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Week 2 Exit Ticket

I. Cartoon Analysis: ( 8 points each/ 40 total)

1. Identify the two individuals pictured in the cartoon. Who has a bat? Who is on top of the
- On top of the bear in Putting
- Who has the bat is Selezki

2. Now mention three states and two nations involved in the conflict.
- Ukraine: Due to its struggle to defend its territorial integrity against Russian
aggression, Ukraine is the principal country directly engaged in the conflict.
- Russia: The other major nation directly engaged in the battle is Russia. International
censure resulted from accusations that it aided separatist movements in eastern
Ukraine and annexed Crimea in 2014.
- Belarus: Because of its strong political and military links to Russia, Belarus, a
neighbor of Ukraine, has been indirectly embroiled in the conflict. Additionally, some
Russian soldiers and supplies headed for eastern Ukraine have used Belarus as a
transit country.
- United States: By offering military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, the United States
has taken a direct role in the war. In reaction to Russia's activities in Ukraine, the
United States has sanctioned it and has backed diplomatic attempts to find a
- European Union: By placing sanctions on Russia and supporting Ukraine on the
political and economic fronts, the European Union has made a substantial
contribution to the war. It has also participated in diplomatic initiatives to discuss a
peaceful settlement of the dispute.
3. Briefly explain the conflict.
- A complicated and ongoing political disagreement that started in 2014 is the war
between Russia and Ukraine. The main focus of it is Russia's invasion of Crimea from
Ukraine following the Euromaidan uprisings in Ukraine and the removal of the
pro-Russian president. International outrage over this action resulted in sanctions
being imposed on Russia. Additionally, pro-Russian separatist forces began to
develop in eastern Ukraine, sparking a conflict that has resulted in thousands of
fatalities. Tensions continue despite many cease-fires and diplomatic attempts, as
Russia continues to exert influence in the area while Ukraine tries to reclaim control of
its land. With important ramifications for international politics and security, the war
continues to be a source of instability in Eastern Europe.

4. What is the cartoon’s message? Include two symbols in your explanation.

- The bear represents strength, family and courage. This is why Putin is in the top of
the bear.
- The bat represents the power Ukraine has over Russia.

5. According to you, is the cartoonist in favor, against or neutral regarding Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine? Justify your answer.
- I believe that the cartoon represents neutralization with the invasion. This is because
it represents the normal position in real life.

II. Three levels of analysis ( 5 points each/ 15 points total) Underline the correct answer.

1.Which of the levels of analysis is portrayed in this headline?

Xinjiang leaks terrible human right abuse evidence from Uighurs re-education camps

a) Individual level b) domestic level c)interstate level

2. Which of the levels of analysis is portrayed in this headline? UN chief Antonio Guterres
announces that fighting near the nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia is dangerous and suicidal

a) Individual level b) domestic level c) interstate level

3. Which of the levels of analysis is portrayed in this headline?

More than 6 million Venezuelan refugees have left their homes in search of safety to other
Latin American countries, the USA and Canada.

a) Individual level b) domestic level c) interstate level

III. Realism vs Idealism ( 5 points each/ 10 points total) Underline the correct answer
and justify your response.

The following quote resembles an idealist or realist philosophy :

I really rebel against this idea that politics has to be a place full of ego and where you're constantly
focused on scoring hits against each one another. Yes, we need a robust democracy, but you can be
strong, and you can be kind. New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern

Idealist or Realist

To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to him, is up to me. Vladimir Putin

Idealist or Realist

IV. Theory of conflict ( 5 points each/ 15 points total)

1.The Rohingya crisis in Myanmar is first and foremost a _____________conflict.

a) Ethnic b) governmental C) ideological

2. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a clear example of a ____________ conflict.

a) religious b) ethnic c) territorial

3. Niger’s military c’oup is a __________ conflict.

a) ethnic b) governmental c) religious

V. Singapore

After learning about Singapore’s transition from a third world country to a first world country,
explain two strategies that can be applied to Nuevo León in order to improve our economy, health
or security.

1. Invest in Human Capital Development and Education: Singapore placed a high priority on
education as a tool for growth. By making considerable investments in education and skill
development, Nuevo León can follow suit. This might entail:

- Quality Education: Raise the standard of instruction from the primary to the tertiary levels. This
includes curricular reform, qualified instructors, and cutting-edge instructional techniques.
Promote technical and vocational training programs to give the workforce the capabilities that
rising sectors are looking for. Encourage collaborations between local businesses and educational

2. Pro-Business Policies and Economic Diversification: The pro-business climate in Singapore is

another factor in the country's success. What Nuevo León can do to imitate this

- Simplified Rules of Conduct: bureaucratic procedures should be streamlined and made simpler to
facilitate company operations.

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