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The Conquerors: Alexander the Great

Sequence of Play
A. APM Selection Phase
Draw one APM from the APM pool. If a Macedonian or Persian APM is drawn, that player conducts a Player
Phase, below. If a player’s APM is drawn 3 times in a row, the opposing player gets a free Action Round when
the 3rd APM is drawn. After the free Action Round is completed, the originally drawn APM is undertaken. (4.0)
B. APM Replacement Phase
The APM from the previous round is placed back in the pool (Skipped in 1st round).
C. Player Phase
1. Play Z Card: The player may play one Z card if desired. A player may play more than one Z card only
if the card’s event requires it. The player may discard any number of cards instead of playing a card.
Player must play or discard a card if 5 cards in hand.
2. Draw Z Card: Draw one Z card from the Deck.
3. Activity Segment – Choose 1
a. Move and/or fight with one army or fleet (Exception: Major Campaign).
b. Move one army and conduct Devastation (10.9).
c. Move any number of leaders (10.8).
d. Move the Royal Family (14.0).
e. Raise new ASP’s or NSP’s (8.3, 8.5) and/or draw one additional leader (5.1).
f. Reorganize ASP’s between two or more armies if they are stacked together (10.4).
g. Declare an Administrative phase. May not be done twice in succession.
4. Siege Assault Segment
Player may siege assault if the player has an ongoing siege in progress (11.4).
5. Victory Determination Segment
Check to see if the Macedonian player has achieved an automatic victory (3.1).

D. Administrative Phase
If the player selects an Administrative phase APM for an Action Round, or chooses to declare an
Administrative phase during the Activity Segment, conduct the following actions in the given order:
1. Both players may try to replenish their treasuries (7.2).
2. Both players may remove or reduce any Garrisons (8.6).
3. All Devastated, Drought, Bad Weather and Battle Fatigue markers are removed. All “Useless”
markers may be removed.
4. Alexander may build an Alexandria marker (13.0).
5. If the Alexander Injury Level track is at 20+, Alexander undergoes an Injury Effect Check (11.3.I)
6. The Macedonian player undergoes a Weariness check if necessary (9.0).

Note: If a player declared an Administrative phase in the immediately preceding Activity Segment, and
then draws the Admin APM, the APM is ignored. Another APM must be selected. Once selected, the
Admin APM is returned to the APM pool.
9 – Macedonian Weariness

+1: Using more than 1 desert path in a single move.

+1: Battle outside of Europe against an army with at least 10 ASP+GSP (and at least ½ must be ASP).
+1: Conclusion of siege (success or failure), except those concluded with Surrender.
+1/-1: Specific Z Cards.
-5: Each mutiny.

In every Admin Phase, roll 1d6. If the result + weariness level is 20+, the Macedonian army mutinies and you roll another
1d6. If the result is less than the number of Treasure Cities held by the Persians, the Macedonians lose instantly.

11.4 – Surrender

 +?: Battle rating of any one leader

 +1: Attacking army has more than 2x as many ASP’s as Defender’s combined ASP/GSP.
 -?: Fortification rating of the city in question.
 +3: Treachery card with Treasury reduction.
 -1 for each ASP (not GSP) inside the city.
 Success on 6+.

11.3G – Effects of Fatigue

 May not attack, siege or enter enemy-occupied space.

 Suffers -2 penalty in battle.
 +2 on Battle Loss roll.

11.3H – Effects of being Useless

 Suffers same as effects as Fatigue.

 Cannot move more than 3 spaces.
 Is completely destroyed, with all ASP’s and leaders removed, if it loses while Useless.

11.3I – Leader Casualties

 Checked on an adjusted die roll of “9” (Persians, except Darius III) or “13” (Macedonians, except Alexander).
 Leader dies on a 5 or 6. On a 1-4 there is no effect.

If Darius suffers a major defeat roll 2d6 and apply the following results:

 2-7 – Place Darius in any Persian controlled Treasury City. If there are none, treat as 11+.
 8-10 – The Persian places Darius in any province that is exactly 4 MP away. If there is none, treat as 11+.
 11+ - Darius is caught and killed.

Alexander rolls after every battle that he’s in (win or lose) and suffers the following:

 2-5: No effect
 6-9: 1 Injury Point
 10-11: 2 Injury Points
 12: Roll again. On a 1-5, he suffers 2 IP. On a roll of 6 he is killed and Persia wins instantly.

If the Alexander Injury Track reaches 20+, roll 1d6 every admin phase. On an odd number Alexander dies unless saved by

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