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Cabin Crew Training (City Airways)

(name me Jia Chun-Cabin Crew Trainer-MR-

State ”PTS” for help)
Welcome ground crew staff! My name is (NAME) and I will be your
trainer today.

We will now begin the training session. I wish you all the best of
luck. Make sure to listen to everything I say and follow basic
directions to ensure you’ll pass at the end.


over the basic rules and staff regulations.

Although we will not go over them again, they will always remain in
the staff dizzy channels if you need a quick look at them.

Do you all understand?

Alrighty! Let’s start the official lesson, and you’ll be a new cabin
crew member in no time!

Here’s a quick reminder. Grammar must always be used, and

failure to do so may result in a possible demotion.

Okay. Many of you might be wondering what a cabin crew staff is.
It’s okay if you do… as I will be explaining the role.

A cabin crew staff member greets the passengers when boarding

the aircraft and serves them in the air. A cabin crew member also
makes sure that the passengers are doing well.


Cabin Crew will be having access to a food cart. This means that
you will be able to serve passengers food and drinks.

Okay, amazing. As I mentioned before, we have to greet people

while they board the plane. You must stand in the aircraft and do
Here’s an example of a greeting:

Welcome onboard City Airways’ aircraft! I hope you’ll have an

amazing experience with us.

Alright, now I want you all to state your greetings in the chat.

Good! That was incredibly simple and straightforward.

Once all passengers are done boarding, you must take a seat in
either the front or back cabin crew seats.

If those are filled, you may sit in economy. YOU ARE NOT

From there, you just relax until the captain reaches cruising altitude.

Once the aircraft reaches cruising altitude, it is time for you to serve
the passengers. If someone is already serving first class, then serve
the economy passengers. The opposite applies as well.

The host would have already given anyone a menu. But if a

passenger doesn’t have one, run the command “give [name] menu”.

Does everyone understand what I’m saying so far?

Perfect. I will now go over how to serve someone. There are a

couple ways to serve someone; by using our admin system or using
our custom serving system.

To first contact a passenger to ask what they want, you go up to

them and say something along the lines of:

Thank you for choosing City Airways. What would you like to eat?”

Once again, it is:

Thank you for choosing City Airways. What would you like to eat?

Wait for them to respond with one of our items, and just use the
food cart to serve them.

Alright, now, I will go over the items in the menu.

We have four main meal options, which are “Braised Short Rib”,
“Chicken Parmigiana”, “Seared Butterfly Chicken”, and “Seared

Once again, the meals are:

“Braised Short Rib”, “Chicken Parmigiana”, “Seared Butterfly

Chicken”, and “Seared Halibut”


If you ever forget what meals we have, you can always give
yourself the menu in game.

More food items may always be added to the game, however they
will always be added to the menu.

Okay, I will now go over the drinks we offer. We offer four drinks
which consist of “passionfruit”, “iced tea”, “tropical” and “lemonade”.

Once again, they are:

“passionfruit”, “iced tea”, “tropical” and “lemonade”.

Passengers can only request what’s stated in the menu. If they

attempt to order something else, do not serve them.

Okay, I will now go over the step-by-step process in serving


First, you chat with them and state your greeting.

Then, when they respond, you give them the items. You can do this
by using our custom serving cart. Input their username and the food
item, press submit, and boom!

For example, if I wanted to give myself a lemonade, I would do:

User: isaac2009107 item: lemon

Notice how I typed “lemon” instead of “lemonade”. You don’t have

to type the full thing of an item to run the command.
Just the first few letters would be fine.

Once you serve that passenger their food, move onto the next
passenger until you are finished.

Okay, now it is time for me to quiz you all. Be prepared to see a PM

on your screen. Answer the questions directly in the PM.

Important: If passed question 1 or all ,please

using (name LIM 1/3)
There will be three in total. If you get just one wrong, you will be
kicked from the server.

Question 1: State your greeting when greeting the passengers

that are boarding.

A: Welcome onboard City Airways’ aircraft! I hope you’ll have an

amazing experience with us.

Question 2: How would you ask a passenger what they would

like to eat?

A: Thank you for choosing City Airways! What would you like to eat

Question 3: What do you do if you forget the meals you are


A: Look at the menu that is in my inventory.

If you’re still here… congrats! You’ve passed.

Please wait here while I call the host to rank you all!

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