SANS 2023 ICS Field Manual Vol3 v3

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M AN Vol.

Dean Parsons
Certified SANS Instructor |
CEO ICS Defense Force Inc. &
ICS Cybersecurity Leader

What to expect from these ICS security field manuals 3

Introduction to Volume 3 4
Risk-based ICS vulnerability management 5
What to expect from these
ICS patch prioritization: when and how 7 ICS security field manuals
ICS incident response phases and objectives 10
Considerations for ICS incident response 13
ICS incident response specific roles and responsibilities 14
If you are new to industrial control system (ICS) security, the
ICS incident response jump bag 15
SANS ICS Cybersecurity Field Manuals (volumes 1-3) will get
When to initiate ICS incident response 16 you up to speed quickly. They provide long-lasting reference
ICS incident response must-haves 18 materials, free resources, and a training path in control

ICS incident response in practice 19 system security for you and your teams. The three manuals
consist of several sections and focus on different aspects of
ICS connectivity: business benefits and cyber risk 20
ICS cyber defense.
Prioritize for safety 21
ICS security management choices 22
ICS security leadership pathways 23
The ICS security defender skillset recipe 24
ICS cybersecurity team roles 25
Key ICS management takeaways 27
Epilogue to Volume 3 28
The ICS community forum 29
The SANS ICS curriculum 30

Copyright © 2023 SANS Institute


Introduction to Volume 3

ICS ATTACKS, CONSEQUENCES, The ICS/OT security environment

AND RESPONSE requires different technical and security
Industrial control system/operational management skills and technologies Risk-based ICS
technology (ICS/OT) facilities are
seeing novel attack methods leading
outside of traditional IT enterprise risk
management and incident response.
vulnerability management
to incidents not commonly seen in The mission and risk surfaces alone
enterprise IT networks. Traditional set ICS/OT incident response and risk
Many identified ICS vulnerabilities, if vulnerabilities where exploited. Rather,
enterprise IT cyber attacks often focus management apart from traditional IT
exploited, provide adversaries with the attacker gained unauthorized
on internal IT systems and can include security.
capabilities similar to features inherent access directly to the Human Machine
compromise of digital information This is why ICS-specific incident
(including data deletion), business in control systems. ICS attacks have Interface (HMI) from the Internet.
response processes and plans must
system configuration changes, business been observed where adversaries are The legitimate HMI application that
be multi-team initiatives, created,
system downtime, information leakage, “living off the land,” i.e., abusing systems runs the water treatment facility was
exercised, and maintained by ICS-
or data breaches. Compromises of specific cyber skilled defenders. and industry protocols native in ICS used to manipulate water treatment
ICSs are far different. ICS attacks Patching and vulnerability management environments to turn the control system operations that could have led to severe
can affect the safety of people and must also be adapted for ICS against itself. consequences. Using the HMI, the
the environment. ICS incidents can management. attacker increased the level of sodium
Living off the land was first observed
cause physical changes which lead to hydroxide. That is the main ingredient in
in 2014 with the HAVEX¹ malware attack
catastrophic consequences. Consider, drain cleaner, which was changed from
and more recently with the tailored
for example, the potential consequences
100 parts per million to 11,100 parts
of a compromised Safety Instrumented CRASHOVERRIDE² ICS-specific framework
per million. Very dangerous levels that
System (SIS) programmable logic control targeting electric power grids. It is
would have been toxic for residents
resulting in a failure to monitor and becoming a very common attack trait
if it reached their homes. Human
safely shut down an over-pressurized and will likely be well into the future.
engineering operations staff noticed the
gas pipeline.
In the 2021 Oldsmar water incident and restored the processes to
treatment facility cyber attack, no normal operations without incident.
software or engineering equipment



Risk-based ICS vulnerability management

The Oldsmar event draws attention Career Development

to the importance of vulnerability Opportunity - ICS456
management and protecting ICSs,
SANS ICS456: Essentials for NERC
starting with their external services and Critical Infrastructure Protection course
Internet facing access. Common Open- empowers students with knowledge of
Source Intelligence (OSINT) ICS exercises the what and how of the version 5/6/7
could be used to uncover vulnerabilities standards. The course addresses the
from the view of an Internet-based role of the Federal Energy Regulatory
attack.³ Commission (FERC), North American ICS patch prioritization:
when and how
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC),
Living off the land attacks have
and Regional Entities, provides
evolved even further in 2022 with the
multiple approaches for identifying and
discovery of the PIPEDREAM malware.
categorizing Bulk Electric Systems (BES)
“PIPEDREAM is a collection of utilities Patching prioritization in ICSs is reliability. ICS defenders should utilize
Cyber Systems, and helps asset owners
that includes tools for reconnaissance, determine the requirements applicable different than in IT environments given scheduled engineering maintenance
manipulation, and disruption of PLCs to specific implementations. the different risk surfaces and attack windows to push approved security
[programmable logic controllers], as vectors unique to control system patches once a subset have been
well as tools for intrusion operations environments. Changes to an ICS’s evaluated and selected.
against Windows devices. At the highest hardware, software, and configurations
To prioritize ICS patching, ICS
level, the PLC-related components include but are not limited to device
Due to the number of legacy devices defenders should monitor and leverage
of PIPEDREAM provide the adversary firmware updates, embedded hardware
and software in ICSs, ICS patching is the data in vendor security advisories.
with an interface for manipulating the upgrades or replacements, setpoint
important, especially as the number of These advisories provide Common
targeted devices. Tools in PIPEDREAM changes, instrumentation calibrations,
legacy devices and software grows. Yet, Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
can scan for new devices, brute force controller logic changes, and of course
there is more to patching in ICSs than measures which should be used to
passwords and sever connections, and patching. However, patching is not
gathering and pushing packages. The help assess risk and prioritize patching.
crash the target device.”⁴ solely about mitigating cybersecurity
best return on investment is a risk- However, CVSS measures are only part
vulnerabilities. Engineering changes are
based approach, considering the ICS risk of the ICS patching risk assessment
also driven by system and command
surface compared to the IT risk surface. prioritization. If the “big picture” of ICS-
integrity enhancements, safety changes,
specific context and ICS attack vectors
and process improvement engineering
are not considered, patching efforts
feature sets.
may cause unnecessary impact and/or
Many ICS vendors release engineering inadequately reduce the risk surface,
system patches to fix bugs, thereby and unnecessarily impede operations
improving the stability of equipment and and/or safety.
4 software, system safety, and operational


ICS patch prioritization: when and how ICS patch prioritization: when and how

ICS defenders should prioritize ICS defenders must identify and

vulnerability management based on risk prioritize mitigating vulnerabilities that
and patch a subset of vulnerabilities give adversaries specific capabilities like:
during scheduled engineering
Access to the control networks
maintenance windows. Risks should
where ICS commands could be
be prioritized based on the following A patch decision tree can be used to help prioritize ICS security patches. It is
considerations: important to put particular emphasis on the Analyze Risk assessment step. See the
Unauthorized and/or unrestricted
Having a reliable ICS asset inventory following graphic for an example of the Department of Homeland Security’s control
remote access.
to understand the risk surface to system patch decision tree.

operations. Publicly available exploit kits

targeting critical engineering assets.
Knowing which assets in the
environment are vulnerable.

Leveraging sector-specific threat

intelligence to understand
commonly observed tactics and

Knowing the architecture and how

to place assets in control networks’
enforcement zones.

Understanding the potential for an Career Development

Opportunity - ICS410
adversary to gain access through
existing and properly configured ICS410: ICS/SCADA Security
firewalls, such as logging into the Essentials provides a foundational
Figure 1: Department of Homeland Security ICS Patch Decision Tree
HMI, engineering workstation, or set of standardized skills
data historian. and knowledge for industrial

Knowing the criticality of vulnerable cybersecurity professionals. This

assets to engineering operations. course is designed to ensure that
the workforce involved in supporting
Placing importance of patching
and defending industrial control
or mitigating vulnerabilities
systems is trained to keep the
that provide attackers remote
operational environment safe,
network access if exploited and
if vulnerabilities have associated secure, and resilient against current

publicly available exploit kits. and emerging cyber threats.


ICS incident response phases and objectives

ICS incident response Phase 4: ICS Time

Critical Analysis
Phase 6: Eradicate and
phases and objectives Continue to fight through
the attack and maintain safety while
In this phase, the threat
or threats are eliminated from the
conducting time critical analysis. environment(s) when it is safe to do

ICS incident response adapts traditional incident response phases to suit engineering Traditional IT containment and so according to facility stakeholders

environments, prioritizes safety in every phase, and includes different multi-team eradication steps may cause more and engineering. ICS security must

stakeholders. ICS incident response stakeholders include engineering operators, damage to safety, engineering, continue to monitor and actively

external control system support vendors, government agencies, physical safety teams, and production than the threats defend against the incident. Only then

physical security teams, IT security, ICS security, etc., with direction from the owner/ themselves. Care must be given in this can the response team, in conjunction

operators of the ICS facilities. phase to apply deep knowledge of with applicable stakeholders, begin to
how threats impact control systems restore engineering systems to their
The objectives for each phase of an ICS-specific incident response⁵ include:
and what a possible response could normal operational state and regain full
mean for operations and safety during production of engineering operations
Phase 1: Prepare Phase 2: Identify and containment and eradication. at all levels of the Purdue Network
Have well-defined, well- Detect Threat Architecture.
Phase 5: Contain
communicated roles and Deploy ICS-specific network
Preserve operations through
responsibilities and trained ICS-specific visibility and threat identification
logical or physical changes
security defenders who understand techniques. These techniques are driven
in the control environment to further
engineering and can investigate control by consuming and applying sector-
reduce impacts to safety and control Career Development
systems-related cyber events. A cyber- specific threat intelligence across the
systems. ICS Security, Engineers, and Opportunity - ICS515
defensible position must be established ICS Cyber Kill Chain.⁶
Operator teams fight through the attack,
as part of a well-tested and regularly In the ICS515: ICS Visibility, Detection,
Phase 3: Acquire working together where evidence and
updated ICS-specific incident response and Response course, students explore
Evidence intelligence can be shared, and contain
plan. Technical ICS security teams numerous hands-on technical labs and
Fight through the attack the threat with as little disruption to
must ensure tools and skills are tested data sets from ICS ranges and equipment
while maintaining safety; acquiring key safety and operations as possible.
and ready to be deployed. This means with emulated attacks and real-world
network communications, endpoint, and
they should understand the industrial malware deployed in the ranges for a
engineering device logs; and making
protocols used, what normal ICS highly simulated experience detecting
evidence available for meaningful and
network communications look like, and and responding to control system
timely forensics analysis.
possess the ability to spot abnormalities threats. Students will also interact
in the traffic. with and keep a PLC, a physical kit
emulating electric system operations
at the generation, transmission, and
distribution level, and a virtual machine
set up as an HMI and engineering
6 workstation (EWS).


ICS incident response phases and objectives

Phase 7: Lessons
Phase 8: Share
Information Considerations for ICS
Similar to traditional IT
incident response, use this phase to
Share relevant tactical,
strategic, and operational threat
incident response
conduct and apply lessons learned intelligence and cybersecurity lessons
to improve response and restoration learned which might be of use for There is a common misconception where a utility may think they are too small to be
efforts for future incidents. defense in the larger ICS and critical a target of an ICS cyber attack or impactful cyber event. The reality is, however, that
infrastructure community. adversaries often target smaller facilities to develop and test attack methodologies
in preparation to attack their ultimate target environment. Small or large, all ICS
environments should have an industrial-grade incident response plan.
In particular, ICS-specific incident response phases must consider all unique aspects
Preparation & Planning

Unique Systems Non-Traditional Operating

Nontraditional systems with industrial Systems
Information Sharing Detection & Indentification and proprietary setups, forensic logging Purpose-built, embedded, and/or
capabilities, and protocols. proprietary operating systems common
to control environments where many
Reliance on External Vendor
traditional security defenses are not
effective or applicable.
Lessons Learned Evidence Acquisition External engineering teams may require
special secure remote access for Personnel Safety
engineering support and may manage The most important goal of control
and be responsible for restoration systems is not confidentiality, integrity,
Eradication & Recovery copies of PLC logic, setpoints, intelligent or availability, but safety. Only after
Considering Safety Time Critical Analysis
electronic device (IED) configurations, safety has been addressed does
etc. the incident response team address

confidentiality, the integrity to trust
Legacy Systems
Considering Safety operations, and the availability of
Systems and devices that may not be
engineering devices.
eligible for patching or firmware updates
Figure 2: ICS Incident Response Phases or may only be available for infrequent Protecting Physical Assets
updates to internal operating systems, Control systems use physical
such as during a scheduled engineering components to change the physical
maintenance window. world. A cyber attack could result in
physical damage to engineering assets,
environmental impacts, and safety
implications such as injury or death.


ICS incident response jump bag

ICS incident response specific

roles and responsibilities The objective in industrial environments during a cyber incident is to maintain safety
and operations and fight through the attack. To ensure incident response readiness,
having a jump bag is essential.⁷ Using the tools in the incident response jump bag in
conjunction with knowledge of the affected control systems, and how they are used for
Many aspects of incident response need to be coordinated, planned, and
engineering processes, allows an ICS cyber defender to quickly analyze, understand, and
regularly exercised. These incident response tasks are most effectively
triage threats and impacts. Once the incident is analyzed and understood, the analysis,
completed when subdivided by specific roles, which may include:
which includes response options that minimize loss of control, loss of visibility of ICS,
and ensure safety, is provided to facility owners to choose and implement.
Incident Response Incident Handlers
Director/ICS Security Team Cybersecurity and ICS field and ICS jump bags should be portable (e.g., in rolling, protective cases), available at all
Manager technical personnel who may be critical sites, and/or deployed with the incident response teams as they conduct on-site
Interfaces with the executive required to make environment response. Essential ICS incident response jump bag items include:
leadership team on an incident’s and asset changes. They handle
status, resources, impacts, and evidence acquisition, scope threats Forensically clean USBs and external drives
Laptops with Security Onion, REMnux,
options to maintain safety and and infections, and undertake SIFT, or RELICS from SANS ICS515
operations. analyses, among other tasks. Log, packet analysis, and timeline tools
Approved digital camera
Lead Responder Fire and Security, Safety, (no photo metadata) Hashes of field device logic/
Guides incident response Law Enforcement, configuration files
personnel and quick triage/impact Governments CD-ROM drives and discs

timeline analysis. Advises the Teams prepared for physical Baseline images of critical ICS assets
Hardcopy ICS-specific incident
Incident Response Director on first aid, emergency response, response playbooks and Data acquisition tools – prioritize
available actions to reduce the evacuation strategies for network diagrams command-line tools and memory
impact on safety and operations. physical site safety, external
Network/converter Personal protective
communications or reporting, cables, (e.g., USB to serial) equipment (PPE) for safety
intelligence gathering and sharing,
and efforts beyond the site. Out-of-band communications,
Contact list for safety, engineering, (e.g., handheld radios on-site)
integrators, security, and emergency
response team
Offline malware Site-specific physical
analysis tools safety training certificates
(static, interactive,



When to initiate ICS incident response

When to initiate ICS Unique Systems

Malicious Code, Unauthorized
Loss of Process Controls
An ICS cyber incident affecting the

incident response Access Detected

Installation or execution of malicious
ability to change the state of the
physical process. For example, an oil
software. For example, an adversary refinery is unable to safely shut down its

Rapid yet thorough analysis of data acquired from critical assets and the ICS network gaining physical or logical access to crude oil distillation process or maintain

traffic to and from those assets, combined with knowledge of engineering operations, a network, system, or data without pipeline pressure.

will help teams determine when full industrial incident response must be performed. authorization, or introducing a cyber-
Manipulation of Control System
contaminant that could impact process
Use the following event conditions to help determine the potential risk to engineering, Operations
control views or controls.
understand where the attack is in the ICS Cyber Kill Chain, and when it is appropriate to The abuse of internal native system
shift to full industrial incident response. Exfiltration of Sensitive components or protocols such as HMI
Industrial System Information commands and ICS protocols such as
An ICS cyber incident exfiltrating EthernetIP, ModbusTCP, DNP3, 61850,
sensitive control system data could be OPC, etc. For example, DNP3 is used to
Manipulation used to cause harm. For example, ICS send unauthenticated “open breaker”
Loss of of control
Malicious code, field device ladder logic, control system commands to remote terminal unit (RTU)
visibility system
unauthorized configuration, or historian database field devices to open electric circuit
of control operations
access detected
process entries are copied off a network. This breakers and cut power.
is an indication of a follow-on (non-
Physical Damage to Assets or
immediate but potentially imminent)
Safety Concerns
targeted ICS cyber attack.
An ICS cyber incident affecting the
Loss of Control Process physical properties or integrity of
Escalation factors of ICS Visibility physical assets, or introducing a
Incident Response An ICS cyber incident affecting potential physical safety impact to
the ability to view the state of the plant operators, workers, and/or on-site
physical process. For example, a power visitors, contractors, etc.
generating facility is unable to view
the current system load or the current
Loss of power grid operating frequency to
Exfiltration process Physical damage
of sensitive maintain 60Hz.
controls to assets or
industrial safety concerns

Figure 3: Event Conditions


ICS incident response ICS incident response in practice

While IT/OT convergence of both technology and workforce poses unique challenges, Successful ICS incident response requires a clear understanding of roles,
it can drive a more realistic ICS threat detection and response process. A converged responsibilities, physical safety, engineering protocols and process, network visibility,
incident response plan must consider available cybersecurity defenses in both detection, and forensics capabilities. Facilities benefit from a tested, safe, and
defensible cyber position. Consider the following when adapting traditional incident
environments and work to reduce the impact of attacks through IT into ICS, which is
response steps to suit industrial control environments:
a common vector adversaries leverage that has been observed time and again. This
more realistic process can provide early warning signs of an attack that could impact or Acquire forensics data from key ICS Examine the connectivity and
specifically target the industrial process. Incident response for ICS should consider the assets. isolation of legacy devices.
following: Triage quickly to understand the Develop countermeasures.
threat via static or automated Use indicator “hits” to scope
malware analysis. incident and related contamination.
The ICS-Specific Incident Response Plan
Collaborate with engineering staff Compare production and baselined
Conduct realistic ICS tabletop exercises driven by sector-specific control system
and senior management. configurations to detect tampering
threat intelligence or ICS gaps identified in your cybersecurity program or facility
Determine operational impacts. in controllers, etc.
to ensure your ICS-specific incident response plan meets the needs of an ICS cyber
Analyze the impact of any reliance Identify and apply lessons learned
on external vendors and IT. (e.g., correct gaps in evidence
Execute the Safe Cyber Position⁸ if acquisition, deploy additional
ICS-Specific Network Security Monitoring ICS network visibility, detection
Ensure “plant floor” network visibility with ICS deep-packet inspection to drive capabilities, and determine whether
Present analysis and options
incident response or proactive threat hunting. Network visibility capabilities should threats are malware or human
(blocking C2 access, running ICS in
go beyond simply querying about indicators of compromise and also include adversaries).
manual mode, removing remote
capabilities to assist with analyzing threat tradecraft. access, etc.) to fight through the Apply lessons learned to the ICS
attack (contain/eradicate). incident response plan.
Trained ICS-Specific Security Defenders Contain threats while running
Trained ICS cybersecurity personnel must understand the nuances between operations. Career Development
traditional IT and ICS security, the ICS mission, safety, the engineering process, and Eradicate when it is safe for Opportunity - ICS612
ICS protocols and active defense procedures. operations. ICS612: ICS Cybersecurity In-Depth is an in-

Conduct regularly scheduled classroom lab setup that moves students

ICS incident response tabletop through a variety of advanced, technical,
exercises. hands-on exercises that demonstrate
how an adversary can attack a poorly
architected ICS and how defenders can
8 secure and manage the environment.


ICS connectivity: business
benefits and cyber risk

Engineering systems include PLCs, RTUs, protection control relays, embedded HMIs,
SISs, distributed control systems (DCSs), solenoids, meters, field bus communications,
sensors, and actuators. For decades, these engineering devices and systems have
operated the critical infrastructure we rely on in isolation. And, while modern
connectivity into ICSs is becoming common and has led to increased data accessibility Prioritize for safety
across traditional IT and OT environments with several benefits, as detailed in the below
graphic, it also presents greater threats to security.

Significant risks to safety can occur if Did the organization select their
proritizing IT or traditional business focus based on what was most
systems over industrial control systems important for the safety of the people,
or if the ICS/OT security reporting environment, and organization overall?
structure fails to fully embrace the Today’s ICS incident response teams
differences between IT and ICS/OT. must understand the control system
processes, engineering, industrial
Consider, for instance, a security
protocols, safety factors, and ICS-
incident on the IT business email
Figure 4: Benefits of Modern ICS Connectivity specific cyber threats, and tailor
system and a security incident on the
incident response playbooks and risk
supervisory control and data acquisition
Enabling connectivity to previously isolated engineering environments results in management strategies accordingly.
(SCADA) system of a power grid
these environments now being exposed. Recent ICS attacks that take advantage of this occurring simultaneously. Which incident
increased ICS connectivity have been created and deployed by adversaries-for-hire and gets priority? What pace and rigor will
rogue nation-states which have the means and motivation to disrupt operations and the organization give to the priority
impact safety. The good news is, ICS/OT cybersecurity defense is totally achievable with
Career Development
incident? Specifically, what drives the
Opportunity - ICS418
an effective team and an ICS security approach to risk management! decision to manage these very different
risks? And, what are the related impacts The SANS ICS418: ICS Security Essentials
for Managers course includes an ICS
in these different environments?
attack history walkthrough for new and
existing ICS/OT security managers with
a major focus on lessons learned for
improved ICS risk management.


ICS security leadership pathways

Common roles that lead to managing ICS/OT cyber risk include:

1. Manager asked to "Step Over”

IT Security Manager is assigned the responsibility of ICS cyber risk and must build
and maintain a sustainable ICS security program.

2. Practitioner in the field asked to "Step Up”

ICS, IT, or engineering team member steps up to an ICS Security Manager position
ICS security management choices to build and maintain a sustainable ICS security program.

3. ICS Manager “In Place”

An existing ICS manager responsible for ICS security practitioner direct reports and
works to build and maintain a sustainable ICS security program.
ICS-specific technologies, threat detection methods, and unique incident response
considerations are essential in building and maintaining an effective long-term ICS
program. However, the most critical components of responding to an ICS incident are
asked to
the dedicated people specifically trained in ICS incident response. Career Development
"Step Over"
Opportunity - ICS418
As managers we get to choose many
things about our ICS/OT cybersecurity The SANS ICS418: ICS
Career Development "In Place" Security Essentials for
program. We get to choose our team, the Opportunity - ICS418
Managers course empowers
best technologies, and our processes.
What we do not get to choose is if we
ICS418: ICS Security Essentials for
ICS new and established ICS

are a target. The adversary does that.

Managers. SANS has extended the
Cyber42 Leadership Simulation game
418 security managers from all
areas to understand the
( to differences between IT and
ICS418 as Industrial Cyber42. Students ICS/OT, to prioritize safety,
participate in various ICS risk-based and build and maintain strong
management level decision scenarios relationships, build teams,
to protect a control system using their effectively manage ICS/OT
risk management skills where the object Practitioner to cyber risk, and effectively
of the game is to finish with the highest Manager "Step Up" report to applicable
safety culture score. stakeholders.
Figure 5: Leadership Pathways


The ICS security defender ICS cybersecurity team roles
skillset recipe

Technology and processes (even if automated) do not get us far in the defense As ICS cybersecurity roles and tasks emerge and evolve, ICS managers who are building
area without a trained and focused workforce. Human defenders—the people, our their teams should consider staffing for the following roles:
workforce—are those who use ICS security technologies, work with engineering, safety,
business, IT security, and other teams. These ICS defenders understand the ICS mission, Unique Systems OT vendors and/or integrators and
possible impacts, and engineering recovery. They understand the industrial process, ICS Cybersecurity Analyst law enforcement in safeguarding the
protocols, normal vs. abnormal engineering operations network traffic patterns, safety Acquire and manage the necessary physical control systems, including

with context, the commonly targeted assets in control systems, etc. Modern trained ICS resources, including leadership support, SISs, to reduce cyber attack impact
financial, and key security personnel and return operations to a trusted
cybersecurity staff understand the nuances between traditional IT and ICS security.
to support the ICS security mission, restoration point.
As ICS risk management leaders work to build their ICS security teams, they should safety goals, and objectives to maintain
ICS Cybersecurity Manager
consider the following ICS cybersecurity skillset recipe. For the team to be effective, reliability of engineering processes.
Possess knowledge of and experience
team members would do well to have the following skills and experience:
ICS Security Architect in IT and ICS/OT security, the tools to
Traditional IT
ICS Physical, Possess knowledge of and the ability address industry pressures to manage
Engineering Environmental
Knowledge Safety to address all aspects of the control cyber risk to prioritize the business
system architecture, best practice as well as the safety and reliability
Traditional IT Cybersecurity
security from ICS reference models of operations. ICS Cybersecurity
and network segmentation such as Managers must build and maintain
Purdue, and ICS410 SCADA Reference business relationships with engineering
ICS Engineering Knowledge
Architecture⁹ reference models. staff and executive stakeholders to
communicate and reduce cybersecurity
ICS Cybersecurity Incident
Physical, Environmental Safety Responder
risk to engineering operations. This role
requires a firm understanding of the
Detect, analyze, identify, respond to,
drivers and constraints of cyber-physical
contain, eradicate, and recover from
environments, technologies throughout
industrial cybersecurity incidents. A
Figure 6: ICS Cybersecurity Skillsets their organizations, ICS/OT security
key part of this role in the event of an
practitioners, and how to manage the
incident is working with engineering
teams and a variety of external ICS/
"The only defense against well-funded nation-state attacks on power systems
(and the rest of the critical infrastructure that keeps us and the economy alive
and free) are people with extraordinary cyber talent and skills." - Mike Assante


ICS cybersecurity team roles

Process Control Engineer

Design, test, troubleshoot, and oversee the implementation of new engineering
processes. In plants with established control systems, engineers may design and Key ICS management
install retrofits to existing systems and troubleshoot engineering hardware, embedded
systems, control system software, and engineering/instrumentation problems in a
manner that also preserves the cybersecurity integrity of the engineering system
signals, sensing, commands, and control environment.
1. Safety Is No. 1. In control system environments, safety is the top priority.
The following graphic details proposed roles and maps them to the SANS course
Cybersecurity and other functions support safe and reliable operations. For
most applicable to the role. It is important to note that roles will likely grow and require example, tools like intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are preferred due to
additional knowledge. side effects of false positives in intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), which
Common roles that lead to managing ICS/OT cyber risk include: render an unsafe condition that could hurt or kill people.

2. Embrace IT and ICS differences. Understand and embrace the differences

ICS ICS ICS Security ICS Process
FOUNDATIONAL Security Security Incident Security Control between IT and ICS by prioritizing the ICS business mission to secure and
Analyst Architect Responder Manager Engineering
ICS/SCADA Security Essentials
enable physics and engineering controls that monitor for and make physical
Gain foundational changes in the real world that are safe for people and the environment.

skills to protect critical

infrastructure from cyber 3. ICS/OT asset inventory. A prerequisite for ICS active defense is a formal
threats ICS/OT asset inventory. The four main methodologies of creating an ICS
asset inventory (physical inspection, configuration analysis, passive traffic
analysis, and active scanning) can be combined for increased accuracy while
ICS/SCADA Security Essentials for
Managers prioritizing safety.

Manage the people, processes,

and technologies for OT cyber risk 4. Enable active defense. Ensure the Active Cyber Defense Cycle (ACDC)10 has
programs a strong foundation by implementing ICS/OT-specific architecture (align
with the Purdue and SANS ICS410 SCADA Architecture models to start), then
TACTICAL implement passive defenses to prepare for Active Defense on the Sliding
Essentials for NERC Critical
Scale of Cybersecurity.¹¹
Infrastructure Protection

Maintain a defensible 5. Deploy ACDC specific to ICS. Empower technical ICS security staff to maintain
compliance program up to
NERC CIP standards the human-driven ICS/OT ACDC while leveraging sector-specific ICS/OT threat
intelligence. Staff should be dedicated, ICS/OT-trained security resources
ICS Visibility, Detection, and
Response who understand the engineering process well enough to determine if control

Monitor threats, perform network activity is anomalous or malicious in nature.

incident response, and
enhance network security 6. Validate the ICS/OT incident response plan. Validate and gain the benefits
of conducting regularly scheduled, specific ICS/OT incident response plan
ADVANCED tabletop exercises and apply related lessons learned.
ICS Cybersecurity In-Depth

Identify threats in a real-world ICS

environment to protect against 10
adversary attacks 11 “The Sliding Scale of Cyber Security,” Sept 1, 2015,

Figure 7: ICS Role to SANS Course Matrix

The ICS community forum
Epilogue to Volume 3

An excellent way to get involved is by participating in SANS’s ICS Community

Forum. ICS professionals discuss current security events, share tips, ask
This volume details an approach for ICS incident response, the skillsets and people
questions, and connect with others who are passionate about securing our
needed to “fight through the attack,” the need for quick analysis and triage with
critical infrastructure. Never again miss a community event, job opportunity,
engineering knowledge, the right ICS tooling, an understanding of the protocols
or the latest free resources authored by SANS ICS practitioner faculty.
(engineering device communications), and the unique aspects of engineering and jump
bag equipment.
Most importantly, this volume explains why, even though technologies and plans are
crucial to ICS cyber defense, the human defenders are the most critical piece of the
puzzle. We are reminded that, with the right teams and team leaders, “ICS Defense Is
Doable” and required to protect the critical infrastructure we rely on daily.


SANS ICS Curriculum

SANS ICS curriculum to both cybersecurity benefits, as well

as regulatory compliance.
cyber-physical environments and obtain a
nuanced understanding of how to manage the people, processes, and technologies
courses/essentials-for-nerc-critical- throughout their organizations. ICS418
infrastructure-protection/ empowers new and established ICS
SANS has joined forces with industry leaders to strengthen ICS cybersecurity. This Security Managers.
initiative equips security professionals and control system engineers with security ICS612: ICS Cybersecurity In-Depth
awareness, work-specific knowledge, and the hands-on technical skills needed to secure Provides advance coverage of security courses/ics-security-essentials-
automation and control system technology. concepts primarily driven by applied managers/
Ensure that managers retain and train cybersecurity defenders knowledgeable in both learning with hands-on labs. The in-
IT and ICS/OT-specific cybersecurity incident response and who possess a high level of classroom environment simulates a
technical engineering knowledge. real-world factory, and the labs move
students through a variety of exercises
Create a More Secure ICS Environment
ICS410: ICS/SCADA use incident response procedures to that demonstrate how an attacker can
with SANS Security Awareness
Security Essentials maintain the safety and reliability of compromise an ICS environment and
SANS Security Awareness ICS Training
Provides an operations. how defenders can better secure and
keeps the unique needs of ICS industries
understanding of manage the environment.
in mind, equipping anyone who works
industrial control courses/ics-visibility-detection-
within ICS environments with the
system components, purposes, response/ courses/ics-cyber-security-in-depth/
information and tools necessary to
deployments, significant drivers, and
protect and defend all types of control
constraints. Also included are hands-on
ICS456: Essentials ICS418: ICS Security Essentials systems, including Supervisory Control
lab learning experiences to control system
for NERC Critical for Managers and Data Acquisition (SCADA), DCS and
attack surfaces, methods, and tools.
Infrastructure The ICS418 course fills the identified gap other small systems, such as PLCs. Our
Protection amongst leaders working across critical 12 computer-based ICS learning modules
Empowers students infrastructure and operational technology are fully Sharable Content Object
with knowledge of the “what” and environments. It equips ICS managers with Reference Model (SCORM) compliant
the “how” of the NERC CIP standards. the experience and tools to address the and can be deployed on any learning
ICS515: ICS Visibility,
It provides multiple approaches for business and industry pressures to manage management system.
Detection, and
identifying and categorizing BES cyber cyber threats and defenses to prioritize
systems, and helps determine the the business, safety, and reliability of awareness-training/products/
Help deconstruct requirements applicable to specific ICS operations. ICS leaders will leave specialized-training/ics-engineer/
ICS cyber attacks, implementations. Additionally, the the course with a firm understanding of
leverage an active defense to identify course covers implementation strategies the drivers and constraints that exist in
and counter threats in your ICS, and with a balanced practitioner approach


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