OEAP Textbook. Referencing

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A Reading Academic texts ‘Thee ate many types caer ot textbook hapa ascetic ate 2 ect, assay an erger texts he dseraions We often eer text peas gn, ard texts rom the same got stare 9 sar structive, syle ae cotent Cael read 0 eres audlence the inte readers eg students of pars dciping).A farther Sacto acaonic texts the purpose te mal eason for wig etext (ea toeslsina concent or orsince he aon trough agunent The author may ‘cose onan perspectives (28 conor soa) You nee 0 beable o navies tent effect, wore out th pene aude, an prose aad is perspectives, ‘This module covers: + enivng gre auc, pues, nd perspec inten ngage TASK1, Understanding genre, audience, and purpose in texts 1 Workin par Describe the characterises of entes 1-10 inthe ale, Men the sample: A sujet-pefi delonary lst shordfintons in alphabetical ora for ky cones a dpe eg main) fs uren for students and. area) Adee or wen rors serspeaedttery see staf Re ect mcatve eons er ey crept ‘wives tock aisactof jour arice dour are neyeopet ery say reve ote 10° Masters desertion 2 Discuss the questions. 1 Whi gazes Ihave you readin your ft guage in English How ote? 2 Which genre do you consider tobe academe? Give reasons snd examples | Which genes do you think are important ory tne abl trend for your reademie ty? ac, Haina, gn GB). Ot soa of ono (de, Od Oxides] Hy J lesn, XK, Tue S. (2010) Wht asmpins aout hana ehaour wee al gene? antral oura of age Law 2351-08. others (ao Ree of han bo nd the si envionment mo endl fae Xehrine an Wormer ator Univers Pres USA In sh ura of Sc War 3114 Tones Xt Gedy (208) Haat and umn ean), ae Ono Uninet rn 2 Find one or wo examples ofeach feature elow nthe references auorsurnames) authocinitls) eon age numbers Place ofpubleaton publisher Gileofanice ——‘leofbook {Weofjoumal Wolumenumber —_yearof publication 2 Compare answers and explain why you made these choles ‘TASK 3 Identifying and comparing features of a genre 1 Read Tes 1-4 quickly. gnore any unknown language at ths stage Match the teas ‘references adn Tsk?.t and complete rows and 2 nthe summary able 2 cus wht nformaton in the texts helped you complet 4 Chooueone oF okey words or phates for each ex Completrow inthe summary {able Decide which one word or prselinks al our iets oo a Motivation “behavioural economics An approach Wo ecanDNC pepe ee ia i Berg Soactcemeee eran, recut Sines | seneeeens Sco eee, Bee ee eet Spee Gees fearcaes aaa ae i Srotektnmsstecctanse es vmzmemeimanen ans tenets B06 te ease Oy What assumptions about human ee oe ecomgee nee behaviour underlie asylum judgments? transact uae a hcions bode cin mtn es nas mst ge ‘fh and oem dct {fae score porrin itorcamt teenen Semmes he Senin ree Shmors'uee teams antares consonrg [Testaments tema bere ts rambo out pean ore ina Wang ei on scutors out aman ag We al rd ety ane 2) Stove regese mtrg ele sates sa Wuhan Sev ans secon accept TOE ea em 2 Uinmgutone Agta wencteentsconeacne Rae ews ena OPA tied ooysonsianertar s 1 tamu tom stra sere te Pagan eed ‘te cremnvtor ese snot wee er anit anaes tn oe enya ay Eco meme sraya fe wemre toner onponsbnty eS WK wk wt Ha The 12 te geodata pone ec. te garni ab Oe lunes huh ‘sit si smn ni wenger be =e ‘romeenscenraronay eserntoutccrernrbpenove SHE my on "Bhp edeconatrgpecsn ts cul et TASK 4 Identifying purpose in texts 1 Looks hells of verbs which an be used to expres the min purpose often him deine deseite evaluate exemplty expsin outine ste sample This txt defines the concept of mation” Match he vers with definitions 8. toe the enact meaning ofa wor, pat, or concept ‘ogivean esmplein order o make something clearer ‘ofoxme judgement abou something ate thinking about italy toglveresons or samething toiveonlthemai fs or pont invaved ia someting ‘to gve an sezountofsomehing sing waits ike ‘opt forwardan idea which has na been proved which thes may not gee with ‘formally write ra samethng especllyn acral anlar way 2 Rend Texts -ton pape 08 again, Decide which phrae best expreses the man purpose ofeach ext Complete row # inthe summary bl 4 deine tehnial tem, te utine and explana topic and theory «© togive background information on atopic and atthe ans, method and conclusion 1 todesribe and eval anther ext (Le, review) {3 Compare answers and decid ho efetel eich ext achieves ts prpose TASKS. Identifying perspective in texts 1 Read ideas: trom Test |. Check unknown wordsn diconary, Decide which Perspectives are beng expressed. Choose one or ore rm the lat foreach extrac ‘eademie philosophical physiol socal theoretical 1 the sty of msvaton therfore concemed with those fos and det bebo 2 Tebssic neds are the ndamental ones - hung sit evoldance opin 8 Thenextlevel af eed social -the need o belong tos gov tobe loved 4 Masow completes his pyramid of needs withthe ned for ef actualization tobe the best that we can pss be, ofall our own nau ei. 2 Which ofthe perspectives in are espe Le clearly ated, and which re impli, Le sugested without beng ditety expressed Perspective Words nd pases expressing perspective cadens tpl canta ana an sum nae of epee ‘aden enon psp pot pacha sca eee ek Nace perspectives canbe xsd lug arses avers, + thepuspctnes of en and oct ate shown ing rans Tis tose ef he ad’ god ove ef ube of paar peronctestn the nial and set Test 8), + the hans cgntive an wnatenaperspcves re shown ung dete: ‘ponte on entncn fo the aromas by ig mon a scl eg ard emotional ses ia he din maig process est 3) ‘Aertel pespectie may be tated meng, ing eles wos + te content. and nuns fee nd poset suet tal persoece ‘nar fc ecortonasarefupe nda mi he oa cru persecute?) ‘TASK6 Understanding the language of perspective 1 Find are examples of perspective Texts 1-ton page 0. Note words/phrases that signal these perspectives. samples: anindivial perspective - ur own ug potent! (Tet 1) ‘egal perspective he leat dfnton (ext) 2 Use dhe correct form to complet expressions poles (n) politcal ad) policy (ade) 1 toma perspective 2 estore tsconeemed a speaking 4 Interns 4 Workin pal Wite down at east three observations on human behaviour rome “erent perspectives Ute the exprenons 2 sample From a ington ar natural motte ear the language oft mediate eminent TASK 7_Using cover and Contents to navigate a textbook 1 Lookat the textbook over Note down + the audience afthe book Le. the ral ote expected readers + species and perpecves that you thik might be covered + nylons, Le what might notbe covered 2 Tumto page 214 Look tthe Contentsofthe textbook and check your answers 1 Whatelee anyou my about the audience pale 2 How do the headings fr Pars 1-4 relae tothe chapters in those par? ‘ain the Contents, decide where you would find: dein oftcinial termed nthe book 2 deta soures ced nthe book 2 dicuson of diferent inuences on health and beour ‘nesplanton oftho ams ofthe book ‘ detaed overview ofthe meaning of eat andrea ses. TASK Navigating and analysing a textbook extract 1 Read Texts on page 12 Which text (1-4 deste det on rm? 2 Decide which statement «best expresses the purpose of Text. 9 todetine and describea theory of motion woutine and eval diferent theories ofmotaon «© toarge for expan and exempt contating perspectives ltingo motivation 4 topvean overview ofa contrasting theory Motivation = "atte Mac's any mae so nie ese. mb fens ave Be Aion it tes wan eae star este a afer sight ere serps ‘Gove est coma nnd arerarg al he ery Hass et oS Sos tray gu eng pce oe waking fee they tgs hey athe Daten ny hana orgs Wate ate ey et ne et eae a {undestan tam wert eames geste Bg ont met ape ‘Suisun eee spin soon rst ana ihe han Ea erp sh oes 100 ees ht Soci ear Seed ates tte ect ptonst ren tarp iat 197) ha sts tng ‘Suerandoggesin merase uch fhm boo) Blo factors tatty mos ve 3 ty Hage fr Pyles! een Mss tm. a ra sues oased on Sts ose reds Stes Date ane eee 5 Way ‘tert 19) napa so eeepc wate ean simanton ibamersexnt near eamp| posure sed seein poem whi um gre vost tees Ts ces et ste Sea hes aren TS ect Inte can af huge fen nef pn ome aay fo se Th 2 ‘ie des at hve eno. ope cra Spe eat eats oe ‘tet comtive factos The fc fn netted ttf rcton wt hl of eating we cna (leet eos rene ely nets eo cen or oie pace) ‘stan fe steaty noted mater ante meyer svn et We ‘Seva pure cn gy 3 gran eho underondre of mtn a aes ‘Secoetuna pnd ou pees incestbecumeve ashy sony a ‘reyone wo seas Thsone se ve ase apamens Ut peelemate eu he tas ee sles maa put enon stk prety atin tens her bee ‘es hae ny we eps ens by De esonene el HAERGEN WAC {re larbter tne ob esrims Catatonia eae one 2 Lookattheten sections student ha annotated in Tex. Decide whether ech section 10 1 males clam and/oroffer explanation 2 Inrodves ad defines technical em. 4 Using the stdent notes, ident de key erms introduced and defined n Tet. Explain how thes terme relat tthe thre subheadings inthe ox TASKS Independent research - text navigation 1 Review your work inthis module using Checklat on page 208. 2 Seat for further texts on he top ot human behavour and motivation, nein ‘one or more elated your isepline Record th reference information foreach text, \entifythe genre aulence, and purpose andre estars othe texto nagnte for 2 Compare withthe clas. How many diferent diseiplines id you find texts om * angus aginst Masows thers * Makes aclaim » utes the purpose. often

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