Cfe Journal 34

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Name: Turzar, Antonio Jeremiah V.

Year & Section: BPED4A

Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Journal 3 and 4
Your being “sandiwa” (one in mind) with the community requires that your presence
be a manifestation of fairness.
It is a liberating presence that you, as student in the engineering field,
1. How do you relate with others with fairness and honesty?
I do relate with others with fairness and honesty, through the situation
that I am in.” Fairness and honesty,” is actually mirrored in every aspect in our
The story goes like this, I was Grade 12 that time and I was taking my
Senior Highschool at Christ the King College, when I started to accompany the
light choir of SLC it was my aunt’s choir group every Sunday and if there is an
event in the church such as Advent and Christmas. She was the one who introduced
me to have a 100% scholarship and I enjoyed it when I enrolled in Saint Louis
College from 1st year to 3rd year college. And just got my scholarship 2nd semester
when I was in 1st year college. As a gratitude with my aunt I promised to myself
that I will commit myself 100% to serve with her choir group.
One day I was playing at the chapel the daughter of the Saint Louis College
Chorale’s conductor approached me and told me to join with them, and as a
response I do not remember what exactly I response to her but I think I honestly
replied,” Na sa Light Choir na po ako.” But why I refused her offer? Simply
because I commit myself to one thing and that is to serve only my aunt’s choir
group. But what if I accepted her offer? And that will be unfair to my aunt who
introduced me to guidance office and in Abono Party List to have two
2. In what way/s does your presence mirror a just God?
The ways does my presence mirror a just God
3. Describe the concrete ways your presence proclaims the liberating acts of God
in the midst of your family, friends, and colleagues in accounting, teaching, and
4. What insights did you learn from the Celebration of the Eucharist or Church
Service on April 2, 2023?
As a student in the engineering field and being “sambuhay” (one with the
community), your presence gives witness to the beauty of God’s creation.
Your presence as a responsible steward “is to enhance the quality of human life,
to place creation in the fullest way possible at the service of the human
1. How have you accomplished faithfully your duties and responsibilities as
steward of God’s creation?
2. How do you initiate a helping hand in the sustainable development of the
3. How do you actively participate in the caring of our common home, mother
4. What insights did you learn from the Celebration of the Eucharist or Church
Service on April 9, 2023?

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