J-Bay is a great
place for me and I do not need to go anywhere else to pass my leisure. I am in love with the
white sandy beach!

Model Answer 2:
Visiting different places is my hobby and whenever I get a chance, I try to pay visits. But I have
a very special place here in Mumbai. This place is commonly known as Marine Drive. This is a
long boulevard in South Mumbai. It is near the coast and is visited by a good number of people.

This is mostly a C-shaped road made of concrete. There are six lanes for vehicles. But this is a
perfect place to spend some leisure hours, particularly enjoying the sunset scenes is a hobby for
many like me. The road is connected with Nariman Point, Babulnath and Malabar Hill.

This is a 3.6 kilometres long road. The boulevard is geographically located in Mumbai. To be
more specific, the avenue is in the south part of Mumbai where the coast is located. Marine
Drive is facing the west and south and west again. This is a great place that has a striking shape.
The street has numerous street lights and when they are switched on at night, they look awesome.
The road is officially known as Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road. There are palm trees on the
street and there is also a beach available in the northern end of the road.

The road is also termed as the Queen’s necklace for its C-shape. Besides, the street lights appear
like a string of pearl at night. It was constructed by a philanthropist. But the place is mostly used
now for communication and recreational purposes. The natural bay is another attraction for them.
The majority of the buildings on the side of the road were built long ago and were popular at that
time. Now the beauty of the road has also increased and it has become a good place to get

This place (Marine Drive) has a special meaning to me basically for two reasons. Firstly, it is the
place where I proposed my wife to marry me. Secondly, this is the only place in the city where I
can have some fresh air. In fact, after a long hefty day, I need a place to be relaxed. So, I come
here often and pass around an hour in the local coffee shops. A notable number of modern
restaurants have opened their outlet in this place and they are operating very well. The
restaurants are almost crowded and sometimes I need to wait in a queue to take my seat. Besides,
there are some local and international star-rated hotels are also available to entertain the tourists.
In the weekends, I come to enjoy the sunset scene with my wife. The moments become really
special then. Therefore, this is a very special place to me.

Describe an important letter or email you have received.

You should say:

 who wrote it
 what it was about
 how you felt about the letter or email

And explain why it was important to you.

Model Answer 1:
After my post graduation from Allahabad University, I have been appearing in different job
interviews and suddenly a multinational corporation invited me to appear the final interview
against a post I applied earlier.

HCL Technologies, the globally reputed tech-giant in India, invited me with an email to attend
an interview scheduled three days later from the day I received the email. The email was sent
from the Human Resource department of the corporation and I applied for the post of a designer.
Following an advertisement on the Times of India, I applied for the job and have appeared a
written test for an hour at the headquarters of HCL Technologies in Uttar Pradesh of India. The
email also asked me confirming my presence on the set calendar for the interview.

Well, the email was about asking me to join at the formal viva which is done after passing the
written test. There are several stages to get the job and the initial stage is appearing on the
written test. When an applicant passes the written, then s/ he is invited for the viva with the
selection board and then the final viva held in association with the executive body and the job is
confirmed. I was in the second stage and prepared myself in the right manner to present my skills
and expertise in graphics design. I prepared myself in such a way that I would be able to answer
all the queries properly and perfectly so that I could have the job. The email also instructed me to
take all the necessary documents with me favouring my candidature against the post and I
prepared the necessary documents well.

It was an unexpected issue for me that a globally reputed technological corporation will invite
me for a formal interview as I do not have any institutional knowledge of graphic design. I have
learnt the design at my home and exercised on my personal needs like designing a birthday
banner for a friend or designing the logo for our university reunion etc. But it appears that the
skill I gained was valuable and they have understood that I should be a helping hand to them.

The rate of unemployed youths is on the increase in the country and thus I had been trying for
long to get a suitable job for me. I preferred my passion rather than my academic background.
So, I started seeking suitable positions for me and one day the chance arrived. I did not miss the
advertisement and applied for the job of trainee designer at the corporation. It was important for
me to make myself noticed among the others in the profession and HCL Technologies gave me
the opportunity.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe an important letter or email you have
received." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:

 Describe a recent happy event you can remember.

 Describe an important letter you received lately.
 Describe a letter or email you have recently written to someone.
 Describe a happy event in your life.
 Describe a memorable event in your life.
 Describe a good news you heard about recently.
 Describe a happy news you recently gave to one of your friends.
 Talk about an email or letter you remember well.
 Describe a letter or email you wrote to someone you never met.
 Describe a job application you or someone you know did.
 Describe an invitation you recently received.
 Describe a bad or shocking news you have recently heard about.
 Describe a letter you wrote to someone you have not met for a long.

Model Answer 2:

It was a pleasant surprise for me when I received the email from the University of Bamberg,
Germany. The email was about the admission approval for me that I applied a couple of months
ago. In fact, I wanted to go for higher study in Germany and applied in several universities. The
University of Bamberg was one of them. Thank for the question and I am glad to reply it.

I got the email from the dean of Social Science faculty. It read that the faculty has accepted my
application as an international student. The email also praised highly of my previous academic
records and recommended that they had been seeking such students to enrich their departments. I
was worried about the issue while applying as if they discard me from the list. My idea was right,
some of the universities did not even care to respond to my application.

The email was about accepting me as their international student and thus it also suggested me to
take necessary preparation. The email also asked me to complete a German language course as
well so that communication becomes easier with me and others. I was not sure if I would get a
chance on any such universities. Thereby, I did not take any necessary preparations. Learning the
language was one of them. So, I plan to get myself admitted at any reputed German language
club here in the Philippines. On the other side, the email also advised me not to worry about the
academic expenses. It has granted me a full free scholarship and also will provide some other
allowances too. I only need to take necessary preparations to reach the country and start my
academic activities.

Of course, I felt very good when I found the email in my inbox. It was a surprise. In fact, I had
given up hope for studying abroad. My parents were also frustrated with me. I had been applying
for long but none of the authorities replied my letter. Some of the USA universities rejected my
application without showing no reasons at all. So, I thought that I have to continue study in my
native land. My dream of a higher study was getting shattered. The email arrived at such a
moment when I was highly depressed. It was the ray of hope to me. When I got the email, my
heartbeat went faster. I did not know what to see in the email. But when the email was the good
news, I was overjoyed. Instantly I informed the issue to my parents. And they were happy too.

The email was important to me for many reasons. The most important thing was my depression. I
was getting frustrated gradually. I started exercising to be alone. I started talking less and lost the
enthusiasm of life. With this email, I was revitalised. It helped me to get back to my own
character. My parents were also frustrated about the issue and planned to admit me at a local
university. I am happy that finally, my dream is going to be true. I have started planning to
arrange the necessary documents and seeking a suitable language club. I am happy now and
tonnes of thanks to the Social Science department of the university to allow me as an
International Student.
Describe a wedding you have attended.

You should say:

 where it was
 who was getting married
 why you attended this wedding

And explain what was special about this wedding.

Model Answer 1:

I am a student of The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) and one of my friends have
recently got married here with a lady of his own cast.

As an Athenian, I have passed my early days in Athens, the largest city in Greece and had the
chance to meet with overseas people for educational purposes. Soumitra Shekhar Chatterjee is
such a friend of mine whom I met at the AUA when I got admitted into my graduate level.
Soumitra is from India, an Asian country and studies with me. He got married following his local
cultures and rituals in Athens. The wedding was an enjoyable event for us all. The number of
invited guests was few. Though the ceremony is held outdoors in India, it was held indoor here
for the lack of space. We decorated the entire platform with different trees and made fire and
completed other formalities as well to conduct the marriage perfectly.

Soumitra was in love with a girl, Nandini Chatterjee, belonged to his own cast and religion and
they met at the AUA. Although Nandini's family originated from India, they were living in
Athens for years and now have gained permanent resident status to live in the country. I, in fact,
was the key player to formulate the love between the two. In the opening of the love, they were
not that much familiar with each other but I was a close mate for Nandini as she lives on the
opposite of our house and I have a familiar relationship with her family. With the divine
direction, both of them fell with my help and now they are getting to tie the knot. It was a
pleasure for me that I have made a family for my friend.

It was almost obligatory for me to attend the ceremony as I helped them greatly. Nandini's family
invited all my family members and she herself invited me to be at the event. Besides, Soumitra
assigned me his official photographer for the event. It was a really enjoyable event for me. I
clicked all the photos and they have printed some of them too to use in their apartment. I actually
cannot express my feelings and emotions that how I felt exactly right that moment when they
become successful in tying the everlasting bond. It appeared that I am the happiest man as I have
succeeded to make it happen which was unimaginable for the familial obstructions.

The marriage was special for me as I have never seen any marriage that has taken place indoors.
Mostly the marriages in Athens take place outdoors and many invited guests attend the
ceremony. Besides, after the instruction from Nandini’s family, I, with some of my friends, made
a platform where a fire was kept. Soumitra and Nandini circled the fire while a Hindu priest was
reading something loudly that I could not understand at all but sounded interesting. The foods
were special. Traditional Indian foods while were brought from a local Indian restaurant. In fact,
the foods were the key attraction for me and I have tasted almost all the foods and finally
thanked them for allowing me to taste the foods together.

If you can talk about the cue card topic

"Describe a wedding you have attended."

you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:

 Describe a party or celebration you have recently attended.

 Describe a wedding party you attended.
 Talk about a traditional ceremony or celebration you know about.
 Describe a birthday or wedding celebration you attended.
 Describe an occasion or event when you met a lot of people.

Model Answer 2:

From my early childhood, I am mostly an extrovert. I love to talk with people, meet new people
and make friends. I love to be with them and share my updates. So, socialising is a very usual
practice for me. Recently, I went to attend a wedding ceremony of my childhood friend, Manila.
We both have grown up together. Thank you for the question. The question reminds me of the
sweet memories of the day. I will describe it now.

The wedding ceremony took place at a local convention centre here in Indonesia. The convention
centre was well decorated marking the ceremony. But there was a trouble with the parking of
cars of the invited guests. So, there was a chaos in the parking lot. But the trouble was minimised
and then everything went usually. I enjoyed the gathering with many people, particularly the
childhood friends of mine. The foods were delicious. In fact, all the traditional Indonesian foods
were prepared at the event. Overall, it was a nice event indeed.

Manila is my childhood friend. Both of us have studied in a local school for girls. But when we
were in college, we had to get split. She moved to another part of the city and got admitted into a
different college. She wanted to study in science while I preferred the business activities. So,
there was a separation between us. We could not meet like the other days. She was my best
friend. And I missed her presence. The similar thing happened to her too. She also missed me.
We used to communicate through the Yahoo messenger and other communicating apps. She
came to visit me or I went to visit her in every 15 days. Actually, we eagerly waited for the
meeting day to arrive. The bonding between us grew stronger with the passing of days. So, when
I heard that she was getting married, I was happy and planned to be with her until the day of the
wedding. After my plan, I did everything.

Attending the wedding ceremony was a must for me. In fact, if I missed the event, I think I
would have killed the relationship between Manila and me. Moreover, her parents also relied on
me to do everything marking the wedding. I was like a family member to them. Actually, they
had never differentiated between me and Manila. Her mother also treated me as like her own
daughter. So, considering everything, my presence at the wedding was extremely important.
Without my direct support, it was impossible for Manila to get prepared for the wedding. I also
helped her to be mentally stable and deal with everything easily. Furthermore, a wedding
ceremony is the place where a good number of people come, meet and greet. So, I also did not
want to miss that chance of socialising. Thereby, I attended the wedding.

The most special thing about the wedding was the makeup of the bride. She looked gorgeous on
the day. She took only some simple makeups and there were no exaggerations in anything.
Moreover, all the foods were halal and tasty. Manila’s father took care of the foods by himself.
He was with the cooks all the time and ensured the quality. Moreover, it was a special wedding
for me as I was treated like a special guest. Manila’s parents praised me highly. To be honest, I
was flattered by such praises. Finally, the wedding ceremony was over smoothly and this was the
best thing of the event. Based on all the matters, it was special to me.

Describe a foreign film you liked.

You should say:

 what film it was

 when you watched it
 what it was about

And explain how far you liked this film.

Model Answer 1:

Beauty and the Beast is a French Feature film that I have recently enjoyed. This is my first
attempt to watch a French movie and I really have enjoyed the movie.

The film is basically a Franco-German production and belongs to the fantasy genre, but the
romantic aspects of the movie have touched me deeply. In French, the movie is termed as La
Belle et la Bête. The movie is made on the plot of a traditional fairy tale and famous German and
French artists have been cast in the movie. After its release in 2014, the film has gained many
positive criticisms and also been screened at Berlin International Film Festival. Due to the
attractive plot and performance of the artists, the movie has achieved huge commercial success
as well and been nominated for several award nominations too.

To be frank, I did not have any intentions to watch movies of made in languages other than
German (my native language) but with the inspiration of my mum and dad, I have started
watching the movies of different languages. In the last week of October, it was my 18th birthday
and my parents brought several foreign language film DVDs for me to watch when I could
manage time. Actually, it was an inspiration from them to make the watch movies of different
language and get the tastes. Both of my parents like to watch movies and they prefer English
more than the other language and also have brought some DVDs for me too. I have watched the
La Belle et la Bête on the very day when they gave me the DVDs.

The movie was based on the traditional fairytale of a beautiful girl who saves the life of a beast
by loving it and consequently that transforms into a prince. The prince was cursed as he killed
the daughter of the forest god with a golden arrow who could have transformed into human
shapes if she needed. But as she was in the shape of a deer, the prince mistakenly kills her. The
forest god transformed him into a beast saying that the curse will be broken if someone loves
him. The little daughter of a merchant gets into a trap with the beast to save her father. Each of
the time she refused the approach from the beast to love him. Finally, when she comes to know
that the beast is a prince and has been cursed, she falls in love with the beast and consequently,
the beast transforms into a prince.

Though I had troubles to realise the French, I enjoyed the movie and the performances of the
movie. The casts have acted perfectly and they were devoted to their respective characters. The
urge to save the life of a father by his daughter is truly adorable while the love for the beast
seems inappropriate to me. It may sound weird but the girl, Belle did not fall in love when the
prince was a beast rather she loved him when she came to know about the reality of the beast. I
think such emotions should not be considered as love at all because the other party loves when
he/ she possess the chances to have their benefits. The last scene shows that they live happily; I
think this is not a love in a true sense.

Sample Answer 2:

Watching film is the best way for me to relax. But I am not confined to some typical types of
films alone. In fact, I try to watch almost all types of film and prefer the foreign films most. They
help me to increase knowledge about the foreign language. Recently I have watched a foreign
film named Ip Man. The language is Cantonese. Thank you for your question. Here is the brief
description of the movie.

Basically, Ip Man is a biographical movie. The film has been made with the life of Ip Man,
martial art trainer and also the teacher of Bruce Lee, a famous martial artist and actor. Ip Man
used to teach Wing Chun, a special type of martial art and tried to spread his way of the fight
among the people. The film shows various events of his life – how he survived, how he fought
with the enemies and more other issues.

Usually, I watch movies on the weekends. I am unable to arrange the time for movie watching in
the working days. I am a manager of a state-run life insurance corporation here in Jamaica. So, I
need to remain busy round the week. Besides, I also have to maintain my family and kids. They
also want to spare time for me. After managing everything, it becomes difficult for me to sort out
times for myself. So, in the evening of the weekend, I do not prefer to be disturbed and enjoy
movies. In fact, this is movie time for me. Sometimes, my wife accompanies me as well. But she
prefers the comedy movies only and so, it becomes a bit troublesome to comply with her. When
the tastes are different or there are irritations, someone cannot enjoy the movie. Therefore, I try
to enjoy foreign language films alone. I start watching the movies around 4.00 pm and it
continues until the end of the film. Sometimes, I try to watch several films together too if I have
plenty of times.

The movie plot of the movie Ip Man was about the life of IP Man, a Chinese martial artist. He
was the grandmaster of a special type of martial art. The film was based on the life of the
grandmaster and how he passed a certain age in a city during a war. The film was directed by
Wilson Yip. Donnie Yen, a famous Hong Kong based artist played the role of Ip Man in the
movie. But the making of the movie was not so easy. It was made in 2008 while the preparatory
activities for the movie began from 1998. The project was abandoned as the studio proposed to
produce the film closed down for some uncertain reasons. The film is set on the backdrop of the
1930s. It was the time of spreading martial art across the country and a good number of martial
art schools emerged and compete for each other to show their perfectness. But Ip Man was not
professional and had a good relation with everyone. But gradually his reputation as a
grandmaster soared. By the time he lost his wealth and home for Japanese occupation. And
finally had to battle with A Japanese General. He defeats the general but got shot. Later, he
opened his own Wing Chun school.

I liked the film much. To be honest, it was one of the best films I had ever seen. But there were
some troubles regarding the understanding of the movie. When I watch foreign language movie,
I do not take help from subtitles. Hence, it caused some issues to get into the film for its
language. In fact, I did not have any familiarity with the Cantonese language. But finally, I was
able to comprehend the plot and got amused with the events. Therefore, I liked the film very

Describe something old in your house.

You should say:

 what it is
 how old it is
 who bought it and whether you use it

And explain why this old thing is still in your house.

Model Answer 1:

I live in an extended family in Lucknow, in India, with my parents and relatives and we have a
large dining table and chairs made of Oak Wood where all the family members take meals at
least twice a day.

The Oak table was made by my late grandfather and we are using the table in the current days
without any troubles. The table has a traditional classic look and simple design. This is a large
table with the sitting arrangement of 12 people together. There are 12 chairs included with the
table and we all members are using the table as and when we need it. Mostly the table remains
busy during the morning hours when all the male and two female members are busy to go to their
respective office or educational institutions and it is also seen busy when all of them come back
home and take their supper. Sometimes, we need to sit on the table by rotation when there are
guests or any event takes place at the home like pooja or Diwali or the national holidays.

The table was made around 50 years ago by my late grandfather. He was a man of luxury and
thus made the table with few customisation. Usually, the tables are not made so large and could
accommodate around six to eight members. But the foreseeing great-grandfather made the table
so that all the family members could take their meals at one place every day. He believed that
taking meals together strengthens the bond between the family members. The tradition to take
meals together is being continued even before the birth of my father. This is an invisible rule that
we all should be present at the table when the mealtime appears. It is also the time when the
important decisions are usually taken at our home. The tradition has been being continued for

There was a reputed carpenter in the suburb of Lucknow whose ancestors used to make furniture
for the British people came to rule the country during colonisation. My locally influential
grandfather managed to get this table and chairs done from that carpenter’s shop and it was made
with great care. There is nothing extraordinary in the table but simply it looks gorgeous. The
table is polished once in a year and no other repairing has been done for the table. It is still strong
and may last for 30 to 40 years more. We have placed a heavy glass especially customised for
the table (though the wood is scratch resistant) so that there is no scratch or any other damages
could be done either deliberately or unconsciously. The house-maid everyday brushes the table
with a duster before and after each meal.

My father and paternal uncles have received the table from their ancestors. Besides, it is useful
furniture for us too. We are 13 members in the family and could meet everyone during the meal
hours. The table is strong, nicely polished and heavy as well which his not found in these days.
The tables which are made currently with different other woods do not last for a long. Troubles
immediately start to appear after receiving the cheap furniture and people need to repair or
change them frequently. But my family has been using the table for a long time without a single
repair, except the annual polish. Besides, we are using the bale as it is made of Oak Wood which
is highly durable (we are enjoying the durability), and solid. They are free of internal wood
damages and serve for years.

Sample Answer 2:

Watching television is a hobby for some people while it is a necessity for many. In fact, this is a
necessity for my father. He loves to watch television in his leisure hours. The television set is the
older piece in our house. It was bought about over 25 years ago. Thank you for the smart
question. It will be a pleasure to describe the television here.

This is an old television set from a Japanese brand. My grandfather had brought it from Japan.
He went there to have a business visit. Now he is passing his retired life. Though he brought the
television set home, he rarely sits before it. It is my father who is glued to the television set and
enjoys various types of shows and events. Moreover, the other members, like my mother and
maids, also watch it whenever they need. But I enjoy the quarrels between my mother and father
about the control on the television set.

The television was brought here in early part of the 1990s. When my grandpa went Japan to deal
some business with his Japanese partners, he fell in love with the television set and bought that
with a high price. In fact, it was the latest model at that time and probably was the first television
set of Nippon brand in the country. My grandpa liked the television set for many reasons. His
love for Japanese products for quality was adorable. He had long been using a wristwatch made
in Japan. Besides, there were some other essential products that we have been using for long
were from Japan. Considering all the matters together, he bought the television set. It is a
surprising fact that the television set is running very well. And there are no troubles with it.
Recently my father had brought a television set of a locally made brand but had to replace that
due to its faulty picture tube. In contrary, the Nippon television set is serving without such

In his early life, my grandfather started a business of exporting spices from Sri Lanka to other
countries. As part of his business, he had to travel in various countries and to be honest, he fell in
love with Japan. Besides, his business expanded in Japan than the other countries. He opened a
branch there and frequently visited the country. In such a visit, he brought the television with a
high price. I heard that everyone in the family were highly happy with the television set.
Unluckily, I did not have the chance to watch the television set. In fact, I cannot manage time to
enjoy television shows. As a student, it is hard to manage time beyond my academic studies. But
when there are important events like cricket match of National Team of Sri Lanka or any other
special occasions, I try to watch the shows on the television set.

It is true that the age has advanced. But there some issues which cannot be ignored. The
television set is one of them which we cannot leave. Actually, there are no reasons to discard the
television set from the family. First of all, the television set is without any trouble. The picture
and sound quality are still better than any other contemporary television set. Besides, operating
the television set is easier and it consumes less power. Based on all the issues, my family loves
the television very much. Even my father is expecting that the television will serve the family for
many more years. We are really happy with the television set.

Describe a street in your hometown that you know well.

You should say:

 what is the name of this street

 where it is and how often you go there
 what the street looks like

and explain your memory regarding this street.

Model Answer 1:
I was born and brought up in Singapore and thus Orchard Road is a familiar street for me. It has
a long history and been lying down for over a century.

The Orchard Road is named after the orchards (it is believed that there were gardens of different
plants) on the surrounding locality. Now the entire view of the road has been changed and is
considered as the longest street in Singapore stretching over 2 kilometres. The road is also
termed as Orchard as well by the natives while the other people term it in different names like
market street etc. and contains the attractive shopping zones of the country. But earlier, it was
not as it is now. The newer structures and malls have been formulated when the number of
tourists increased in the country.

Geographically the road is located in the Central Region and stretched about 2.5 kilometres.
Starting from the Tanglin Road, the Orchard Road has occupied roads towards the Dhobi Ghaut.
Considered as the shoppers’ heaven and the main shopping venue in Singapore, the road is
covered with a very good number of shopping malls have been built for shopping, and food
courts, coffee shops, nightclubs, residential hotels and other necessary commercial services are
available here as well where tourists from different countries come to get their necessary stuff. I
frequently go there to have some coffees or snacks in the evening after my office and sometimes
my colleagues, friends and family members accompany me here. But during the weekend
evenings, I pass my evening hours on the roadside coffee shops by chatting with my friends.

The road looks different at different hours. The night views are stunning and the lighting system
of the shops and roadside restaurants make it more attractive than the daytime. Besides, during
the celebrations like Christmas, the road gets a fresh and breathtaking look though the road is
neat and clean on the regular days. To increase the beauty of the road, it underwent renovation
back in 2009 and necessary facilities have been increased. Installation of new street lamps, tiles
on the streets, flower plants by the side of the walkways has raised the beauty of the road. During
the evening hours, the road looks like a paradise for its outstanding beautification. As a result,
the road becomes occupied by people of different strata who come to different purposes.

In my teenage, the road was less popular comparing the current days. I have lots of memories on
the road. The development did not begin then when we used to spend time on the roadsides in
the evening hours, discussed over numerous issues with friends and participated in sports. We
had different spots to pass our leisure hours. With the gradual development of the Orchard Road,
our leisure activities changed greatly. We started taking foods from the newly made shops and
celebrated different events like birthdays under the open sky on the road. When the place
gradually started becoming crowded, we lost our attraction for the place. The spots were grabbed
by the business people and other service providers and that was a great loss for me and my team.

Sample Answer 2:

St. Petersburg is the centre of Russia and known for many historical events. Besides, the city is
also popular many reasons. A good number of streets are lying in the city which have also
contributed to its fame. I want to talk about the Nevsky Prospekt street. Thank you for the
question. I am happy to be here and answering the questions is a privilege for me.
The street is known as the Nevsky Prospekt. In fact, this is the most famous street of the city of
St. Petersburg and there are many reasons behind the name and fame. The street runs through the
centre of the city. It is also famous as it contains the most important landmarks of St. Petersburg.
The street proudly holds some of the famous buildings. The street was planned by Peter the
Great and connects some other streets and destinations as well. The street is the beginning to
move in the other places of the city and thus the street contains the most intersections which have
made transportation easier.

Nevsky Prospekt is located in the centre of St. Petersburg. It is the street which has wings across
the city. Besides, the majority of the notable structure and landmarks are on the street. The street
has shopping malls, churches, book house and many other structures. The Russian National
Library is also located on this street. I need to visit the street frequently for many reasons. my
office is located on the side of this street and I need to use it to reach my office. Besides, when I
get out of office, I also need to use the street. Sometimes, I use the street to walk down to my
residence. Besides, the street has also been represented in many literary works by famous writers
at different times.

This is a moderately wide street. From the beginning, the street has served multiple roles. It was
like a shelter for many of the foreigners. They have contributed to the development of the street
and have built many structures. Besides, in the beginning, it was not enriched as it looks today.
Many of the parts of the street were empty. People have come here and claimed their respective
lands to build their own structures. The present structure that we see today and admire were built
hundreds of years ago. This is also known as the street of tolerance for some other reasons. it has
undergone several numbers of modifications in ages and still standing with pride. But the street
was built slowly when it was made as there had no plans to make it as the central street of the

This is one of the most important streets in the entire city and I have numerous memories. I was
born and brought up beside this street and have experienced the gradual changes and
development of the street. There are some newer structures will be found to the present day.
Such structures represent the modern architecture. On the other side, the street is always busy but
looks beautiful. I have participated in some national events and performances on this street. With
the gathering of thousands of people, the street got a very striking look. Even when the nation
celebrates various occasions, the street is well decorated. The days are gone when I sued to play
with my childhood friends by the side of the street. With the change and urbanisation process,
the street has completely changed. However, Nevsky Prospekt is an ideal street now. I walk on
the street at least twice a day. I love the street very much.

Talk about an environmental law that your country should

You should say:

 what law it should be

 why people should follow the law
 do you think it would be easy to implement and enforce this law

and explain why this law should be implanted.

Model Answer 1:

The Environment Protection Act of India has been formulated and passed in 1986 but some of
the sections of the law require proper implementation.

The government of India has passed the Environment Protection Act, 1986 aiming to protect the
entire environment, humans and other animals from environmental hazards. But in a practical
sense, the environment is being degraded frequently and the law needs the right implementation
and a perfect monitoring system to sort out the law violators and penalise them after the law.
Although the act was supposed to shield the environment and surrounding elements that have
made the environment, it is a failure to do so. Air, water and garbage pollution is the most
important form of pollution across India and it is a challenge for the state to prevent the
pollution. With the rapid progress, the rate of pollution has also increased to its largest extent in
India in the recent days.

It is well known to all that the environment is formed with the participation of the surrounding
natural and all other elements and if one of the parts is polluted or damaged to the slightest
extent, the all other components are to bear the consequences regardless of detriments or
benefits. If the situation continues for longer periods, it will be impossible to walk on the streets
due to the odours emitted from the roadside garbage or breathing under the open sky of the
polluted air. Different assessment studies have found that India has improved in different sectors
but the environmental degradation is one of the burning issues for the state and necessary
measures should be adopted to prevent the situation. To go a long way, India needs to check the
pollution as soon as possible or all the development initiatives will fail to a large extent.

But the implementation of the law is not possible without the participation of all the citizens and
related other bodies. The law has been formulated in the 1980s but the government could not
implement the law properly for different reasons. There are few loopholes in the law which are
impeding the implementation. Besides, the majority commoners are unaware of the law as it is
not publicised in the right manner to sensitise the people. Thus they are polluting the
environment and in most of the cases ignorantly. Unless they are made aware of the law, the
government cannot protect the environment alone. Awareness raising campaigns should be
undertaken to raise awareness among the population.

Global warming is another burning issue and the developing and developed countries are
contributing to make the globe warmer through different sorts of pollution, deforestation and
other negative activities. To make the world pollution-free is a must to get a healthy
environment. Each of the development initiatives is taken to make us happy and the happiness is
not enjoyable with an unhealthy condition. Besides, a pollution-free environment looks very
decent and attractive. It keeps the mind fresh round the day. Considering all the issues, the law
should be implemented properly so that the even the marginal people living at the farthest corner
of the country could derive benefits of the law.

Sample Answer 2:

Nepal is a small country and in the early stage of industrialisation. So, the government is aware
of the environmental issue and had formulated a law in 1997. The law is known as
Environmental Protection Act (Nepal). The law intends to protect the nature. Thank you for the
great question. I will reply it now in brief.

As I said before, the act is known as the Environment Protection Act (1997). The law aims to
provide legal provisions for a healthy and clean environment. It also aims to minimise the
adverse impacts on the environment. In fact, environmental degradation is one of the most
important issues to consider for the government. Earlier, nature was being damaged in various
ways and the country was under threat of natural destruction. So, to prevent the natural damages
and make the environment suitable for everyone, the law was formulated but some its parts need
to be implemented in full fledge to get the best result of the law.

The people of the country should follow the law for many reasons. The most important thing is
that the law has been formulated to protect the nature. There are a good number of unwise people
who damage the nature both by knowing and unintentional attempts. Some of them derive a
sense of fun by causing damage to the environment while the others do it accidentally. As a
result, the environment is damaged to the greatest extent. Natural resources are destroyed.
Someday, the land will be unlivable. The law aims to prevent such happenings. If people of the
land do not abide by the law, they will have to experience some disorders in their everyday life.
Survival will be challenging and in a word, the country will experience a chaos due to
detrimental impacts of environmental change. Hence, it is imperative for them to follow the law

But on the other side, considering the most other aspects of the law implementation, it appears
that it would be very difficult to implement it in real-life situations. Awareness is a must for the
law implementation. Most of the people do not want to follow the law as they do not have the
awareness about the detrimental impacts of environmental degradation. The law has been
formulated in 1997 but even the complete results of the law are yet to be found. Many of the
parts of the country are suffering from environmental degradation. Besides, many of the tourists
come here around the globe and being unaware of the law, they contribute to the environmental
degradation. So, I think, it would be really tough for the government to implement the law. A
massive awareness campaign is needed to let the people know about the law and its provisions.
When people will be aware of the law, they will help to implement it.

The law should be implemented and this is a must for the country. The top most important thing
about the law is that it solely aims to protect the environment. The country is experiencing
environmental degradation in numerous ways and the law is a safeguard for the country to battle
with the degradation. On the other side, when the environment will completely be degraded, it
would be difficult for us to live in this land. We will have trouble in having resources for our
daily lives. The law will prevent the adverse impacts on the environment and preserve the
humans, wildlife, nature, plants and other important elements of the environment. The ecosystem
is intact so far, but if the law is not properly implemented, we will experience some negative
impacts with it. So, for all these reasons, it is important to implement the law.

Talk about a part of your city that is changing.

You should say:

 where it is
 how it is changing
 why it is changing

and describe how you feel about the change.

Model Answer 1:

Change is the key to development and my city Calamba is also changing gradually.
Infrastructural developments are the key changes in the area.

In the Philippines, different changes have taken place after the year 2000. The wind of change
has also touched my city, Calamba. The city is often termed as the City of Calamba or Calamba
City. Geographically the city is at a striking location and owns an enriched history from the 17th
century. Settling began here with the arrival of the Spaniards and colonisation was their key
intention. The city has been expanded and developed much comparing the other cities of Laguna
in the country and it happened mostly for the hot spring resorts. There are a large number of hot
spring resorts available where people from different places of the country and overseas come to
pass a happy and healthy time for them.

In the beginning, there were fewer infrastructures in the city and when the tourists started coming
in the resorts, the needs for building modern resorts and a well-established communication
system emerged. Accordingly, the local government undertook initiatives to modify the city,
especially where the hot spring resorts are located. As a result, the natural and surrounding
environment changed greatly. The places which were bush or jungles near the mountain tops
turned into beautiful places. The resorts are equipped with the latest facilities of luxury and state
of the art decorations, and the visitors adore the resorts for providing them with a comfortable
experience. Besides, different business and service are also growing centring hot spring in the

Although formerly the city was not a tourist spot, it is currently becoming one of the hot springs.
With the growing need of the hot spring visitors, the locality has been changing rapidly. When
the travellers come to enjoy the hot spring, they need a safer place to stay and enjoy them.
Besides, the communication system is also another important factor for them. A well-constructed
communication system is also required for the purpose. The natural environment has been
degraded to some extent but the resorts are filled with natural beauties. Diversified plants and
foliages are found in the resorts. The top of the hill resorts has made smooth roads to reach
which has enriched the beauty of the hills as well.

Sometimes changes are unwanted and cause damage to the environment largely. But sometimes
they are pleasant too when they are up to the mark and cause less damage than expected. The
changes of Calamba are notable and they are positive for the city. Since the hot spring resorts are
set on the mountain hills, they attract visitors which help contribute to the city’s economy.
Earlier, people had to experience numerous troubles but now for the smooth roads, the
communication with the mountain tops and the city dwellers has become easier.

Sample Answer 2:

Witnessing changes is really matter of luck. In that case, I feel lucky. I have been witnessing the
rapid change of my city, here in Pakistan. Islamabad is one of the key cities in the country but
some its parts were underdeveloped. Now the development has started in the full fledge. Thank
you for the question. It is a privilege to be here and answer the questions.

Islamabad is one of the prime cities of the country. But some of its parts were not developed as it
was supposed to be. In fact, the authority might not have focused on the part in past days. But
now everything is changing and the changes are happening rapidly. The changes are massive and
it is assumed that it will bring some positive changes in the lives of local people. On the other
side, the locals need to bear some troubles for the sake of development.

The changes are massive. The changes include the construction of infrastructures, educational
institutes and other commercial buildings. In fact, the municipality has been attempting to make
the northern part of the city developed like the other parts. The northern part of the city has long
been ignored. The majority of the inhabitants here suffer from a smooth communication system.
Most of the streets are broken and thus transportation is difficult here. People cannot move easily
on the broken and damaged streets. Besides, there are not educational institutions here though
this is a part of the prime city of the country. On the other sides, there are no notable commercial
activities are held here as the locality is lagging behind in the race. So, the local authority has
taken some steps to improve the situation. And to keep pace with the global development, it was
necessary to change the shape of this particular locality.

The shape of the entire locality is changing. The municipal authority has taken different
initiatives to bring a positive change in the lives of the local people and in the area. They have
concentrated on the improvement of the communication system. As a result, they are
reconstructing the streets and small roads that lead to different lanes. Besides, the construction of
a primary school is another important task. It will help the kids of the area to take their
elementary education. Further, the reassembling of the sewerage lines and connections will help
the inhabitants to move smoothly. Earlier, due to the faulty drainage system, there were troubles
in movement. All the streets remained flooded round the week. Besides, under some private
initiative, there are some commercial structures are being built in this part of the city. Once the
constructions are over, the looks of the area will be changed. It will get a striking look indeed.
Of course, I am happy with the change. Initially, I have to suffer in some aspects. The streets are
under construction and that makes moving through the streets difficult. But once the streets are
repaired, communication will be smooth. There are noises everywhere and often it may cause
irritation to the people. But the noises are created by the workforce who are working relentlessly
to make the locality developed. In fact, every massive development needs a change. So, the local
people of the area are smilingly enduring the troubles and waiting for a better locality. When the
area will be changed, it would be a pride for us. So, I am highly glad about the changes and
initiatives for a better locality.

Talk about your favourite outdoor activity.

You should say:

 what activity it is
 where you do it
 how often you do it

And explain why you this is your favourite outdoor activity.

Model Answer 1:

Bird-watching is a popular pastime in Vietnam and a large number of people go for birding
regularly. There are over 800 species of birds are available in Vietnam.

I prefer to watch birds in their natural habitat than any other activities. The number of birds in
Vietnam is a notable one and requires the right attention to observe them. Most of the visitors
and travellers come to visit the noted places of Vietnam but they do not show any interest in
birding. As a result, the birding environment is calm and quiet and thereby enjoyable for me.
Though it may sound weird that birding could be an outdoor activity for people, it really is for
some selected people who want to pass their moments in silence. It also helps to gain knowledge
about different types of birds and the pleasures are inexpressible for those who regularly go for
the watch. Sometimes the watchers need luck too during the watch.

Well, the Vietnam populations are compact and have reduced the open spaces where birds could
reside. Besides, the birds are almost unavailable in the populated areas and the species which are
found in everywhere belong to ordinary species. So, I go to the national park to observe different
types of birds. The park is a very safe place for birding and is made in a different style while the
natural accommodation systems for the birds are adorable as well. However, during the wet
seasons, it becomes troublesome for me to continue the birding as the park and birding places
become muddy, slippery and messy. During the hot seasons, the park insides turn blistering. So, I
have to take proper measures during the seasons.

Mostly I go for birding during my holidays and weekends. In fact, I am an introvert and like to
remain silent for most of the time. I simply ignore the socialising issues with my surrounding and
pack my bags to watch the birds. There are different types of birds available in the forest and try
to note their behaviours. I have a preset place to observe the birds with a powerful binocular.
Sometimes I take some snacks with me to enjoy the moments, and the most important thing is
that I never feel lonely there. When the working days are over, I start my preparation for the
night before I plan to go to birding. Accordingly, I start for the park early in the morning and
reach there before someone else could get there.

In this mechanised life, almost all of us need to have some recreational activities but in Vietnam,
the opportunities are less for the natives as those are aimed for the tourists and thus pricier than
the usual range. Besides, the recreational places are mostly occupied by the tourists who have
never been to the country. So, I think I should allow them to enjoy themselves as they want and
walk in my own way. Moreover, birding requires lots of perseverance and most of the people
lack it. The bird watchers have to remain quiet for their own sake and thus the entire
environment is calm. As an introvert, I long for a serene atmosphere which is unavailable except
the birding.

Sample Answer 2:

Whenever I can manage time, I move for some outdoor activities in Siesta Key. This is a barrier
island and located in the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. This is one of the wonderful places in the
world and a good number of people come here only to enjoy the natural beauty. Thank you for
the question and I will describe it here.

Siesta Key is the barrier island that has some distinctive styles. So, it attracts visitors around the
world and there are many things to do. I like to ride on boats. In fact, the boat tour is one of the
most impressive outdoor activity here. I charter a boat and ride on that for the day. Sometimes,
my friends and family members accompany me here. I love to stay on the boat during the sunset
and capture the special moments. This has become my favourite outdoor activity and I eagerly
wait for the weekend to be at the beach.

Siesta Key provides the best option for such outdoor activities. The Siesta Beach is an exotic
place to wander and pass leisure hours. The Siesta Key Village is a great place and comes with
some features like playgrounds, tennis courts, tidal pools and much more. The place also has
some areas for the picnic. There are so many places in the state but this is my favourite one for
some reasons. So, I like to come here frequently. Enjoying the sunrise and sunset scene from the
beach is another impressive act. In fact, the natural beauty of the beach and surrounding areas
attract me much. So, it is impossible for me to ignore the invitation of the beach.

It has become a habit for me to visit the beach in every weekend. I eagerly wait for the day to
appear. Passing an urban life is really hefty and if there are no or fewer chances of relaxation,
people become stressed. And when they are stressed, they are unable to perform to the desired
level. So, it is extremely important to be relaxed. Visiting the place is the way of my relaxation.
Besides, this is not far away from my residence. In fact, it is a half an hour drive from my home.
Moreover, I do not need to kill my time in any traffic congestion which also inspires me to visit
the place. Furthermore, whenever I can manage time, I start for the beach. I am lucky to have it
in a short distance.
Visiting the beach and riding on a boat is my favourite outdoor activity. There are many grounds
for this preference. Firstly, this is an attractive place for all ages of people. The list of TO DO is
wide than any other places in Florida. If I miss my usual charter, on that day I take part in some
other outdoor activities like parasailing, fishing, ride on paddle boats and other activities. In the
evening, I sit on the beach and enjoy the view of the setting sun. Actually, the beach attracts me
most for its wide range of activities. And I am never bored with the activities. When I am with
my wife, she also turns happy more than me. So, based on all the facts, this is my favourite
outdoor activity.

Describe a story that people in your country know well.

You should say:

 what the story is

 how you know this story
 why you do you remember this story

and explain whether it is a good story or not.

Model Answer 1:

Usually, the Germans pass their leisure hours in different ways and telling stories to the friends
and family is one of the ways to make the leisure attractive. So, there are a large number of
stories are available.

The story is about two frogs, who fell down inside a well, unfortunately, and one of them
survived finally. The story is told to inspire people so that they could also get succeeded in their
daily life. When the frogs slipped into the well, both of them started jumping to get out of the
well. The other frogs discouraged them from getting out as the well's length was beyond their
capacity to jump out. Hearing the demoralising words, one of the frogs stopped jumping and died
inside the well. The other frogs started discoursing the remaining frog not to jump but as that
tried harder, that came out of the well. As the frog was short in the ear, it could not realise that it
was being discouraged rather believing that it was inspired, it finally made its way out of the

This is a very usual story that is told to kids to make them inspired and motivated to continue
their respective tasks. My mother told me the story when I failed to pass an exam. She told it as
part of motivating me to keep going forward. I was in my seventh grade and failed to secure the
necessary marks to pass in mathematics. But as I could not answer few questions for the limited
time in the examination and made a couple of wrong answers simultaneously, I obtained the
lowest marks among the other students in the class. When the answer scripts were passed to my
parents, they tried to inspire me on stressing mathematics more than ever. As an example, she
told me the story which ended with the moral that if someone works relentlessly avoiding the
failures, success certainly will embrace them someday.
In my current days, I still remember the story as it was a milestone for me. It helped me greatly
to start a new beginning in my life. Whenever I was in trouble or failure appeared before me, I
kept doing the same thing again and again. I failed for several times and finally, the success was
mine. There were few negative people who had dejected me from several perspectives; I
neglected their words like the second frog. It was a lifetime lesson for me.

The story of two frogs is a very good and inspiring story for everyone. It teaches us how to
struggle to get success. In our real life, we will get a good number of people who have mounted
on the top of success in their respective arena and it is possible only for their hard labour and
perseverance. For example, the first frog died on the well as it was discouraged by the other
frogs. But the second one succeeded to come out after several other attempts. We can cite many
famous historical personalities, politicians, painters, singers and other celebrities who have
succeeded after lots of attempts in their life. Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Socrates,
Charlie Chaplin among others are notable in this case.

Model Answer 2:

My childhood was awesome for many reasons. The most important thing was that I heard many
local stories and still can remember many of them. It was my grandmother who told me the
stories with my cousins. Thank you for the question. Your question reminds me of the lost
childhood. And I am glad to remember that.

The story I am going to discuss now is about black magic. This is a very usual story here in rural
areas of England. A black magician tried to occupy a woman with the power of his magic. But
finally, he was not successful in his attempts and a knight freed the woman from the greedy
clutch of the black magician by killing him. Later, the knight married the woman and started
leading a happy life forever. They increased their family and had happiness everywhere.

I came to know about the story by my grandmother. She used to tell stories at night times. In
fact, it was difficult for me and other cousins to sleep at night without listening to her stories. She
had told the story thousands of times but with her enchanting voice and storytelling styles, each
of the times the stories appeared like a new one. It was really interesting to me and the other kids
there to listen to the bedtime stories. Besides, those stories also helped us in some other ways.
They helped to expand our imagination. Sometimes, my grandmother asked us to tell stories. It
happened when she felt tired or was reluctant to tell stories anymore on some nights. So, with the
help of imagination, we developed stories and told her. She was happy with this ability of
storytelling among us.

Particularly, I can remember the story for some reasons. The most important issue with the story
is that it was about magic, demons and evil. The villain was an evil man who exercised black
magic. Besides, I have heard the story so many times that I cannot forget it even if I want to.
This is the story that has been fixed with my brain. Even today, I tell the stories to my kids when
they are in bed at night. Furthermore, the story was entertaining too for me and the other kids
who used to listen to it. We always wanted that the knight should win but my grandmother let
not that happen so easily. The knight had to fight severely with the demons and other evils spirits
before reaching to the lady. And finally, the black magician was defeated. But it was
troublesome for him to win the battles.

Of course, I think this is a very good story. It has many useful things to know. It teaches us to
focus on something we want. If the king had been afraid of the threats from the black magician,
he would not have married the lady. Besides, the story also tells us about the darker side of the
world. There will be evil people everywhere and we are to defeat them. We need only a strong
determination and courage to reach the destination. We may face obstacles on the way and
should not give up at any cost. The moral value of the story is priceless. On the other side, the
characters are also interesting. Considering everything, this is really a good story.

Describe a museum you have visited and liked.

You should say:

 what kind of museum it was

 when you first went there
 what you saw and did there

and explain why you liked this museum.

Model Answer 1:

A museum is an exciting place to learn about the past and histories of numerous issues. A few
weeks ago, I went to the War Remnants Museum with some of my friends.

The War Remnants Museum is located in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. This museum is a place
of wonderful collections of Vietnam War. The museum also contains relics and collection of the
first Indochina war where the participation of the French Colonialists was a notable issue. The
museum is currently operated by the state. The museum exhibits mostly the relics of the war
associated with the Americans and the French. In the 1970s, the relics were exhibited on the
temporary basis and were termed in a different name. Such exhibitions were also held in
different parts of Vietnam to let people know about the war crimes which Vietnam has suffered.
The exhibition name was changed in the 1990s.

When I was a teen, I went to the museum with my high school mates. It was an educational trip
for us and we visited the museum from our school. The school authority organised for the tour
and all the students of the high school had to participate in the trip. I learnt a lot of information
during the trip but it was not that much popular as it in the current days. Around one million
visitors come to see the war relics in this museum and it has turned into one of the most
attracting places both for the natives and global travellers. But the foreign visitors are more in
number than the local visitors and the opinions are different among the travellers. Some of them
cannot bear the horrors of the Vietnam wars during the visit.
The museum bears the wounds of war and it is a kind of insult to the Vietnamese people.
Thereby, the anti-USA elements are more visible than any other historical elements. The relics
are highly sensitive to the local people and the nation as well. There are series of rooms themed
with a different period. Military tools and various equipment are also kept in care inside the
museum. There are some unexploded ordnances also stored inside the museum yard as the war
relic. The photographs are the best thing to see in the museum and they exhibit the horrific
events of the war days. I walked through the rooms and the buildings to see all the relics and
deeply felt sad for the departed souls in the war.

I like the museum for its extraordinary decoration, war relic collections and mostly the
photographs. The photographs were captured by photojournalists of different countries and some
of them have donated the photos for common exhibition. Though in the beginning, the museum
was the house of propaganda against the USA, different changes have taken place in past years
and such words or posters marking the propaganda have been removed. Besides, the museum
allows the visitors to write their own thought about the entire Vietnam War issue and I liked that
much as the visitors can freely write down their own thoughts and compliments.

Model Answer 2:

I had been to major tourist attractions and museums in the short trip of last month in Paris and
liked the Army Museum most. This was a great place to visit and enriched my knowledge about
some specific matters. The museum is the place to know about the military history and to know
about the vintage artefacts there. Thank you for the question. It is a pleasure to answer them.

The museum is known as The Musée de l'Armée or Army Museum. This was a national military
museum in the country and located in Paris. The history of the museum dates back to 1905 and at
present, it has seven major spaces to exhibit. The collections are precious and beautiful. It
contains the artefacts since the French Revolution and many other wars. Before the formation of
the museum, the relics were in two other institutions and with the merge of them, we now have
this one.

Before this visit, I did not have visited the museum. Though I came to Paris for many tasks and
in business trips, I was not capable of managing time in those trips. So, when I went Paris in last
month, I did not want to miss the chance of visiting the museum. I love to know history and the
museum served as a great mentor for me to let me know about the historical events of the
country. As it was my very first visit to the museum, I was amazed by the artefacts and
exhibition galleries. The relics are related to the French military from the Middle Age and to the
latest dates. Moreover, the other collection of the museum is enviable for the contemporary
museums. This is the only national museum that has been made to display the military history of
the country and amaze people and the other visitors.

I was surprised to see the military history of the country. There were six galleries and each of
them were loaded with ancient and modern war materials and relics. The exhibit rooms were the
centre of attraction for everything here. the artefacts were classic. There were the samples of
various weapons like samurai and the weapons used in the Second World War. I also watched
the tomb of Napoleon. Everything inside the museum was well organized and beautiful. There
was a café for the visitors from where I took light snacks for me and my partners there. The
educative value of the museum artefacts cannot be ignored as well. Many of the school children
were at the museum to gather knowledge about the French military history. I passed about three
hours inside the museum and learnt many unknown facts about the country.

I like to travel and gather knowledge from my first-hand experience. Visiting a museum helps to
know about the culture and customs of any specific place. So, visiting the Army Museum in
Paris helped me to know about the past of the country, particularly how the military facilities
were in ages. Besides, I liked the old armours and weapons from the 13th century. They really
look gorgeous even after hundreds of years. The modern department also attracted my attention
too. Overall, I gained a complete knowledge of the military history of France. So, I liked the
museum much.

ELTS Cue Card Question 91 With Model Answer:

Describe a museum you have visited and liked.

You should say:

 what kind of museum it was

 when you first went there
 what you saw and did there

and explain why you liked this museum.

Model Answer 1:

A museum is an exciting place to learn about the past and histories of numerous issues. A few
weeks ago, I went to the War Remnants Museum with some of my friends.

The War Remnants Museum is located in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. This museum is a place
of wonderful collections of Vietnam War. The museum also contains relics and collection of the
first Indochina war where the participation of the French Colonialists was a notable issue. The
museum is currently operated by the state. The museum exhibits mostly the relics of the war
associated with the Americans and the French. In the 1970s, the relics were exhibited on the
temporary basis and were termed in a different name. Such exhibitions were also held in
different parts of Vietnam to let people know about the war crimes which Vietnam has suffered.
The exhibition name was changed in the 1990s.

When I was a teen, I went to the museum with my high school mates. It was an educational trip
for us and we visited the museum from our school. The school authority organised for the tour
and all the students of the high school had to participate in the trip. I learnt a lot of information
during the trip but it was not that much popular as it in the current days. Around one million
visitors come to see the war relics in this museum and it has turned into one of the most
attracting places both for the natives and global travellers. But the foreign visitors are more in
number than the local visitors and the opinions are different among the travellers. Some of them
cannot bear the horrors of the Vietnam wars during the visit.

The museum bears the wounds of war and it is a kind of insult to the Vietnamese people.
Thereby, the anti-USA elements are more visible than any other historical elements. The relics
are highly sensitive to the local people and the nation as well. There are series of rooms themed
with a different period. Military tools and various equipment are also kept in care inside the
museum. There are some unexploded ordnances also stored inside the museum yard as the war
relic. The photographs are the best thing to see in the museum and they exhibit the horrific
events of the war days. I walked through the rooms and the buildings to see all the relics and
deeply felt sad for the departed souls in the war.

I like the museum for its extraordinary decoration, war relic collections and mostly the
photographs. The photographs were captured by photojournalists of different countries and some
of them have donated the photos for common exhibition. Though in the beginning, the museum
was the house of propaganda against the USA, different changes have taken place in past years
and such words or posters marking the propaganda have been removed. Besides, the museum
allows the visitors to write their own thought about the entire Vietnam War issue and I liked that
much as the visitors can freely write down their own thoughts and compliments.

Model Answer 2:

I had been to major tourist attractions and museums in the short trip of last month in Paris and
liked the Army Museum most. This was a great place to visit and enriched my knowledge about
some specific matters. The museum is the place to know about the military history and to know
about the vintage artefacts there. Thank you for the question. It is a pleasure to answer them.

The museum is known as The Musée de l'Armée or Army Museum. This was a national military
museum in the country and located in Paris. The history of the museum dates back to 1905 and at
present, it has seven major spaces to exhibit. The collections are precious and beautiful. It
contains the artefacts since the French Revolution and many other wars. Before the formation of
the museum, the relics were in two other institutions and with the merge of them, we now have
this one.

Before this visit, I did not have visited the museum. Though I came to Paris for many tasks and
in business trips, I was not capable of managing time in those trips. So, when I went Paris in last
month, I did not want to miss the chance of visiting the museum. I love to know history and the
museum served as a great mentor for me to let me know about the historical events of the
country. As it was my very first visit to the museum, I was amazed by the artefacts and
exhibition galleries. The relics are related to the French military from the Middle Age and to the
latest dates. Moreover, the other collection of the museum is enviable for the contemporary
museums. This is the only national museum that has been made to display the military history of
the country and amaze people and the other visitors.
I was surprised to see the military history of the country. There were six galleries and each of
them were loaded with ancient and modern war materials and relics. The exhibit rooms were the
centre of attraction for everything here. the artefacts were classic. There were the samples of
various weapons like samurai and the weapons used in the Second World War. I also watched
the tomb of Napoleon. Everything inside the museum was well organized and beautiful. There
was a café for the visitors from where I took light snacks for me and my partners there. The
educative value of the museum artefacts cannot be ignored as well. Many of the school children
were at the museum to gather knowledge about the French military history. I passed about three
hours inside the museum and learnt many unknown facts about the country.

I like to travel and gather knowledge from my first-hand experience. Visiting a museum helps to
know about the culture and customs of any specific place. So, visiting the Army Museum in
Paris helped me to know about the past of the country, particularly how the military facilities
were in ages. Besides, I liked the old armours and weapons from the 13th century. They really
look gorgeous even after hundreds of years. The modern department also attracted my attention
too. Overall, I gained a complete knowledge of the military history of France. So, I liked the
museum much.

ELTS Cue Card Question 90 With Model Answer:

Describe a TV or radio presenter you like.

You should say:

 what program he/she presents

 how often you watch/ listen to him/her
 what s/he does or talk about

and explain why you like this TV or radio presenter.

Model Answer 1:

With a pleasant personality, the television anchors make a berth among the audience, globally. In
India, I prefer programs anchored by beautiful presenter Ayesha Faridi.

Principally she is a news presenter and anchors business news events at CNBC TV18 and had
continued with the television station since 2003 to 2010, right before joining at ET Now. She
usually anchors several programs for the television channel and those include the flagship
morning shows, including Power Breakfast, Your Stocks, Bull’s Eye, Bazaar, India Market
Wrap, Midcap Radar, The Market and First Trades, few afternoon shows, Market @ Lunch,
Riding The Bull, The F&O Show etc. She presents the news and information on different issues
and analyses the issues critically. She is also assigned to analyze sector-based reports, a variety
of current business trends, fundamental issues of business organizations, presenting investigative
reports on the local business climates, general news on finance, and sometimes she is also
responsible to link with the external traders and business corporations to get information for
reports and more other tasks.

I am an irregular television viewer and mostly watch news only from different channels. But I
frequently watch her shows particularly the morning shows. On the shows, she gravely analyses
the business issues and prospects of the day for different business companies and organisation.
Her micro and macro level analysis help to get ideas about the business situations of any specific
company. She analyses the facts with proper information and in some cases, she interviews
different renowned business people or economists to bring out the hidden facts and analyse them
before the audience. She never presents any news or information without any proper reference
and keeps the record too for future use.

As a business journalist, market analysing expert and television anchor, she mostly discusses the
business issues in her shows. She talks about different aspects, the past present and the future of
any specific business corporation. Sometimes the discussions become lively and help investors to
decide over taking decisions including raising the investment or improving the products
conditions and more other relevant phases. Since the discussions are based on the business and
the current context, the business people get ideas to resolve their troubles. Mostly the renowned
corporations and multinational companies are the regular audiences of her events. Not only she
presents the news, she also takes expert opinions for the betterment of any specific sector which
is also a beneficial factor for her audience.

I like Ayesha Faridi than any other news presenters for her superb personality and news
presentation style. When she speaks, she speaks very clearly. Her pronunciation both the Hindi
and English words are adorable and appear natural, and free of all local tones. Moreover, she
always picks the best among the experts to opine in her show so that the audience could have a
real scenario of the situation and the expert suggestions to recover. Airing time is another fact
behind preferring her shows. All her shows are aired at the perfect time when people need it best.
Most of the shows begin in the morning when people (especially the businessmen) prepare to get
out of the home. After watching the early morning analysis on the television show, they could
take the necessary decisions for the day.

Model Answer 2:

Listening to the radio is my hobby and regularly I listen to the NBN radio based in Beirut. I have
become a fan of a radio presenter named Adib Adnan. He is a great radio jockey and runs his
event very well. Thank you for the question. It is really an interesting matter to discuss the
hobbies. I will tell about Adib and his radio show now.

He presents the show early in the morning. The show is filled with the necessary information to
begin the day. It provides information like weather update, traffic conditions in the city, news
headlines and more other issues which are necessary before starting a day. Actually, I listen to
the show before moving to my office and the information is highly beneficial for me. He also
hosts another show in the noon, but I am unable to listen that as at that time I work at my office.
I am a regular listener of his show. It is a must for me to get the updates on the traffic condition
of the day. The distance between my office and my residence is over eight kilometres. So, I need
to know the traffic updates lest I do not be the victim of traffic congestion. Besides, based on the
weather forecast, I take precautionary measures when I know the weather is stormy. On the other
side, the show cracks some interesting jokes which are interesting to listen and laugh silently. It
refreshes the mood of mine before getting out of the home. So, I do not miss the show. While
taking breakfast, I switch on the radio from my cell phone and listen to the show with my wife.
She also has become a fan of this show with me.

The host, Adib Adnan has a distinctive style of presentation. He has a clear pronunciation of
speeches and selection of words is really outstanding. He can describe the situations in a special
way. For his description, trivial matters turn important to his listeners. In fact, he owns the
natural capacity to enchant his listeners. And I think he is a genius in this matter. His voice is
deep, loud and charming. He talks about various issues in the show. And the most important
thing is that he provides some real-life tips which prove really beneficial for the listeners.
Moreover, he has a question-answer session in the show and the listeners can make phone calls
or send text SMS about their problems. Specialists answer the question instantly and this is an
important feature of the show.

I like the radio presenter for many reasons. I have listened to some other radio shows but none of
them appeared so interesting as the show of Adib. Furthermore, the show is broadcasted at a
convenient hour. Before going to the office, in the morning, I have some moments that I can use
for my own. Listening to the radio and taking the breakfast is such an activity that helps me to
plan for the day accordingly. But the most attractive thing of the show is the presentation of
Adib. With his innovative style, he represents everything to his audience. On the other side, there
are fewer advertisements on this part of the day in radio, and particularly the show of Adib.
Based on all such grounds, I like the radio presenter most.

ELTS Cue Card Question 90 With Model Answer:

Describe a TV or radio presenter you like.

You should say:

 what program he/she presents

 how often you watch/ listen to him/her
 what s/he does or talk about

and explain why you like this TV or radio presenter.

Model Answer 1:

With a pleasant personality, the television anchors make a berth among the audience, globally. In
India, I prefer programs anchored by beautiful presenter Ayesha Faridi.
Principally she is a news presenter and anchors business news events at CNBC TV18 and had
continued with the television station since 2003 to 2010, right before joining at ET Now. She
usually anchors several programs for the television channel and those include the flagship
morning shows, including Power Breakfast, Your Stocks, Bull’s Eye, Bazaar, India Market
Wrap, Midcap Radar, The Market and First Trades, few afternoon shows, Market @ Lunch,
Riding The Bull, The F&O Show etc. She presents the news and information on different issues
and analyses the issues critically. She is also assigned to analyze sector-based reports, a variety
of current business trends, fundamental issues of business organizations, presenting investigative
reports on the local business climates, general news on finance, and sometimes she is also
responsible to link with the external traders and business corporations to get information for
reports and more other tasks.

I am an irregular television viewer and mostly watch news only from different channels. But I
frequently watch her shows particularly the morning shows. On the shows, she gravely analyses
the business issues and prospects of the day for different business companies and organisation.
Her micro and macro level analysis help to get ideas about the business situations of any specific
company. She analyses the facts with proper information and in some cases, she interviews
different renowned business people or economists to bring out the hidden facts and analyse them
before the audience. She never presents any news or information without any proper reference
and keeps the record too for future use.

As a business journalist, market analysing expert and television anchor, she mostly discusses the
business issues in her shows. She talks about different aspects, the past present and the future of
any specific business corporation. Sometimes the discussions become lively and help investors to
decide over taking decisions including raising the investment or improving the products
conditions and more other relevant phases. Since the discussions are based on the business and
the current context, the business people get ideas to resolve their troubles. Mostly the renowned
corporations and multinational companies are the regular audiences of her events. Not only she
presents the news, she also takes expert opinions for the betterment of any specific sector which
is also a beneficial factor for her audience.

I like Ayesha Faridi than any other news presenters for her superb personality and news
presentation style. When she speaks, she speaks very clearly. Her pronunciation both the Hindi
and English words are adorable and appear natural, and free of all local tones. Moreover, she
always picks the best among the experts to opine in her show so that the audience could have a
real scenario of the situation and the expert suggestions to recover. Airing time is another fact
behind preferring her shows. All her shows are aired at the perfect time when people need it best.
Most of the shows begin in the morning when people (especially the businessmen) prepare to get
out of the home. After watching the early morning analysis on the television show, they could
take the necessary decisions for the day.

Model Answer 2:

Listening to the radio is my hobby and regularly I listen to the NBN radio based in Beirut. I have
become a fan of a radio presenter named Adib Adnan. He is a great radio jockey and runs his
event very well. Thank you for the question. It is really an interesting matter to discuss the
hobbies. I will tell about Adib and his radio show now.

He presents the show early in the morning. The show is filled with the necessary information to
begin the day. It provides information like weather update, traffic conditions in the city, news
headlines and more other issues which are necessary before starting a day. Actually, I listen to
the show before moving to my office and the information is highly beneficial for me. He also
hosts another show in the noon, but I am unable to listen that as at that time I work at my office.

I am a regular listener of his show. It is a must for me to get the updates on the traffic condition
of the day. The distance between my office and my residence is over eight kilometres. So, I need
to know the traffic updates lest I do not be the victim of traffic congestion. Besides, based on the
weather forecast, I take precautionary measures when I know the weather is stormy. On the other
side, the show cracks some interesting jokes which are interesting to listen and laugh silently. It
refreshes the mood of mine before getting out of the home. So, I do not miss the show. While
taking breakfast, I switch on the radio from my cell phone and listen to the show with my wife.
She also has become a fan of this show with me.

The host, Adib Adnan has a distinctive style of presentation. He has a clear pronunciation of
speeches and selection of words is really outstanding. He can describe the situations in a special
way. For his description, trivial matters turn important to his listeners. In fact, he owns the
natural capacity to enchant his listeners. And I think he is a genius in this matter. His voice is
deep, loud and charming. He talks about various issues in the show. And the most important
thing is that he provides some real-life tips which prove really beneficial for the listeners.
Moreover, he has a question-answer session in the show and the listeners can make phone calls
or send text SMS about their problems. Specialists answer the question instantly and this is an
important feature of the show.

I like the radio presenter for many reasons. I have listened to some other radio shows but none of
them appeared so interesting as the show of Adib. Furthermore, the show is broadcasted at a
convenient hour. Before going to the office, in the morning, I have some moments that I can use
for my own. Listening to the radio and taking the breakfast is such an activity that helps me to
plan for the day accordingly. But the most attractive thing of the show is the presentation of
Adib. With his innovative style, he represents everything to his audience. On the other side, there
are fewer advertisements on this part of the day in radio, and particularly the show of Adib.
Based on all such grounds, I like the radio presenter most.

ELTS Cue Card Question 89 With Model Answer:

Describe a fascinating job that you heard about.

You should say:

 where you heard about this job

 what kind of job it is
 what skills are required for this job
and explain why you think it is a fascinating job.

Model Answer 1:

Jobs are necessary to live on and meet the expense (in a practical sense) while some of the jobs
are highly interesting, inspiring and the performing the assigned responsibilities turn into their
pleasure what they always want to execute.

I heard about Google jobs; that is merely not a job, it is a dream for many of the people. The job
makes the life easier and comfortable and the authority cares about everything even the family
members of the employees are under constant observation lest they are not feeling discomfort in
the absence of the family member working with Google at its office. I heard about the job from
one of my friends, employed at Google - the largest search engine for serving all sorts of your
needs related to data, as a visual designer. All the members of the organisation live like a family
and the outsiders cannot imagine the inside working conditions and the intimacy and internal
relations among the employees. My friend, Roland Smith, was happy when he was describing his
working conditions to me at an informal meet.

He is mostly a designer and makes numerous designs after instructions. The most relevant tasks
include making iconography, changing colour, making space and texture, inspiring the end level
users to interact with the colourful logos or products and making the navigation easier for the
users. He is also assigned to make the products beautiful. His role begins from concept building
to execution of the design and sometimes there is budgeted time to accomplish the job while
sometimes he has the option to do the works after his will. He is to work based on the user-end
principles and sometimes has to work in a team of versatile designers. Behavior analysis is
another important fact for him before starting the design and based on his former experience, he
is a perfect weaver in making designs which people love using.

To get the job of a visual designer in Google, there are minimal and preferred qualifications
which are required. Firstly, the applicant has to obtain a graduate degree in designing like visual
communication, graphic design, industrial product design or firsthand experience for a specific
time period. Besides, the designs should be superb and easy understanding. Knowing some
coding languages will also count. Familiarity with the contemporary photo editing platforms like
Photoshop, Fireworks etc. would be advantageous for the candidate to strengthen his or her
candidature. Sometimes, the candidate may require leading a team of diversified designers and
motivate them into weaving the right design. Moreover, the candidate has to be problem-solving
and use of ready wit is a must for him or her to get the responsibilities done smoothly.

In this current age, the number of unemployed youths is on the rise across the globe. A large
portion of the youths are educated and have no jobs in their bags. Thus they are getting engaged
into diversified position regardless of their preference as they need to live on. They lack the job
satisfaction for numerous reasons and at the end of the day, they drop out of their track. They
cannot shine in their career. But in Google, an employee does not need to think of his or her
career. They are entitled to numerous benefits which is a dream for many of the youths. The jobs
are secure and stable. When the employees are at the office, they even do not need to think of the
other family members as Google takes care of the rest. So, they can work with as much
concentration as they can. Therefore, I think this is a highly fascinating job.

Sample Answer 2:

A good number of jobs pay a high salary to employees but the number of such jobs is limited.
Besides, the jobs are not for all, it requires a special set of skills too. The job of air pilot is one of
them. This is an interesting question to answer and thank you for asking me about it.

I first about the job to one of my relatives who is an airline pilot by profession. He came to our
house to attend a ceremony. While he was gossiping with others, I was beside him and came to
know about the job. He described the job responsibilities, salaries, other benefits and more other
issues related to the job. I was amazed hearing the facts behind the job of air pilot. In fact, this is
a dream job for many. But I was surprised hearing about the skills it required and the benefits
they received in exchange for their service.

The job of the airline pilot is extremely competitive. The demand for skilled pilots is on the rise
but in comparison, the number of such pilots is fewer. So, the airline industry is always busy in
seeking a suitable air pilot for them. Besides, the career is also filled with responsibilities and
risks. But there are ample options to travel across the world and enjoy the life. The airline pilot is
mostly responsible for flying with passengers or cargo from one place to another. The flying
purpose may differ based on situations like it may be for commercial or relaxation purposes.
Two pilots are needed to run an aeroplane and fly. Both of them execute their responsibilities in
turn as often the journey becomes dull. In fact, sitting in the cockpit and navigate the aeroplane is
really a troublesome matter if you do not have any means of relaxation.

The job of an airline pilot requires a good number of skills. Firstly, the pilot needs to know the
aeroplane function. In fact, if the pilot lacks the knowledge about the aircraft, it would be
impossible to fly it. Besides, the airline pilot also needs to know about the weather, flying routes,
necessary information about the passengers, drafting flight plans, know about the altitude facts
and more other issues. The pilot also needs to know about the fuel and other necessary
information about refuelling or fuel consumption issues. Besides, the pilots also need to take
safety training so that they can control everything during any emergencies. Further, the pilots
need to be flexible in terms of work hours. In fact, this is not a routine job and the works hours
may extend based on necessity. It may happen that a pilot needs to stay out of home for weeks.
This is also a part of their skills that they need to exercise regularly.

This is a fascinating job for me for multiple reasons. This is a job which is filled with excitement.
As an airline pilot, you are flying with an aircraft filled with cargo or passengers. Besides, there
are ample chances to visit other countries for almost with a minimal cost. Besides, the salary is
the other important thing for an airline pilot. The salary varies based on aircraft and airline
company. But the starting salary is amazing and can surprise the ordinary people. With the
increase of experience, the salary range also climbs up. I am also fascinated with the working
hours. The regular working hour begins from 9.00 am and ends at 5.00 pm while there is
diversity in this job. For all the reasons, I am charmed with the job of an airline pilot.
IELTS Cue Card Question 88 With Model Answer:

Describe a decision which you have made that you feel was wrong.

You should say:

 what the decision was and why you made that decision
 how long it took to realize that it was a wrong decision
 why you think it was a wrong decision you made

and explain how you would alter that decision if you could.

Model Answer 1:

Learning a language requires some specific set of qualities like patience, willingness,
perseverance etc. but my unstable nature lacks the all of those to continue something important
for me. I failed to learn the German language.

I have some business relations with Germans and they frequently contact me over different
business issues, and unfortunately, it was troublesome to speak English with them. I had to
repeat the statements several times during the telephonic conversations or had to make the issues
clearer on email correspondence breaking down the statements into very simple sentences. So, I
decided to learn the German language. I was in a dream of discoursing with the Germans fluently
in their native language and they were amazed by my aptitude in German. But all my dreams
shattered when my language instructor asked me to speak something in German after attending
for a month. My failure to speak German took me out of the course.

When I ran out of German Words, I could not continue the conversation with the instructor and
the situation was embarrassing for me. All the mates laughed at me and I felt a deep sense of shy
for my inability to speak German. So, I thought if I cannot speak German with the instructor,
how could it be possible for me to speak with the natives? As a result, I gave up attending classes
for the next class. The class used to be held thrice in a week and I started missing the classes
after passing one and a half month with the course. I thought that I should keep communicating
with the clients as I am doing now and that is much better than being ashamed before the class.

After attending the course for the first day, I started communicating with the clients in German
and they appreciated me on hearing about my German learning attempt. I used English to
German dictionary for communication with them and gave up the dictionary after the course
admission. The troubles started to arrive when the Germans asked me numerous issues in their
native language and it was difficult for me to decipher. About one month later, after leaving the
course, I realised that truly it is tough for me to communicate in an unskilled way. Translating
German into English consumed more time and sometimes I could not get the right meanings too
which lead to minor misunderstanding between my client and me.
It was a wrong decision for me. I did not realise the importance of the language. It is natural that
when you have something to your hand, you will not feel the weight until you are dropping that.
The same event happened to me. The necessities emerged right after the moment I left the
course. If I continued learning the language, I could have a better communication with them. I
had to count the financial losses as well my emotional state.

If I had the option to go back into the class, I would take the chance. But they only admit
students for twice in a year and now I have to wait for the next admission announcement. If I get
the chance to get admitted to the course again, I will be attentive than ever and will follow the
instructions too. It has become a must for me to learn the language for my professional purpose.

Sample Answer 2:

When I got admitted to the higher secondary class, I took a subject - Statistics. In fact, it was one
of the wrong decisions of my life. I took the subject like a fool without being aware of the course
details. Thank you for the question and it reminds me how stupid I was in my college days. I will
describe the event now.

In my college days, I got a chance to take an additional subject that will help to increase my
overall score. In fact, the subject aimed to hike the CGPA of the students. So, most of the
students took the subject as per their will. In line with them, I also took a subject and later found
that it was one of the complicated one. I had to take the decision as it was a must for every
student to choose the subject. There were no alternatives. But I made a wrong decision by
picking the subject – Statistics.

It took a short time to realise the mistake. I was actually amazed by the name of the subject. The
name and its spelling charmed me too much. So, I was in love with the subject. After the
admission, the classes were held. On the first day of Statistics class, I came to know that it was
related to numerous mathematical issues. I was afraid of mathematics and wanted to get rid of it
in my college days. Suddenly I realised that it was not for me. And I made a wrong decision in
my life. Luckily, I was able to change the subject and took computer science instead. I cannot
imagine the situations anymore. If I continued with the subject, surely I had to fail in the course
only for the mathematical issues alone. Besides, there were some other theories that I failed to
understand too. So, finally, I gave up the subject.

It was a wrong decision for many reasons. Generally, people prefer to read books which they like
most. During the academic activities, they are attracted to the subjects which they get interested
in. The scenario was similar to me. Initially, I took the subject without knowing anything about
it. Later I realised that it was the wrong decision for me. I had no interest in solving the
mathematical terms and equations. In a word, I lost interest in it. So, if I continued the subject, I
would not have a very good score and the poor grades might have influenced my overall CGPA.
So, the idea of taking Statistics appeared wrong to me. In fact, it was not possible to go with the
things that I do not like. The subject was the same for me.

I have altered the decision and it was only my luck that allowed me to do so. After a few days of
the class, there was a notice from the college authority about changing such subjects. Many of
the students have changed the subjects at that time. This is the generosity of the school authority
that it allows the students to change such subjects. I was also happy by altering the subject and
scored a remarkable score on the final exam. It is a remarkable event of my life. Thought the
past, I have made many wrong decisions and I do not blame myself for the mistakes. They were
my learning and now I do not have such mistakes. I know how to take the right decision.

ELTS Cue Card Question 87 With Model Answer:

Describe a present you have given to someone.

You should say:

 who you gave it to

 what kind of present it was
 how it compares to other presents you have given

And explain why you decided to give this particular gift.

Model Answer 1:

Attending birthdays is really awesome. You will have the chances to meet and greet the friends
and family members and the occasion is more important for the birthday boy or girl as they
receive exciting gifts on the day.

Last week, I was invited on the 13th birthday of my niece, Samantha, who lives in the downtown
of New York. She has entered into her teenage which is the most important exciting issue for us
all. My present was a pleasant surprise for her. All the other invited guests also brought attractive
presents for her on the day. Samantha is the older daughter of my sister and her parents take
enough care of her. She is intelligent and smart in her behaviour than the other girls of her age.
Besides, she is brilliant in her academic activities and often achieves the first position on her

Since she loves to study, I presented her with a book. The book is not similar to the
contemporary books rather it was filled thousands of different known and unknown words. Yes, I
gave her a dictionary. It was Oxford-Hachette French to English/English to French Dictionary as
she was willing to go to France in the summer next. Thereby, she was trying to learn French. I
noticed her determination to learn French and she already admitted her to a French learning
centre. The dictionary is bilingual and been continued since 1994. This is the first dictionary that
was written with computer assistance and contains over 300,000 words. Though there are several
editions are still available, I collected the latest edition published in 2007.

My niece was highly glad having the dictionary. She received many other gifts like storybooks,
clothes, ornaments and even a large-sized Barbie doll on the occasion but she liked my present
most. She considered the gift as a divine blessing for her as she was struggling with her home
tasks assigned from her French class. She thanked me warmly for the gift and said that she would
also bring something special for me when she will return after her France trip. Samantha was so
excited after unwrapping the present that she became speechless for few moments. It appeared
the Oxford-Hachette French to English/English to French Dictionary was a great surprise for her.
She hugged me warmly for the present.

During the present selection, I emphasise on the necessity of the individual whom I am offering
the gifts. When I am invited, I take the most important things that could be of immediate use to
the host. I like to think practical. Taking fancy elements as presents to be hung on the doorsteps
is out of my nature. When I learnt that Samantha was learning French, I thought a dictionary
would be helpful for her to learn the language. Once I admitted myself to a German language
learning school but could not continue as I did not have a dictionary. Thereby, from my own
experience, I offered the present to her.


Answer 2:

I love to meet people in a social gathering. But to be there, one needs to take some sort of
presents for the host. And in this case, I love to present books to my hosts. In almost all the
cases, I have presented books and the receivers were highly glad about the gifts. Thank you for
the question. I think this is an interesting way to make people surprised.

Last week, I had to attend a marriage anniversary of my colleague, Jones and Caroline. Both of
them are a good person. It was their second marriage anniversary and being an intimate friend of
their family, I was invited as a guest. So, I selected a collection of books for them. After
receiving the gift, Caroline was too happy and thanked me so much for this nice selection. In
fact, she was planning to buy some books and the one I gave her was on the list too.

When I present a book to someone, I try to provide the complete collection of the author or the
series. This is a bit expensive issue for me but I do not care much about the expenses when I see
the smiling faces of the receivers. This time I planned to present the collection of Sherlock
Holmes to the couple and accordingly got the collection. But to get the books, I had to move to
places. I could not find the entire collection at a single place. So, I had to move in several
bookselling stores here in Paris to make the collection complete. Finally, after moving in several
bookstores, I was able to gather the entire collection. Besides, carrying the books to the event
was another issue for me. The size of the books was large and I also experienced some troubles
while wrapping the books. But at last, I was able to take the books to the intended recipients.

I think presenting books to people is a wise decision. Books are the best friends of human. They
provide with the required knowledge to lead a life. They also amuse the readers. So, the value of
books cannot be compared to the other objects. Usually, people take some material things as
present to attend any ceremony. And the range of such list is wide which cannot be measured.
But those are measurable in terms of money. It is only the books which cannot be measured in
terms of money or any other material stuff. It contains the knowledge that can change lives and it
did so in the past. Books are also known as the storehouse of knowledge. The pages are filled
with the knowledge of centuries that anyone cannot buy. So, when someone receives books as
gifts, they are lucky.

I decided to give books as gifts for several reasons. First of all, when people will have books,
they will read it and gain some knowledge that they did not have before. They will be enriched in
terms of intellect and consequently, they will turn wise. They can apply the wisdom to improve
their life and living. Moreover, they will have a pleasure that they will not get into anything else.
It is a kind of wealth for them. Besides, when the books are showcased, they also look good and
brings a sense of beauty for the people who showcase them. So, based on all the grounds, I have
decided to give this gift in particular.

IELTS Cue Card Question 86 With Model Answer:

Describe a news story you have read or heard about recently.

You should say:

 what it was
 when you heard / read it
 what you thought about it

And explain why you remember this news story.

Model Answer 1:

Watching or reading news is the best way to expand one’s knowledge and aiming to keep myself
updated with the latest happenings across the world, I watch the news on television and read
them as well either on online or the hard copy.

When I was browsing the (in fact I visit the website at least twice a day), a news story
titled - ‘How to lose a job in 30 seconds’ attracted me. I thought that the news story is about
offering suggestions to give up a job within half a minute. But when I entered the story, it was a
different thing. is one of the largely browsed news website and channel across the
globe and there are a good number of watchers and readers are going through the information
and stories aired or uploaded on its website. If you miss something on the channel, you can have
the option to catch the particular story on the website.

Well, I usually browse the website at my office and in fact, this is the first task for me to check
the website for the latest happenings. I check the website and its uploaded stories of varied
interest. Before starting my work, I try to learn the current situation of the world which is also a
part of my job. During the website visitors in the morning at the office, the story caught my
attention. I was amazed by the witty title and started reading the story with high attention. I
needed to know about the ways of irritating the superior authority in cases when they cast
unwanted loads to me despite being inactive round the day.
At first, it appeared that the story is about performing tasks that will risk one’s job and will
eliminate the employee within few seconds. But when I clicked on the link, a different thing
appeared. It told that the first half minute is enough for the employer to allow the job to you or to
reject you. If you cannot exhibit the right manner and etiquette during your interview, the
employer will reject you in the first sight. Following some studies, the brain decides within the
first 30 seconds whether to like or dislike any individual. But I interpreted the meaning in the
opposite way. The story also read that to be count among the others, an individual needs to be
well prepared in every issue related to the job.

The news story is an ever remembering one for me only for the title. Merely a title is enough to
make the audience feel attracted to a specific news story. I have saved the news and sometimes
have a look at the texts dealing with the importance of professional etiquette. When the news
story title is not attractive, the readers tend to leave them and move to the next news story. The
statement is true for all of the readers. I also should have skipped the news if the title was not a
teasing one. The title trickily attracts the readers and this is the skill of the news-makers or
editors that they are able to tease the readers with a bunch of small words. Even the useless
words become lively when they are well organised by an expert brain.

Model Answer 2:

I cannot usually manage time to read newspapers and rely on television news instead. In fact,
after passing a hefty day at the office, it is impossible for me to go through the newspapers.
Rather watching television is preferable to me. And recently I have watched a news on Al
Jazeera television. It was about the birth of 10 kids at a time by a mother in the Netherlands.
Thank you for the question and it reminds me of the interesting event.

The news presenter termed it as an interesting news for its nature. In fact, I have never heard
such news before. Thus it was interesting to me as well. A lady has given birth to 10 children at a
time. It was special news for all, particularly to the family of the lady. I was glad that all the
babies were in good health and there were no health complexities as well.

Usually, I watch television early in the morning and before going to bed at night. So, when I was
preparing to go to bed, I switched on the television set and came to know about the news. The
new presenter was talking about the international news and suddenly presented the report. I was
glad that everything went right as those were supposed to be. In fact, there are some complexities
about such issues. The woman underwent a C-section for the delivery process of the children. All
the children were in good shape and health in line with the mother. The news also showed the
pictures of the kids and the family. It showed that father of the kids was happy and the kids were
placed on a large table in a sequel. There was a small interview with the mother and she
expressed her happiness. She also sought to bless for her newborn babies to all.

The news appeared special to me. It was a different experience for me. The mother was too lucky
to have the children. Actually, this is a blessing for her from the Creator. She will have a nice
and a happy life ahead. But there were some other thoughts as well in my mind. I thought that it
would be really difficult for the man and his wife to take of the children together. When the kids
will grow up, they would be unable to take care of them properly. And there would be some
chaos as well in the family. Maintaining the family will be a big issue. When the kids will start
noise together, the parents will be unable to control the situation. But on the other side, it would
be fun too to be with the nice kids at home.

This was an interesting news to me. At present, the entire world is filled with chaos. Many of the
superpowers are engaged in a clash to establish supremacy. The number of pleasant news is
decaying. So, the news on arrival of 10 souls on the planet this was special to me. Hope they
would be a good human in future.

ELTS Cue Card Question 85 With Model Answer:

Describe your favourite means of transport.

You should say:

 what is it
 when and how often you use it
 why you use it

And explain why it is your favourite transport.

Model Answer 1:

Based on the importance, transportation is termed as the most important fact and we cannot do
without it for a single day. Amid different types of transportation mode, I prefer the bicycle.

A bicycle is a very common and popular transportation mode and is available around the world.
It is mostly used for its light and easy carrying system and for its health benefits as well. The
wheels are attached to a frame for smooth movement. It was introduced in the beginning of the
19th century and due to its easy operation, it became famous globally. Interestingly, the number
of bicycles produced after its invention has surpassed the number of automobiles. Bicycles are
the key transport modes in the backwards geographical locations. It also helps the riders to keep
fit as they are to drive it using its foot pedals.

Traffic congestion is a frequent event in my locality in India and most of the time I get late for
my office. I have bought a bicycle mostly to go to my office and use it not only for reaching
office I use it to go other places as well. I can reach my office in due time and also could reach
the other necessary places without getting late for the appointments. Besides, I can have access
to a bicycle where even a motorbike cannot enter. So, the riding on a bicycle is beneficial for me.
If I use public transports, I have to stand in a queue to get on the vehicle. Moreover, the traffic
congestion occurs more during the office hours. So, I ride my bicycle to reach the destinations,
particularly at the office before it is late.
Riding a bicycle has numerous benefits. Firstly, it makes you fit on each of your rides every day.
The bicycle requires physical labour to ride on. You are to pedal the cycle using your legs to
move on and that pedalling requires a lot of physical energy. It helps to burn the fat, strengthens
your leg muscles, ankles and feet and thus makes you fit physically into your daily activities.
Moreover, you could reach your destinations quickly and could also move to places where
motorbikes cannot enter easily. Riding a bicycle is much better than running in the morning or
evening. So, I started using the bicycle in my everyday transportation.

A bicycle is my preferred mode of transportation for different reasons. Firstly, it is economic to

ride on a bicycle as the price of fuels and gas is on the rise. So, if you are on your bike, you are
saving your bucks. Secondly, riding helps to feel you relaxed physically. As you are riding, you
are having physical exercise and that will remove all your stresses away. Besides, it helps to lose
the unwanted weights from your body and regular riding will change your shape and also will
improve your stamina. Safety is another issue which is rarely found in the other transportation
mode. When you are riding, you will pedal after your needs and there is no need to start racing
with the other vehicles, thus there are comparatively fewer chances of accidents.

Model Answer 2:

Having a private vehicle for movement is a blessing and I am blessed in this sense. I have a
motorbike of my own and I am in love with it. In fact, this is the favourite means of transport for
me. I can move very easily inside the city and can reach my destinations. Thank you so much for
the interesting question and I will describe the matter now.

A motorbike is the blessing of the modern day. In fact, without the help of motorbike, it is really
troublesome for people to reach their destinations in exact time. It saves time to the greatest
extent. Besides, a motorbike can move in places where other vehicles, including bicycles, cannot
move. Moreover, two riders can ride on a motorbike which is another benefit for me. When I
used to ride a bicycles, I did not get such privileges as I have now with my Hero Splendour

I frequently use the motorcycle and ride it almost round the week. I need to move many places.
So, I get out of the home in the morning and return at night. And I am on motorbike round the
day. In fact, this is my job that requires a long motorbike drive. I am a regional sales manager
here in Mumbai and need to visit many places for numerous purposes. So, I need the motorbike
ride every day. Before having the motorbike, I used to travel in public transports. But that was
troublesome for me. I was unable to meet my clients in due time and made late always. Besides,
wastages of time during the traffic congestions and waiting for public transports was unbearable.
As a result, my performance declined to a notable extent. Even I was unable to meet the monthly
sales targets sometime as I could not coordinate everything. So, I got the motorbike and now
everything this is fine.

I mostly use the motorbike for communication purposes. I need to travel different places every
day for multiple purposes. Sometimes I need to meet clients, or I need to supervise my sales
executives. Besides, I frequently need to visit the market to know the latest updates about the
products of our competitors. On the other side, sometimes I need to use it for my personal
reasons. My daughter needs to go to her school every morning and I use the motorbike for
dropping her at the school. Often I take the motorbike for having a relaxing trip to the most
visiting places in the city. So, it appears that I use the motorbike for a good number of reasons.

This is my favourite mode of transport for some reasons. When I used to ride of public
transports, I needed to pay the fair and at the end of the day, I found that I have paid a huge
amount for my communication. So, it was a kind of financial damage to me. But now, the
scenario is different. I am having no more such financial losses for transportation. Besides, this is
a speedy mode of communication and I can teach places in time. I can save time and spend the
extra hours for productive activities. In a word, I am free to go wherever I want and any time of
the day. Based on all the grounds, my motorbike is my favourite mode of transport.

ELTS Cue Card Question 84 With Model Answer:

Describe your ideal home or place to live.

You should say:

 where it would be
 how big it would be
 what it would contain

And explain why this kind of accommodation would attract you so much.

Model Answer 1:

A home provides a safe shelter for all the beings regardless of humans or animals. So, it should
be comfy and well decorated for everyone.

I mostly prefer a living place that should be spacious and there should be plenty of foliages
around me. Usually, such locations are unavailable in the cities and thus I prefer rural areas. If
the there is a lake or pond beside my home, that would be preferable to me. A serene atmosphere
is the best place to make one’s own home and I prefer a similar space which will be filled with
serenity and the surrounding environment will be quiet. The environment should be natural and
every moment living in the house will be enjoyable. But the best house for me would be near any
sea beach where I could enjoy the sunset and sun rising scenes.

I do not need a hugely built furnished house to live in but it should be moderately spacious.
Provision for natural light is a must for the house and it should also contain standard size
windows for ventilation. Besides, the house should have at least three rooms for my necessities.
One should be the master bedroom for my sleeping, and there should be another small bedroom
for guests with a medium living room. Besides, there should be wide verandah where I could set
a chair to enjoy the surrounding natural beauty. I would appreciate a two-storied building built
on a small piece of land where the bedrooms will be on the first floor and the living room on the
ground. , and if such homes are unavailable a single storied home with the same facilities will do
for me.

The house should have three rooms at least with proper ventilation (as I said before) and should
have an enriched library or at least a large size bookshelf. I do not need luxurious furniture but
those should be durable for use and simple in terms of design and style. Heavy curtains should
hang in the window so that I could make the room dark in my needs or during the sleeping hours.
It would be appreciated if the house faces south. The living room will be filled with comfortable
sofas and small tables, few small plants on the corners, a showcase in a corner and the bookshelf
beside the showcase. The wood furniture should be coloured in light black while the walls will
be white or any eye soothing colour. The bedroom should be of light blue colour while guest
room might be like green or orange, and the kitchen should be white. Everything should be
organised in the right way.

I like to live comfortably. Everything should be in the proper manner and order and only those
are found only in an organised home. I also prefer living in a quiet environment filled with
natural environments. I love gardening but since it is impossible to make a garden of my own, I
prefer the house should be surrounded by trees. I want my house to be decorated in a natural and
pleasant a way that it should be the best place of attraction for me. I will come here after a tiring
day and when I will be on the verandah with a cup of tea, the natural environment will make me
feel relaxed.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe your ideal home or place to live." you
should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue cards as well:

 Describe a house or home that impressed you.

 Describe an ideal home you would like to live in.
 Talk about a perfect place you have visited.
 Describe the house you live in.
 Describe a big house or home you have visited.

Model Answer 2:

The definition of an ideal home may differ to people but to me, it is the place where I could take
rest after passing a hefty day. So, it should be in a comfortable zone for me. I am habituated with
living an urban life and so, my living place should be in the same place. Thank you for the
question and it allows me to describe my dream residence.

The place should be in the centre of the city or place. Most of the time, people prefer to live in a
quiet place, but I am the opposite of them. I need a crowded place to live in. In fact, the crowded
places provide some special benefits which are unavailable in the lonely and quiet places.
Sometimes, the quiet places cannot provide an easy access to the people. But living in the centre
of the city will allow you entering your home from any of the directions. Communication is one
of the important issues here to consider.
I am single and do not intend to get married. So, only a two-bedroom flat with a kitchen,
attached bathroom and a veranda will be fine for me. I have few furniture like a reading table,
two pieces of a sofa, an Almira, a small two-chair dining table, a single bed for me and a
medium-sized bookshelf which I use as my library. So, the number of the stuff I need is not
much and I can easily accommodate them on the small flat. Besides, I need some open spaces to
grow my plants. Rooftops are best suited for the purposes. In fact, if the flat is on the rooftop
with the facility, it would be a privilege for me to live in there whatever the rent is. To reduce
power consumption, I use the natural lights and so I do not use any curtain in my living room.
But I control the entrance of light in my bedroom which I use only for sleeping purposes.

To be specific about the issue, I prefer to be happy more than gaining any material things. So, I
want my place to be filled with joy. I need the chance to sip on a cup of coffee and read a book
sitting in the rocking chair or gaze at the sky. The place should also contain the crowds of people
beneath my home and I could enjoy the noises coming out from the crowds. In fact, I want to be
alone amid the crowd and this is one of the special ways to get the feeling. The place should also
come with the proper ventilation system. Security is another important issue. I want it to be
secured. I want to have a safe and sound sleep. But if I am worried about the security, I would
not be able to sleep peacefully. I am a bit sensitive about the fittings, and therefore, the tiles and
other necessary fittings should also be improved.

I am a kind of a wanderer and unable to live with people for a long time. So, I need a place
where I can live my solitary life. But the place should be without issues. I do not want the
slightest trouble while fulfilling my passion. Hence, I need an accommodation where I can have
my inner peace in my own way. But if I live with my family, I will not get such facilities and I
have to follow some strict rules and regulations. Considering all the issues, I prefer such kind of
accommodation for me.

ELTS Cue Card Question 83 With Model Answer:

Describe a book you have recently read.

You should say:

 what the book is

 who recommended it to you
 what you think about the book

And explain whether you enjoyed it or not.

Model Answer 1:

With the hefty duties in my office and at home, I hardly can manage time to read books but have
completed reading ‘Things Fall Apart’ after lots of struggle (for managing time).
Things Fall Apart is a wonderful creation of Chinua Achebe, the Nigerian writer and the entire
story is set on the post-colonial background. The book was composed in 1958 and is also
considered as one of the pioneer novels for modern African literature in the English language.
The book is one of the mandatory books across Africa and in some other countries too for its
historical perspective and story background. The plot of the book is about the life and living of
Okonkwo, the male protagonist of the novel and his protest to leave his own cultures, customs of
his own Igbo society. He prefers killing himself instead of adopting a different religious belief
and customs.

I heard it from my younger brother who is a graduate student and has to study English literature
as one of his compulsory courses. Sometimes, he comes to me with his academic troubles and I
solve those if I could manage time. I noticed a book of red cover and I inquired him about that
specific book. He brought the book to me and I found it was the ‘Things Fall Apart’. Hence, I
was introduced to the book and its author. The interest to read the book grew more when he told
the story in brief to me. It appeared that if I miss reading the book, it will be a great intellectual
loss for me. So, I started carrying the book with me and read three to four pages a day.

In the beginning, it appeared that the book might be some sort of novel related with romance as
the name suggested but my concept was changed when I heard the story in brief from my brother
and also read the book. All the events described in the book taught me to discover things in
different ways and there are numerous things to learn about the ancient culture and society of the
Africans. Usually the modern people term Africans as slow-witted people, but in reality, they are
advanced in many special ways than the modern people. They have their own cultures and
societal norms to follow which is absent among the modern people of the current days.

After reading the book, I realised that this is an extraordinary story of a man struggling with the
post-colonial force to survive with his own customs. He tried his best to make the customs useful
and also wanted that the people should continue exercising the rules of their ancestors. He could
not adjust to the events of transferring religion or religious beliefs and converting to Christianity.
He was in troubles for opposing the missionaries and thus he had to commit suicide. It was his
silent protest against the post-colonial power. His sacrifice for the sake of his belief is the most
important thing that shocked me throughout the book.

Your ability to talk about this topic will enable you to answer the following IELTS cue card
topics also:

 Describe your favourite book.

 Describe an interesting book you have read.
 Describe a book or news story you have recently read.
 Describe a story or book you remember well.
 Describe a famous book in your country.
 Talk about a story that impressed you.
 Describe a book you would recommend others to read.

Sample Answer 2:
Reading books is not my passion at all but I read books to pass my leisure hours. I am also
selective in reading books. Before reading a book, I try to gather some information about it and
then read it. Recently I have read The Godfather. It was a highly interesting book and I loved
reading it. Thank you for the question and I will describe the book for next few minutes.

The Godfather is a popular crime novel. It was written by Mario Puzo, an Italian-American
writer. The book was published first in 1969 and since then has gained massive popularity
among the readers worldwide. The book plot is about a fictional Mafia family and its inner
events. The Mafia family was based in New York. Don Vito Corleone was the head of the family
who came to the state from Italy. The story mostly describes a decade (from 1945 to 1955) and
the events that the Mafia family had to deal with.

The Godfather was recommended by Robert, one of my intimate friends in the college. He asked
me to read the book if I could get a chance. In fact, he praised the book highly and recommended
it as a must for me. Robert also told me that a movie has also been made based on the book plot.
So, I wanted to watch the movie first. But being unable to manage the movie, I read the book.
The starting of the book was a bit different than the other crime thrillers. Gradually I came to
know about the characters and their stories. The writer has skillfully developed the characters
and their inner stories. It is really outstanding to know about the characters and how they react to
any situations. Vito Corleone was a man with cool head and took decisions based on credible
logic. I am in love with this character. I have thanked a ton to my friend for recommending the
book to me.

This is a personal expression of thoughts. So, it is wise not to take the thought so seriously. I
believe that something is needed that may protest against the usual anarchies in the society. But
that should follow some strict rules and regulations. Often the law cannot provide protection to
the people and the guilty people can exploit the laws in their favour. But the system that is
followed by Mafia society is completely opposite. They punish the criminals once the crimes are
proved. Besides, they have a strong network which they use to complete their tasks. The book
also provides a clear indication how strong the Mafias are, and it also provides the knowledge to
be in a good relationship with the families. Besides, the book is written in a matured language
and there are no exaggerations of any events. It appeared that the events were right before my
eyes and it only happened to the skilled writing style.

Yes, I have enjoyed the book to the last line. In fact, it was one of the wonderful books I have
read so far. The events and plot of the books were special to me. In fact, I started believing the
plot as a real one for the writing style of Mario Puzo. I have come to know about few of the
special Italian criminal terms. Though it was a crime novel, I do not think that the characters of
the novel were criminals. Rather, they were following their own rules for survival which created
a new insight on me. So, for all such reasons, I enjoyed the book very much.

IELTS Cue Card Question 82 With Model Answer:

Describe an importation occasion or event (such as a wedding or a celebration)

you have attended.
You should say:

 when and where you attended this occasion

 who else attended
 what you did

And explain how much you enjoyed it.

Model Answer 1:

Social events create the opportunities to get familiarity and interact with unfamiliar people and
also the best way to taste traditional foods. I, recently, went to a marriage anniversary celebration
of my colleague living in Islamabad and enjoyed greatly.

Mr Abdur Rahman Khan, my senior colleague, invited few of his intimate companions to the
celebration. It was his 9th year of togetherness with his wife, two cute kids and other members of
the family. The event was set for the evening and ended with a dinner hosted by Mr Khan and his
adorable wife. I was feeling lucky for being invited to the event. There were many other guests
present at the event and most of them were the relatives of Mr Khan. Besides, the traditional
biryani and other associated foods were great too.

Mr Khan invited the CEO of our office with three other officials including me. Though it was a
formal event, he invited us in an informal manner as if it is nothing to him, but we were surprised
appearing at his residence. The CEO of our office was late for the event and reached after a few
minutes later of us. After reaching, Mr Khan offered us a warm welcome to his home. The
interior of his apartment was stunningly decorated with expensive and pleasant furniture and
show pieces and the guests were busy in chatting. He introduced us to all and then, I with the
other colleagues started discussing different issues with the present guests till the food was

In fact, we were strangers among the relatives of Mr Khan. Therefore, it was an awkward
situation for us. But our CEO is an interesting man and he managed the environment and started
telling jokes about different issues. The jokes were helpful to melt down the ice among the
guests and us. The CEO, then, started a competition and announced for a small prize for the
winner. Since there were kids present at the event, he requested all to avoid inappropriate jokes
before the kids. The joke telling competition continued for half an hour and I was the winner of
my smallest and funniest joke.

I have really enjoyed the event and especially the foods were delicious. Mr Khan’s wife arranged
for chicken biryani and I think I have taken the best ever cooked biryani there. Despite being an
Indian dish, biryani is highly popular in Pakistan and the rice and meats were so soft that they
melted on mouth instantly. Some other mouth-watering foods were also present but I took
biryani more than any other food items. The ceremony was wonderful and turned more enjoyable
for the spontaneous participation of the guests in the joke competition. The event is a memorable
one for me.

Your preparation for this Cue card will help you to answer the following Cue card topics as

 Describe a ceremony or event you remember well.

 Describe a party or celebration you attended.
 Describe a wedding ceremony you have attended.
 Describe a happy event you can remember.
 Describe a party or celebration where a lot of people attended.
 Talk about an outdoor feast or meal you have eaten.
 Describe a typical birthday or wedding ceremony in your country.

Sample Answer 2:

Generally, I do not prefer attending any social events for my introvert nature but last week had to
attend a birthday celebration of a cousin of mine. In fact, my entire family was invited to that
event and I could not avoid that. Thank you so much for the smart question. I will answer it in
brief now.

The birthday event took place at the residence of my cousin. My uncle (his father) is a great
businessman and has arranged a gala party marking the birthday of his daughter who turned 12
this day. So, he invited us all to attend the party. Besides, it was arranged on a weekly holiday so
that everyone could join with them. Accordingly, I had to be there with my parents and other
family members. The event was organised in the evening and ended with the dinner. It was an
interesting experience for me indeed. In fact, it was a social gathering for me after long days.

Almost all the family members of my family including relatives from near and far attended the
event. I also had met with some celebrities as well who have a very good connection with my
uncle. Besides, the house was filled with other guests and invited people who came to attend the
birthday party. My uncle wanted to make a grand birthday party and he did so. He invited all of
his relatives and business partners. In fact, he is a promising businessman here in Shanghai and
deals with export and importing of various types of industrial products. So, his connections are
great. On the other side, my cousin also invited some of her school friends. They came with their
parents. It was a splendid evening and I have not seen such a large gathering before. Everyone
present there were happy and enjoyed the evening.

I actually feel shy to socialise with people. And I am introvert since my childhood. So, in the
beginning, I felt uncomfortable amid the gathering. But after few moments, everything went
normally. I started talking with the guests and my relatives. I also took some photos with the
media celebrities on the occasion. Suddenly, I heard my uncle was calling me by name, and then
I appeared before him. Then he asked me to be with the invited people and take care of them. It
was a huge responsibility on me. But I executed them smoothly. In fact, it was my moral duty to
look after the guests as I was a family member. But due to my shyness, I could not do that and
uncle helped me to get out of my introvert nature. I helped the invited guests to take their meals
and ensured that everyone gets the birthday cake piece. Besides, I also did some other activities
which were necessary for the event.

As I have said, it was uncomfortable in the beginning. But gradually it was removed. I talked
with the people and enjoyed the event, particularly the musical show. A local musical group was
hired to perform on the show and they did very well. On the other side, I also enjoyed helping
the guests in taking their meals. I took a good care of them. So, everyone was happy with my
performance. Finally, when the event was nearly to the end and the guests started leaving the
premise one after another, I felt a sense of empty feeling inside my mind. And I do not know
why it happened. Later I realised that it was my introvert nature that did not allow me to socialise
and now after the socialisation process, I was feeling happy inside me. And for that reason, I
think, I had that sort of feeling. But I enjoyed the event to the last minute.

ELTS Cue Card Question 81 With Model Answer:

Describe an item of clothing you purchased that you didn’t like.

You should say:

 what the clothing is

 where and why you bought it
 what colour and style it is

and explain why you didn’t like it.

Model Answer 1:

Travelling to overseas is always fun for me and I do not miss the chance of shopping during the
trips. Last summer I went to Singapore for an official visit and had bought a faded jeans pant that
I did not like.

I went to Singapore from my office to train up the local employees. The training issues were
diversified and I was stressed after the day-long training. Thereby, I went at Bugis Street to get
some knickknacks and clothing for my family. A Singapore office staff accompanied me. This
was a street market and pretty nice. So, I got some essentials for my family according to their list
and also bought a faded light white-coloured jeans pant for me. The pants looked gorgeous and
the style was different too. Moreover, the price was reasonable too. The seller wanted to sell
another piece of the same colour pants but my wallet vetoed there.

When I arrived at Singapore, my colleagues were saying that the street markets are the place to
get the good things at a reasonable price. Since it was my first visit to the country, I did not have
any clear idea of shopping here and accordingly went to the Bugis Street, one of the largest local
street markets selling a good number of things. A local of the city and our office Singapore
branch employee guided me through the market and helped me cordially to get the desired
things. I bought the pants from the clothing section and I also bought some other attire too for
my family members after their demands on the list. The jeans pant was light white and in colour
with a fade shade and importantly it was the right fit for me.

Usually, I wear tailor-made attires but regarding jeans, I have a specific choice. I prefer the slim
fitting pants and if the pants do not get fit with my body shape, I do not get them. The jeans pant
was the classic style and fitted me perfectly. But there were some designs on the hip pockets and
few fabrics were twisted on the front side which attracted me. There were some other colours
available at the shop like light blue, medium blue, dark blue, faded jeans and more. The light
white faded jeans received my attention.

The jeans pant was fine for me until it was taken to have a wash. It was the first time I gave the
pant with other clothes to be washed at the hotel I was staying in Singapore. When they delivered
the clothing, it was a sad event for me. The faded jeans pant turned more fade. Besides, the
designs in front and back lost their beauty for the cleaning and some of the fabrics were torn too.
When asked about the worst condition, the cleaners replied that the fabric turned weak after it
was washed with soapy water. They also pointed that the fabric quality was not up to the mark
and thereby it was sold in an extremely cheaper rate. In fact, I should have been careful in buying
the jeans pant.

Model Answer 2:

I do not usually like to dress in formal attire, and hence I do not have any formal dress. It may
sound strange to many that I love to be casual always. But recently I had to purchase a formal
jacket that I could not like much. Thank you much for the question and it reminds me of an
abnormal experience of my life that I underwent a few days ago.

I had to buy the formal jacket to attend an interview. I have recently crossed my graduation
barrier and now seeking jobs here and there. As part of the job search, I was selected by a
reputed organisation to be their field representative. They invited me to take part in a formal
interview and asked me to wear formal attire. Accordingly, I had to buy the formal jacket. But I
was quite uncomfortable with the attire and did not use it for long.

I bought the jacket from a local market here in Singapore. In fact, it was not possible for me to
go to a tailor and order for the jacket. So, I bought it from a local formal attire selling the shop.
The shop is specialised in selling formal attire like formal pants, shirts, ties and jackets. I did not
need the other clothing but only the jacket. Besides, it was necessary for me to get a good look
on the interview day as the job was important for me. So, I bought the jacket after a reasonable
haggling with the seller. Initially, the seller asked an unreasonable price. He understood that I
was in a hurry and thus he wanted to get some benefits of my rush. But I got the jacket at a
reasonable price and it was for my wisdom at that moment. I know how clever they are, and if
there were someone else, they would have taken the advantage indeed.

The jacket was black in colour. It was a double-breasted jacket that suited me perfectly. But I
was worried about the colour as they did not mention about the colour of the dress. So, I thought
that black will suit me most. Accordingly, I also wore a white shirt and a red tie with the jacket. I
looked very smart on that day and my family members were happy seeing me in the formal
outfit. In fact, it was a kind of surprise for them to see me in the formal attire. Earlier, they had
tried many times to convince me wearing formal attire. But I declined their requests all the times.
So, they were surprised about the attire and asked me the secret. I smilingly replied it all was
about attending an interview. But they were happy with me now and prayed that I should
continue the outfit, at least I should continue wearing formal pant and shirt.

I could not like the jacket for some specific reasons. I was okay with the pant and shirt. But it
appeared that the jacket was limiting my movements. I could not move my hands freely as I can
do with my T-shirts. Besides, the feeling was unusual to me as I never wore a jacket before. I
was looking smart with the attire outside, but I was feeling a sense of discomfort inside my mind.
I was unable to move my hands and even felt trouble in answering phone calls. Later I realised
that it was my inexperience with the jacket and if I continue wearing it, the movement problems
will be solved. But I did not want to. In a single word, the jacket made me feel caged within. So,
I did not like that.

Part 3: Two-way-discussion

Let's talk about clothes...

Q. What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?


Fashion primarily depends on dresses and attire in Australia and there is no national costume for
the country. But the fashion style is quite different from the other nations like Europeans or
Western. Australian dresses are mostly casual. People usually prefer clothes based on their
climatic conditions, identity and lifestyle and the dresses are designed so. Women prefer short
sleeve dresses, jumpers, maxis, wrap dresses, collarless shirts, tops, skirts etc. with different
styles and they vary on occasions while the males put on polo shirts, jeans, formal shirts and
pants, suits, tie, jackets, trousers etc.

Q. How important is it to wear fashionable clothes in your country?


People here prefer comfort than fashion. The climatic conditions are one the best determiner for
your dress. For instance, if you are in winter, you cannot wear a half sleeve dress and get out for
any event, rather you are to take full sleeve dresses with proper cold preventing attire. When it is
hot in the summer, you are to wear light coloured dresses for your comfort. But the dresses are
fashionable and let you express yourself amid others.

Q. Do older people and younger people wear different coloured clothes?

Commonly the older people start preferring the light coloured dresses while the younger people
prefer the dark. It is a popular culture when people turn older, they start using light coloured
dresses to mark their superiority, and like the other youths of the world, and they use dark and
deep coloured attire.

Now let's talk about spending money on clothes...

Q. Are clothes expensive in your country?


The reasonable price has made the fashion in Australia a common fact for all to participate.
Almost all the people use clothes with different styles and designs and it is supported by the
lower price of attire comparing the other countries. You can get a fine quality pant and a shirt for
men spending around 200 dollars while it is less for the females.

Q. Do people wear more expensive clothes to work in your country?


Australian people are at work use casual dresses for comfortable working hours. Women in
Australia mostly wear skirts and tops with heeled sandals during their work unless there are any
special instructions issued by their respective offices. Males, in Australia, also follow the similar
fashion with comfortable full sleeve shirts, tucked in with formal pants and shoes. Some
professionals wear expensive dresses in workplaces but a majority of Australian professionals
wear casual dressed that are not too much expensive.

Q. Do you think people spend too much money on clothes nowadays?


Currently people spending money for their clothes but it is not in an excessive amount. The
expenses in Australia are moderate comparing the income level of the citizens. There are many
other things to do for a standard living and the earnings are distributed to meet the daily needs of
the citizens. During the shopping, most of the people try to have the required things first and then
invest in their luxury. Similarly, if they need to have new garment, they seek the options to have
the best one within their estimated budget. So, there are fewer chances to spend more for clothes
as it is thought.

IELTS Cue Card Question 80 With Model Answer:

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say:

 who is he/ she

 what is he /she famous for
 what you would do if you meet him /her

And explain why you would like to meet him/ her.

Model Answer 1:

Oscar-winning Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, underwent different transformations in her

life and achieved the highest popularity among the other Hollywood female actress. I would like
to meet her at least once in my life.

I have watched different movies of Angelina Jolie and her performances on those made me
amazed. She is also a social activist and humanitarian in line with her acting career in Hollywood
movies. She is an adorable actress and considered as an asset for Hollywood for her beauty,
acting skill and soft heart. She is the woman with a very special intelligence in the combination
of ready wits, dazzling beauty and all of her performances are outstanding. I have started liking
her after watching the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and have already watched all her movies. In her
career, she played the role of UN Goodwill Ambassador besides her acting. She also gained fame
in her out of screen appearances and activities in international charity programs and gradually
turned the second most wanted female artist in Hollywood.

Born in an actor family in the USA, Angelina Jolie is globally famous for several reasons. Firstly
she is famous for her physical beauty and superb performance. She is able to represent the
characters perfectly which is the cause of envy for the other female actress. On the movies like
Mr & Mrs Smith, Wanted, Salt etc. she has portrayed herself as the right one for the characters.
She is also engaged in different humanitarian activities and mostly works with the refugees.
Frequently she appears on the tabloids for her striking splendour. She became a globally
acclaimed celebrity after her lead appearance on the Tomb Raider series in 2001. She is also
considered as the most bankable actress as all of her movies rock the box offices.

I would like to take a photograph with her at first and then will humbly ask her to describe her
feelings when she is praised by the audience. I will also ask her to describe in brief how she
participated in different adventurous activities and action scenes on the screen. Her life and
living are like a fairy tales to me. She started stage performance from her tender age and became
a model in her 16 and performed in music videos. Her Hollywood career started flourishing since
the mid-1990s and her acclamation was received first after her role in Gia in 1998, but she got
the break with The Bone Collector in 1999. Since I am pursuing modelling in Mumbai, I will
seek some real-life tips from her too.

Angelina Jolie is a benevolent woman in her personal life and her humanitarian activities are not
merely show-off to gain fame. Her humanitarian feature attracts me more than her beauty and
performance skill. She truly is a soft-hearted woman and was deeply touched by the conditions
of the refugees in Cambodia during her shoot of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She, thus, has paid
visits to different refugee camps to learn about the conditions of the people and published a book
named Notes from My Travels and spends the profits for the betterment of the refugees. She is
the only female Hollywood actress who spends one-third of her entire earning for the
humanitarian activities. It is the most important reasons for me to love and meet her. I would like
to get a touch of the generous woman and pass some moments so that I could learn something
useful to be applied in my life.

Model Answer 2:

I feel really good when I meet someone renowned. So far, I have met with a huge number of
celebrities of various countries and now wish to meet with Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio, better
known as Leonardo DiCaprio. He is a versatile artist and has performed in many cinemas made
in Hollywood. Thank you for the smart question, and I will answer it in brief now.

Leonardo DiCaprio is not only an actor, he is also a producer. He began his career by television
commercial and then got involved in television series. His film career began in 1991 and since
then he has been starring in various kinds of movies. The most important thing about him is that
he is able to get into the character he is performing and has praised for his roles everywhere. But
recognition for him appeared in 1995. He established himself as a romantic hero with his
outstanding performance.

He is famous for his extraordinary role in the movie ‘Titanic’. The movie brought him fame
across the world. The movie also was one of the highest grossing movies made ever. Besides,
Leonardo DiCaprio has also taken part in other famous movies like Romeo + Juliet, Catch Me If
You Can, Gangs of New York, Django Unchained, The Great Gatsby and others. But I think, he
is famous for the role in the movie – Titanic. Besides, he has received many positive criticisms
for his wide range of performances. In fact, his massive uplift began after the year of 2000. By
this time, he experienced a huge number of ups and downs in his career which have enriched him
to be a man of today. Beginning the career as a supporting actor, he is now a heartthrob for many
of his audiences.

Actually, there is nothing more to do for me other than talking with him about his life, his
experiences, ups and downs of life and how he survived the situations. Besides, I have a plan to
make the moment ever reminding, and so I will take some photographs with him. Hunting
autographs was another hobby for me but due to lack of time and attempts, I have almost given
up the habit. So, I also intend to have his autograph in my autograph book. Besides, I want to
pass some quality moments with him and continue conversations for few moments. In fact, I
want to let him know about my passion for him and how I have turned his fan. He is one of the
best actors I have ever known in my life. So, meeting with him would be a great pleasure for me.

I want to meet with him for various reasons. The beginning of his career was not smooth. He
experienced numerous ups and downs in his career. But he kept patience and continued to work
with hard effort. He started focusing on characters and started starring in some selected movies.
Some of his performances are epic and still amuse the viewers. But the most important thing I
have found in him is courage. He is brave enough to take some giant moves even after
maintaining a low profile for long days in the movie industry. But now he is one of the highest-
paid artists of Hollywood. I think I also could have some impressive words from him to survive
in life and deal with challenges. For all such reasons, I want to meet him.

ELTS Cue Card Question 79 With Model Answer:

Describe an important decision you have made.

You should say:

 what it was
 why you made it and how important it was
 whether it was a good decision or not

And explain what effect that decision had on you.

Model Answer 1:

Smoking is undoubtedly a bad habit and I have given it up for the healthy living of myself and
my family around three years ago.

I was a chain smoker and used to smoke around three packets of cigarettes a day. I started
smoking from my teenage (I was 17 or 18 at that time) and smoked numerous cigarettes before I
quit it in my 32. It was a hefty task for me to give up the attraction of cigarettes. But I came to
know that cigarettes contain numerous toxic elements and those create the addiction to the
tobacco. Nicotine is the most prominent element contained in cigarettes and the attraction of
nicotine is more dangerous than getting addicted to heroin. So, I tried my best to get rid of the

During my cigarette smoking tenure, I was having several physical disabilities. There were few
troubles in my respiratory process. Sometimes I felt pain in chest and it appeared that the chest
has become congested. Besides, I lost appetite and could not sleep well at night. Whenever I
used to wake up at night, I lit a cigarette stick and tried to sleep after puffing the entire pieces but
in vain. Gradually the symptoms started bothering me and became the issue of concern to my
family. When consulted the doctor, it came out that the troubles were the detrimental impacts of
tobacco use. But I did not trust his words and continued smoking again. The symptoms were
severe and finally, I had to give up smoking. It was important for me to give up smoking to live a
healthy life.

Certainly, the decision to give up the habit was perfect for me. My health was deteriorating and
all my family members were worried about my health. Smoking has numerous negatives impacts
and I came to know after studying the bad impacts of smoking on the internet. The passive
smokers are more affected than the smokers and I thought that I have damaged the health of my
wife and kids when I smoked cigarettes before them inside my home. I felt guilty for that. In line
with my illness, they also could have developed some other fatal disease but they are fortunately
saved with divine blessings.

I am quite fine now. After giving up smoking, I am feeling fresh, and the respiratory disorders
have gone forever. Now I have fresh breathing and I do not need to take any mouth freshener
before joining any formal events. Besides, the rooms at my home are free of bizarre smells that
produced from the cigarette smoke. Moreover, I am saving money, the remaining money that I
used after having three packets of cigarettes daily. My family members, especially my daughters
are happy now and my relationship with them has become more intimate. Earlier, I did not come
into a close contact with them lest they feel the odours emitted from my body due to smoking,
but now I do not have such issues to consider before going to them to have fun with different
childish ways.

Model Answer 2:

It was really tough for me to take the decision of my marriage. In fact, living in a patriarchic
society, it is really difficult for females to take their own decisions. But I did so and enjoying my
life. Though it was hard for me to get rid of the obstacles, now I have got a happy and prosperous
life for me. Thank you for your great question that reminds me of the challenging days of my

When I got married, I was only a third-year student at a local university here in Singapore. My
parents decided to marry me off but I informed them about my affair with a senior student of the
same university. They disagreed about the issue with me. I tried to understand them that I need to
be happy rather than to be rich. And I would be happy with the person I was in love with.
Finally, I had to take my decision and I got married to him by leaving my family. But everything
is fine now.

I had to take the decision based on some issues. It was not possible for me to be in love with
someone and marry another person. I admit that the person I was in love with belongs to a
middle-income family but I was sure that someday he would be able to change his luck. Now he
is working at a multinational corporation based in Singapore and has elevated himself to the
upper class of the society. On the other side, my parents and relatives had set my marriage with
someone richer than the man I loved. They planned to hold the marriage for the betterment of my
future. But I denied their request. They tried to force me into the arranged marriage while I was
reluctant on the issue. Based on the circumstances, I had to take the decision, and it was
extremely important. If I failed to take the decision, I think the way of my life could have been

To be honest, what I did was wrong. But I also had to consider my future. In fact, before taking
the decision, I was suffering from mental depression. It was about the honour of my family and
on the other side, it was my love. My beloved person was also ready to leave his family for my
sake as there were some such situations in his family. Considering the gravity of the situations,
we married without the consent of our families. When he took me to his family, initially they
were angry and after a few days, everything was fine with them. On the other side, my parents
and other relatives were also worried about the issue and they did not expect such a brave
decision on my part. But finally, both the families came into negotiation and we are happy now.

The decision brought some negative impacts on both the families. My parents became sick and
there were similar situations in his family as well. All of the members became worried and they
also started to move for legal procedures. But suddenly the older brother of my husband came
forward on behalf of their family while my elder brother dealt the issue from my family. With
their cordial assistance, everything went well. But I had to endure some unwanted behaviours
and experience some such situations in both the house. But I ignored them considering the better
future. At present, I have a happy family and I am glad about it. Both the families share a good
bonding. If I would not have taken the decision, everything would not be fine today. So, I often
thank myself for the decision.

IELTS Cue Card Question 78 With Model Answer:

Describe an interesting person you know.

You should say:

 what sort of person this is

 where you first met him/her
 why you met him/her

and explain why you think this person is interesting.

Model Answer 1:

There are different types of people live in the world together and they are featured with
diversified characters. I have met Mr Geffry Ramadin, a man of fun.

Mr Geffry Ramadin is the man who will make you feel comfortable with his companion and you
cannot stop laughing hearing his jokes and the way he talks. Basically, he is a computer engineer
by7 profession and loves to travel. He is filled with vast experiences of travelling in different
parts of the world. The middle-aged man becomes the centre of attraction wherever he starts
talking. His experiences have made him a man with numerous unusual experiences and when he
describes those, the listeners feel thrilled and simultaneously get fun for his interesting
presentation style. He is not a joker but his speeches are filled with humour and you need to have
the sense to taste the humour too.

I met him in the elevator of my apartment. I was waiting on the ground floor for the elevator and
he was standing beside me. At first, we did not have talks but a few moments later, he started
talking over the cellular phone. I came to know that he was the new tenant of the apartment
opposite to mine. Then we got introduced inside the elevator and invited him to be at my place
for some tea breaks. He granted my invitation and then the complete introduction between us
began. Mr Ramadin has lived in different parts of the world for his occupational purposes and
been hired by several globally renowned organisations. Since then, he is a senior friend of mine
and shares numerous interesting issues.

When I pass moments with Mr Ramadin, he teaches me different skills and tells me stories that
were unknown to me. Sometimes, based on his mood, he tells the stories of African people and
their living styles, their cultures and customs, how they have been exploited by the colonial
rulers and survived, the current conditions of their life and many other similar facts. Besides, I
have formed a network with few other neighbours in the apartment building to have chats
regularly in the evening when everyone is back from their works. This is a type of recreational
activity for us.

Mr Ramadin is a man of letters. He also knows how to make people pleased. So, whenever I
meet him, I become pleased after talking with him. When I become stressed for my work or for
any other matters, I share my imbalanced mental and emotional states to him to get some advice
to overcome the complexities. But before I complete the statements, he provides the solutions
and it amazes me most. Whenever I apply for the solutions or work according to the suggestions,
it really works for me. The most important thing is that I cannot continue my imbalanced
emotional atmosphere during the meets with him.

Model Answer 2:

My sudden meet with Austin at a tour was a memorable event in my life and now he has turned
into one of the closest friends of mine. He is a highly interesting character and I admire him for
some of his qualities which are absent among the ordinary people. Thank you for this amazing
question and here is the description of Austin, the interesting man I know.

Austin is an interesting character to me. He does the things in different ways than we do. He is
not funny at all but you will be amazed at his activities. He is adventurous and active. He
remains busy always with some sort of activities. But not all the activities bring money for him,
he performs them for free to remain active and have some adventure. On the other side, he is
caring. He cares for all of his family and friends. He is humble and respects everyone regardless
of their age, caste, creed or colour. All these facts have made him interesting to me.

I went on a short trip in Nevada and he was assigned as the guide for the trip. I met him there for
the first time. In fact, without his help, it was nearly impossible for the group to make the smooth
trip. He was the man who arranged for everything for us. In fact, he arranged for the hotels to
stay in Nevada, arranged for sightseeing and other activities. Besides, he ensured the issue of
security as all of us were new to the place. Actually, it was a trip from my university, located in
Texas, to Nevada to know about the place and gather demographic information of the area. This
was a kind of research field trip from the social science council of the university and we
participated there. Most of the time, we had to remain busy in data collection process, cleaning
the data instantly in the field and entering the data in the software to analyse.

I had to meet with Austin for multiple reasons. The first and most important thing was that I was
not familiar with the location and Austin was a native there. He knew the locations very well and
had some other skills which also appeared important later. Besides, he was the helping hand to
the team who played a great role to make the trip successful. In fact, without the help of Austin,
we could not have made a wonderful trip there. His generous nature and active participation
helped us greatly. Austin also cared for every one of the team and most importantly he was
brave. We actually needed a man like him to pursue our task.

Austin is interesting for many reasons. The most interesting feature of his character is that he is
not boring. He knows very well how to keep people engaged in activities. He is always positive
and brief in his conversation with other. He does not talk with people unnecessarily.
Furthermore, he is a good and active listener. He listens to everyone and then responds
accordingly. When he talks, he talks about the interest of the people he is talking with. So, the
conversation becomes interesting. Besides, when he speaks with other people, he is
straightforward and can tell very good stories to impress them. His way of living and thinking is
completely different from the ordinary individuals. Based on all the reasons, he is an interesting
person to me.

ELTS Cue Card Question 83 With Model Answer:

Describe a book you have recently read.

You should say:

 what the book is

 who recommended it to you
 what you think about the book

And explain whether you enjoyed it or not.

Model Answer 1:

With the hefty duties in my office and at home, I hardly can manage time to read books but have
completed reading ‘Things Fall Apart’ after lots of struggle (for managing time).

Things Fall Apart is a wonderful creation of Chinua Achebe, the Nigerian writer and the entire
story is set on the post-colonial background. The book was composed in 1958 and is also
considered as one of the pioneer novels for modern African literature in the English language.
The book is one of the mandatory books across Africa and in some other countries too for its
historical perspective and story background. The plot of the book is about the life and living of
Okonkwo, the male protagonist of the novel and his protest to leave his own cultures, customs of
his own Igbo society. He prefers killing himself instead of adopting a different religious belief
and customs.

I heard it from my younger brother who is a graduate student and has to study English literature
as one of his compulsory courses. Sometimes, he comes to me with his academic troubles and I
solve those if I could manage time. I noticed a book of red cover and I inquired him about that
specific book. He brought the book to me and I found it was the ‘Things Fall Apart’. Hence, I
was introduced to the book and its author. The interest to read the book grew more when he told
the story in brief to me. It appeared that if I miss reading the book, it will be a great intellectual
loss for me. So, I started carrying the book with me and read three to four pages a day.

In the beginning, it appeared that the book might be some sort of novel related with romance as
the name suggested but my concept was changed when I heard the story in brief from my brother
and also read the book. All the events described in the book taught me to discover things in
different ways and there are numerous things to learn about the ancient culture and society of the
Africans. Usually the modern people term Africans as slow-witted people, but in reality, they are
advanced in many special ways than the modern people. They have their own cultures and
societal norms to follow which is absent among the modern people of the current days.

After reading the book, I realised that this is an extraordinary story of a man struggling with the
post-colonial force to survive with his own customs. He tried his best to make the customs useful
and also wanted that the people should continue exercising the rules of their ancestors. He could
not adjust to the events of transferring religion or religious beliefs and converting to Christianity.
He was in troubles for opposing the missionaries and thus he had to commit suicide. It was his
silent protest against the post-colonial power. His sacrifice for the sake of his belief is the most
important thing that shocked me throughout the book.

Your ability to talk about this topic will enable you to answer the following IELTS cue card
topics also:

 Describe your favourite book.

 Describe an interesting book you have read.
 Describe a book or news story you have recently read.
 Describe a story or book you remember well.
 Describe a famous book in your country.
 Talk about a story that impressed you.
 Describe a book you would recommend others to read.

Sample Answer 2:

Reading books is not my passion at all but I read books to pass my leisure hours. I am also
selective in reading books. Before reading a book, I try to gather some information about it and
then read it. Recently I have read The Godfather. It was a highly interesting book and I loved
reading it. Thank you for the question and I will describe the book for next few minutes.

The Godfather is a popular crime novel. It was written by Mario Puzo, an Italian-American
writer. The book was published first in 1969 and since then has gained massive popularity
among the readers worldwide. The book plot is about a fictional Mafia family and its inner
events. The Mafia family was based in New York. Don Vito Corleone was the head of the family
who came to the state from Italy. The story mostly describes a decade (from 1945 to 1955) and
the events that the Mafia family had to deal with.
The Godfather was recommended by Robert, one of my intimate friends in the college. He asked
me to read the book if I could get a chance. In fact, he praised the book highly and recommended
it as a must for me. Robert also told me that a movie has also been made based on the book plot.
So, I wanted to watch the movie first. But being unable to manage the movie, I read the book.
The starting of the book was a bit different than the other crime thrillers. Gradually I came to
know about the characters and their stories. The writer has skillfully developed the characters
and their inner stories. It is really outstanding to know about the characters and how they react to
any situations. Vito Corleone was a man with cool head and took decisions based on credible
logic. I am in love with this character. I have thanked a ton to my friend for recommending the
book to me.

This is a personal expression of thoughts. So, it is wise not to take the thought so seriously. I
believe that something is needed that may protest against the usual anarchies in the society. But
that should follow some strict rules and regulations. Often the law cannot provide protection to
the people and the guilty people can exploit the laws in their favour. But the system that is
followed by Mafia society is completely opposite. They punish the criminals once the crimes are
proved. Besides, they have a strong network which they use to complete their tasks. The book
also provides a clear indication how strong the Mafias are, and it also provides the knowledge to
be in a good relationship with the families. Besides, the book is written in a matured language
and there are no exaggerations of any events. It appeared that the events were right before my
eyes and it only happened to the skilled writing style.

Yes, I have enjoyed the book to the last line. In fact, it was one of the wonderful books I have
read so far. The events and plot of the books were special to me. In fact, I started believing the
plot as a real one for the writing style of Mario Puzo. I have come to know about few of the
special Italian criminal terms. Though it was a crime novel, I do not think that the characters of
the novel were criminals. Rather, they were following their own rules for survival which created
a new insight on me. So, for all such reasons, I enjoyed the book very much.

ELTS Cue Card Question 82 With Model Answer:

Describe an importation occasion or event (such as a wedding or a celebration)

you have attended.

You should say:

 when and where you attended this occasion

 who else attended
 what you did

And explain how much you enjoyed it.

Model Answer 1:
Social events create the opportunities to get familiarity and interact with unfamiliar people and
also the best way to taste traditional foods. I, recently, went to a marriage anniversary celebration
of my colleague living in Islamabad and enjoyed greatly.

Mr Abdur Rahman Khan, my senior colleague, invited few of his intimate companions to the
celebration. It was his 9th year of togetherness with his wife, two cute kids and other members of
the family. The event was set for the evening and ended with a dinner hosted by Mr Khan and his
adorable wife. I was feeling lucky for being invited to the event. There were many other guests
present at the event and most of them were the relatives of Mr Khan. Besides, the traditional
biryani and other associated foods were great too.

Mr Khan invited the CEO of our office with three other officials including me. Though it was a
formal event, he invited us in an informal manner as if it is nothing to him, but we were surprised
appearing at his residence. The CEO of our office was late for the event and reached after a few
minutes later of us. After reaching, Mr Khan offered us a warm welcome to his home. The
interior of his apartment was stunningly decorated with expensive and pleasant furniture and
show pieces and the guests were busy in chatting. He introduced us to all and then, I with the
other colleagues started discussing different issues with the present guests till the food was

In fact, we were strangers among the relatives of Mr Khan. Therefore, it was an awkward
situation for us. But our CEO is an interesting man and he managed the environment and started
telling jokes about different issues. The jokes were helpful to melt down the ice among the
guests and us. The CEO, then, started a competition and announced for a small prize for the
winner. Since there were kids present at the event, he requested all to avoid inappropriate jokes
before the kids. The joke telling competition continued for half an hour and I was the winner of
my smallest and funniest joke.

I have really enjoyed the event and especially the foods were delicious. Mr Khan’s wife arranged
for chicken biryani and I think I have taken the best ever cooked biryani there. Despite being an
Indian dish, biryani is highly popular in Pakistan and the rice and meats were so soft that they
melted on mouth instantly. Some other mouth-watering foods were also present but I took
biryani more than any other food items. The ceremony was wonderful and turned more enjoyable
for the spontaneous participation of the guests in the joke competition. The event is a memorable
one for me.

Your preparation for this Cue card will help you to answer the following Cue card topics as

 Describe a ceremony or event you remember well.

 Describe a party or celebration you attended.
 Describe a wedding ceremony you have attended.
 Describe a happy event you can remember.
 Describe a party or celebration where a lot of people attended.
 Talk about an outdoor feast or meal you have eaten.
 Describe a typical birthday or wedding ceremony in your country.
Sample Answer 2:

Generally, I do not prefer attending any social events for my introvert nature but last week had to
attend a birthday celebration of a cousin of mine. In fact, my entire family was invited to that
event and I could not avoid that. Thank you so much for the smart question. I will answer it in
brief now.

The birthday event took place at the residence of my cousin. My uncle (his father) is a great
businessman and has arranged a gala party marking the birthday of his daughter who turned 12
this day. So, he invited us all to attend the party. Besides, it was arranged on a weekly holiday so
that everyone could join with them. Accordingly, I had to be there with my parents and other
family members. The event was organised in the evening and ended with the dinner. It was an
interesting experience for me indeed. In fact, it was a social gathering for me after long days.

Almost all the family members of my family including relatives from near and far attended the
event. I also had met with some celebrities as well who have a very good connection with my
uncle. Besides, the house was filled with other guests and invited people who came to attend the
birthday party. My uncle wanted to make a grand birthday party and he did so. He invited all of
his relatives and business partners. In fact, he is a promising businessman here in Shanghai and
deals with export and importing of various types of industrial products. So, his connections are
great. On the other side, my cousin also invited some of her school friends. They came with their
parents. It was a splendid evening and I have not seen such a large gathering before. Everyone
present there were happy and enjoyed the evening.

I actually feel shy to socialise with people. And I am introvert since my childhood. So, in the
beginning, I felt uncomfortable amid the gathering. But after few moments, everything went
normally. I started talking with the guests and my relatives. I also took some photos with the
media celebrities on the occasion. Suddenly, I heard my uncle was calling me by name, and then
I appeared before him. Then he asked me to be with the invited people and take care of them. It
was a huge responsibility on me. But I executed them smoothly. In fact, it was my moral duty to
look after the guests as I was a family member. But due to my shyness, I could not do that and
uncle helped me to get out of my introvert nature. I helped the invited guests to take their meals
and ensured that everyone gets the birthday cake piece. Besides, I also did some other activities
which were necessary for the event.

As I have said, it was uncomfortable in the beginning. But gradually it was removed. I talked
with the people and enjoyed the event, particularly the musical show. A local musical group was
hired to perform on the show and they did very well. On the other side, I also enjoyed helping
the guests in taking their meals. I took a good care of them. So, everyone was happy with my
performance. Finally, when the event was nearly to the end and the guests started leaving the
premise one after another, I felt a sense of empty feeling inside my mind. And I do not know
why it happened. Later I realised that it was my introvert nature that did not allow me to socialise
and now after the socialisation process, I was feeling happy inside me. And for that reason, I
think, I had that sort of feeling. But I enjoyed the event to the last minute.

ELTS Cue Card Question 81 With Model Answer:

Describe an item of clothing you purchased that you didn’t like.

You should say:

 what the clothing is

 where and why you bought it
 what colour and style it is

and explain why you didn’t like it.

Model Answer 1:

Travelling to overseas is always fun for me and I do not miss the chance of shopping during the
trips. Last summer I went to Singapore for an official visit and had bought a faded jeans pant that
I did not like.

I went to Singapore from my office to train up the local employees. The training issues were
diversified and I was stressed after the day-long training. Thereby, I went at Bugis Street to get
some knickknacks and clothing for my family. A Singapore office staff accompanied me. This
was a street market and pretty nice. So, I got some essentials for my family according to their list
and also bought a faded light white-coloured jeans pant for me. The pants looked gorgeous and
the style was different too. Moreover, the price was reasonable too. The seller wanted to sell
another piece of the same colour pants but my wallet vetoed there.

When I arrived at Singapore, my colleagues were saying that the street markets are the place to
get the good things at a reasonable price. Since it was my first visit to the country, I did not have
any clear idea of shopping here and accordingly went to the Bugis Street, one of the largest local
street markets selling a good number of things. A local of the city and our office Singapore
branch employee guided me through the market and helped me cordially to get the desired
things. I bought the pants from the clothing section and I also bought some other attire too for
my family members after their demands on the list. The jeans pant was light white and in colour
with a fade shade and importantly it was the right fit for me.

Usually, I wear tailor-made attires but regarding jeans, I have a specific choice. I prefer the slim
fitting pants and if the pants do not get fit with my body shape, I do not get them. The jeans pant
was the classic style and fitted me perfectly. But there were some designs on the hip pockets and
few fabrics were twisted on the front side which attracted me. There were some other colours
available at the shop like light blue, medium blue, dark blue, faded jeans and more. The light
white faded jeans received my attention.

The jeans pant was fine for me until it was taken to have a wash. It was the first time I gave the
pant with other clothes to be washed at the hotel I was staying in Singapore. When they delivered
the clothing, it was a sad event for me. The faded jeans pant turned more fade. Besides, the
designs in front and back lost their beauty for the cleaning and some of the fabrics were torn too.
When asked about the worst condition, the cleaners replied that the fabric turned weak after it
was washed with soapy water. They also pointed that the fabric quality was not up to the mark
and thereby it was sold in an extremely cheaper rate. In fact, I should have been careful in buying
the jeans pant.

Model Answer 2:

I do not usually like to dress in formal attire, and hence I do not have any formal dress. It may
sound strange to many that I love to be casual always. But recently I had to purchase a formal
jacket that I could not like much. Thank you much for the question and it reminds me of an
abnormal experience of my life that I underwent a few days ago.

I had to buy the formal jacket to attend an interview. I have recently crossed my graduation
barrier and now seeking jobs here and there. As part of the job search, I was selected by a
reputed organisation to be their field representative. They invited me to take part in a formal
interview and asked me to wear formal attire. Accordingly, I had to buy the formal jacket. But I
was quite uncomfortable with the attire and did not use it for long.

I bought the jacket from a local market here in Singapore. In fact, it was not possible for me to
go to a tailor and order for the jacket. So, I bought it from a local formal attire selling the shop.
The shop is specialised in selling formal attire like formal pants, shirts, ties and jackets. I did not
need the other clothing but only the jacket. Besides, it was necessary for me to get a good look
on the interview day as the job was important for me. So, I bought the jacket after a reasonable
haggling with the seller. Initially, the seller asked an unreasonable price. He understood that I
was in a hurry and thus he wanted to get some benefits of my rush. But I got the jacket at a
reasonable price and it was for my wisdom at that moment. I know how clever they are, and if
there were someone else, they would have taken the advantage indeed.

The jacket was black in colour. It was a double-breasted jacket that suited me perfectly. But I
was worried about the colour as they did not mention about the colour of the dress. So, I thought
that black will suit me most. Accordingly, I also wore a white shirt and a red tie with the jacket. I
looked very smart on that day and my family members were happy seeing me in the formal
outfit. In fact, it was a kind of surprise for them to see me in the formal attire. Earlier, they had
tried many times to convince me wearing formal attire. But I declined their requests all the times.
So, they were surprised about the attire and asked me the secret. I smilingly replied it all was
about attending an interview. But they were happy with me now and prayed that I should
continue the outfit, at least I should continue wearing formal pant and shirt.

I could not like the jacket for some specific reasons. I was okay with the pant and shirt. But it
appeared that the jacket was limiting my movements. I could not move my hands freely as I can
do with my T-shirts. Besides, the feeling was unusual to me as I never wore a jacket before. I
was looking smart with the attire outside, but I was feeling a sense of discomfort inside my mind.
I was unable to move my hands and even felt trouble in answering phone calls. Later I realised
that it was my inexperience with the jacket and if I continue wearing it, the movement problems
will be solved. But I did not want to. In a single word, the jacket made me feel caged within. So,
I did not like that.
Part 3: Two-way-discussion

Let's talk about clothes...

Q. What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?


Fashion primarily depends on dresses and attire in Australia and there is no national costume for
the country. But the fashion style is quite different from the other nations like Europeans or
Western. Australian dresses are mostly casual. People usually prefer clothes based on their
climatic conditions, identity and lifestyle and the dresses are designed so. Women prefer short
sleeve dresses, jumpers, maxis, wrap dresses, collarless shirts, tops, skirts etc. with different
styles and they vary on occasions while the males put on polo shirts, jeans, formal shirts and
pants, suits, tie, jackets, trousers etc.

Q. How important is it to wear fashionable clothes in your country?


People here prefer comfort than fashion. The climatic conditions are one the best determiner for
your dress. For instance, if you are in winter, you cannot wear a half sleeve dress and get out for
any event, rather you are to take full sleeve dresses with proper cold preventing attire. When it is
hot in the summer, you are to wear light coloured dresses for your comfort. But the dresses are
fashionable and let you express yourself amid others.

Q. Do older people and younger people wear different coloured clothes?


Commonly the older people start preferring the light coloured dresses while the younger people
prefer the dark. It is a popular culture when people turn older, they start using light coloured
dresses to mark their superiority, and like the other youths of the world, and they use dark and
deep coloured attire.

Now let's talk about spending money on clothes...

Q. Are clothes expensive in your country?


The reasonable price has made the fashion in Australia a common fact for all to participate.
Almost all the people use clothes with different styles and designs and it is supported by the
lower price of attire comparing the other countries. You can get a fine quality pant and a shirt for
men spending around 200 dollars while it is less for the females.
Q. Do people wear more expensive clothes to work in your country?


Australian people are at work use casual dresses for comfortable working hours. Women in
Australia mostly wear skirts and tops with heeled sandals during their work unless there are any
special instructions issued by their respective offices. Males, in Australia, also follow the similar
fashion with comfortable full sleeve shirts, tucked in with formal pants and shoes. Some
professionals wear expensive dresses in workplaces but a majority of Australian professionals
wear casual dressed that are not too much expensive.

Q. Do you think people spend too much money on clothes nowadays?


Currently people spending money for their clothes but it is not in an excessive amount. The
expenses in Australia are moderate comparing the income level of the citizens. There are many
other things to do for a standard living and the earnings are distributed to meet the daily needs of
the citizens. During the shopping, most of the people try to have the required things first and then
invest in their luxury. Similarly, if they need to have new garment, they seek the options to have
the best one within their estimated budget. So, there are fewer chances to spend more for clothes
as it is thought.

ELTS Cue Card Question 80 With Model Answer:

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say:

 who is he/ she

 what is he /she famous for
 what you would do if you meet him /her

And explain why you would like to meet him/ her.

Model Answer 1:

Oscar-winning Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, underwent different transformations in her

life and achieved the highest popularity among the other Hollywood female actress. I would like
to meet her at least once in my life.

I have watched different movies of Angelina Jolie and her performances on those made me
amazed. She is also a social activist and humanitarian in line with her acting career in Hollywood
movies. She is an adorable actress and considered as an asset for Hollywood for her beauty,
acting skill and soft heart. She is the woman with a very special intelligence in the combination
of ready wits, dazzling beauty and all of her performances are outstanding. I have started liking
her after watching the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and have already watched all her movies. In her
career, she played the role of UN Goodwill Ambassador besides her acting. She also gained fame
in her out of screen appearances and activities in international charity programs and gradually
turned the second most wanted female artist in Hollywood.

Born in an actor family in the USA, Angelina Jolie is globally famous for several reasons. Firstly
she is famous for her physical beauty and superb performance. She is able to represent the
characters perfectly which is the cause of envy for the other female actress. On the movies like
Mr & Mrs Smith, Wanted, Salt etc. she has portrayed herself as the right one for the characters.
She is also engaged in different humanitarian activities and mostly works with the refugees.
Frequently she appears on the tabloids for her striking splendour. She became a globally
acclaimed celebrity after her lead appearance on the Tomb Raider series in 2001. She is also
considered as the most bankable actress as all of her movies rock the box offices.

I would like to take a photograph with her at first and then will humbly ask her to describe her
feelings when she is praised by the audience. I will also ask her to describe in brief how she
participated in different adventurous activities and action scenes on the screen. Her life and
living are like a fairy tales to me. She started stage performance from her tender age and became
a model in her 16 and performed in music videos. Her Hollywood career started flourishing since
the mid-1990s and her acclamation was received first after her role in Gia in 1998, but she got
the break with The Bone Collector in 1999. Since I am pursuing modelling in Mumbai, I will
seek some real-life tips from her too.

Angelina Jolie is a benevolent woman in her personal life and her humanitarian activities are not
merely show-off to gain fame. Her humanitarian feature attracts me more than her beauty and
performance skill. She truly is a soft-hearted woman and was deeply touched by the conditions
of the refugees in Cambodia during her shoot of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She, thus, has paid
visits to different refugee camps to learn about the conditions of the people and published a book
named Notes from My Travels and spends the profits for the betterment of the refugees. She is
the only female Hollywood actress who spends one-third of her entire earning for the
humanitarian activities. It is the most important reasons for me to love and meet her. I would like
to get a touch of the generous woman and pass some moments so that I could learn something
useful to be applied in my life.

Model Answer 2:

I feel really good when I meet someone renowned. So far, I have met with a huge number of
celebrities of various countries and now wish to meet with Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio, better
known as Leonardo DiCaprio. He is a versatile artist and has performed in many cinemas made
in Hollywood. Thank you for the smart question, and I will answer it in brief now.

Leonardo DiCaprio is not only an actor, he is also a producer. He began his career by television
commercial and then got involved in television series. His film career began in 1991 and since
then he has been starring in various kinds of movies. The most important thing about him is that
he is able to get into the character he is performing and has praised for his roles everywhere. But
recognition for him appeared in 1995. He established himself as a romantic hero with his
outstanding performance.

He is famous for his extraordinary role in the movie ‘Titanic’. The movie brought him fame
across the world. The movie also was one of the highest grossing movies made ever. Besides,
Leonardo DiCaprio has also taken part in other famous movies like Romeo + Juliet, Catch Me If
You Can, Gangs of New York, Django Unchained, The Great Gatsby and others. But I think, he
is famous for the role in the movie – Titanic. Besides, he has received many positive criticisms
for his wide range of performances. In fact, his massive uplift began after the year of 2000. By
this time, he experienced a huge number of ups and downs in his career which have enriched him
to be a man of today. Beginning the career as a supporting actor, he is now a heartthrob for many
of his audiences.

Actually, there is nothing more to do for me other than talking with him about his life, his
experiences, ups and downs of life and how he survived the situations. Besides, I have a plan to
make the moment ever reminding, and so I will take some photographs with him. Hunting
autographs was another hobby for me but due to lack of time and attempts, I have almost given
up the habit. So, I also intend to have his autograph in my autograph book. Besides, I want to
pass some quality moments with him and continue conversations for few moments. In fact, I
want to let him know about my passion for him and how I have turned his fan. He is one of the
best actors I have ever known in my life. So, meeting with him would be a great pleasure for me.

I want to meet with him for various reasons. The beginning of his career was not smooth. He
experienced numerous ups and downs in his career. But he kept patience and continued to work
with hard effort. He started focusing on characters and started starring in some selected movies.
Some of his performances are epic and still amuse the viewers. But the most important thing I
have found in him is courage. He is brave enough to take some giant moves even after
maintaining a low profile for long days in the movie industry. But now he is one of the highest-
paid artists of Hollywood. I think I also could have some impressive words from him to survive
in life and deal with challenges. For all such reasons, I want to meet him.

ELTS Cue Card Question 79 With Model Answer:

Describe an important decision you have made.

You should say:

 what it was
 why you made it and how important it was
 whether it was a good decision or not

And explain what effect that decision had on you.

Model Answer 1:

Smoking is undoubtedly a bad habit and I have given it up for the healthy living of myself and
my family around three years ago.

I was a chain smoker and used to smoke around three packets of cigarettes a day. I started
smoking from my teenage (I was 17 or 18 at that time) and smoked numerous cigarettes before I
quit it in my 32. It was a hefty task for me to give up the attraction of cigarettes. But I came to
know that cigarettes contain numerous toxic elements and those create the addiction to the
tobacco. Nicotine is the most prominent element contained in cigarettes and the attraction of
nicotine is more dangerous than getting addicted to heroin. So, I tried my best to get rid of the

During my cigarette smoking tenure, I was having several physical disabilities. There were few
troubles in my respiratory process. Sometimes I felt pain in chest and it appeared that the chest
has become congested. Besides, I lost appetite and could not sleep well at night. Whenever I
used to wake up at night, I lit a cigarette stick and tried to sleep after puffing the entire pieces but
in vain. Gradually the symptoms started bothering me and became the issue of concern to my
family. When consulted the doctor, it came out that the troubles were the detrimental impacts of
tobacco use. But I did not trust his words and continued smoking again. The symptoms were
severe and finally, I had to give up smoking. It was important for me to give up smoking to live a
healthy life.

Certainly, the decision to give up the habit was perfect for me. My health was deteriorating and
all my family members were worried about my health. Smoking has numerous negatives impacts
and I came to know after studying the bad impacts of smoking on the internet. The passive
smokers are more affected than the smokers and I thought that I have damaged the health of my
wife and kids when I smoked cigarettes before them inside my home. I felt guilty for that. In line
with my illness, they also could have developed some other fatal disease but they are fortunately
saved with divine blessings.

I am quite fine now. After giving up smoking, I am feeling fresh, and the respiratory disorders
have gone forever. Now I have fresh breathing and I do not need to take any mouth freshener
before joining any formal events. Besides, the rooms at my home are free of bizarre smells that
produced from the cigarette smoke. Moreover, I am saving money, the remaining money that I
used after having three packets of cigarettes daily. My family members, especially my daughters
are happy now and my relationship with them has become more intimate. Earlier, I did not come
into a close contact with them lest they feel the odours emitted from my body due to smoking,
but now I do not have such issues to consider before going to them to have fun with different
childish ways.

Model Answer 2:

It was really tough for me to take the decision of my marriage. In fact, living in a patriarchic
society, it is really difficult for females to take their own decisions. But I did so and enjoying my
life. Though it was hard for me to get rid of the obstacles, now I have got a happy and prosperous
life for me. Thank you for your great question that reminds me of the challenging days of my

When I got married, I was only a third-year student at a local university here in Singapore. My
parents decided to marry me off but I informed them about my affair with a senior student of the
same university. They disagreed about the issue with me. I tried to understand them that I need to
be happy rather than to be rich. And I would be happy with the person I was in love with.
Finally, I had to take my decision and I got married to him by leaving my family. But everything
is fine now.

I had to take the decision based on some issues. It was not possible for me to be in love with
someone and marry another person. I admit that the person I was in love with belongs to a
middle-income family but I was sure that someday he would be able to change his luck. Now he
is working at a multinational corporation based in Singapore and has elevated himself to the
upper class of the society. On the other side, my parents and relatives had set my marriage with
someone richer than the man I loved. They planned to hold the marriage for the betterment of my
future. But I denied their request. They tried to force me into the arranged marriage while I was
reluctant on the issue. Based on the circumstances, I had to take the decision, and it was
extremely important. If I failed to take the decision, I think the way of my life could have been

To be honest, what I did was wrong. But I also had to consider my future. In fact, before taking
the decision, I was suffering from mental depression. It was about the honour of my family and
on the other side, it was my love. My beloved person was also ready to leave his family for my
sake as there were some such situations in his family. Considering the gravity of the situations,
we married without the consent of our families. When he took me to his family, initially they
were angry and after a few days, everything was fine with them. On the other side, my parents
and other relatives were also worried about the issue and they did not expect such a brave
decision on my part. But finally, both the families came into negotiation and we are happy now.

The decision brought some negative impacts on both the families. My parents became sick and
there were similar situations in his family as well. All of the members became worried and they
also started to move for legal procedures. But suddenly the older brother of my husband came
forward on behalf of their family while my elder brother dealt the issue from my family. With
their cordial assistance, everything went well. But I had to endure some unwanted behaviours
and experience some such situations in both the house. But I ignored them considering the better
future. At present, I have a happy family and I am glad about it. Both the families share a good
bonding. If I would not have taken the decision, everything would not be fine today. So, I often
thank myself for the decision.

IELTS Cue Card Question 78 With Model Answer:

Describe an interesting person you know.

You should say:

 what sort of person this is
 where you first met him/her
 why you met him/her

and explain why you think this person is interesting.

Model Answer 1:

There are different types of people live in the world together and they are featured with
diversified characters. I have met Mr Geffry Ramadin, a man of fun.

Mr Geffry Ramadin is the man who will make you feel comfortable with his companion and you
cannot stop laughing hearing his jokes and the way he talks. Basically, he is a computer engineer
by7 profession and loves to travel. He is filled with vast experiences of travelling in different
parts of the world. The middle-aged man becomes the centre of attraction wherever he starts
talking. His experiences have made him a man with numerous unusual experiences and when he
describes those, the listeners feel thrilled and simultaneously get fun for his interesting
presentation style. He is not a joker but his speeches are filled with humour and you need to have
the sense to taste the humour too.

I met him in the elevator of my apartment. I was waiting on the ground floor for the elevator and
he was standing beside me. At first, we did not have talks but a few moments later, he started
talking over the cellular phone. I came to know that he was the new tenant of the apartment
opposite to mine. Then we got introduced inside the elevator and invited him to be at my place
for some tea breaks. He granted my invitation and then the complete introduction between us
began. Mr Ramadin has lived in different parts of the world for his occupational purposes and
been hired by several globally renowned organisations. Since then, he is a senior friend of mine
and shares numerous interesting issues.

When I pass moments with Mr Ramadin, he teaches me different skills and tells me stories that
were unknown to me. Sometimes, based on his mood, he tells the stories of African people and
their living styles, their cultures and customs, how they have been exploited by the colonial
rulers and survived, the current conditions of their life and many other similar facts. Besides, I
have formed a network with few other neighbours in the apartment building to have chats
regularly in the evening when everyone is back from their works. This is a type of recreational
activity for us.

Mr Ramadin is a man of letters. He also knows how to make people pleased. So, whenever I
meet him, I become pleased after talking with him. When I become stressed for my work or for
any other matters, I share my imbalanced mental and emotional states to him to get some advice
to overcome the complexities. But before I complete the statements, he provides the solutions
and it amazes me most. Whenever I apply for the solutions or work according to the suggestions,
it really works for me. The most important thing is that I cannot continue my imbalanced
emotional atmosphere during the meets with him.
Model Answer 2:

My sudden meet with Austin at a tour was a memorable event in my life and now he has turned
into one of the closest friends of mine. He is a highly interesting character and I admire him for
some of his qualities which are absent among the ordinary people. Thank you for this amazing
question and here is the description of Austin, the interesting man I know.

Austin is an interesting character to me. He does the things in different ways than we do. He is
not funny at all but you will be amazed at his activities. He is adventurous and active. He
remains busy always with some sort of activities. But not all the activities bring money for him,
he performs them for free to remain active and have some adventure. On the other side, he is
caring. He cares for all of his family and friends. He is humble and respects everyone regardless
of their age, caste, creed or colour. All these facts have made him interesting to me.

I went on a short trip in Nevada and he was assigned as the guide for the trip. I met him there for
the first time. In fact, without his help, it was nearly impossible for the group to make the smooth
trip. He was the man who arranged for everything for us. In fact, he arranged for the hotels to
stay in Nevada, arranged for sightseeing and other activities. Besides, he ensured the issue of
security as all of us were new to the place. Actually, it was a trip from my university, located in
Texas, to Nevada to know about the place and gather demographic information of the area. This
was a kind of research field trip from the social science council of the university and we
participated there. Most of the time, we had to remain busy in data collection process, cleaning
the data instantly in the field and entering the data in the software to analyse.

I had to meet with Austin for multiple reasons. The first and most important thing was that I was
not familiar with the location and Austin was a native there. He knew the locations very well and
had some other skills which also appeared important later. Besides, he was the helping hand to
the team who played a great role to make the trip successful. In fact, without the help of Austin,
we could not have made a wonderful trip there. His generous nature and active participation
helped us greatly. Austin also cared for every one of the team and most importantly he was
brave. We actually needed a man like him to pursue our task.

Austin is interesting for many reasons. The most interesting feature of his character is that he is
not boring. He knows very well how to keep people engaged in activities. He is always positive
and brief in his conversation with other. He does not talk with people unnecessarily.
Furthermore, he is a good and active listener. He listens to everyone and then responds
accordingly. When he talks, he talks about the interest of the people he is talking with. So, the
conversation becomes interesting. Besides, when he speaks with other people, he is
straightforward and can tell very good stories to impress them. His way of living and thinking is
completely different from the ordinary individuals. Based on all the reasons, he is an interesting
person to me.

IELTS Cue Card Question 77 With Model Answer:

Describe a skill you have learned that you think is very useful.
You should say:

 what it is
 where and when you learned it
 how you use it

And explain why you think this skill is so useful.

Model Answer 1:

Typing on a keyboard without looking at that is a special skill and recently I have learnt to type
by not looking at the keyboard.

When I bought the computer, it was impossible for me to type without looking at the keys. It
took long hours for me to type a single page by searching the letters on the keys. It was a
troublesome task for me and most of the time I had to type different topics on a computer for my
official purposes. But I could not complete the tasks in due time for my lack of skills in typing.
When I started to type, it appeared to me that the letters should be placed on the keyboard
alphabetically for better use. But gradually I learnt that this way is better than the alphabetical

Basically, I learnt the skill at my home using my personal computer. In the very beginning, it
was tougher for me to compose anything on the computer with the keyboard attached to it. When
I joined my new office, it becomes a regular trouble for me to compose the different documents
and it took long hours for me to compose a document of three or four pages. So, I started using
the internet to get some ways to learn to type. I found some special applications that allow the
users to get the desired typing skill. Besides, the applications also helped me to make the typing
faster than it was in the beginning.

I primarily apply the skill at my office to perform different typing. As the administrative officer
at the office, I have to issue different orders and notices to the office employees and I type the
notices and orders after the direction of my higher authority. Besides, I remain busy round the
day with different other activities that require typing different documents. Sometimes, my higher
authority assigns me with translations from one language to another, and I have to use my typing
skill for the work. At the office, I have become the hub of typing now for my outstanding speed
and skills.

All of the earned skills are useful in real life but the applications may differ in situations. When I
started learning the skill, I thought that it would be of no use in my practical life and I am
wasting my times. But after some days, I was surprised by the applications of typing in my
office. I have started serving the office in different ways with the typing skill. Everyone in the
office now depends entirely on me to get their documents be typed. As a result, my fame has
increased as a typing expert and accordingly the office has evaluated my performance. I have
been promoted to the senior administrative officer post after three months when I applied the
skill to my daily works in the workplace. So, it appears to be a very useful skill for me.

Model Answer 2:

Learning to know about driving a car is a very useful skill. Recently, I have learnt to drive a car
and I believe this is highly beneficial for me. In fact, before learning the skill, it was troublesome
for me to manage my commuting to and fro my college. Thank you for the question and now I
will describe the event now in short.

Before learning the skill, I used to move to college using public transportation. As a result, it was
hard for me to reach the college and attend the classes in due time. Most of the cases, I needed to
get out of home too early to attend the classes. But now I have learnt to drive a car and use that
car to reach my college in time. I do not need to waste time on the streets and waiting for the
public transports. On the other sides, my father is also happy with my skill of driving. I have
become the unofficial driver of my family now.

I learnt driving at a local driving school here in Chhattisgarh in India. The school offers a wide
range of driving courses and I took one of the courses after my preferred schedule. In this course,
I have learnt the basics of driving and about taking care of a care. the Instructor taught me about
the driving basics carefully. Initially, my advancement slowed down for few days as I was afraid
of driving. Riding on cars always created a sense of fear inside me. I thought that if the driver
fails to control the car or if the brake does not work, I will have to die. But now, the fears are
gone and I can drive a car faster than any other people. I used to learn the driving after the dusk.
In fact, I could not manage time to learn in during the daytime owing to my studies and other
engagements. On the holidays, I used to move to the driving class in the early morning and drove
the car on the main streets of the city.

This is an important skill for me. Now I have my own car and I drive it to the college.
Sometimes, my family use me as their driver to reach in various destinations. Often my elder
sister asks me to bring her home from her university. When the driver of my father misses his
duties, I am to be responsible for carrying father at home or dropping him at his office. In fact,
this is a great skill for me and I use it after my will. Sometimes, I go for long drives with my
friends right before the weekend nights. Besides, I use it in many other ways as well.

This is a useful skill for me in many aspects. When I was unable to drive, I had to suffer a lot in
the streets. I could not meet my schedule at the right time. Besides, I had to wake up early in the
morning to prepare for my destinations. In fact, riding on public buses was really hassle for me.
So, when I learnt driving, I can drive my own car and go to my destinations easily. I do not need
to wait in the public transport queues for the ride. I can save time and can focus on the other
important tasks. I think this is a great real-life skill for me.

ELTS Cue Card Question 76 With Model Answer:

Describe one of your favourite newspaper/magazine.

You should say:

 what it is
 how much each copy costs
 how often you read it

and explain why you like it so much.

Model Answer 1:

Amid different newspapers in India, the Hindustan Times has occupied a notable place across the
country. This is one of the most popular English dailies in India.

The newspaper was established back in 1924 and was connected with the independence
movement of India. The title of the newspaper has been picked critically. Hindustan is the
historical name of India and Shobhana Bhartia currently owns the newspaper. Under the
publication of the HT media, Hindustan Times is one of the largest circulating newspapers of KK
Birla group across the country and mainly favourite to many of the Indians for its neutral news
publication. The newspaper is published from different places including New Delhi, Mumbai,
Chandigarh, Patna and Kolkata.

Each of the copy of is sold at Rs 5 only. As a result, the price is cheaper than the other English
dailies. Hindustan Times has over 3 million readers every day. Following a 2013 survey,
Hindustan Times had the circulation of over 1.3 million copies in December of 2013 and the
newspaper is popular among the North Indians and also has a substantial credibility in the other
mainstream places of India like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bhopal etc. As a result, the
newspaper has turned into one of the most trusted brands in India for several years. The
newspaper has also some business wings and sister publications like Hindustan - a Hindi daily,
Mint - an English business daily in India, monthly magazine for kids named Nandan etc.

I read the newspaper every day. I start my day with the newspaper and go to the office. Usually,
the newspaper hawker serves the Hindustan Times to my home and in case if I miss it at home, I
try to get it from the roadside vendors and read all the way to my office. Sometimes I read it at
my office during the leisure hours if I could not manage time in the morning for the unusual
rush. Besides, the weekend issues are made more interesting than the regular issues which I
prefer most and wait for the weekend to arrive.

Hindustan Times is my favourite newspaper for several reasons. Firstly, the news published on it
is credible enough that one can trust the information to be true. The reporters always try to get
the right information for the readers. Secondly, the price of the newspaper is cheaper comparing
to the news quality and paper it is printed on. Besides, the number of pages comparing the price
is also an advantage for the readers. The pages like entertainment, sports, opinion, cities etc. are
filled with different sorts of news and the most important thing is the use of simple language.
The newspaper is edited with easy and reader-friendly language and thus the readers of all ages
could comprehend the contexts easily despite being Hindustan Times as English daily.

Sample Answer 2:

In Australia, a good number of magazines are available. Most of the magazines deal with issues
like business, entertainment, sports, fashion, culture, tourism and more. I like the Woman’s Day
weekly magazine most. It is available both in print and online version.

This is the only magazine that I found deals with the details. The other magazines do not provide
the detail information while the printing quality is also poor. So, usually, I avoid them and have
subscribed to Woman’s Day. This is a great entertainment magazine and contains almost all the
gossips that I need to know about local and international celebrities, cooking, fashion, lifestyle,
diets, foods and more.

Each of the copy is comparatively cheaper than the other contemporary magazines. Now it is
4.20 AUD for per issue and the price was a bit lower a few years ago. But comparing the price, it
serves with the best available articles and reports. The images published in the magazine look
like real and most importantly the images are taken with the permission of the subjects (for the
case of celebrities) and natural. However, I will continue reading the magazine even if the
subscription fee goes higher.

I read the magazine almost twice in a week. In fact, due to my professional engagement, I cannot
manage much time to spend with the magazine and read it only in holidays. But whenever I get
time in the evening or right before the sleep at night, I have a look at the magazine. Actually, I
start reading the magazine on the day it is delivered at home and finish it within next two or three
days. Usually, I get the magazine on every Sunday and spend almost one hour to check the issues
of that week. But if I need to know the latest information or anything else, I peep on their official
website to know about my desired information.

I like Woman’s Day much as it appears to be a great source of entertainment for me. Though I do
not have much time to spend for reading, I like to read this entertainment magazine as I am
curious to know about the media gossips and this specific magazine serves me well on the issue.
The stories in the magazine are not twisted like the other entertainment magazines. Besides, the
subscription price is also lower for this magazine. I love the articles it provides under its recipes
category. By reading the recipes, I have learnt to prepare different foods that I was unable before.
Besides, the Real Life section also provides with the knowledge of real life and I have applied
some of the tips in my real life – they did well.

ELTS Cue Card Question 75 With Model Answer:

Describe a famous building/landmark in your hometown.

You should say:

 where it is
 how old it is
 how it looks

And explain why you think it is an important landmark/ building.

Model Answer 1:

France is a globally renowned country with several tourist spots and the Eiffel Tower is the most
prominent one in the country and resembles France in the world.

The Eiffel Tower is an iron made tower located at the Champ De Mars in Paris in France and has
become the symbol of French culture across the globe. The tower has been named after an
engineer – Gustav Eiffel. He was assigned to design the tower and was made initially as the
entrance of a fair named World’s Fair in 1889. Although there are several levels in the tower,
only three is accessible for the visitors and tourists in the country. At first, the design to make the
tower was assigned to Eiffel’s company and then the outline was sketched to make the tower. A
notable time has been invested in making the design perfect and an enhanced one but there were
some technical troubles for the practical use of the tower.

The tower was made in 1889 and over 125 years have passed since its construction. The tower is
made of iron and the construction process was done in several phases. During the construction
period, it was considered as the tallest structure in the world and the Washington monument of
the USA was defeated in comparison to height. It was the tallest structure on earth for 41 years
(until 1930 when the construction of Chrysler Building in NY began), but now it is taller than the
Chrysler building as an aerial has been added on the top of the structure.

The tower looks special. The base is spread and gradually the spread part has risen sharply to
make the top. Now the tower is comparable to an 81-storied building in height and the visitors
can use the observatory platform of the tower which is located over 900 feet from the ground
level. After built, the Eiffel Tower experienced negative criticisms from some the French
architects and intellectuals for its unusual design but gradually it has become the symbol of Paris
and France.

This Eiffel Tower is now globally recognised. Many of the global visitors come to Paris only to
enjoy the beauty of the tower. As a result, it has become the place where the people of all nations
meet together.

Model Answer 2:

There are a good number landmarks are available in Spain, and to be particular in Bilbao. This is
a great city in northern Spain and filled with various landmarks. Among them, the Guggenheim
Museum Bilbao is an attractive building and landmark which attracts a good number of visitors
The museum is located in the centre of the city and exhibits the relics of the contemporary and
modern art. The museum was designed by a foreign architect. This is one of the most prestigious
and attractive buildings in the city. The structure is the representation of the United demand that
the people of the city had been desiring for long ago. This is the architectural culture of the city
and the museum also was the most important work that was cited in everywhere across the
country. This is now a wonder for the global architects.

Officially the museum was opened on 18 October in 1997. Former King Juan Carlos I
inaugurated the museum. He was a king of Spain and after his retirement from his
responsibilities, he takes part in social activities. On the other side, the museum is located on the
side of Nervion River and the visitors can have a great chance to enjoy the natural beauty of the
river from the museum. The river runs to the Cantabrian Sea. The museum belongs to Solomon
R. Guggenheim Foundation. The foundation has some other museums and structures across the
world. The museum exhibits various types of artworks from local and international artists. As a
result, the number of the collection is huge and thus it has become one of the largest museums in
the country.

The cost of building the museum was around 89 million US dollars. A good number of local
residents were invited before opening the museum formally. A light show and concert were
arranged marking the event. The museum looked stunning. The museum structure is basically
based on the urban architecture and made with the shape of cladding in glass, limestone and
titanium. In fact, the design of the museum is something special and daring. Such structures are
not available in the city or country. The building exterior has some random curves and the design
is made to catch the light. Besides, the interior part of the museum is also wonderful. The interior
is designed with a large atrium that is filled with light. It also looks like the shape of a flower and
is the centre of the museum. The building earned the fame of the most spectacular structure in
the world immediately after its formal opening. In fact, it was a masterpiece of the century and a
brilliant representation of architecture.

This is an important landmark in the city for many reasons. It has some international recognition
which attracts a substantial number of crowds. Besides, it has an interesting look and shape is
different than the ordinary structures in the city. The river view of the city is most appealing for
the viewers. The exhibition space is also larger than the other museums in the city. Most
importantly, the galleries are identified from outside due to their shape. The exhibitions are
permanent and showcase the cultural value of the locality and the response of the ordinary
people. But I believe this is the most important landmark for its architectural value.

ELTS Cue Card Question 74 With Model Answer:

Describe someone you know who is a good teacher.

You should say:

 who this person is

 how you know him/her
 what kinds of subjects they teach
and explain why this person is good at teaching.

Model Answer 1:

A teacher is a person who is a guide and fatherly figure for all the students. Mr Emanuel Robertt
is an English literature teacher at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University where I am
studying now.

Mr Emanuel Robertt has long been teaching English literature courses at Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University located in Port-Elizabeth. He is famous in the university for his special
skills in making the lessons clearer to the students. Moreover, his teaching style is also attractive
and he can keep the class under his complete control when delivering the lectures. Most of his
lectures are without any books and he explains the stories and dramas on his own which is an
effective teaching method and I have never seen it before.

I met him first when I got admitted in the undergraduate course and I had English in my course
list. On the day of the class, a moderate-figured man entered into the class and I thought he might
by any guardian who is visiting the classes (it happened as I did not meet him before). When he
started asking our name after introducing himself, I realised that he is my English teacher. After
the introduction session, he discussed the course outline and how he will teach us. He never used
books for his lectures and might have prepared before entering the class. Still, I have a very good
connection with him and he is a referee in my curriculum vitae as my academic reference.

Mr Robertt was primarily responsible for teaching the history of English literature. At the same
time, he also taught different literary pieces of the English literature. I learnt to read Shakespeare
from him. Despite being a rough student, Mr Robertt inspired me to taste the delicious flavour of
English literature. I have also read the poems of different ages and learnt numerous amazing
things. I got familiar with the poets’ thoughts and that revealed the ages before me. Moreover,
when he taught the history and we, the students of his class, asked him different questions, he
took those on a notepad and replied one after another when the lecture was ended.

Mr Robertt is a natural teacher. He knows very well how to make the students attentive in class
and the most important fact is his teaching method. That is different from the other teachers. He
never pushed us to study his subjects rather we were the students who used to read more and
more so that we could ask him questions to get the texts’ meaning clear. He has a loud and
pleasant voice and as an individual, he is polite and considerate. He never forced the students to
perform something special which is beyond their capacity. So, he is adored by all of the students
and I am also proud to be his student.

Model Answer 2:

Mr David Jones is a teacher of Physics and is a very good teacher. He is good in the sense that he
is able to make the students understand what he wants to. He is also able to entertain the students
in his class. Thank you for the question. This is really an important question for me, and now I
will describe it here.

Mr Jones is a very good man and an excellent teacher. He is the father of three sons and one
daughter and lives with his family here in Amsterdam. He is the teacher of Physics in the local
high school. He has been engaged in teaching for years. When I was a student of the school, he
used to take our Physics class. Sometimes, he was assigned to take Mathematics classes as well
for his outstanding skills in the subject. With his large moustache, he looked like an angry man
in the first sight. But when people used to talk with him, they realised the misconception about
the man.

I met him first when I was in the eighth grade in the school. Before meeting him in the class, I
saw him in the school but did not generate the courage to talk with him about his weird
appearance. Later, I came to know about him and discovered that he was one of my neighbours.
But I did not have a single conversation with him till I attended his class. After a formal
introduction, I started communicating with him and came to know that he was a highly
interesting man. In fact, most of his statements were filled with touches of humour and satires.
But he loved his students very much and came to their almost all types of help regarding their
academic activities. I have crossed the school and now studying at a university in the same city,
but I still maintain a very intimate relationship with this teacher.

Mr Jones is skilled in the subjects of science. In fact, he teaches several subjects together in the
school. He is primarily responsible for teaching Physics to the students of the senior grade. But
he is also able to teach the other subjects like Biology, Chemistry and even Mathematics. When
there are some unwanted troubles like if any teacher of science missed the class or could not
attend the school, Mr Jones is asked to take the class as their replacement. He gladly takes the
class and the students are happy to have him. He takes the classes in a simple but stunning way.
He breaks down the equations and makes the meaning clear to the students. So, they can realise
the meaning and do not have any confusions. Besides, he takes care of each of the students and
ensures that they have understood the teaching topic.

He is a very good person at teaching for some particular reasons. He knows how to teach. Like
the other teachers, he does not ask his students to bring a huge amount of homework. Rather, he
ensures that the students have understood the discussion he did in the class. Besides, he works
hard to teach. He aims to create some leaders from his class who can bring the desired change in
the country. He tries to increase the real-life skills of his students. The most important thing is
that he is respectful to his students and is able creating a sense of belonging to the class. He is
warm, supportive and caring for the students. Considering the aspects, it could be concluded that
he is really a good teacher.

ELTS Cue Card Question 121 With Model Answer:

Describe your favourite place to eat out.

You should say:

 where it is
 what kind of food it serves
 what the decor is like

and explain why it is your favourite place to eat out.

Model Answer 1:

Malaysia has become a multicultural country and a wide number of people visit the country
every year while the numbers of permanents residents are not so small as well. Consequently,
there are a great number of restaurants and eateries have been formed to meet the hunger of the

Physically located in 19 Persiaran KLCC, Troika Sky Dining is my favourite place to eat out.
This is a large wide space to enjoy the foods and I mostly come to take my dinners here,
occasionally. The impressive look is one of the key causes of visiting the restaurant frequently
and the upper space also allows me to see the city at the night as it is on the top floor of the
building. The restaurant offers a grand view of Kuala Lumpur and the views are breathtaking
particularly in night times. The entire city is illuminated with colourful lights, vehicles are
moving from here and there on the streets. The other important reason for falling in love with
this restaurant is its yummy foods and cordial services. It is a different experience for me to eat
inside the dining rooms of the restaurants which are filled with all ages of people.

Though the restaurant is located in a crowded place, it could be differentiated from the other
restaurants and for its special and delicious foods. The restaurant, Troika Sky Dining, serves
almost all kind of foods to the people. Since the restaurant is located at a prominent place in the
city, a large number of visitors come here every day and thus considering the wide number of
visitors, it arranges for all types of dishes as per requirements. There are two dining spaces
accompanied with a bar to meet the thirst of the visitors. The restaurant is famous for the
traditional Malaysian cuisine. The bar is also enriched and offers all types of soft and hard drinks
at a reasonable price. Taking foods at a high altitude is a really awesome experience for the
visitors and thus they return as I do whenever they could manage time. If anyone wants to enjoy
the meal here, it is important to take at least a three-course meal to get the real tastes. But it is not
only the foods; it is also about the services and other cordial environments that attract the

The décor of the restaurant is exquisitely designed with modern architecture and enough to make
anyone feel comfortable. The restaurant inside is highly decorated with modern furniture and
amenities that are only found in the star rated restaurants. There are two separate dining spaces
for the visitors while both of the dining rooms have access to the wine bar. The seats are limited
and thus they serve on the ‘first come first served’ basis. Some of the seats at the restaurant are
located by the side of the large window to enjoy the skyline of Kuala Lumpur. You can also get
some sofas or small chairs and tables placed inside the restaurant for resting after the heavy
meals. The wine bar is also furnished with valuable furniture and organised in a professional
manner. The tables are made with the finest glass while the chairs and seats are made easier for
the comfort of the visitors to sit back in a relaxed mode. One of the distribution desks is attached
to a heavy glass while the other one is out of glass.

I like the restaurant most for several reasons. First of all, the location is accessible from any part
of the city. The industrial skyline view of the restaurant is wonderful and particularly the night
view is best indeed. The staffs are well trained and behaved and they welcome the guests with a
cordial heart. I have observed their behaviours and found that there is nothing artificial with their
attitudes and behaves with the guests, it is entirely natural. The other important fact is the foods.
They serve warm and fresh cooked foods. Considering the charges, I think this is the best place
for me to eat out in the entire city.

Model Answer 2:

Street foods in India are really interesting. Someone who has eaten the foods once will remember
the foods for the lifetime. I am lucky to have the chances of testing the foods. I have some
special places to take foods in streets and I like to take kebabs and parathas most from a street
food selling shop on Marine Drive in Mumbai.

The shop sells various types of foods and locally produced beverages too. But most of the times,
people gather there for having some locally handmade foods and enjoy the evening out of the
home. The shop is always crowded and you need to stand in a queue or wait for a certain time to
be served with foods. There are many regular customers of this shop and I am one of them.

The shop sells various types of local foods. Among them, the most notable are bread and egg fry,
different types of kebabs, paratha, salads, beverages and many other food items. People come
here as the foods are delicious and the preparation time is less. Besides, the shop owner
maintains the rules for health and hygiene perfectly. So, the number of customers for his shop is
more comparing the other surrounding food shops in the area. Further, all the foods are fresh and
are cooked when you order them. Consequently, the consumers can enjoy the taste of some fresh

This is a street shop but occupies a large space. The decoration is also attractive. The lighting
system attracts attention from a notable distance. Besides, the seating arrangement is also nice.
There are temporary sheds with folding chairs and tables for seating purpose. And also I like the
foliage around the space as well. When someone sits in the chair, the feelings are outstanding.
The cool breeze from the Sea makes them feel happy. Moreover, the environment turns very
entertaining after the dusk. A lot of people come to visit the Marine Drive and many of them
come to take their evening snacks or meals here.

This is my favourite place to eat for many reasons. This is an interesting place indeed. If you
have any privacy concern, this would not suit you. But if you want to enjoy with your friends and
family, this is a perfect place. Every person who comes here falls in love with the place. In fact, I
am in love too. Frequently, I visit the place with my friends. This is the meeting place for us and
we pass around three or four days in a week here. I love the foods and environment. When the
breeze from the sea arrives, it feels very enjoyable. The location is charming too. So, I come
back here and enjoy myself.

IELTS Cue Card Question 119 With Model Answer:

Talk about something that makes you excited.

You should say:

 what it is
 how it is exciting
 how you feel about it

and say if other people who do the same thing feel exactly the same way or not.

Model Answer 1:

Excitement is not the thing to be seen rather people feel it inside. This is a very special type of
feeling that people undergo in all of the stages of their life for some unknown reasons.

When I hear about going to a movie with my friends, I become excited. I do not have any idea
how to express my emotions when they ask me to accompany them to enjoy the newly released
movie on the local theatre hall. We all go there like a ‘gang’ and come back after enjoying the
movie and most of the time we remain busy in criticising the characters or artists who have taken
part in the movie. This is the positive excitement for me. But there are some other negative
excitements are also found as well which cause damage to the people. When the excitement is in
negative form, they usually get angry and take wrong decisions or speak unwanted speeches. It is
a blessing to me that I do not own such negative emotions and I am highly excited about movies.

The excitement is great. After my college classes, I have nothing much to do at home. So,
whenever I get a chance in the evening, I sit with my laptop and watch movies. I have also
registered myself for some online movie watching websites by paying a standard monthly charge
so that I could enjoy the high-quality movies. Mostly I like the action and comedy movies and
when the scenes appear before me, I got too much excited. Clapping my hand is a common issue
for me during the movie watch and sometimes I start cutting my nails with teeth (I think it does
not go with me but I cannot resist myself). Further, when it is about the comedies, I cannot stop
laughing and sometimes (when I am at home) I rewind the comical sequences to enjoy the

I think the excitement for movies is nothing to be felt guilty inside for developing such a peculiar
habit. One can derive pleasures from any of the legal things and can do anything which is not
harmful to anyone or the society. So, I am happy indeed with my excitement and at the same
time proud of it too. Though my excitement may sound weird to many, but I have nothing to
bother or concern about other people’s thought. I feel good at the ways I feel excited. When I
hear about the release of any movie, I go to the local theatre hall to enjoy it. Sometimes, I watch
that online if not released in my town. But I have to acknowledge some facts and as a girl, at
times it becomes difficult for me to go to theatres, alone. So, I move with my family members or
friends and they are also excited to be with me.

The people who love to watch movies are also crazy like me especially when a new movie is
released. But the numbers of such people are limited and the adults are not too much attracted to
the movies like us. When I share my movie watching experiences with my friends, I find that
most of them are eager like me to watch the movie. Then, I have to accompany them to the
theatre again.

Model Answer 2:

I really feel very excited when I plan to buy new books or visit any bookshop. In fact, the
excitement begins with the thought that I would be able to buy books. Besides, the smells of new
books are also exciting to me. It has become a habit for me to smell new books.

Reading books is a hobby for many and I am also similar to them. I love to read books,
particularly novels. So, the moment is too exciting for me when I plan to go for buying books. In
every month, I have a budget for books and I spend it by purchasing several types of books.
Actually, I have a dream to make a private library for myself that will contain numerous books.

The idea is of buying books makes me excited. But the feelings would not be the same for
everyone except the book lovers. Only the people who have intimacy with books will know how
it feels when someone buys books. Books are like assets that will bring a joy of mind. And only
you can feel them. So, when I buy books, I feel a deep sense of pleasure inside my mind. It is too
exciting to me that I eagerly wait for the day to come.

I am lucky that I am blessed with the type of habit. Not everyone is able to read books and they
do not develop any love for the books. But if they had known how books help to grow up
mentally, they would have read books. I am different from them, and I regularly read books. My
feelings are inexpressible about this matter. I definitely feel lucky for developing the habit. My
dad was the inspiration in this case. He appreciated me for reading books and once I grew
interested in reading, he used to bring various types of books for me. After growing up, I found
that I am greatly attracted to the habit and cannot do without it.

As I said before, the feeling is not the same for everyone. But the people with the same thought
share the similar feeling. In fact, this is not possible for an intruder to know how it feels when
someone gets a new book for reading. There are some people who only smell the book and start
reading later. In the meantime, they only take book’s smell. There are some other people who
store the books in innovative manners. So, the reactions after getting books might be different
while the inner feelings are the same. All the book-loving people have the same feeling towards
books as I do. And we all are proud of that.

ELTS Cue Card Question 120 With Model Answer:

Talk about a hobby someone in your family has.

You should say:

 whose hobby it is
 where and when s/he does it
 why s/he enjoys it

and say if you would enjoy doing the same thing or not, and why?

Model Answer 1:

Hobby makes life easier and more comfortable. Almost all of the people in the world have some
sort of hobbies that make them feel energised around the day. A hobby is also helpful for a stout
mental health.

My sister, Samantha, is a bookworm. She likes to read novels. This is her hobby and she has a
huge collection of different books. She prefers to buy books and I usually present novels in her
birthdays. She has built a mini library inside her room and all the corners are filled with books
which she could not accommodate in the bookshelves. She started reading books at an early age
and she used to read only comic books. With her mental development, she started reading the
other books as well. Now she proudly owns a large number of books considering the other mates
of her class. She has an enriched collection of books including novels, books of history,
geography, science fictions, middle age plays, poetry and comic books – her childhood

Actually, there are no preset schedules for her to be with the books but she is mostly seen
reading the books in the evening and before sleeping at night. But she reads the books whenever
and wherever she can manage time. She carries a book in her school bag and when she is on a
bus, she reads the book. Reading books on her bed is a common scenario at my home.
Sometimes, in the late evening, she is seen reading books on a chair placed in the small garden
inside the house. She also sits on the balcony by her room and read books by sitting on the floor.
Thereby, it is unpredictable that when and where she will start reading. My parents are also
happy with her reading habit and inspire her periodically to be attentive in her academic studies
as well.

I asked her about the habit that why she reads so many books instead practising some other
hobbies. She replied that she liked reading books as they provide her with different knowledge.
She showed some logic to me after I asked about the reading. According to her, books are our
best friends and they never quarrel with us. They are also the sources to explore different
unknown and unfamiliar things, issues and places. They are always with her, she added.
Samantha also said that she may not get a friend in her need but the books are always with her.
Some of the books make her cry, some of them entertain her while some broaden her knowledge.
Besides, the most important thing is that the books give an inexpressible pleasure to the readers
which could not be found in somewhere else. The tastes are quite different from any other thing.

I would not have enjoyed reading books like her because I cannot sit motionlessly. Even I cannot
enjoy movies as well since it requires sitting idly and watching on the screen. I prefer movement
and like participating in different sports. All of the people are not the same. Their habits and
mode of attitudes and behaviours are different, naturally. Samantha is able to sit idly and spend
hours after hours by reading the books but if I am asked to do so, it would not be possible for me
to sit for 10 consecutive minutes without any motion. I feel a sense of discomfort when I am
asked to read books, watch movies or any other activities that require sitting for longer times. I
do not why it happens but sometimes I think it might be my nature to be active always. Without
physical movements, I cannot do for a moment and since book reading does not require the
movements, I do not prefer to spend time with books except my academic lessons.

Model Answer 2:

My younger brother, Thomas, loves to travel. Travelling is his hobby. In fact, he has travelled
many parts of my country, and he was alone on those trips. I was surprised to know that he has
travelled almost entire Spain and it was his solo trip.

He is a college first-year student but an adventurer lives in him. He loves to travel and also have
already planned to travel across the globe in future. In fact, he is a bit extrovert and passes most
of the time out of the home. By this time, he moves from one place to another. He tastes different
foods, comes to know about different cultures and rituals and finally delivers the daily record to

Basically, there are a good number of attractive places are available in Madrid and there are too
many places across the country for travelling. Spain is thus a popular destination for global
tourists. Thomas mostly visits the renowned city areas. He moves from one city to another and
sometimes he tries to walk all the way. After completing his college classes, he moves out to
explore the areas in the evening. Sometimes, he makes late to arrive home. It happens on the
days when he walks across the cities. Our parents inspire Thomas in this travelling issues.

Thomas enjoys to travel and alone for some interesting reasons. He is extrovert but does not
socialise with the unknown people. When it comes about travelling, he prefers to be alone to
avoid troubles during the journeys. He believes that travelling alone is beneficial for him. He
would be able to focus on his trips and be attentive to the surroundings. He wants to know the
world completely and if there is someone, he feels disturbed. He believes that travelling
increases his knowledge and thus he is more focused on the matter than even his academic
activities. Whenever he goes out of the city, he tries to bring some sort of souvenir for me and

I have a different opinion regarding travel. First of all, I love to travel but I am not a travell-
addict like my brother. Thomas loves to travel alone but I would prefer a company with me while
I am out of the home. Thomas is able to enjoy travelling but I think I would not be able to enjoy
so much like him. In fact, I love to enjoy television series instead of travelling. It appears to me
as a troublesome task. Walking down the streets and cities to look for entertainment is not that
much appealing to me. Besides, regular travelling also does not suit me and I fall sick. So, I am
unable to enjoy the same amount by travelling as Thomas gets.

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