Manajemen Risiko Dalam Pelaksanaan Proyek Konstruksi - Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko

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Manajemen Risiko dalam

Pelaksanaan Proyek Konstruksi

Prof. Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, ST, MM, MSc, PhD

Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik

Universitas Diponegoro
Disampaikan pada Seminar Pembinaan Anggota Perkumpulan Badan Usaha
Pusat Pembinaan Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Mandiri (P3SM)
5 Agustus 2023

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

“Jika seorang konstruktor membangun rumah untuk
seseorang dan tidak membuat konstruksinya kokoh, dan
rumah yang dibangunnya ambruk dan menyebabkan
kematian pemilik rumah tersebut, maka konstruktor itu
harus dihukum mati”

(Hammurabi’s Code 1760 tahun sebelum masehi)

Sumber: Dirjen Bina Konstruksi Kementerian PUPR, 2023

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Permasalahan Utama Industri Konstruksi

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi


The terms “Risk” originated from the French word “risque”

and began appear in England around 1830, when it was used
in insurance transaction

Risk is an abstract concept. It is difficult to define and, in most

cases, it is very hard to quantify with any precision.

“The possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm or loss”

Oxford Dictionary, 2000

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Risk in the context of everyday life is described as the chance of an
unfavourable event occurring.

“A threat or opportunity which could affect adversely or favourably the

achievement of the objectives of an investment”
(Institute of Civil Engineering and Institute of Actuaries, 1998)

“Risk is a function of both the probability and the consequence of failure”

Belev, 1989

Risk characterize situations where the actual outcome for a particular event or
activity is likely to deviate from the estimate or forecast value (Smith, 1999)

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Risk vs Uncertainty

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Hazard Potential source of harm

Risk Probability of the occurrence of harm and the severity of that

Risk Analysis Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and
estimate risk.
Risk Evaluation Based on the risk analysis, a judgment of whether a risk is
acceptable based on societal values.

Risk Assessment Process of completing risk analysis and risk evaluation.

Risk Control Process through which decisions are reached and protective
measures are implemented for reducing or maintaining risks
within specified levels.

Residual Risk Risk remaining after protective measures have been taken.

Risk Management Systematic application of management policies, procedures,

and practices toward analyzing, evaluating, and controlling

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Risk Characteristics
• Hierarchical
• Multidimensional
• Multiple perspectives
• Dynamic

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

(Zou et al. 2017)

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Risiko Proyek Konstruksi
Hatmoko dan Susanti (2016); Hatmoko et al (2018); Hatmoko et al (2019); Hatmoko dan Khasani (2019); Hatmoko dan Khasani (2020); Hatmoko et al (2021)

Pra- Konstruksi Konstruksi Pasca Konstruksi (OM)

•Perizinan • Kondisi site yang tidak terduga • Keruntuhan Bangunan
•Keterlambatan serah terima lokasi • Ketidaksesuaian metode kerja • Kerusakan dini
• Rendahnya produktivitas pekerja • Temuan BPK
•Lamanya pengambilan keputusan
klien konstruksi • Denda keterlambatan
•Detail yang tidak jelas dalam • Kenaikan harga material • Kegagalan serah terima
gambar desain dan spesifikasi konstruksi • Kegagalan pembayaran owner
•Ketersediaan material tertentu pada • Kelangkaan suplai material kepada kontraktor
pasar • Kerusakan alat berat • Perselisihan kontrak konstruksi
•Kelengkapan kontrak • Perubahan scope pekerjaan oleh
•Risiko gagal lelang owner
•Ketidaksesuaian informasi terkait
• Defect
•Estimasi biaya • Keterlambatan pembayaran oleh
• Bencana alam

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Individual vs Overall Project Risk
• Individual project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a
positive or negative effect on one or more project objectives.
• Overall project risk is the effect of uncertainty on the project as a whole, arising
from all sources of uncertainty including individual risks, representing the
exposure of stakeholders to the implications of variations in project outcome,
both positive and negative.

Management of overall project risk aims to keep project risk exposure within an
acceptable range by reducing drivers of negative variation, promoting drivers of positive
variation, and maximizing the probability of achieving overall project objectives.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Risk management process by the associations

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

PMBOK 6 ed, 2017

• Risks will continue to emerge during

the lifetime of the project, so Project
Risk Management processes should
be conducted iteratively.
• Risk is initially addressed during
project planning by shaping the project
• Risk should also be monitored and
managed as the project progresses to
ensure that the project stays on track
and emergent risks are addressed.
Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi
Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)

• An RBS helps the project

team consider the full range
of sources from which
individual project risks may
• This can be useful when
identifying risks or when
categorizing identified risks.
• The organization may have a
generic RBS to be used for
all projects, or there may be
several RBS frameworks for
different types of projects, or
the project may develop a
tailored RBS.
• Where an RBS is not used, an
organization may use a
custom risk categorization
framework, which may take
the form of a simple list of
categories or a structure
based on project objectives.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Identifying Risks

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Identifying Risks

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Identifying Risks

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi
Example of Definitions for Probability and Impacts

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Probability and impact matrix.
Opportunities and threats are represented in a common probability and impact matrix
using positive definitions of impact for opportunities and negative impact definitions
for threats.
Where numeric values are used, these can be multiplied to give a probability-impact
score for each risk, which allows the relative priority of individual risks to be evaluated
within each priority level.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

• Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis is • Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis is
the process of prioritizing the process of numerically analyzing
individual project risks for further the combined effect of identified
analysis or action by assessing their individual project risks and other
sources of uncertainty on overall
probability of occurrence and project objectives.
impact as well as other
characteristics. • The key benefit of this process is that it
quantifies overall project risk exposure,
• The key benefit of this process is and it can also provide additional
that it focuses efforts on high- quantitative risk information to
priority risks. support risk response planning.
• This process is performed • This process is not required for every
project, but where it is used, it is
throughout the project. performed throughout the project.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Kajian risiko pada proyek jalan Batang – Kendal
Hasil studi dapat mewakili
risiko tipikal proyek jalan
fase konstruksi, sehingga bisa
menjadi pembelajaran bagi
proyek – proyek serupa di
masa mendatang

Anggraini, Hatmoko, & Handajani (2019)

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi
Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi
Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi
• Avoid Avoid Exploit
• Exploit Where the level of Where the level of overall
overall project risk is project risk is significantly
• Transfer/share significantly negative positive and outside the
• Mitigate/enhance and outside the agreed-upon risk thresholds
agreed-upon risk for the project,
• Accept thresholds for the This involves taking focused
project action to capture the positive
effect of uncertainty on the
project as a whole.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

Transfer/share. Mitigate/enhance.
• If the level of overall project risk is high, but • These strategies involve changing the
the organization is unable to address it level of overall project risk to
effectively, a third party may be involved to optimize the chances of achieving
manage the risk on behalf of the organization. the project’s objectives.
• Where overall project risk is negative, a • The mitigation strategy is used where
transfer strategy is required, which may overall project risk is negative, and
involve payment of a risk premium. enhancement applies when it is
• In the case of high positive overall project risk, positive.
ownership may be shared in order to reap the • Examples of mitigation or
associated benefits. enhancement strategies include
• a collaborative business structure in which the replanning the project, changing the
buyer and the seller share the overall project scope and boundaries of the project,
risk, modifying project priority, changing
• launching a joint venture or special-purpose resource allocations, adjusting
company, or delivery times, etc.
• subcontracting key elements of the project.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

• Where no proactive risk response strategy is
possible to address overall project risk, the
organization may choose to continue with the
project as currently defined, even if overall
project risk is outside the agreed upon
• The most common active acceptance strategy
is to establish an overall contingency reserve
for the project, including amounts of time,
money, or resources to be used if the project
exceeds its thresholds.
• Passive acceptance involves no proactive
action apart from periodic review of the level
of overall project risk to ensure that it does
not change significantly.

Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

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Globalisasi, Kolaborasi, Akselerasi

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