Assignment 16941817911

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1. (b) accommodation
2. (d) retina
3. (c) 25 cm
4. (c) ciliary muscles
5. (b) – 0.5 D
6. (a) The near point of his eyes has receded away
7. (b) (ii)
8. (f) light is least scattered
9.(l) Refraction, dispersion, and internal reflection
10.(o)refraction of light by different layers of varying refractive indices
11.(t) violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by
the atmosphere
12. All the colours of the white light move with the same speed
13.(aa) is scattered the least by smoke or fog
14. (ee)Scattering of light
15. (jj) scattering of light
16. (b) outer surface of the cornea
17. (a)are relaxed and lens becomes thinner
18.(ss) A person with myopia can see nearby objects clearly
19. Power of accommodation is the ability of the eye lens to focus near and far
objects clearly on the retina by adjusting its focal length.

20. The diameter of the normal human eyeball is 2.3 cm.

21. The light rays which come from them, get refracted many times
before they reach our eyes. Due to this, stars seem to be blinking or
twinkling. Planets on the other hand, are located near to us,
relatively to stars. So the diffraction of light does not occur
much and planets do not seem to twinkle.
22. Name four factors on which the deviation produced by a prism
depends and state how does it depend on the factors stated by you
The deviation produced by the prism depends on the following four
(a)Angle of incidence - As the angle of incidence increases, first the
angle of deviation decreases and reaches to a minimum value for a
certain angle of incidence. By further increasing the angle of
incidence, the angle of deviation is found to increase.
(b)Material of prism (i.e.,on refractive index) - For a given angle of
incidence, the prism with a higher refractive index produces a
greater deviation than the prism which has a lower refractive index.
(c)Angle of prism - Angle of deviation increases with the increase in the
angle of prism.
(d) Colour or wavelength of light used- Angle of deviation increases with
the decrease in wavelength of light.


26. A person with a myopic eye can use concave lens to restore proper vision.27.
(i) Myopic Eye

(ii) Hypermetropic Eye


29. The student is suffering from myopia (near sightedness). Doctor advises her
to use a concave lens of appropriate power to correct this defect.

30. Human eye is able to see nearby and distant objects clearly by changing the
focal length of the eye lens using its power of accommodation.

32. Prism is a transparent medium, that deflected light rays.

1. In prism, the velocity is different for light rays of different frequencies

(monochromatic light rays).
2. For two identical prisms, the angle of deflection is the same.

Deflection of light rays in two mutually inverted prisms

1. We know in the case of two identical prisms, the angle of deflection is the same. If
two prisms are inverted with each other then the white light rays incident on the first
prism will be deflected.
2. And the deflected light rays again deflect by the second inverted prism in equal
3. We know that the deflection angle of light is the same in a prism for a particular
incident angle. The two opposite deflections of the same incident angle will cancel
out, as shown in the figure. So the net deflection is zero.
4. A narrow beam of white light incident on mutually inverted prisms will emerge out of
white lights.
5. In this phenomenon, white light is first dispersed into its seven constituent colors.
When this dispersed light is incident on the second prison again, they recombine into
white light.

33. The order of colours will be VIBGYOR.

V - Violet
I - Indigo
B - Blue
G - Green
Y - Yellow
O - Orange
R – Red
34.Monochromatic light is a light of a single color or more precisely
of single wavelength. So, it cannot get dispersed into more
component wavelengths. It will show deviation according to its
speed in a particular medium but no dispersion.

36. Rainbow is formed by the dispersion of sunlight by tiny water droplets present in the
atmosphere. A rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite to that of the Sun. The water
droplets act like small prisms. They refract and disperse the incident sunlight, then reflect it
internally, and finally refract it again when it comes out of the raindrop.

37. Scattering of light is the phenomenon responsible for the blue colour of the sky.
The molecules of air and other fine particles in the atmosphere have size smaller than the
wavelength of visible light. These are more effective in scattering light of shorter
wavelengths at the blue end than light of longer wavelengths at the red end. The red light has
a wavelength about 1.8 times greater than blue light. Thus, when sunlight passes through the
atmosphere, the fine particles in air scatter the blue color (shorter wavelengths) more strongly
than red. The scattered blue light enters our eyes and sky appears to be blue.

38. At sunrise and sunset, the sun is closer to the horizon. The sunlight passes through a
denser layer of air and covers larger distance before reaching our eyes. Most of the blue light
gets scattered. The light that reaches our eye is red. That is why the sun appears red at
sunrise. At noon, the sun is overhead. The sunlight passes through lesser layers of air and
covers shorter distance before reaching our eye. So, almost all colours of light are scattered
equally. Hence, the sun appears white.

39. A normal eye is unable to clearly see the objects placed closer than 25 cm because the
ciliary muscles of eyes are unable to contract beyond a certain limit.
40. There is no change in the image distance in the eye when we
increase the distance of an object from the eye. To see close or
distant objects clearly, due to its ability of accommodation, eye can
increase or decrease the focal length of its lens so that the image is
always formed at the retina.
42. Akshay is suffering from myopia or near sightedness and it can be corrected by using a
concave lens of suitable power.
(b) Values showed are concern and caring. (c) By thanking the teacher and Salman.

43. Sunrise occurs when the light rays from the sun travel to our earth's atmosphere.
This distance between the sun and the earth is huge.

1. Due to this distance, the light with smaller wavelengths gets scattered out.
2. Therefore, only the larger wavelength rays make it to earth and hence our eyes.
3. The colour red consists of a larger wavelength.
4. Hence, the sun appears reddish during sunrise or sunset.
44. The splitting of white light into its constituent colours is called dispersion. The colour
sequence is given by the acronym V I B G Y O R - Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow,
Orange, and Red. This colour pattern is called Dispersion which occurs because refraction or
bending differs with the colour. The speed of light of different colours in a medium like glass,
water etc. is different. Varying speed for different colours leads to different refractive indices
for different colours. It has been observed that the refractive index of glass for violet colour is
more than that for red colour. The speed of light, however, is the same for all colours in free
space or vacuum.

Note:Dispersion occurs when light is passed through a prism. The dispersion is caused due to
the the difference in the angle of deviation for different colours. In the case of a glass slab, the
opposite sides are parallel and therefore different colors emerge parallel to each other and are
seen simultaneously. Therefore, dispersion doesn’t occur in a glass slab. In a prism, the
dispersion occurring at one face in enhanced by the refraction at the other face, but in a glass
slab the dispersion occurring at one face is neutralized by refraction at the other face.

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