Ielts Cue Card 3

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Ielts cue card 3

Describe a time when you met someone who you became good friends with.

You should say:

 who you met

 when and where you met this person
 what you thought about this person when you first met

and explain why you think you became good friends with this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer :

This is such a nice topic to talk about. It reminds me of one memorable occasion when I met
someone who later became one of my closest friends during my freshman year at university. Her
name is Sarah, and I met her at a campus orientation event that took place in the first week of our

I vividly recall the day - it was a sunny September afternoon, and the campus was bustling with
enthusiastic students eager to make new friends. I had just moved to a new city for my studies,
and I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. As I entered the orientation hall, I noticed Sarah
sitting alone, looking a bit nervous, like me. When I first saw Sarah, I was struck by her warm
and approachable demeanour. She had a friendly smile that instantly put me at ease. I decided to
strike up a conversation with her, thinking that we were both new and in the same boat.

As we began talking, I discovered that we had many common interests. We both loved literature,
enjoyed hiking in the outdoors, and had a passion for trying out new cuisines. Our conversation
flowed effortlessly, and it felt like we had known each other for much longer than just a few

Throughout that first year of university, Sarah and I became inseparable. We attended classes
together, explored the city on weekends, and even joined the same extracurricular clubs. Our
bond deepened as we shared our dreams, fears, and aspirations. We supported each other through
the ups and downs of university life, from challenging assignments to personal milestones.

What made us good friends was our genuine connection and the trust we developed. Sarah was
always there to lend a listening ear, offer advice, or simply share a laugh when things got tough.
Our friendship was built on mutual respect, kindness, and a sense of camaraderie that made
every moment we spent together enjoyable.
In retrospect, I believe our friendship blossomed because we were both open to making new
connections, and we recognized the value of having a true friend during a significant transitional
phase in our lives. Meeting Sarah was serendipitous, but our decision to nurture our friendship
was a conscious choice.

Describe a tourist attraction in your country that you would recommend.

You should say:

 what the tourist attraction is

 where in your country this tourist attraction is
 what visitors can see and do at this tourist attraction

and explain why you would recommend this tourist attraction.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

One of the most captivating tourist attractions in India - my beloved motherland - that I would
highly recommend is the Taj Mahal, located in the city of Agra in the northern state of Uttar
Pradesh. The Taj Mahal is not only an architectural marvel but also a symbol of eternal love and
a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Visitors to the Taj Mahal can witness the breathtaking beauty of this white marble mausoleum,
which was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The
monument is renowned for its intricate Mughal architecture, featuring symmetrical designs,
intricate carvings, and stunning inlays of semi-precious stones. The most iconic view of the Taj
Mahal is from the front, where its white-domed structure reflects the serene waters of the
Yamuna River.

While at the Taj Mahal, visitors can explore its beautifully landscaped gardens, which are
meticulously maintained and add to the overall charm of the monument. Inside the mausoleum,
you can find the intricately designed cenotaphs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, which are
adorned with calligraphy and delicate floral patterns. Additionally, the Taj Mahal's history and
architecture make it a great place for photography, and you'll often see both amateur and
professional photographers capturing its beauty from various angles.

The reason I recommend visiting the Taj Mahal is not only because of its architectural grandeur
but also because of the romantic and historical significance it holds. It's a symbol of undying
love and devotion, and the story behind its construction adds an emotional depth that is palpable
when you stand before it. Furthermore, the Taj Mahal is a testament to the rich cultural heritage
of India, showcasing the artistic and architectural achievements of the Mughal Empire. It's a
place where you can immerse yourself in history, culture, and art all at once.

**Model Answer 2:**Thank you very much for this excellent topic. One of the most remarkable
tourist attractions in Vietnam, that I wholeheartedly recommend, is the ancient town of Hoi An.
It is located in Quang Nam Province in Vietnam. Hoi An is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and
a gem that beautifully reflects the rich cultural heritage of Vietnam.Hoi An is a town frozen in
time, with its well-preserved architecture, narrow winding streets, and centuries-old buildings.
What makes Hoi An truly special is its unique blend of cultures, resulting from centuries of
trading with various nations, including China, Japan, and European countries.Visitors to Hoi An
have the opportunity to immerse themselves in its timeless beauty. The town is famous for its
stunning lantern-lit streets that come alive at night, creating a magical and romantic atmosphere.
Walking through the ancient streets, you'll encounter charming tea houses, traditional tailor
shops, and local artisans practising their crafts. One of the must-visit attractions in Hoi An is the
Japanese Covered Bridge, an iconic 18th-century wooden bridge that serves as a symbol of the
town. Another remarkable site is the old merchant houses, such as the Tan Ky House, which
showcases a fascinating fusion of architectural styles. Hoi An is also renowned for its delectable
cuisine. The town's culinary scene is a delightful blend of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese
flavours.What sets Hoi An apart is its cultural significance. It's a place where you can witness
living traditions like the monthly Full Moon Lantern Festival, where the entire town is adorned
with colourful lanterns, and locals release lanterns into the Thu Bon River, creating a
mesmerizing spectacle.As someone from Vietnam, I recommend visiting Hoi An because it
embodies the essence of our culture, history, and tradition. It's a place where you can experience
the beauty of a bygone era while enjoying the warmth and hospitality of the local people.

Describe a time when you enjoyed visiting a member of your family in their

You should say:

 who you visited and where they lived

 why you made this visit
 what happened during this visit

and explain what you enjoyed about this visit.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I would like to share a memorable experience when I visited my aunt's house during a school
break. My aunt, who lives in a quaint suburban neighbourhood, had invited me over to spend a
few days with her and her family. I had always enjoyed spending time with them, and this visit
turned out to be particularly enjoyable.

My aunt's home is nestled in a peaceful and lush green area, providing a refreshing change from
the cityscape where I lived. The purpose of my visit was simply to catch up, relax, and escape
the usual routine. I was excited to spend quality time with my cousin, who is like a close friend
to me.

During my stay, we engaged in various activities. We cooked together, sharing family recipes
and learning new ones. We played board games, went for walks in the nearby park, and even had
a movie night with homemade popcorn. What made the visit truly enjoyable was the warmth and
genuine hospitality my aunt's family extended towards me. We had heartfelt conversations,
shared laughter, and bonded over shared experiences.

One aspect of the visit that I particularly enjoyed was the feeling of being welcomed and
embraced by family. It was evident that my aunt and her family were genuinely happy to have
me around, and that made me feel valued and loved. The cosy atmosphere of their home, coupled
with their genuine care, created a sense of comfort and relaxation that was much needed. In
essence, this visit allowed me to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, connect with
family members, and rejuvenate in a peaceful environment.

Model Answer 2:

I've a cherished memory of visiting my sister's new home for the first time in 2021 after her
wedding. Back then, she had recently tied the knot and moved to a different city with her
husband. The excitement of seeing her new life and home added a unique sense of anticipation to
the visit.

My sister's new home was located in a serene residential area, quite different from the bustling
city I was used to. The purpose of my visit was to congratulate her on her marriage and also to
get to know her new family and surroundings. I was looking forward to spending time with her,
meeting her husband, and experiencing the warmth of their new life together.

During the visit, I was warmly welcomed by her husband and his family. They had prepared a
delicious meal for me, which we all shared together. It was heartening to see how well my sister
had adjusted to her new life and how seamlessly she had merged into her husband's family. We
spent the evening sharing stories, reminiscing about our childhood, and getting to know her new

What made this visit truly special was witnessing my sister's happiness in her new role as a wife
and daughter-in-law. It was evident that she was thriving in her new environment, and her new
family embraced her with open arms. As the evening passed, I felt a strong sense of joy and
contentment, knowing that my sister was in a loving and caring family.

The visit taught me the significance of adapting to new phases of life and embracing change with
an open heart. It highlighted the importance of family bonds, even as they evolve and expand.
This experience left me with a deep sense of happiness for my sister and gratitude for the warm
welcome I received from her new family.

Describe a picture or photograph you have in your room.

You should say:

 how long you have this in your room

 what is in the photograph or picture
 where you got it from

and explain what this photo means to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I've a photograph in my room that holds a special place in my heart. I've had this photograph for
around three years now, and it captures a moment of pure joy and togetherness. The photo
features my family during a vacation we took to a serene beach.

In the picture, we're all standing on the sandy shore, with the vast ocean in the background. The
sun is setting, casting a warm, golden glow on us. I can see my parents, my younger sister, and
me, all wearing big smiles on our faces. My sister and I are holding hands, laughing as the waves
gently lap at our feet. The image is full of vibrant colours, with the sky painted in shades of
orange and pink, and the water reflecting the serene beauty of the moment.

I received this photograph as a gift from my parents. They had taken the time to frame it
beautifully, knowing how much that vacation meant to all of us. It's not just a photograph; it's a
memory frozen in time, capturing a moment of pure happiness and togetherness.

This photo holds immense significance for me. It's a reminder of the importance of spending
quality time with family, and cherishing moments of laughter and connection. Whenever I look
at it, I am transported back to that serene beach, feeling the sand between my toes, hearing the
sound of the waves, and basking in the warmth of my loved ones' company. This picture serves
as a constant source of comfort and inspiration, reminding me of the value of creating beautiful
memories with the people I care about the most.

Describe some food or drink that you learned to prepare.

You should say:

 what food or drink you learned to prepare

 when and where you learned to prepare this
 how you learned to prepare this

and explain how you felt about learning to prepare this food or drink.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Oh, this is such a nice topic to talk about. In fact, I am happy to have this topic to talk about
because I love to cook and sometimes experiment with it. One food item I learned to prepare is
homemade pizza, and here I'm going to talk about it.

What food or drink you learned to prepare:

I learned to prepare a variety of food and drink items but pizza stands out among them.
Homemade pizza is a versatile dish where you can choose your favourite toppings and create a
personalized culinary masterpiece. From kneading the dough to selecting the freshest ingredients
for the toppings, each step contributes to the final delicious outcome.

When and where you learned to prepare this:

I learned to prepare homemade pizza during a week-long stay at my grandmother's place. It was
during the summer break in 2021. She has always been an amazing cook, and I saw this as an
opportunity to learn one of her cherished recipes.

How you learned to prepare this:

My grandmother patiently guided me through the entire process. We started by making the pizza
dough from scratch, mixing flour, yeast, water, and a pinch of love. She showed me the
technique to knead the dough until it was smooth and elastic. After that, she taught me how to
prepare the tomato sauce, spread it over the rolled-out dough, and arrange the toppings –
everything from veggies to different types of cheese. We then baked the pizza in her traditional
oven, watching it transform into a mouthwatering creation.

And explain how you felt about learning to prepare this food or drink:

Learning to prepare homemade pizza was a delightful experience. Not only did I get to spend
quality time with my grandmother, but I also gained a valuable skill that allows me to enjoy a
delicious, homemade meal whenever I want. As we worked together, her passion for cooking
and her nurturing guidance made the process not just about making a dish, but also about
preserving cherished family traditions.

Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake.

You should say:

 when it was
 where you were
 why you had to stay awake even though you were sleepy

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


One memorable occasion when I had to battle my drowsiness and stay awake was when my
younger sister fell sick and had to be taken to the hospital. It was an emotionally challenging and
exhausting experience, but I knew that my presence and support were crucial to her well-being.
That's exactly the night I could not sleep at all even though I was asleep. I will share this
experience with you here.

When it was:

This happened a few months ago when my sister suddenly developed a high fever and severe
cough. We rushed her to the hospital late in the evening, and I stayed by her side throughout the

Where you were:

I was in the hospital's emergency room, sitting on a chair next to my sister's bed. The atmosphere
was tense, with doctors and nurses attending to various patients, and the constant beeping of
machines added to the sense of urgency.

Why you had to stay awake even though you were sleepy:

Although I was feeling increasingly tired and sleepy, I knew that my sister needed someone to be
with her and provide comfort. Her condition required regular monitoring, and being the eldest
sibling, I felt a strong responsibility to ensure that she was okay.And explain how you felt about
it:It was a challenging experience to fight off sleepiness while worrying about my sister's health.
At times, I had to walk around, splash cold water on my face, or engage in conversation with my
parents to stay awake. Although I was physically exhausted, my concern for my sister's well-
being kept me alert.As the night progressed, I found myself reflecting on the importance of
family support during difficult times. Despite my fatigue, I felt a sense of pride that I was able to
stay awake and provide comfort to my sister when she needed it the most. As morning
approached and my sister's condition began to stabilize, I felt a mix of relief and gratitude. While
I was sleep-deprived, knowing that my presence had provided her with some solace made it all
worth it.

Describe a time when you celebrated some kind of success or achievement.

You should say:

 when it was
 what you were celebrating
 who was with you

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


One memorable moment in my life, when I celebrated a significant success, was on my

graduation day. It was a joyous occasion that marked the successful completion of my
undergraduate studies and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I am so grateful to you to be
able to talk about this wonderful event and my experience of this event.

When it was:

The graduation ceremony took place on a bright and sunny day in June, two years ago. The
anticipation leading up to this day had been building for years, and finally, the moment had
arrived to celebrate my academic achievements.

What you were celebrating:

I was celebrating the successful completion of my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.

The journey through university had been filled with academic challenges, personal growth, and
unforgettable experiences. Graduating with honors and obtaining my degree was the culmination
of years of hard work, dedication, and late-night study sessions.
Who was with you:

My family and close friends were by my side throughout the celebration. They had been my
pillars of support during my academic journey, providing encouragement and motivation to
overcome obstacles. Seeing them cheering for me with beaming smiles made the celebration
even more special.

And explain how you felt about it:

Experiencing my graduation day filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride,

accomplishment, and gratitude. As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I felt a mix
of emotions – excitement for the opportunities that lay ahead and nostalgia for the wonderful
memories created during my university years.

The joy of celebrating this achievement with my loved ones made the day even more memorable.
Their presence symbolized the unwavering support they had given me throughout my academic
journey, and I felt truly blessed to have such caring and encouraging people in my life.

Describe a leisure activity you have enjoyed lately with your family.

You should say:

 when it was
 what type of leisure activity it was
 how frequently you do this with your family

and explain how much you enjoyed it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Spending quality leisure time with family is a cherished opportunity to create lasting memories
and strengthen the bond between loved ones. Recently, I had the pleasure of engaging in a
delightful leisure activity with my family that brought us immense joy and togetherness. For this
topic, I am going to share this experience with you.

When it was:
Just last month, during a weekend, we decided to have a family picnic at a nearby park. It was a
much-needed break from our busy schedules and provided us with an opportunity to unwind and
reconnect with each other.

What type of leisure activity it was:

The leisure activity we enjoyed together was a picnic. We packed a delicious assortment of
homemade sandwiches, snacks, and refreshing drinks, along with some outdoor games and a
cosy picnic blanket. The park we chose had beautiful green spaces, shaded trees, and scenic
views, providing an ideal setting for our picnic.

How frequently you do this with your family:

Although we cherish family time, due to our individual commitments and busy professional life,
we are not able to engage in such leisure activities as frequently as we would like. However, we
make a conscious effort to plan family outings, such as picnics, at least once every few months.

And explain how much you enjoyed it:

I cannot express enough how much I enjoyed our family picnic. It was a truly memorable
experience filled with laughter, conversation, and shared experiences. We spent the entire day in
the park, indulging in delicious food, playing games like Frisbee and badminton, and simply
basking in the joy of being together.

What made this leisure activity so enjoyable was the collective participation and involvement of
each family member. We laughed, shared stories, and bonded over shared memories. It felt like a
much-needed escape from the routine, allowing us to unwind and appreciate the simple pleasures
of life.

Describe something you remember about your first day at a new school.

You should say:

 where it was
 how old you were back then
 what you remember about the day

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

The first day at a new school is often filled with excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. It
marks the beginning of a new chapter in one's life and presents an opportunity to make new
friends and adapt to a different environment. I vividly remember my first day at a new school,
which left a lasting impression on me, and for this topic, I am going to share this experience with

Where it was:

The new school I attended was located in a bustling city neighbourhood in our country. It had
modern infrastructure, spacious classrooms, and a vibrant campus. It was a significant change
from my previous school, which was in a smaller town. The name of this school was (...say the

How old you were back then:

I was 12 years old when I started at this new school. It was a transition from primary to
secondary school, and I was entering a new phase of my academic journey.

What you remember about the day:

On that first day, I remember feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as I entered the
school gates. The campus was bustling with students, teachers, and staff members. The
unfamiliar faces and the hustle and bustle of the surroundings made me feel slightly

I recall walking into the classroom and being greeted by my new classmates and the teacher. The
classroom itself was bright and spacious, adorned with colourful posters and educational
materials. The teacher introduced me to the class, and my classmates warmly welcomed me.
Throughout the day, there were various orientation activities and ice-breaking sessions designed
to help us get to know each other.

And explain how you felt about it:

On that first day, I experienced a mixture of emotions. I felt both excitement and anxiety about
fitting in and making new friends. The unfamiliarity of the environment made me feel a bit
nervous, but the warm welcome from my classmates and the friendly attitude of the teachers
helped alleviate my concerns. Reflecting back on that first day, I realize that it was a significant
milestone in my life.

Describe a trip with your friends that you enjoyed a lot.

You should say:

 when it was
 where you were going
 what was special about this trip

and explain why you enjoyed this trip so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


A trip with friends can be an incredibly memorable and enjoyable experience, creating bonds and
memories that last a lifetime. One such trip that stands out in my mind is a recent adventure I
embarked on with three of my closest friends. It was a perfect blend of excitement, exploration,
and laughter.

When it was & Where you were going:

The trip took place last summer during our college break. We decided to explore the stunning
coastal region of Bali, Indonesia. Known for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant culture, and
beautiful beaches, Bali seemed like the perfect destination for our much-anticipated getaway.

What was special about this trip:

Several factors made this trip truly special. Firstly, it was the company of my amazing friends
that added an extra layer of fun and camaraderie to the entire experience. We had known each
other for years and had shared countless adventures, but this trip allowed us to strengthen our
bond and create new memories together.

Bali itself was a paradise that captivated us from the moment we set foot on its shores. The
stunning beaches with crystal-clear turquoise waters, lush green rice terraces, and vibrant local
markets were just a few highlights that made this destination so special. We indulged in thrilling
water sports, explored ancient temples, hiked through lush jungles, and immersed ourselves in
the rich cultural heritage of the island.

And explain why you enjoyed this trip so much:

This trip was an escape from our daily routines and responsibilities, providing us with the
opportunity to unwind, recharge, and experience new things together. We laughed, sang, and
danced as we explored the hidden gems of Bali. Every day was filled with exciting adventures
and spontaneous moments that brought us closer as friends. Moreover, Bali's breathtaking
natural beauty and warm hospitality left a lasting impression on me. The locals were incredibly
friendly, and their genuine warmth and openness made us feel welcomed and embraced. The
vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and awe-inspiring sunsets created a sense of wonder and

Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry.

You should say:

 what you had to do

 why you had to do this in a hurry
 how well you did this

and explain how you felt about having to do this in a hurry.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

First of all, thank you for this interesting topic. One memorable occasion when I had to do
something in a hurry was when I had to catch a flight to attend an important family event. The
situation demanded quick and efficient action to ensure I reached the airport on time and didn't
miss the flight. This experience taught me the importance of time management and the ability to
handle pressure effectively.

I had to pack my bags, arrange transportation, and reach the airport within a limited timeframe.
Additionally, I had to ensure I had all the necessary travel documents, such as my passport and
tickets, ready to avoid any last-minute complications.

The reason behind the urgency was that the family event was of great significance, and I didn't
want to miss the opportunity to be present and support my loved ones. The event was time-
bound, and any delay in reaching my destination would have meant missing out on important
moments and valuable time with family members.

Considering the urgency of the situation, I managed to prioritize my tasks and handle them
efficiently. I quickly packed my essentials, double-checked my travel documents, and arranged
for a taxi to take me to the airport. I kept a close eye on the time and ensured I didn't waste any
precious minutes. Thanks to my preparation and swift actions, I reached the airport well before
the boarding time and successfully boarded the flight.

While the rush and pressure of doing things in a hurry can be stressful, I felt a sense of
determination and focus during this experience. I recognized the importance of the event and
understood that time was of the essence. Although there was a bit of anxiety initially, I
channelled that energy into ensuring I completed the tasks efficiently. In the end, the satisfaction
of making it to the airport on time and being able to attend the family event overshadowed the
initial stress.

Describe a monument (e.g., a statue or sculpture) that you like.

You should say:

 what this monument is

 where this monument is
 what it looks like

and explain why you like this monument.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


The monument that holds a special place in my heart is the Statue of Liberty, located in New
York City, United States. This iconic symbol of freedom and democracy has captivated millions
of people around the world with its grandeur and historical significance. I would like to thank
you for this opportunity to let me talk about this famous monument.

What this monument is:

The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture that was gifted to the United States by
the people of France in 1886. It stands on Liberty Island in the New York Harbor, greeting
visitors and serving as a symbol of welcome and hope.

Where this monument is:

The Statue of Liberty is situated on Liberty Island, which is located in the New York Harbor. It
is visible from various vantage points in New York City, including Battery Park and the southern
tip of Manhattan.

What it looks like:

The Statue of Liberty stands tall at a height of 305 feet (93 meters) from the base to the tip of its
torch. It is made of copper sheets and is supported by an iron framework. The statue portrays a
robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, holding a torch in her
right hand and a tablet in her left hand on which the date of American Independence, July 4,
1776, is inscribed.
The statue is crowned with a seven-pointed spiked crown, symbolizing the seven continents.

And explain why you like this monument:

The Statue of Liberty holds a special place in my heart because it represents the ideals of
freedom, liberty, and democracy. It serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for people around
the world who aspire to live in a society that upholds these values. The statue's majestic presence
and its symbolism resonate deeply with me. It stands as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices
made by countless individuals in the pursuit of liberty and justice.

Describe a big city you would like to visit.

You should say:

 which big city you would like to visit

 how you would travel there
 what you would do there

and explain why you would like to visit this big city.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

A big city that I would love to visit is "Toronto" - the largest city in Canada and a cultural hub
that has garnered international acclaim. Its dynamic blend of modernity and diversity, coupled
with its stunning skyline and vibrant neighbourhoods, make it an enticing destination for
exploration and immersion.

Toronto, situated on the shores of Lake Ontario, is known for its cosmopolitan atmosphere,
multiculturalism, and thriving arts and entertainment scene. I would love to visit this city in the
next couple of months.

To reach Toronto, I would opt for air travel. I would book a flight to Toronto Pearson
International Airport, the city's major airport. Upon arrival, I would utilize the city's efficient
public transportation system, including buses and subways, to navigate the city and reach my
desired destinations.

During my visit to Toronto, I would embark on a journey to explore its diverse attractions and
immerse myself in its vibrant culture. I would begin by visiting iconic landmarks such as the CN
Tower, which offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city, and exploring the beautiful
waterfront area. I would also explore vibrant neighbourhoods like Kensington Market, known for
its eclectic shops and diverse culinary offerings, and experience the multicultural ambience of
Chinatown. Additionally, I would make it a point to visit renowned cultural institutions like the
Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario, which house impressive collections of art
and history.

I would love to visit Toronto for its multiculturalism. Toronto is often referred to as one of the
most diverse cities in the world, with a vibrant blend of cultures, languages, and cuisines.
Moreover, Toronto is known for its thriving arts and entertainment scene. From its world-class
theatres to its numerous festivals and events, the city offers an abundance of opportunities to
indulge in music, theatre, film, and other cultural experiences. Finally, Toronto's reputation as a
livable city with a high quality of life and friendly residents adds to its allure, and I want to
experience it first-hand.

Describe the neighbourhood you lived in when you were a child.

You should say:

 where in your town/city the neighbourhood was

 what kind of people lived there
 what it was like to live in this neighbourhood

and explain whether you would like to live in this neighbourhood in the future.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


The neighbourhood we grow up in holds a special place in our hearts, as it shapes our early
memories and experiences. The neighbourhood I lived in during my childhood was a vibrant and
close-knit community that left a lasting impression on me. For this topic, I will describe the
neighbourhood where I grew up as a child.

Where in your town/city the neighbourhood was:

The neighbourhood was located in the southern part of my town, nestled amidst a serene
residential area. It was characterized by tree-lined streets, well-maintained houses, and a sense of

What kind of people lived there:

The neighbourhood was home to a diverse mix of families, ranging from young professionals to
retirees. People from different cultural backgrounds coexisted harmoniously, creating a rich
tapestry of traditions and experiences. It was heartwarming to see residents of all ages engage in
community activities and lend a helping hand to one another.

What it was like to live in this neighbourhood:

Living in this neighbourhood was like being part of a big extended family. There was a strong
sense of community spirit, with regular gatherings, events, and celebrations. Neighbours knew
each other by name, and children played together in the local parks. It was a safe and nurturing
environment, where residents looked out for one another and shared a genuine sense of

And explain whether you would like to live in this neighbourhood in the future:

The memories and experiences I had in that neighbourhood hold a special place in my heart.
While I cherish the time I spent there, I also recognize that our preferences and priorities evolve
as we grow older. While the nostalgia of my childhood neighbourhood remains, I am open to
exploring new communities and experiencing different environments. So, I may live in this
neighbourhood for a while but would not settle there.

ELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 550 with Model Answer:

Describe a time when you received something for free.

You should say:

 when it was
 what you got for free
 why you think you were offered it for free

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Receiving something for free can be a delightful and unexpected experience. I vividly recall a
time when I was fortunate enough to receive a complimentary item, which made me appreciate
the generosity and kindness of others. Here, I will share this experience with you.

When it happened:
The incident occurred during a local community event last summer. It was a bustling fair with
various stalls and activities, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

What you got for free:

While exploring the fair, I came across a booth promoting a newly opened bakery in the
neighbourhood. Intrigued by the delectable pastries on display, I decided to approach the stall.
To my surprise, the friendly staff offered me a freshly baked croissant as a complimentary

Why you think you were offered it for free:

The bakery was using the event as an opportunity to showcase their delicious products to
potential customers. By offering complimentary samples, they aimed to entice visitors and create
positive word-of-mouth. It was a marketing strategy to generate interest and gain recognition for
their bakery.

And explain how you felt about it:

Receiving the free croissant filled me with a sense of delight and gratitude. Not only did it satisfy
my taste buds with its buttery and flaky texture, but it also made me appreciate the
thoughtfulness of the bakery in sharing their culinary creation. It felt like a small act of kindness
that enhanced my overall experience at the fair.

Overall, the experience left me with a warm feeling and a newfound appreciation for the value of
simple acts of kindness.

Describe a skill that you can teach other people.

You should say:

 what skill it is
 how you have learned it
 how long it will take you to teach this skill

and explain how it would help others.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I believe that one of the most rewarding experiences in life is being able to share our skills and
knowledge with others, empowering them to learn something new. So I would like to teach
others the skills I have without even considering my benefits. For this topic, I'll describe a skill
that I can teach others.

What skill it is:

A skill that I can teach other people is photography, a passion I have cultivated over the years. I
have honed my photography skills through years of practice, experimentation, and learning from
experienced photographers.

How you have learned it:

I initially developed an interest in photography during my teenage years and began exploring the
basics through online tutorials, books, and hands-on experience with my camera. Over time, I
actively sought opportunities to enhance my skills by attending workshops, joining photography
communities, and engaging in self-directed projects.

How long it will take you to teach this skill:

The duration to teach photography may vary depending on the individual's prior knowledge and
level of commitment. A basic understanding of photography principles can be grasped within a
few sessions, covering topics such as camera settings, composition, lighting, and post-processing
techniques. However, to master the art of photography, it requires continuous practice and
exploration, which may take months or even years.

And explain how it would help others:

Teaching photography can offer numerous benefits to others. Firstly, it provides a creative outlet
for self-expression, allowing individuals to capture moments and convey their unique
perspectives. Photography also encourages mindfulness and appreciation for the surrounding
environment, fostering a deeper connection with the world. Moreover, learning photography can
open doors to various opportunities, such as pursuing a career in the field, documenting personal
experiences, or simply enjoying photography as a fulfilling hobby.

By teaching photography, I aim to empower individuals to tell their stories through captivating
visuals, expand their artistic abilities, and develop a keen eye for detail.

Describe a person who has helped you in your work or studies.

You should say:

 who this person is

 how you know this person
 how this person has helped you
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Introduction:In our academic or professional journeys, we often encounter individuals who

generously offer their guidance and support, making a significant impact on our work or studies.
One such person who has played a pivotal role in assisting me is my colleague and friend,
Sarah.Who this person is:Sarah is an experienced professional in my field of study and a fellow
colleague at my workplace. We met a couple of years ago when we started working together on a
project.How you know this person:Our professional relationship quickly developed into a
friendship as we shared common goals and interests. We often collaborated on tasks and
projects, providing each other with valuable insights and perspectives.How this person has
helped you:Sarah's assistance has been instrumental in my work and studies. She possesses
extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, and she willingly shares her insights and
experiences with me. Whenever I faced challenges or encountered complex concepts, Sarah was
always there to lend a helping hand. She patiently explained intricate topics, clarified my doubts,
and provided valuable resources and references to enhance my understanding.Furthermore, Sarah
provided constructive feedback on my work, pushing me to strive for excellence. Her keen eye
for detail and analytical thinking helped me refine my research papers and presentations,
ensuring they were well-structured and persuasive.And explain how you felt about it:I am
incredibly grateful for Sarah's unwavering support and guidance. Her willingness to invest time
and effort in helping me succeed has not only boosted my confidence but also inspired me to
excel in my work and studies. Knowing that I have someone who genuinely believes in my
capabilities and is willing to go the extra mile to assist me has instilled a sense of motivation and
determination within me. I feel fortunate to have such a supportive mentor and friend who has
consistently championed my development and celebrated my achievements.

Describe a person you follow on social media.

You should say:

 who this person is

 where you follow him or her
 what this person does

and explain why you follow this person on social media.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer:


It is undeniable that social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and many of us
spend hours scrolling through various social media platforms. For this topic, today, I'd like to
talk about a person whom I follow on social media. I will also tell you why I find this person's
content inspiring and interesting.

Who this person is:

The person whom I follow on social media is Simon Sinek. He is a well-known author,
motivational speaker, and marketing consultant. I came across his work when I was reading one
of his books titled "Start with Why", which talks about the importance of having a clear sense of
purpose in both personal and professional life.

Where you follow him or her:

I follow Simon Sinek on various social media platforms such as Twitter, and Instagram. He has a
massive number of followers on these platforms and he is very active in posting content that
revolves around leadership, personal development, and motivational topics.

What this person does:

Simon Sinek is an accomplished author, and his books have sold millions of copies worldwide.
He is also a renowned speaker and has delivered TED talks that have amassed millions of views.
His expertise lies in understanding human behaviour and how it can be used to inspire and lead
people. He provides valuable insights into leadership and management, and his work has helped
many individuals and organizations achieve success.

And explain why you follow this person on social media:

I find Simon Sinek's work to be very inspiring and thought-provoking. His content always
provides a fresh perspective on various topics, and his insights have helped me gain a better
understanding of leadership and personal development. Moreover, his messages are always
positive and uplifting, which makes me feel motivated and optimistic about the future. His
content has helped me grow both personally and professionally, and I look forward to reading
more of his work.

Describe a second language you have learned.

You should say:

 what language it is
 how you have learned it
 how long it took you to learn it
and explain how learning this language has helped you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Learning a second language can be a challenging yet rewarding experience, and I believe that a
second language skill helps us in many different ways. It opens doors to new cultures, helps in
personal and professional growth, and enhances communication skills. In my case, the second
language that I have learned is French. And I would like to share my experience of learning this
language for this topic.

What language it is:

French is a romance language and is widely spoken in France, Canada, Switzerland, and many
African countries. It is the official language of the United Nations, the European Union, and the
International Red Cross.

How you have learned it:

I started learning French in high school. It was a mandatory subject, and we had to attend French
classes for three years. In the beginning, I found it quite challenging to understand the grammar
rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation. However, as I started practising more, I began to enjoy the
language and felt motivated to learn more.

How long it took you to learn it:

It took me around three years to learn the basics of the French language. After that, I continued
to learn it as a hobby and have been practising it by reading books, watching French movies, and
having conversations with French-speaking people.

And explain how learning this language has helped you:

Learning French has been a great asset for me. Firstly, it has improved my communication skills,
especially when travelling to French-speaking countries. It has enabled me to connect with
locals, understand their culture, and make new friends. Secondly, it has helped me in my career,
as I work in an international company that has many French-speaking clients. Finally, learning
French has given me a sense of achievement, and it has motivated me to learn other languages in
the future.

Describe a person who taught you something important.

You should say:

 who this person is

 how you know him or her
 what this person has taught you

and explain how it is important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


Throughout our lives, we meet many people who have a significant impact on us, either directly
or indirectly. Among them, there is one person who has taught me something valuable that I will
always remember. Here, for this nice cue card topic, I will tell you who this person is, what he
taught me and how this has been proven to be important for me.

Who this person is:

The person who taught me something important is my mother's elder brother, who I refer to as
Uncle Tom. He is an experienced businessman who has been running his own company for over
three decades.

How you know him or her:

I have known Uncle Tom since I was a child. He is my mother's brother, and we have always
been close to his family. I used to visit his office during my school vacations, where he would
give me small tasks to do, such as organizing files or helping him prepare for meetings.

What this person has taught you:

Uncle Tom has taught me several important lessons over the years, but the most significant one
was the importance of hard work and dedication. He always emphasised the need to work hard,
especially when starting a new venture or business. He taught me that success is not handed to
you on a silver platter, but rather it is earned through persistent effort and perseverance. He also
taught me to be patient and to never give up on my dreams, no matter how challenging they may

And explain how it is important to you:

The lessons that Uncle Tom taught me have been invaluable to me, both personally and
professionally. They have shaped my work ethic and motivated me to pursue my goals with
determination and resilience. Whenever I face challenges or obstacles, I think back to his advice
and draw strength from his example. Uncle Tom has been a role model for me, and I feel grateful
for the impact he has had on my life.

Describe an expensive activity you enjoy doing occasionally.

You should say:

 what activity it is
 who you do it with
 why it is expensive

and explain how you feel about this activity.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


I believe that, as humans, we all have certain activities that we enjoy doing in our free time, and
some of them can be quite expensive. One such activity that I enjoy doing occasionally is fine
dining at a luxurious restaurant. For this cue card topic, I would like to talk about this expensive
activity that I really enjoy doing occasionally.

What activity it is:

Fine dining is a high-end culinary experience at a good restaurant. In such good restaurants, food
is prepared and presented in an artful and sophisticated manner and they offer exceptional
service, high-quality ingredients, and elegant presentation. And despite being expensive, this is
something I enjoy a lot.

Who you do it with:

I usually indulge in this activity with my partner or close friends. It is a great way to celebrate a
special occasion or simply to treat ourselves to a memorable culinary experience.

Why it is expensive:

Fine dining is an expensive activity because it involves high-quality ingredients, skilled chefs,
and exceptional service. The cost of running such restaurants is high, and they need to charge
high prices to maintain the quality of the food and the ambience. Additionally, the overall
experience of fine dining includes the ambience, service, and presentation, which is part of the

And explain how you feel about this activity:

I feel that fine dining is a truly luxurious and memorable experience. It is not just about the food,
but also the entire dining experience, from the ambience to the service. Fine dining allows me to
indulge in a range of different culinary delights that I may not get to taste otherwise. I enjoy
trying new dishes, and it makes me appreciate the art of cooking even more. Although it is an
expensive activity, I believe that it is worth the cost for the exceptional quality and unforgettable
experience it offers.

**Model Answer 2:**Introduction:I have always been interested in fashion and style, and one of
my favourite activities is buying expensive branded costumes, shoes, watches and perfumes. I
believe that looking good and dressing well is an important aspect of personal presentation and
self-confidence, and I take pleasure in investing in high-quality, luxury items that reflect my
personal taste and style. For this excellent topic, I would describe this expensive activity of mine
which I occasionally indulge in.What activity it is:The expensive activity that I enjoy doing
occasionally is shopping for branded clothing, watches, shoes and perfumes. I love visiting high-
end stores and boutiques that offer a wide range of designer and luxury products and spending
time exploring the latest collections and trends.Who you do it with:While I enjoy shopping
alone, I also love going shopping with my friends who share my passion for fashion and style.
We often plan our shopping trips in advance, looking for the latest designer launches and
seasonal sales.Why it is expensive:Branded clothing, watches, shoes and perfumes are often
expensive because they are made from high-quality materials and are designed by renowned
fashion designers and luxury brands. These products are often associated with exclusivity and
prestige, and their high prices reflect their status as luxury items.And explain how you feel about
this activity:For me, shopping for branded stores is more than just a leisure activity. It is a way
for me to express my personality and style, and to invest in high-quality products that make me
feel confident and stylish. While I understand that this activity can be seen as superficial or
materialistic by some, I believe that it is a valid form of self-expression and personal enjoyment.
Overall, I feel fulfilled and happy after a successful shopping trip, and I look forward to
continuing this activity in the future.

Describe a time when you thought the weather was so bad.

You should say:

 when it was
 what the weather was like
 how it affected your plan

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


I think that weather plays an important role in our daily lives, and it can have a significant impact
on our plans and activities. Thus I have different types of memories of events based on different
weather conditions. I vividly remember a time when I encountered extremely bad weather, and it
disrupted my plans, and for this topic, I am going to share this experience with you.

When it was:

It was a few years ago when I was travelling to a nearby town for a family gathering. The trip
was planned for the weekend, and I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my

What the weather was like:

However, on the day of the trip, the weather was terrible. It was raining heavily, and the winds
were blowing fiercely. The roads were flooded, and visibility was very poor. The weather was so
bad that it was difficult to even step outside.

How it affected your plan:

The bad weather severely affected my travel plans. The roads were unsafe, and it was impossible
to drive in such conditions. As a result, I had to cancel my trip, and I was extremely disappointed
as I had been looking forward to the gathering for a long time.

And explain how you felt about it:

I felt very disappointed and frustrated about the whole situation. It was a letdown, as I had
planned the trip for weeks and was eagerly looking forward to it. Moreover, I was also sad as I
had to miss out on the opportunity to spend time with my family. The bad weather had ruined my
plans, and it had left me feeling down and disheartened.

Describe a piece of equipment or tool you often use at home.

You should say:

 what it is
 how you use it
 how it helps you
and explain why it is important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


First, I'd like to thank you for this nice topic. In fact, we use various tools and equipment in our
daily lives to make our work easier and more efficient. One such tool that I use frequently at my
home is the "washing machine". It has made washing clothes a lot easier and more convenient
for me. For this topic, I am going to talk about this useful equipment that I use almost daily.

What it is:

My washing machine is a fully automatic front-loading machine. It has a capacity of 7kg, which
is sufficient for my family's daily laundry needs.

How you use it:

Using the washing machine is very simple. I just need to sort the clothes according to their
colour and type and load them into the machine. Then, I select the appropriate wash cycle and
the machine does the rest. Once the wash is complete, I take out the clothes and hang them to

How it helps you:

The washing machine has been a great help to me in many ways. Firstly, it has saved me a lot of
time and effort that I would have otherwise spent on handwashing clothes. Secondly, it has made
the process of washing clothes more efficient, as the machine can wash and rinse the clothes
thoroughly, leaving them clean and fresh. Lastly, the washing machine has also helped me to
save water and energy, as it uses less water and electricity than traditional handwashing methods.

And explain why it is important to you:

My washing machine is important to me because it has made my life a lot easier and more
convenient. With the machine, I can wash clothes quickly and efficiently, which means that I
have more time to do other things. Additionally, it has also helped me to save money on laundry
expenses, as I no longer need to use a laundry service.

Describe an art exhibition that you have been to.

You should say:

 when you visited this art exhibition
 where the exhibition was held
 what was on display

and explain your impression of the art exhibition.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Art exhibitions are a great way to appreciate and learn about different forms of art. I have been
fortunate to attend several art exhibitions, but the one that stands out in my memory is the
"Metamorphosis" exhibition that I visited a few years ago. For this topic, I would like to talk
about this art exhibition. And before I get into the details of this exhibition, I would like to thank
you for this great topic.

When you visited this art exhibition:

I visited the "Metamorphosis" art exhibition in the summer of 2019. It was a hot and humid day,
but the exhibition was held indoors, so I was able to enjoy the artwork comfortably.

Where the exhibition was held:

The art exhibition was held at the National Gallery of Modern Art, which is located in the heart
of the city. The gallery is known for its impressive collection of modern and contemporary art,
and the "Metamorphosis" exhibition was one of its most popular shows.

What was on display:

The "Metamorphosis" exhibition showcased the work of several contemporary artists from India
and around the world. The exhibits included paintings, sculptures, installations, and mixed media
artworks, all of which explored the theme of transformation and change. Some of the artworks
were thought-provoking and abstract, while others were more realistic and visually stunning.

And explain your impression of the art exhibition:

Overall, I was extremely impressed with the "Metamorphosis" art exhibition. The quality of the
artwork was exceptional, and the theme of transformation was explored in a variety of interesting
and creative ways. I particularly enjoyed the sculptures and mixed media artworks, which were
both visually striking and conceptually engaging. The exhibition was well-curated, with each
artwork placed in a specific context that enhanced its meaning and impact. It was a truly
memorable experience, and I left the gallery feeling inspired and enriched.

Describe a journey that did not go as planned.

You should say:

 where you were travelling to

 who you went there with
 what was your expectation from the journey

and explain why it did not go as planned.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Travelling is always exciting and full of surprises. However, sometimes even the best-planned
journeys can go off-track. Today, I would like to talk about a journey that did not go as planned.

Where you were travelling to & Who you went there with:

I went to Paris, France, with my best friend. It was our dream destination, and we had planned
the trip for months. We were excited to explore the famous city and indulge in French cuisine.

What was your expectation from the journey:

My expectations were high, and I was looking forward to visiting famous landmarks like the
Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame Cathedral. I also wanted to explore local
markets and try different French dishes. I also wanted to have a relaxing and pleasant tour.

And explain why it did not go as planned:

Unfortunately, our journey took an unexpected turn when my friend became ill on the second
day of the trip. She had a severe fever and could not leave the hotel room. We had to cancel most
plans and stay in the hotel for the rest of the trip. I was disappointed as we missed out on seeing
all the beautiful sights and experiences that we had planned.

Describe something you did that you think was a waste of your time.

You should say:

 when it was
 what you did
 how long it took

and explain why you think that was a waste of your time.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Time is a valuable asset, and we should spend it wisely. However, sometimes we may end up
doing things that we regret later on. For this topic, I will talk about an activity that I did that I
feel was a waste of my time.

When it was:

Last summer, during my summer vacation, I decided to learn a new language. Well, little did I
know back then that it was not a prudent decision.

What you did:

I was quite excited about it, and I spent a lot of time researching the best courses and resources
available. I finally found an online course and started taking the classes. And with this course, I
was expecting to learn and master the German language.

How long it took:

I spent several weeks studying the German language, spending hours each day memorizing
vocabulary, practising grammar rules, and trying to master the pronunciation.

And explain why you think that was a waste of your time:

However, after a few weeks, I realized that I was not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. I
was not making the progress I wanted, and I did not have any immediate use of the language. I
also found that I was neglecting other things that were more important to me, such as spending
time with my family and pursuing my hobbies. With this experience, I learned that it is important
to prioritize our time and invest it in things that matter to us the most.

Describe your favourite dress.

You should say:

 what type of dress it is
 when you like to wear it
 how often you like to wear it

and explain why this is your favourite dress.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


As a girl, I have a wide variety of dresses in my wardrobe but there is one particular dress that is
my absolute favourite. In this answer, I will describe my favourite dress and why I love it so
much. But before I talk about it, I'd like to thank you for this wonderful topic.

What type of dress it is:

My favourite dress is a knee-length, sleeveless A-line dress made of lightweight cotton fabric. It
has a floral pattern in shades of pink, blue, and yellow on a white background. The neckline is
round and it has a fitted waistline that flares out into a flowy skirt.

When you like to wear it & how often you like to wear it:

I like to wear this dress on warm summer days, especially when I am going to a picnic, outdoor
concert or a brunch with my friends. It's a versatile dress that can be dressed up or down
depending on the occasion. I usually wear it with a pair of white sandals and minimal jewellery.

And explain why this is your favourite dress:

There are many reasons why this dress is my favourite. Firstly, the floral pattern on the dress
makes it feminine and playful, and it's perfect for summer. Secondly, the lightweight cotton
fabric is very comfortable to wear and allows me to move around freely. Lastly, the A-line cut of
the dress is very flattering for my body type. Finally, I like it so much because this dress is my
go-to outfit whenever I want to feel confident, comfortable, and stylish.

Model Answer 2:

Thank you very much for the opportunity you have given me here to talk about my favourite

Well, my favourite dress is actually not a single dress at all, but more like a combination of
outfits, which is a pair of denim jeans and a cotton full-sleeve shirt.
I usually wear this outfit when I am going out with friends, driving, meeting a relative, or even
when running errands. I love how versatile it is.I wear this outfit quite often, maybe a few times
a week. I have multiple pairs of denim jeans and different styles of cotton shirts, so I can mix and
match them to create different looks. The denim jeans are comfortable and durable, and the
cotton shirts are breathable and easy to care for.The reason I love this outfit so much is because it
is both comfortable and stylish. I feel confident and put together when I wear it, and I can wear it
in different settings without feeling underdressed or overdressed. I can wear them in almost all
weather conditions without bothering much about how comfortable my outfit would be if I go
out or stay indoors. This is a great convenience for me.

Describe an important river or lake in your country.

You should say:

 what it is
 how you know about it
 where it is located

and explain how this river or lake is important to your country.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


Canada is rich in natural beauty, including numerous rivers and lakes. One of the most important
rivers in Canada is the St. Lawrence River, which is both culturally and economically significant.
I would like to thank you for this nice topic before I go into details to talk about it.

What it is:

The St. Lawrence River is a large river in eastern North America that flows from Lake Ontario
into the Atlantic Ocean. It forms part of the international boundary between Canada and the
United States and stretches over 1,900 kilometres in length.

How you know about it:

I learned about the St. Lawrence River from my geography classes in school, as well as from
various books and documentaries. Additionally, I have visited cities along the river, such as
Quebec City and Montreal, and have seen firsthand the impact that the river has on these
Where it is located:

The St. Lawrence River is located in eastern Canada, primarily in the province of Quebec, but
also extends into Ontario and New York State in the United States. It flows through numerous
cities, including Kingston, Montreal, and Quebec City, before emptying into the Gulf of St.
Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean.

How it is important to Canada:

The St. Lawrence River is a vital component of Canada's economy, as it provides access to the
Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean for trade and shipping. It is also a significant source of
hydroelectric power, with numerous dams and power plants located along its length. The river is
also important to the cultural heritage of Canada, as it has been a site of human habitation and
activity for thousands of years, with Indigenous peoples using it for transportation and fishing.

Sample Answer 2:

One of the most significant rivers in India is the Ganges or Ganga, as it is commonly known, and
for this great topic, I would like to talk about it.

The river originates in the Himalayas and flows through several states before emptying into the
Bay of Bengal. It is considered to be sacred by Hindus, who believe that bathing in the river can
purify one's sins.

I learned about the Ganges in my school geography classes and also from my family. The river is
an integral part of Indian culture, and there are several myths and legends associated with it.

The Ganges plays a crucial role in India's agriculture and economy. It provides water for
irrigation, which is essential for the cultivation of crops such as rice, sugarcane, and wheat. The
river is also a significant source of fish, which is an important source of protein for many
Indians. In addition, the Ganges is an essential mode of transportation, with several cities located
along its banks.

Moreover, the Ganges is an important spiritual destination for many Indians. Several festivals,
such as Kumbh Mela, are held on the banks of the river, attracting millions of devotees from all
over the country. The river is also home to several ghats, which are the steps leading to the river,
where people gather to perform religious rituals and ceremonies.

Describe a person whose job is important to society.

You should say:

 who this person is

 what job he/she has
 how you know this person
and explain why his/her job is important to society.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


In our society, many people have important jobs that contribute to the well-being and
development of the community. One such person is my neighbour, who is a doctor. For this
topic, I would like to describe this person and explain how his job is important to all of us.

Who this person is:

My neighbour, Dr. Rohit, is a medical professional who is highly respected in our community for
his dedication to his job. He has been practising medicine for over 18 years and has helped
numerous people recover from illnesses and injuries.

What job he/she has:

As I've mentioned earlier, Dr. Rohit is a doctor. He runs his own clinic and provides medical
treatment to patients suffering from various ailments. He also makes house calls for patients who
are unable to come to the clinic due to their illnesses.

How you know this person:

Dr. Rohit has been my neighbour for the past 5 years, and I have had the opportunity to interact
with him on several occasions. I have seen how tirelessly he works, often late into the night, to
ensure that his patients receive the best medical care possible.

Why his/her job is important to society:

Dr. Rohit's job is of utmost importance to society as he is responsible for saving lives and
improving the health of people in our community. He not only treats illnesses but also educates
his patients on how to maintain good health and prevent diseases. His contribution to society is
immeasurable, and we are fortunate to have someone as dedicated and compassionate as him in
our neighbourhood.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:In today's world, there are many professions that play an essential role in society.
Firefighters are one of them. They are courageous people who risk their lives to save others in
times of emergency. I have a cousin who is a firefighter, and I am proud of his job. I am so
excited that this topic has allowed me to talk about this cousin of mine and the importance of his
job to our society.Who this person is:My cousin's name is Rakib, and he is in his early thirties.
He is a tall, strong-built man with a charming personality. He always had a keen interest in
serving the community, and hence he chose firefighting as his profession.What job he/she has:

Rakib is a firefighter and serves in the local fire department. He works tirelessly to put out fires
and rescue people in need. His job is not just limited to firefighting but also includes providing
medical assistance, rescuing animals, and educating people about fire safety.How you know this
person:Rakib is my first cousin, and we have been close since childhood. Even though we live in
different states, we make sure to keep in touch and meet up whenever possible.Why his/her job is
important to society:Firefighters like Rakib play a vital role in our society. They put their lives
on the line to save others and protect property. They are the first responders in emergencies and
work under extreme pressure to control the situation. Their job is not just physically demanding,
but also emotionally challenging. Their bravery and dedication make them an inspiration to
others. Without firefighters, our community would be at a higher risk of damage from fires and
other emergencies. Hence, I believe that Rakib's job as a firefighter is significant and deserves
our respect and gratitude.


LabelsCandidate Task CardDescribe a personIELTS Cue Card

Describe a piece of art you like.

You should say:

 what it is
 where you saw it
 what you know about this piece of art

and explain why you like it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


I'd first like to thank you for this excellent topic. For this, I will talk about a piece of art that has
always fascinated me.

What it is:
I think that art has been an integral part of human civilization, and it has come in various forms
and styles. Among all, paintings have been the most popular form of art, which has been
mesmerizing people for centuries. Luckily, I have had the opportunity to see many great works
of art, but the one that always stands out for me is "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli.

"The Birth of Venus" is a painting created by Sandro Botticelli, one of the greatest painters of the
Italian Renaissance. The painting depicts the goddess Venus, standing on a seashell, and being
born out of the sea. It is a beautiful representation of the classical mythological story of Venus's

Where you saw it:

I saw this painting for the first time at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. It is one of the most
popular paintings in the museum and attracts many visitors every year.

What you know about this piece of art:

The painting is a masterpiece of art and has been praised for its beauty, grace, and elegance. The
use of bright colours, intricate details, and beautiful composition make this painting a true work
of art. The painting is considered one of the most famous and iconic works of art in the world.

Why you like it:

I like this painting because of its timeless beauty and elegance. The artist has portrayed the
goddess Venus in a very delicate and beautiful way. The use of soft colours, intricate details, and
beautiful composition make this painting stand out from the others. It is a true masterpiece of art
that can be admired for hours. Moreover, it represents the spirit of the Italian Renaissance, which
I find very inspiring. For all these reasons, "The Birth of Venus" is my favourite piece of art.

Describe an interesting aquatic animal you know about.

You should say:

 what animal it is
 what they look like
 when you have seen them

and explain why you think this is an interesting aquatic animal.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Aquatic animals are fascinating creatures that inhabit the world's oceans, seas, and rivers. There
are numerous aquatic animals that have unique features that make them interesting to learn
about. In this cue card, I would like to talk about an aquatic animal that I find particularly
interesting, which is the jellyfish.

What animal it is:

Jellyfish are free-floating, umbrella-shaped creatures that belong to the phylum Cnidaria. They
are found in all of the world's oceans and are known for their beautiful, translucent bodies and
long, trailing tentacles.

What they look like:

Jellyfish come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but they are typically bell-shaped and can
range in size from less than an inch to several feet in diameter. Their bodies are made up of a
gelatinous substance called mesoglea, which is what gives them their translucent appearance.
Their tentacles are used for feeding and defence and can be covered in thousands of tiny,
stinging cells called nematocysts.

When you have seen them:

I have seen jellyfish in various aquariums and zoos. I have also had the opportunity to see them
in their natural habitat while snorkelling in the ocean. Seeing them up close and personal is an
unforgettable experience, as their ethereal appearance and graceful movements are truly

Why you think this is an interesting aquatic animal:

Jellyfish are interesting for many reasons. One reason is their unique body structure, which has
remained largely unchanged for millions of years. They are also fascinating because of their
ability to adapt to changing environments and survive in some of the most extreme conditions on
earth. Additionally, jellyfish have inspired numerous scientific and technological advancements,
from medical research to the development of new materials. I believe

Describe your favourite social media platform/site/app

You should say:

 what it is
 what you use it for
 how long you have been using it

and explain why this is your favourite social media platform/site/app.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Oh, this one should be easy as I am an avid social media user. Though I do not like to waste my
time browsing different social media platforms hour after hour, I like to use two or three of them
to remain connected to my friends, family to others who are my online friends. Thank you for
this nice topic.

What it is:

My favourite social media platform is Instagram. It is a photo and video-sharing app that allows
users to share their life experiences through pictures and short clips. It also enables us to see
what others are sharing. It helps people connect and interact in a great way.

What you use it for:

I use Instagram to stay connected with my friends and family who are near or even far away
from me. I also use it to follow my favourite celebrities, influencers, and brands to stay updated
on their latest happenings. Moreover, I also post my photos and share my daily life experiences
with my followers.

How long you have been using it:

I have been using Instagram for around five years now. Initially, I started using it just to see what
the hype was about, but over time it became a daily part of my routine. I use it a few times a
week and never more than 30 minutes a day.

And explain why this is your favourite social media platform/site/app:

There are a few reasons why Instagram is my favourite social media platform. Firstly, I love the
visual aspect of it. It allows me to express myself through pictures and videos. Secondly, I find it
very easy to use and navigate. The user interface is simple and intuitive. Lastly, it helps me to
stay connected with people who matter to me, especially during the pandemic when physical
interactions have been limited. I feel that Instagram is not just a social media platform for me,
but a way of life that keeps me connected, informed and entertained.

Describe a character from a movie or book.

You should say:

 what this character is
 when you watched this character or read about this character
 what movie or book it is

and explain how much you like this character.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

One of my favourite characters from a book is Atticus Finch from Harper Lee's "To Kill a
Mockingbird". Atticus Finch is a lawyer and the father of Scout and Jem, the two main
characters in the book. I read the book when I was in high school, and since then, I have read it
multiple times.

Atticus is a wise, kind, and honest man, who believes in justice and equality. He is an excellent
role model, not just for his children but for anyone who reads the book. He is respected by his
community, and he treats everyone with kindness and dignity, regardless of their race or social

The book is set in the 1930s in a small town in Alabama, where racial tensions are high, and
prejudice is rampant. Atticus is appointed to defend a black man accused of raping a white
woman, which is a very controversial case. Despite the risks to himself and his family, Atticus
takes on the case and defends his client with dignity and courage.

I like Atticus Finch because he is a great example of what a person should be. He is kind, honest,
and compassionate, and he always tries to do what is right, even if it is not popular or easy. He is
a good father to his children, and he teaches them important lessons about life and how to treat
others. He is also a great lawyer, and he fights for justice, even when it is not easy.

Atticus Finch is one of my favourite characters from a book. He is a great example of what a
person should be, and I admire his honesty, courage, and compassion.

Sample Answer 2:

Forrest Gump, the main character of the movie "Forrest Gump," is a beloved character that has
captured the hearts of many people. For this topic, I would like to describe this character from
the movie that I really liked. It is perhaps one of the best movies that I have ever watched.

I first watched this movie several years ago, and I was immediately drawn to Forrest's unique
personality and his endearing qualities. Forrest is a simple man with a kind heart who sees the
world in a different way than most people. He is not very intelligent and has a speech
impediment, but he is filled with childlike innocence and a deep understanding of the important
things in life. Despite being rejected by society and facing many challenges, Forrest never gives
up and always manages to find a way to make the best out of every situation.

Throughout the movie, Forrest's character undergoes significant growth and development, and it
is inspiring to watch him overcome his obstacles and become a success in his own right. Despite
his lack of education and experience, he achieves great success in the military, in sports, and in

What I particularly love about Forrest is his unwavering loyalty and kindness towards his loved
ones, especially towards his childhood sweetheart, Jenny. Despite her flaws and their tumultuous
relationship, Forrest remains a steadfast friend and is always there for her when she needs him. I
absolutely adore Forrest Gump as a character. His innocence, kindness, and resilience have made
him an iconic character that has stood the test of time, and I believe that his story is one that will
continue to inspire people for generations to come.

Describe a time when you helped a friend.

You should say:

 when it was
 how you helped him/her
 why you helped him/her

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Helping a friend in need is always a fulfilling experience. I have many instances where I have
helped my friends, but one particular moment stands out in my mind. For this topic, I will share
this event and experience with you.

When it was:

It was about two years ago when one of my closest friends was going through a tough time. He
had just gone through a bad breakup, and he was feeling very low and depressed.

How you helped him/her:

I offered to spend some time with him and listen to his problems. We went out for dinner and
talked about what he was going through. I also suggested some activities that he could do to take
his mind off the situation, like playing sports or joining a new club.

Why you helped him/her:

I helped my friend because I knew that he was struggling and needed someone to talk to. I've
been through similar situations before, so I knew how hard it can be to deal with a breakup. I
wanted to be there for him and offer him some support during a difficult time.

How you felt about it:

Helping my friend made me feel good because I knew that I was able to make a difference in his
life. Seeing him smile and laugh again after our talk made me happy. I felt like I was able to
make a positive impact on his life, and that was a rewarding feeling. Helping others always
brings me joy, and I'm glad that I was able to be there for my friend when he needed me the


Describe a quiet place you would like to visit.

You should say:

 where this place is

 how you know about this place
 when you plan to go there

and explain why you would like to visit this place.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


I love exploring new places, and there is one quiet place that I would really like to visit more
than anywhere else. It's a little-known nature reserve in the countryside, and I have heard so
many wonderful things about it. I will share my plan for visiting this place with you.Where the
place is:The nature reserve is located in a remote area of the countryside, about two hours' drive
from where I live. It's a peaceful and tranquil place, surrounded by lush green forests, clear
streams, and rolling hills.How you know about this place:I first learned about this nature reserve
from a friend who visited the place last year. She told me about the breathtaking scenery, the
quietness of the place, and the amazing wildlife that you can see there. Since then, I have done
some research online and talked to other people who have visited the reserve, and everyone has
only good things to say about it.When you plan to go there:I'm planning to visit the nature
reserve next month, during the spring season. I've heard that the weather is mild, and the flora
and fauna are at their most vibrant during this time of the year. I can't wait to experience the
tranquillity of the place and take in all the natural beauty that surrounds it.Why you would like to
visit this place:I would like to visit this nature reserve because it offers a perfect escape from the
hustle and bustle of the city. I love being outdoors and surrounded by nature. And this place
promises to be the perfect spot for some quiet contemplation and reflection. I'm also looking
forward to exploring the many hiking trails in the area and seeing the wildlife that lives there. I
can't wait to disconnect from technology and spend some time in a peaceful, natural

Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home.

You should say:

 when it was
 where you moved
 why you moved

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


I remember moving to a new home with my family when I was a child. It was the summer of
2014, and we moved from a small town to a big city, where my dad had got a new job. For this
topic, I will share this experience with you.

When it was:

If I remember correctly, it was the year 2014. We moved to this new house at the beginning of

Where you moved:

We moved to a newly-built apartment in the city centre, and I was excited to see our new home.
This new house was far bigger than our previous home, and I really liked the fact that it was in a
place where a lot was happening and I had a lot to see and do.
Why you moved:

My dad got a new job in this city and that is the reason we had to move. His office was just a 25-
minute drive from our house.

And explain how you felt about it:

I felt both excited and anxious about the move but excitement was dominant I believe. On one
hand, I was excited to explore the new city, meet new people, and experience new things. On the
other hand, I was anxious about leaving behind my old friends and school, and starting all over
again in a new place. The thought of making new friends and adjusting to a new school made me
nervous. But I was also very happy because my father told me that he would allow me to have a
dog once we move to a large house. I also liked the new house as soon as we moved there.

Model Answer 2:


Moving to a new school can be a daunting experience, especially when you have to leave your
old friends behind and start afresh. I have experienced moving to a new school, and it was an
experience that I will never forget. For this topic, I will share this experience with you.

When it was:

It happened when I was in the seventh grade. I was about 14 years old back then. My family
moved to a new city, and I had to leave my old school and start in a new one.

Where you moved:

We moved to a new town called Bakersville in Linkshire. The new school was located in the
suburbs of the city, and it was quite different from my old school, which was in the city centre.

Why you moved:

The reason for the move was that my dad got a new job in the suburbs, and it was closer to our
new house.

And explain how you felt about it:

We were excited about the move, but at the same time, I was nervous about starting in a new
school. At first, I felt a bit lost and overwhelmed. The new school was much larger than my old
one, and it had many more students. It was a bit intimidating, but I tried my best to stay positive
and open-minded. Eventually, I made some new friends, and I began to enjoy going to school

Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future.
You should say:

 where it is
 how you know about this city
 what it is famous for

and explain why you would like to live there.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


I would really like to thank you for this interesting topic. I have not actually given much thought
about a city or town where I would like to live in apart from my own city. However, when I
started thinking about it, I found that it could be a fascinating idea to live in a city which I think
would make things better.

Where it is:

Well, the place, where I would like to live in the future has to be Vancouver, Canada. One of my
uncles lives there, and I have learned about this great city from my uncle, parents and a friend
who recently visited there.

How you know about this city:

I first heard about Vancouver from my uncle. He settled in this place at least a decade ago when I
was barely a teenager. Later, my parents went to visit my uncle and his family and when they
returned they also told me about this place. Finally, A friend of mine visited the city a couple of
months ago and raved about its natural beauty, friendly people, and high standard of living.

What it is famous for:

Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada, surrounded by mountains, forests, and the
Pacific Ocean. It's known for its mild climate, stunning scenery, and diverse culture. Some of the
city's most famous attractions include Stanley Park, Granville Island, and the Capilano
Suspension Bridge. I have learned all of these from this good friend of mine who stayed there for
more than two months.

And explain why you would like to live there:

What I find most appealing about Vancouver, from what I have heard about it from others, is its
emphasis on outdoor recreation and healthy living. The city offers many opportunities for hiking,
skiing, kayaking, and cycling, which is something I value in a place to live. Moreover,
Vancouver has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with many museums, galleries, and festivals. The
city is also home to several top universities and research institutes. So, I think Vancouver would
be an ideal place for me to live in the future because of its natural beauty, healthy lifestyle, and
cultural richness.

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media.

You should say:

 when it was
 where you saw it
 what you saw

and explain why you think it was interesting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Thank you for this interesting topic. I would like to talk about a time when I saw something
amusing on social media.

When it was:

A few months ago, I was waiting for my flight at the airport, and as I had some time to kill, I
opened Instagram to pass the time. As I was scrolling through my feed, a video caught my eye,
and I couldn't help but watch it.

Where you saw it:

I was on my smartphone and I watched the video on Instagram, one of the most popular social
networking platforms in the world.

What you saw:

The video was a compilation of dogs and babies doing hilarious things. There were scenes of a
baby giggling uncontrollably while a puppy licked its face, a dog playing catch with a toddler,
dogs and babies acting playfully over the same toys, and many more heartwarming moments.
The video was well-edited, and the background music added to the overall appeal. It was a five-
minute video, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I know that there are plenty of videos like this on
YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, but this one, in my opinion, was so intriguing that I watched
it with curiosity and amusement.

And explain why you think it was interesting:

I found this video interesting because it was a great example of how social media can bring
people together and spread joy. The video had millions of likes and shares, and many people
commented on how it made them smile or brightened their day. It also reminded me of the
positive impact that pets can have on our lives and how they can bring us so much happiness. It
was interesting to see how a simple video of dogs and babies doing funny things can bring so
much joy to people's lives.

Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (e.g. a painting, sculpture,

piece of jewellery/furniture, etc.).

You should say:

 where the artwork/ object is

 how it was made
 what it shows/looks like

and explain why you find it particularly beautiful.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about an object that I find particularly beautiful.
I would like to describe a painting that I have at home and that I am very fond of. In my opinion,
this is one of the most beautiful paintings that I have ever seen.

Where the artwork/ object is:

The painting now adorns our house. I bought it at an art exhibition approximately three years
ago. It is a landscape and it was created by a local artist. I think this painting is a true work of art,
and I feel lucky to have it in my home. I tried to contact the artist and get some more paintings
from her but could never trace her!

How it was made:

The painting was created using oil paints on a canvas, I guess. I was amazed by the level of
detail in the painting, especially the way the artist captured the light and the shadows on the
mountains. I was also impressed by the skill of the artist in creating a sense of depth and distance
in the painting. It was a stroke of genius.

What it shows/looks like:

The painting depicts a beautiful mountain range with a river flowing through it. The colours used
in the painting are very vibrant and they give a sense of tranquillity and calmness. The mountains
are painted in shades of green and brown, and the sky is a beautiful blend of blue and white. The
river is painted in shades of blue, and it looks like it's flowing right out of the painting.

And explain why you find it particularly beautiful:

What I find particularly beautiful about this painting is the way it captures the essence of nature.
It's almost as if the painting brings a piece of the natural world into our house. I feel a sense of
peace and calm when I look at the painting, and it reminds me of the beauty of the world around
us. I also find it interesting that someone created that piece of nature perhaps totally from her

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:Before I say anything about this topic, I'd like to thank you for the time and
opportunity to let me talk about something that I believe is quite beautiful. Well, as someone
who appreciates art and design, I have always been drawn to beautiful furniture. One particular
piece that I find especially beautiful is a handcrafted wooden dining table that we have at
home.Where the artwork/object is:The table is located in our dining room, where it serves as the
centrepiece of the space. It's a large, sturdy piece of furniture that can seat up to ten people
comfortably.How it was made:The table was made by a local carpenter, who used high-quality,
solid wood to craft the tabletop and legs. The carpenter took great care to ensure that the table
was not only beautiful but also functional and durable.What it shows/looks like:The table has a
classic, rustic look to it, with a smooth wooden surface and thick, sturdy legs. It has a rich, warm
colour that adds a cosy and inviting feel to the dining room. The wood grain is visible, giving it a
natural and authentic look.Why you find it particularly beautiful:I find the wooden table
particularly beautiful for several reasons. Firstly, the craftsmanship that went into making it is
evident in the fine details and quality of the wood. Secondly, the table's classic, rustic design has
a timeless beauty that never goes out of style. Finally, the fact that it's a handcrafted piece of
furniture gives it a unique character and history that I find fascinating. Whenever I sit down at
the table, I feel a sense of warmth and comfort that is hard to describe.

Describe some technology (e.g. an app, phone, software program) that you
decided to stop using.

You should say:

 when and where you got this technology

 why you started using this technology
 why you decided to stop using it

and explain how you feel about the decision you made.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:


Thank you very much for this interesting topic. I'd like to also thank you for allowing me the
time to talk about a technology that I stopped using. I will share with you what this technology
is, why and when I started using it, when and why I stopped using it and how I feel about my

When and where you got this technology:

I used to be an avid Instagram user, but I have since decided to stop using this social media
platform. I first got Instagram around five years ago, during my last year of college. I got this
application from the Google Play Store where Android smartphone users can download the
application they want.

Why you started using this technology:

At the time, I was looking for a way to connect with friends and share photos of my life.
Instagram seemed like the perfect solution, as it offered a user-friendly platform for photo
sharing and social networking.

Why you decided to stop using it:

However, over time, my relationship with Instagram began to change. I found myself becoming
more and more obsessed with the platform, spending hours scrolling through my feed and
checking for new updates. I became fixated on the number of likes and followers I had, and
started to compare my life to the carefully curated images of others.

Eventually, I realized that my use of Instagram was having a negative impact on my mental
health and well-being. I was spending too much time on the app and becoming increasingly
anxious and depressed as a result. I decided to take a break from Instagram, which eventually
turned into a permanent decision to stop using the platform altogether.

And explain how you feel about the decision you made:
Although it was difficult to let go of Instagram at first, I ultimately feel that it was the right
decision for me. I have more time to focus on other activities and hobbies that bring me joy, and
I no longer feel the pressure to constantly compare myself to others. Additionally, I have noticed
a positive impact on my mental health, as I am no longer exposed to the constant stream of
images and updates that used to trigger my anxiety. I think my decision to stop using Instagram
was a difficult one, but ultimately a positive step for my well-being.

Describe a luxury item you would like to own in the future.

You should say:

 what item you would like to own

 what this item looks like
 why you would like to own this item

and explain whether you think you will ever own this item.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

What item you would like to own:Thank you for this interesting topic. Today, I would like to
talk about a luxury item that I have been dreaming of owning for a long time. This item is a
sports car, specifically the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ. I will describe what it looks like, and
why I am interested in owning it, as well as whether I believe I will ever be able to own it.What
this item looks like:The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is an Italian-made supercar that boasts a
sleek and aerodynamic design, with sharp lines and a low profile. It features a powerful V12
engine that can produce up to 770 horsepower, allowing it to go from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.8
seconds. The car also features a luxurious interior with premium leather seats and state-of-the-art
technology.Why you would like to own this item:I would love to own this car because of its
impressive performance, stunning design, and the feeling of luxury and exclusivity that it
embodies. It is a symbol of success and achievement, and owning one would be a testament to
my hard work and dedication.And explain whether you think you will ever own this item:While I
understand that this car is a luxury item that comes with a hefty price tag, I believe that with hard
work and determination, I will be able to afford it someday. I am willing to work hard and save
up for this car, and I believe that with patience and discipline, I will be able to make my dream a

Describe a review you read about a product or service.

You should say:

 where you read this review

 what the product or service was
 what information the review gave about the product or service

and explain what you did as a result of reading this review.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Introduction:In this era of computers and the internet, people tend to read reviews of products
and services whenever possible, and some people are a bit more serious about those online
reviews than others. I often read online reviews when I plan to buy an expensive product, or a
new product, or plan to check in at a hotel. For this topic, I would like to talk about an online
review that I read about a hotel where I stayed for three nights.Where you read the review:I read
the reviews on "Agoda" - which is a popular hotel and air flight booking web service. It was
actually more than 20 reviews from real hotel guests that I read about the hotel, and I read the
reviews on my computer before I finalised the hotel booking.What the product or service was:I
took a business trip to Bangkok in Thailand, and the trip required me to stay in the heart of
Bangkok to save some commuting time each day. That's when I learned about the "Sheraton
Grande Sukhumvit" hotel from a colleague who stayed there and talked highly of it. I believed
that the Sheraton hotel would be a bit more expensive for me, but went online to check it out
anyway.What information the review gave about the product or service:There were at least a
thousand reviews about this hotel on the website called Agoda. I read more than 20 of them
thoroughly and skimmed through a dozen more. The reviews were as comprehensive as they
could be and came with pictures and personal experiences from real guests who stayed at that
hotel. The reviews expressed mostly positive contemplations of the guests. They include - how
the hotel was so great, how delicious the food was, how to explore the nearby area, how the
rooms were meticulously decorated and arranged, how amiable and professional the service
personnel were, and how to make the best of the stay. However, there were many negative
reviews as well from people who thought that the hotel overcharged them for average service
quality and food. From their reviews, it was clear that the hotel could not meet their
expectations.And explain what you did as a result of reading this review:After I read the reviews
- both positive and negative - I decided to book a single room that had a nice view only for a
night. I decided to extend my stay only if I was satisfied with my experience. Here, I should
mention that my experience was good, and I ended up staying three nights at that hotel.

Sample Answer 2:

Thank you so much for this excellent topic. Since I like to read or watch reviews on different
products and services from time to time, it would be easy for me to talk about one such event.

Today I'm going to talk about a review I read about a brand-new smart TV on a popular tech
website. As a tech enthusiast, I'm always eager to learn about the latest and greatest products on
the market, and this review definitely caught my eye. I was perhaps looking forward to learning
more about my available options for purchasing a TV since I was planning to buy a new one.The
TV in question was a top-of-the-line model from a well-known brand called Sony, and the
review gave a detailed breakdown of its features, design, and performance. The reviewer praised
the TV for its stunning picture quality, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with
popular streaming services. They also noted a few minor drawbacks, such as the lack of support
for certain apps and the high price point.After reading this review, I was definitely intrigued by
the TV and decided to do some further research. I looked up other reviews and watched some
video demonstrations to get a better sense of the TV's capabilities. Ultimately, I decided that
while it was an impressive product, it was a bit out of my price range and didn't offer enough
extra features to justify the cost.Overall, I think reading this review was a valuable experience
because it gave me a glimpse into the world of cutting-edge technology and helped me make an
informed decision about whether or not to invest in a new TV.

Describe a holiday destination that you would recommend to your friends.

You should say:

 where it is
 how you know about this holiday destination
 what someone can do and see there

and explain why you would recommend this holiday destination to your friends.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Where it is:

One holiday destination that I would highly recommend to my friends is the beautiful island of
Bali, which is located in Indonesia.

How you know about this holiday destination:

I first learned about Bali through a friend who had visited the island and raved about its stunning
natural scenery, rich culture, and beautiful beaches. Intrigued by her description, I decided to
plan a trip to Bali myself and was absolutely blown away by what I saw and experienced.

What someone can do and see there:

Bali has something for everyone, whether you're looking for a relaxing beach vacation, a cultural
adventure, or a spiritual retreat. Some of the top things to do and see in Bali include exploring
the ancient temples such as Tanah Lot, Uluwatu, and Besakih, visiting the rice terraces of
Tegalalang, hiking to the top of Mount Batur to watch the sunrise, and enjoying the beautiful
beaches such as Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua.

What sets Bali apart from other destinations is its unique blend of Hindu-Buddhist culture and
stunning natural beauty. The island is known for its intricate wood carvings, traditional dances,
and colourful festivals, which provide visitors with a fascinating insight into the local culture. At
the same time, Bali's lush forests, rice paddies, and volcanic landscapes are some of the most
picturesque in the world.

And explain why you would recommend this holiday destination to your friends:

Overall, I would recommend Bali to my friends because it offers a unique blend of culture,
nature, and adventure that is hard to find elsewhere. Whether you want to relax on the beach,
explore ancient temples, or immerse yourself in local culture, Bali has something for everyone.
Moreover, the island's friendly people, delicious cuisine, and affordable prices make it a great
value-for-money destination.

**Model Answer 2:**I am no travel expert, nor do I have the experience of visiting many
holiday destinations. But, still, I think that I should be able to recommend a few nice holiday
destinations for my friends, and one of those destinations would be the city of “Cebu” in the
Philippines.Interestingly, the name “Cebu” is referred to both as an island (and one of the largest
ones in that too) as well as a city that is very much located in the centre of the country. This is
such a popular destination that anyone, visiting the Philippines, would have heard about it
because of its breathtaking natural beauty. Considered as the oldest city in the Philippines, Cebu
attracts millions of nature lovers and visitors every year.I first heard about this popular tourist
destination from a “Filipino” tourist who was visiting my country a few years ago. I accidentally
met him at a local fish market in my town where he came to buy some shrimp for cooking
“Adobo” (a very popular Filipino dish). When I asked how he liked our big city, he just told me
that it very much looked like the city of Cebu in the Philippines except that there wasn’t any
ocean in it.Later, I learned a great deal about this nice holiday destination by watching some
travel shows on TV. It was from those travel shows that I learned how beautiful the beaches
there really were, and how one could snorkel there off the coast to see some big sea turtles and
other marine life. Besides, tourists could also enjoy the spectacular view of some free-flowing
waterfalls, in addition to enjoying some nice foods that were very affordable.Anyway, I would
definitely recommend this holiday destination for my friends because it is perfect for a quiet and
“laidback” beach vacation with almost nothing to distract you. I would recommend this place
also because it is very much like a melting pot for foods, arts, culture, religion and peaceful
island life, and one doesn’t exactly have to “empty his pocket” to afford them all.

Describe an interesting neighbourhood where you have been to.

You should say:

 where it is
 what type of neighbourhood it is
 when you went there

and explain why you think it was an interesting neighbourhood.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Thank you for choosing this interesting topic for me. I like to think that I have been to a few
interesting neighbourhoods, subject to how one defines “interesting”, and I will just pick one of
them and describe it as best as I can.

The neighbourhood, I am talking about, is not exactly located in my own town, even though I
would very much like it to be. Well, on second thought, I would actually like it to be my own
neighbourhood. But, unfortunately, that’s not to be because I just can’t afford it.

Yes, it is an “expensive” neighbourhood, not because it has some nice and fancy buildings,
shopping malls, or nice streets, but because it is a very simple neighbourhood where everything
looks so “natural”. The houses there look so “old” and the streets there are not even paved. In
fact, when I first entered that neighbourhood about a few years ago for the first time, my very
first impression of it was that the neighbourhood was an “ancient” village, and I was proved right
to some extent. Indeed, it was a two-century-old village where a wealthy group of “merchants”
used to live, as was told by my friend whose parents lived there.

Interestingly enough, even though it was a fairly large neighbourhood which had only 30 odd
families or houses, living almost a few hundred yards apart from each other. Later on, I was also
told that most of those families used their houses in that neighbourhood as some “holiday” or
“leisure” resorts except, of course, it didn’t have any ocean, river or lake nearby. Oddly enough
though, even though the neighbourhood was a bit too quiet for me, I would never hesitate to live

Anyway, I found the neighbourhood to be interesting, mainly because it had ample touch of
ancient history. I found it to be cool and unique also because even though it was very much
located in the middle of a rather busy town, not many people knew about it as if it was some kind
of “mystery island”.

Sample Answer 2:


Thank you so much for this interesting topic. I had been to many cities both in my homeland and
other countries, and have had the opportunity to visit some interesting and unique
neighbourhoods. For this topic, I'd describe one such neighbourhood that fascinated me a lot.
Where it is:

The neighbourhood I am going to describe is located in Georgetown, which is a city in Penang,

Malaysia. Georgetown is a vibrant and lively city that is renowned for its cultural diversity.

What type of neighbourhood it is:

The neighbourhood I visited was an old part of Georgetown, known as the "Armenian Street". It
is a historic and culturally significant neighbourhood that is home to some of the most beautiful
heritage buildings in Malaysia.

When you went there:

I visited the Armenian Street neighbourhood a couple of years ago, during my trip to Penang. I
was fascinated by the rich history of the city and wanted to explore its heritage sites.

Why you think it was an interesting neighbourhood:

The Armenian Street neighbourhood is fascinating because of its mix of cultures and
architectural styles. It is a melting pot of cultures, with influences from Malay, Chinese, Indian
and European cultures. Walking along the narrow streets of the neighbourhood, I could see a
wide range of architectural styles, including Chinese shophouses, colonial buildings, and Malay
kampong houses. The neighbourhood is also home to many museums, art galleries, and cultural
centres, making it an ideal destination for art lovers and history buffs.

Describe an interesting TV programme you watched about a science topic.

You should say:

 what science topic this TV programme was about

 when you watched this TV programme
 what you learned from this TV programme about a science topic

and explain why you found this TV programme interesting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have watched numerous TV shows on science and technology, and they were all very
informative and interesting on their own merits. One such TV show, which I watched a couple of
years ago, is called “Engineering an Empire”. Here, I will talk about it.
Actually, this TV show, hosted by famous Hollywood actor and scholar, Peter Weller, is more
like an educational series that tries to look at history and culture through the lens of science and
engineering technologies while very skillfully representing some facts on how some mighty
emperors rose to the heights of power from “nothing”. From mighty Rome to the Pyramid and
Pharaohs' Egypt, from Greece to Carthage, from the Aztecs to the Maya, this TV show has
covered it all to unravel the truths about some of the greatest engineering achievements that gave
birth to some of those mighty civilizations.

Of course, I already knew a bit (just a bit because I liked to learn about the “history” of our
world too) about the past civilizations of our world, but when I saw this TV programme, I came
to realize or learn for the first time that the civilizations in the past were not something that
“randomly” happened, but, rather, it took some meticulous planning on the part of those past
rulers and emperors to make it happen. In other words, those rulers in the past were also
“practising” some science, which might or not might have been like ours, but they were certainly
not inferior to our “version of science”.

This was indeed a very interesting TV show on science, mainly because it managed to use
computer graphics, to explore the architectural, political and cultural glory of the past, in such a
skilful manner that one would mistakenly take them as “real”. I found the programme interesting
also because it actually made me think for the first time that we just might not be as smart as we
like to think ourselves to be. After all, we are still being “awed” by some past civilizations that
existed almost 5,000 years ago, aren’t we?

Model Answer 2:

What science topic this TV programme was about:One of the most interesting TV programmes I
have watched about a science topic was a documentary on the Discovery Channel about the
mysteries of the universe. It was an hour-long programme that explored various scientific
theories and concepts related to space and the universe.When you watched this TV programme:I
watched this TV programme about two years ago on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I was immediately
drawn to it because I have always been fascinated by space and the mysteries of the universe.
The programme had excellent graphics, animation, and visuals that made it even more exciting to
watch.What you learned from this TV programme about a science topic:During the programme, I
learned about many fascinating scientific concepts, such as the big bang theory, dark matter, and
black holes. The programme explained each of these concepts in detail, using easy-to-understand
language and examples. For example, the programme explained how black holes are formed,
how they behave, and what happens when matter enters a black hole.And explain why you found
this TV programme interesting:What made this programme so interesting to me was the way it
combined scientific knowledge with entertainment. The visuals and graphics were breathtaking,
and the programme was well-paced and engaging. The presenters were knowledgeable and
passionate, which made it even more enjoyable to watch.Moreover, the programme was
fascinating and informative as it looked at some of the mysteries of the universe. I learned a lot
from watching it and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in science or the universe.
It was an excellent example of how science can be presented in an entertaining and engaging
Describe a time when you got positive feedback for something you did.

You should say:

 when it was
 what you did
 who gave you the positive feedback

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Thank you for choosing such a great topic for me. In the next couple of minutes, I will try to
share my experience about a time when I received positive feedback. The experience of getting
this positive feedback is still fresh in my mind even though it happened quite a few years ago.

Back then, I was just a high school student who was more interested in taking care of his studies
than looking after someone’s business or property. But when my eldest uncle requested me to
help him at the cash register at his busy restaurant because his regular cashier had got ill with
typhoid fever, I just couldn’t say “no” to him.

Anyway, initially, I had thought that I wouldn’t really have to get stuck with the cash register at
my uncle’s restaurant for more than a few evenings, but I was proved wrong as I had to continue
doing the job for almost two weeks, apparently because even though the regular cashier had
recovered from his illness, he still was too weak to do his job, and that too at a very busy place
like my uncle’s restaurant.

During this period, I didn’t only handle the transactions at the cash register from the beginning to
closing, but also helped the customers with other things when the restaurant got really busy. Not
to mention also the cumbersome task of counting all the money and balancing them against the
number of customer orders, and I did all of these things without any mistakes. No wonder, my
uncle had told me in the end that he couldn’t possibly do it all without my help.

In the end, it was two tough weeks for me. But I forgot about all the hardship of that two-week
period when I received such positive and inspiring feedback from my uncle. Besides that positive
feedback also made me feel that we should never back away from helping a person if we are
really able to do so, and even more so, especially, if it can teach us to become more positive
about our skills and abilities.

Model Answer 2:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about a time when I received positive feedback
for something I did. I will share with you when it was, what I actually did, how I did it, who
praised me for this and how I felt about it. So please bear with me.

When it was:

It was during my O-level examination, which I took in grade 11. It would be around four years
by now.

What you did:

Before the O-level examination, I struggled with mathematics and was disappointed with my
results in grades 9 and 10. I knew I needed to improve if I wanted to succeed in my future
studies. So, I started to work harder and smarter, spending countless hours practising and solving
problems every day. I also sought help from my math teacher and other resources to clarify my

Who gave you the positive feedback:

During the O-level exams, I felt more confident and well-prepared. When the results came out, I
was thrilled to see that I had secured a straight A* grade in mathematics. My math teacher was
impressed with my progress and praised me for my hard work and dedication. He mentioned my
name in front of the entire group of students and their parents, highlighting my achievements in
mathematics, and how I improved significantly.

How you felt about it:

I felt incredibly proud and delighted to receive such positive feedback. It was an amazing feeling
to know that my efforts and hard work had paid off. Moreover, it motivated me to work harder in
other subjects. This event showed me that hard work and dedication can lead to success and
inspired me to keep striving for excellence.

Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

 what this tourist attraction is

 when and why you visited it
 what you did there

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this tourist attraction.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

I have been lucky to visit some of the most popular and iconic tourist attractions in the world.
But, today, I would like about one such iconic attraction which certainly deserves a bit more
attention than the others. I am talking about “The Taj Mahal”.

Now, for those, who travel the world, the Taj Mahal is very much like a “household” name. This
world-renowned, tourist attraction is one of the most beautiful buildings and architectural
marvels of the world that is ever created. Although this exquisite, ivory-white marble mausoleum
has been standing there tall, on the south bank of the “Yamuna (or Jamuna) River” of the Indian
city of Agra for almost 4 centuries, it has been designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO
only recently in 1983.

Anyway, even though, I visited this place, also duly regarded as one of the 7th wonders of the
modern world, not only to learn and connect with an ancient history, which introduced many
wonderful things to our world, but also to see how one of the most powerful emperors in human
history could be so “creative and compassionate” in displaying his love and affection for his dear
wife.Besides, there are just too many things to do there. But when I actually got to the site, I
could only stare at the structure like I was hypnotized by its beauty. Of course, I took some
pictures there too, in addition to watching the sunset descending on the grand structure, but my
mind only was going back 4 centuries to find out what really was going inside the mind of the
great Mughal emperor when he was watching it being built.In the end, all I can say is that I
thoroughly enjoyed visiting this grand monumental structure because it allowed me to have a
glimpse of a very eventful past that shaped the history of a very significant part of our world. I
enjoyed it also because it allowed me to sense some kind of unexplainable mystery – a “mystery
of endless love” between two persons.

Sample Answer 2:


Thank you for this nice topic. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about a tourist attraction that I
enjoyed visiting. The attraction I would like to describe is the Great Wall of China, which is
located in China.

What this tourist attraction is:

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood,
and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern
borders of China. The wall stretches over 13,000 miles and is considered one of the seven
wonders of the world. I was so happy to be there. It was a great experience.

When and why you visited it:

I visited the Great Wall of China during the summer season of 2018 with my family. We decided
to visit this iconic monument because of its historical significance, cultural importance and the
natural beauty surrounding it. It was a part of our travel itinerary to explore China and its culture,
and the Great Wall was one of the must-visit attractions on our list.

What you did there:

I visited the Great Wall of China with my family, and we were all amazed by its grandeur and
magnitude. We hiked for several hours along the wall, taking in the stunning views of the
surrounding mountains and countryside. We also explored several watchtowers and learned
about the history and significance of the wall.

And explain why you enjoyed visiting this tourist attraction:

What I enjoyed most about visiting the Great Wall of China was the sense of history and cultural
significance that it embodied. It was awe-inspiring to think about the generations of people who
had built and maintained the wall, and the role that it had played in shaping the history and
culture of China. Moreover, the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape made the experience
even more memorable. To be honest, visiting the Great Wall of China was an unforgettable
experience that left me with a deep appreciation for the history and famous tourist spots all over
the world.

Describe a person you know who is from a different culture.

You should say:

 who this person is

 where he or she is from
 how you know him or her

and explain what you feel about this person who is from a different culture.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have always been interested in meeting people from different cultures and customs from all
over the world except, of course, I don’t really often get that opportunity. After all, I live in a
rather small town, and that too in a remote corner of my country, which doesn’t always get
frequented by any foreign travellers or tourists except on some rare occasions. And it is during
one of those rare occasions that I met “Ben Emanuel”, and today, I would like to talk about him.
But, I didn’t really meet him in my own, little town. Rather I met him in one of the largest cities
in my country, which I was visiting about a few years ago when I went there to buy a portable
“air cooler” for my family.

Incidentally, I had to spend a day at a hotel there, and it was at that time that I met him while
sitting in that hotel lobby. Interestingly, when I met him, he was wearing a jersey of the
Argentina national football team except he was wearing a trouser instead of a “half-pant”. As
soon as I noticed his jersey, I thought that he was from Argentina, and needless to mention, I was
proved right.

So, I immediately said “hello” to him and introduced myself. At first, he was a bit hesitant to
open up to me, but when I said how I was a “die-hard” fan of the Argentina national football
team, he became happy and started to open up to me. Later on that day, we spent some more
time, talking to each other about an array of issues of our countries, while enjoying our lunch at
the restaurant there. Needless to say, we became good friends after that.

Anyway, after meeting Ben Emanuel (and we still communicate with each other over the phone
sometimes), the very first impression I had of him was that he was a bit too proud of his national
identity and culture. Of course, he was friendly too, but I had to choose my words a bit carefully,
lest he would get offended.

Sample Answer 2:

Who this person is:

Thank you for this topic. Here, I'd like to talk about one of my cousins who is from the USA and
has a different cultural background than me. Her name is Emma, and she is 22 years old. She is
the youngest daughter of my maternal Aunt.

Where he or she is from:

She was born and raised in the United States and has lived there her entire life. She is from
Arizona, and she is doing her graduation at Arizona State University.

How you know him or her:

I have always heard about her, but I met her a year ago when she visited my country for the first
time with her mother. It was great to finally meet her in person and get to know her better. We
spent a lot of time together during her visit, and we had many conversations about our different
cultures. We also visited a lot of places during her stay in our house.

And explain what you feel about this person who is from a different culture:

I find my cousin to be a very interesting person. She has a different perspective on life due to
growing up in a different culture than me. I have learned a lot from her about the way people live
in the United States and how it differs from my own culture. Despite the differences in our
cultures, we have a lot in common, and we get along very well. She is very kind and friendly,
and we share a lot of similar interests.

Describe a stadium or playground you have ever been to.

You should say:

 what it is
 where it is
 when you visited there

and explain your impression of this stadium or playground.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I am a big fan of the European Champions League football tournaments, except, of course, I
never really got a chance to watch it live in a stadium. So, when the opportunity arrived, I just
grabbed it with two hands, meaning I actually got to watch an awesome football match at one of
the biggest stadiums in the world!

The stadium, I am talking about, is the world-renowned “Camp Nou” which is located in
Catalonia of Spain. Being home to FC Barcelona, one of the most iconic and decorated football
clubs in the world, this stadium has hosted numerous football matches and tournaments since it
was built in 1957. I had the opportunity to visit this mega structure, having 3-layers of sitting
arrangements on top of each other, about 5 years ago when I visited Spain as an exchange
student in order to learn the Spanish language for a couple of semesters.

Of course, I already knew which famous football superstars graced this stadium with their
“golden boots” (speaking metaphorically, of course), but I had very little idea about its enormous
size! Can you imagine how gigantic of a stadium it had to be if it wanted to accommodate almost
100,000 spectators!? In fact, when I entered this enormously-gigantic stadium, I felt like
someone had suddenly dropped me from high above the ground, and I was just drowning and
drowning myself into the ocean of humans who didn’t have anything to chant or say except the
names of their own football clubs!

Anyway, even though I visited this stadium about 5 years ago, the memory of it still is very
much fresh in my mind. In fact, when I first entered the stadium, the very first thing, that crossed
my mind, was that very few stadiums in the world had managed to bring so many football
legends together at a time. I also felt that only a stadium like this could bring so many crazy
football fans from all over the world together, by erasing all sorts of geographical and cultural
differences among them, in the spirit of enjoying some truly world-class sports skills and

Model Answer 2:

I would like to talk about a cricket stadium that I visited in the UK a few years ago. It's called
Lord's Cricket Ground and it's located in London. I went there during the summer of 2019 to
watch a match between England and Australia. It was my first time visiting a cricket stadium in
the UK, so I was really excited to experience the atmosphere and see the game in person.

As soon as I entered the stadium, I was struck by how large and well-maintained it was. The
seating area was spacious and comfortable, and I had a great view of the pitch from my seat. The
grass on the pitch was perfectly trimmed and the stadium was surrounded by trees and greenery,
which gave it a really pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.

During the match, I was amazed by the skill and athleticism of the players. It was also really
exciting to see the crowd cheering and chanting in support of their respective teams. The
atmosphere was electric and there was a sense of camaraderie and shared passion among the

Overall, I was really impressed by Lord's Cricket Ground and the experience of watching a
match there. It's definitely one of the most iconic and well-known cricket stadiums in the world,
and I felt lucky to have the opportunity to visit it. The atmosphere, the skill of the players, the
cut-throat competition of the match, and the sense of community and camaraderie among the
fans all made for an unforgettable experience.

Describe a positive change in your life.

You should say:

 what it was
 when it happened
 how it happened

and explain why it is a positive change in your life.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

It was about a few years ago when this change took place. Back then, I had “thin skin”, meaning
I couldn’t accept any criticism about me, or my ways of doing things, lightly, even though they
were legitimate most of the time. But, then something happened, which I am going to describe
shortly, and I told myself that I would never get upset if anybody ever had “critical” opinions of

It was a rather “bitter pill” to swallow for me, but nevertheless, I did it; I accepted the fact that
we were all open to criticism, one way or another. Now, let me tell you what exactly forced me
to bring that change in me.

It was a simple incident at a super shop where I used to go to do my grocery on a regular basis.
Then one day, a young boy, who had just started working in that store, said to me something
about my grocery packing. Anybody else in that situation would have probably taken that
‘something” as a suggestion, but I took it as a “criticism”. So, I just got upset a bit and said
something to that young boy in an angry manner. When I came back to that store the next time, I
couldn’t find that boy anymore. When I asked the manager about that boy, he told me that he had
quit his job because I was upset with him for no apparent reason. Needless to say, after learning
that news, I felt terrible, and later started to even blame myself. Not only that, but also I
promised myself that I would always try my best not to get upset again unnecessarily.

Now, I very seldom get upset if somebody is ever critical of me, which certainly is a positive
change. And it is because of this change, I have learned many important lessons about life. Not
only that but also I have managed to befriend many decent people. Finally, because of this
positive change, I am actually more confident about myself and my ways of doing things than
ever before!

Model Answer 2:


Thank you for this wonderful topic to talk about. I believe that life is full of changes, both
positive and negative. However, there was one positive change in my life that I would like to talk
about, which has had a significant impact on my personal growth and happiness.

What it was:

The positive change in my life was when I started practising mindfulness and meditation

When it happened:

It happened around two years ago when I was going through a difficult time in my life. I was
feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, and I knew I needed to make a change.

How it happened:

I started practising mindfulness and meditation by attending a class at a local meditation centre.
At first, it was challenging to sit still and quiet my mind, but with regular practice, I began to feel
the benefits of the practice. I started to feel calmer, more centred, and more focused. I also
noticed that I was better able to handle stress and difficult situations in my life.

Why it is a positive change in my life:

Practising mindfulness and meditation has had a profound positive impact on my life. It has
helped me become more self-aware, more compassionate, and more accepting of myself and
others. I've learned to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, which has improved my mental
health and overall well-being. It has also helped me to be more present in the moment, which has
allowed me to appreciate the small things in life that bring joy and happiness.

Describe your favourite genre of music.

You should say:

 what it is
 who your favourite artist is in this genre
 what this genre of music expresses about yourself

and explain why this is your favourite genre of music.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

**Model Answer 1:**What it is:Music is a universal language that connects people across
different cultures and backgrounds. For this topic, I would like to talk about my favourite genre
of music, which is pop music.Who your favourite artist is in this genre:My favourite genre of
music is pop music. It is a popular music genre that originated in the United States during the
1950s and quickly became one of the most commercially successful genres in the world. My
favourite artist in this genre is Taylor Swift. She is one of the most successful pop artists of all
time and has won numerous awards for her music. I love her catchy melodies and relatable
lyrics. Her songs always make me feel empowered and inspired.

What this genre of music expresses about yourself:Pop music expresses my outgoing and
energetic personality. It is a genre that is meant to be enjoyed by a large audience, and its upbeat
and catchy rhythms perfectly complement my outgoing nature. I find that pop music is a great
way to get energized and motivated for the day ahead.And explain why this is your favourite
genre of music:What I love most about pop music is its ability to uplift and inspire. The music is
often upbeat and cheerful, and it never fails to put me in a good mood. Whether I'm at a party, in
the car, or just hanging out at home, pop music is always my go-to genre. It brings me joy and
helps me connect with others who share my love for this upbeat and catchy music. This is why
this is my favourite genre of music.
**Model Answer 2:**Well, in my humble opinion, it actually takes an expert to talk about the
different genres of music, and I can absolutely assure you that I am not an expert in this field.
But, that never prevents me from preferring a particular genre of music over the others, and the
genre of music, I want to say a few words about today, is popularly known as “soft rock”.Now,
before I say why I really like this particular type of music, I better clarify what soft rock music
really is. Well, some say that soft rock is actually a “derivative” form of pop-rock, but as far as I
am concerned, I prefer to call it a “fine deviation” of a form of music called “pop-rock” which
doesn’t sound anything more than some “loud noise”, at least some of the times (sorry to those
people who like “hark rock or pop-rock”).So, no wonder I prefer soft rock. After all, this
particular genre of music blends rather well with my “quiet nature or personality” because of its
smoother tune and sound effects. Besides, they also go hand in hand with my introverted
personality which is often troubled by some sort of low self-esteem.Anyway, originating in the
early 60s, this type of music has mainly emphasized melodies and harmonies to highlight themes
like love, relationship and lifestyles. Since then, it has produced some fine musical talents like
Carole King, Cat Stevens and James Taylor. But, among my favourites are the singers like Bryan
Adams and Phil Collins who certainly have taken this music to a new height of popularity in
recent times.So, again, no wonder that soft rock is my favourite music genre because they sound
just so melodious and harmonic, no matter what your moods are and what time of the day or
night, you are listening to it. Another reason why I like this type of music is that its smoother
aesthetics never get lost, no matter the types of musical instruments used to create it.

Describe a time when you successfully completed a project or assignment.

You should say:

 when it was
 what the project or assignment was about
 how difficult or easy it was

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


Thank you for providing me with this interesting topic. I am grateful for this opportunity to share
a personal experience of successfully completing a project or assignment.

I believe that completing projects or assignments is an integral part of our academic and
professional life. For this topic, I would like to talk about a time when I successfully completed a
group project in my college.
When it was:

The project was assigned to us in the second semester of my second year of college. The
deadline was set for two months later.

What the project or assignment was about:

The project was a group research project on the topic of renewable energy. We were required to
conduct research on the various types of renewable energy and their potential benefits and
drawbacks. We also had to prepare a presentation and a research paper to present to our
professor and classmates.

How difficult or easy it was:

At first, the project seemed quite daunting as we had to conduct extensive research and analyze
large amounts of data. However, as we progressed, we found that working together and sharing
our findings made the project much easier. We also had access to various online resources and
books from the college library, which made the research process less difficult.

And explain how you felt about it:

Completing the project successfully was an amazing feeling. Our group worked hard and put in a
lot of effort to make sure that we met the deadline and produced high-quality work. The sense of
accomplishment was overwhelming, and it felt great to know that our hard work paid off.
Moreover, the experience taught me the importance of teamwork, communication, and planning
in achieving a common goal. I believe that the project was a great learning experience, and it
helped me to develop important skills that apply to both academic and professional life.

**Model Answer 2:**Thank you for this topic. I was assigned to work on this project by none
other than my company CEO a few years ago when we were about to launch some of our new
children’s products like backpacks, hats and socks. And my task, as an Assistant Manager of the
customer relations department, was to contact, not only our existing customers but also the ones
who stopped doing business with us, and prepare a report on their inputs as to how those
products were likely to be received by the children.But, the problem with this project was that
even though we had all the data and contact addresses of our existing customers, we didn’t have
data on the contact address of the ones who stopped doing business with us a long time ago. So,
having no clue about how to acquire those missing data, I decided that I was going to call all the
businesses and stores in my country, which were involved in selling the same kinds of children’s
products, randomly to find out if they at some point did business with my company.Needless to
say, it was a challenging task since many of those former business partners of my company had
either closed their businesses or changed their contact details. Besides, many of them were not
willing to cooperate with me also, apparently because, they thought that it was just a waste of
time for them.But, in the end, it was a success, and I felt really good about my achievement since
I was finally able to accomplish what I was assigned to do, and that too within a short period of
time. Besides, it also made me feel a bit proud since I didn’t really take anybody’s advice,
neither from anybody inside my company nor outside of it, in taking some of the decisions that I
eventually needed to make in order to complete the project successfully. However, of course, my
best moment arrived when my CEO told me “well done and thank you”.

Describe a workaholic person you know.

You should say:

 who this person is

 what the job/ profession of this person is
 how you know about this person

and explain why you think this person is a workaholic.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

A person I know who I consider a workaholic is my uncle John. He has been working as a senior
manager in a manufacturing company for more than 20 years and has always been dedicated to
his job. For this topic, I have decided to talk about my uncle.

I know about my uncle's workaholic behaviour from my frequent family gatherings and
conversations with him. Every time we meet, he talks about his job, the latest projects he's
working on, and the challenges he's facing at work. He often spends his weekends and evenings
answering emails, attending conference calls, and preparing for meetings. He rarely takes time
off from work, and even when he's on vacation, he still checks his emails and responds to work-
related messages.

I think my uncle is a workaholic because he seems to derive most of his identity and self-worth
from his job. He is highly motivated by his work and takes pride in his accomplishments. He also
believes that his job is essential to his financial stability and the well-being of his family, so he
works hard to ensure that he's doing everything he can to succeed. However, his intense focus on
work often comes at the expense of his health and personal relationships. He doesn't exercise
regularly and often misses family gatherings and events due to work commitments.

I believe that while my uncle's work ethic and passion for his job are admirable, his excessive
focus on work has also taken a toll on his health and personal relationships.

**Model Answer 2:**I wish that I myself was a workaholic person because I have always
admired such persons for their contribution to society. So, I would like to thank you for choosing
such a nice topic for me.Anyway, the workaholic person, I want to talk about here, is actually a
former neighbour of mine whom I had known for a good 10 years before he moved to a different
town. Now, it is a pity that I never got a chance to talk to him for more than a few minutes
whenever we bumped into each other once in a blue moon, and that too by an accident. But, I
guess that it was only natural for a senior nurse like him who didn’t, or perhaps couldn’t, find
any time for even himself or his own family, since he probably worked at least 12 hours a day
with virtually no weekends.However, even though this nurse neighbour had been living in the
same neighbourhood with me for almost 10 years, I came to learn about him and his profession
only a few years ago for the first time when I visited his hospital – the place where he was
actually working at that time – to visit a doctor. Since then, I had met him a few times, of course.
But, whenever I met him, almost always at a time when rushing to his work, he never forgot to
passingly remind me to take care of my health as well as that of my family members.Now, to
explain why I think this person is a workaholic, the only explanation I could give at this point is
that he probably loved his work – or loved helping other people in need and distress in this
particular instance - more than anything else. In fact, I have arrived at this conclusion only after
seeing how happy he really is at his job. Besides, it is also possible that he just didn’t have any
other options except to become a workaholic because that’s the only he could keep his job and

Model Answer 3:

Introduction:Thank you for this nice and interesting topic. I will here describe a person who I
believe loves his work, and could easily pass as a workaholic person.Who this person is:The
person I'm going to talk about is my friend's father,Mr Johnson. He is a successful businessman
and works in the marketing industry.What the job/profession of this person is:Mr Johnson is a
marketing manager for a multinational company. He has been working in this field for over 14
years and has a wealth of experience and knowledge.How you know about this person:I know
about Mr Johnson through my friend who often talks about his father's work and professional
life. I have also met him a few times during social events and family gatherings.Why you think
this person is a workaholic:I believe Mr Johnson is a workaholic because he is always busy with
work, even during weekends and holidays. He spends most of his time in the office and often
takes work home with him. I have heard my friend say that his father is one of the most
hardworking people he knows and that he is constantly striving for success. Mr Johnson's
dedication to his job has earned him many accolades and promotions. I think Mr Johnson's
commitment to his job makes him a workaholic, but it also makes him a highly respected and
successful professional.

Describe a time when you had an argument with someone.

You should say:

 when it was
 who you had this argument with
 how it started

and explain how you felt about this.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

Having arguments with other people is just a part of our life. So, it is only expected that I also
have had my fair share of arguments with other people, and today I would like to share the story
of one such argument that I had not too long ago.

It happened only about a month ago when I was talking to one of my neighbours – a neighbour
who thinks that he knows better than all other people no matter what the subject is. Now, I am
not too sure as to why exactly he thinks that he is smarter or more intelligent than other people,
but I guess that it must have something to do with his “teaching” profession.

But, anyway, it all started when this otherwise good neighbour of mine, in a casual afternoon
conversation with me, was trying to suggest that the children should not be allowed to play in
their neighbourhood since they create a lot of noise. In response, all I had said was that it was
better for the children to carry on playing in the playgrounds of their own neighbourhood
because of safety and security reasons.

But, as soon as I expressed this opinion of mine, he seemed to have gotten a bit agitated saying
that I was actually trying to prevent the children from “growing up” since I wouldn’t want them
to take any risk, especially, by allowing them to go out of their own neighbourhoods and play.
The argument had continued for almost 15 minutes, only to find that we didn’t have any room
for any sort of agreement between us. So, in the end, we just changed the subject to call it a day.

Now, even though we changed the subject, I didn’t really feel very good about that episode of
argument since it had made me say a lot of unnecessary things that were not at all related to our
subject of argument. Having said that, however, it also made me feel that I was actually arguing
about an issue which was important for our community.

Model Answer 2:

Thank you so much for this nice topic. This question reminds me of a time when I had an
argument with someone, and that made me realise that arguments can sometimes be devastating,
and if we don't stop such arguments, they can have serious consequences.

Well, it was about a few months ago, and I had this argument with my best friend - "Emily". We
had been friends for a long time, and we had never had a serious disagreement before. But this
time it was different.

The argument started when we were discussing a mutual friend's relationship troubles. I had a
different perspective on the situation than my friend did, and we ended up getting into a heated
debate about it. I was trying to point out that our mutual friend should end the relationship that is
somewhat toxic in nature, but she disagreed and was trying to counter my argument that I
possibly don't understand a serious relationship.
At first, I felt frustrated and upset because I couldn't understand why my best friend couldn't see
my point of view and was trying to debase me. I felt like my friend was not listening to me and
was only focused on her perspective. As the argument continued, I grew angrier and more
frustrated as I began to believe that she was trying to violate me.

The argument lasted for at least 20 minutes, and we both said things that we regretted. However,
after some time, we were able to cool down and talk things through. We both apologised for our
behaviour. The argument made me realise that we should sometimes keep our opinions to
ourselves, especially about relationships, because people, even our best friends, will have
different opinions.

Describe a time when you felt lucky.

You should say:

 when it was
 what happened
 where it happened

and explain why you felt so lucky at that time.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I think that luck has smiled on me on a number of occasions before except, of course, I haven’t
either always realized it or appreciated it for what it really meant then. But, whether I appreciated
it or not, the truth is, I have felt lucky before, and today, I would like to share the story of one of
those moments when it really happened.Well, it all happened about a year ago when I was living
in the capital city of my country – a city which never sleeps, and which is always busy because
hundreds of thousands of people are either visiting this place or getting out. Of course, during
regular times, such a visit doesn’t really become an issue, but it certainly becomes one, more
often than not, during the times of the holiday season since this huge population decides to leave
the capital city on the same day.And that’s exactly what happened about a year ago when I was
trying to get out of our capital city to be with my family. But, the problem was, I failed to buy or
collect any bus, train or aeroplane ticket on time. Of course, I tried everywhere to get a ticket, but
I just failed since all the tickets were already sold by then. So I pretty much gave up my hope to
unite with my family. But, then, I got a call from one kind "bus ticket counter clerk" who
informed me that one of his passengers had cancelled his/her ticket, and I was more than
welcome to collect that ticket from him.Needless to say, I felt so lucky as soon as I got the news
from that ticket counter clerk because I would be finally able to unite with my family on such an
auspicious occasion. I also felt that the ticket clerk could have simply ignored my plea to arrange
a ticket for me, but he chose not to do so, and instead, he actually remembered me and help me
out with a bus ticket. Luck was definitely on my side!

**Model Answer 2:**Our life is full of events that are so surprising and unexpected that we
often consider them "luck". Some would disagree with "luck" and like to call it the "result of our
actions". Today, for this topic, I will talk about one such luck or result of my action that made
me feel so good and lucky.I felt incredibly lucky about a year ago when I won the first prize in a
lottery. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and I had just finished work when I learned about it
in a newspaper. A couple of days before that day, I went to a local convenience store near my
workplace and bought the ticket because I did not have any "change" to pay my bill. I completely
forgot about the lottery ticket until that day when some of my colleagues were talking about the
lottery and its draw. To my wildest surprise, I found that I won the first prize. I checked my
ticket number several times before I told anyone that I was the winner.When I found out that I
had won the first prize of more than 10 thousand dollars, I was ecstatic, and I couldn't believe my
luck. This win was so unexpected. With the money, I was able to pay off a bank loan, take a
dream vacation and invest in my future. I felt incredibly grateful and fortunate to have won, and
it was truly an ecstatic moment for me.

Describe a place where you love to shop often.

You should say:

 where it is
 what type of place it is
 what type of products you often buy from there

and explain why you love to shop from this place often.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I don’t really like to stick to any particular shopping place or market when it comes to shopping.
So, I guess that I will have to do some kind of “lottery” to pick up one of those shopping places
for the purpose of this particular cue card topic if I really want to prove myself “unbiased”.

And the “winner” is the “Shopping Wonderland”. Yes, the name of this shopping outlet is
popularly known as “shopping wonderland” to hundreds of its customers in our busy hometown,
very much on a regular basis. So, it is a fairly busy shopping place because it is actually located
in the more busy and crowded part of our home town.

Now, this particular shopping outlet, some would prefer to call it a “departmental store” as well,
is not exactly any other regular shopping place because it sits in a rather huge space, and it sells
pretty much all kinds of household products. But, as far as I am concerned, I visit this place
mainly to buy their toiletry products.

Of course, this particular store sells many other types of products as well, but I don’t really like
to buy them from this particular store because I can get them even at a cheaper price from other
places more often than not. In other words, price is a very important factor, if not the most
important one, to me when it comes to purchasing any particular product from a particular shop
or shopping place.

Of course, apart from the cheap prices of the products which I really need to buy, I prefer to visit
this shopping outlet often also because I have been visiting this place for a long, long time. In
fact, all of the staff there are like family to me because I have known all of them for such a long
period of time. I like to visit this place often also because it is a rather large place, and I don’t
really have to “wrestle” with other customers to find my products, like many other stores in my
busy and crowded hometown.

Model Answer 2:

Before I begin describing the shopping mall that I often visit to purchase things that I need, I
would like to thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about the topic.

The place where I love to shop often is a modern shopping complex located at the heart of the
city where I reside. It is hardly a five-minute drive from my apartment.It is a place that has
everything I need, from fashion to groceries, fruits, electronics, shoes, travel bags, cosmetics, and
even gift items. The complex is very well designed and it is easy to navigate around, which
makes shopping there a pleasant experience.One of the things I love about this place is the
availability of a wide variety of products there. Whether I'm looking for a new dress or some
fresh fruit, I know I'll be able to find it here. The complex also houses many international brands,
which means I have access to a wide range of quality products.Another thing that I appreciate
about this place is the convenience. It is located at the heart of the city, which means that it is
easy for me to get to. It also has ample parking, so I don't have to worry about finding a place to
park my car. Additionally, there are several ATMs, food courts and a cinema; so, I can do all my
errands and entertainment at the same place.

ELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 507 with Model Answer:

Describe a piece of art that you want to buy.

You should say:

 what this piece of art is

 how you learned about it
 how you think you would be able to buy it

and explain why you want to buy this piece of art.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

When it comes to choosing any artwork, I am not very particular about it since I appreciate pretty
much all kinds of art. But, still, sometimes, I happen to rate a particular type of art, rather
unconsciously, I must say, above the others because it just seems so “unique”. Today, I would
like to talk about one such fine piece of artwork which I really want to buy.

Now, even though I already have said before that I happen to appreciate all kinds of arts, I feel
like I am a bit biased toward those types of works which use animals as their subjects. And if
that animal is the “king of the Jungle” or the “lion king”, then that’s even better except, of
course, the lion king in this piece of art doesn’t exactly hunt or does anything like that, rather it is
seen to be resting peacefully.

Now, the background of this particular art doesn’t quite reveal whether the lion is resting in an
animal zoo or in a wild forest, but in the background of that image could be seen some kind of

By the way, I came to learn about this beautiful piece of painting after visiting an art gallery a
few months ago when one of my friends took me there to see some of the new artworks of his
uncle. I didn’t buy it at that time because I just didn’t carry enough money with me then. But, I
sure plan to buy this after a couple of months by diverting some funds away from my daily
allowance. After all, this is an expensive piece of artwork.

Now, to answer why I want to buy this artwork, all I can say is, it is one of the most beautiful
pieces of artwork I have ever seen which has managed to portray such a contrasting theme of life
where a fierce and deadly animal is actually seen to be resting while otherwise peaceful mother
nature is found to be violent and hostile. Quite a masterful stroke indeed!

Model Answer 2:

Ohh, this is a nice topic to talk about, and I feel lucky to have this.

Well, the piece of art that I'd be interested in buying and owning is the one that I have seen in a
local museum a couple of months ago. I don't know much about the artist, but the painting is
simply outstanding. It depicts a mother who is holding her newborn baby while the background
of it depicts a calm sunset eve with a detailed scenery of a rural setting. It's a beautiful oil
painting on canvas.

I learned about this piece of painting, which seemed surrealistic to me, the last time I went to
visit the museum that is located at the heart of our town. There were several artworks and
sculptures, but that one caught my eye and I spent at least 10 minutes witnessing this fine
artwork. It was displayed in a prominent place, and it's hard to miss it.

I am not sure if I'd be able to buy the original one or if the museum or the artist would be
interested in selling it unless a billionaire approaches to have it! However, I would be happy to
have a copy of this art; but it has to be painted by the original artist.

I want to buy it because I just love the theme of the art. It reminds me of my childhood when my
mother was alive, and the lady of the art reminds me of her. It brings back a lot of memories and
emotions. Additionally, I find the peaceful and serene background of the art soothing and
realistic. It's like a window to a different world, a world where everything is beautiful, and it
makes me feel relaxed and at ease. That's why I want to have it in my house and be able to see it
every day.

Describe a large company you are interested in.

You should say:

 what kind of company it is

 what the company does
 why you are interested in it

and explain how you became interested in this company.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, I have had a habit of following the news of big companies in the world since my high
school days because of their contribution and impacts on our daily life. Today, I want to talk
about one of these large companies in which I became interested a long time ago and am still
interested in it.

This large company is popularly known as “Beximco Pharmaceuticals Company” in my country.

Founded in the year 1980, it is not only one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in my
country, but also probably one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the whole continent
of Asia which is accredited by the regulatory authorities of the USA, Australia, European Union,
Canada, and Brazil, among others. Having state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, this company
doesn’t only ensure access to affordable medicines but also produces more than 500 specialized
products, or medicines, that is, that are difficult to imitate.

Anyway, I became interested in this company, initially because I wanted to work for it after
graduating from my university. But, unfortunately, that just didn’t happen, but that didn’t stop
me from becoming even more interested in it because I bought some public shares of this
company a few years ago. In other words, I have to keep track of the news of the company as to
how it is exactly doing in the share market or how well it is actually doing its business and
competing with other companies.

Finally, with regard to how exactly I became interested in this company, it all happened about at
least a decade ago when I heard an interesting piece of news on our national TV that said that
Beximco had its manufacturing plants in some foreign countries as well. Needless to say, I felt
really great about the news at that time because up until then, I didn’t really know that my
country had such great companies that could actually have their manufacturing plants in foreign
lands. So, that was the starting point, and my interest in this company didn’t fade away even a bit
over time.

Sample Answer 2:

For this topic, I'd like to talk about "Amazon", which is a large multinational technology
company based in Seattle, Washington. This is primarily famous for its e-commerce, cloud
computing, and artificial intelligence services, and I would very much like to work there.

Amazon is a retail giant and one of the world's largest online marketplaces for many years now.
The company offers a wide range of products and services, from books and electronics to fashion
and food. In fact, there is hardly any product that one can imagine and buy online that is not
available on their eCommerce website. They also have their own line of products such as
Amazon Echo and Kindle. Additionally, they have a streaming service called Amazon Prime
Video, and a music streaming service called Amazon Music.I am particularly interested in
Amazon because of its innovative approach to business and technology. The company is
constantly experimenting with new ideas and technologies, such as drone delivery and cashier-
less stores. I find it fascinating how they are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is
possible in the retail industry. Since I also have an information technology background, Amazon
would be a great place for me to work and grow.I became interested in Amazon when I started to
shop online frequently about a couple of years ago. I always found Amazon to be the most
convenient and reliable online retailer. I also enjoyed their fast and efficient delivery service. As
I began to research more about the company, I became fascinated by its business model and the
way they have revolutionized the retail industry. Moreover, I am interested in their use of
artificial intelligence and their efforts to make shopping more convenient for consumers. I
believe that Amazon will continue to be a major player in the retail industry for many years to
come and who does not want to be a part of a winning and innovative team?

ELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 505 with Model Answer:

Describe a time when you were a speaker in a meeting or a public function.

You should say:

 what type of meeting or public function it was

 why you talked in this programme
 what you talked about as a speaker in the programme

and explain your experience of being a speaker in this programme.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, to tell the truth, I never had much opportunity to speak at any kind of meeting or public
gathering except when I spoke at our local sports club meeting a few times. So, I will just go
ahead and talk about the experience of speaking at one such club meeting.

Now, please don’t jump to the conclusion, even just for a second, that just because I spoke at that
club meeting a few times, I somehow carried some kind of credentials with me of being an
expert public speaker, or I was someone important! In fact, I was chosen to speak at our club
meetings only because our club president had asked me to do so in his absence. Besides, I was
probably chosen to speak at those club meetings also because I was the longest-serving patron of
that sports club.

But, for whatever reasons that I was chosen to speak at those club meetings, I sure was glad that
I was able to deliver the messages of my club president in his absence. However, even though, I
was mainly chosen to speak on behalf of our club president to give a general account of the club
activities over the previous month, I also felt the need of talking about a few other important
issues, such as information about the club registration, coaching and fundraising. Besides, I also
talked about the ways of enlisting more young people for membership in our club since most of
the members were becoming inactive because of their old age.

Anyway, at the end of the meeting, I felt that I did a reasonably good job in getting across the
messages within a short period of time, even though I don’t think that most of the club members
there in that meeting were paying that much attention to what I was saying. Besides, I felt that I
needed to invite some opinions from the sitting audience in front of me to make the meeting even
more interesting, but I didn’t do so because of some unknown fear and nervousness.

Sample Answer 2:

About four or five months ago, I had the opportunity to speak at an annual meeting of the local
social welfare committee of which I am a long-time member. The meeting was a platform for the
members to come together and discuss the progress and challenges of the various welfare
projects being carried out in the neighbourhood. Thank you very much for the opportunity to let
me talk about this even here.

I was invited to talk in this meeting, and I thought that it would be a great opportunity to raise
awareness about some important issues like tree plantation and minimizing noise pollution in our
neighbourhood. These are issues that I feel passionately about, and I wanted to use this platform
to bring attention to them.

As a speaker, I first thanked the committee members and organizers for the excellent work they
were doing and how their contributions were making a positive impact in the neighbourhood. I
then went on to talk about the importance of tree plantation and how it can help to improve the
environment, as well as the need to minimize noise pollution in the neighbourhood, which can
have negative effects on people's health and well-being. I also highlighted how the committee
could contribute to these causes and encouraged others to take action.

Honestly speaking, it was a great experience for me to be a speaker at this meeting. I have to
admit, I was a bit nervous at first as I don't often talk at public meetings. But, after a couple of
minutes, I felt comfortable and delivered my speech with enthusiasm and passion. It was a great
feeling to be able to share my thoughts and ideas with a group of people who were genuinely
interested in making a positive impact in our neighbourhood. I am looking forward to more
opportunities to speak at public events like this in the future.

Describe a time when you could not buy an item that you needed to buy.

You should say:

 when it was
 what you wanted to buy
 why you could not buy it

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, I think that we all go through such situations where we may need certain things, and yet we
can not buy them for whatever reasons that might be. It’s not a great feeling to go through such a
situation, but still, we have to deal with it just like I did about a year ago.

It was the Christmas holiday season, and all of my family members and close relatives were busy
preparing for the holiday. And as we all know, preparing for the Christmas holiday means
buying all kinds of gifts and other stuff for our families and friends. Needless to say, I was no
exception as I also wanted to buy something for myself – something which I really needed to
protect myself from the bone-chilling cold weather of the winter.

Well, I wanted to buy a nice leather jacket, as you might have already guessed, and I wanted it
because it would help me stay warm during the winter season while riding my motorbike. Now,
if you are wondering why I needed to wait until the Christmas holiday season to buy my jacket,
my answer would be that it is mostly during this holiday season that top-quality jackets and
sweaters are found and sold in the markets where I live. In fact, I had even selected and chosen a
few nice leather jackets in advance, actually the previous day, before coming to pick one the very
next day. But, unfortunately, when I actually arrived at the store the very next day to pay for the
jacket, which I had chosen earlier, the manager told me that jacket had already been sold.

Needless to say, after learning that I won’t be able to buy that jacket anymore, I naturally felt a
bit frustrated, and even a bit mad at myself because I had failed to anticipate that someone else
could also have liked the same jacket and bought it before me. I also felt that I lacked the much-
needed urgency in me to acquire something that I needed badly for my own good.

Sample Answer 2:

Three years ago, I could not buy something that I really wanted and needed. I had been saving up
for a motorbike for quite some time, as I wanted to have the freedom and independence that it
would provide when it comes to commuting to and from my college. However, despite my best
efforts and intention, I was unable to purchase the motorbike. For this topic, I'd like to share this
experience with you.I could not buy the motorbike primarily because my parents did not want
me to have one at such a young age as motorbike accidents are often fatal. They were concerned
about my safety and did not think that I was ready for owning a motorbike. Additionally, I did
not have enough money to purchase the motorbike on my own, despite all the savings I had
done.Honestly speaking, I was quite disappointed when I realized that I would not be able to buy
the motorbike. I had been looking forward to it for so long and had saved up some money to buy
it. I felt frustrated that my parents did not believe in my ability to handle such a responsibility
and that I could not afford the motorbike on my own. Despite my disappointment, I understood
my parent's decision, and eventually, I came to realize that it was for my own good. A few
months later, when one of my friends had a deadly accident when he was driving a motorbike
that he bought a few weeks ago, I realised that my parents are the wisest!

Describe a book or magazine that you have read while you were on a journey.

You should say:

 what book or magazine it was

 where you were travelling
 how long you did read

and explain how you felt about reading this book or magazine during this journey.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
When I am on a long journey, I usually carry a book or magazine with me so that I can read it
from time to time in order to get rid of the boredom of a long journey. I did the same thing when
I was travelling on a bus from my hometown to the capital city of my country about a few
months ago.

It was actually a monthly magazine – a magazine on men’s lifestyle – which I was carrying with
me on that occasion. But, even though I was carrying the magazine with me, I wasn’t exactly
looking forward to reading it on that day, mainly because the bus staff was playing some nice
songs and music from the old days, and these were the type of music and songs which I have
always liked. So, I wanted to enjoy the music as long as I could. But, then, suddenly the music
was stopped, apparently because they wanted to concentrate more on the road and its traffic.

Having seen no other better alternatives, I started to read the magazine, rather randomly, from
page to page, in order to skim through the main contents or the points of the magazine. No doubt,
there were some really interesting facts and information on men’s lifestyle in that magazine,
which could actually improve the lives of men, but there were some vague or unsubstantiated
contents as well which could easily confuse men like me, especially things like how often men
should cry to let their emotion out, or how men should sleep on their beds to keep their bone
structure strong.

But, all in all, it was a good magazine to keep me busy for a good couple of hours, mainly
because it offered me some unique insights into men’s health and lifestyles which I otherwise
was not much familiar with before. I also felt like the magazine was well-written and well-
organized, except for a few inconsistencies here and there, to draw and keep the attention of all
kinds of men, regardless of their age, profession and cultural backgrounds.

**Sample Answer 2:**Oh! this topic reminds me of a book that I finished and enjoyed while I
was travelling. I will share the experience with you.During a journey back in 2018 from Penang
to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, I had the pleasure of reading the book called "The Confession" by
John Grisham. This legal thriller kept me on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the 5 or 6
hours that I spent reading it.The book "The Confession" follows the story of a man falsely
accused of murder who, in order to clear his name, must reveal a dark secret from his past.
Grisham's writing is both gripping and thought-provoking, leaving me with a sense of intrigue
throughout the book. As I read, I couldn't help but feel a sense of escapism from the monotony of
travelling. The book transported me to a different world, filled with tension and drama. It was the
perfect distraction from the long journey and I found myself completely absorbed in the
story.Furthermore, the book also serves as a reminder of the power of truth and the importance of
standing up for what is right. The protagonist's unwavering determination to clear his name
despite the odds against him was truly inspiring.Overall, "The Confession" by John Grisham was
an excellent choice for reading during my journey. Not only did it provide a welcome distraction,
but it also left a lasting impression on me. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is
looking for a page-turner with a thought-provoking storyline. I am really glad that I choose to
read this book during the journey.

Describe a hotel where you have stayed just for a night.

You should say:

 when it was
 where the hotel was located
 why you stayed at that hotel

and explain why you decided to stay just a night at that hotel.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, I can’t say that I have always enjoyed staying at a hotel, no matter how many nights I
spend there. Today, I would like to share the story of one such hotel stay, which I didn’t like
even though it lasted for only one night.

It happened about a year ago when I went to visit one of my cousin’s places in the remote
countryside. Now, I am not sure about the countryside of other countries, but as far as the
countryside of my country is concerned, one has to be extremely lucky to find any good hotels
there, and I knew that too well too. But, what I didn’t know was that I also one day would need
to stay at a hotel in the countryside, and that too at a time when the weather was rather hostile.

Oh, by the way, it was because of this hostile weather that I and my cousin had to spend the night
at that hotel. In fact, the temperature was below the freezing point which rarely happens in the
countryside where my cousin lives. But, even when it happens, the heating system works just
fine to keep the residents warm and safe except on that occasion. In other words, we needed to
rush to a nearby hotel because the heating system of my cousin’s house stopped working. After
all, we didn’t want to freeze ourselves to death or get sick in such cold weather!

But, thankfully, we didn’t really need to spend more than one night and a day at that hotel
because the weather eventually got better the very next day. Besides, my cousin had managed to
arrange for an expert the very next day who was able to fix the problems with his heating system.
Another reason, why we checked out of that hotel after spending only one night was that it had
very crappy service, and they were charging way too much for the services that they were
offering. We were lucky that we did not have to stay there for more than just a night!

Sample Answer 2:

First of all, I'd like to thank you for allowing me to talk about a hotel where I have stayed for just
one night. Here goes the story:
Two years and a few months ago, I took the opportunity to visit India, and I landed in Siliguri in
Darjiling. During my stay there, I had the pleasure of staying at a nice hotel. The name of this
Hotel was "The Loft Hotel".

The hotel was situated in a spectacular mix of legendary sights and natural beauty, designed and
dedicated for both domestic and international guests. The hotel was in Siliguri, Darjiling, in West
Bengal, India. I happened to reach the area at night and this was something that popped up on my
mobile when I searched for a nearby hotel in my Google Search Engine.

The main reason I decided to stay just one night at this hotel was that my main travel itinerary
was to visit New Delhi, Goa, and Kolkata. However, I stayed a night and a day in Shiliguri and
that's why I stayed in the area for just a day. The hotel was nice, and if I had stayed more than
one night in Shiliguri, I would have considered staying in the hotel for more than one night.

Well, my stay at this hotel in Siliguri, India was brief but memorable. The location, amenities,
and service provided by the hotel staff were all top-notch, and I would stay there again if I ever
visit this part of India.

Describe a boat journey that you have ever taken.

You should say:

 when it was
 where you went and why you used a boat for the journey
 who was with you

and explain how you felt about this boat journey.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say something about this interesting topic. Even
though I haven’t had that many boat journeys in my life, whenever I had one, I always enjoyed
it. Today, I would like to talk about one such boat journey that was, and still is, memorable for a
number of reasons.

Anyway, I had this boat journey about a couple of years ago during the rainy season when a
couple of my distant cousins told me that they were planning to travel to a weekly open market
on a boat to buy some stuff from the market. These cousins of mine also are very good friends of
mine since we all are of the same age category.
We took this boat journey not because we actually needed to visit the open market to buy
anything for ourselves but because we just wanted to enjoy the beautiful sight of many, many
boats, freely roaming on the body of water that was surprisingly so clear and quiet.

Needless to say, I immediately got very excited about the idea and started our journey in the
morning after finishing breakfast. Luckily, it wasn’t raining at that time, but the river was
swelling with water. Thankfully, the boat was large with a rather spacious rear, from where the
boatman was operating his boat, and we all sat there even though the boatman and his aides
weren’t exactly very comfortable with the idea because of safety reasons. Nevertheless, we were
lucky enough to be allowed to sit there until our boat reached the market safely after a good one-
hour journey.

Anyway, at the end of our journey, I felt like it was one of the most exciting journeys I have ever
had because it allowed me to enjoy the spectacular view of a full river for the first time. It also
felt very adventurous at times, given how forcefully the boat was running by cutting through the
surface of an otherwise calm and friendly river. So, we are glad that we took this memorable

Sample Answer 2:

Before I say anything about the boat journey that I have enjoyed, I would like to thank you for
the opportunity to let me talk about this topic.

As I recall, one of the most memorable boat journeys that I have ever taken was a sunset cruise
on the Nile River in Egypt. It was a few years ago, during a family vacation to Cairo. I can
vividly remember the bright evening and the exciting experience of this boat journey.

We decided to take a boat journey because we wanted to experience the Nile River in a different
way and also to enjoy the beautiful sunset over the river. We went on a traditional felucca boat,
which is a type of sailing boat that is commonly used in Egypt.

I was with my family, including my parents, younger brother, and sisters. We all were excited
about this boat journey and also to see the Nile River for the first time in our life. We also had a
local guide who gave us a lot of information about the history and culture of the Nile River,
which was very interesting.

As we set sail, I felt a sense of tranquillity that wash over me. The gentle sway of the boat, the
sound of the water lapping against the sides and the soft breeze in my hair all combined to create
a very peaceful feeling. As we glided along the Nile, we saw many historical sites and landmarks
such as the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The sunset over the Nile was also an
incredible sight, with the sky turning a beautiful orange and pink colour. We all felt that this boat
journey was a fantastic experience. I will remember this exciting and indelible boat journey for a
long long time.

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

You should say:

 who this person is

 what goal it was
 how he or she has encouraged you to achieve the goal

and explain how useful this person's encouragement was for you to achieve the goal.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Sometimes, all we need is just a little encouragement from someone to do better and become
successful in life. And that’s exactly how I succeeded in achieving a goal recently, which I
otherwise thought was not possible.

Now, calling “riding a car always” - no matter wherever I go and how short the distance is - is a
“bad habit” that might actually offend some people, but it certainly felt like one to me. I found
out that I was gaining extra pounds in my body, and my fitness was deteriorating over time.
Initially, I didn’t really care much about that minor health issue since I was otherwise feeling
healthy and strong. After all, I was still very much a young university-going student back then.
But, when one of my good neighbours, also a practising doctor, noticed this problem, he asked
me to stop using the car to go everywhere

(even to go to the nearby grocery)

before my health situation get worse.

He also advised me to buy a bicycle and ride it as often as I could. He even lent me his bicycle
for a week to actually encourage me to start using one and get the thrill of riding this eco-friendly
mode of transportation. And it was at that time that I decided to set a target for myself – a target
to give up using my car every time I get out of the house in the next few months – except, of
course, I just didn’t know how to do that in such a short period of time. After all, most of my
friends at that time were heavily dependent on cars. But still, I kept trying, and I was encouraged
by this "doctor neighbour" of mine on several occasions.

That doctor neighbour of mine was smart enough to understand my situation. So, he called me
one day and told me that I was probably stronger mentally than I would like to think. He also
explained some health benefits that I would likely enjoy if I pay attention to his advice.

Needless to say, his words worked like a “tonic” on me as I was able to reduce my dependency
on my car in the next couple of months. After all, his kind and encouraging words had made me
even stronger, mentally. Besides, his remarks and motivational words carried more weight to me
since I was convinced that he, as a doctor, knew exactly what he was talking about.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:I have been fortunate enough to have many people in my life who have encouraged
me to pursue my dreams and achieve my goals. However, there is one person in particular who
has been the biggest source of encouragement for me, and that is my elder sister. I'd like to take
the opportunity to thank you for this excellent topic.Who this person is:My elder sister is
someone who has always been there for me, no matter what. She is five years older than me and
has always been like a second mother to me. She is a very hardworking and ambitious person
who has always pushed me to do my best.What goal it was:One of the biggest goals that my
elder sister encouraged me to pursue was higher education. When I was in high school, I wasn't
sure what I wanted to do with my life, but my sister always believed in me and encouraged me to
pursue a degree in a field that I was passionate about.How she has encouraged you to achieve the
goal:My sister's encouragement was instrumental in my decision to pursue a degree in computer
science. She helped me research different universities and programmes and even helped me with
my college applications. Throughout my time in college, she was always there to provide me
with emotional support and guidance. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or discouraged, she was
there to remind me of why I had started and to encourage me to keep going.How useful this
person's encouragement was for you to achieve the goal:I can honestly say that I would not be
where I am today without my sister's encouragement. Her unwavering support and belief in me
gave me the confidence and motivation I needed to pursue my dreams. Her guidance and advice
helped me to make the right decisions and stay on track. Thanks to her, I was able to achieve my
goal of graduating from college with a degree in computer science and becoming a self-reliant

Describe a place where you used to play when you were a child.

You should say:

 where it was
 with whom you played there
 what type of games or sports you played there

and explain how you feel about this place now.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Thank you for choosing this interesting topic for me. I would be more than happy to talk about a
place where I used to play as a child. It is something that I am willing to do again and again
because it takes me back to some of my best memories.

Now, the place, I want to talk about, was nothing but just a regular playground which was neither
too small nor big. It was an open space, so anybody could visit it at any time without any
restrictions. There were a number of other open spaces like this in our small town, but what
made this “playground” significantly different from the others was that it was fully covered with
green grass – grass that felt so soft and fluffy to the touch. Besides, this open space didn’t have
very many residences close to it, meaning we didn’t really have to worry about annoying the
neighbours with excessive noises when playing any kind of sports or just running and shouting.

By the way, talking about sports, we mostly used to play either soccer or hockey with my friends
and other neighbourhood kids, depending on our moods, and the type of ongoing, international
sports tournaments. But, no matter what types of sports we were playing there, we always made
sure that we were going back to our respective homes before sunset. After all, this place was
located on the outskirt of our hometown, a bit far away from most of our homes, and it would get
awfully quiet and dark (

because of a limited number of residences and plenty of trees nearby, with no lights or

after the sunset.

Now, coming to how I really feel about this place at this point of my life, after 15 plus years, I
think that it is more than just a place or playground to me because this is where I enjoyed lots of
special moments with my friends. I also wish that we were a bit gentler to those beautiful green
grass during those happy childhood years to protect mother nature in our own neighbourhood.

Model Answer 2:


Childhood memories are always special and nostalgic. In my childhood, I used to spend most of
my time playing outside with my friends. One of my favourite places to play was a park near my
house. For this topic, I am going to describe this place which was perhaps my favourite place in
my childhood - which still feels magical to me!

Where it was:

The park was located just a few blocks away from my house. It was a small park with a
playground, a basketball court, and a small pond. It is still there, and whenever I cross that park,
it brings back many childhood memories.

With whom you played there:

I used to play with my childhood friends from the neighbourhood. We would meet up in the park
every day after school and spend hours playing different games and sports. There was no limit on
what we used to do there. Even meaningless and aimless shouting and running felt something

What type of games or sports you played there:

We played all sorts of games and sports in the park. We played basketball, soccer, cricket, hide-
and-seek, and many other games. Sometimes we even created our own games to play.

Explain how you feel about this place now:

Even though I have grown up and moved away from my childhood neighbourhood, I still have
fond memories of that park. Whenever I go back to visit, I always make it a point to stop by and
take a walk through the park. It brings back happy memories of carefree days spent playing with
friends. The park has gone through some changes over the years, but it still holds a special place
in my heart as the place where I spent many happy hours playing as a child.

Describe a time when you did not tell a friend the whole truth.

You should say:

 when it was
 who this friend was
 why you did not tell this friend the whole truth

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, I am not sure about others, but I have sometimes avoided telling the truth, be it the whole
truth or just the partial truth, to my friends. As I look back now, sometimes I had a good reason
for that, and sometimes I did not. Today, I would like to share the story of one such occasion
with you.To be honest with you, during my high school years, when I was just a young kid, I was
not aware of the virtue of telling the truth no matter what. Sometimes telling “lies”, to my family
or my friends, as long as it wasn’t hurting anybody’s interest, seemed like the better option. But I
now think quite differently.Of course, my parents, in their defence, had taught me to always tell
the truth, no matter how awkward the situation could get. But, still, I took the liberty to avoid
telling the truth to this friend of mine after visiting his garden – a flower garden which he had
managed to grow after working on it tirelessly for days and nights.So, why exactly couldn’t I tell
him the whole truth? Well, the reason was that I was kind of jealous of his achievement in being
able to grow such a nice flower garden within such a short period of time.To make the long story
short, both I and my friend had started growing our own flower gardens, separately, at the same
time. We both worked very hard and spent a considerable amount of money to see our gardening
projects succeed. But when the time finally arrived to compare which garden looked better, the
truth is, my garden didn’t even remotely look as good as that of my friend. But, instead of
actually admitting it to him, I just told him that his garden looked good but certainly not as good
as my garden.Anyway, right after failing to reveal the whole truth to my friend about his garden,
I felt a bit guilty since I didn’t quite respect his efforts and hard work. Besides, I also felt
ashamed of myself and my abilities as I was trying to give myself a “false sense of superiority”
over my friends, by hiding the truth from him.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:Honesty is the best policy, but there are times when we need to withhold the truth
for the sake of others. In this cue card, I will talk about a time when I did not tell a friend the
whole truth, and I did so intentionally for a good reason. Thank you for the opportunity to let me
talk about the event and explain what really happened that day.When it was:It was a few years
ago, perhaps in June 2019, when I received a call from one of my closest friends' sisters. She told
me that their mother was rushed to a hospital after a car accident. At that time my friend was in
his office and couldn't take the call from her sister. Later when he called me, I was in the hospital
with his sister and mom. The doctors, by that time, took his mom to the operation theatre, but I
did not tell my friend the whole truth.Who this friend was:The friend I am talking about was
Alex. We have known each other for over a decade and have been through a lot together. I
consider him one of my closest buddies in my life.Why you did not tell this friend the whole
truth:When Alex called me, he was desperate to know what had happened. He told me that he
heard from his cousin that his mother had been in a car accident and was taken to a hospital. I
was at the hospital and I assured him that things were okay and he needed to get to the hospital
as early as possible. I could have told him the truth about his mother's condition, but I was afraid
that it would make him too anxious to drive safely. I decided to reveal everything once he safely
drive to the hospital. I did not want a second accident on that day!And explain how you felt
about it:I knew I was not being entirely truthful, but I felt like it was the best decision at that
time. As soon as Alex arrived at the hospital, I took him to the emergency room where he saw
his mother. I felt relieved that by that time the operation was successful and his mom was
conscious. When I saw him hugging his mother, I felt great relief. Fortunately, the operation was
successful, and his mother survived without any major problems. I knew that I had made the
right decision by withholding the truth from him. After everything was settled, I told Alex the
whole truth, and he thanked me for being there for him during that tough time.

Describe a situation when you helped someone in his/her work or study.

You should say:

 when it was
 whom you helped
 how you helped this person
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, I am not exactly a very bright student, but still, I have managed to help some of my
classmates occasionally with their studies. Today, I would like to talk about one such occasion
when I helped one of my classmates in completing a math assignment.

It all happened about a few years ago when we were junior college students. This classmate of
mine was an otherwise good student but he wasn’t really that good in college algebra. On the
other hand, I somehow used to understand college algebra a bit better than other students, and
this good classmate of mine was aware of it except, of course, he had never asked for any help
from me before.

But, then one day, he came to me with his new scientific calculator, which he had just purchased,
and asked me if I could help him use his scientific calculator to complete an algebra assignment
which was due in the very next class.

However, the problem was I also didn’t quite know how to use his newly-bought scientific
calculator, which looked a lot different from the one I was using at that time. But, I still took the
challenge and started to read the “manual book” (giving instructions on how to actually use that
calculator) in order to understand its functionalities, keys and other important features. By the
way, it took me a while to thoroughly understand all the features of that calculator, but the good
thing was that I was finally able to help my classmate understand how to have solved that kind of
algebra problem – a difficult one in that too, I might add – with his calculator.

In the end, it was indeed a great feeling of “accomplishment” on my part since I was able to give
my classmate in doing his math assignment on time. At the same time, it also boosted my
confidence a great deal since I, for a moment, thought that I could actually solve all kinds of
math problems with the help of a scientific calculator!

Model Answer 2:


Helping others in their work or study is a rewarding experience that can bring joy and
satisfaction. Whether it is a family member, a friend, or a colleague, lending a hand can make a
difference in their success. For this topic today, I will describe a situation in which I helped my
younger sister prepare for a presentation at her university.

When it was:
It was about a year ago when my younger sister was in her first year at the university. She had to
present a project in front of the faculty members and her peers. She was a bit nervous and could
not decide how to start the project and how to prepare for the presentation.

Whom you helped:

I helped my younger sister, Tania, who was struggling with her project and preparation for the
presentation. She is my only sibling and we have a special bond.

How you helped this person:

I helped my sister in several ways. First, I read her project proposal and provided feedback on
the structure, content, and coherence of her writing. I suggested some changes to make her
presentation more organized and focused. Second, I helped her create a presentation that would
complement her coursework. We worked together to select the most relevant data and figures,
and I provided some tips on how to deliver a clear and concise presentation. Finally, I practised
with her, asking her questions and giving her feedback on her delivery, intonation, and body

And explain how you felt about it:

Helping my sister with her project and presentation was a great experience for me. It felt good to
share my knowledge and skills with her and to see her grow and improve. I felt proud of her for
working hard and being determined to do well in her studies, and it was rewarding to see her
receive positive feedback from her professors and classmates. It was also a bonding experience
for us as siblings, and I felt happy to be there for her when she needed me.

Describe a famous business person that you know about.

You should say:

 who this person is

 what kind of business this person is involved in
 what you know about this business person

and explain what you think of this business person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I am grateful to you for this nice and interesting topic. Here I will try to describe a business
person whom I not only know but also admire.

Who this person is:

This business person, whom I am talking about, is Mr Robert Fuller, who is a self-made
billionaire and a famous personality in our country. His father was a farmer, and he lost his
mother in his childhood. As a result, he could not even finish high school. But with his hard
work, determination, talent, timely initiatives and business acumen, he has become one of the
greatest businessmen in our country's history.

What kind of business this person is involved in:

Mr Robert Fuller owns a great number of businesses and corporations including automobiles,
steel, garments, electronics, furniture, beverage, pharmaceuticals, and airlines. In a TV interview,
he once told that he started his career as a salesperson and sold cheap household items from door
to door. Now his companies employ more than 45 thousand workers and executives - an
exemplary achievement indeed!

What you know about this business person:

After learning about crony capitalism and the insane profiteering scheme of most business
people, I try not to admire them enough; however, just as there always is an exception to a rule
or norm, Mr Robert Fulle is an exception and that's why deserves respect and admiration from all
of us. I have learned a great deal of information about this person from different TV interviews,
websites, and news articles, and all of them emphasize how humble and honest he is and how his
determination made him such a great businessman from someone who struggled to even manage
food for the day and had no fixed place to sleep.

And explain what you think of this business person:

I think that we need more people like him in our society. This way, we will have more icons and
role models for our young generation. The way Mr Robert Fuller came to the pinnacle of success
is inspiring, and it will teach other business people and aspiring entrepreneurs that honesty and
hard work can take you to places never explored before. It can also make you loved by your
friends and foes alike. So being an honest businessman and benevolent to others is perhaps the
mantra to long-lasting success in life and business - this is what this successful business person
has taught us all.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction & Who this person is:I'd like to thank you for the time and opportunity that you
have given me to talk about a business person whom I know about. And this person is none other
than Bill Gates. He is a well-known business magnate, philanthropist, and software developer
who co-founded Microsoft Corporation, which is one of the largest and most successful software
companies in the world. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential people in the
technology industry and has been recognized for his significant contributions to society.

What kind of business this person is involved in:Bill Gates is primarily involved in the software
and technology industries, and he has played a significant role in shaping the modern computing
landscape. Microsoft, the company he co-founded, is known for developing software products
such as Windows and Office, which are widely used around the world. Gates stepped down as
the CEO of Microsoft in 2000 but remained the company's chairman until 2014.What you know
about this business person:Bill Gates is known for his entrepreneurial spirit and his dedication to
philanthropy. He has been recognized for his contributions to the technology industry and has
been awarded numerous accolades, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Legion
of Honour. He has also been active in charitable work through the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, which he co-founded with his ex-wife.And explain what you think of this business
person:I have great admiration for Bill Gates and his contributions to the technology industry and
society as a whole. He has not only been instrumental in developing some of the most widely
used software products in the world, but he has also been a committed philanthropist who has
dedicated his resources and expertise to tackling global issues such as poverty and disease. Gates
is an inspiration to many, and his legacy will undoubtedly continue to impact the world for years
to come.


Labelsa business personCandidate Task CardIELTS Cue Card

Describe a hotel that you know.

You should say:

 where this hotel is

 what this hotel looks like
 what facilities this hotel has

and explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay in.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


Thank you very much for this great topic. Last year, I went to attend a seminar at the London
South Bank University and stayed at the "Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel". It was a great experience
for me as it was my first solo trip out of my country when I stayed at a nice hotel and took care
of myself without anyone advising or helping me. Here I will share my experience of staying at
that hotel.

where this hotel is:

The hotel is conveniently located at 21 Lowndes Street, Knightsbridge, London, England. After I
landed at Heathrow Airport, I took a taxi, and it took me about 30 minutes to reach my hotel. It
was located in a suitable place that surrounds Hyde Park, Oxford Street, Buckingham Palace, a
few nice shopping malls, restaurants and a museum. I was glad to have stayed at a hotel from
where I could walk for a while and see some great places or buy something I needed.

what this hotel looks like:

Just when I got off the taxi that I took from Heathrow Airport and stood in front of Jumeirah
Lowndes Hotel, I knew that it was going to be an excellent hotel. It gave a majestic appearance
from the outside with its excellent and modern design. Once inside, it dazzled my eyes with
perfect decoration and an outstanding ambient. The room in which I stayed was also very
comfortable with the right amount of furniture and things that someone might need.

what facilities this hotel has:

The hotel comes with almost all the modern amenities and facilities a guest can expect from a
nice hotel. It had a nice and cosy environment which made my stay more pleasant. Among the
facilities, I can say I noticed really nice air-conditioning at the entire hotel, laundry service,
restaurant, bar, free high-speed Wi-Fi, parking, 24/7 front desk, customer service, soundproof
room, babysitting area, sports area, swimming pools, gymnasium and a team of great
professional staff who are ready to help any time. There must have been other facilities that I did
not notice or took like a conference room, dry cleaning service, in-room child care, vehicle rental
and so on.

and explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay in:

I would absolutely recommend this hotel to anyone. This is a family-friendly hotel where I
thoroughly enjoyed my stay. Its cleanliness, property condition, amicable staff, room conform,
and food quality are all great. It is not expensive and worth the money you pay to stay there.
Finally, the location of the hotel makes it really convenient for travellers, tourists and business

**Model Answer 2:Introduction:**I had been to Bangkok twice, and I believe thatBangkok, the
capital city of Thailand, is highly famous for its cultural heritage, vibrant nightlife, and luxurious
hotels. One such hotel that stands out is the Hotel Ambassador, which is located in the heart of
Bangkok and offers world-class amenities to its guests. Since I really liked staying in this hotel, I
would like to talk about it for this topic.**Where this hotel is:**The Hotel Ambassador is
situated on Sukhumvit Road, one of the most popular streets in Bangkok. This central location
provides easy access to many of the city's popular attractions, including shopping malls,
restaurants, and entertainment venues.**What this hotel looks like:**The Hotel Ambassador is a
modern, high-rise building that features sleek, contemporary design elements. The hotel's
exterior is clad in glass, which gives it a distinctive and elegant appearance. Inside, the hotel is
tastefully decorated with plush furnishings and sophisticated artwork.**What facilities this hotel
has:**The Hotel Ambassador offers a wide range of facilities to its guests, including an outdoor
swimming pool, a fitness centre, and a spa. The hotel also has several restaurants that serve a
variety of cuisines, from Thai to International, and a rooftop bar that offers stunning views of the
city skyline. Additionally, the hotel has conference and meeting rooms that are well-equipped
with state-of-the-art technology.**And explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay
in:**In my opinion, the Hotel Ambassador is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a
luxurious and comfortable stay in Bangkok. The hotel's central location and world-class
amenities make it an ideal option for both leisure and business travellers. The staff is friendly
and professional, and the rooms are well appointed and spacious. Overall, the Hotel Ambassador
is a top-notch hotel that offers an unforgettable experience to its guests.

Describe a website you have bought something from.

You should say:

 what the website is

 what you bought from this website
 how satisfied you were with what you bought

and explain what you liked and/or disliked about using this website.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

**Introduction:**Thank you very much for allowing me the time and the opportunity to talk
about an eCommerce website from which I have purchased something. For this topic, I will share
with you what website it is, what I bought from there, how satisfied I was with the product and
how was my experience of using and navigating this website.**what the website is:**Well, to
begin with, the website from which I made this purchase is called eBay and the full address of
this website is I think eBay is one of the most popular eCommerce websites in
the world and needs little to no introduction. Owned by eBay Inc., this multination American
eCommerce platform came into existence in 1995 and became a notable success story in the
internet and eCommerce domains. It is a multibillion-dollar business with operations in over 32
countries, and it has more than 14 thousand employees and millions of users. eBay facilitates
business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-business sales through their
website.**what you bought from this website:**As for what I purchased from this website?
Well, I often buy things from this website. The thing that I have in my mind and which I am
talking about is a "vacuum cleaner" from the brand Panasonic. I purchased that product about a
year ago when I needed a new vacuum cleaner urgently.**how satisfied you were with what you
bought:**I was extremely satisfied with that purchase because the product quality was excellent,
and I got a hefty discount on my transaction. So I got a great quality product at a reduced price.
What more can I expect as a consumer?**and explain what you liked and disliked about using
this website:**What I liked and disliked about using this website? Well, during this time, the
experience was satisfying and smooth. All I had to do is visit their website, navigate to the
product category and then choose the product that I needed before checking out and paying for it
online. It took me around 20 minutes to decide on the product, and then just 5 minutes to do the
rest. Overall, this is a great website with excellent navigation features, rich and extensive search
options, seamless checkout features and secured payment options. If there is one thing that I did
not and do not like about using this website is that it shows too many products as a cross-selling
feature or as similar products which often confuses me. I believe many other people like me also
find this feature a bit problematic.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:Thank you very much for this nice topic, and it would be easy for me to describe a
website from which I have purchased something as I am a regular online shopper. I believe that
in today's digital age, online shopping has become a common practice for most people. Shopping
online offers convenience and accessibility to a wide range of products and that's why I often buy
something from eCommerce stores. One of the websites that I have purchased from is eBay, and
for this topic, I will talk about this eCommerce giant.What the website is:eBay is an American
multinational e-commerce company that provides a platform for consumer-to-consumer and
business-to-consumer sales. It was founded in 1995 and has grown to become one of the largest
online marketplaces in the world.What you bought from this website:I have bought various items
from eBay, but the most recent purchase was a mobile phone case for my iPhone.How satisfied
you were with what you bought:I was quite satisfied with the mobile phone case that I purchased
from eBay. The case was of good quality, and it fits my phone perfectly. Moreover, it was
reasonably priced, and it arrived within the expected delivery time.And explain what you liked
and/or disliked about using this website:What I liked about using eBay was the convenience and
the wide range of products available on the website. I was able to find the exact phone case I was
looking for at a reasonable price. Additionally, eBay has a user-friendly interface that makes it
easy to search for products and make purchases. One of the drawbacks of using eBay is that there
are many sellers on the platform, and it can be challenging to determine the authenticity of the
products being sold. However, by checking the seller's rating and reading reviews, I was able to
make an informed decision and had a positive experience overall.

Describe a work of art (painting, sculpture, visual art, architecture etc.) that you
really like.

You should say:

 how it looks
 where you first saw it
 how you feel about this artwork

and explain why you like it so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Before I dare to say a word about this particular topic, I must admit that I am no “art enthusiast”
or “aesthete” who can analyze or critique any artwork. So, please bear with me and be patient.
And thank you for this interesting topic.

Anyway, the artwork, or a painting rather, I want to talk about is of a “Lone flying bird” under
the sky on a bright, sunny day. Initially, I couldn’t really make much of this painting. But when I
asked the guide in that city art gallery, which I visited with my friends a year ago, about the
“artwork”, she told me that it was a “watercolour painting” and that the painting was done by an
“autistic” 9 years old boy.

By the way, the section of that city art gallery, which I was visiting at that time, was dedicated
and assigned only for the paintings and artworks of young and gifted children of my city,
apparently because the city authority wanted to encourage their young and gifted kids to learn
and appreciate the arts. However, among many other beautiful looking artworks, this particular
piece caught my eye, mainly because it had some truly amazing colour combinations and that too
came from a 9 years old autistic young boy!

In fact, the light pink colour of the sky and the flying bird in blue colour matched so perfectly
with the crystal clear blue water of the ocean underneath, as if the bluebird (a “great blue heron”)
- so tiny in comparison with the ocean - was competing with the sky for attention, and also that it
couldn’t possibly be more beautiful looking than the bird! Such awesome paint!

Anyway, I like the artwork so much, mainly because it was so simple and yet so deep in meaning
in the sense that it was able to capture the imagination of a gifted and young kid. I like it also
because it portrayed the unadulterated beauty of mother nature by playing with some simple

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:We all know that art is a medium that captures the imagination and emotions of
individuals. From paintings to sculptures to architecture, each work of art has its unique style and
story. One of the pieces of art that I find captivating is the Sydney Opera House. Before I get into
the details of this marvellous architectural work, I would like to thank you for the time and
opportunity to let me talk about it.How it looks:The Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of
modern architecture. Its unique sail-like design and white-tiled exterior make it one of the most
recognizable landmarks in the world. The interior of the Opera House is equally impressive, with
its stunning concert halls, theatres, and open spaces. I am lucky that I visited this extraordinary
piece of architectural structure a couple of years ago. It was simply stunning.Where you first saw
it:I first saw the Sydney Opera House when I visited Sydney, Australia, with my family a couple
of years ago. It was an awe-inspiring experience to see it in person and appreciate the incredible
design and engineering that went into creating such a magnificent structure.How you feel about
this artwork:I feel a sense of admiration and wonder every time I think about the Sydney Opera
House. The sheer scale and complexity of the design make it a true work of art. Its ability to
blend into the surrounding landscape and the harbour adds to its beauty and uniqueness.And
explain why you like it so much:There are several reasons why I like the Sydney Opera House so
much. Firstly, its innovative and modern design is timeless and has become an icon of
contemporary architecture. Secondly, the Opera House has cultural significance as a venue for
some of the most exceptional performing arts in the world. Lastly, the Opera House has
sentimental value for me as it reminds me of the time I spent with my family in Australia.

Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

You should say:

 who this person is

 how you know this person
 what you know about this person

and explain why you think this person is beautiful or handsome.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

This is a rather interesting subject to talk about even though I am not too sure that I would be
able to do proper justice to it. Nevertheless, I will try my best to describe a person who, I think,
is really beautiful.

Her first name is Rebecca

(I will not disclose her last name here because of the “privacy” reason)

. She can’t exactly be called a neighbour of mine, but she certainly can be considered one
because she spends a very good part of her days in an elementary school in my neighbourhood
from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, at least 4/5 days a week. Yes, she is a kindergarten school teacher – a
language teacher to be precise.

I have known her for almost a year now even though I haven’t really had many opportunities to
talk to her except just saying “hello!” and “how are you doing?” at times when I go to leave my
little cousin at her school once in a while.
As I have just mentioned, I haven’t really had many opportunities to interact with her, so, it is
only reasonable to conclude that I won’t be able to give a very good account of her, as far as the
question of what I know about this person is concerned. But, from what I have known about her
in some casual conversations with my little cousin, all I can say is that she is a good teacher and
that she also very much loves the children, she teaches. My little cousin has also told me that this
lady teacher of her lives in a big house with her family, in a different neighbourhood which is
about 8/10 kilometres away from mine.

Anyway, I think that this lady is a beautiful person because she has “olive” skin – a skin tone
with a naturally tanned look which I really like and admire. What makes her look even more
beautiful is that she knows exactly what colours of dresses to wear to match her gorgeous-
looking skin. She dresses smartly and it gives a pleasant sensation to look at her lovely and
handsome face.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:I think that "beauty" is subjective and can be perceived differently by each
individual. However, there are some people who possess a quality that makes them stand out and
catch the attention of others. In this regard, I would like to talk about a person whom I know and
find beautiful.Who this person is:The person I am talking about is my best friend - "Sarah". We
have known each other since childhood and have remained close throughout the years.How you
know this person:As I've mentioned earlier, Sarah and I have been friends since childhood. We
went to the same school and have been through many ups and downs together.What you know
about this person:Sarah is a very kind and caring person. She is always willing to lend a helping
hand to anyone in need. She has a great sense of humour and is always able to make me laugh
even on my worst days. She is also very intelligent and hardworking, and her dedication towards
her studies and career is truly inspiring. Above all, she is a good friend of mine and I would
always like to be her friend.And explain why you think this person is beautiful or
handsome:Apart from Sarah's wonderful personality, she is also physically attractive. She has
striking features, including her big blue eyes and her long blonde hair. Her smile lights up the
room, and her confidence in her own skin is truly admirable. But what really makes Sarah
beautiful is her inner beauty, her ability to make everyone feel comfortable and accepted,
regardless of their background or appearance. She radiates positivity and kindness, and that is
truly what makes her stand out in a crowd.

Describe a poisonous plant you know about.

You should say:

 what plant it is
 where this plant could be found
 how you know about this plant

and explain how poisonous this plant is.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

When we think of trees and plants, we don’t generally like to associate anything bad or
dangerous with them. But, unfortunately, some plants can be dangerous because of their
“poisonous” nature, and today, I would like to talk about one such plant.

The name of this poisonous plant is “Pangi”. Being native to the Southeast Asia region, this plant
is very much rightly called the “Nature’s Monster”. Often reaching a height of about 50 feet, this
wild and undomesticated plant usually thrives in the tropical weather system where the
temperature hovers around 25 to 28 degree Celsius throughout the year. Blooming with large and
green flowers, these tall plants grow large and heart-shaped leaves, and they can be found in
countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Initially, I had come to know about this plant from a textbook during my high school years, but I
actually saw and touched one in real life when I was visiting a botanical garden in my country
much later. By the way, initially, after seeing that tree in the botanical garden, I couldn’t quite
believe that such tall trees “with a such normal and innocent look” could prove out to be so
dangerous and poisonous, after all.

Having said that, however, even though these Pangi plants are very poisonous, one of the most
interesting things about it is that the seeds of this particular plant make up most of the diet of the
“Babirusa” (an animal of the “swine family”. Besides, its seeds, when dried, cured, coloured and
pierced, can be used to make jewellery.

Anyway, as interesting as some of the facts about this plant may be, the truth is that all parts of it
are dangerous and poisonous for humans, especially, the fruits and seeds which contain a rather
high and toxic level of hydrogen cyanide. And when this hydrogen cyanide is ingested, it can
cause anything from loss of energy, dizziness and shortness of breath to comma and even death.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:Plants are an essential part of our ecosystem, and whenever we talk about them, we
can think about their benefits. But some of them can be harmful or even deadly to humans and
animals. In this topic, I would like to talk about a poisonous plant that I am familiar with.What
plant it is & Where this plant could be found:The plant I am referring to is called "poison ivy." It
is a woody vine or shrub that can be found in North America, especially in the United States and
Canada. Poison ivy is commonly found in wooded areas, along riverbanks, and in fields and
meadows.How you know about this plant:I learned about poison ivy from my parents when I was
a child. They warned me to avoid touching it because it can cause a severe skin reaction. They
also taught me to identify the plant by its three shiny leaves that are often tinged with red or
yellow.And explain how poisonous this plant is:Poison ivy contains a toxic oil called urushiol,
which can cause an allergic reaction when it comes in contact with the skin. The reaction
typically results in a red, itchy rash that may blister and ooze. In severe cases, the rash can be
painful and last for several weeks. Inhaling smoke from burning poison ivy can also cause
respiratory problems.

Describe someone you know who is a good cook.

You should say:

 who this person is

 how you know this person
 what kinds of food this person cooks

and explain why you think this person is a good cook.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I think that we all love to know about good foods and how they are prepared. But, I think that it
is also a good thing that we also sometimes know about the person or the cook who works so
hard to prepare those foods from behind the screen. Mrs Hema is one such good cook, and today
I would like to talk about her.

I have known this person for a long time since she happens to be the wife of one of my elder
cousins. She is also a teacher – a rather busy teacher, I might add - by profession, and it is safe to
say that she loves her job very much. But, despite being a busy and great teacher, one of the few
things that she really enjoys doing is that she just loves to cook her favourite foods whenever she
manages to save some time for herself. Anyway, it is not that I get invited often to the house of
this sister-in-law of mine, obviously because she is a busy person, but when I do, very rarely do I
get to leave her place without eating some really delicious foods.

These tasty foods mostly include oriental dishes which are cooked with a perfect combination of
aromatic herbs, powerful sauces and spices. She also likes to cook some Indian dishes once in a
blue moon, but her spicy shrimp soup or sweet and sour chicken stands a world apart from the
rest. She also prepares some delicious Japanese cakes (Japanese strawberry cake comes to my
mind) and desserts that would probably blow away the minds of even some of the most critical
food tasters.

Anyway, I think that Mrs Hema is a good cook, simply because she is passionate about cooking,
and she knows what kinds of foods are to be served at what time which is sure to stimulate the
taste bud of her family members and friends. Besides, what makes her good is also her ability to
prepare tasty foods rather quickly.
Model Answer 2:

Introduction & Who this person is:

I would like to talk about a person I know who is a great cook. Her name is Sarah, and she is a
professional chef who works at a local restaurant where I often go for dinner with my family and

How you know this person:

I first met Sarah about a year ago when I went to the restaurant for the first time. I was amazed
by the quality and taste of the food, and I asked the waiter about the chef who cooked the food.
The waiter introduced me to Sarah, and I had a brief conversation with her. Since then, I have
been a regular customer at the restaurant, and Sarah and I have become good acquaintances.

What kinds of food this person cooks:

Sarah is an expert in cooking different types of cuisine, including Chinese, Thai, Indian, and
Continental. She has a vast knowledge of different spices and herbs, and she knows how to blend
them perfectly to create a unique flavour. Her specialities include chicken curry, lamb chops, fish
tikka, and stir-fried noodles.

And explain why you think this person is a good cook:

Sarah's cooking is not only delicious, but it is also beautifully presented. She pays attention to
every detail, from the texture of the food to the colours on the plate. She uses fresh and high-
quality ingredients, and she never compromises on the taste or the quality of the food. I believe
Sarah is a good cook because she has a natural talent for cooking, and she has dedicated her life
to perfecting her skills. Whenever I eat at the restaurant, I am always impressed by the taste and
presentation of the food, and I know that Sarah is the reason behind it.

Describe a product you bought and felt happy about.

You should say:

 what product it was

 why you bought it
 how long you have used it

and explain why you were happy about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

We buy many essential products in our daily lives to make our lives a bit more comfortable
except, of course, not all of those products leave any lasting impression on us in the same way.
But, today, I would like to talk about one such product that actually made me feel happy.

Well, the product, I want to talk about is a swivel chair – an expensive swivel chair that is. Now,
before I go to brag about my “choice of an expensive chair”, I must admit that I am more of a
“cheap” customer. In other words, I like to buy “cheap” things, obviously because I like to save
as much money as possible whenever making a purchase. So, despite me being a “cheap”
customer, why did I go for an expensive chair?

Well, the answer is that this 2 feet tall and golden brown “beauty” was in the “sale”. There was
another reason for which I decided to buy this shiny-looking chair. It was made out of very
highly-calibrated stainless steel and comfortable foam. And I thought that it would complement
my study desk (actually a gift from my elder sister to commemorate my entrance to the
university) perfectly well. In fact, I would even venture to say that “it was a match that was
made in heaven” because the contrasting colour of those two pieces of beautiful and elegant-
looking furniture was simply mind-blowing, to say the least. By the way, this classy-looking
chair was not only beautiful but also was built very strongly. To tell how it really was, I used it
for a good 3/4 years time, and yet it didn’t show any sign of wearing or tearing.

Anyway, I was really very happy after buying this swivel chair, mainly because it felt very
comfortable, no matter how long I was sitting on it. Besides, the elegant design and look of that
chair complemented the other furniture at our home, no matter where it was sitting on. All in all,
it was a great purchase.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:I'd like to talk about a product that I bought and felt really happy about. It was a
DSLR camera that I purchased a few years ago, and here I'd talk about this.What product it
was:The camera was a Canon EOS 70D DSLR camera. I had been wanting to upgrade my
camera for a while as I was interested in photography and wanted to improve my skills. After
doing some research, I decided to buy this camera as it had some great features and was within
my budget.Why you bought it:As I mentioned earlier, I was interested in photography and
wanted to improve my skills. I had been using a basic point-and-shoot camera for a while and
was finding it limiting in terms of the kind of photos I could take. I wanted a camera that would
give me more control over things like shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. Additionally, I wanted a
camera that could capture high-quality images and videos.How long you have used it:I have been
using the camera for around three years now. I have taken it with me on trips and used it to
capture some really amazing moments. I've also used it to take photos of family and friends, as
well as for some freelance photography work.And explain why you were happy about it:I was
really happy about the camera because it has helped me to improve my photography skills
significantly. I've learned a lot about things like composition, lighting, and editing, and have
been able to take some really stunning photos. Additionally, the camera has given me a lot of
creative freedom, which has been rewarding. Moreover, the camera has been very reliable and
durable. I've taken it on some pretty rough trips, and it has held up really well.

Describe your favourite singer or musician.

You should say:

 who this singer/musician is

 what type of singer or musician he/she is
 what type of people listen to his/ her songs/music

and explain why he/she is your favourite singer or musician.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Sample Answer 1:


Music is an important part of my life and I listen to a wide variety of genres. However, when it
comes to my favourite singer, there is only one person who stands out - Adele. Thank you for
this great speaking topic, and I am grateful to you for the opportunity you have given me here to
talk about my favourite singer.

Who this singer/musician is:

Adele is a British singer-songwriter who rose to fame in 2008 with her debut album, 19. Her
soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics have captivated audiences around the world. She has won
numerous awards, including 15 Grammy Awards, and has sold over 100 million records.

What type of singer or musician he/she is:

Adele is primarily known for her soulful ballads, but she has also dabbled in pop and R&B. Her
music is known for its raw emotion and honesty, with lyrics that touch on topics like heartbreak,
self-love, and empowerment.

What type of people listen to his/her songs/music:

Adele's music appeals to a wide range of people, from teenagers to senior citizens. Her songs
often deal with universal themes that people of all ages can relate to. Her music is especially
popular among those who appreciate strong, powerful vocals and meaningful lyrics.

And explain why she is your favourite singer or musician:

There are several reasons why Adele is my favourite singer. Firstly, her voice is simply
incredible. She has a powerful, soulful voice that can make you feel every word she sings.
Secondly, her music is incredibly relatable. She writes songs about real-life experiences that
many of us have gone through, and her lyrics often provide comfort and hope in difficult times.
Finally, I admire her as a person. She is humble, genuine, and uses her platform to spread
positivity and love.

Model Answer 2:

My country, Bangladesh, has produced some really celebrated singers over the years. While all
of these celebrated singers have managed to leave their distinct marks in the cultural arena of
Bangladesh, one name probably deserves a bit more praise than the others. And the name of this
renowned singer is Runa Laila.

Now, it is certainly worth noting that Runa Laila is very much like a household name in South
Asia, and she has remained so for more or less over the last 50 years. Born in the year 1952 in
erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), this Bangladeshi playback singer and composer
started her career in the Pakistani film industry in the late 60s, recording over 10,000 songs in 18

Being regarded very rightly as a melody queen, this versatile songbird has managed to captivate
the minds and hearts of all kinds of people from all ages and backgrounds with her magical
voice. Whether it is the modern, classical, pop, traditional, Ghazals (devotional) country or
folklore songs, this talented singer just knows how to lift the hearts and minds of her fans with
her evergreen and charismatic voice. However, even though people of all ages like to hear the
songs of Runa Laila, she is probably a bit more popular among the relatively youth because of
her brisk, restless or “swift-moving” voice. Indeed, in her decorated career, Runa Laila, as an
epitome of uniqueness and style icon, has achieved such a height of fame and recognition that
most artists can only dream of.

Anyway, Runa Laila is my favourite singer, mainly because she is not only talented but also
knows how to keep improving her musical style relentlessly. Besides, she is also one of those
singers whose attention doesn’t only revolve around her love for music, but she values her roots
and tradition tremendously also. After all, she is an artist who refused all kinds of lucrative
financial deals from another country to remain in her own country and culture.

Describe one of your favourite photographs.

You should say:

 when the photograph was taken

 what it depicts
 what memory this photograph holds

and explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have always enjoyed standing in front of a camera and taking a picture of myself. In fact, at one
point in my life, I became so passionate about taking pictures that I even bought an expensive
camera by selling a lot of my “personal” pieces of stuff. But, that’s a different story altogether,
so I will just go ahead and talk about one of my favourite pictures instead - which I took with
that camera.

This particular picture, I am talking about, was taken at a wedding ceremony of one of my
female cousins about 2/3 years ago. Now, before I go to talk about the picture, I should tell you a
little about my cousin who was very much like an elder sister to me. So, her marriage indeed was
a very special occasion for me, especially, because we shared a very special bond.

I remember taking quite a few pictures at that wedding ceremony but the picture, I am talking
about here, was a special one because it was taken at a rather emotional moment for my cousin.
In fact, it was taken at a time when my cousin, a new bride, was crying like a little baby as she
was leaving her parents’ house to start a new life and family.

Now, I am not too sure how the other members of my family were feeling about the grand
departure of my cousin at the time of taking that picture, but as far as I am concerned, I felt like I
was losing a part of me since that special lady had treated me all along just like her own younger
brother – a brother she never had.

Anyway, it is one of my favourite pictures as it had come as natural as one possibly could get.
Besides, the picture was also a “mysterious” one in that I never quite figure out if those “tears”
of my cousin were the “tears of joy” (of starting a new life) or the “tears of separation” from her
own families – families which had raised her and loved her unconditionally.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:Photographs are an excellent way to capture memories, and I have many

photographs that I really like. I'd like to thank you for this excellent topic. For this topic, I'll
describe one of my favourite photographs.When the photograph was taken:The photograph was
taken in August 2019, on the fourth day of my trip to Hawaii. We had gone to visit a famous
beach on the North Shore of Oahu Island called "Waimea Bay Beach Park."What it depicts:The
photograph depicts my sister and me standing on the beach, with the crystal clear blue water and
the lush green mountains in the background. We were wearing matching floral dresses, and our
hair was blowing in the gentle sea breeze.What memory this photograph holds:This photograph
holds a lot of special memories for me. It was my first time visiting Hawaii, and it was a dream
come true. My sister and I had planned this trip for months, and it was everything we had hoped
it would be. This photograph was taken on the day that we had our first swim in the ocean. The
water was so clear and refreshing, and we had so much fun playing in the waves.And explain
why it is one of your favourite photographs:This photograph is one of my favourites because it
captures a special moment in time that I will always cherish. It reminds me of the joy and
excitement that I felt during my trip to Hawaii, and it makes me feel grateful for the time I spent
there with my family. Every time I look at this photograph, I am transported back to that
moment, and it makes me feel happy and content.

Model Answer 3:

Introduction:Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this nice topic. I am excited
to talk to you about one of my favourite photographs that I really like.When the photograph was
taken:The photograph was taken on my university graduation day, which was one of the most
significant moments of my life.What it depicts:The photograph depicts me, along with my
parents, my younger sister, a few close friends, and one of my favourite teachers, who had a
significant impact on my academic and personal growth. In the photograph, we are all standing
together in front of the university's main building, wearing our graduation robes and hats. My
parents are standing on either side of me, beaming with pride, and my sister is standing in front
of me, giving a cheeky grin to the camera. My friends are standing behind me, giving the
"thumbs up" sign, and my teacher is standing on the other end, looking on with a mix of
happiness and nostalgia. The background is a clear blue sky, with a few fluffy white clouds that
seem to be hovering above us like guardians of this special moment.What memory this
photograph holds:The photograph holds the memory of my graduation day, which was a
culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It was a day filled with mixed emotions of joy,
pride, and sadness as I was leaving behind a chapter of my life and starting a new one.And
explain why it is one of your favourite photographs:This photograph is one of my favourite
photographs because it reminds me of the immense support and love that I received from my
family and friends throughout my academic journey. It also symbolizes the culmination of a lot
of hard work and dedication that I put in to reach my goals. Whenever I look at this photograph,
it fills me with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for all the people who have played a role
in shaping my life.

Describe your favourite food or dish.

You should say:

 what dish or food item it is

 how it is made/prepared/cooked
 how common this food item or dish is in your country

and explain why it is your favourite food item/ dish.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

I love foods, and who doesn’t! But, of course, not everybody likes the same types of foods. For
example, somebody may like fish, while many others can’t even take the smell of it! Some may
prefer fast food while many others just avoid them like plagues on some health grounds!

Talking about fast foods, I just love eating pizza. In fact, if my memory serves me well, pizza has
been one of my favourite foods since my early university days, and there wasn’t a week for me
in those university years that had passed by without eating at least 2 or 3 pizzas. Of course, I
don’t eat them as much as the time when I was younger, but still, I like to enjoy them as often as
I can without putting too much strain on my stomach and heart health.

By the way, in the country, where I live, pizzas, like many other fast food items, have become
rather common and popular in recent years, especially, in and around the big cities, where mostly
young folks flock into the fast-food restaurants in dozens every day so that they can get a bite of
those freshly-made pizzas that are made of yeast dough and topped with tomato sauce, cheese,
and a variety of other ingredients.

To make this pizza, one first needs to prepare Pizza-crust (essentially a flat and round bread) of
about 10 inches (25 cm in diameter). Then, cheese, tomato sauce and a number of ingredients
(like meat, olive, onions, bell peppers and mushrooms, depending on one’s taste and preferences)
are spread evenly on the crust before heating it in an oven for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Anyway, pizza is one of my favourite foods, mainly because of the heavenly taste it provides to
my appetite. I like this food also because I can eat it hot or cold, whether I am busy working or
driving on the street. After all, pizza is the food for all seasons and all occasions!

Model Answer 2:


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about my favourite food. It is a dish that I can
eat anytime and anywhere, and it always makes me feel happy and satisfied.

What dish or food item it is:

My favourite dish is sushi, a Japanese cuisine consisting of small rolls of vinegar-flavoured cold-
cooked rice combined with raw fish, vegetables, and other ingredients such as avocado,
cucumber, and crab meat.

How it is made/prepared/cooked:

Sushi is made by combining cooked sushi rice with vinegar, sugar, and salt, which gives it a
unique flavour and texture. The rice is then formed into small bite-size pieces and topped with
raw fish or vegetables, which are carefully selected and sliced by skilled sushi chefs.
How common this food item or dish is in your country:

Sushi has become increasingly popular in many countries, and it is not difficult to find a sushi
restaurant in most major cities around the world. In my country, sushi is widely available in big
cities and is often served at high-end Japanese restaurants and sushi bars.

And explain why it is your favourite food item/ dish:I love sushi for many reasons. First of all, it
is a healthy food choice that is high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients.
Second, it is a very versatile dish that can be customized to suit different tastes and preferences.
Lastly, I enjoy the social aspect of eating sushi, as it is often served in small portions, making it
easy to share with others and try a variety of different flavours.

Describe an advertisement you like. (or)Describe an advertisement that you


You should say:

 what type of advertisement it is

 what product or service it advertises
 where and when you first saw it

and explain why you like/remember this advertisement.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

We all like to watch our favourite programmes on TV, but unfortunately, most of the time, those
untimely and boring commercials or advertisements take the fun out of it. However, there are
times when we do like some of those advertisements, and today, I would like to talk about one of
them here.

Anyway, I saw the funny ad about 5/6 years ago for the first time at my cousin’s place when I
was visiting him on my holidays. But, unfortunately, my holidays were pretty much ruined as I
had to remain “stuck” at my cousin’s place most of the time due to some unexpected and
“hostile” weather while watching some TV.

And, it was at that time, I saw that nice and funny advertisement for a car brand. In that ad, an
anxious dad could be seen worrying about his newly-bought car (from a famous brand) which
was taken by his daughter for a ride. The father couldn’t say “no” to his beloved daughter, who
only very recently had got her driver’s license, apparently because he was a bit too worried about
the safety of his daughter and the car. But, the father didn’t know that the car had some very
sophisticated safety features. In the end, of course, nothing unpleasant really had happened. In
fact, the daughter, after returning the car to his dad, explained everything about the car. And once
he came to all about those safety features, he started to grin from ear to ear and asked for a hug.
The daughter thought that his dad wanted to her a hug, so she walked towards his father. But, to
her utmost surprise, the father pushed the daughter aside gently and gave a huge hug to his car

Anyway, I really like this advertisement, mainly because it was rather funny and witty while also
presenting some natural loving bond between a father and daughter. I like this advertisement also
because it never really tries to “persuade” its customer base.

Sample Answer 2:

It is undeniable that advertisements play a crucial role in marketing, and brands try to make
adverts that attract customers and highlight their products and services. We are often exposed to
countless advertisements every day, but only a few leave a lasting impression on us. Here, I
would like to talk about an advertisement that I remember vividly. Before I go into the details of
it, I would like to thank you for this nice topic.

The advertisement that I am going to describe is a television commercial for Coca-Cola, a

popular soft drink company. The ad showcases a group of friends enjoying a hot summer day on
the beach while drinking Coca-Cola. They are shown playing games, listening to music, and
having fun together. The tagline of the ad is "Taste the Feeling," which emphasizes the
experience of drinking Coca-Cola.

I first saw this advertisement on television during the summer of 2016. It was during a
commercial break while watching a cricket match. The commercial was shot in a beautiful
location with vibrant colours and catchy music, which immediately caught my attention.

I remember and like this advertisement for a few reasons. Firstly, the commercial is well-
produced, and the tagline "Taste the Feeling" is memorable. Secondly, it highlights the
experience of drinking Coca-Cola, which is something that I could relate to. Lastly, it left a
lasting impression on me because of the happy and carefree mood of the ad. Whenever I see a
can of Coca-Cola, this advertisement immediately comes to my mind.

Describe a person who wears unusual clothes.

You should say:

 who this person is

 what type of dresses he/she wears
 why his/her dresses are unusual

and explain what you think about the way he/she dresses.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

I am more of a traditional kind of person, who likes traditional outfits. But, to some people, of
course, traditional clothing can be “boring”, and so, they choose to wear kinds of clothes which
can easily be considered as “unusual”, sometimes "very fashionable" or even sometimes a bit
bizarre! Today, I would like to talk about one such person who wears such uncommon and
unusual clothes whom I know closely.

This rather unusual clothing wearer is a local grocery shopkeeper in my area. I have known this
person - who is currently in his early 40s, for a long time which goes back to my high school
days. In the beginning, when he was a car driver (driving the car of a local medical doctor in my
area) there was nothing usual about his clothing or fashion style. But, once he changed his
profession to become a shopkeeper, he started to change his outfits slowly and slowly. He started
this trend by wearing an unusually large “hat” that was made of a palm tree. Then, later, he
started to wear a very long, half-sleeve shirt that had no buttons. In fact, the shirt was very much
like an “apron” of a medical doctor except that it had no buttons, no pockets and no “collar”. To
make that “half-shirt” look even more unusual, he painted all kinds of scary bugs and insects all
over it. And as far as his lower part body garment is concerned, he wears only trousers or pants
that are made from only thick fabrics. Oh, by the way, the story about his unusual clothing would
remain incomplete if I don’t mention how he wears necklaces that are made of small “wooden

I don’t really know what to think about the way he dresses, but all I can say is that he uses such
type of unusual clothing because he feels comfortable in them. Besides, it is also possible that he
thinks that it is also possible to make a “fashion statement” by wearing cheap and ordinary things
since all of his clothing is rather cheap and ordinary but very unusual.

Sample Answer 2:

I have always believed that clothing is an essential aspect of human life, and we usually dress
according to our personality, environment and occasions. However, some people love to stand
out from the crowd by wearing unique and unconventional clothes. Today, I am going to talk
about a person who wears unusual clothes that have caught my attention.

The person I am talking about is a classmate of mine named "Alex". He is a tall, thin guy with
blonde hair and blue eyes. Alex has a very distinctive sense of style, and he often wears clothes
that are eye-catching and unconventional. He loves to experiment with different colours, patterns
and textures, which makes him different from others. Sometimes he wears brightly coloured
suits, and other times he wears punk-style clothes such as leather jackets, torn jeans and boots.

Alex's clothing style is unusual because he likes to mix and match different styles, patterns and
colours. He doesn't follow any particular fashion trend, but he has his own unique sense of style.
Alex is not afraid to take risks when it comes to his clothing, and he enjoys expressing himself
through his outfits.
I think that Alex's clothing style is very unique and creative. He has a great eye for combining
different patterns and colours, which always makes him stand out in a crowd. Even though his
clothing style is unusual, it suits his personality, and it makes him feel confident and happy. I
admire his courage to express him

Describe a city you have visited and want to go back to in the future.

You should say:

 which city it is
 where it is
 what you did there

and explain why you want to go back there.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have been lucky to visit some beautiful cities around the world where I would just love to go
back to again and again. But, for the purpose of speaking on this cue card topic, I will pick up
Tokyo city and give some fascinating accounts of it.

Well, I don’t really think that the city of Tokyo needs any introduction, but in case anybody is
wondering, Tokyo is the capital city of Japan as well as the largest metropolitan in the world.
With almost 4 million population (I am sure that the population was much less when I visited
this city with my uncle as a teenager about 15 years ago), I think that this city is one of the few
and the most fascinating cities in the world. Situated at the head of Tokyo Bay on the pacific
coast of central Honshu, this particular city actually has something for everybody to do, see and

In fact, there are so many things to do in Tokyo that one would actually need at least a few
weeks to enjoy those activities. But, unfortunately, since I visited the city only for a week, I
didn’t really get to enjoy everything that I wanted. But, still, I was lucky to visit some of the
historic temples and the imperial palace and take a cruise around the forgotten waterways of
Tokyo. I also spend some time learning some of the finest Japanese etiquette. Last but not least, I
also spent a great deal of time enjoying the traditional Japanese cuisines that had some
extraordinary flavour and taste.

Well, I want to go back there again, primarily because I think that the people in Tokyo are the
most welcoming and hospitable people in the world. I want to visit the city again also because I
just love some of the ancient rituals and traditions of Japanese people there while also enjoying
some picture-perfect sceneries that are just so hard to find anywhere else in the world.
Sample Answer 2:

Introduction & What city it is:

I have been fortunate enough to have visited many beautiful cities around the world. However,
one city that stands out in my memory is Vancouver, Canada. I visited Vancouver a few years
ago and I am eager to go back there in the future. Thank you for this nice topic.

Where it is:

Vancouver is located in the western part of Canada, in the province of British Columbia. It is a
coastal city that boasts a stunning natural setting, with the North Shore Mountains providing a
picturesque backdrop.

What you did there:

During my visit, I explored the city's diverse neighbourhoods, including the trendy Yaletown and
the bustling Granville Island. I also visited Stanley Park, one of the largest urban parks in North
America, which offers breathtaking views of the city skyline and the Pacific Ocean. One of my
most memorable experiences in Vancouver was hiking the Grouse Grind, a steep trail that leads
to the summit of Grouse Mountain. The hike was challenging, but the stunning views from the
top made it all worth it.

And explain why you want to go back there:

I want to go back to Vancouver primarily because I feel like I only scratched the surface of what
the city has to offer, and I would love to explore more of its neighbourhoods and attractions.
Additionally, Vancouver is known for its friendly and welcoming people, and I would love to
immerse myself in the local culture and meet more people. Finally, the natural beauty of
Vancouver is truly awe-inspiring, and I would love to spend more time exploring the city's parks
and mountains.

Describe a person who wears unusual clothes.

You should say:

 who this person is

 what type of dresses he/she wears
 why his/her dresses are unusual

and explain what you think about the way he/she dresses.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

I am more of a traditional kind of person, who likes traditional outfits. But, to some people, of
course, traditional clothing can be “boring”, and so, they choose to wear kinds of clothes which
can easily be considered as “unusual”, sometimes "very fashionable" or even sometimes a bit
bizarre! Today, I would like to talk about one such person who wears such uncommon and
unusual clothes whom I know closely.

This rather unusual clothing wearer is a local grocery shopkeeper in my area. I have known this
person - who is currently in his early 40s, for a long time which goes back to my high school
days. In the beginning, when he was a car driver (driving the car of a local medical doctor in my
area) there was nothing usual about his clothing or fashion style. But, once he changed his
profession to become a shopkeeper, he started to change his outfits slowly and slowly. He started
this trend by wearing an unusually large “hat” that was made of a palm tree. Then, later, he
started to wear a very long, half-sleeve shirt that had no buttons. In fact, the shirt was very much
like an “apron” of a medical doctor except that it had no buttons, no pockets and no “collar”. To
make that “half-shirt” look even more unusual, he painted all kinds of scary bugs and insects all
over it. And as far as his lower part body garment is concerned, he wears only trousers or pants
that are made from only thick fabrics. Oh, by the way, the story about his unusual clothing would
remain incomplete if I don’t mention how he wears necklaces that are made of small “wooden

I don’t really know what to think about the way he dresses, but all I can say is that he uses such
type of unusual clothing because he feels comfortable in them. Besides, it is also possible that he
thinks that it is also possible to make a “fashion statement” by wearing cheap and ordinary things
since all of his clothing is rather cheap and ordinary but very unusual.

Sample Answer 2:

I have always believed that clothing is an essential aspect of human life, and we usually dress
according to our personality, environment and occasions. However, some people love to stand
out from the crowd by wearing unique and unconventional clothes. Today, I am going to talk
about a person who wears unusual clothes that have caught my attention.

The person I am talking about is a classmate of mine named "Alex". He is a tall, thin guy with
blonde hair and blue eyes. Alex has a very distinctive sense of style, and he often wears clothes
that are eye-catching and unconventional. He loves to experiment with different colours, patterns
and textures, which makes him different from others. Sometimes he wears brightly coloured
suits, and other times he wears punk-style clothes such as leather jackets, torn jeans and boots.

Alex's clothing style is unusual because he likes to mix and match different styles, patterns and
colours. He doesn't follow any particular fashion trend, but he has his own unique sense of style.
Alex is not afraid to take risks when it comes to his clothing, and he enjoys expressing himself
through his outfits.
I think that Alex's clothing style is very unique and creative. He has a great eye for combining
different patterns and colours, which always makes him stand out in a crowd. Even though his
clothing style is unusual, it suits his personality, and it makes him feel confident and happy. I
admire his courage to express himself through his clothing, and I believe that he is a true fashion

Describe a place where you like to visit but would not want to live permanently.

You should say:

 where it is
 what type of place it is
 what you can do when you visit there

and explain why you would not want to live there even if you like to visit that place.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

**Model Answer 1:**Ohh, this is such an interesting topic, and honestly speaking, until today, I
have not given much thought about it. Well before going into details of this topic, I would like to
thank you for the time and opportunity to let me talk about it.One place that I like to visit but
wouldn't want to live in permanently is Las Vegas, Nevada. It is a city located in the United
States, famous for its nightlife, casinos, and various entertainment options.Las Vegas is a vibrant
and bustling city that never sleeps. There are numerous hotels, restaurants, and casinos on the
Las Vegas Strip, which is the main attraction of the city. People can enjoy gambling, watch
shows, and indulge in fine dining experiences. There are also many shopping centres and outdoor
activities, such as hiking and sightseeing tours, available for tourists.However, despite all the
excitement and entertainment, I would not want to live in Las Vegas permanently. The reason is
that it is a very fast-paced and crowded city. The high level of noise and activity can become
overwhelming after a while, and the hot desert climate can also be unbearable during the summer
months. Moreover, living in Las Vegas can be quite expensive, and it is not an ideal place to
raise a family due to its party atmosphere.So I think that Las Vegas is undoubtedly an exciting
and fascinating place to visit, but I would not want to live there permanently.

**Model Answer 2:**I have been lucky enough to visit some international tourist destinations.
However, while I have loved visiting them in the short term, I never really felt like living there in
the long term or permanently. Today, I would like to talk about one of those places.The place, I
am talking about, is called “Kathmandu” which also happens to be the capital of a country called
“Nepal” or the “daughter of the Himalayas”. Now, here I must say that even though I haven’t
really had the opportunity to travel to all of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world, I
wouldn’t really hesitate to include the city of Kathmandu among them, mainly because it is both
magical and mythical in equal measure. In fact, just the name “Kathmandu” itself evokes the
images of a very ancient city, with its awe-inspiring temples that are standing tall amid the
towering Himalayas.Indeed, Kathmandu (or “the city of temples” as the tourists and the locals
passionately like to call it) is home to lots of astounding historical and cultural tourist attractions
for tourists to explore. Here in this city, one can’t only observe the religious and cultural
festivals, parading through the street, but also visit the marvellous palaces and age-old temples
that are lying alongside the bustling “bazaars”. Oh, by the way, if you are as “economical” as I
am, you can also buy every kind of product imaginable at these bazaars at a very “affordable”
price. With all of its enticing sights and sounds, Kathmandu undoubtedly is really an incredible
place which serves as a great gateway to the majestic Himalayan mountains that just lie very
nearby.Now, as much as I like the sights and sounds of this incredible city, I wouldn’t really like
to live there on a permanent basis, primarily because it is just too chaotic and crowded for a
small city boy like me. I wouldn’t like to live here also because the weather there is just a bit too
cold for my liking.

Describe a conversation you took part in but which was not interesting to you.

You should say:

 when it was
 what type of conversation it was
 whom you had this conversation with

and explain why you were not interested in this conversation even if you took part in it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

My elder uncle is a very intelligent and educated person. But, unfortunately, he is probably a bit
too much intelligent and educated for my liking. In fact, most of the conversations between him
and I would eventually turn out to be a rather boring affair or not interesting at all. So, today, I
would like to go ahead and talk about one of those “not so interesting” conversations with my
uncle that I had in the recent past.

By ‘recent past’, I mean to say, it was not more than a month ago or so when I had this
conversation, and that too on a very hot and humid day. Now, as far as I am concerned, I just
don’t like hot and humid weather, and therefore, a conversation needed to be extremely
interesting to hold my attention for more than 10 minutes. But, my uncle, as usual, didn’t really
care about what I considered to be interesting and what not on that day also as he went on talking
about how he debated some of the laws of physics when he was a university student.

Of course, my biggest mistake was, while having the conversation, that I actually told him that I
had made a big mistake by choosing to study “commerce” instead of “science”, and that I
wouldn’t be able to have a secured financial future – not, at least, in the current sluggish
economy of our country – without becoming an engineer or medical doctor. The conversation
lasted for almost 30 to 40 minutes, but it felt like I was in it for ages, as I was really struggling to
hold my attention to that rather “demoralizing” conversation.

Anyway, I found the conversation to be dull and uninteresting, mainly because it was rather
“pessimistic” in nature. I found it uninteresting also because it was not just the right time or place
to have such a “complicated” conversation since I was more in the mood for enjoying some
outdoors instead of remaining stuck with a “geek” alone in his residence.

Sample Answer 2:

Last month, I attended a family gathering where I took part in a conversation that everyone
thought was quite uninteresting except me. It was a discussion about the latest sports news and
predictions for upcoming matches. I am not a sports enthusiast, so I found it difficult to keep up
with the conversation.

The conversation started when my cousin, who is a big fan of cricket, brought up the topic. He
began discussing the players, their recent performances, and the teams they played for. While I
tried to listen attentively, I found myself unable to contribute to the conversation since I didn't
know much about cricket. Naturally, I felt a little bored with the conversation.

The conversation went on for about half an hour, during which I tried to make polite
contributions to the discussion. However, my lack of knowledge of the subject matter made it
difficult for me to stay engaged.

The reason I was not interested in the conversation, or rather the conversation was not interesting
enough for me, was that I had no prior knowledge of the topic. I have never been interested in
sports, and I don't follow any games or teams. Hence, the conversation did not hold my attention,
and I found myself getting bored.

Describe an online survey or quiz that you have taken.

You should say:

 when it was
 what type of survey or quiz it was
 why you took it

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I don’t really like to participate in any kind of survey or quiz, primarily because they usually take
way more time to finish than their expected estimated time. Having said that, however, I have
taken part in some useful surveys which, I thought, could actually make some difference in our
lives. Today, I would like to talk about one such survey which I took online about a couple of
months ago.

Anyway, the online survey, I participated in, was about employee welfare and wellness
programmes, and if I remember correctly, the survey was prepared and conducted by a
prominent, non-profit employee welfare organization in my country. I had received the survey in
my email. It is worth mentioning that, I receive such online surveys in my email pretty much on
a regular basis which I simply get rid of without a second thought, because I find them to be

I was thinking the same when I received that particular survey. However, something back in my
mind just kept pushing me to go through the survey questions just for once as it was delivered by
a rather prominent non-profit NGO in my country, and as it was talking about the overall welfare
and wellness of all the workers in my country. After all, I am also a full-time employee, and I
have also suffered from some terrible burnout at my work at one point or another in my life. I
took part in the survey also because the questions there were rather short and concise, and it
contained only about 8-10 questions.

I felt a bit relieved and happy after participating in the survey, mainly because it was kind of
directly related to my personal circumstances and situation, while also making me more
confident about my professional life at the same time. Besides, it also opened up my eyes to
some other work-related issues which could potentially and negatively affect my life both in the
short run as well as the long run.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:I'd like to talk about an online quiz that I took a few months ago. It was an
educational quiz related to English grammar and vocabulary. So please bear with me!When it
was:I remember taking this quiz in the middle of last year. I was looking for ways to improve my
English language skills, and I came across this quiz on a language learning website. So, I thought
I should try this.What type of survey or quiz it was:This quiz was related to English grammar
and vocabulary. It consisted of 30 multiple-choice questions, and the topics covered were
grammar rules, sentence structure, vocabulary, and comprehension.Why you took it:I decided to
take this quiz because I wanted to assess my language proficiency and identify areas where I
needed improvement. Besides, I was interested in testing my knowledge of English grammar and
vocabulary.And explain how you felt about it:Overall, I found this quiz to be quite challenging
and engaging. While some questions were easy, others required careful reading and analysis. I
was pleased with my performance on the quiz, as I scored well above the average score. It gave
me a sense of accomplishment and motivated me to continue improving my language skills.I
believe that it not only tested my knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary but also
provided me with insights into my language proficiency. I would definitely recommend taking
such quizzes to anyone interested in improving their language skills.
Describe a stranger who taught you something important.

You should say:

 when it was
 who this person was
 what important thing he/she taught you

and explain how it became useful to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I never shy away from learning something from a person whether he or she is a familiar person
to me or just a complete stranger. Of course, it doesn’t often happen that I get to meet a stranger
and learn something from him or her. But about 6/7 months ago, I accidentally met a person at a
shopping centre and learned something useful from him.

Now, I am not too sure if I had seen that person before that day, but it was abundantly clear to
me from his talks

(or “exchanges” with the staff there)

and activities that he was a frequent shopper at that shopping centre. Anyway, to move the story
forward, we both were trying to pick up some stuff from a particular "aisle". But the problem
was that I just couldn’t find the merchandises or products which I was looking for. So, naturally,
I became a bit frustrated and started to blame the workers there at the store since they failed to
stack up the stuff there in an organized manner. Then, as I was mumbling to myself, I suddenly
noticed that the stranger shopper was approaching me with the same merchandise, I was
searching for, in his hands, apparently because he wanted to hand them over to me.

And as he handed those things over to me, he told me with a smiling face that we should try to
avoid complaining about small things in our life and instead try to become proactive more if we
really want to make our life a bit easier. With those words, the stranger was apparently implying
to me that I should have searched for those pieces of stuff in different aisles instead of
complaining. The lesson was - "complaining doesn’t solve any problem, but being proactive

Anyway, from that day on, I have very seldom complained about anything even though I have
had very valid reasons to do so. And, as a result, I have become more proactive and positive in
order to get things done more successfully instead since then.
Model Answer 2:

Introduction:In our lives, we meet different people, some of whom we interact with for a brief
moment but have a significant impact on our lives. One such encounter I had was with a stranger
who taught me something important. Here is my story:When it was:It was a few years ago when
I was travelling by train from Delhi to Mumbai. The train was full of people, and I was sitting
next to a middle-aged man who seemed to be returning home after a long journey.Who this
person was:Although we had not exchanged any words initially, we soon got into a conversation.
He was a businessman from Mumbai and was in Delhi for a meeting. He was curious to know
about my background, and we talked about our respective professions and interests.What
important thing he/she taught you:During our conversation, he mentioned something that I still
remember. He said, "No matter what you do, always try to do it to the best of your ability, and
success will follow you." He further elaborated that success is not just about making money or
achieving fame, but it is about doing something that you love and doing it to the best of your
ability.How it became useful to you:His words struck a chord with me, and I realized that I had
been working half-heartedly in my job, without putting in my best effort. After that encounter, I
started putting more effort into my work, and soon, I saw positive changes in my professional
life. I began to take more responsibility, and my colleagues started to appreciate my work.The
conversation with the stranger on the train taught me an important lesson, that success is not just
about achieving materialistic goals but also about doing something you love with all your heart.

Describe an article about health or a healthy lifestyle that you have read in a
newspaper or a magazine.

You should say:

 what the article explained

 when you read it
 how important you think it was

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I am not exactly a “health nut”, and I don’t really have to be one because I think that I am fairly
healthy. But, still, I like to read health-related articles, in order to learn more about a healthy
lifestyle, when I get a chance. Today, I would like to talk about one such article that I read about
a few months ago.
Now, I must say that the article, I am talking about, was no “generic” type of article, written by
some kind of ‘average’ journalist or health expert, rather it was a very well-written article by one
of the most expert medicine and cardiologist specialists of my country.

Anyway, the article explained pretty much everything about how to keep our hearts healthy
without using any kind of medicine. Initially, of course, I was a bit sceptical about the opinions
and findings, published in the article, but, as I kept reading more and more deeply into the
article, I just couldn’t ignore the experience, knowledge and findings of an industry expert who
had been providing medical treatments to heart patients very successfully for well over 50 years.
Here it is also worth mentioning that the article went to a great length to explain what kinds of
food to take and when in order to keep our hearth healthy.

By the way, I found the article to be very important and timely, as far as I am concerned because
my father had suffered from a massive heart attack about 5/6 years ago without giving any prior
warnings or complications which eventually led to a "bypass heart surgery". And since then, my
father has been spending tons of money on buying his medicines so that he could live a “semi-
normal” life.

Anyway, in the end, I found the article to be very informative and important for those who want
to live a heart-healthy life without sacrificing their taste bud and food habits. Besides, the article
would also go a long way to help people save a lot of money on their healthcare.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:Reading is a great habit that provides an opportunity to learn new things. I love to
read articles about health and fitness because they help me to improve my lifestyle. Here, I
would like to talk about an article on healthy eating that I read in a magazine a few months
ago.What the article explained:The article was about the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. It
explained how a plant-based diet is rich in nutrients and how it helps to reduce the risk of chronic
diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The article also discussed the
environmental benefits of a plant-based diet and how it helps to reduce carbon emissions.When
you read it:I read this article a few months ago when I was waiting for an appointment with my
doctor. I picked up a magazine from the waiting room and started reading it.How important you
think it was:I think this article was very important because it provided valuable information
about healthy eating. Many people are not aware of the benefits of a plant-based diet, and this
article helped to raise awareness about it. It also highlighted the impact of our food choices on
the environment, which is an important issue in today's world.And explain how you felt about it:I
felt really good about reading this article. It was informative and engaging, and I learned a lot
from it. I have always been interested in healthy eating, and this article provided me with new
information and insights that I had not considered before. It also motivated me to make some
changes in my diet and to incorporate more plant-based foods into my meals.

Describe a goal you have achieved that was set by yourself.

You should say:

 what goal it was
 how long it took you to achieve it
 what you had to do to achieve it

and explain how you felt after you achieved the goal.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Setting up different goals and trying to achieve them is probably a very significant part of our
lives. Needless to say, I am no exception in this regard, so I will go ahead and talk about one of
the goals I achieved when I was a university student that I set myself. Thank you for this
interesting topic.

Now, I am not really too sure as to how many people really set the goal of “boosting social
networking” abilities, but I had to do it because, frankly speaking, I wasn’t really a very
“sociable” person. In other words, I lacked the skills of interacting or communicating with
people effectively, whether they were familiar or some strangers to me. Naturally, I did not have
many people around me who I could call my “friends”, and I desperately wanted to change that

But, unfortunately, improving “networking skills and abilities” was not something that could be
achieved overnight as it required a rather methodical approach, a great deal of patience, and, of
course, dealing with some awkward/embarrassing moments (because of saying “wrong things” to
the wrong people at the wrong time, obviously) in the beginning. But, slowly but surely, I got the
hang of it as I read some good books on “improving communication skills” and “how to become
funny and humourous”. I also spent a great many hours watching many comedy movies in order
to learn the art of being funny and friendly with people. By the way, I even needed to “bribe” my
classmates to accompany me to the movies or restaurants, apparently because I was just too
“boring” to hang out with. But, luckily, all my efforts and hard work paid off when I finally
learnt the art of effective communication skills and making friends after more than 8/9 months.

Anyway, it felt really well and fulfilling when I managed to achieve my goal. After all, it gave
me the confidence to communicate with all kinds of people from all walks of life, regardless of
their age, race and ethnicity. It also made me feel confident about myself, as well as my ability to
get things done.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:Ohh! This one is a bit difficult for me to explain as I am not a frequent goal-setter
and achiever. However, I will still go ahead, and talk about a time when I set a goal, worked hard
and then accomplished it. Thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about it.I've always
believed that achieving a personal goal can be a very fulfilling experience. When I was thinking
about one of my goals for this topic, I remember a particular goal that I set for myself and
worked hard to achieve.What goal it was:The goal that I set for myself was to run a half-
marathon. I had always been interested in running, but I had never run more than a 5K race
before. Running a half-marathon was a big challenge for me, but I was determined to achieve
it.How long it took you to achieve it:It took me several months of training to prepare for the half-
marathon. I started by running a few miles each day and gradually increased my mileage over
time. I also incorporated strength training and stretching into my routine to help prevent
injuries.What you had to do to achieve it:To achieve my goal, I had to make some significant
changes to my lifestyle. I had to wake up earlier each day to fit in my training runs, which meant
sacrificing some of my social life. I also had to be very disciplined about my diet and make sure I
was getting enough rest to allow my body to recover.And explain how you felt after you
achieved the goal:When I finally crossed the finish line of the half-marathon, I felt an incredible
sense of accomplishment. All of the hard work and dedication had paid off, and I had achieved
something that I had previously thought was impossible. I felt proud of myself and more
confident in my ability to set and achieve future goals.

Describe a journey in which you used public transport.

You should say:

 what type of public transport you used

 when it was
 where you were travelling

and explain how you felt about this journey.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I do not have the luxury to use a private car or a private jet whenever I plan to travel because we
neither own a car nor a jet! So public transport is our only means to commute or travel to a
distant place. However, not all journeys on public transport are equally pleasant. Some are
comfortable and I tend to remember such pleasant journeys. I would like to thank you for this
nice topic and share one such delightful trip that I made on public transport - more specifically
on a train.

I took this journey with three of my friends around five months ago. It was perhaps early April
this year when we decided to travel to a famous coastal city in our country which happens to be
one of the most famous tourist spots in our country. As planned, we made the journey at the
beginning of May. On a sunny and bright day in early May, I, along with my friends, went to the
train station and took our scheduled train to make the journey.
The coastal city that we were heading to is called "Marina Coast" and it was at least 400
kilometres away from our hometown. This coastal city has so many tourist attractions and
options for adventure that there is hardly any person in our country who had not visited this place
at least once in their lifetime. We have heard about its marvellous spots and its lively activities
but had never been there. So we decided to make the journey.We could have taken the air route
but it would have been much more expensive for us. So we decided to take the train. The train
journey that we made was so enjoyable and comfortable that I can easily certify it as one of the
most satisfying journeys that I have ever made. The train arrived on time - the first sign that it
was our lucky day - and then it started its engine on time as well. We got a nice bogie where we
were only six people instead of being in a roomful of people. After a while, the train started to
move faster but it was so smooth. I was listening to my favourite music while also enjoying the
natural beauty from my window.The experience was breathtaking. During our journey, the train
stopped at two stations where we left the train and enjoyed some local delicacies. The next
morning we reached our destination which was another lovely surprise for us. Overall, it was a
great journey on public transportation.

Model Answer 2:

I would like to talk about a journey I took on a bus when I was travelling to visit my friend in a
neighbouring city. The journey was quite memorable for me as it was my first time travelling
alone on public transport.

I took a local bus which is the most common type of public transport in my city. I had to wait for
around fifteen minutes for the bus to arrive at the stop. Once the bus arrived, I got on board and
showed my ticket to the conductor. The bus was clean, comfortable and air-conditioned which
made the journey quite pleasant.

The journey was approximately 60 kilometres, and it took me around an hour and a half to reach
my destination. The bus took a route that passed through some of the most beautiful scenery I
had ever seen, and it was quite an experience. I was able to enjoy the view and relax during the
journey, as I didn't have to worry about driving or navigating.

Well, I felt quite positive about the journey. Although it was my first time travelling alone on
public transport, I found it to be quite convenient and hassle-free. I enjoyed the experience of
seeing new places and travelling through scenic locations. It was a great opportunity to be more
independent and self-reliant. I would definitely consider using public transport for future

Describe a time when something good happened to you.

You should say:

 when it was
 what good thing happened to you
 what you had to do for that
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

They say life has so many surprises for us and we have to be ready to embrace them no matter
the consequences. This is why we have to be prepared to deal with bad situations while also
enjoying the good things that happen to us. Thank you for this excellent topic, and here I'll share
an event when something nice occurred to me.

I graduated from university around 3 years ago and was desperately looking for a decent job. But
it was not easy to manage a job in a good company, especially for a fresher like me, who had no
prior work experience. My parents' expectations and my economic burdens made the situation
even worse for me, and I was getting a bit depressed after trying for a job for at least six months
or so. At that time, which would be around 2 and a half years ago from now, a university friend
of mine called and informed me that their company was looking for a few fresh and energetic
graduates to work in its sales force. It was great news, to say the least, and exactly what I was
looking for at that time.

This friend of mine joined a large telecom company and was promoted to the sales manager
position. So when he called to give me the news of a possible job vacancy, it was certainly good
news. This good news turned out to be one of the greatest events of my life when I successfully
secured a job in this very company.

Well, to get the job, I had to apply for it, take a written test and then face an interview.
Obviously, I had to do well to convince the authority that I was a deserving candidate. I also
believe my friend's recommendation helped me to some extent - for which I will always be
grateful to him.

As for how I felt, I was ecstatic and relieved to get the job. When I got a call from the HR
manager of the company and learned that I was selected for the position, I could not believe it!
The excitement of securing the first job in our life is something special, and I was happy to a
great extent. I was also proud that my parents would no longer worry for me the way they used to
do up until that point. It was indeed a great event.

Sample Answer 2:


Thank you for this nice topic. Here, I will tell you about a time when something positive
happened to me.
When it was:

If my memory serves me well, it was exactly seven months and a few weeks ago. Since this was
a good experience, I remember it clearly.

What good this happened to you:

The good thing that happened to me was that I received a scholarship for my studies abroad. I
applied for a scholarship program at a foreign university, and after going through several rounds
of interviews, I was eventually selected for the scholarship.

What you had to do for that:

In order to be eligible for the scholarship, I had to maintain a certain level of academic
performance and write a research proposal on a specific topic. I had to put in a lot of hard work
to prepare for the interviews and submit a strong application.

And explain how you felt about it:I was extremely happy and grateful when I received the news
that I had been selected for the scholarship. It was a dream come true for me as I had always
wanted to study abroad but could not afford it without financial support. The scholarship not
only provided me with the financial support that I needed but also gave me the opportunity to
pursue my academic and personal goals. I felt proud of myself for the hard work I had put in to
achieve this goal.This experience also taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. It also
gave me a great sense of accomplishment and confidence in my abilities.

Describe a person who is often in the news, and who you would like to meet.

You should say:

 who this person is

 why he or she is often in the news
 what he or she talks about in the news

and explain why you would like to meet this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I must say that it is an interesting topic to talk about. During my preparation time to think about
the topic and what I should say, I have thought about a few people whom I often see on the TV,
especially in the news programmes, and whom I would like to meet. However, I have decided to
talk about Julia Campbell, a social worker and a political activist in our country.
Ms Campbell comes from a wealthy family and is a well-known figure in our country. She could
have followed in her family's footsteps and run a large corporation, but destiny had some other
plans for her. She had decided to work for ordinary people and reform some aspects of our
politics and policies. She is around 34 years old and a mother of three. She leads a modest and
simple life and loves to be with ordinary people. She is a lawyer by profession, but these days,
she is more active in pointing out social and political discriminations and biases rather than
representing clients.

She was never after fame but, ironically, fame never left her! As a social worker, some of her
work was highly appreciated all over the country. Her brave actions and unshakable voice to
reform the minimum wage and maternity leave policy for working women were internationally
acclaimed. These days, she often appears in news programmes and other talk shows to discuss
such social, corporate and political issues that need amendment or reform. Due to her popularity
among ordinary people, her fighting spirit for establishing a fair society and some great social
works for the destitute and low-income class population, she is often on the news. She has
become so popular a figure that whenever there is an issue related to social bigotry or unjust,
news reporters seem like want to hear her opinion.

I would like to meet Julia Campbell because I admire her spirit as a person and social worker. I
would love to know more about her, her source of motivation, and her future plans. I would also
like to spend some time with this noblewoman to know how she feels about changing some of
the political aspects to make society a far better place for all of us. Finally, I would ask about
some of her favourite books and discuss them with her.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:In today's world, news channels and social media platforms are flooded with the
latest happenings and updates of various personalities. One such person whom I would like to
meet is Malala Yousafzai, a young female activist from Pakistan.Who this Person is:Who is
Malala Yousafzai? Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani female education activist who was born in
Mingora, Pakistan. She became an advocate for girls' education and rights when the Taliban took
over her hometown and prohibited girls from attending school. Malala bravely spoke out against
this oppression, and as a result, she was shot in the head. After a miraculous recovery, Malala
continued her advocacy work, and in 2014, she became the youngest recipient of the Nobel
Peace Prize.Why he or she is often in the news:Malala is often in the news because of her tireless
efforts to promote education for girls and women's rights. She has become a symbol of hope and
resilience for people all around the world. She uses her platform to speak out against extremism
and to promote education as a means of fighting poverty, inequality, and discrimination.What
does he or she talks about in the news:In the news, Malala talks about the importance of
education, particularly for girls. She emphasizes that education is not only a fundamental right
but also a crucial tool for fighting poverty and achieving gender equality. She also speaks out
against terrorism and extremism, calling for peace, dialogue, and understanding among people of
different cultures and religions.And explain why you would like to meet this person:I would like
to meet Malala Yousafzai because she is an inspiration to me and millions of other young people
around the world. Her courage, determination, and resilience are admirable, and I would like to
hear her story firsthand. Malala is an embodiment of the power of education, and I am sure that I
would learn a lot from her.

Describe a challenge that you have recently faced.

You should say:

 what type of challenge it was

 when you have faced it
 how you faced/took the challenge

and explain the outcome of it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


I wholeheartedly believe that challenges are a part of life, and they can help us grow and learn
new things. Here, I will describe a recent challenge that I have faced and the outcome of it.

What type of challenge it was:

Recently, I faced a financial challenge when I unexpectedly lost my job. It was a challenging
situation as I had to manage my finances and make ends meet without a stable source of income.

When you have faced it:

I faced this challenge about six months ago when the company I was working for went through a
restructuring process and had to let go of some employees, including me.

How you faced/took the challenge:

At first, I was overwhelmed by the situation, but then I decided to take control of it. I started by
making a budget and cutting down on my expenses. I also reached out to my network and started
looking for new job opportunities. During this time, I utilized my skills to take up some freelance
work and started a small online business to generate some income.

And explain the outcome of it:

After a few weeks of job hunting, I was offered a job that was a better fit for me and paid more
than my previous job. Additionally, my small business started to grow, and I started earning a
steady income from it. Overall, this challenge taught me the importance of being prepared for
unexpected situations and the value of a supportive network. It also showed me that taking risks
and stepping out of my comfort zone can lead to new opportunities and growth.

Model Answer 2:

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. One of our teachers slightly modified this
adage and told us that "If life throws you stones, make stone crafts". I think that the teacher tried
to make a point here, and it was that our life is not always so rosy and we should be ready to face
challenges and make the best out of the worst situations.

I know that I am not one of the bravest persons to adhere to this saying, but life certainly teaches
us to be more adaptable. So, here, for this topic, I will talk about a recent event when I faced a
challenge. I will also tell you how I faced it, and finally the results of it.

So here goes the story...Six or seven months ago, my reporting manager in my previous company
called me one evening and told me all of a sudden that the company was going to let go of some
employees as part of its cost minimisation process. I instantly knew that I was being fired and for
no apparent reason! I politely told my manager that I would leave by the next week. It was
perhaps easy to say so, but I knew I had a large bank loan to repay and a family to take care of.I
did not let my family know about it as I did not want my ill mother to worry much about it. So, I
went out almost every day, as if I was leaving for the office, to actually search for a job or meet
someone who could inform me about a possible job vacancy. That was so challenging a task
especially because I had to pretend that I was still going to the office. I sometimes went to an
internet cafe and applied for some jobs or sat at a park to plan for my future. This was definitely
a challenging time for me.My hard work was finally paid off. Though I had to fight for almost a
month or so, I managed a job that was far better than my previous one. Even though I missed one
of the bank instalments, I could easily pay it later with my salary from the new company. I still
am doing this new job and so far I love it so much. This experience taught me that when life
throws stones at you, make a beautiful stone-made craft out of them!

Describe a crowded place you have been to.

You should say:

 where it was
 when you went there
 why you went there

and explain how you felt about being in this crowded place.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

Introduction:I am going to talk about a crowded place that I have visited. The place was bustling
with people, and it was a unique experience for me. I will describe this place in detail and share
my thoughts and feelings about it.Where it was:The place I visited was a popular shopping mall
in the downtown area of my city. The shopping mall was situated in the heart of the city and was
easily accessible through public transport. It was one of the biggest malls in the city, with a vast
range of shops and entertainment options.When you went there:I visited the mall on a weekend,
and it was extremely crowded. There were people of all ages, families with children, groups of
friends, and couples shopping or hanging out in the mall. The atmosphere was lively and
exciting.Why you went there:I went to the mall to buy some new clothes and accessories for
myself. I had heard about the various high-end brands and stores in the mall, so I decided to
check them out. Additionally, I wanted to enjoy some leisure time with my friends, and the mall
provided a perfect opportunity to do that.And explain how you felt about being in this crowded
place:Being in a crowded place like a mall was a unique experience for me. On the one hand, I
was fascinated by the lively atmosphere and the variety of people and activities around me. On
the other hand, I felt a bit overwhelmed and uncomfortable in the crowd. It was challenging to
navigate through the mall and find my way to the stores I wanted to visit. The long queues at the
billing counters and the busy food courts were also a bit frustrating. However, overall, it was an
enjoyable experience, and I would love to visit the mall again, but maybe on a less crowded day!

**Model Answer 2:**I am one of those persons who hate to be in a crowded place. But it does
not mean that I can completely avoid such cramped places especially when our country is one of
the most densely populated countries in the world. Before giving further details of my experience
of being in a very crowded place, I would like to thank you for this topic and the opportunity to
let me talk about it.I had been to many places that were congested with people and where I could
not freely move without bumping into other people. But perhaps none of them was as packed as
the train station where I went with two of my friends a couple of months ago. The name of this
train station was "Sing Long Train Station", and it is located on the east side of our capital city.
Ironically, we picked this station to avoid the crowd!I went there in mid-October this year, which
was a couple of months ago from now. I was set to visit one of my friends' hometowns just after
our semester final. But little did we know at that time that we would face such a large crowd!As
part of our tour to this friend's hometown, we booked our ticket online and went to the train
station on a sunny Sunday morning. The roads were not much crowded, and we reached the train
station well ahead of time. But as soon as we entered the train station with two of my friends, we
noticed that something was not right and there was a sea of people! We could not fathom the
gravity of it until we tried to move through this mass. It was quite impossible, and I felt like I
was having a nightmare!I am never a crowd-friendly person. However, there is a limit to the
extent of the crowd that I can tolerate. But that day, it was insane. Most trains, on that day,
missed their schedules due to an accident, and it created such a deadlock of people. It was at least
five to seven times more crowded in an otherwise moderately crowded station! My initial
thought was to leave the station and return to my home as soon as possible, but considering my
commitment to my friend to visit his hometown, I could not do so. We had to be in this ocean of
people for another two hours before trains started to take passengers and we could take our seats
on our trains!
Describe an event that angered you.

You should say:

 what event it was

 when it was
 why you got so angry

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

**Model Answer 1:**No matter how hard we try, we can't control our emotions all the time.
Though I like to consider myself a composed person, I am only human. So, a few months ago, I
got furious when a shopkeeper violated my rights as a consumer. Thank you for this topic and
the time, and I will share the experience with you.

I purchased a rice cooker from a moderately large electronic shop last June. It was manufactured
and marketed by a famous electronics brand. It cost me over 180 dollars, and the shopowner
specifically mentioned that it came with a 2-year replacement warranty. To be sure about the
warranty, I asked him again and he replied that if my rice cooker malfunctions or does not work
as expected, he would replace it with a new one.

Unfortunately, just three months after the purchase, when my rice cooker stopped working, and I
returned to the store with expectations to get a replacement, the shop owner denied giving any
warranty! He even started lying that he never promised a replacement warranty. That's when I
got mad. When I failed to reason with him, I got furious with rage.

At that time, I felt like I should call my friends and give this rogue businessperson a lesson.
Initially, I was calm, but when he accused me of lying instead of keeping his promises, I lost my
temper. My voice raised significantly, and a few curious eyes were looking at me! Within 10
minutes or so, I left the store and promised myself never to go to this shop again, and also make
a written complaint to the Consumer Rights Federation - which I did and got a replacement
warranty and an "apology" from the storeowner after a couple of weeks later.

Model Answer 2:

One of the events that really angered me happened a few years ago when I was taking a flight
from New York to London. It was an overnight flight and I was really looking forward to getting
some sleep during the journey because I had a busy day ahead of me upon arrival. However, as
soon as the plane took off, the passenger sitting behind me started kicking the back of my seat
continuously. At first, I thought it was just an accident or perhaps the passenger was just
stretching, so I didn't say anything. But when it continued for several minutes and even got more
intense, I turned around and politely asked the passenger to stop kicking my seat.To my surprise,
the passenger was very rude and aggressive towards me, saying that it was their right to do
whatever they wanted on the plane and that I had no right to interfere. I tried to reason with
them, but they kept on kicking my seat and making loud noises, making it impossible for me to
sleep or even relax. I felt very frustrated and angry at the same time because I couldn't believe
someone could be so inconsiderate and disrespectful towards other passengers on the plane.I
tried to speak to the flight attendant and asked for their assistance, but they seemed busy with
other things and didn't really pay attention to my request. This made me even more angry
because I felt like my comfort and safety as a passenger were not being taken seriously.Overall,
the experience left me feeling angry, frustrated, and disappointed. I couldn't believe that someone
could be so selfish and disrespectful towards others, especially in a public place like an airplane
where we all have to share a limited amount of space and resources. I think this event made me
more aware of the importance of respecting others' boundaries and being considerate towards
those around us, even in situations where we might feel entitled to act otherwise.

Describe an extracurricular activity you have had when you were in school.

You should say:

 what it was
 what you had to do
 how it was helpful to you

and explain what you liked the most about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

This is an excellent topic, and I'd like to thank you for that. As a young high-school student, I
was one of the contributors and members of our school magazine, which I believe was an
excellent extracurricular activity for me. The school magazine was an affair of the students, and
we used to publish it quarterly.

I used to write some short stories, poems, and interesting facts about different animals, persons
and places for the magazine. This was my contribution to the magazine as a writer. I also used to
collect different content - written by students of our school - and then send them to the
moderators (who were mostly our teachers and seniors). Our headmaster was the president of our
school magazine committee, and I was a senior member of it. Initially, the circulation of the
magazine was restricted to the students of our school, but later we took it to several other schools
in our district, and it was a herculean job!
Regular contribution to the school magazine has surely improved my writing skills and style. It
also taught me how to cooperate with a team, conduct meetings and invite ideas. Besides, due to
my involvement in it, I had been able to build up a great relationship with my teachers. So it was
immensely helpful to me.

To be honest, I liked most parts of my involvement in this activity except for the time when I had
to explain to someone why his or her writing was not approved or published. On the contrary,
holding a fresh copy of the school magazine that just came out of the press was perhaps the most
fulfilling experience of all. I really liked to look and skim through some of the pages sitting at
the press office, and it was a priceless experience as a young student.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction:During my school days, I participated in various extracurricular activities, which

helped me to develop my personality and skills. Among all those activities, one that I enjoyed the
most was the debate club. For this topic, I would like to talk about this activity.What it was:The
debate club was a school-based activity that was conducted once a week for an hour. It was open
to all students, and everyone could participate regardless of their grade or stream. The club had a
few senior students who were appointed as moderators and guided the participants on various
aspects of "debate".What you had to do:During the debate club, we had to prepare our arguments
on a given topic, which were usually social or political issues. We had to research and collect
data to support our arguments, and then present them in a logical and convincing manner. The
moderators provided us with feedback on our arguments, presentation skills, and overall
performance.How it was helpful to you:Participating in the debate club was extremely helpful to
me in various ways. Firstly, it helped me to improve my critical thinking and analytical skills. I
learned to analyze different perspectives and arguments and also to present my views effectively.
Secondly, it helped me to improve my public speaking skills. I became more confident and
articulate in my speech, and also learned to communicate my ideas effectively.And explain what
you liked the most about it:What I liked the most about the debate club was the opportunity it
provided to interact and learn from my peers. It was fascinating to hear the diverse perspectives
and arguments from my classmates and friends. Moreover, the debates often sparked healthy
discussions and debates outside of the club, which further enhanced our understanding of social
and political issues.

Describe the house/apartment in which you live in.

You should say:

 what type of house/apartment it is

 how many rooms it has
 who lives in this house with you

and explain what you like most about this house/apartment.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

Thank you very much for this excellent topic that asks me to describe the house where I live in.
Well, I will try to depict it for you so that you get a realistic picture of our house.

As for the question of what type of house it is - it's a three-storey brick-built house that occupies
a land area of about 3,000 square feet. It is an independent house, and its colour is pearl-white.
We have a garden in front of it. The house was designed by a renowned architect in our city and
later constructed by a real estate developer. The building looks simple, and yet it has a classy and
beautiful outlook, or at least this is my impression of the house.

The ground floor of the house has a large parking area and a visitor area. Apart from that, it has
two rooms for the security guard and the driver we have. We live on the first floor of the house
which has four bedrooms, a large dining and waiting room, and a moderately large kitchen. The
2nd floor of our house is resided by a tenant, and it is identical to our floor in terms of its design
and structure.

This house belongs to my father, and I live in it with my family. My family consists of my
parents, my grandmother, me and two of my siblings. We all live on the first floor and have
rented out our 2nd floor, and they have eight family members in total.

They say that there is nothing better than your home and it is absolutely true. I like being in my
house more than being anywhere else. But perhaps the people who make up my family are a far
more important aspect of it than the bricks, boundary, garden and furniture that have made up the

Model Answer 2:


I currently live in a spacious apartment located in a residential area of the city. It is a comfortable
and cosy living space that I absolutely adore. Before I give more details about it, I would like to
thank you for this excellent topic.

What type of house/apartment it is:

My apartment is in a modern, high-rise building with 20 floors. It is one of the most luxurious
apartments in the area and has a very contemporary design. The exterior of the building is made
of glass panels, giving it a very sleek and stylish look.

How many rooms it has:

My apartment has three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fully-equipped kitchen, a large
living room, and a balcony. The bedrooms have large windows that provide ample natural light,
and the living room is very airy with a comfortable sofa set and a large television.

Who lives in the house with you:

I live with my parents in this apartment. It is just the three of us who occupy the apartment, and
we are all very comfortable with the amount of space that we have.

And explain what you like most about this house/apartment:

What I like most about my apartment is the breathtaking view that I get from my balcony. I can
see the entire city from here, and the view is particularly beautiful at night when the city lights
up. I also love the fact that the apartment complex has a lot of facilities, such as a swimming
pool, a gym, and a community hall. These facilities are very convenient and make our lives much
easier. Additionally, the apartment is in a very safe and secure area, which is another great thing
about it.

Describe a time when you made a journey by aeroplane or train.

You should say:

 what type of journey it was

 when it was
 how was the journey

and explain whether you liked it or not.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Sample Answer 1:


Travelling is an integral part of life and is necessary to explore new places, cultures and people.
In my life, I have travelled by various modes of transportation, but the most memorable one was
my journey to Mumbai by train. For this topic, I will be talking about this interesting and
memorable train journey.

What type of journey it was:

It was a great journey. The journey was made by train, and it was from my hometown to
Mumbai, which is about 1500 km away. The train was one of the fastest express trains, and it
took around 24 hours to reach Mumbai.

When it was:

I made this journey around two years ago. It was a planned trip, and I went to Mumbai to attend
a friend's wedding ceremony.

How was the journey:

The journey was comfortable and enjoyable. I boarded the train in the morning and got a window
seat, which allowed me to enjoy the picturesque view throughout the journey. The train was
equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a pantry car, comfortable seats, and clean
toilets. The train passed through several tunnels, bridges and hills, which made the journey even
more exciting.

And explain whether you liked it or not:

I liked the journey very much. It was a unique experience that provided me with an opportunity
to relax and enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. The train journey was much more comfortable
than travelling by air, as I had enough space to move around, socialize with people and witness
the beauty of different states of India. It was an unforgettable journey that I still cherish, and I
hope to undertake such a journey again in the future.

Model Answer 2:

Science has revolutionised human civilisation and touched every aspect of our life including how
we commute or travel. We now fly like birds in the sky, and it reduces the time required for
travelling to an amazingly great extent. Moreover, a trip by air is both thrilling and relaxing.
Thank you for giving me a chance to talk about a journey that I made by air.

I have travelled by air many times, but the excitement of experiencing it for the first time when I
was just 11 years old is still vivid in my mind. My parents took me to visit my maternal aunt who
used to live in a distant city from ours, and we flew to this aunt's city which brought a rare
opportunity for me to travel by air and experience the journey on an aeroplane.

On that day, we reached the airport well ahead of our schedule. After the necessary formalities,
we went inside the aeroplane, and after 20 minutes or so, the plane took off. Luckily, I got a seat
beside a window. The aeroplane moved along the ground for a few minutes and then flew into
the air. We passed over rivers, roads, and towns. I could see white clusters of clouds, and they
seemed so near - as if I could touch them! Everything on the ground appeared so small and
distant. Except for the first and last few minutes - at the time of taking off and landing, the flight
was so smooth or at least this was what I felt. In less than 2 hours, we reached the destination
which could otherwise take 18/20 hours on the road.I definitely liked the journey. It was so
exciting an experience that I still remember it. As a young kid, everything was new and thrilling
to me about this journey.

Describe a natural calamity that is common in your country.

You should say:

 what it is
 how it happens
 if you have ever witnessed it

and explain how it can be mitigated or controlled.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Geographically our country is prone to a few natural calamities, and "cyclone" is perhaps the
most common, devastating and fearsome nature-caused disaster that people in our country face.
Thank you for the topic and the time. Here, I will describe the cyclone as a natural calamity in
our country from my knowledge and experience.

A cyclone is a rotating, organized system of clouds, winds and thunderstorms that originates over
tropical or subtropical waters and has closed and low-level circulation. We characterize it by its
inward-spiralling winds that rotate about a low-pressure zone. Cyclone is still beyond man's
power to be prevented or controlled. It takes only a few minutes to cause irreplaceable losses and
damages to life and property. Mostly created on the sea, some cyclones intensify and take the
shape of a storm, usually, hundreds of kilometres away from the sea coast. Many such cyclones
die down and do not reach the coastal area or the land, but a few, generally, powerful ones, move
towards the land while also becoming more powerful. Once it hit the land, it may end up
wreaking havoc.

Yes, I have experienced cyclones at least three or four times in my life. However, as a child, I
was devastated to witness it first-hand and then notice its bleak aftermath. I hope we can invent
reliable technology soon that will help us debilitate cyclones at the source or let us control their
intensity and trajectory.

Human is yet to reach the scientific feat and technological advancement to control cyclones.
However, we can use the warning system and relevant technology to understand its approach.
Timely warnings and evacuation can definitely save lives. Moreover, high-dwelling houses in the
coastal area may give safety against cyclones to some extent.

Sample Answer 2:
One natural calamity that is common in our country is flooding. For this topic, I will talk about
this natural disaster here.

Flooding occurs when there is an excessive amount of water that overflows and inundates the
land, leading to the submerging of houses, infrastructure, and agricultural fields. It is usually
caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt, or the overflow of rivers and dams.

I have personally witnessed several instances of flooding in my country. During the monsoon
season, heavy downpours often result in swollen rivers and flash floods. It can be quite
devastating to see homes and communities submerged, and people struggling to evacuate and
seek shelter.

To mitigate or control flooding, various measures can be taken. Firstly, improving infrastructure
such as constructing dams, levees, and flood control channels can help regulate water flow and
prevent overflow. Implementing effective drainage systems in urban areas can also help in
managing excess water during heavy rainfall.

Additionally, land-use planning plays a crucial role in flood mitigation. Identifying flood-prone
areas and implementing zoning regulations can prevent construction in vulnerable zones.
Preserving natural water bodies, wetlands, and forests can also aid in absorbing excess water and
reducing the impact of floods.

Furthermore, early warning systems and disaster preparedness programs are essential to
minimize the loss of life and property during flooding. Educating communities about emergency
protocols, and evacuation routes, and providing timely information can save lives and help
people cope with such natural disasters.

Describe a pet that you or someone else you know has.

You should say:

 what type of pet it is

 who has this pet
 how long you or the person has this pet

and explain what your impression of this pet is.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
My younger sister has a cat, and my sister calls her "Rosy" perhaps because of the cat's stunning
colour and charming look. Though I have an aquarium with a couple of goldfish and a tortoise, I
will go ahead and talk about my sister's cat "Rosy" for this topic.

"Rosy" - the cat, possibly the best companion of my ten years old sister Elina, was a gift from
my father. He bought a little gorgeous-looking kitten for Elina on her 8th birthday. The cat had
been at our house ever since. She liked all of us except the dog that we have at our house.

This adorable creature - with soft fur and amiable nature - is a source of joy for all of us at the
house. She likes to play with my sister, sleeps at a soft, flabby, or spongy place, and chase
whatever moves. Her "meow" sound indicates that she needs attention or food, while her "hisses"
or "purrs" means she is irritated about something. Milk and fish are her favourite food, and she
likes to be fed by none other than my sister and my father - two persons in our house who take
the best care of her.

Of course, I love Rosy; she is a beautiful and adorable pet. Sometimes she comes to me and sits
beside me as if she is looking for some attention and cuddle. Sometimes I think about owning a
cat, but I discard the idea of having a cat because I am too busy with my work and other
responsibilities to manage enough time to take proper care of the pet.

Model Answer 2:

Pets bring joy, companionship, and a sense of responsibility into our lives. They become part of
our families and leave a lasting impression. One pet that I know is a Labrador Retriever owned
by my friend, Sarah. Here, I will talk about this pet.

Sarah has a wonderful Labrador Retriever named 'Max'. He is a friendly and energetic dog who
has become an integral part of Sarah's family. Labrador Retrievers are known for their
intelligence, loyalty, and playful nature, making them popular pets.

Sarah has been fortunate enough to have Max as her companion for the past four years. She
adopted him when he was just a few months old, and they have shared numerous memorable
moments together.

Max, the Labrador Retriever, has left a remarkable impression on everyone who meets him. His
vibrant personality and affectionate nature make him an absolute joy to be around. He has a
shiny black coat, expressive brown eyes, and an enthusiastic wagging tail that never seems to
stop. Max is always eager to play fetch, go on long walks, and shower his family with
unconditional love. His friendly nature and sociability have made him a beloved pet not only to
Sarah but to everyone in the neighbourhood.

Max's presence has brought immense happiness and positivity to Sarah's life. He is not only a
loyal companion but also a source of comfort during difficult times. Max's playful antics and
loving nature never fail to brighten the atmosphere, and he has become an integral part of Sarah's
Describe a teacher from your school or college whom you admired or liked a lot.

You should say:

 who this teacher is

 what subject he/she taught you
 what good qualities this teacher had

and explain why you admired or liked this teacher so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

First of all, I'd like to thank you for the time and opportunity you've given me to talk about one
of the teachers whom I liked and admired a lot. In fact, I could think of more than one such great
educator whom I still respect and like so much. But, here I can't talk about all of them within this
limited time. So, I'll go ahead and talk about Mr Jonathon - one of the tutors from my school.

Now to introduce Mr Jonathon a little, he taught us "physics" when we were in grade eight. He
was a great teacher whom most of his students liked. He knew about the subject and lessons he
needed to teach very well, and he had been excellent when it came to explaining complex issues
in simple terms and with relevant examples. I became interested in studying and understanding
physics due to his outstanding teaching method as well as motivational talks. I still love physics
and a major share of the credit goes to this teacher.

As an instructor, he had been successful in creating interest in the mind of his disciples and also
motivating them to explore and learn more beyond academic lessons. He even made the least-
attentive students listen to his lecture sincerely. Such was his attention towards his students that
he dedicated extra time explaining complex issues to weak and interested students. Besides, he
was friendly, devoted and punctual.

I personally admired him (and still admire him) because he was an exemplary teacher as well as
a great mentor. He never hankered after cheap popularity and was a great person who knew his
responsibilities as a teacher. I also admired him because he always motivated me to do well
academically while also inspiring me to nurture good human qualities.

Model Answer 2:

During my time at college, I had the privilege of being taught by an exceptional teacher who left
a lasting impression on me. His name is Mr. Thomas, and he was my English literature professor.
For this nice topic, I will talk about this teacher.
Mr. Thomas taught us English literature, a subject that I have always been passionate about. His
in-depth knowledge and passion for the subject were evident in every lecture he delivered.

One of the qualities that stood out about Mr. Thomas was his ability to create an engaging and
interactive learning environment. He had a unique way of making complex literary concepts
accessible to students through his lively discussions and thought-provoking activities. His
teaching style was not limited to textbooks; he encouraged us to think critically, analyze different
perspectives, and express our opinions confidently.

Moreover, Mr. Thomas possessed excellent communication skills and a genuine interest in his
students' progress. He was approachable, patient, and always willing to provide guidance and
support. His ability to connect with each student on a personal level fostered a positive classroom
atmosphere and made learning a truly enriching experience.

I admired Mr. Thomas immensely because he went beyond the role of a teacher. He inspired us
to explore the depths of literature, appreciate different writing styles, and embrace creativity. His
enthusiasm and dedication ignited a passion for English literature within me that continues to
shape my academic and personal pursuits. He instilled in me a love for learning and an eagerness
to delve deeper into the world of literature.

I am grateful for the impact he had on my education and the inspiration he provided, shaping my
love for English literature and fostering personal growth.

Describe a time when you changed your opinion.

You should say:

 when it was
 what your original opinion was
 why you changed it

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I don’t really like to argue with people unless I have a very valid reason to do so. But, when I do
argue, I always want to make sure that my opinions are not ignored or rendered irrelevant. Then
again, I have changed my opinions also on a number of occasions before when I was offered
some more valid opinions, and today, I would like to talk about one such occasion.
It was about 2/3 years ago when I was a final-year university student. Up until then, I very much
had an opinion that we didn’t really need to participate in any kind of cultural activities (i.e.
music, debates, dancing, or performing in theatres) as students since such activities can distract
us from our studies and academic lessons. In other words, as students, we should only focus on
our studies.

By the way, I had such strong opinions in favour of focusing on studies only as a student, mainly
because that’s exactly what my parents had taught me all along. Besides, my parents had pointed
out to me that one of my distant cousins was not able to perform well academically because he
was just too busy learning/playing guitar with his friends. So, naturally, I just didn’t have the
courage to challenge the opinion of my parents as far as the issue of taking part in cultural
activities was concerned.

But, all that changed when I came across a research article, published by one of the most
prestigious universities in the world, which meticulously articulated the benefits of taking part in
cultural activities as to actually how it could help students learn to maintain balance in their lives
when focusing on different tasks and things as adults.

Anyway, when I got the opportunity to change my opinion, I initially felt a bit sad, learning that I
had missed some great opportunities as a student in the past to unearth my talents in the cultural
arena. Having said that, however, I also felt like I was “liberated” from a rather poor

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:Throughout our lives, we encounter situations and experiences that have the power
to reshape our perspectives and challenge our existing beliefs. One such significant moment
occurred in my life when I had a profound change of opinion on a particular matter.When it
was:This change of opinion happened a few years ago when I was engaged in a debate about
climate change.What your original opinion was:Initially, I held a sceptical view regarding the
severity and causes of climate change. I believed that the issue was exaggerated and that natural
fluctuations in the Earth's climate were responsible for any observed changes.Why you changed
it:However, as I delved deeper into the subject, I came across compelling scientific research,
documentaries, and reports that presented a vast body of evidence supporting the reality and
human influence on climate change. I realized the importance of considering multiple
perspectives and seeking reliable information from credible sources. The overwhelming
consensus among experts, the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, and the visible
impacts on ecosystems convinced me to reconsider my stance.And explain how you felt about
it:Changing my opinion on such a significant matter was not easy. Initially, I felt a sense of
discomfort and cognitive dissonance as it required me to question my existing beliefs and
confront the reality of the situation. However, as I embraced the new perspective and continued
to educate myself on the topic, I felt a sense of liberation and empowerment. I understood that
changing my opinion was not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to my willingness to
evolve, learn, and adapt based on new information.

Describe a place with historical significance that you have visited.

You should say:

 where it is
 when you went there
 what this place is like

and explain the historical significance of this place.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

**Model Answer 1:**I want to see the world, understand the similarities and differences of
various places and learn their history. And to do that, I have started with my own country. I want
to visit the most important places in my country, and then explore the rest of the world over time.
Thank you, sir/madam, very much for the opportunity and time to let me talk about a place with
historical interest where I have been to.

A couple of years ago, I visited Bagerhat, a historical district in Bangladesh, and it was a
memorable trip for me. I stayed in this famous place for three days and visited Shait Gambuj
Moshjid (Sixty Dome Mosque), which carries both historical prominence and spiritual

Shait Gambuj Moshjid has quite an interesting and unique structural design, and it looks so
beautiful. It stands on sixty stone pillars, and I believe this is how it got its name. The
surrounding area is stunningly beautiful. Due to its historical importance, religious significance
and beautiful design, it attracts a huge number of visitors each year. When I visited this place, I
witnessed a large influx of tourists. I could not be sure which one was more important in
attracting so many visitors - its structural design or the pious intention of visitors!

Historically speaking, during the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove
forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan
Jahan Ali. The construction of this mosque was started in 1442, and it was completed in 1459. It
was an icon of that era and still stands to represent the glorious history of the Muslim colony in
the area. It is one of the most significant structures of that time and represents stunning
archaeological beauty - a signature of the 15th century.

Sample Answer 2:


Visiting a place with historical significance can be a captivating and enlightening experience, as
it allows us to immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of the past. One such place that left a
profound impact on me is the Tower of London, situated in the heart of London, United
Kingdom. For this nice topic, I would like to describe this place that I have visited.
Where it is:

The Tower of London stands majestically on the banks of the River Thames, within the bustling
city of London. Its strategic location near the city centre makes it easily accessible to visitors
from all over the world.

When you went there:

I had the privilege of visiting the Tower of London during a trip to London a few years ago. It
was a sunny autumn day, and the historic allure of the tower was heightened by the vibrant
colours of the surrounding foliage.

What this place is like:

The Tower of London is a remarkable architectural masterpiece that embodies centuries of

history. As I stepped inside its ancient walls, I was transported back in time. The towering stone
structure, fortified walls, and iconic White Tower were awe-inspiring. The site also comprises
several smaller towers, each with its own unique story and significance.

And explain the historical significance of this place:

The Tower of London holds immense historical significance. Originally built in the 11th century
by William the Conqueror, it has served various purposes throughout history. It has been a royal
palace, a prison, a treasury, and even a menagerie. The tower witnessed key moments in British
history, such as the execution of notable figures like Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.

However, what sets the Tower of London apart is its role as a repository for the Crown Jewels.
The priceless collection of crowns, sceptres, and other regalia symbolizes the monarchy's power
and heritage. The tower's historic and cultural importance is further highlighted by the presence
of the Yeoman Warders, or "Beefeaters," who proudly protect and guide visitors through its
storied past.

By exploring its halls, chambers, and exhibits, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the
country's rich heritage and the enduring legacy of its rulers.

Describe a good human quality you admire.

You should say:

 what it is
 how it can help us to do better in life
 whether you have this quality

and explain why you admire this quality so much.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute
to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

**Model Answer 1:**All human beings have the potential to become successful and do great
things in life, but only a tiny fraction of them can harness their true potential and attain
meaningful success. I believe one of the most significant human qualities that make that
difference is "punctuality". Thus I admire "punctuality" as a great human quality. I would like to
thank you for this excellent topic.

I believe punctuality has a paramount value in our life, and punctual people, who do things
exactly at the right time, are better organised. Our life is short, and the value of time is perhaps
the greatest. Since we all need to do so many things in our limited amount of time, only punctual
individuals can finish their tasks at the right time and thus move ahead in life faster. Punctuality
is also helpful to have a stress-free life. Procrastination and laziness kill our precious time, hinder
our success and bring misery to our life.

Well, I try to be punctual and finish my tasks on time. However, I can't label myself as one of
those people who have practised this excellent quality from an early age and made it a part of
their basic characteristics. I am happy that I am much more punctual these days than ever before.

I admire "punctuality" because I've experienced how punctual people stay ahead and accomplish
more in life. Laziness and procrastination have caused a great deal of trouble in my own life.
And I know that doing things at the right moment is the mantra to a successful life, and also a
sure way to progress and stay ahead in life. Finally, punctuality brings more opportunities in life
and makes us more active.

Model Answer 2:


I must say that this is a thoroughly interesting topic to talk about. I admire many good qualities,
and one such quality that I deeply admire is empathy, which has the power to foster compassion
and understanding in our interactions with others.

What it is:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It involves
stepping into someone else's shoes, seeing the world from their perspective, and responding with
kindness and understanding. It goes beyond sympathy and allows us to connect on a deeper
level, acknowledging the emotions and experiences of others.

How it can help us to do better in life:

Empathy plays a pivotal role in our personal and professional relationships. By being empathetic,
we can create a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering trust, and strengthening our
connections with others. It helps us navigate conflicts, resolve misunderstandings, and build
meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Whether you have this quality:

I believe empathy is a vital quality to cultivate, and I strive to develop it in my interactions with
others. While it may not come naturally to everyone, I believe that empathy can be learned and
nurtured through practice and conscious effort. I make a conscious effort to listen attentively,
validate others' emotions, and consider different perspectives before responding.

And explain why you admire this quality so much:

I admire empathy because of its transformative power. It has the ability to bridge divides, heal
wounds, and promote a sense of unity among individuals and communities. Empathy fosters
kindness, tolerance, and acceptance, creating a more compassionate and inclusive society.
Witnessing acts of empathy inspires me and reaffirms my belief in the innate goodness of
humanity. It serves as a reminder that we all have the capacity to understand and support one
another, leading to a more harmonious and empathetic world.

Describe a place you would like to visit.

You should say:

 what type of place it is

 when you plan to visit there
 what you plan to see and/or do there

and explain why you would like to visit this place.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute
to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

**Model Answer 1:**I'd like to visit many different countries and places if the time and
situation allow me to do so. I feel a great lust to wander around to different places with diverse
landscapes, cultures, foods, lifestyles, people and architectural variations. However, Geneva,
which is a global city, a financial centre, and a global centre for diplomacy due to the presence of
numerous international organizations, is the place where I would like to visit. It is a city in
Switzerland surrounded by the Alps and the Jura mountains. I'd like to thank you for this topic.If
everything goes according to my plan, I will apply for a tourist visa to Switzerland this
November, and then fly to Geneva a couple of days later.Once in Geneva, I'd try to enjoy the
refreshing climate as much as possible and experience the culture of this fabulous cosmopolitan
city which is located at the heart of Europe. I'd taste some local dishes, and visit a few museums,
conference halls, auditoriums and libraries there. Finally, I will definitely pick a few
recommended tourist spots and see things that are unique to Geneva.The primary reason I'd like
to visit this place is because of its refreshing weather. Geneva is 1,000 feet above sea level and
situated almost exactly at the centre of Europe. It has been chosen as the headquarter of many
international organisations, and I want to see why! The country also maintained its neutrality
throughout decades and did not participate in World Wars 1 and 2, and I want to learn how this
has shaped the country and its most famous city- Geneva.

Model Answer 2:

One place I have always dreamt of visiting is the enchanting city of Kyoto in Japan. Known for
its rich history, traditional culture, and breathtaking natural beauty, Kyoto has captured my
imagination and continues to be at the top of my travel bucket list.

Kyoto is a city that beautifully blends ancient traditions with modern developments. With its
stunning temples, serene gardens, and vibrant buildings, Kyoto offers a glimpse into Japan's
captivating past. I plan to visit Kyoto during the spring season, specifically in April, to witness
the breathtaking cherry blossom festival known as Hanami.

During my visit to Kyoto, I intend to explore its numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such
as the iconic Kiyomizu-Dera Temple, the golden pavilion of Kinkaku-ji, and the serene rock
garden of Ryoan-ji. I also look forward to immersing myself in the tranquil ambience of the
Arashiyama Bamboo Grove and experiencing the traditional tea ceremonies in the historic tea
houses. Additionally, I am eager to indulge in the city's renowned cuisine, including delicious
kaiseki meals and matcha-flavoured treats.

There are several reasons why I am drawn to Kyoto. Firstly, its rich cultural heritage and
preserved historical sites offer a unique opportunity to experience traditional Japan. From the
intricate architecture to the exquisite gardens, Kyoto showcases the country's artistic and spiritual
traditions. The city's tranquil atmosphere and the chance to witness the elegance of Japanese
culture also greatly appeal to me.

Moreover, the cherry blossom season in Kyoto is renowned worldwide, and I long to witness the
stunning display of delicate pink flowers in full bloom. The thought of strolling through the
picturesque streets, lined with blooming cherry trees, fills me with a sense of wonder and

Describe an interesting animal that lives in water.

You should say:

 what animal it is
 how you know about this animal
 whether it is a common animal in your country

and explain why you think it is an interesting animal.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute
to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Objective: The objective of this sample answer is to give you an idea so that you know how to
answer if you get this or a similar topic in your exam. We expect that you'll be able to generate
your own idea and talk about it after you read the sample answer.]

Model Answer 1:

From my childhood, I've always found the whale to be a fascinating creature. Due to its
enormous size, I was a bit frightened of this sea animal in my childhood. However, I later
learned in my school that it is never a ferocious or dangerous animal, but rather quite the
opposite. For this topic, I've decided to talk about whales, which live in the sea and have many
fascinating characteristics.

I believe I first learned about whales when I was just 4 or 5 years old. I saw them on TV, and my
mom told me that they're the largest animals on earth and could grow as large as 30 meters long.
I just imagined how large they really would be when I learned that an adult whale could be even
30 to 40 times larger than an elephant! I saw a whale for the first time when I was in high school
and took a tour on a ship with my family.

Despite being aquatic animals, they're much different from fishes and other water animals. A
science journal once compared them to humans, and the details of this article fascinated my
young and inquisitive mind to a great extent. Whales could be found in the deep sea, and that is
why they're not common in our country.

I can recall many fascinating features of this animal; however, their social belongings and highly
developed instincts amaze me the most. Many whale species show strong family ties. In times of
danger, they look after each other. Their maternal instincts are also highly advanced, much like a
human mother. Specialists have found that whales can communicate over thousands of miles,
and they contact one another through snores and groans. Isn't that fascinating?

Sample Answer 2:

One fascinating animal that lives in water is the seahorse. Its unique appearance and behaviour
make it a captivating creature that has captured the attention and curiosity of many. Before I
describe this interesting sea creature, I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to let me talk on
this topic.

The seahorse is a small marine fish that belongs to the Syngnathidae family. It has a distinctive
horse-like head and a long, curled tail, which it uses to anchor itself to seaweed or other objects.
I first learned about seahorses through nature documentaries and books, and I have been
fascinated by them ever since.
Seahorses are not particularly common in my country, as we are located inland and do not have
direct access to the ocean. However, they can be found in certain coastal regions and aquariums.
Despite their rarity, seahorses have captured the imagination of people around the world,
including myself.

There are several reasons why I consider seahorses to be fascinating creatures. Firstly, their
unique appearance sets them apart from other marine animals. Their horse-like head and intricate
body patterns make them visually striking and enchanting to observe. Additionally, seahorses
have a remarkable ability to change their colour and blend in with their surroundings, allowing
them to camouflage and evade predators.

Another captivating aspect of seahorses is their mating behaviour. Unlike most other species, it is
the male seahorses that carry and give birth to their young. This role reversal in parenting is
highly unusual in the animal kingdom, making seahorses even more intriguing. Furthermore,
seahorses have a unique method of swimming. Instead of using fins, they use a small dorsal fin
on their back to propel themselves through the water. Their delicate and graceful movements add
to their charm and make t

Describe a tall building or structure you have seen.

You should say:

 what it is
 where it is located
 when you saw it

and explain what purpose this building or structure serves.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute
to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Objective: The objective of this sample answer is to give you an idea so that you know how to
answer if you get this or a similar topic in your exam. We expect that you'll be able to generate
your own idea and talk about it after you read the sample answer.]

Model Answer 1:

The Empire State Building in New York City is the tallest building that I have seen so far. It was
once the tallest building in the world, but now this title belongs to Burj Khalifa in Abu Dhabi.
The Empire State Building's magnificent and prominent presence amazed me to a great extent.
When I first laid my eyes on this majestic structure, I could not believe what I was seeing. It
looked like a vertical city to me. I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about this
gigantic and artistic structure of wonder and architectural feat.
The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan in New York City,
United States. It was designed by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon and built from 1930 to 1931 in the

I saw this impressive building approximately four years ago when I went to New York City to
participate in a training programme. The training was arranged by our office, and interestingly, it
was held on the 68th floor of this massive building. As I later learned, this building is 1472 feet
high and has one hundred and two floors. It remained the tallest building in the world for nearly
four decades, so it has to be super tall!

The Empire State Building's Art Deco architecture, remarkable height, and observation decks
have made it a popular attraction. Around four million tourists from around the world annually
visit the building's observatories. The Empire State Building is an American cultural icon. It is
said that the Empire State Building is a city within a city. It provides every kind of service to its
around 20 thousand tenants. The building has restaurants, banks, theatres, shops, and many other
facilities for people. Once you are inside it, you'll find every amenities and product you can think

Model Answer 2:

One of the tall buildings that left a lasting impression on me is the Burj Khalifa, located in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This iconic skyscraper is renowned for its impressive height and
architectural grandeur. For this topic, I would like to describe this marvellous structure that
stands tall.

The Burj Khalifa stands as the tallest building in the world now, soaring to a height of 828
meters (2,717 feet). It is situated in the heart of downtown Dubai, surrounded by a vibrant
cityscape. The structure dominates the skyline and can be seen from miles away, serving as a
symbol of modern engineering and innovation.

I had the opportunity to witness the magnificence of the Burj Khalifa during a trip to Dubai a few
years ago. As I approached the city, its towering presence became more apparent, and I was
filled with anticipation to see it up close.

The Burj Khalifa serves multiple purposes, primarily as a mixed-use development. It houses
luxurious residential apartments, prestigious corporate offices, and a world-class hotel.
Additionally, it features observation decks, restaurants, and entertainment venues, making it a
popular tourist attraction.

The building also serves as a focal point for Dubai's ambition to become a global hub of
commerce, tourism, and culture. It showcases the city's determination to push boundaries and
reach unprecedented heights, both figuratively and literally. The Burj Khalifa's architectural
brilliance and its presence on the global stage have made it a symbol of prestige, luxury, and
Moreover, the observation decks on the upper floors offer breathtaking panoramic views of the
city, providing visitors with an unforgettable experience. From that vantage point, one can
marvel at the impressive skyline, the vast desert, and the sparkling waters of the Arabian Gulf.

Describe a song that has a special meaning to you.

You should say:

 what this song is about

 when and where you first heard this song
 how often you listen to this song now

and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute
to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Objective: The objective of this sample answer is to give you an idea so that you know how to
answer if you get this or a similar topic in your exam. We expect that you'll be able to generate
your own idea and talk about it after you read the sample answer.]

Model Answer 1:

I'm a music enthusiast when it comes to listening to music or exploring different genres of music.
I probably love listening to music more than any other free time activity. And, as a result, I like
many different songs. However, one of my favourite songs that I want to talk about today is
“Wind of Change” by the famous rock band "Scorpions". This particular song was recorded for
the band's eleventh studio album, "Crazy World" in 1990.

So basically, the song “Wind of Change” is a metaphor for the collapse of the USSR, which was
one of the most powerful political states on Earth. And the song celebrates the fact that such is
indeed transpiring. In the song, the musicians of the band are idealizing the whole event as one
which will lead to freedom, opportunity and a brighter day – or as the band artistically puts it
“children of tomorrow dream(ing) away”. An alternative opinion expresses that this song
pertains to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

"Wind of Change" is one of the best-selling singles of all time, and its meaningful lyrics still
touch the hearts of millions. I heard this song for the first time when I was a high school student.
I was around 14 years old back then and just after listening to this song, I knew that this will
become one of my favourite songs. As far as I recall, I heard this song at a friend's house, and
this friend of mine explained the deep meaning and powerful background of this song to me.

I used to listen to this music as a young teenager pretty frequently. I have listened to this song so
many times that I can remember and hum the entire song line by line. These days, I do not listen
to music that often mainly because of my very busy schedule. However, "Scorpions" is one of
my all-time favourite music bands and whenever I listen to music, a couple of their songs,
including "Wind of Change", remain on my playlist.

I think this song has a powerful message and a profound background. When I learned the history
and legacy of this song and its resonation throughout decades among music lovers, I was deeply
touched and got attached to this song. Personally, whenever I was tired or got depressed, it
would lift my spirit up, and soothe my soul. It made me think about the importance of global
peach, and how our little effort can make big differences. This song is still special to me.

Sample Answer 2:

One song that holds a special meaning to me is "Imagine" by John Lennon. This iconic song
carries a powerful message of unity, peace, and envisioning a better world. Its lyrics and melody
have resonated with me ever since I first heard it.

"Imagine" is a song that encourages listeners to imagine a world free from divisions, conflicts,
and material possessions. It invites us to envision a society where people live in harmony,
embracing love, understanding, and compassion. The song's lyrics touch upon universal themes
such as equality, empathy, and the power of collective imagination.

I first came across "Imagine" during my teenage years when I was exploring music from
different eras. I vividly remember hearing it on the radio while driving in my car one afternoon.
The serene piano introduction, coupled with John Lennon's soothing vocals, instantly captivated

Even after all these years, "Imagine" remains a significant part of my music collection. I find
myself listening to it regularly, especially during reflective moments or when I seek inspiration.
The song's timeless quality and the depth of its lyrics continue to resonate with me.

"Imagine" holds a special place in my heart because of its profound message and the emotions it
evokes. It serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy, unity, and the power of collective
action in creating positive change. The song urges us to look beyond our differences and
envision a world where peace and harmony prevail.

Furthermore, "Imagine" serves as a symbol of hope and inspiration for me. It reminds me of the
inherent goodness within humanity and the possibility of a better future.

Describe a healthy activity you enjoy doing regularly.

You should say:

 what it is
 how long you have been doing this
 who you do it with
and explain why you enjoy doing it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Thank you very much for this excellent topic. So, for this topic, I'll be talking about an activity
that I highly enjoy doing on a regular basis, and which also helps me remain healthy and fit.

The activity I am talking about is playing football every evening. Doing some kind of physical
activity is essential for a healthy life, and it has become even more important in the modern era
when obesity and health issues have become so widespread. Every evening, except for some rare
occasions, I, along with a few friends of mine, go to our college playground and play football for
about one and a half hours or so. This is not just merely something we do to remain fit, rather we
play football because we love this sport.

I've been playing football since my childhood, and I am very enthusiastic about it. But I've been
indulging to play it regularly as a healthy activity for the last two years.

I play football with a few of my friends who live nearby the college playground or in our
locality. They also take it as a good opportunity to spend some quality time with friends while
also doing some exercise each day.

Since I love football, I thoroughly enjoy playing this sport. It is a healthy activity because it
helps me remain fit. Football, as a sport, builds our body and enhances our stamina and
strengthens our muscles. It is also a team sport that helps us develop our skills in working in a
team. I also love to do it because it gives me a good opportunity to go out in the evening and
spend some good time with my friends.

Sample Answer 2:

One healthy activity that I enjoy doing regularly is hiking. It has become a significant part of my
life, allowing me to connect with nature, challenge myself physically, and find solace in the
beauty of the outdoors.

Hiking involves exploring nature trails and landscapes, usually in mountainous or forested areas.
It requires walking over varying terrains and elevations, often with the goal of reaching a specific
destination or viewpoint. It is a form of exercise that engages the entire body, promoting
cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and endurance.

I have been hiking for the past five years, and it has become an integral part of my routine.
Initially, I started with shorter hikes on well-marked trails and gradually progressed to more
challenging and longer treks.
While I occasionally hike alone for personal reflection and introspection, I often prefer to hike
with friends or fellow nature enthusiasts. Hiking in a group not only enhances the overall
experience but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

There are several reasons why I enjoy hiking as a regular activity. Firstly, it allows me to escape
the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse myself in the serenity of nature. The scenic views,
fresh air, and peaceful surroundings offer a respite from the stresses of work and responsibilities.

Moreover, hiking provides a wonderful opportunity to challenge myself physically. The varying
terrains and elevation changes push my limits, build stamina, and improve my overall fitness.

Describe an environmental problem that you have noticed in your city/town.

You should say:

 what it is
 what are the causes behind this problem
 how it affects people

and explain what could be done about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I'd like to begin by thanking you for this excellent topic that allows me to talk about an important
issue. I think noise pollution is perhaps the worst environmental problem that I've noticed in the
city where I live in. The hydraulic horn and other high-frequency sounds from different motor
vehicles and construction works are primarily the sources of this noise pollution.

Our city is already home to several million people, and the number of motorised vehicles that run
on the streets in our city is also very high. Moreover, drivers often use horns indiscriminately and
intermittently. Due to high traffic on the roads, every car wants to make room and go ahead, and
it creates a chaotic situation. On top of that, our city's infrastructure is developing faster than
ever, and many development projects and construction works are ongoing. All these sources
make noise pollution a severe problem for all of us.

Noise pollution affects the people in our city very adversely. It can hinder the proper mental
growth of young children, make many psychological issues among adults, and impair our ability
to hear properly. Long-term exposure to such noise pollution can even completely ruin our
ability to hear.
I believe we need extensive awareness campaigns to make people cognizant of the negative
consequences of using horns and noise pollution. The administration must impose strict laws and
rules so that drivers stop using horns unnecessarily. The authority should also take care of the
development works so that they create as little noise as possible.

Model Answer 2:

An environmental problem that I've noticed in my city is air pollution. It is a pressing issue that
not only affects the quality of the air we breathe but also poses significant health risks to the
residents and the overall ecosystem.

Air pollution refers to the presence of harmful pollutants in the air, mainly caused by industrial
activities, vehicular emissions, and the burning of fossil fuels. These pollutants include
particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

The primary causes of air pollution in my city are industrial emissions and vehicular pollution.
The presence of numerous factories and industrial zones releases toxic chemicals and gases into
the air, leading to the degradation of air quality. Additionally, the large number of vehicles on
the road, especially older and poorly maintained ones, emit harmful pollutants, further
exacerbating the problem.

The adverse effects of air pollution on people's health cannot be understated. Prolonged exposure
to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and even premature
death. Particularly vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-
existing health conditions are at higher risk. Moreover, air pollution impacts the quality of life,
causing discomfort, reduced productivity, and increased healthcare costs.

Addressing air pollution requires collective efforts from the government, industries, and citizens.
Firstly, stricter regulations and enforcement should be implemented to control industrial
emissions. I believe encouraging the adoption of cleaner technologies and promoting sustainable
practices in manufacturing processes can significantly reduce pollution levels. Furthermore,
raising awareness among the public about the detrimental effects of air pollution is crucial.
Finally, planting more trees and creating green spaces in the city can also help absorb pollutants
and improve air quality.

Describe a frightening experience you once have had.

You should say:

 what it was
 when it was
 what happened

and explain why it was a frightening experience for you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I wish I didn't have to experience such a frightening event, but this is life, and we can't control
everything about it. For this topic, I'll share an event with you when I encountered one of the
most daunting experiences in my life.

It took place approximately two decades ago when I was just six or seven years old. I, along with
three of my friends, went to play in a nearby playground just after 4.00 pm on that eventful day.
The playground was quite popular among children. It was huge, and it had excellent security
measures so that children could play freely without hurting or harming themselves. As local kids,
we were known to the guards and security personnel, and that's why they allowed us to play
there without the supervision or presence of our parents or guardians.

On that fateful day, one of my companions, who was barely seven years old, proposed that we
should leave the playground and visit the nearby lake and try to catch some fish as it was the
perfect time for fishing. To our childish and inquisitive minds, it was an excellent idea. But little
did we know that it was a risky and imprudent decision!

We were four kids in total, and the most senior among us was just nine years old. We quickly
walked out of the playground as if we were on an important stealth mission, and reached the lake
after 25 minutes or so. The area was deserted, and we could not see anyone near us. It did not
bother us either. So, we got busy trying to catch some fish with our bare hands, and it proved out
to be very difficult within a few minutes. In my desperate attempt, I went deeper into the lake,
and to my horror, found myself plunging into the water all of a sudden. The horrifying
experience still lingers even after so many years.

It was a frightening experience because the feeling of drowning is indeed a mortifying

experience. As a child, I had a near-death experience that day, and it was so horrifying and
shocking that it was ingrained in my brain. I was gasping for air while my body almost lost its
control due to the lack of oxygen. I was so lucky that two people noticed the event and quickly
responded to save me. I still feel grateful to these two brave persons who saved me on that day
from drowning and dying.

Model Answer 2:

One of the most frightening experiences I have had was a near-death encounter during a hiking
trip in the mountains. It was a moment that left me trembling with fear and forever changed my
perspective on adventure and risk-taking.

This incident occurred last summer when I decided to embark on a challenging hike in a remote
mountain range. It was a sunny day, and I was accompanied by a group of experienced hikers.
We started early in the morning, eager to conquer the steep trails and enjoy the breathtaking

As we reached the summit, the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Dark clouds rolled in,
and a violent thunderstorm ensued. The rain poured down heavily, and strong winds lashed
against us. In a matter of minutes, visibility deteriorated, and we found ourselves in the midst of
a treacherous storm. While attempting to descend the mountain, we encountered a narrow and
slippery path along a steep cliff. The wind howled ferociously, making it difficult to maintain
balance. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck dangerously close, illuminating the surroundings and
intensifying the fear within me. It felt as if time had slowed down, and my heart raced

Realizing the imminent danger, our group quickly huddled together, seeking refuge under a
rocky overhang. We waited anxiously for the storm to subside, praying for our safety. It was a
nerve-wracking experience as the thunder boomed and the lightning continued to strike in close

This experience was terrifying for several reasons. Firstly, the sudden change in weather caught
us off guard, turning a seemingly enjoyable hike into a life-threatening situation. The intensity of
the storm and the dangerous conditions heightened my fear of being exposed to such
unpredictable elements. Secondly, the proximity of the lightning strikes added to the fear factor.
The crackling sound and the blinding flashes of light served as a constant reminder of the
potential danger we faced. The daunting thought of being trapped in such a perilous situation,
with no immediate means of escape, amplified the fear and anxiety I experienced.

This experience served as a stark reminder of the power of nature and the importance of being
prepared and respectful when venturing into the outdoors. It instilled in me a deep respect for
Mother Nature and a heightened awareness of the risks associated with outdoor activities.

Describe a time when a family member asked for your help.

You should say:

 who asked for your help

 when it was
 how you helped this family member

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I think that out of four daughters and a son, I am the “least” favourite of my mother. This is
perhaps because I scarcely extend my helping hands to her in maintaining the house. My father
opposes my idea and thinks that I am my mother's favourite, and that's why she wants me to
study very attentively and not waste time doing any household chores.

My mother seldom asks for my help except on some rare occasions, and that too only for very
small things, like closing the cabinet doors, opening the door or ordering some grocery items
online. For this topic, I would, however, talk about a time when my mother asked for my "help"
or "a big favour" as she called it.

My mother asked for my help by asking me if I would be ready to keep something confidential
between us and help her out of a problem. I assured her that I would do anything for her.

If I remember correctly, it would be seven or eight months ago when my mother asked for this
cooperation from me. That evening I returned from the university, and my mother came to my
room to talk to me. After a few minutes of hesitation and chitchat, she told me that she needed
this favour.

She told me that her brother, who was at least ten years younger than my mother and often the
reason for troubles in his family, was in some kind of problem. She needed a large sum of money
to help him out, but despite her best effort, she was still a few hundred dollars short. She also
mentioned that she did not want to ask for the money from my dad.

So, my mother asked me to lend her some money and keep my uncle's issue a secret for the time
being. I immediately assured her that I would give her the money the next day after I withdrew
the money from my bank, and keep my uncles' mess a secret as long as she wanted me. I gave
her the money from my personal savings and helped her as she wanted me to.

Well, after being able to help my mother with the money, I talked to her to soothe her as she
looked anxious and upset. I told her that "things are going to get okay soon". And, after that, I
felt really happy and proud. Besides, I realized that my mother had all sorts of confidence in me,
and she loved me a lot.

Model Answer 2:

There was a memorable occasion when my younger sister approached me for help during a
challenging situation. It was a moment that strengthened our bond as siblings and allowed me to
provide the support she needed. I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about it.

The incident took place last year when my sister was preparing for her final exams at university.
It was a crucial time for her as she was overwhelmed with the workload and struggling to
manage her time effectively. One evening, she approached me with a plea for assistance, seeking
guidance and support to overcome the academic challenges she was facing.

Understanding her predicament, I immediately agreed to lend a helping hand. Firstly, I offered to
assist her in creating a study plan that would help her allocate time efficiently and cover all the
necessary topics. We sat down together and discussed her syllabus, exam dates, and areas where
she needed additional clarification.

Furthermore, I provided her with study materials and resources that I had used during my own
university years. I also offered to proofread her assignments and provide feedback, helping her
refine her writing skills and improve the quality of her work.

Assisting my sister during this time was a rewarding experience for me. Firstly, I felt a sense of
fulfilment knowing that I could make a positive impact on her academic journey. Seeing her
regain confidence and witnessing her improvement as a result of my assistance brought me great
joy. Moreover, being able to support and guide my sister during a challenging period
strengthened our bond as siblings.

Describe an unexpected gift you once received.

You should say:

 when it was
 what gift item it was
 what occasion it was

and explain how you felt about receiving this gift.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

When it was:

One of the most memorable experiences of receiving an unexpected gift happened on my

birthday a few years ago. It was a delightful surprise that left a lasting impression on me. I am so
happy to be able to share this experience with you.

What gift item it was:

On that special day, a close friend of mine presented me with a beautifully wrapped package. As
I unwrapped it, I discovered a personalized journal with my name elegantly engraved on the
cover. The journal had a luxurious leather binding and smooth, crisp pages, inviting me to fill it
with my thoughts, dreams, and aspirations.

What occasion it was:

The unexpected gift arrived on my birthday, during a small gathering of friends and family.
While I was anticipating the joy of celebrating another year of my life, the arrival of this
thoughtful present added an extra touch of excitement and surprise to the occasion.

And explain how you felt about receiving this gift:

Receiving this unexpected gift evoked a whirlwind of emotions within me. First and foremost, I
felt deeply touched by my friend's thoughtfulness and attention to detail. The fact that they had
taken the time to choose a personalized gift that resonated with my interests and reflected my
personality made it all the more special.

Furthermore, the gift held a symbolic meaning for me. As someone who enjoys writing and
reflecting, the journal represented a vessel for self-expression and introspection. It felt like an
invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity, capturing my thoughts and
experiences in a tangible and lasting way.

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my friend's gesture, recognizing the effort and thought
they had put into selecting a gift that would genuinely resonate with me.

Model Answer 2:

Thank you a lot for this excellent topic and the time you have allowed me to talk about an
unexpected gift that I once received. Well, I'll share the story with you now.

I usually like to shop in a supermarket or a large mall if it is not too much crowded. But waiting
in the queue to checkout is something I like a lot less. So, a few weeks ago, when I was waiting
in a long line at a super shop's checkout point, I wasn't naturally happy or excited! However, I
was waiting patiently for almost 25 minutes, and when my turn came, there was some delay
which I was very confused about. In a few minutes, the manager of the store came to me to
congratulate me on winning a gift!

It was an utter surprise for me as I was not even remotely expecting an announcement to win a
gift. The manager informed me that as their one-millionth customer, I had won a nice coffee
maker- a far better gift than I could think of!

A group of officials came forward with the coffee maker, and I was still dumbfounded. It took
me a while to actually believe it. "You are a lucky customer or a visitor and won a gift" - is
usually a phrase I treat as spam, or an intention to scam someone. But this time it was real, and I
was equally delighted and inspired to win a really nice and expensive-looking coffee maker.

Describe a wedding party which you have recently attended.

You should say:

 where the wedding was held

 who was getting married
 how it was celebrated

and explain how much you enjoyed it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:


I recently had the pleasure of attending a beautiful wedding party that left a lasting impression on
me. It was a joyous celebration filled with love, happiness, and unforgettable moments. I would
like to thank you for this excellent topic before I describe the wedding in detail.

Where the wedding was held:

The wedding took place at a charming countryside venue, nestled amidst lush greenery and
blooming flowers. The picturesque setting added a touch of natural beauty and serenity to the

Who was getting married:

The wedding was between my close friend, Amelia, and her long-time partner, Michael. They
had been together for many years and their love story had touched the hearts of everyone who
knew them. It was a joyous occasion celebrating their commitment and the beginning of their
new journey as a married couple.

How it was celebrated:

The wedding was celebrated in a traditional and culturally rich manner. The ceremony began
with a heartfelt exchange of vows and rings, witnessed by their family and close friends. The
couple had put a lot of thought and effort into incorporating meaningful rituals that reflected
their heritage and values.

The reception was a lively affair with music, dancing, and an abundance of delicious food. The
venue was elegantly decorated with fairy lights, floral arrangements, and personalized touches
that added to the festive atmosphere. The speeches given by family and friends were heartfelt
and filled with love, capturing the essence of the couple's relationship.

And explain how much you enjoyed it:

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the wedding party. It was a perfect blend of emotions,
traditions, and festivities. Witnessing Amelia and Michael exchange their vows and begin their
married life was a truly touching experience. The love and happiness that filled the air were
contagious, and it was heartwarming to see the couple surrounded by their loved ones, who were
genuinely happy for their union. The celebration also allowed me to reconnect with old friends
and make new ones, as we all came together to celebrate the couple's special day.

Model Answer 2:

One of my dear cousins – whose name is “Peter”, got married a couple of weeks ago. For this
topic, I’d like to talk about my experience of attending this grand wedding ceremony, which I
believe is one of the best programmes I’ve ever attended.The wedding party was held in Peter’s
parents’ house. Since they have a big house, they decided to arrange everything at their house,
which, by the way, was a great decision, in my opinion.Peter was getting married to Bella, his
high school sweetheart and best friend. Peter and Bella are both excellent people, and I hope
they’ll be happy together forever.The celebration was grand, and the wedding gave a majestic
impression to the guests. It took three days just to decorate the entire house and yard. A marque
was erected in front of the house, a special feast was served to the guests and the best cook in
town was hired to take care of the food. But the most attractive thing about the wedding was that
it helped two dear people of mine to tie the knot to become partners in life.Personally, I enjoyed
this wedding a lot. I loved the way it was celebrated, how people talked about the bride and the
groom, and how everyone was happy and looked so beautiful. It was a happy moment, and I
enjoyed all of it to a great extent.

Describe a mistake you have once made.

You should say:

 what mistake it was

 when you made it
 how you made it

and explain how you felt about making this mistake.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

We all wish that we could avoid making any kind of mistakes in our life and have an error-free
life. But as humans, we all make mistakes, which I think is a part of human life. For this topic, I
would like to talk about a mistake that I made recently. Before I go into the details, I'd like to
thank you for this topic and the time you have allowed me to talk about it.

Due to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic, our country was locked down several times.
Considering the situation of the pandemic, the lockdown was also relaxed, temporarily lifted and
so on. So one evening, when the announcement came for strict lockdown and restrictions of
movement from midnight, I was a bit less wise the next day.

It was perhaps a fine evening on Sunday last July when I got fully dressed up and got out of the
home to have my regular evening walk despite the fact that we should not be out due to
lockdown and the authority's attempt to stop the spread of the virus. I did put on my mask and
went outside to walk but I completely forgot that the lockdown was in place and I should not be
out of the home to comply with the laws and Corona restrictions.

It was a big mistake which I realised only when I walked for about 40 minutes on the street and
then stopped by a police car. It was, in fact, a blunder and very unwise of me. I felt really bad
once I realised my mistake. I felt that I was one of those bad people whose acts jeopardise the
government's initiative to save lives and stop the virus from spreading and causing destruction.

I sincerely apologised to the officer who believed my words and advised me to use a nearby park
or rooftop for the evening stroll. I thanked him and felt ashamed of my mistake. Though it was
an honest mistake, it was a mistake nevertheless.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:I have always believed that mistakes are an inevitable part of life, and they provide
valuable lessons for personal growth and development. I don't know how much they have helped
me develop as a person, but I sure remember most of them and try not to repeat them. One
particular mistake I made stands out in my memory as a significant learning experience. It
occurred during my college years, and I will talk about it here.What mistake it was:The mistake I
made was submitting an assignment late during my final semester of college. It was a crucial
project that carried a substantial weightage in the course, and I underestimated the time and
effort required to complete it.When you made it:It happened during my last semester, which was
already a challenging time with multiple assignments and exams. It was in the year 2019. I had a
hectic schedule and had been juggling various responsibilities, causing me to lose track of time
and procrastinate on this particular assignment.How you made it:I made this mistake by not
properly managing my time and underestimating the complexity of the assignment. I delayed
starting the project, assuming that I would be able to complete it within a short time frame.
However, as the deadline approached, I realized that I had significantly underestimated the
research and writing process involved.And explain how you felt about making this mistake:I felt
a mix of regret, disappointment, and anxiety about the consequences of my actions. I had always
prided myself on being organized and diligent, so this mistake was a blow to my self-
perception.Additionally, I was anxious about the potential impact on my final grade and the
impression it might create with my professor. I realized that my mistake had compromised my
academic integrity and tarnished my reputation as a responsible student. Luckily, the teacher was
so understanding, and when I told him the whole truth about the delay, he did not mark me
poorly for a late submission.


LabelsCandidate Task CardDescribe an experiencemistake

Describe a dress or uniform you wear or used to wear at your school or office.

You should say:

 when you wear it or used to wear it

 what it looks/looked like
 how it is/was different from wearing casual dresses

and explain how you feel/felt about wearing this dress or uniform.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, some people regard the uniform as a part of discipline at an educational institute or
organisation. They also believe that it symbolises professionalism. However, others often dislike
any kind of uniform as they believe that it takes away their freedom. As an employee, I am not
required to wear any uniform now, but I can recall wearing a uniform in high school. For this
topic, I will share my experience of my school uniform with you.

I got admitted to my high school in 2009, and the school had rigid dress codes for all of its
students. No pupil was allowed to enter the school premises without wearing the right dresses
prescribed by the school authority. During my 5 years of study in this school, I wore uniforms
whenever I attended my classes. Interestingly, we were allowed to wear casual dresses during
our exams, which was a bit unusual considering the rules and regulations that our school liked to

Anyway, as a mixed-sex school, we had both boys and girls, and their dress codes were different.
Boys were required to wear navy blue formal pants, a white full-sleeve shirt, a black jumper
during the winter, a pair of black oxford shoes, white socks and a student badge. Girls, on the
other hand, were asked to wear white shirts or blouses and grey pinafore over them, grey skirts,
black formal shoes, red socks, and red cardigans during the winter season. They also wore a
student badge. The badge contained the monogram and name of the school, the student's full
name, class and roll number on it.

Wearing the school uniform was definitely different from wearing casual dresses. First, it loudly
gave our identity to anyone who looked at us. It was meant to symbolise our unity as students in
our school and it represented that we were either in our school, heading to school or getting back
from school.

Personally, whenever I wore this uniform, I felt like I was ready to attend my classes and I am a
student. It also gave me a sense of belonging to my school which was great. But, sometimes I did
wish that I could wear something else than wearing the same school uniform every day.
Model Answer 2:

Introduction:In my workplace, I adhere to a formal dress code that requires me to wear specific
attire. Although it is not uniform in the traditional sense, it sets a professional standard and
creates a cohesive look among employees. This dress code significantly differs from casual attire
and plays an essential role in maintaining a professional environment.When you wear it or used
to wear it:I wear this formal dress every day when I go to the office. It is a standard requirement
for all employees, regardless of their position or department. From the moment I started working
at the office, I understood the importance of presenting myself in a professional manner, which
includes adhering to the dress code.What it looks/looked like:The formal dress code at my office
consists of formal pants, full-sleeve shirts, formal shoes, and a tie. The shirts are usually solid
colours or subtle patterns, and the pants are tailored to provide a polished and smart appearance.
The tie adds a touch of formality and professionalism to the overall outfit. It creates a cohesive
look among the employees and reflects a sense of unity and professionalism within the
workplace.How it is/was different from wearing casual dresses:The formal dress code is
markedly different from wearing casual attire. While casual dresses allow for more flexibility
and comfort, the formal dress code emphasizes professionalism, respect, and a serious attitude
towards work. It creates a distinction between the work environment and personal life and helps
maintain a level of decorum and professionalism within the office.The formal dress code also
impacts the way others perceive us and influences the overall atmosphere of the workplace.And
explain how you feel/felt about wearing this dress or uniform:Wearing a formal dress in the
office instils a sense of confidence and professionalism within me. It mentally prepares me for
the workday and helps me adopt a focused mindset. The attire serves as a visual reminder that I
am in a professional setting and need to conduct myself accordingly.While it may seem
restrictive at times, I appreciate the structure and standards that come with the formal dress code.
It creates a level playing field and eliminates any potential distractions related to attire.
Moreover, wearing formal dress consistently infuses a sense of discipline and responsibility in
me, further contributing to my professional growth and development.

Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result.

You should say:

 what type of risk it was

 why you took this risk
 what the result was

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Thank you for this nice topic. Here, I will tell you about a risk that I took, and which has bought
a positive outcome for me.

In our life, we take risks very often - sometimes knowingly and sometimes not so consciously.
For instance, an investment decision may be a risk we take after careful planning, but when we
cross a busy street, we may not just realize that we are taking a risk. But every venture brings a
new opportunity or takes turns shaping our life.

During my early university years, I decided to invest a small amount of money in the stock
market in our country and keep rolling the amount while also adding new amounts whenever
possible. It was a tough decision to make, and many people advised me otherwise considering
the volatile nature of the stock market and the inherent risks. However, I was convinced that with
careful investment decisions, investment knowledge and proper market analysis, I would do

I took the risk to invest money in the stock market because I thought that I should be making
some kinds of investment decisions while I was still a student. As a student in the Business
Studies faculty, I could not think of any better investment plan than to venture into the stock

Well, the result of the decision and risk was amazingly positive for me. When I completed my
undergraduate course at the university, I had an enviable portfolio in the share market. I was not
worried even a bit about the education debt I had as I had been able to pay it, and when my other
classmates were searching for a job, I was planning to start something I had always wanted to do
- my own business. It made a big difference in my prospective future career.

When I took the risk, I felt a mixture of uncertainty, optimism, as well as excitement. The
amount I invested was not much but as a student that was hard-earned money for me. Now that I
know it was one of the best investment decisions I have ever made, I feel proud and lucky that I
decided to take it despite many people's advice not to do that.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:Taking risks can lead to significant personal growth and positive outcomes. One
such risk that I took, which had a positive result, was starting my own small business. It was a
leap of faith that required stepping out of my comfort zone and venturing into the entrepreneurial
world.What type of risk it was:The risk I took was leaving a stable job and investing my savings
to start my own business. It was a financial and career risk as I was stepping into the unknown
and taking full responsibility for the success or failure of the venture.Why you took this risk:I
had always nurtured a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to create something of my own.
The monotony of my previous job and the longing for creative freedom and personal growth
pushed me to take this risk. I wanted to challenge myself, pursue my passions, and have the
opportunity to shape my own destiny.What the result was:Fortunately, the risk paid off, and my
business started to gain traction. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and resilience to
overcome initial challenges and establish a foothold in the market. As time went on, the business
grew steadily, and I started to see positive results in terms of financial stability, professional
fulfilment, and personal satisfaction.And explain how you felt about it:Taking this risk was a
rollercoaster of emotions. Initially, there was a mix of excitement and fear, as I had invested a
considerable amount of time and money into the venture. There were moments of doubt and
uncertainty, especially during the early stages when success was not guaranteed. However, as the
business started to flourish, a sense of accomplishment and pride began to overshadow any initial
apprehension. Seeing my business thrive, witnessing satisfied customers, and experiencing
personal growth as an entrepreneur brought immense satisfaction and validation.

Describe your favourite book.

You should say:

 what book it is
 who wrote this book
 what it is about

and explain why this is your favourite book.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Introduction & What book it is:

I believe that books have the power to transport us to different worlds, evoke emotions, and leave
a lasting impact on our lives. One such book that holds a special place in my heart is "Anna
Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. This classic novel, penned by one of the greatest Russian writers, has
captivated readers for generations with its rich storytelling and profound exploration of human
nature. First published in 1877, it is considered one of the greatest works of world literature and
has had a significant influence on the literary landscape.

Who wrote this book:

"Anna Karenina" was authored by Leo Tolstoy, a renowned Russian writer and philosopher.
Tolstoy is celebrated for his realistic and introspective approach to storytelling, and his works
often delve deep into the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and society.

What it is about:

"Anna Karenina" is a tragic and compelling tale set in 19th-century Russia. The novel revolves
around the life of Anna Karenina, a married woman who embarks on a passionate affair with a
dashing cavalry officer, Count Vronsky. Tolstoy skillfully weaves multiple storylines and
characters, exploring themes of love, desire, betrayal, social conventions, and the consequences
of one's actions. The narrative also provides an insightful portrayal of Russian society,
examining the stark contrasts between the aristocracy and the peasantry.

Why this is your favourite book:

"Anna Karenina" is my favourite book because of its profound exploration of human nature and
the complexities of relationships. Tolstoy's ability to delve into the minds of his characters,
exposing their vulnerabilities, desires, and inner conflicts, creates a deeply immersive reading
experience. The novel presents a nuanced and realistic portrayal of the human condition,
challenging readers to contemplate the consequences of their choices and the complexities of
love, morality, and societal expectations.

**Sample Answer 2:**Everybody has a favourite book, and it becomes our favourite book
because we do enjoy reading that book to a great extent. Later on, we think about the characters
and the plot of the book over and over again and feel like they are a part of our life or the life we
imagine would exist. So, I would like to thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about my
favourite book here.The name of my favourite book is none other than the "Harry Potter" series.
It is not a single book, but rather, a series of eight novels. I have enjoyed all of these books and
read some of the books of this series more than once!These books are written by the world-
famous British author J. K. Rowling. Born as Joanne Rowling in 1965 in England, she is an
author, philanthropist, producer and screenwriter. But, I will always remember her as the creator
of the magical world of Harry Potter.The book series is primarily about the lives of a young boy,
Harry Potter, first an ordinary boy and then a fine wizard, and his close friends, all of whom are
pupils at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry Potter, a young boy, who finds out
that he has magical power, goes to school to develop his magical power and learn skills, and it
was all arranged for him to become one of the greatest magicians ever.The story evolves as they
grow up, and Harry struggles against a dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, who intends to become
immortal and overthrow the wizard's governing body and non-magical people. Our hero is our
last hope to prevent that to happen. The world of Harry Potter explores numerous themes and
includes many cultural meanings and references. And according to Rowling, the author of the
book series, the main theme in the series is "death". Other important themes, according to her,
include prejudice, corruption, and madness. Personally, I believe that it is about a magical world
where our hero proves that a noble heart prevails over corruption and power.This is my favourite
book because it has taken me to an amazing world where I had been able to build my own world
away from the complexities of the real world. It is my favourite also because it helped me
connect to the characters to a level that has influenced me to think positively in life. Finally, it
was an amazing adventure in the world of magic where I could travel like the hero Harry did!

Describe a time when you talked to a stranger.

You should say:

 who this person was

 where the conversation took place
 what the conversation was about
and explain why you found the conversation interesting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

First of all, I would like to thank you for this great topic. So here, I am going to talk about a time
when I talked to a person whom I did not meet before, and yet the conversation was exciting.

This conversation took place almost four or five months ago. I was flying to Auckland, New
Zealand from my home country, and I had a chance to talk to an Australian environmentalist,
who happened to sit beside me on the same flight. I have to say that it was a very memorable

The conversation started when I lent him a pen that he needed to fill up some forms. He then
asked me where I was from and where I was heading to. Later the conversation turned to be
centred around the environmental problems the world is facing right now, and what might
happen in the future if we all do not play our roles.

He did enlighten me as to the gravity of our environmental problems. Practically, he talked about
how our relentless exploitation has depleted many important natural resources. Moreover, he
indicated that problems like global warming also stem from various kinds of pollution, the most
severe of which is air pollution and how we are responsible for that. Undoubtedly, these
environmental problems would be extremely detrimental to our health and affect our overall
quality of life. When I asked him about how to mitigate such environmental problems, he said
the decisive factor is our awareness and choice of lifestyle. Every action we take will directly
affect the environment, in either positive or negative ways. He advised me to reduce my personal
carbon footprint by cutting down on car emissions if I have access to public transport. He also
gave me tips on saving energy as an essential way to put a stop to environmental degradation.

It was indeed an interesting and enjoyable conversation because the person I had this
conversation with was an expert in the subject. He also had a great persuasion power and the
arguments he presented were irrefutable. He mentioned a grave issue that we all know but do not
want to talk about much. Finally, it was interesting because I learned different new information
from this conversation.

Model Answer 2:


Interacting with strangers can be an intriguing experience, as it allows us to step outside our
comfort zone and connect with new individuals. Recently, I had an interesting conversation with
a stranger that left a positive impression on me, showcasing the beauty of unexpected encounters.
Who this person was:

The person I spoke with was an elderly gentleman named Mr. Johnson. I met him during a train
journey while travelling to a neighbouring city. He was sitting in the same compartment as me,
looking cheerful and approachable.

Where the conversation took place:

The conversation took place onboard the train. As the journey was quite long, I decided to strike
up a conversation to pass the time and perhaps learn more about this friendly-looking stranger.

What the conversation was about:

I initiated the conversation by asking Mr. Johnson about his destination and travel plans. We
soon found ourselves engaged in a lively discussion about our respective experiences, interests,
and backgrounds. Mr. Johnson shared fascinating stories of his travels, family, and career, and I
reciprocated by talking about my aspirations and recent life events.

And explain why you found the conversation interesting:

I found the conversation with Mr. Johnson particularly interesting for several reasons. Firstly, he
had a wealth of life experiences, and his stories were captivating and inspiring. Listening to him
talk about the various places he had visited and the people he had met along the way ignited a
sense of wanderlust within me. It opened my eyes to the vastness and diversity of the world,
reminding me of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Furthermore, Mr. Johnson was an excellent storyteller, and his anecdotes were filled with
wisdom and valuable life lessons. Moreover, this conversation served as a reminder of the
importance of being open to meeting new people and embracing chance encounters. Sometimes,
the most memorable and meaningful interactions happen with those we least expect to meet.

Describe a neighbour who is very friendly to others.

You should say:

 who this neighbour is

 how long you have known him/her
 what he/she does for a living

and explain why you think he/she is very friendly to others.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

Honestly speaking, I don’t really get much time to interact with my neighbours to get an idea as
to how friendly they really are to each other. However, there are a few neighbours of mine who
happen to be friendly to me, at least. So, I guess, I will just go ahead and talk about one of them

The neighbour, I am talking about is Jeremy who lives only a couple of hundred feet away from
me on the other end of the street. I have known Jeremy for almost 5 years now, even though he
moved into our neighbourhood long before that, and the reason for that is he is a police officer,
and I just don’t have a very favourable opinion of a police officer of my country, probably
because they are usually very rude to their subjects, meaning the violators of the laws. Of course,
that doesn’t necessarily mean that all police of my country were or are like that, but the few
police officers, I have seen so far, have always behaved in a negative manner to their subjects.

But, Jeremy is certainly not like that. In fact, after meeting him for the first time at a pharmacy,
when buying medicines for my father, I have known him to be a friendly person. In fact, he has
come to my home on numerous occasions in order to ask me if my elderly father was doing ok
and also that I could always count on him if I needed any help. Besides, the owner of the
pharmacy, where I go to get my medicine, also has only good things to say about Jeremy.

Well, I think that Jeremy is friendly to others, mainly because he understands his roles and
responsibilities perfectly well due to being a police officer. After all, as a person of the law
enforcement agency, he should always come as a reliable and trustworthy person to others.
Besides, he could be friendly to others also because that would make his “policing” job a lot

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:In my neighbourhood, there is a remarkable retired school teacher named Elina,

whom I have known for over a decade. She is in her early 60s and has lived alone in our
neighbourhood for many years. Elina's friendly and warm nature has earned her a reputation as
someone who is always ready to lend a helping hand and make everyone feel welcome. I am so
grateful for this topic that would allow me to talk about this great and friendly neighbour of
mine.How long you have known him/her:I first met Elina shortly after my family moved into the
neighbourhood about eleven years ago. Over the years, we have developed a close bond, and I
consider her not just a neighbour but also a dear friend.What he/she does for a living:Elina
dedicated her working years to education and was a passionate and beloved school teacher. Her
experience as an educator shines through her interactions with people in the neighbourhood.
Even though she is retired now, she continues to inspire and educate others through her friendly
demeanour and willingness to share her knowledge and experiences.And explain why you think
he/she is very friendly to others:Elina's friendliness stems from her genuine care and concern for
those around her. She has a compassionate and empathetic nature that allows her to connect with
people easily. Whether it's a newcomer in the neighbourhood or someone going through a
difficult time, Elina is always there to offer a listening ear, a comforting smile, or a helping
hand.Her background as an educator has also played a significant role in shaping her friendly
nature, I believe. Throughout her teaching career, Elina interacted with children, parents, and
colleagues, cultivating excellent communication and interpersonal skills. These qualities have
carried over into her retired life, making her approachable and open to building connections with
others. Her inclusive and warm approach creates a sense of belonging, making our
neighbourhood a close-knit and friendly community.

Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes.

You should say:

 what occasion it was

 what dresses you wore
 who was present there

and explain why you wore your best clothes for the occasion.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Well, this is such a tough topic for me to talk about, perhaps because I am more of a casual
person when it comes to wearing dresses. In other words, I don’t necessarily wear fine clothes,
thinking that they are the best clothes, whether I am going to a party or just going to a grocery
shop nearby. But, still, today here, I am going to try really hard and remember an occasion when
I actually thought that I wore my best clothes.

Anyway, the occasion, that best comes to my mind, on which I wore some of my best clothes
was when I attended the marriage ceremony of my eldest cousin about 4 years ago from now.
Back then, I was a young university student with the courage and heart to try all kinds of dresses,
whether they were made in a local clothing store in my town or by a world-famous clothing
brand. I used to wear them as long as they made me feel comfortable in them. One such attire,
which I really liked, included a pair of dark navy blue jeans, a V-neck sweater (to use only
during mild winter), and a light cream colour blazer. Now, I didn’t really consider them as some
of my best clothes until after one of my dear aunts (from my father’s side) had informed me
about them, telling me that I looked really handsome in them.

By the way, there were many other guests at that wedding, including my other cousins of mine,
my uncles and aunts, my parents, friends and colleagues of the groom, and a number of other
people from my community. Needless to say, if I remember correctly, none of them was really
wearing anything like my clothes. They were mostly wearing very formal suits and traditional
dresses for wedding ceremonies.
So, I did wear the best clothes for that occasion, mainly because I wanted to make my cousin (the
groom) happy on one of the most important days of his life. I wore these clothes also because
they were very easy and comfortable to wear.

Sample Answer 2:

A couple of months ago, perhaps in early February, I had to attend a job interview at a
multinational company. It was a significant occasion for me, and I wanted to make a positive
impression on the interviewers. Therefore, I carefully selected my best clothes to ensure a
professional and polished appearance. For this topic, I will share that event with you.

The occasion was a job interview at a prestigious multinational company for a position I had
been aspiring to. Understanding the importance of dressing appropriately for such events, I
decided to wear formal business attire. I wore a well-fitted navy blue suit with a matching blazer
and trousers. Underneath, I chose a crisp white dress shirt and a subtle patterned tie. To complete
the outfit, I wore polished black leather shoes and a matching belt.

During the interview, I was in the company of several interviewers who were members of the
company's HR and management team. It was a panel interview, and they were all present to
assess my qualifications, skills, and suitability for the position.

I wore my best clothes for the job interview to make a positive impression on the interviewers.
First impressions are crucial in a professional setting, and I wanted to convey that I took the
interview seriously and respected the company's culture and dress code. Dressing in my best
attire also helped me boost my confidence, allowing me to feel more self-assured during the
interview process.

Describe a change that can improve your local area.

You should say:

 what change it is
 why this change is needed
 what you can do to help with it

and explain how this change will improve your local area.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Well, this is such an important topic to talk about. To tell the truth, I would like to change a lot of
things in my local area in order to improve it. But, unfortunately, I just don’t have the authority
or the means to do it. Anyway, here is one of those changes which I would like to talk about.

Even though the locality in which I currently live now, doesn’t have many things to convince its
dwellers to call it a “perfect place” for living, it still has one thing that many localities in and
around my cities don’t - it has a beautiful lake.

Well, I like to call it a “beautiful lake”, mainly because it has clear water, and it also has a good
number of trees on both sides of it, which makes it even more appealing to many nature lovers.
People like to visit this lake in numbers with their families and friends in order to enjoy some
quality time, mostly during the afternoon and at the weekends. But, while this lake has been
considered a perfect “getaway” for many busy people in my locality and city for a long time,
very little has been done to improve its waste disposal system.

In fact, I have found many wastes, lying open in many wastebaskets, there to be spreading foul
smell, probably because the trash man didn’t collect them in a long time. But, this unhealthy
situation at this lake site needs to be changed, and for that, I am going to ask our local city
authority to employ more resources in order to keep it more hygienic and healthy.

Anyway, ensuring a better waste disposal system in this lake site would, in turn, ensure a better
recreational facility for the residents of my locality so that they can enjoy a more healthy life.
Besides, it would also help increase the revenue of our local city authority since more people
would visit this place and spend their money at the cafes and restaurants there.

Model Answer 2:

Thank you for this nice topic. I believe that the change that can significantly improve my local
area is the establishment of a community garden. Currently, my neighbourhood lacks communal
green spaces, and I believe a community garden would bring numerous benefits to the local
residents and the environment.Our neighbourhood lacks accessible green spaces; so we feel the
need for a community garden. Many residents, including myself, do not have the luxury of
private gardens or parks nearby. A community garden would provide a space for people to
connect with nature, grow their own produce, and engage in healthy outdoor activities.
Additionally, it would foster a sense of community and social interaction among neighbours,
promoting a more united and friendly neighbourhood, I believe.To initiate the establishment of a
community garden, I can start by raising awareness about the benefits and importance of such a
space within the neighbourhood. I can reach out to my neighbours and local authorities,
organizing meetings and presentations to discuss the idea and garner support. Moreover, I can
collaborate with local gardening enthusiasts and environmental organizations to create a solid
plan and proposal for the garden's implementation. Fundraising and seeking sponsorships would
also be crucial to secure the necessary resources for the garden's construction and
maintenance.The community garden will bring a multitude of benefits to the local area. Firstly, it
will enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the neighbourhood, transforming unused or neglected
spaces into vibrant green havens. It will also improve air quality and contribute to carbon
sequestration, mitigating the effects of pollution and climate change in our
surroundings.Furthermore, the community garden will serve as a space for social gatherings and
community events, promoting a sense of belonging and togetherness among residents. It will
create opportunities for people of different ages and backgrounds to interact and bond over their
shared interest in gardening and environmental stewardship.

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.

You should say:

 when you had to make this choice

 what you had to choose between
 whether you made a good choice

and explain how you felt when you were making this choice.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Life perhaps would be a lot easier for us if we didn’t have to make any choices. But, then life is
not meant to be easy, so we are forced to make choices at some points in order to meet the
demands of time, just like I did about a few years ago.

I am not exactly an ambitious person who likes to achieve or acquire material things in life by
hook or by crook. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I am a lazy person either. It is just that
I don’t like too many complexities and commotions in and around my life which would push me
too far away from my family and friends. But, that’s exactly what was about to happen to me,
and that’s what I had thought when I was promoted at my office about a few years ago.

The promotion, of course, was offered to me with a better salary package and other benefits, but
it also came with greater responsibilities and risks – responsibilities and risks which sure would
give me more headaches and sleepless nights than I could perhaps handle. Besides, I was also
worried about the promotion because I would need to stay away from my family for a brief
period of time every once in a while. Now, I had to choose either to accept the promotion or stay
in the same position. But, after giving it a lot of careful thought and consideration, I decided that
I would rather live with a smaller paycheck than unnecessary headaches and health risks.

Anyway, as I was making this choice, I was a bit worried about its possible outcome or
ramification, thinking that perhaps such a choice would hurt me professionally and financially
later on. Besides, I was also asking myself if I was being too lazy or scared of extra
responsibilities. But, in the end, I stuck with my choice because it was a good one in the greater
scheme of things. A couple of years later, I got an even better job and a higher position without
leaving my family and doing things that I always wanted to do.
Sample Answer 2:

One of the most important choices I had to make in my life was deciding on my college major. It
was a significant decision that would shape my future career and determine the path I would take
in life. Thank you very much for this excellent topic that would allow me to share this experience
with you.

I had to make this choice during my last year of high school, as the time to apply for colleges and
universities approached. It was a critical moment in my life as I had to consider various factors
before making the final decision.

I had to choose between two fields of study that I was equally passionate about - engineering and
journalism. On one hand, engineering offered a promising career with stability and opportunities
for growth. On the other hand, journalism fueled my passion for storytelling and writing,
offering me the chance to make a positive impact through media.

Looking back, I believe I made a good choice by selecting engineering as my major. While
journalism had always intrigued me, I realized that my skills in problem-solving and critical
thinking were better suited for engineering.

When I was making this choice, I felt a mixture of excitement, uncertainty, and pressure. On one
hand, I was thrilled by the idea of pursuing my interests and carving a successful career path.
However, I was also uncertain about the consequences of my decision, as choosing one path
meant giving up the other. There was also pressure from various sources, including my family,
friends, and society's expectations. They all had different opinions about which path would be
more suitable for me, which added to my feelings of uncertainty.

In the end, I relied on a combination of self-reflection, career counselling, and advice from
mentors to make my decision. I recognized that both engineering and journalism were valuable
fields, but engineering aligned better with my long-term goals and strengths. Ultimately, I am
content with my choice, and it has opened up numerous opportunities for personal and
professional growth.

Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.

You should say:

 what kind of game or sport it is

 who you play it with
 where you play it

and explain why you enjoy playing it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer 1:

My family loves to play and watch only one sport, and that is football or soccer. So, it is quite
natural for me also to enjoy playing this great sport more than any others, even though I have
played other sports once in a while. But, still, I would like to go ahead and talk about football

I don’t think that there is any need to reintroduce “football” here since it is by far the most
popular sport in the world, with a staggering number of more than 250 million people watching
or playing it, but just for the purpose of some academic reference, football is a team sport where
two teams compete against each other to score “goal” by running really hard in a football field.
Each team plays with 11 players, and the higher number of goals a team scores is declared as the

Of course, I have never really been a very good soccer player, but I still like to play it with my
friends and other community members at a local stadium whenever I get an opportunity.
Sometimes, I like to play it also in an empty space within our locality.

By the way, when played on a professional level, a team is to have 11 members each, including a
“goalkeeper” to guard the goal post, which is an empty space within two vertically–stood side
poles. Besides, the size (approved by “FIFA”, the world’s highest governing body of football) of
the stadium will also have to be at least 110 yards long and 70 yards wide for a professional
football match to take place.

Well, I enjoy playing this sport, mainly because no other game, at least to me, offers the same
level of excitement and adrenaline rush. I just seem to enjoy the speed at which the game is
played. Besides, it allows me to remain fit and healthy. Finally, I enjoy playing it also because it
helps me socialize and have fun with my friends.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:I really enjoy playing badminton, a racket sport that I find both physically engaging
and mentally refreshing. I often play it with my friends at a local sports complex, and every
session leaves me feeling rejuvenated. I would like to thank you for this nice topic.What kind of
game or sport it is:Badminton is a racket sport played on a rectangular court divided by a net.
Players use rackets to hit a shuttlecock back and forth over the net, aiming to land it on the
opponent's side of the court. It's a fast-paced game that requires agility, quick reflexes, and
strategic thinking.Who you play it with:I play badminton with a group of my friends who share a
similar passion for the sport. We have a friendly rivalry and always look forward to challenging
each other's skills on the court.Where you play it:We usually play at a nearby sports complex
that has well-maintained badminton courts. The environment is perfect for an intense game, with
the courts well-lit and equipped for our matches.And explain why you enjoy playing it:There are
several reasons why I enjoy playing badminton so much. First and foremost, it provides a
fantastic workout. The constant movement, quick lunges, and rapid changes in direction keep my
body active and help me stay fit. It's also a great stress reliever – whenever I step onto the court, I
can focus solely on the game, leaving behind the worries of the day. The social aspect is another
factor that contributes to my enjoyment. Playing with friends brings a sense of camaraderie, and
we often share tips and techniques to improve our gameplay.

Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:

 how this person is related to you

 what this person looks like
 what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Thank God that this cue card didn’t ask me to talk about someone in my family who I like more
than the others because then that would be a disaster! After all, I like to give them the impression
that I like them all equally, even though, in reality, that is not quite always possible. But,
anyway, thank you for this interesting, and yet quite challenging, topic.

The person in my family, I'd like and want to talk about, is none other than my youngest uncle.
But, even though, he is an uncle to me, to whom I should show due “respect” as per the culture
of our society, I treat him more like a friend since we have about the same age. Initially, my
parents and some of my other family members told me that it wasn’t quite appropriate for me to
treat my “uncle” as my friend, but I didn’t really care that much about what they had to say,
simply because my dear youngest uncle wouldn’t also prefer it any other way.

Anyway, to introduce my uncle a little here, he is not exactly a tall person even though he is a
fairly healthy person otherwise. He has dark curly hair which he likes to keep tidy all the time.
He has brown eyes, and he uses glasses because of a little problem with his eyesight. By the way,
even though, this uncle of mine didn’t manage to finish his university studies, he has tremendous
respect for highly educated persons. This uncle of mine has also little temper problem, but he is
generally a very mild-mannered person otherwise.

Well, I like this person, mainly because he is like an open book, with whom it is very easy to
relate. I like this dear uncle of mine also because he seems to be a very satisfied person in his life
with whatever he has. Finally, the way he always likes to present himself as a health-conscious
person also makes him a rather likeable person to me.
Describe one of your friends.

You should say:

 how you met

 how long you have known each other
 how you spend time together

and explain why you like this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Frankly speaking, I would be more than happy to talk about all of my friends here, one by one,
but I don’t think that I will be able to do so within such a short period of time. So, I will go ahead
and talk about just one as this topic suggests.

Anyway, the friend, I want to talk about, is known to us as “Rabbi” (this is his nickname). I met
this good friend of mine at a local coffee shop about 5 years ago. It was a rather busy coffee
shop, so it was only natural for me to think that I would have to wait for some time before I
could actually get my cup of fresh coffee. But the guy, talking and acting very much like a
“boss”, made sure that none of his customers had to wait any more extra time than the usual to
get their coffees.

Later on, I came to know that the guy, talking behind the cash register, was none other than the
son of the coffee shop owner. Before leaving his shop that afternoon, I thanked him for his
prompt service, and in return, he also asked me to visit his coffee shop again - just as a true
manager and gentleman would do.

By the way, Rabbi is not exactly like any other people since he always seems to be busy either
with his coffee shop or political activities (yes, he is really passionate about the politics of my
country), but still, we somehow manage some time, now and then, to plant different kinds of
trees in his huge garden as well as visiting the countryside once in a while in order to breathe
some fresh air.

So, why I like this friend of mine? Well, I like this person, mainly because he works really hard
in order to earn his living. Besides, his eagerness to help other people in his community, as a part
of his political campaign, also makes him quite a likeable person, not only to me but also to
many other people around him.

Describe a song or a piece of music you like.

You should say:

 what the song or music is

 what kind of song or music it is
 where you first heard it

and explain why you like it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

In my humble opinion, I think that there are very few things in this world which arouse our
emotion as strongly as a piece of great music or song does. Today, here, I would like to talk
about one such song which I heard for the first time at one of my friends’ house.

The song, I like and want to talk about is titled “Return to Innocence” by the world-famous
German music band called “Enigma”. Released in January 1994 as the lead single from their
second album called the “The Cross of Changes”, the song had become one of their most
successful international singles in many countries around the world.

Anyway, prior to hearing this song at my friend’s house, I didn’t really make much of relaxing or
meditational music, probably because I thought that they were just too dull, but once I heard
“Return to Innocence, I literally fell in love with it. In fact, since then I have heard this song on
numerous occasions whether I am waking up in the morning or doing some stretching/yoga
exercise, I play this song. However, the most interesting thing about this song is that even though
I have listened to it so many times, it just feels new every time I listen to it.

Talking about the symbolic life of a man backwards, from death to his birth and then eventually
returning to innocence, this song is an invitation to forget all the hassles of adulthood and
remember what it was like to be a child; regain that "innocence" and wonder of it all, see the
world and everybody in it with open eyes, an open mind, and an open heart, and to jump into
love without looking!

Well, I like this song, mainly because it has some really powerful lyrics which just keep
captivating my mind, every time I listen to it. Besides, the quiet instrumental sounds, rhythmic
electronic beats, and a 'distinctive pop sound' work like magic to clear my mind, when I am in
distress, like nothing else.

Describe a well-known person you like or admire.

You should say:

 who this person is
 what this person has done
 why this person is well-known

and explain why you like or admire this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

There are many well-known persons in the world today whom I really admire, even though,
sometimes I ask myself if I am a big fan of them or their work to like or admire them so much.
Nevertheless, I like to talk about them, learn more about them and sometimes get inspired by
their words and works. I even sometimes talk about them with others, just like I am going to do
here now.

The well-known person, I admire and want to talk about, is Melinda Gates. Born in the year of
1964, Melinda Ann Gates is an American philanthropist and a former general manager of
Microsoft, the US-based, multinational technology giant. Being the former wife of Bill Gates in
personal life, Melinda gates basically came to the limelight after co-founding the world’s largest
private charitable organization called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in the year 2000.
Since then, Melinda gates has consistently been regarded as one of the world’s most powerful

By the way, Melinda Gates is well known around the world, not only because she, along with her
ex-husband, has spent billions of dollars to reduce the poverty of millions and improve their
lives, but also because of her passionate appeal to end gender inequality around the world. In
fact, in order to end the gender inequality in the world, she even wrote a book titled “The
Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World”.

She also has worked to create an online community of optimists to shape a better world. Besides,
she has also worked to introduce a new style of management at work where love and empathy
play a very important role in motivating her fellow workers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I admire this person, mainly because she perfectly
understands her role as one of the most powerful female leaders of modern times. I admire her
also because she has planned to give away all of her wealth to help the poor and needy around
the world. Finally, I admire her also because she has given a voice to millions of women around
the world who otherwise would feel lost.

Describe a useful website you have visited.

You should say:

 what the website was
 how you found/learned about the website
 what the website contained

and explain why it was useful to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

There are so many wonderful websites which I have visited for various reasons. However, there
is one particularly useful website, which I have to visit rather frequently, and it is called

Now, isn’t exactly like any other regular website that offers information or sells any
kinds of products or services, rather it is used as a very useful tool for project managers in order
to take care of the daily tasks in an office environment.

Before starting to use this website, I didn’t really need to use any kind of project management
tools since the IT company, I was working for, was rather small where the tasks were simple and
straight forward. But, as the firm grew larger and its tasks become more complex, I, as a project
manager, needed some more sophisticated tools to manage the IT projects that I and my team
members were working on. And it was at that time that I came to know about this particular
website from a friend of mine who was working at another company at that time.

Initially, I found the website to be a bit difficult to get around with since I never really had used
or worked on such a website, but as I started to play with its features and options, along with
some tutorial watching, things, started to look easier slowly and slowly. By the way, the Trello
web application has a number of useful options, but Trello boards (used for scheduling and
prioritizing tasks), shared team calendar, time tracking (needed or tracking time spent on certain
tasks), and file sharing features are the more popular ones.

Well, the website was very useful to me, primarily because it allowed me to organize my office
tasks in a very efficient manner by employing minimum efforts. The website was useful to me
also because it completely changed the way I used to collaborate with my co-workers, and that
too without any extra efforts, costs or training!

Describe a good law in your country that you know about.

You should say:

 what law it is
 how you know about this law
 what mass people think about this law

and explain why you think that it is a good law.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

There are several good laws in my country which go a long way to help us become a part of the
civilized world. Today, I would like to talk about one such good law and explain what this law is
all about and what it does.

Now, it is worth mentioning that the subject of wage discrimination or inequality between men
and women has remained a rather contentious topic for most part of our human history. Of
course, it is also true at the same time that societies around the world, including the ones in my
country, have made some concerted efforts to address this important issue through different
kinds of laws and regulations.

Anyway, the law, we have, in our country clearly states both men and women should be paid the
same wages for the same kind of jobs, provided that they have the same level of education,
qualifications and skills. Of course, I came to know about this particular law only recently when
I came across a news article that tried to highlight the plights of some of the single working
mothers in my country because they are not being paid fair wages despite the fact that we have a
fair and equal payment law in our country.

Having said that, however, I don’t really believe that this wage discrimination situation in my
country is as bad as in some other countries because most people here still think of this law
rather favourably. In fact, that same article published a poll in which it showed that an
overwhelming majority (the people who participated in the poll) of the people in my country
wanted to see the law being enforced and implemented more strictly.

Well, like the fact that the overwhelming majority of people participating in that poll think that it
is indeed a good law, simply because it helps eliminate some of the naked injustices in our
societies. Besides, this law goes a long way in ensuring mutual respect and a healthy relationship
between men and women in general.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:We all know that laws are essential to maintain peace and order in a society. There
are several laws in every country that protect people's rights and ensure social harmony. In my
country, there are many laws that serve this purpose, but the one I find most useful is the "Child
Marriage Restraint Act."What law it is:The Child Marriage Restraint Act is a law that prohibits
marriage for girls under 18 years of age and boys under 21 years of age. This law aims to protect
children from being forced into marriage, which is often harmful to their health, education, and
future prospects.How you know about this law:I learned about this law during my secondary
school social studies class, where we studied various laws related to human rights and social
welfare. Besides, this law has been widely publicized by the government through various media
channels, including television, radio, and social media.What mass people think about this
law:The majority of people in my country support the Child Marriage Restraint Act. It is
regarded as a necessary measure to prevent child marriage, which is still prevalent in some rural
areas of the country. The media and civil society organizations have played a crucial role in
raising awareness about the negative consequences of child marriage, which has led to
widespread support for this law.And explain why you think it is a good law:I believe that the
Child Marriage Restraint Act is a good law because it helps protect the rights and welfare of
children, particularly girls. Child marriage often results in the premature end of a child's
education, which limits their future prospects and can have serious long-term consequences.
Besides, child brides often face significant health risks due to early pregnancy, and they are more
likely to experience domestic violence and abuse. The law is a crucial step towards ensuring that
all children have the right to a healthy and safe childhood, free from the burden of marriage.

Describe a river, lake or sea which you like.

You should say:

 what the river, lake or sea is called

 where it is
 what the land near it is like

and explain why you like this river, lake or sea.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Ethnically diverse, Malaysia is not only popular as true Asia and the land of beaches, skyscrapers
and waterfalls, but it also has some mystic lakes which captivate the attention of all travellers.
Today, I would like to talk about one such lake which I really like.

The name of this lake is “Lake Bera”, or “Tasik Bera” in our language. Located in southwest
Pahang, Tasik Bera is the largest natural freshwater lake in Peninsula Malaysia. It is situated in
the saddle of the main and eastern mountain ranges of the Peninsula and is approximately 35km
long and 20km wide.

Tasik Bera has remained a unique and remote wetland wilderness, which is surrounded by a
patchwork of dry lowland forests. Having pretty clear water, this Bera Lake is a sanctuary for
328 species of flora, 200 bird species, 50 mammals, and more than 95 species of fishes.
Around the lake, there is a huge area of dry land which is covered by different kinds of trees and
plants, making it essentially look like a forest that supports a diverse range of larger vertebrates
including the Asian Tapir, Asian Elephant, Clouded Leopard and rare Tigers. However, visitors
are unlikely to encounter these animals. Of course, there are no viewing hides in place for the
visitor to remain concealed. Besides, there is some extended wetland around the lake, with its
depth only as little as one meter, where endangered reptilian species such as the Malayan False
Gharial (a freshwater, fish-eating crocodile) can be seen.

By the way, the relatively isolated and tranquil surroundings of the open water are also perfect
for boating or kayaking. Visitors can cruise river channels and inlets in search of vegetation and

Well, I like this lake, mainly because being there is very calming and serene for restless minds.
Besides, I could also do fishing, trekking in the jungle, and boating in the lake in order to find
some rare wildlife, when I am in the mood for some adventure.

Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy.

You should say:

 how you became interested in it

 how long you have been doing it
 why you enjoy it

and explain what benefits you get from this interest or hobby.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I had “zillions” of hobbies and interests up and until I started to attend university. Now, of
course, I have only a couple of them that I tend to enjoy, and today, I would like to talk about
one of them here.

Anyway, one of those interests, that I tend to enjoy, is to get involved with fish farming. This
fish farming thing has interested me from my early childhood since the time when I used to see
my uncles doing fishing with fishing nets and rods. But back then, I couldn’t really do much
about going after my interest since the senior members of my family didn’t think that I was old
enough to do such a thing.

By the way, when I was a child, I did try to convince my parents that I wanted to use one of our
ponds (we had 5 of them) to raise fish on my own. In response, they had told me that I could
pursue my hobby only after I was grown up and finished with my studies. Therefore, I had no
other option but to wait for at least another 10 years before I could actually go after my fish
farming hobby in full swing and all on my own. Now, I have been doing this fish farming thing
for the last 5 years and enjoying every minute of it, with at least 5 different types of fishes in my
pond, in which they grow like my own children. I feed them, pat on them, and sometimes I even
talk to them in order to make sure that they are enjoying their stay at my natural and protected

Well, I enjoy this fish farming hobby because it offers me at least two benefits: the first one is
that I can always enjoy eating fresh fish instead of relying on some questionable fish from the
market. Secondly, it helps me pass my time in a very productive way when I feel bored and have
nothing else to do.

Describe an interesting historic place.

You should say:

 what it is
 where it is located
 what you can see there now

and explain why this place is interesting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to talk something on this interesting cue card topic. I
am not exactly a well-travelled person, but luckily, I have had the opportunity to visit a few
historic places, and today, I would like to go ahead and talk about one of them here.

The interesting and historic place, I want to talk about here, is popularly known as “Stonehenge”.
Located in the English county of Wiltshire, two miles west of Amesbury, Stonehenge is better
described as a prehistoric monument or site which actually been shrouded by more mysteries and
myths than facts. But, whether mysterious or not, this prehistoric site, displaying the most
architecturally sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world, attracts close to a million
tourists every year.

Anyway, today, people can see there a ring of standing stones, each around 13 feet high, seven
feet wide, and weighing around 25 tons. The stones are set within earthworks in the middle of
the densest complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several
hundred tumuli (burial mounds). Regarded as one of the most famous British cultural icons, this
famous British landmark is believed to have been constructed between 3000 BC and 2000 BC.
By the way, it is a huge site, and there are more to see there than the obvious. In fact, people can
also see dozens of barrows and at least 250 archaeological treasures (as part of a Stonehenge
exhibition), including pottery, tools, jewellery, and even human remains. Besides, people can
also see Neolithic houses and gift shops there.

Anyway, this place is interesting mainly because it has some of the oldest traces of human
culture and history. It is certainly very mysterious and unique because some call it an ancient
healing centre while others consider it as the alien landing site. But, the fact that we’ll just never
know the full answer about why it was built and how it was used only adds even more to its aura
of mystery.

Describe a time when you could not freely express your opinion.

You should say:

 when it was
 what opinion you had in mind
 who were there

and explain why you could not express your opinion freely.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I am not exactly much of an opinionated person except on some very rare occasions. Of course,
there were some occasions when I was given the opportunity to express my opinion, but
unfortunately, I don’t think that I was able to express them as freely as I would have preferred.
Sometimes, even after my best effort, I was not allowed to express my opinion freely. Here I
would like to talk about one of those occasions when I was not allowed to express my opinion

It happened about a few years ago when I was called to attend a meeting where I had to express
my opinion about how we were going to manage a local football club which I have been a part of
for the last 10 years or so. The meeting was attended by a number of other senior people from
my neighbourhood who also had played a great role in running and managing that football club.

By the way, I was called to offer my opinion in that meeting, even though I was relatively much
younger than the remaining attending members there, mainly because I somehow, in the past,
had managed to find some sponsors to cooperate with the club financially. So, they thought, and
very much rightly so, I also should have been given a voice in that meeting. But, anyway, after
going to that meeting, I noticed that I was asked a lot of irrelevant questions when I told them
that we needed to hold some kind of annual election to create a formal club committee instead of
just randomly selecting some people to run the club. After all, I wanted our club to be managed
and run in a bit more professional manner since we all were aiming for big.

Anyway, I thought that I wasn’t allowed to or I could not express my opinion freely, mainly
because they thought that my proposal would complicate things for everybody. Besides, I
thought that I couldn’t freely express my opinion also because I was interrupted by many
unnecessary questions which had very little or almost nothing to do with the subject of our

Describe a memorable event in your life.

You should say:

 when the event took place

 where the event took place
 what happened exactly

and explain why this event was memorable for you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Our life is full of all kinds of memorable events – events which we like to cherish for a long
time. Today, I would like to talk about one such memorable event which took place about 9
years ago from now.

Back then, I was just a young boy, attending a junior high school in my little old town. There
wasn’t really much to do in my town except playing some soccer and flying kites occasionally.
There was no movie theatre, no nice café, or any nice shopping complex where I could go and
have fun. So, it was essentially a boring life for the little me. But, that didn’t necessarily mean
that I didn’t have any dreams. In fact, I had many dreams, and one such dream was that one day I
would also fly in the sky like the way I used to fly my kites.

By the way, I never told about this dream to anybody, but my father was an intelligent man, and
he sure was able to figure it out from the way I used to stare at a flying aeroplane in the sky or
draw a series of planes in my notebook so passionately. Then suddenly, one day, my father told
me that we were going to fly to our capital city. Initially, I thought that he was just joking with
me, but when he showed me two flight tickets in his hand, I burst into immense joy and
excitement. We indeed flew to our capital city after a few days from a domestic airport, which
was located far away from my little old town.
Anyway, this event was memorable for me, mainly because this was for the first time in my life
that I was flying in an aeroplane. This event was memorable for me also because it was after that
event that I planned to live in a big city which I eventually succeeded in implanting. After all,
today, I live in the biggest and nicest cities in my country.

Describe a film or a TV programme which has made a strong impression on you.

You should say:

 what kind of film or TV programme it was, e.g. comedy

 when you saw the film or TV programme
 what the film or TV programme was about

and explain why this film or TV programme made such an impression on you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

These days, when most of us are tremendously busy, it is really hard to make some time for
watching any kind of TV. But, luckily, I was free one evening about a month ago, and that’s
when I got to watch a nice programme on TV. Thank you for this interesting cue card topic.

The TV programme, I watched, was a comedy show which is probably aired every week. I knew
that there was such a programme on TV, but I never really got a chance to watch it (not that I
was really interested to watch it or something), simply because either I am too busy helping my
wife or talking with my sister, who lives in a foreign country, over the phone. But, on that
evening, everything was a bit unusually quiet on all fronts, and that’s when I took the TV remote
and started to play with it by changing one channel after another. Suddenly, I got stuck with one
channel where that comedy programme was being shown.

Anyway, the comedy show was about a “nanny” who was helping a rather wealthy family raise 3
of their very young children. The comedy show, very nicely, albeit comically, depicted the
values and emotions of a rich family where children were just too tired to behave like “rich”, and
instead, they wanted to behave like their old “nanny”. But, of course, the old nanny wasn’t at all
interested in teaching the children the “funny, old values” of poor people like herself since, as the
nanny put, she was not being paid any extra money to behave like a “poor” person!

Anyway, the comedy show made such a strong impression on me, mainly because it nicely
showed how little children care about the artificial difference between the rich and poor that the
so-called rich people so passionately and carefully try to preserve. Besides, the programme also
showed how being happy was more important than actually becoming rich and famous.
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.

You should say:

 where you met him/her

 what subject he/she taught
 what was special about him/her

and explain why this person influenced you so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Teachers generally tend to have a great influence on our education and help us grow as a person
at the later stage of our life. Thank you for this great cue card topic as it will allow me to talk
about a teacher whom I have always admired and always will.

The person here, I am talking about, was my university teacher who used to teach business
finance. Now, business finance, by no means, is an easy subject to learn, and it becomes even
more so when you are learning advance level business finance. In fact, the level of complexity of
the actual math, associated with this business finance and finance theory, as well as the business
finance disciplines like taxation, accounting, treasury and foreign exchange are some of the
mind-blowing stuff that a student would ever like to face.

At least, I didn’t want to face it, but since it was a compulsory subject for a business student, I
had no other choice but to face the challenge. But, luckily, this great business finance teacher of
mine made it look so easy for me. From the way, this teacher used to teach the subject, one sure
could tell that he knew business finance from inside out, even though, he couldn’t exactly be
considered as a senior teacher both in terms of his age or level of teaching experience. But, what
was so special about him was that he had an immense level of patience with his students when it
came to making average students like us feel like some “top class” students. In other words, he
knew too well how to get the best out of a student with his wits and teaching styles.

Anyway, this teacher had influenced me so much, mainly because he taught me how to remain
confident and positive even when things look too bleak for us. Besides, this great teacher told me
that it was not necessary to be among the best to become a successful person in life.

Model Answer 2:
During different stages in our academic life, we meet some really good teachers who teach us
important lessons, and useful skills for a better career, and guide us to become better human
beings. However, we also meet a few exceptional teachers, who besides doing what I have
already mentioned, inspire us and influence us in our education to a great extent. Today, for this
nice topic, I would like to talk about one such teacher who has had a major influence on my
education and career.

The name of this teacher is Jonathon Archer, and I met him in grade 8 in my school. I have seen
this teacher several times in our school but did not talk to him until I was in grade 8 and when he
was assigned to take our computer science classes and lab work. He teaches computer science,
mathematics and physics in grades eight to twelve.

As soon as he started taking our computer science class, I started realising that he was a really
great teacher. In fact, I would label him as an exceptional teacher who knows how to teach and
inspire his disciples. Due to his fine teaching technique and in-depth analysis and explanation of
different aspects of computer hardware and software, I got supper attached to programming and
developing software even at my young age. Major credits go to this teacher who taught me
programming fundamentals and helped me create my first software.

This person influenced me to learn a programming language, and help me understand how an
intricate machine like a computer works. His guidelines, inspiration, mentorship and support
helped me excel in computer science subjects in school. It also motivated me to complete my
graduation as a computer science major. I am a software developer now and the foundation of
this was constructed by his inspiration.

Describe an area of science that interests you.

You should say:

 what area of science it is

 what it mostly deals with
 how you know about this

and explain why you are particularly interested in this area of science.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

As a student of science, all kinds of science interest me. In fact, I firmly believe that without
understanding science, we, as human civilization, would never be able to put our existence in
proper perspective. However, while any kind of science interests me, one particular area of it
interests me a bit more than others.
This particular area of science is called “Genetic Engineering”. Now, anybody, who is interested
a little about science, perhaps is aware of this particular type of science, but just for the purpose
of some academic reference, genetic engineering is the process of altering the genetic makeup of
an organism, with the help of biotechnology and other applied science techniques, so that one or
more of its characteristics can be changed.

Dealing with direct manipulation of one or more genes, this particular faculty of science has
provided a number of useful applications, including scientific research, agriculture and
technology. In plants, genetic engineering has been applied to improve the resilience, nutritional
value and growth rate of crops such as potatoes, tomatoes and rice to name a few.

By the way, I learned about genetic engineering for the first time while reading a newspaper
article that talked about how some renowned world scientists were planning to increase food
productions in order to meet the ever-increasing food demands of our world’s growing
population. Later on, I came to know about this in a bit more details by watching and reading
different kinds of TV and newspaper reports on how genetic engineering was viewed favourably
by some people while not so much favourably by others because of the ethical controversies that
it was stirring.

Well, I am particularly interested in this area of science because it would allow us to understand
the basic processes of our body so that we can take precautions to avoid being sick or newborn
babies do not inherit diseases from their ancestors. Besides, since my family is involved with
agriculture, understanding this area of science would also help me in deciding what kinds of
crops they should grow in order to maximize their food and vegetable production.

Describe a book you bought for someone as a gift.

You should say:

 what type of book it was

 whom you gifted the book
 from where you bought it

and explain why you decided to give this book as a gift.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I am not sure if other people like books as a gift item, but I sure do. In fact, I have bought at least
a dozen of books so far in order to offer them as gifts to my friends and loved ones, and today, I
would like to talk about one of those books.
The book, I would like to talk about here, is written on the story of an awesome adventure.
Interestingly, enough though, I never really bought an adventure type book as a gift prior to that
because frankly speaking, the details of most adventure books were a bit too much boring to me.
In other words, there is very little room for imagination when I read a book on an adventure

But, the book, I am talking about here, wasn’t like that since it portrayed the intriguing story of a
poor boy who had to go through some great risks and challenges to conquer the tallest mountain
in his country. The poor boy did such a thing to prove to his government that he was strong and
healthy enough to enlist as a soldier in the army of his country. Before climbing to the mountain
peak, the poor boy was denied admission to the army training college because they thought that
he was short and weak for the army training course. By the way, I bought that book from a local
bookstore to offer it as a gift to a struggling nephew of my friend, in order to motivate him to
study even harder.

To be frank, I decided to give this book as a gift, mainly because I liked the theme of the book
which suggests that a person can be strong, both physically and mentally, even if he/she doesn’t
have an imposing physical built. I chose this book as a gift also because I wanted to motivate a
child, who was struggling academically, to try and study even harder, just as the book suggested.

Describe a concert you have enjoyed with your friends.

You should say:

 what type of concert it was

 when and where you enjoyed it
 who was performing

and explain how much you enjoyed it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

There was a time in my life when I really liked to enjoy music concerts, especially, when I was a
student. But, gone are those days, and now I can only navigate through the nice memories of
those concerts in order to feel good, just as I am going to do here, now.

Anyway, I enjoyed this music concert about 7 years ago. Back then, I was an adventurous and
fun-loving senior high school student, trying to enjoy my life while also studying hard at the
same time. When I was a high school student, I also loved to listen to different kinds of music,
including audio cassettes and CDs of famous foreign singers. But, even though, I was a music
lover, I never really had a chance to enjoy a live concert, be it on TV or concert venue.
Of course, before that, I had watched many concerts on TV, but they were pre-recorded. So,
when a couple of my friends told me that one of the most famous singers of my country was
going to come to my city to perform in a live concert in a local community centre of our city, I
just didn’t want to let that opportunity pass. The availability of cheap tickets, especially for
students like us, had also made it an attractive proposition for me. So, we wasted no time in
buying the tickets and joining the concert.

All kinds of music, including modern, traditional, folks, and devotional ones were sung by that
great singer, who I had always admired, in perfect musical tune. The concert had continued for
almost two hours, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Well, I really enjoyed the concert, mainly because all kinds of musical instruments were used
there in order to create some really appealing and unique musical tunes. Besides, I enjoyed it so
much that I actually started to sing some of the songs in chorus with the singer since those songs
happened to be some of my most favourites.

Describe an email that you sent to a wrong recipient.

You should say:

 when it was
 what type of email it was
 whom you wanted to send it and whom you actually sent it

and explain what you did about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

In this age of computers and the internet, I mostly like to use email in order to communicate with
other people. But, on rare occasions, I have seen that my emails have ended up being sent to the
wrong recipient, and today, I would like to talk about one such occasion.

This incident happened about a year ago when I was trying to send an email to a good friend of
mine to get some information on the ticket price of a domestic flight. By the way, this friend of
mine works at a big travel agency, and he often helps me with such information, especially,
when the domestic flight carriers offer big discounts on their tickets. The reason, of course,
behind asking for such help is that I want to save some money on my next flight.

But, on that occasion, when I sent that email to my friend, I didn’t get any reply from him for the
next couple of days which looked a bit unusual to me. In fact, in the past, he had always got back
to me in the next few hours. I thought that he must have been too busy or something to reply to
me, and so I decided to wait a bit more. Then, after two days, I did receive a reply to my email,
but that reply came from some school teacher from another city who had the same name but with
a different spelling. In other words, my fat fingers didn’t spell the name of my friend properly on
that occasion, and as a result, my email ended up being in the inbox of a wrong email address.

But, as soon as I became aware that my email was sent to a wrong recipient, I immediately
apologized to him and also thanked him for notifying me about the incident. Later on, I emailed
back my friend again except this time around, I checked the spelling of his email address at least
a dozen times before hitting the “send” button.

Describe an excursion you enjoyed during your college days.

You should say:

 when you enjoyed this excursion

 who was with you
 what you did and saw

and explain why you enjoyed the excursion so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I haven’t had much opportunity to go for excursions as a student except on a couple of occasions
when I was attending junior college. Today, I would like to talk about one of those excursions
which I really enjoyed.

The excursion, I went for, took place about 8 years ago from now when I was a second-year
junior college student. In the beginning, I wasn’t exactly very interested in taking part in that
excursion since it was organized on a chilly day (yes, I don’t like cold at all), but when the
supervisor-in-charge of the excursion told us that we were going to get some extra marks for our
courses, I reluctantly decided to take part in that excursion. We were twenty of us gathered in our
school before we took off for the journey in a big bus in order to visit a very old rock site.

After we had left the school compound on our school bus, we all began to talk about and
anticipate the exact picture of the rock and the landscape of our destination. In fact, I told a
classmate of mine -John- who sat beside me while inside the school bus that we ought to be
careful there because we didn’t want the rocks to fall on us. Not to mention, of course, he, along
with my other fellow students, laughed sparingly at me because of my funny suggestion.

Anyway, after reaching the rock site, we climbed the rock. We then looked down from the top of
the rock, only to find that everything underneath looked so small. Besides, we also saw some
rare kinds of insects which were living on the rocks. By the way, I was so glad that I finally
decided to go for the excursion.

Well, I enjoyed the excursion so much, because it allowed me to see a very unique kind of
landscape which I had never seen before. I enjoyed it so much also because it had allowed me to
share some funny moments and jokes with my friends like never before.

Describe a public holiday that people enjoy so much in your country.

You should say:

 what public holiday it is

 how it is celebrated
 what you do during that time

and explain why people enjoy this public holiday so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Canada, my homeland, has a variety of cultural, nationalistic, and religious holidays that are
colourfully observed by her people. Today, I would like to talk about one such holiday which has
a great religious significance.

The name of this public holiday is called “Good Friday” which is observed with great religious
fervour by the devoted Christian people all over Canada. Occurring just before two days of the
Easter Sunday, it is the day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which
plays an important part in the Christian faith. It is also considered to be a statutory holiday in all
Canadian provinces and territories except Quebec, where it is partially observed.

Anyway, many Church services are held in the afternoon, usually between noon and 3:00 pm, to
commemorate the hours when Jesus was crucified on the cross. Some churches observe the day
by re-enacting the tragic event which took Jesus' life. Other churches may participate in
Veneration of the Cross, a short ceremony in which Christians kneel before the cross and affirm
their faith. Besides, the candles are also often extinguished and statues, paintings and crosses
may be draped in black, purple or gray cloth. Some Catholics even observe a partial fast on Good
Friday and do not eat any meat.

But, for Canadians, who are not Christians, Good Friday is the start of a three or four-day
weekend. This is a welcome spring break, which some people use to visit family or friends. It is
also a popular time to take a short vacation.
By the way, I am not a Christian, and so, I also regard the holiday as a welcome break from my
work life, which allows me to spend some quality time at a beautiful vacation spot.

Anyway, people, especially the Christian devotees, enjoy this holiday so much because it allows
them to renew their religious faith even more strongly. Besides, they enjoy it so much also
because it gives them an opportunity to unite with their families and friends after a long time.

Describe a time when you asked for an extension of time to complete something.

You should say:

 when it was
 what the task was
 who you asked for the extension in time

and explain why you needed more time to complete it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

As a university student, I needed to ask for an extension many a time to finish my homework or
assignments because of wasting my time in doing unnecessary things. Today, I would like to talk
about one of those times when I needed to ask for an extension.

It was during the final year of my university studies when I was struggling to balance my student
life and the life outside of it. Yes, my final year at the university was hectic, to say the least,
since my course load was a bit too much for me to handle. Of course, I could delay my
graduation a bit, but I didn’t like the idea since I wanted to get out of university as soon as
possible and get a good job.

Even though I somehow managed to complete the study and course works for the subjects, which
I was taking during my last semester, I was limping with my final year project.

By the way, initially, I didn’t think that my final year project was so difficult or it would take so
much of my time, but I was proved dead wrong since I was struggling to prepare just the
“definition of terms”, let alone finishing my case study for the project. Of course, I tried to finish
the works as quickly as possible, but it wasn’t just easy to apply all of my knowledge that I had
learned over the years as a university student. So, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to finish my
final year project on time, I had no other option but to ask for an extension from my project
supervisor. He granted 2 weeks' extension and that was a big relief for me.
Anyway, I needed to ask for the extension, mainly because I started the project rather late. In
fact, I underestimated the level of complexity of my final year project. I needed the extension
also because I needed to spend a lot of time in studying the regular semester courses which were
rather difficult.

Describe a club or association you have been involved in your school or college.

You should say:

 what type of club or association it was

 how long you have been a member
 what you did as a member

and explain what you enjoyed about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

When I was studying at a senior high school, I joined my high school debate club, and today, I
would like to talk about that here.

Prior to joining that debate club, I had watched many debates on the television, which I generally
liked for the most part, but never really thought of being a part of a debate team, simply because
I was nervous about speaking in front of the public. So, when my parents pushed me to join my
high school debate club, apparently because I was doing too little extra-curricular activities, I
was just hoping and praying that I never have to debate in real life with another debate team
because, frankly speaking, then that would be a disaster. Or so, at least, I thought.

But my debate supervisor thought otherwise. So, he, my good and kind supervisor that is, started
to offer me all kinds of guidance in order to make me a valuable member of our high school
debate team.

By the way, I was a member of this debate club for almost 3 years, among the things, which I did
there, included participating in mock-up debates with the other members of my debate team and
doing research works in order to collect reference and information. Sometimes, I even used to
take part in some group meetings in order to learn about the scope and styles of presenting
rebuttals to challenge the possible views of an opponent team before actually debating against
them. I was initially nervous to actually debate against others but with practice and time, I
became much comfortable.

Anyway, I liked and enjoyed a lot of things about being a part of our school debate team, but
what I enjoyed the most was that it made me feel like a truly intelligent and smart person. After
all, I was learning a lot of things there. Besides, I also liked the fact that it gave me much-needed
confidence in speaking in front of the public.

Describe something you enjoyed doing in a group.

You should say:

 what you did in a group

 whom you did it with
 when you did it

and explain how you felt about doing it in a group.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I have always loved doing things in a group whether playing cards during the weekend or
watching a movie at a theatre. But, today, I would like to talk about something which I have
done only once in my life with a group of other people.

Well, I have always loved riding a bicycle in all kinds of weather. In fact, it is one of my
favourite pass time activities which I still enjoy, but not just as frequently as when I was a
student at a junior college about 7 years ago. Back then, I had a nice mountain bike which I used
to ride along the unpaved roads, leading to the countryside. Of course, I never really went into
the countryside, since it was quite far away from my college, but I sure liked the unpaved roads
because they were more adventurous and unpredictable than the paved ones.

By the way, seeing me having so much fun riding my bike, at least 6 of my college friends also
bought their own bikes so that we could all enjoy the ride. But, unfortunately, as soon as my
friends bought their bikes, the weather suddenly became really cold. In fact, it became so cold
that only a very few people could be seen getting out of their homes for the next few days. But,
my friends and I told ourselves that we were not going to get stuck inside our dormitory and
instead we would all go outside and ride our bicycles.

In fact, we got so bored of staying indoor, and we needed to do something about it, and so we all
wore all kinds of warm clothes and got out with our bicycles. We rode our bicycles for almost 30
minutes and actually started to sweat instead of feeling any cold.

Anyway, after finishing our ride, we felt really proud about our “feat” since we didn’t allow the
unusually cold weather to dominate our life. I also felt that if we do something in a group, we
would be very surprised to see the results of our efforts.
Describe something you don't have now but would really like to own in the

You should say:

 what this thing is

 how long you have wanted to own it
 where you first saw it

and explain why you would like to own it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Thank you for allowing me to talk about something on this interesting topic. To be honest, I want
to have many things in the future, apparently because I can’t have them now. I would surely love
to talk about all of those things one by one, but I am sure that I won’t have enough time to do so.
So, I will just go ahead and talk about that one thing which I have always wanted from my

This particular thing, I want to have, is a personal car. But, it is easier said than done because it is
not a cheap commodity by any means. Of course, it was a lot more affordable when I wanted to
have it for the first time many years ago except, of course, I just didn’t have any money back
then. After all, at that time, I only had finished high school.

However, now, I am working and earning some money, but the amount of money, I am making
currently, will take me at least about another 3 years or so to save up enough just to buy a
moderate car, let alone a real nice and expensive one.

By the way, I am not exactly sure where I saw a car for the first time, but I am sure I saw it a
long time ago as a child at a shop when my father took me there to buy me some chocolate ice
cream. At that time, I didn’t have much idea about its value or purposes, but it sure looked very
nice and shiny.

Anyway, I want to own it, primarily because it will offer me the freedom and ease of
communication and movement while saving me a lot of time. I want to own it also because
having it is still considered as a symbol of status and prestige in our society. Finally, I want to
have it because I think that it will be a great investment for the future.

Describe a time when a family member asked for your help.

You should say:

 when it was
 who asked for your help
 how you helped

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

Out of three daughters of her, I am presumably the “least” favourite of my mother, probably
because I very seldom extend my helping hands to her in maintaining the house. But, it is not
exactly entirely my fault since she asks for my help only on some very rare occasions, and that
too only for very small things, like moving the couch pillows from one place to another or close
the doors of our kitchen cabinets.

But, about a year ago, my mother surprised me by asking for my help, and a big help in that, in
order to prepare some delicious Italian cuisines for some special guests. Initially, I thought that
my mother was just joking with me or testing my “sincerity” to her since she very well knew that
my mid-term examination was going to be held very soon. But, then I realized that she was dead
serious about needing my help as she thought that she wouldn’t be able to finish the dishes on

Of course, I tried to tell her that I didn’t have any clue whatsoever about the foreign dishes, that
she was preparing, but then she told me that I was smart enough to follow her instructions and
also that I was going to do just fine. So, I got on with the action inside the kitchen and started to
follow the instructions of my “head chef”, that is my dear mother, and mixing the chopped food
items in a big bowl before stirring them upside down. Not sure exactly how long my “kitchen
saga” had continued, but my mother sure looked like she had conquered the Mount Everest as
she managed to prepare the dish just the way she preferred.

Anyway, after helping my mother prepare some of her favourite dishes, I felt really happy and
proud. Besides, it was the first time that I realized that my mother had all sorts of confidence in
me whether I was trying to get a scholarship at my university or preparing some delicious
international cuisines.

Describe a child that you know.

You should say:

 who this child is and how often you see him or her
 how old this child is
 what he or she is like
and explain what you feel about this child.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

I love being around children since they are nothing but some bundle of joy. So, thank you indeed
for this lovely cue card topic which allows me to talk about a child – a boy rather - whom I have
known since the last couple of years.

The boy, I am talking about, is 4 or 5 years old, who happens to live in the same neighbourhood
as me. Being a little bit on the chubby side, this little boy can be too cute and sweet to be ignored
by any person, no matter how stranger of a person he or she really is.

The parents of this little boy are very much aware of his “friendly manner”, so they just let him
be just the way he likes. Since both I and the boy live in the same neighbourhood, we meet and
say hello to each other at least a couple of times a week when his parents take him to a local park
where I also like to take a walk from time to time. One thing which really puzzles me about this
boy is that this little boy never allows anybody to touch his hair. Yes, he is that serious about his

By the way, the parents of this little boy are also helpful persons. In fact, they helped me fix my
car on a number of occasions since I, as a woman with very little technical IQ, don’t know much
about how to fix an old car. In return, I have also shown them the courtesy to do babysitting for
their boy a few times when they had gone away for some emergency needs.

I think that this little boy is a really sweet kid who never seems to know how to bother or annoy
other people. Besides, I also feel that the parents of this little kid have raised him really well
because I have never found him talking to other people or asking them any questions without
asking for their permissions first.

Describe a shop near where you live that you sometimes use.

You should say:

 what sorts of product or service it sells

 what the shop looks like
 where it is located

and explain why you use this shop.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Model Answer:

Up and until a couple of years ago, the suburb, in which I currently live now, didn’t have any
good bakery shops that would sell good snacks or birthday cake. But, now there are a number of
them which compete with each other to offer great quality snacks. Today, I would like to go
ahead and talk about one of those bakery places which I visit from time to in order to buy
birthday cakes.

The bakery shop, I am talking about, initially started with just selling some regular snacks and
ready-made coffee. But, when its popularity started to grow and people started to flock into this
store in numbers, they added different kinds of cakes and desserts to their product line as well.

By the way, this bakery shop is located about 4 blocks away from where I live, right across a
major intersection in our small suburb. Having an area of about 1400 square feet, this shop has
some really nice and aesthetic decoration inside, with plants in the pots and plant walls. There
are at least a dozen indoor picnic tables in the shop which are nicely sitting at a comfortable
distance from each other in order to provide its customers with their fair share of privacy.

All kinds of people, young or old, visit this bakery shop in order to sit and relax for a little over a
cup of fresh coffee and some freshly baked snacks. In the last two years, I also have visited this
shop at least ten or twelve times, and I have loved this place every time I have visited it.

Anyway, I use this shop sometimes, primarily because it has some of the best birthday cakes
which don’t only taste awesome but also have some unique designs and decorations on them.
Besides, the shop’s close proximity to my home makes it rather convenient for me to use it for
my needs. Finally, I visit it because the product prices there are reasonably affordable for me.

Describe a time when you made a promise to someone.

You should say:

 what promise you made

 whom you made this promise
 why you made this promise

and explain how you felt about making this promise.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I always try not to put myself in a situation where I have to make some kind of promise, even
though I don’t always succeed in doing that. So, yes, I also have to make promises sometimes,
despite the fact that it makes me feel uncomfortable, just like I did with one of my distant

Now, before I tell you what kind of promise I made and why, let me tell you a little about my
cousin. My cousin was a very brilliant student and very serious about his studies. Since we both
were close, I started to notice some changes in his behaviour – changes like he stopped meeting
me every weekend and avoiding study-related talks with me – when he was a 2nd-year university

Oh, by the way, both I and my cousin attended the same university and we both were living in
dormitories. But I was senior to him by 2 years. Then one day, I got a piece of very shocking
news: my cousin was expelled from the university dormitory because he had failed to maintain
satisfactory academic results at the university.

So, later, I asked him how possibly a brilliant student like him could be expelled from the student
hostel because of unsatisfactory academic results!? In response, he told me that he was going to
tell the truth, but he also requested me to promise that I wouldn’t disclose that bad news to his
parents. Needless to say, I was a bit reluctant to promise, but then I agreed, mainly because my
cousin had also promised me to give up “the terrible habit” that was hindering his studies.

Anyway, I didn’t really feel very comfortable about making the promise because it felt like I was
also being an “accomplish” to his wrong actions and behaviour. Then again, I didn’t also want to
embarrass the parents of my cousin and break their hearts by disclosing that terrible news to
them since there was a chance that the news would put a serious dent in his trust.

Sample Answer 2:

What promise you made:When it comes to promises, one particular event comes to my mind that
I would like to share here with you. It was the time when I promised my younger sister to take
her to a famous beach that she had always wanted to visit. It would be about three or four years
ago.Whom you made this promise:It was during the summer break a few years ago when my
sister expressed her wish to visit a beach located a few hours away from our home. She was very
keen on exploring the area and spending some time on the beach. At first, I was hesitant,
considering the distance and the fact that I had other commitments. However, seeing her
enthusiasm and excitement, I decided to make a promise that we would go together.Why you
made this promise:I made this promise to my sister because I wanted to make her happy and give
her a memorable experience. Besides, I thought it would be a great way to bond with her and
spend some quality time together. I knew that I could not back out of this promise, and I was
determined to fulfil it, no matter what.And explain how you felt about making this promise:At
the time, making this promise felt like the right thing to do, and it gave me a sense of
responsibility and purpose. I felt happy that I could make my sister happy and be there for her.
However, at the same time, I was also a bit apprehensive about fulfilling this promise, as I was
not entirely sure how I would manage everything. Nevertheless, I decided to take on this
challenge and do my best to make the trip happen.
Describe a public building that has a great outside view or exterior.

You should say:

 where it is
 what type of public building it is
 what the exterior of this building is like

and explain how much you like it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I have had the opportunity to view a number of public buildings, having a great outside view or
exterior, in the big city, where I live, in order to provide facilities and services to the local
dwellers. Of course, all of these buildings were built quite some time ago, but today, I would like
to talk about a building which has been built rather recently, and of course, it also has an
amazing exterior view.

The public building, I want to describe, is called a “postal academy”. Located on the outskirt of
the city, this particular public building can easily be considered as a major and beautiful
landmark that attracts visitors not only from my own town but also from outside of it pretty
much every day. By the way, just to give a brief introduction to this beautiful-looking public
building, it is mainly used as a training institute to provide training to postal workers from all
over the country. It is a single-unit, round shape building, and it is four-storey high with a very
stunning exterior.

Standing tall within the boundary of almost 6 acres of land, this building doesn’t occupy more
than 10 thousand square feet of land altogether. But, the rest of the space within the boundary
(around the building) has a lot of nicely-trimmed and beautiful-looking flower plants with all
kinds of flowers. And, within the trees can be seen 3 large fountains that are sure to cheer up the
crowds with their bubbling sounds. Besides, one can also get a complete view of my beautiful
city from the top of the building with a mesmerizing lighting effect at the sunset.

Anyway, I really like the building, mainly because it has a rather simple yet classic structure.
Besides, the building also had a very sublime painting on it that was certainly very easy on the
eyes and yet very distinct in colour. Needless to say, the stunning outside view of the building
also was unforgettable.

Model Answer 2:
Where it is:I would like to talk about a public building with a great outside view, which is the
Marina Bay Sands Hotel located in Singapore. This hotel is situated in the heart of Singapore, in
the Marina Bay area, and is a popular landmark and attraction in the city.What type of public
building it is:The Marina Bay Sands is a luxury hotel and resort that is known for its unique
architecture and spectacular exterior. It is a high-rise building with three towers that are
connected at the top by a massive, boat-shaped structure known as the SkyPark. The hotel also
houses a casino, shopping mall, convention centre, and several fine dining restaurants.What the
exterior of this building is like:The exterior of the Marina Bay Sands is made of glass and steel,
and it is truly a sight to behold. The building shimmers in the sunlight, and it is especially
beautiful at night when the lights illuminate the entire structure. The three towers are sleek and
modern, and the SkyPark is a stunning feature that adds to the beauty of the building.And explain
how much you like it:Personally, I think that the Marina Bay Sands is an amazing building with
a great outside view. The architecture is unique and modern, and the view from the SkyPark is
breathtaking. I have visited the Marina Bay Sands twice, and each time I am amazed by the
beauty of the building and the view. It is definitely one of the most iconic buildings in Singapore
and a must-see attraction for anyone visiting the city.

Describe a goal or target you have recently set for yourself.

You should say:

 what it is
 why you have set it for yourself
 whether you have achieved it or not

and explain why setting this goal or target was important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Interestingly, during my high school years, I had set some goals for my life, but, despite my best
efforts, I am yet to achieve some of those tough goals. So, I recently thought that it was time to
set a few new goals and try to achieve them instead. Today, I would like to talk about one of
those goals.

I want to get involved in gardening. In fact, I want to grow a simple but nice-looking lychee
garden from scratch and all by myself. Of course, on the face of it, growing a lychee garden, or
for that matter, any kind of garden, just might not sound that exciting or glamorous as a “goal”,
but it can certainly be exciting if you are into enjoying raw nature.

Now, if you are wondering why I have chosen “growing a lychee garden” as my goal, my answer
would probably be that it would allow me to be a bit more “productive” outside of my regular
professional life, which I was lacking during all those previous years. Besides, achieving this
goal would also be a bit financially rewarding.

Having all that said, however, I am very much aware of the fact achieving this goal is not going
to be easy by any means, but I am more confident than ever, with all the “free” time I have in my
hand, that I would be able to ace it sooner rather than later. Oh, by the way, by saying “free”
time, I mean to say that I don’t really have to spend as much time at my regular job now as
before, which certainly has made my life much easier than before.

Anyway, setting this goal was important to me, primarily because it would allow me to try some
channels of income, as I find my current profession of “accounting” a bit more boring than
before. Besides, it would also allow me to get closer to mother nature and thus become more
healthy, both physically and mentally.

Model Answer 2:

Introduction:I wholeheartedly believe that setting goals is an important aspect of personal and
professional growth. It helps us to focus our energy and efforts in the right direction. Recently, I
set a goal for myself that I have been working on consistently. Here, I would like to talk about
it.What it is:The goal I set for myself is to improve my fitness level by running a 10-kilometre
race. I have been a regular runner for the past few years, but I never ran more than 5 kilometres
at a stretch. Running a 10-kilometre race is a significant challenge for me, and I wanted to push
myself to achieve this goal.Why you have set it for yourself:I have set this goal for two reasons.
Firstly, I wanted to challenge myself physically and mentally. Running a 10-kilometre race
requires discipline, perseverance, and a lot of training. I wanted to see if I could push myself to
reach this level of fitness. Secondly, I wanted to improve my overall health and well-being.
Running has always been a stress reliever for me, and I wanted to use this goal as a way to
improve my fitness level and stay healthy.Whether you have achieved it or not:I am happy to say
that I have achieved my goal. It took me several months of consistent training, but I was able to
complete the 10-kilometre race successfully. It was a great feeling of accomplishment and a
validation of the hard work I put in to achieve this target.And explain why setting this goal was
important to you:

Setting this goal was important to me because it helped me to push beyond my limits and achieve
something that I thought was impossible. It was a reminder that with discipline, perseverance,
and hard work, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. It was also a great way to improve
my overall health and well-being, and it gave me a sense of purpose and direction in my daily

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