TEST PRACTICE (Prep, Verb Tense)

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a.Every week, there are two flights (1) ______ Ha Noi (2) ______ Ho Chi Minh
b. Most students often take part (3) ______ different activities (4) ______
c. The streets are always full (5) ______ cars and trucks, so you can never find a
place to park.
d. There are many cultural differences (6) ______ his country and mine.
e. He's always worrying (7) ______ his weight.
f. Could you look (8) ______ the children while I’m away (9) _____ holiday?
g. They are moving (10) ______ a new apartment (11) ______ the city centre
h. Tom is staying (12) ______ his sister until he finds somewhere to settle
i. Fiona likes going (13) ______ walks with friends (14) ______ her spare time.
j. Please turn (15) ______ the lights. The room is too dark.
k. He never goes to work (16) ______ motorbike because his house is next (17)
______ his school.
l. He looks different (18) ______ his father.
m. She was standing (19) ______ the top (20) ______ the stairs
a. I get up (1) _____ six o’clock so I go to school (2) _____ time.
b. The restaurant opens (3) _____ 10 a.m. (4) _____ 10 p.m. every day.
c. We watch the film (5) _____ TV because we are interested (6) _____ it.
d. She’s bored (7) _____ having noodles in the morning.
e. (8) _____ doing the shopping, they went home.
f. He’s angry (9) _____ me.
g. Do you work (10) _____ Saturdays?
h. She lives (11) _____ her parents (12) _____ the second floor.
i. I like to look (13) _____ the stars (14) _____ night.
j. B is (15) _____ A and C (16) _____ the alphabet.
k. What time do you usually go (17) _____ bed?
l. The company started (18) _____ 1969.
m. She was very pleased (19) _____ her exam results.
n. He became famous (20) _____ his novels.
a. Look (1) _____ these flowers. They’re beautiful.
b. He was born (2) _____ May.
c. Do you often go out (3) _____ the evening?
d. She is working (4) _____ her desk.
e. I went (5) _____ bed at ten o’clock and wake (6) _____ at eight o’clock the
next morning.
f. Mark goes to school (7) _____ Monday (8) _____ Friday.
g. Why are you angry (9) _____ me?
h. Don’t go yet. Wait (10) _____ me.
i. I’m going to Paris (11) _____ business.
j. O is (12) _____ N and P in the alphabet.
k. I’ll send you the money (13) _____ the end (14) _____ the month.
l. Did you talk (15) _____ Paul (16) _____ the problem?
m. The office is (17) _____ the first floor.
n. It was kind (18) _____ you to help us
a. Sophie lives (1) ____ 56 Kingston Street, next (2) _____ a local market.
b. Peter goes to school (3) _____ Monday (4) _____ Friday.
c. I usually listen (5) _____ pop music, because I'm interested (6) _____ it.
d. What do you often do (7) _____ the evening?
e. (8) _____ Christmas I'd like to visit my grandparents.
f. They are waiting (9) _____ me (10) _____ front of the movie theatre.
g. He succeeded (11) _____ getting a place at art school.
h. (12) _____ Sunday afternoons I usually go (13) _____ a walk (14) _____ the
i. Who’s going to look (15) _____ the children while you’re away (16) _____
j. Please turn the television (17) _____ before you go to bed.
k. Children must attend school (18) _____ the ages of 5 and 16.
l. My parents are travelling to Hawaii (19) _____ plane (20) _____ summer.
a. Her birthday is (1) _____ May.
b. They don’t work (2) _______ Saturdays and Sundays.
c. There is a picture (3) ____ the wall (4) ____ the living room.
d. They are very fond (5) ____ music, and they often listen (6) ____ their
favourite songs.
e. Do you like travelling (7) ____ train.
f. I’m not very good (8) ____ sport.
g. I’d like to buy a house (9) ____ a big garden.
h. He goes to bed (10) ____ ten o’clock and wakes (11) ____ up early in the
i. He wanted to watch a film (12) ____ television, so he turned it (13) ____.
j. How far is it (14) ____ your house (15) ____ your school?
k. When Ann is (16) ____ holiday, her mother looks (17) ____ her children.
l. C is (18) ____ B and D in the alphabet.
m. She can’t go (19) ____ the party (20) ____ Tuesday afternoon.
a. (1) _____ Canada, it always snows (2) _____ winter.
b. We're open (3) _____ 8 a.m. (4) _____ 7 p.m. every day.
c. I usually listen (5) _____ pop music, because I'm fond (6) _____ it.
d. Mary was born (7) _____ March 20th (8) _____ 1982.
e. Did you go to the party (9) _____ taxi, or (10) _____ foot?
f. I started to feel afraid (11) _____ going out alone (12) _____ night.
g. Thank you, Amanda. It was very kind (13) _____ you to help me!
h. His opinion is different (14) _____ mine.
i. Students take part (15) _____ a lot of activities (16) _____ recess.
j. Mary has spent £5000 (17) _____ clothes this year.
k. It is dangerous to play football (18) _____ the street.
l. Let’s go (19) _____ a walk before it gets too cold.
m. I have been looking (20) _____ this book for months, and at last I have
found it.
a. We play tennis (1) ______ the weekend. We often meet (2) ______ the
afternoon on Sunday.
b. He goes to work (3) ______ bike.
c. N is (4) ______ M and O in the alphabet.
d. Are you angry (5) ______ me for being late?
e. How long does it take you to go (6) _____ your house (7) _____ your school?
f. They are sitting (8) _____ the floor and playing chess.
g. The class starts (9) _____ 7th January and ends (10) _____ April.
h. She is interested (11) _____ fashion, but her brother is fond (12) _____
i. He lives (13) _____ his parents (14) _____ New York.
j. I often go (15) _____ holiday (16) _____ summer.
k. John usually looks (17) _____ the board during his lessons.
l. She cut the cake (18) _____ a knife.
m. I’m still (19) _____ touch (20) _____ some friends from school

II.Verb tense
a. Jane and I (1. be) _______ good pupils.
b. This bag (2. cost) _______ £1.
c. His father enjoys (3. read) _______ a newspaper in the morning.
d. The party was great. We (4. dance) _______ a lot and (5. talk) _______ to a
lot of people.
e. They (6. spend) _______ one hour (7. cook) _______ their meal yesterday
f. He (8. like) _______ films, but he (9. not, watch) _______ them very often.
g. At this time yesterday Pat (10. drink) _______ some coffee.
h. Next week Mr. Brown (11. see) _______ a doctor.
i. When he was younger, he used (12. ride) _______ to school.
j. I often (13. learn) _______ English on Monday, but I (14. draw) _______ a
picture today.
k. He’s tired. He (15. want) _______ (16. go) _______ to bed now.
l. We (17. have) _______ lunch now. Can you phone later?
m. I don’t like Kent because he (18. always/ make) _______ a noise.
n. People (19. play) _______ football with a round ball.

a. We seldom (1. eat) _____ before 6.30.

b. Light (2. travel) _____ faster than sound.
c. I can't go out now as it (3. rain) _____ and I (4. not/ have) _____ an umbrella.
d. Look! The man (5. climb) _____ up the tree.
e. James is busy (6. practise) _____ for the school concert.
f. Would you like something (7. eat) _____?
g. Jimmy is forgetful. He (8. always/ lose) _____ his car key.
h. Don’t forget (9. lock) ______ the door when you leave.
i. I often (10. cycle) ______ to work but I (11. take) ______ the bus this
morning because it is very cold.
j. Mary enjoys (12. play) ______ tennis and squash.
k. John ought (13. do) ______ exercise in the morning.
l. Last weekend they (14. go) ______ to the countryside and (15. have) ______
a lot of fun.
m. The train to London (16. arrive) ______ at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
n. (17. he/visit) _______ his parents next weekend?
o. Don’t worry about the letter. I’m sure you (18. find) ___________ it.
p. I (19. watch) ______ TV yesterday when the electricity (20. go) ______ out.
a. We (1. not walk) _____ to school every day. We (2. go) _____ by bus.
b. Let’s (3. meet) _____ at one’ clock in front of the stadium.
c. Look! A woman (4. run) _____ after the taxi. She (5. want) _____ to catch it.
d. Mozart (6. play) _____ the piano when he (7. be) _____only three.
e. It is very hard (8. get) _____in touch with the managerat this time of the year.
f. Would you like (9. go) _____ on a trip to the countryside with us?
g. You can't see Mrs. Claire now. She (10. have) _____a meeting.
h. Tom is studying more now because he wants (11. get) _____ a good mark
j. What about (15. play) _____ basketball this afternoon?
k. My toe is still painful. I think I should (16. take) _____ some aspirins.
l. Yesterday at this time, I (17. play) _____ some video games with my friends.
m. Please (18. write) _____ to me soon.
n. I need (19. feed) _____ my dogs. They really need (20. feed) _____
a. You can't see Tom now. He (1. have) ___________ a bath.
b. Claire: You (2. love) ___________ him?
Sophie: No, I (3. like) ___________ him very much but I (4. not love)
___________ him.
d. Stop (9. make) ___________ noise and start (10. work) ___________.
e. I always remember (11. turn) ___________ off all the lights before I go out.
f. I need (12. wash) ___________ all my clothes. They really need (13. wash)
g. Don’t talk! We (14. listen) ___________ to the radio.
h. It is difficult (15. get) ___________ in touch with her at this time of the year.
i. The weather often (16. get) ___________ quite hot in July and August.
j. Mozart (17. play) ___________ the piano when he (18. be) ___________
k. I (19. brush) ___________ my teeth every night, but last night I (20. forget)
___________ to brush them.
a. He never eats chocolate because he (1. not / like) ______ it.
b. He (2. say) _______ “Hello” to the teachers whenever he (3. meet) _____
c. Look! The baby (4. climb) ______ up the stairs.
d. They love (5. go) _____ to the beach (6. enjoy) _____ the sunshine.
e. My brother (7. work) ______ very hard and hopes (8. buy) ______ a house in
5 years to come.
f. Harry is very messy. He (9. always, leave) ______ things on the ground.
g. Don’t forget (10. return) ______ the book to the library when you finish it.
h. Her father often (11. drive) ______ to work but this week he (12. take)
______ the bus.
i. People had better (13. not / go) ______ out alone at night.
j. Last month we (14. go) ______ camping by a lake and (15. have) ______ a lot
of fun there.
k. The meeting (16. start) ______ at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Don’t be late.
l. You (17. pick) ______ up your parents at the airport tonight?
m. Be patient! I think he (18. arrive) ______ very soon.
n. We (19. sleep) ______ this early morning when it (20. start) ______ to rain
a. (1. she, come) _______ here very often?
b. Don’t talk! They (2. record) _______ a new song.
c. The kids enjoy (3. go) _______ to the beach on hot summer days.
d. Tom (4. often, play) _______ football after school but he (5. not, do)
_______ it this week.
e. Jim had better (6. stay) _______ here in the countryside during the summer
f. The next lesson (7. end) _______ at 5 p.m this afternoon.
g. My family (8. visit) _______ Brazil a few times.
h. Linda has bought some paper. She (9. wrap) _______ presents for Christmas.
i. He (10. see) _______ her yesterday when he (11. drive) _______ to the
kindergarten (12. pick) _______ up
his son.
j. Water (13. boil) _______ at 100°C
k. We (14. not, hear) _______ clearly what the teacher (15. say) _______. It
was too noisy outside.
l. The neighbors (16. always, sing) _______ karaoke loudly! It is hard for us
(17. sleep) _______.
m. They (18. know) _______ each other for many years since they (19. be)
_______ small.
n. (20. he, visit) _______ his parents next weekend?
a. We often (1. have) _____ lunch before 11.30.
b. The Sun (2. rise) _____ in the east.
c. When he was eighteen, he (3. leave) ________ school and (4. go) ________
to Oxford University.
d. Look! That girl (5. wear) _____ a red dress.
e. They (6. be) _____ here since 2010.
f. Please (7. not/ drink) _____ much; you (8. drive) _____ tonight.
g. Don’t forget (9. phone) ______ me when you get home.
h. She usually (10. watch) ______ TV but this evening she (11. read) ______ a
j. I’m sure you can get something (13. eat) _____ on the train.
k. He (14. not/ meet) ___________ his friend yesterday.
l. The children (15. be) ______ in the garden ten minutes ago.
m. She likes (16. listen) _____ to music, but she hates (17. play) _____ sports.
n. I (18. not/ talk) _____ to Frank at present. He is so stubborn.
o. Can you (19. pass) ___________ me the salt, please?
p. I (20. do) ______ my homework when the electricity went out.

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