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Survey Map

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1:25 000 Scale
Four colours should appear above; if not then please return to invigilator.
Four colours should appear above; if not then please return to invigilator.

91 92 93 94 95 96 97
72 72

71 71

70 70

69 69

68 68

67 67
91 92 93 94 95 96 97

Key Scale 1 : 25 000

Motorway, Dual carriageway

Main road, regional road, secondary road, other road

Road, not regularly maintained. Car track. Footpath

Barrier. Level crossing. Road tunnel. Protective flagstone

Bridge. Footbridge. Ford. Ferry : vehicles, passengers Forest, wood Open forest Deciduous Coniferous Mixed forest Sand or mud Tidal mud
forest forest flats
Railway : double, single track. Electrified railway. Narrow-gauge track

Electricity transmission line. Aerial cableway. Ski-lift or chair-lift Moor Poplar grove Orchard Vineyard Notable tree Flat rock Marsh

Population in thousands. State boundary, boundary stone

Boundary and chief town of department, of arrondissement Level contours. Depression. Slope. Rocky outcrop
Contour intervals are 2.5 m
Boundary and chief town of commune
Signposted hiking trail : GR and PR. Other. Bridle path
Military camp boundary, boundary of artillery range restricted zone
Hard part of hiking trail. Ski touring route
Boundary of restricted zone. State forest boundary
Ski-lift and chair-lift to be used in summer
Boundary of core zone of national park, optimal limit
Viewpoint. Viewpoint indicator
Christian religious building. Synagogue. Mosque. Calvary. Cemetery
Overnight stopping place. Refuge hut with keeper, without keeper. Shelter
Technical building. Silo. Oil storage tank. Antenna. Wind turbine
Campsite. Riding centre. Climbing site with facilities
Triangulation station. Monument. Fort. Pill box
Leisure area. Golf course. Hang-gliding area
Town hall. Building. Glasshouse. Shed

Cross-country skiing centre. Yachting harbour. Water sports

Gend. Building : industrial, commercial, public or administrative, Gendarmerie
Canoeing (launching place). Bathing place
Hospital. Ruins. Sports ground. Tennis

Isolated tower. Entrance to underground excavation. Swallow hole. Resort with tourist interest
Cave dwelling
Spring, fountain. Cistern, wash-house. Pool. Water tower. Water tank City of artistic interest. Spa, openair, winter sports, seaside resort

Intermittent watercourse. Cascade. Dam Town of tourist interest, notable site or building

Lighthouse. Light. Beacon. Notable monument. Diverse place of interest. Tourist information centre

RÉALISÉ ET ÉDITÉ PAR L’INSTITUT NATIONAL DE L’INFORMATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE ET FORESTIÈRE © FFrandonnée pour les itinéraires GR, GR de pays et PR agréé. Ces appellations sont des marques déposées
Achevé d’imprimer Février 2015 – Dépôt légal Février 2015 – Édition 4 © IGN FRANCE 2015 par la Fédération Français de la randonnée pédestre. Tout droit réservé.

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