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Review of Related Literature


This chapter will apprise the researchers regarding the corresponding studies and

articles about the trash interceptor. The applicable information on methods, processes

and materials will be used for the study.

The review of related literature will focus on identifying the assessments, diagrams,

and attachments from the related studies.


Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) was a result of improper waste disposal from

residential, commercial, institutional and industrial sources. Common types of MSW are

plastics bottles, cardboards, food scrap, sando bags, soiled tissues and diapers which

make up almost 56.7 % of the waste. There are also special waste that can be found

which are mostly containers of household cleaning agents, batteries and electrical or

electronic waste. The commercial sector like public and private markets add up to 27.1 %

or two-thirds of the commercial waste. The waste from government office, educational

and medical institutions ranges to 12.1% of waste and the remaining 4.1% are waste from

the manufacturing industry. [9]

Figure 2. Sources of Municipal Waste in the Philippines [9]

The collected waste from the different sectors are divided into four types namely,

Biodegradable, Recyclables, Residual and Special which has corresponding percentage

of 52.31%, 27.78%,17.98% and 1.93% respectively. Inside the Biodegradable waste,

waste like food waste and garden waste are an example of it. The percentage of the

Biodegradable waste was comprising of 86.2 % of compostable waste and 13.8% of

environmental waste such as leaves and twigs. The examples of recyclable waste are

plastics use for packaging which is about 38% of the fraction of recyclable, paper waste

adds up to 31% and the remaining 31% are glass, metals, rubber and etc. Special wastes

compose of healthcare and electronics waste from households’ ranges from 1.93%

(which can be considered negligible) up to 9.2%. Most of the LGU dispose waste ad inert

material which makes it about 12% of the residual waste. [9]

Figure 3. Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in the Philippines [9]

From the data collected above by the Environmental Management Bureau, it can

be concluded that the greatest factor of improper waste disposal are from residential

sector where the most common type of waste that can be found are from households due

to negligence and irresponsibility of many. Those waste can be commonly seen at the

streets even though there are waste bins and for some low residential areas or most

commonly called squatters area, they throw different kind of waste such as plastics, food

scraps or even feces directly to the rivers they usually near at. This thoughtless act leads

to the contamination of most inland waters and spreading of diseases such as dengue,

diarrhea, pneumonia, tuberculosis and etc.


Taguig City government conducted a study on which they gather the data

approaching the source of waste generation where they extracted the portion showing

the channel of two possible outcomes, collected or not. Furthermore, the collected waste

are rerouted again before reaching the final waste disposal. As regards with the

information or data generated, a better plan on solid waste management can be


The Waste Analysis and Characterization study of Taguig prepare step by step

preparation for conducting the procedures in which they involve different household

areas, public market, commercial establishments, and institutions. From the determines

cooperators of the study, it was group into different categories such as barangay areas,

average number of family member, gross income, one establishment per variety of

commercial shops, public or private (schools), and level of education (elementary, high

school, college).


High Income 10
Middle Income 25
Low Income 25
Sub-total 60
High Income 10
Middle Income 10
Low Income 10
Sub-total 30
High Income 10
Middle Income 10
Low Income 10
Sub-total 30
Restaurants 15
Other Shops 15
Sub-total 30
School 5
Offices 5
Sub-total 10
Industrial 3
Grand Total 163
Table 1. Suggested Sample Size for an LGU [10]

Their study also shows classification of waste and their categories.

Kitchen waste Food waste, Left-overs, Vegetables & Fruit
Other Organic Animal remains, other composite
Yard Waste Wood, leaves, tree branch
Paper Newspaper, cardboard, paper bags,
magazine, office paper, mixed paper
Glass Soft drinks, wine, medicine, food, broken
white or colored bottles
Metal Tin cans, aluminum cans, metal scrap, other
ferrous, other non-ferrous
Plastic PET, HDPE, LDPE, other composite
Textile Clothes, rags
Leather Leather bags, leather shoes
Rubber Tires, rubber band
Other Inorganic Ceramic, stones, soil, sand, brick, concrete,
Hazardous Hazardous Paint, oil, household batteries, pesticides,
fluorescent lamp, latex, drain cleaners, fuel,
poisons, herbicides, rodenticides, etc.
Special Waste Special Waste Medical wastes, pathological wastes
Others Others Not elsewhere classified
Table 2. Physical Waste Classification [10]

The conducted procedures produced a result on the waste generation rates,

physical waste compositions. From the data, it shows that the household waste from

residential has an average rate of 0.245 kg/person/day and for the non-residential waste
has an average rate of 22.62kg/km/day where the collected waste in restaurants and

industries has an estimated amount of 6.579 and 5.447 kg/ day respectfully. The three

major types of wastes are kitchen waste (31.19 %), plastics (23.58%), and special waste

(18. 81%). The plastic waste is divided into two categories the Low-Density Polyethylene

(LDPE) and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) which ranges from 24.61%. The paper

waste has an average rate of 6.43%. [10]

The kitchen waste has the highest rate among the three because it was consumed

daily in most of the sectors such as households and restaurants in which it was

considered as the biggest waste collected. The plastics which is the second in place are

mostly in industrial sector for packaging and manufacturing which are mostly seen used

everywhere. For the special type, waste like diapers, sanitary napkin and tissues are

some examples of it which can also be found as a household waste. Where the computed

waste generation of the City’s household and non-household sources was estimated to

be 193,943.66 kg or 193.94 tons (or 1,639𝑚3 ) daily.


Taguig City was bounded by Laguna de Bay in the East; Pateros, Pasig and Taytay

in the North; Makati and Pasay in the West; Parañaque in the Southwest; Muntinlupa in

the South. Those cities were connected by a body of water, specifically a river. Pasig

River is considered as biologically dead in which no underwater creature such as fish and

coral can live in it due to its high toxic level. [11]

Since the Taguig River is a tributary of Pasig River, the same water that flows in

the Pasig River also flows in Taguig River where we can conclude that the waste from it
was carried to the Taguig River plus the own residential waste from the area was

continuously added to the current waste.


The data from a study on the development of smart waste bins with integrated

volume and weight sensors was used to conceptualize this system flowchart, which

demonstrates the steps involved in using the smart bin, including how to input waste,

collect data about it, and receive notifications from an Android application. The procedure

used focuses on tracking the bin's trash weight and volume, which is the study's main


Figure 4. System Flowchart [8]

Based on the study, the Development of an Oil Spill Collector using a Magnetic

Conveyor System. The four steps of this study's method were as follows: [12]
1. Operating Time - the apparatus was operated to magnetize the oil that had spilled

and to keep track of the entire length of time it took to recover the maximum amount

of oil measured.

2. Best Ratio of Magnetite and Oil - The ratio of magnetite to oil is measured as the

number of grams of magnetite per liter of oil, and the most effective ratio was

selected based on the amount of oil that was gathered in the quantity.

3. Volume of Oil Collected - after the apparatus collected the maximum amount of

oil it can recover the total volume of oil collected was determined. A level indicator

on the catch tray was used to determine its volume.

4. Collection Efficiency - the oil collection efficiency was calculated as the volume

of oil collected divided by the volume of oil used multiplied by 100 and expressed

as a percentage given the total volume consumed.

The researchers run a number of tests on the study Aqua Trash Collector Bot to

assess its functionality, accuracy, capability, and acceptability. The prototype will be

powered by Arduino Mega boards that control relays, sensors, cameras, motors, and

tower light indicators in order to test its functionality. In order to test the prototype's

accuracy and capability, the researchers assigned LRMO staff to record how much

and what kind of garbage the prototype can capture. Finally, the prototype needs to

be demonstrated as being reliable enough to collect the data needed to support the

functionality, accuracy, capability, and acceptability of the study. The researchers’

uses survey questionnaires for their interview in order to gather pre- evaluation for the
site assessments and post- evaluation for the feedback of the testing of machine from

the chosen respondents, LRM and CENRO authorities. [13]


The following formulas are used to evaluate the data collected from the study of

Aqua Trash Bot Collector. [13]

For Functionality of Machine

In order to get the performance of the machine, surveys of the following authorities;

Lake and Riven Management Office (LRMO), City Environment & Natural Resources

Office (CENRO), and engineers. The data collected will be interpreted using the statistics.

Statistics is the science concerned with developing and studying methods for collecting,

analyzing, interpreting, and presenting empirical data [14]. The following formula will be


Slovin’s Formula

The Slovin’s formula is developed by Robert Slovin and is used to figure out what

sample size you need to take based on the availability of the number of populations. The

formula is written as;

(1 + 𝑁𝑒 2 )

Where: N= total population; n= Number of samples; e=error of tolerance

Equation 1. Slovin’s Formula [15]

Central Tendency
It is known as the statistical measure use to define a single value as a

representation of the whole distribution. It is considered as the summary of statistics. It

uses mean, median and mode. [16]


This will be used to measure central tendency in both discrete and continuous

data. It is the sum of all the values in the set divided by the number values in the data set.

The formula for mean is:

𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + 𝑥3 … … 𝑥𝑛 𝛴𝑥
𝑥= =
𝑛 𝑛

Where: n= values in a data set; x= sample mean

Equation 2. Mean [16]


Median is use to find the middle score for the set of data that is arrange through

its magnitude. In order to calculate the median, we use the formula of: [17]

𝑛 + 1 𝑡ℎ
𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 = ( ) ; 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝑛 𝑡ℎ
( 2 ) + ( 2 + 1)
𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 = ( ; 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

Equation 3. Median [16]

Mode is us to determine the most frequent score in the data. It is use to determine

the most popular option of the given choices or data. This was represented by a

histogram. If no value appears more than one, there will be no mode. [13]

Factor of Safety

Factor of safety is determined as the load-carrying capacity of a system beyond

what the system actually supports [18]. It shows strength of the system more than the

required strength. It is considered as the pillar of all structure and safety in a

manufacturing industry where the engineers assigned are required to determine the

overload from any object to maintain the safety of the workers. In order to compute for

the factor of safety, the formula to be use is: [19]

𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 =
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

Equation 4. Factor of Safety [19]

Likert Scale

This is a system used in questionnaires. It is used to measure people’s attitudes,

opinions or perceptions about the topic. The responses usually use in this questionnaire

are “strongly agree”, “agree”, “neutral”, “disagree” and “strongly disagree” [20]. In order

to interpret it in numerical value, there are three ways to solve it. Those are [21]:

1. Take the total selected values and divide by the total available.

2. Since the lowest possible percentage is 20%, it can be converted to from 1-5

to 0-100% (steps at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100). With the response used as per
illustrated, take the sum of the values and divide by the total available


3. The method that receives the most number of positive responses (in this case,

choosing agree (4) or strongly agree (5) and divide it by the total response in

which case, you’d have 2/3 or 66%


A river waste collector was used to collect waste debris in a body of water in which

the most common reason is the absence of garbage waste disposal plus the negligence

and irresponsibility of the people. Due to the continuous practice it results to a long time

problem in the nature which now reflects to the society. In order to lessen this problem,

different institutions and researcher conducted different experimentations and machine

fabrications in order to come up with the better solution. Even though a lot of study was

made it all has the same goals and those are the following: [22]

1. Less human interference

2. Easy disposal of waste

3. Must be stable

4. Safety for the user

5. Environment friendly


The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 in the United Kingdom states that waste

includes any material that is considered scrap, effluent, or other unwanted surplus that
results from the application of any process, as well as any substance or object that needs

to be disposed of because it has been damaged, worn out, contaminated, or in any other

way degraded. Additionally,

everything that is thrown away or

otherwise treated as garbage is believed

to be waste unless the opposite can be

demonstrated. The sources of waste are

shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Sources of Waste [23]

There are numerous waste categories that modern methods for managing waste,

and they mostly come in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Paper, plastic, glass, metal or tin,

and organic materials like wood, leaves, and seaweeds are all examples of solid waste.
Figure 5. Types of Waste Percentage in Malaysian Rivers [23]

According to a study, waste can be divided into a variety of categories, including

agricultural, chemical, biomedical, metal, plastic, disposable, and non-disposable. The

trash can be categorized into many groups using a smart system, each group requiring a

distinct method of disposal. The municipal workers' workload can be reduced and health

concerns can be avoided thanks to an intelligent rubbish categorization system. Only the

remaining 20.7% of trash should actually be sent to landfills, as the typical junk individuals

toss away is composed of 5.8% metals, 3.5% glass, 1.6% plastic, 12.9% papers, 1.8%

textiles, and 53.7% biodegradable. Because they are used to package liquids that people

require a lot of, plastic bottles are the most hazardous of these wastes. A large area of

research is focused on sorting or classifying plastic bottles. [24]

Researchers that studied into the plastic pollution in the Falklands discovered at

least 40 different types, 38 of which were primarily located on the beaches frequented by

fishing boats circling the island. Additionally, it was implied that over 27 different types of

plastics were being dumped directly into the ocean.

One of the Asian nations that is affected by plastic waste is Malaysia. As an

example, the Klang River contains a variety of floating waste, including trash, wood, and

plastic bottles. The debris can be observed during high tides in Bangkok, Thailand. Plastic

bottles, foam, and other sorts of waste make up the detritus. Aquatic weeds would be

abundant in the Chao Phraya River even during the rainy season. The reference further

mentioned that the debris would flow from Sappasamit Canal to Samut Prakan province.
Not just in Malaysia and Thailand, but also in the Philippines, there is plastic

pollution. It said that plastic bags are the most typical type of waste seen in Manila Bay.

According to the source, out of 1594 litters of trash in the area, about 23.2 percent of the

plastic bags were collected. Clothes, sponges, and other waste items can also be seen,

including cigarette butts. [25]


Figure 6. Classification of Trash Cleaning Systems [25]

Based on the diagram, Trash cleaning systems is consisting of two types namely:

static and Dynamic. Under those two types are classified into two types where it can be

used as the method for the machine’s system. An example of static and dynamic systems

and places it was used are listed in the table below.

Table 4. Example of Static and Dynamic Systems [25]

Based from the table, the researchers decided to use the static- semi automated

system for the prototype. The trash interceptor was placed at the side of the river through

the L-shaped vertical post and is semi-automated where it focusses on the mechanism

for the trash compacting and not in the retrieval which requires manual work.


The methodology of the previous studies about the water waste collecting

machine that can be adopted are listed below.


[26] Solar Powered This study uses block The first step of the study is
Waste Compacting diagram showing the building the concept,
Bin step-by-step process for followed by selection of
the whole duration of the material, design, fabrication
research. and testing. After conducting
the testing, error rectification
will be done for the revision of
[27] Solar Powered The study uses flow The study starts with problem
Trash Compactor chart for the identification which is the
Bin using Scissor representation of the garbage’s floating in bodies
Mechanism with approaches in the study of water. The next step is
GSM for comprehending the literature survey for reliability,
literature overview, goal then the objectives, problem
and problem statements. Selection of
identification. materials and designing of
the model will be conducted
according to the goal,
location and use of each part
which will be used in the
Fabrication n by equipment.
Testing will be made for the
results and discussion and
lastly the conclusion of the
[24] Autonomous Trash The methodology used A sonar sensor was used for
Collector Based on in this study is based on the object detection within a
Object Detection the process used in distance of 30 cm. after an
using Deep neural object tracking, object was found, the trash
Network identification, and identification will be done by
collection. capturing the image and
reshaping it into 64x64 pixels
and is analyze through the
network in the system. The
trash collection will using
raspberry pi which sends
signal to the Arduino to start
the operation.
Table 5. Methodology from Related Studies



[2] Design and The objective of this Starting with the The result of the
Prototype function analysis collecting analysis shows
development of method is to identify procedure, which that the collector
Portable Trash the functions needed involved gathering boat can collect
Collector Boat for the garbage floating solids up to 6 kg of
for Small collector boat to carry from the water's floating solid
out the desired surface. At the waste in single
mission, which is to conclusion of the operation.
collect floating solids operation, the
from surface water garbage will be
manually collected
after the collected
floating solids
have been
temporarily placed
in the storage
[23] Design of The objective of this It starts with the The system was
Rubbish function analysis trash collection able to collect
Collecting method is to procedure, which and separate
System for determine how a involves gathering solid and fluid
Inland garbage collection both solid and waste at the
Waterways system should liquid waste. same time using
operate to achieve Depending on the the installed
the required results. type of collecting system which is
Each function of the mechanism the the hydrocarbon
existing system was system has separation unit.
evaluated in chosen, the The downside of
accordance with the collection of the the system is
function analysis two wastes may that it can’t
criteria, and the occur discharge the
system that matches simultaneously or collected waste
the majority of the separately. To
feature can be guarantee the
concluded as the optimum level of
most functional system efficacy,
system among the collected
others waste should next
be properly kept in
the storage
[28] Floating This study conducted The study The researcher
Garbage experiments for the conducted four was able to
Collector Based buoyancy, strength, experiments. In solve the
on OpenMV time, collecting each experiments leakage and
garbage, and its the researches collecting
efficiency. uses different type inefficiency of
of material such the vessel but
as wood and the material
acrylic boards for selection, such
the frame. They as the usage of
also time each wood and
interval for the acrylic just
garbage increase the
collecting. repulsive force
of waves which
pushes the
garbage away.
[29] Design, Analysis This study uses The design of the The findings
and Prototyping software results for prototype was show that the
of Floating the stress-force drawn in the prototype is
Trash-Collecting analysis of the software, CAD stable in the
Machine machine where stress-force water due to the
analysis was shape of the
available and is body and the
used to determine turbulent energy
the maximum is less than the
stress that the expected. It can
prototype can withstand the
withstand using resistive forces
the material of water
selected for each
Table 6. Function Analysis from Related Studies


The hardware or components from the different related studies which can be

used in building the prototype are listed below:


[30] The Seabin Project L-shaped Aluminum This is considered as a primary
Vertical Post component for it forms the base
and it is use for weight reduction
because of its hollow and
vertical structure and is also
made of aluminum which is
known for its non-corrosive and
less density characteristics.
[30] The Seabin Project Debris Collector The cylindrical shaped that act
as the basin with varying cross
section that helps for suction of
the floating trash. The capacity
of this bin is 5 liters and can
collect 2 kg of trash when
submerged in water.
[30] The Seabin Project Water Pump Main Component for the suction
of trash. It uses suction force in
which the water with floating
trash enters the bucket.

1.Single- phase water pump
2.Inbuilt thermal Over Lad
3.Power Rating: 0.37 kW
4.Power Supply: 180 V-240 V
5.Motor Power: 0.5 hp
6.Capacity: 61pm
7.Head: 6-26 m
Table 7. Component from Seabin Project

From this study, the estimated floating debris to be catch is 1.5 kg per day which

also varies based on the debris’ volume and weather conditions. The volume limit of the

debris is 2 mm small of micro plastic.

Another hardware and components from the study about Solar Powered Waste

Compacting Bin.


[26] Solar Powered Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic sensors are used
Waste Compacting primarily as proximity sensors
Bin which measures distance
through the sound waves
emitted by the target object and
converts it to an electrical signal.
[26] Solar Powered Lead Screw Also known as Power Screw, is
Waste Compacting used as a linkage in a machine,
Bin to translate turning motion into
linear motion
[26] Solar Powered Arduino Uno It is a microcontroller board
Waste Compacting based on 8-bit ATmega328P
Bin microcontroller.

Along with ATmega328P, it

consists other components such
as crystal oscillator, serial
communication, voltage,
regulator, etc. to support the
[26] Solar Powered Scissor Lift or X- This device is mostly used in
Waste Compacting Frame lifting loads safely and
Bin efficiently. It uses collapsible
mechanism to provide vertical
elevation in ratio to a rational or
linear input. This will serve as
the compactor for trash collector
Table 8. Function Analysis from Solar Powered Waste Compacting Bin


The basis for the design and material to be used in the study are the following.


[31] Unmanned Floating Considered a design The selection of material should
Waste Collecting where the be appropriate to the
Robot components should environment it was exposed in
be water resistant, to ensure a longer life for the
light weight and machine. For this study, they
durable since the use polyvinyl chloride (PVY) for
prototype has a the body of robot since plastics
direct contact with are waterproof and non-
water. corrosive. For the power
consumption it consumes 45
watts in stagnant water which is
mainly controlled in the motor
and can be modulated using a
mobile application. As it moves,
the power consumption also
rises but the prototype can
handle up to 100 watts of power
for 2 hours continuously. The
battery life can be up to 4 hours
if stagnant.
[32] Development of River Analyze the weight of They also use two plastic bin
Trash Collector the materials which according to the shape of the
are crucial to their outer vessel due to its
design since they lightweight and non-corrosive
focus on buoyancy nature.
for design of the
[33] Development of Uses three- For the material of the frame,
water trash collector dimensional mode they use mild stainless steel due
(3D) for better to its characteristic of high
visualization of the corrosion resistant and is sturdy
whole prototype, its for low cost.
requirements and
[6] Cleaning of Water Benefits of this studyThe material selection of the
Bodies using Coastal is it didn’t need any study about coastal sea bin
Sea Bin (CSB) power; it just rely on(CSB) uses aluminum because
the movement of the it is a very light materials and its
coastal water and it strength can be altered through
causes no harm to modification of its alloy content
the aquatic life. depending on the application.
[34] Investigation on Uses polyvinyl
The polyvinyl chloride is hollow
Development and chloride (PVC) as the tubes use as a floater and the
Performance basic structure of thewhole design was made to
Analysis of Water prototype. ensure that there will be no
Trash Collector water will go inside the hollow
tubes. Arduino board Uno
controller and Bluetooth module
were use for the managing of
the collector.
[30] The Seabin Project The study Seabin Use plastic mesh for the outer
project states that bin and burlap bag as the
depending on the replaceable waste container.
weather and trash
volumes, including
micro plastics as
small as 2 mm, it can
capture an estimated
3.9 Kg of floating
debris each day, or
1.4 tons per year
[35] Design and Analysis The study that uses a . The process of compaction
of 200 Wp Solar compactor for the was used during disposal and
Trash Compactor solid waste final disposal waste where it
management where aims to minimized the final
it was use in volume for better storage and
reduction of volume stabilization of the fill. The
of the solid waste generated solar-powered
collected compaction garbage bins can
hold more than six times the
volume of the average 120 L
mobile garbage bin.
[36] The Piping Mart This explains the Most of the studies about water
benefit of decreasing waste collecting bin has a
area on the suction design of decreasing diameter
power of the pump. or trapezoidal shape due to the
reason that the structures add to
the suction of the pump.
According to the Bernoulli’s
theorem, pressure can be
reduced when the area of
conveyance is reduced. In the
narrower pipe, the velocity can
be high, and pressure can be
[37] Design and Analysis In relating to the Scissor lift was mostly use for
of Hydraulic Scissor study, scissor lift will lifting system due to its
Lift using PTC CREO be use as the characteristics of easy
Simulate compactor for the maneuverability and cost
collected waste solid effectiveness compared to other
material heavy duty lifts. . In order to
come up the best design for the
scissor the following formulas
will be used to get the length of
the arms, no. of pairs of the
arms, maximum height of the
scissor arm.
Table 9. Design and Implementation from Related Studies

The metal to be used can withstand the corrosion possibilities caused by the water.

Some of the metal that has the property to withstand corrosion are stainless steel, aluminum

alloys, bronze and galvanized steel. Stainless steel has high amount of chromium which form a

protective layer of chromium oxide on the metal surface once it oxidizes. Aluminum alloys are
light weight and corrosion resistant and doesn’t contain iron which mainly cause the corrosion in

metals. Copper, bronze and brass has little amount of iron and produces green patina as it

oxidizes which act as the protective layer of the metal. Galvanized steel is a type of steel that is

coated with a thin layer of zinc that prevents oxygen and water to reach the metal. [38]


In order to get the desired design of the prototype, an accurate computation of the

parts needed especially for those who are subjected to stress. The following formula will

be used to compute the dimensions of the bar, bin, scissor lift, motor, and pump.

For the Top Platform: The calculation of the total weight on the Top Platform will be

divided into two (2) parts in its corresponding arms. The weight is considered as a

Uniforms Distributed Load (UDL) load acting on the platform.

Figure 7. Free-body Diagram of Top Platform [37]

𝑚𝑎𝑥. 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑥 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦

𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚

𝛴𝐹𝑦 = 0 (𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑦)

𝑅𝐴 + 𝑅𝐵 = 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑢𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦)

𝛴𝐹𝐵 = 0 (𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝐵)

Equation 5. Force per Unit Length of Base Platform

For the Calculation of Efficiency

The efficiency to be determined is the production efficiency in which the study

focuses on the units of waste to be collected using the prototype with less defect on the

system. In order to calculate this efficiency the formula to be used is: [39]

𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑥 100%
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡

Definition of Terms:

● Arduino – is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. It

consists of both a physical programmable circuit board and a piece of software.

● Autonomous – describes things that function separately or independently.

● Micro plastic – small pieces of plastic, less than 5 mm (0.2 inch) in length.

● Seabin – a unit acts as a floating garbage bin skimming the surface of the water

by pumping water into the device.

● Static – exerting force by reason of weight alone without motion.

● Thermoplastic – is a class of polymer that can be softened through heating and

then processed using methods such as extrusion, injection molding,

thermoforming and blow molding.

● Ultrasonic Sensor – is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target

object by emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and converts the reflected sound into

an electrical signal.


 CAD – Computer Aided Design

 CENRO – City Environment and Natural Resources Office

 GSM – Global System for Mobile

 HDPE – High Density Polyethylene

 LDPE – Low Density Polyethylene

 LGU- Local Government Unit

 LLDA- Laguna Lake Development Authority

 LRMO – Lake and River Management Office

 MSW – Municipal Solid Waste

 PS – Polystyrene

 PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride

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