Individual Task W2 Q1

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Activity # 3 (Individual Task)

Name _________________________________________ Date/Week No. _______________

Section & Group no. _______________ Score: /100
A. Research Work

1. List down one research topic that you intend to prepare as your research undertaking.
2. Search online and look for journals in your discipline or field of specialization. Make a listing of the
journals. Copy and paste the link (at least 3-5)
3. State five important things you had in mind in considering these three topics.
4. Formulate your research title for the topic and present it to your leader.
5. Have your leader approve/revise the research title.


Example: https:// 1. To determine how When Beauty is the Beast: The
Makeup/Beauty www.coursehero.c beauty products Effects of Beauty Propaganda
Enhancement om/file/ affect the self- on Female Consumers
65497946/When- esteem of female
Beauty-is-the- consumers.
Beast-The-Effects- 2. To identify the
of-Beauty- adverse effects of
Propaganda-on- excessive use of
Fempdf/ beauty products.

Research Topic 1

Analytical Rubrics:
20- Supporting Articles and Journals
20 - Purpose
20 - Relevance of Research Topic
10 - Organization
30- Fundamental Research Title Structure


Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an exclusive
property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for their academic use.
This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media. Reproduction of this module without
official permission is prohibited. 1

Category Highly Effective Effective Developing Beginning

(4) (3) (3) (1)
Contributions Contributed Contributed well Contributed but Did not contribute
equally, fulfilled and fulfilled their needs and did not fulfill
their roles, and role. improvement and their roles.
contributed more take part in their
than required. role.
Cooperation Shows eagerness Shows eagerness Participated but No interest in
and cooperation to and cooperation to late with leader’s participating the
do the task, do the task. Good supervision. Does activities.
participates follower only. not show
actively and eagerness to
provides great cooperate.
help to the group.
On Task On task all the On task most of On task Needed frequent
time. Did not need the time. Did not sometimes. reminders to get
any reminders. need any Needed on task.
reminders. reminders.
Quality of work Provides work Provides high- Provides work that Provides work
with the highest quality work but occasionally needs with numerous
quality. Work is with a small to be checked by errors, needs to be
checked and number of errors. other group checked/redone
corrected for members to by other group
mistakes and ensure quality. members to
shows high level of ensure quality.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an exclusive
property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for their academic use.
This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media. Reproduction of this module without
official permission is prohibited. 2

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