AURETR112 Assessment 2 Direct Observation - Job Card 1 To 4.v1.0

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AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Assessment 2 – Direct Observation

Practical Demonstration of Tasks

Job Card 1: Testing for a short to ground

Job Details: (Student to Read!)
Upon completion of this job card, you will have demonstrated the ability to test a circuit and locate the short to ground.

You MUST test and repair basic electrical circuits for specific applications that safely follows workplace procedures to
meet required outcomes. This includes:
 Test a basic electrical circuit, including:
‒ One short circuit across an electrical resistive load
 Test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for moisture
ingress and corrosion
 Carry out the following circuit repairs that include:
‒ Crimping various terminal sizes
‒ Soldering wire gauges to terminals
‒ Applying heat shrink insulation to crimped or soldered joints
‒ Performing terminal retention checks to replaced terminals
Your Trainer/Assessor has setup the vehicle that requires you to test for a short to ground. Your Trainer/Assessor will
observe you against the performance observation criteria for test and repair a basic electrical circuit.
Assessor Instruction:


The Assessment will be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY if you are attempting to carry out any step in an unsafe or
dangerous way.

The student MUST:

1. Obtain tools and equipment from your trainer.
2. Ask your trainer to direct you to a work area.
3. You MUST answer the Assessor’s verbal questions
4. You MUST write the customer details, and vehicle details on the Job Card.
5. You MUST write the customers concern (fault) on the front of the Job Card.
6. You MUST complete an JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and attach it to this Job Card before commencing the
Job Card. Make sure it’s safe to proceed. If not, You MUST discuss the safety concern with the Assessor
before commencing.
7. You MUST write the customers concern (job requirements) on the front of the Job Card. Your Assessor can
be the customer (Role Play). You MUST diagnose the customers concern that requires you to test and
repair the basic electrical circuit on the vehicle. (Your Assessor has setup the vehicle with a basic electrical
circuit fault. Your Assessor MUST give you a fault (Customer Concern) to write on the Job Card).
8. You MUST demonstrate the ability to test a circuit and locate the short to ground by following the procedure
in the vehicles workshop manual.
9. You MUST carry out circuit repairs that MUST include one of the options below:

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 1 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

 Crimping various terminal sizes

 Soldering wire gauges to terminals
 Replacing male and female terminals in a connector housing
10. You MUST applying heat shrink insulation to crimped or soldered joints
11. You MUST performing terminal retention checks to replaced/repaired terminals
12. You MUST test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for
moisture ingress and corrosion.
13. You MUST complete post repair testing to confirm repair
14. The student MUST clean-up work area, tools and equipment are stowed in their appropriate area
15. The student MUST finalise Job Card documentation by filling in the Customers Fault, the Cause of the
Fault, the Rectification to repair the vehicle and the Parts used on the back of the Job Card.
16. You MUST give this student Practical Job Card to your Assessor as evidence that you have completed the
practical task and that the Assessor attached it the Assessor Direct Observation of Practical Demonstration
Check list.

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 2 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 1

Customer Details

Customer: Contact Details: (H) (M)

Address: City State: Post code:

Vehicle Details (MUST fill in the vehicle details) If simulated vehicle used please tick 

Make: Model: Colour: License No:

VIN No: Odometer Reading:

Engine No: Engine Type: Trans Type:

Customer Concern

Declaration by the Customer

Please execute at my cost and as soon as you conveniently can repair the listed items above, and also any work considered essential. The vehicle, its
accessories and contents are at my risk entirely whether theft or loss thereof or damaged thereto arises from any want of care on the part of yourself or
your contractors or servants or from any cause whatsoever. Any claims for faulty workmanship is to be raised within seven (7) working days after the
vehicle is returned to me. I agree such claim is limited solely to the rectification free of cost of the faulty work. No claim for loss consequential or otherwise

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 3 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

being admissible.
X / / 20
Signature of Owner Date (Fill in the date)

Fault: Record of Conversation with Customer:

Service Advisor:


Rectification: Parts Used

Recommendations: Sublet Repairs Order No

Fluids QTY Tyre Report Tech # Job # Time Clock Record

Gear Oil L/H/F R/H/F ON

Auto Oil mm mm OFF
Engine Oil L/H/R R/H/R ON
Diff Oil mm mm OFF
Coolant Brake Report ON
Brake Fluid mm mm

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 4 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Other L/H/R R/H/R OFF

mm mm ON


Ensure that the following actions / tasks / checks in your work area have been performed:
a. Tools & equipment used are in working order and have been put away ready for use next time. Where
necessary, tag any tools / equipment which had faulted during use and inform the Assessor about it.
b. Waste materials is to be disposed of via the appropriate recycling methods or place in general waste.
c. Ensure that any reusable materials are stored away appropriately and ready for reuse at another time.
d. Make sure the work area is cleaned and tidy. All equipment is put away and report on any issues / faults
with equipment when problems are noticed.

End of Practical Task

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 5 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 2: Testing for an open circuit

Job Details: (Student MUST Read!)
Upon completion of this job card, you will have demonstrated the ability to test for an open circuit.

You MUST test and repair basic electrical circuits for specific applications that safely follows workplace procedures to
meet required outcomes. This includes:
 Test a basic electrical circuit, including:
‒ One open circuit before or after an electrical resistive load
 Test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for moisture
ingress and corrosion
 Carry out the following circuit repairs that include:
‒ Crimping various terminal sizes
‒ Soldering wire gauges to terminals
‒ Applying heat shrink insulation to crimped or soldered joints
‒ Performing terminal retention checks to replaced terminals
Your Trainer/Assessor has setup the vehicle that requires you to test for an open circuit. Your Trainer/Assessor will
observe you against the performance observation criteria for test and repair a basic electrical circuit.

Student Instructions:


The Assessment will be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY if you are attempting to carry out any step in an unsafe or
dangerous way.

The student MUST:

1. Obtain tools and equipment from your trainer.
2. Ask your trainer to direct you to a work area.
3. You MUST answer the Assessor’s verbal questions
4. You MUST write the customer details, and vehicle details on the Job Card.
5. You MUST write the customers concern (fault) on the front of the Job Card.
6. You MUST complete an JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and attach it to this Job Card before commencing the
Job Card. Make sure it’s safe to proceed. If not, You MUST discuss the safety concern with the Assessor
before commencing.
7. You MUST write the customers concern (job requirements) on the front of the Job Card. Your Assessor can
be the customer (Role Play). You MUST diagnose the customers concern that requires you to test and
repair the basic electrical circuit on the vehicle. (Your Assessor has setup the vehicle with a basic electrical
circuit fault. Your Assessor MUST give you a fault (Customer Concern) to write on the Job Card).
8. You MUST demonstrate the ability to test for an open circuit with a test light by following the procedure in
vehicles workshop manual.
9. You MUST carry out circuit repairs that MUST include one of the options below: Different to Job Card 1
 Crimping various terminal sizes
 Soldering wire gauges to terminals
 Replacing male and female terminals in a connector housing

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 6 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

10. You MUST applying heat shrink insulation to crimped or soldered joints
11. You MUST performing terminal retention checks to replaced/repaired terminals
12. You MUST test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for
moisture ingress and corrosion.
13. You MUST complete post repair testing to confirm repair
14. You MUST clean-up work area, tools and equipment are stowed in their appropriate area
15. You MUST finalise Job Card documentation by filling in the Customers Fault, the Cause of the Fault, the
Rectification to repair the vehicle and the Parts used on the back of the Job Card.
16. You MUST give this student Practical Job Card to your Assessor as evidence that you have completed the
practical task and that the Assessor attached it the Assessor Direct Observation of Practical Demonstration
Check list.

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 7 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 2

Customer Details

Customer: Contact Details: (H) (M)

Address: City State: Post code:

Vehicle Details (MUST fill in the vehicle details) If simulated vehicle used please tick 

Make: Model: Colour: License No:

VIN No: Odometer Reading:

Engine No: Engine Type: Trans Type:

Customer Concern

Declaration by the Customer

Please execute at my cost and as soon as you conveniently can repair the listed items above, and also any work considered essential. The vehicle, its
accessories and contents are at my risk entirely whether theft or loss thereof or damaged thereto arises from any want of care on the part of yourself or
your contractors or servants or from any cause whatsoever. Any claims for faulty workmanship is to be raised within seven (7) working days after the
vehicle is returned to me. I agree such claim is limited solely to the rectification free of cost of the faulty work. No claim for loss consequential or otherwise

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 8 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

being admissible.
X / / 20
Signature of Owner Date (Fill in the date)

Fault: Record of Conversation with Customer:

Service Advisor:


Rectification: Parts Used

Recommendations: Sublet Repairs Order No

Fluids QTY Tyre Report Tech # Job # Time Clock Record

Gear Oil L/H/F R/H/F ON

Auto Oil mm mm OFF
Engine Oil L/H/R R/H/R ON
Diff Oil mm mm OFF
Coolant Brake Report ON
Brake Fluid mm mm

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 9 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Other L/H/R R/H/R OFF

mm mm ON


Ensure that the following actions / tasks / checks in your work area have been performed:
a. Tools & equipment used are in working order and have been put away ready for use next time. Where
necessary, tag any tools / equipment which had faulted during use and inform the Assessor about it.
b. Waste materials is to be disposed of via the appropriate recycling methods or place in general waste.
c. Ensure that any reusable materials are stored away appropriately and ready for reuse at another time.
d. Make sure the work area is cleaned and tidy. All equipment is put away and report on any issues / faults
with equipment when problems are noticed.

End of Practical Task

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 10 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 3: Test for high resistance circuit

Job Details: (Student MUST Read!)
Upon completion of this job card, you will have demonstrated the ability to test for high resistance.

You MUST test and repair basic electrical circuits for specific applications that safely follows workplace procedures to
meet required outcomes. This includes:
 Test a basic electrical circuit, including:
‒ One high resistance circuit before or after an electrical resistive load
 Test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for moisture
ingress and corrosion
 Carry out the following circuit repairs that include:
‒ Replacing male and female terminals in a connector housing
‒ Performing terminal retention checks to replaced terminals
Your Trainer/Assessor has setup the vehicle that requires you to test for high resistance. Your Trainer/Assessor will
observe you against the performance observation criteria for test and repair a basic electrical circuit.

Student Instructions:


The Assessment will be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY if you are attempting to carry out any step in an unsafe or
dangerous way.

The student MUST:

1. Obtain tools and equipment from your trainer.
2. Ask your trainer to direct you to a work area.
3. You MUST answer the Assessor’s verbal questions
4. You MUST write the customer details, and vehicle details on the Job Card.
5. You MUST write the customers concern (fault) on the front of the Job Card.
6. You MUST complete an JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and attach it to this Job Card before commencing the
Job Card. Make sure it’s safe to proceed. If not, You MUST discuss the safety concern with the Assessor
before commencing.
7. You MUST write the customers concern (job requirements) on the front of the Job Card. Your Assessor can
be the customer (Role Play). You MUST diagnose the customers concern that requires you to test and
repair the basic electrical circuit on the vehicle. (Your Assessor has setup the vehicle with a basic electrical
circuit fault. Your Assessor MUST give you a fault (Customer Concern) to write on the Job Card).
8. You MUST demonstrate the ability to test for high resistance in a circuit by following the procedure in
vehicles workshop manual.
9. You MUST carry out circuit repairs that MUST include replacing male and female terminals in a connector
10. You MUST performing terminal retention checks to replaced terminals
11. You MUST test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for
moisture ingress and corrosion.
12. You MUST complete post repair testing to confirm repair

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 11 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

13. You MUST clean-up work area, tools and equipment are stowed in their appropriate area
14. You MUST finalise Job Card documentation by filling in the Customers Fault, the Cause of the Fault, the
Rectification to repair the vehicle and the Parts used on the back of the Job Card.
15. You MUST give this student Practical Job Card to your Assessor as evidence that you have completed the
practical task and that the Assessor attached it the Assessor Direct Observation of Practical Demonstration
Check list.

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 12 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 3

Customer Details

Customer: Contact Details: (H) (M)

Address: City State: Post code:

Vehicle Details (MUST fill in the vehicle details) If simulated vehicle used please tick 

Make: Model: Colour: License No:

VIN No: Odometer Reading:

Engine No: Engine Type: Trans Type:

Customer Concern

Declaration by the Customer

Please execute at my cost and as soon as you conveniently can repair the listed items above, and also any work considered essential. The vehicle, its
accessories and contents are at my risk entirely whether theft or loss thereof or damaged thereto arises from any want of care on the part of yourself or
your contractors or servants or from any cause whatsoever. Any claims for faulty workmanship is to be raised within seven (7) working days after the
vehicle is returned to me. I agree such claim is limited solely to the rectification free of cost of the faulty work. No claim for loss consequential or otherwise

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 13 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

being admissible.
X / / 20
Signature of Owner Date (Fill in the date)

Fault: Record of Conversation with Customer:

Service Advisor:


Rectification: Parts Used

Recommendations: Sublet Repairs Order No

Fluids QTY Tyre Report Tech # Job # Time Clock Record

Gear Oil L/H/F R/H/F ON

Auto Oil mm mm OFF
Engine Oil L/H/R R/H/R ON
Diff Oil mm mm OFF
Coolant Brake Report ON
Brake Fluid mm mm

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 14 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Other L/H/R R/H/R OFF

mm mm ON


Ensure that the following actions / tasks / checks in your work area have been performed:
a. Tools & equipment used are in working order and have been put away ready for use next time. Where
necessary, tag any tools / equipment which had faulted during use and inform the Assessor about it.
b. Waste materials is to be disposed of via the appropriate recycling methods or place in general waste.
c. Ensure that any reusable materials are stored away appropriately and ready for reuse at another time.
d. Make sure the work area is cleaned and tidy. All equipment is put away and report on any issues / faults
with equipment when problems are noticed.

End of Practical Task

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 15 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 4: Test for current flow and voltage drop on an electrical circuit
Job Details: (Student MUST Read!)
Upon completion of this job card, you will have demonstrated the ability to test for current flow and voltage drop on an
electrical circuit.

You MUST test and repair basic electrical circuits for specific applications that safely follows workplace procedures to
meet required outcomes. This includes:
 Test a basic electrical circuit, including:
‒ Current flow and voltage drop across an electrical resistive load
 Test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for moisture
ingress and corrosion
 Carry out the following circuit repairs that include:
‒ Crimping various terminal sizes
‒ Soldering wire gauges to terminals
‒ Applying heat shrink insulation to crimped or soldered joints
‒ Replacing male and female terminals in a connector housing
‒ Performing terminal retention checks to replaced terminals
Your Trainer/Assessor has setup the vehicle that requires you to test for current flow and voltage drop. Your
Trainer/Assessor will observe you against the performance observation criteria for test and repair a basic electrical

Student Instructions:


The Assessment will be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY if you are attempting to carry out any step in an unsafe or
dangerous way.

The student MUST:

1. Obtain tools and equipment from your trainer.
2. Ask your trainer to direct you to a work area.
3. You MUST answer the Assessor’s verbal questions
4. You MUST write the customer details, and vehicle details on the Job Card.
5. You MUST write the customers concern (fault) on the front of the Job Card.
6. You MUST complete an JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and attach it to this Job Card before commencing the
Job Card. Make sure it’s safe to proceed. If not, You MUST discuss the safety concern with the Assessor
before commencing.
7. You MUST write the customers concern (job requirements) on the front of the Job Card. Your Assessor can
be the customer (Role Play). You MUST diagnose the customers concern that requires you to test and
repair the basic electrical circuit on the vehicle. (Your Assessor has setup the vehicle with a basic electrical
circuit fault. Your Assessor MUST give you a fault (Customer Concern) to write on the Job Card).
8. You MUST demonstrate the ability to test for current flow and voltage drop in the circuit by following the
procedure in vehicles workshop manual.
9. You MUST carry out circuit repairs that MUST include one of the options below:
 Crimping various terminal sizes

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 16 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

 Soldering wire gauges to terminals

 Replacing male and female terminals in a connector housing
10. You MUST applying heat shrink insulation to crimped or soldered joints
11. You MUST performing terminal retention checks to replaced/repaired terminals
12. You MUST test for continuity in a basic wiring harness and visually check terminals in the wiring harness for
moisture ingress and corrosion.
13. You MUST complete post repair testing to confirm repair .
14. You MUST clean-up work area, tools and equipment are stowed in their appropriate area
15. You MUST finalise Job Card documentation by filling in the Customers Fault, the Cause of the Fault, the
Rectification to repair the vehicle and the Parts used on the back of the Job Card.
16. You MUST give this student Practical Job Card to your Assessor as evidence that you have completed the
practical task and that the Assessor attached it the Assessor Direct Observation of Practical Demonstration
Check list.

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 17 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Job Card 4

Customer Details

Customer: Contact Details: (H) (M)

Address: City State: Post code:

Vehicle Details (MUST fill in the vehicle details) If simulated vehicle used please tick 

Make: Model: Colour: License No:

VIN No: Odometer Reading:

Engine No: Engine Type: Trans Type:

Customer Concern

Declaration by the Customer

Please execute at my cost and as soon as you conveniently can repair the listed items above, and also any work considered essential. The vehicle, its
accessories and contents are at my risk entirely whether theft or loss thereof or damaged thereto arises from any want of care on the part of yourself or
your contractors or servants or from any cause whatsoever. Any claims for faulty workmanship is to be raised within seven (7) working days after the
vehicle is returned to me. I agree such claim is limited solely to the rectification free of cost of the faulty work. No claim for loss consequential or otherwise
being admissible.
Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 18 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

X / / 20
Signature of Owner Date (Fill in the date)

Fault: Record of Conversation with Customer:

Service Advisor:


Rectification: Parts Used

Recommendations: Sublet Repairs Order No

Fluids QTY Tyre Report Tech # Job # Time Clock Record

Gear Oil L/H/F R/H/F ON

Auto Oil mm mm OFF
Engine Oil L/H/R R/H/R ON
Diff Oil mm mm OFF
Coolant Brake Report ON
Brake Fluid mm mm

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 19 of 20
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits

Other L/H/R R/H/R OFF

mm mm ON


Ensure that the following actions / tasks / checks in your work area have been performed:
a. Tools & equipment used are in working order and have been put away ready for use next time. Where
necessary, tag any tools / equipment which had faulted during use and inform the Assessor about it.
b. Waste materials is to be disposed of via the appropriate recycling methods or place in general waste.
c. Ensure that any reusable materials are stored away appropriately and ready for reuse at another time.
d. Make sure the work area is cleaned and tidy. All equipment is put away and report on any issues / faults
with equipment when problems are noticed.

End of Practical Task

Document Name: Student Practical Demonstration of Tasks – AURETR112 Created Date: 1st Dec 2020
Document No: Auswide College – AURETR112 Version No: 1.0 Last Modified
© Auswide College | RTO Code: 45893 | CRICOS Code: 04045K Page Sequence: Page 20 of 20

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