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ann. behav. med.

(2018) 52:1046–1059
DOI: 10.1093/abm/kay008


The Influence of University Students’ Stress Mindsets on Health

and Performance Outcomes

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Jacob J. Keech, BPsych(Hons)1 • Martin S. Hagger, PhD1,2,3 • Frances V. O’Callaghan, PhD1 • Kyra Hamilton, PhD1,2

Published online: 6 March 2018

© Society of Behavioral Medicine 2018. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

Background Emerging evidence indicates that holding physical wellbeing and academic performance were
particular stress mindsets has favorable implications for predicted by stress mindset through perceived somatic
peoples’ health and performance under stress. symptoms. Implicit stress mindset did not predict proac-
Purpose The aim of the current study was to examine tive behavior as anticipated.
the processes by which implicit and explicit stress mind- Conclusions Current findings indicate that behaviors
sets relate to health- and performance-related outcomes. with the goal of proactively meeting demands under
Specifically, we propose a stress beliefs model in which stress and perceived somatic symptoms are important
somatic responses to stress and coping behaviors medi- mediators of the effect of stress mindset on health- and
ate the effect of stress mindsets on outcomes. performance-related outcomes. The findings from this
Methods Undergraduate university students (N = 218, study provide formative data that can inform the devel-
n = 144 females) aged 17– 25 years completed measures opment of future interventions aiming to encourage
of stress mindset, physical and psychological wellbeing, more adaptive responses to stress.
perceived stress, perceived somatic responses to stress,
proactive behaviors under stress, and an implicit asso- Keywords Stress • Mindsets • Coping • Implicit beliefs •
ciation test assessing an implicit stress mindset. At the Perceived control
end of the semester, students’ academic performance was
collected from university records.
Results Path analysis indicated significant indirect effects
of stress mindset on psychological wellbeing and per- Stress is defined as the tension that occurs when one
ceived stress through proactive coping behaviors and perceives an external event as outweighing the capacity
perceived somatic symptoms. Stress mindset directly to cope afforded by one’s personal resources [1, 2]. In
predicted perceived stress and physical wellbeing, and developed countries such as the USA and Australia,
young university students report experiencing high lev-
els of stress [3, 4]. Given the potential impact of stress
Jacob J. Keech on physical and mental health and that just 13% of Australians report seeking professional support for
dealing with stress [4], potential targets for nonclini-
School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Brisbane, cal interventions are a timely area to explore. Research
Australia has shown that beliefs about the consequences of stress
Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Research itself, stress mindsets, may be influential in determining
Group, School of Psychology, Curtin University, Perth, the impact of the stress response on health and perfor-
Australia mance [5–7]. Recently, Crum et al. [5] found that hold-
Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of ing a stress-is-enhancing mindset—the belief that stress
Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland has positive implications for health and performance—is
ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–10591047

associated with favorable self-reported outcomes such as can be further developed. Similarly, in some circum-
lower perceived stress and health symptoms, increased stances, stress can be enhancing [5]. Crum and colleagues
work performance, and more adaptive cortisol reactivity [5] used an experimental design where videos were used
profiles under acute stress. This contrasts with holding to elicit a stress-is-enhancing mindset or a stress-is-de-
a stress-is-debilitating mindset—the belief that stress bilitating mindset. In the stress-is-enhancing mindset
has negative implications for health and performance— condition, stress was presented as strictly enhancing
which is associated with poorer outcomes under stress. and that people could learn to enjoy and utilize stress,
However, there is a paucity of data on the process by while in the stress-is-debilitating condition, stress was

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which these beliefs relate to these outcomes. The current presented as strictly debilitating. The Stress Mindset
study tested a novel stress beliefs model proposing that Measure [5] also measures stress mindsets as fixed-en-
stress mindsets may influence health and performance hancing and fixed-debilitating. These polarized fixed
outcomes through two mechanisms: differences in cop- presentations of stress in the intervention material and
ing behaviors under stress and differences in enduring in the Stress Mindset Measure contrast with the nuanced
physiological responses. Specifically, we propose that view of stress that was theorized by Crum and colleagues
a mediation process in which coping behaviors under [5] as being of value. Mean stress mindset scores across
stress and enduring physiological responses mediate the their studies [5] indicated that people tend to see stress
effect of stress mindset on health and performance out- as debilitating by default, so highlighting the enhancing
comes. We will test these mechanisms simultaneously in consequences of stress may in fact contextualize stress
a nomological network [8–11]. alongside current beliefs to create a more nuanced view.
The nuanced view of stress may render the experimental
Theoretical Basis of a Stress Beliefs Model manipulation effective in part due to eliciting perceptions
of control (i.e., the stress response is malleable and can
Mindsets, otherwise known as implicit theories, refer to be used to be enhancing) as perceived control in stress-
beliefs regarding the malleability of personal qualities ful situations and daily hassles has been found to lead to
that people use to make predictions about and judge the better physical outcomes [18, 19]. Rather than contextu-
meaning of life events [12, 13]. While the term “implicit” alizing stress in this more nuanced way, presenting stress
is ascribed to these beliefs as they tend not to be explicitly as strictly enhancing may also be ineffective for some
articulated [13, 14], it is not clear whether these mindsets people because it requires a complete paradigm shift in
are truly implicit, operating outside conscious awareness their conceptualization of stress. Rather than building
consistent with dual-process theories of cognition and upon their existing conceptualization to engender a more
behavior. These theories formally specify a distinction balanced view of stress, it may result in the video content
between implicit and explicit cognitions that determine being rejected altogether. More recent research [20] has
action through two pathways: a rapid, nonconscious found that presenting videos outlining the balanced con-
pathway not reliant on information stored in working sequences of stress results in significantly decreased heart
memory or deliberative processing, and a reasoned, rates and diastolic blood pressure following a lab-in-
deliberative pathway that involves drawing from stored duced stressor compared with videos outlining strictly
information in working memory and processing infor- positive or negative consequences of stress. We contend
mation regarding behavioral alternatives [15]. As work- that measurement of stress mindsets should be framed
ing memory is impaired by stress [16], stress mindsets are to explicitly measure nuanced beliefs about the mallea-
likely to lead to a greater likelihood for individuals’ cog- bility of the consequences of stress such that stress “can
nition and behavior to be determined by nonconscious be” enhancing, on the basis of three arguments: (a) the
factors. Thus, measuring stress mindsets both implicitly potential benefits of holding a nuanced or balanced view
and explicitly may be an important step in understand- of stress [20]; (b) the importance, within mindset theory,
ing their influence on health and performance outcomes. of seeing particular traits as malleable [12, 13]; and (c)
Crum and colleagues [5] outline evidence suggesting the current conceptualization of stress mindsets indicat-
that stress can have both debilitating and enhancing con- ing that stress can be both enhancing and debilitating [5].
sequences, a feature of stress that is often neglected. They Two mechanisms by which stress mindset may
proposed that there is value in a more “nuanced view of operate have been promulgated. First, stress triggers
stress that recognizes that while experiencing stress can activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
debilitate health and performance, stress can also fun- resulting in the production of catecholamines such
damentally enhance health and performance” (p. 717). as adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones
Mindsets referring to the malleable nature of a construct produce changes in heart rate, sweat secretion, blood
is consistent with research on mindsets for intelligence pressure, and pupil dilation and are characteristic of
and willpower [13, 17]. For example, a growth mindset a “fight-or-flight” response [21]. Further, stress trig-
regarding intelligence refers to the belief that intelligence gers increased hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
1048 ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–1059

(HPA) axis activation [22, 23]. Crum et al. [5] found Aims and Hypotheses
that a stress-is-enhancing mindset was associated with
more adaptive cortisol reactivity profiles under acute The aim of the current study was to test a stress beliefs
stress. Specifically, endorsing a stress-is-enhancing model (see Table 1 and Fig. 1) to understand the behav-
mindset lowered cortisol responses in those with high ioral and physiological mechanisms by which beliefs
cortisol reactivity to stress, and those with low corti- about the consequences of stress (i.e., an explicit stress
sol reactivity to stress experienced increased cortisol mindset and implicit beliefs) influence health and perfor-
responses. As prolonged or frequent SNS or HPA acti- mance outcomes, and perceived stress. Given the impor-

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vations are associated with negative health outcomes tance of simultaneously testing the structural relations
[24–26], it is expected that beliefs that lead to more between theoretical constructs, the predicted paths within
adaptive physiological activations under stress will in the stress beliefs model that follow were evaluated simul-
turn lead to better health outcomes. The physiological taneously as a nomological network [8–11]. First, it was
stress response is therefore expected to be a key mech- predicted that stress mindset would predict engagement
anism by which stress mindsets relate to health and in a higher level of proactive behaviors (planning to meet
performance outcomes, and investigation of enduring demands, proactivity toward meeting demands, avoiding
physiological responses is important to understand procrastination) when under stress (P1). Extending Crum
this mechanism. and colleagues’ [5] finding that stress mindsets predict
Given the symptoms associated with the stress cortisol reactivity under acute stress, it was expected that
response (headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, sleep dis- stress mindset would predict more enduring self-reported
turbance, and nausea [27]), it is unsurprising that the general somatic symptoms (P2). There is currently lim-
goal of coping behaviors is often to manage the felt dis- ited knowledge regarding whether mindsets operate as
comfort and attenuate the heightened arousal. These more deliberative or automatic processes in the self-regu-
behavioral coping strategies include emotion-focused lation of coping behaviors. Given that implicit processes
strategies aimed at reducing the feeling of tension (e.g., are likely to regulate behavior when working memory is
avoidance, denial) and problem-focused strategies that limited [15], such as when individuals experience stress
are directed at the stressor itself and are aimed at reduc- [16], it was expected that implicit stress mindset would
ing its magnitude [28]. Examples of emotion-focused predict greater engagement in proactive behaviors when
coping are self-soothing through relaxation, avoid- under stress (P3). That is, those with stronger automatic
ance or denial, and expression of negative emotion associations between the construct “stress” and the
[28]. In contrast, problem-focused coping may involve construct “enhancing” would tend to engage in more
behaviors such as planning, making a start on a task, proactive coping behaviors when under stress. As prob-
or proactively acquiring resources [28]. To date, desire lem-focused strategies address the stressor directly and
for feedback under stress is the only behavior that has are related to psychological and physical health out-
been examined as being influenced by stress mindsets comes [29, 30], it was expected that proactive behavior
[5]. While seeking feedback is a form of proactive cop- would predict higher psychological wellbeing (P4), lower
ing, it may not represent the tendency to use proactive perceived stress (P5), higher physical wellbeing (P6), and
behaviors under stress more broadly and cannot nec- higher academic performance (P7). Given the subjective
essarily be generalized to other active approaches to experience of physiological stress symptoms [27], it was
managing stress. Feedback is also not available in all predicted that self-reported general somatic symptoms
stressful situations and cannot be relied on as the only would predict lower psychological wellbeing (P8), higher
problem-focused strategy for coping with stress. While perceived stress (P9), lower physical wellbeing (P10), and
Crum and colleagues’ findings indicate that behavioral lower academic performance (P11).
responses under stress may play a role in the process As Crum et al. [5] found that stress mindset directly
through which stress mindsets influence outcomes, it is predicts health and work performance, it was anticipated
important to explore how a range of proactive behav- that stress mindset would directly predict higher psycho-
iors under stress (e.g., planning, coping proactively, logical wellbeing (P12), lower perceived stress (P13), higher
avoiding procrastination) may mediate this relation- physical wellbeing (P14), and higher academic perfor-
ship, as similar approach-oriented styles of coping mance (P15). Given that a combination of behavioral and
have previously been associated with favorable physical physiological mechanisms was anticipated to account for
health outcomes in students [29]. A recent meta-analy- these effects, several indirect effects were also proposed.
sis [30] has also indicated that coping strategies, includ- It was anticipated that mediated by proactive behav-
ing more proactive problem-focused strategies, account ior, stress mindset would indirectly predict higher psy-
for a range of illness-related physical and psycholog- chological wellbeing (P16), lower perceived stress (P17),
ical outcomes including reduced disease progression, higher physical wellbeing (P18), and higher academic per-
improved wellbeing, and reduced distress. formance (P19). In addition, it was expected that stress
ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–10591049

Table 1 Summary of predicted direct and indirect effects in the proposed stress beliefs model

Prediction Independent variable Dependent variable Mediator(s) Predictiona

Direct effects
P1 Stress mindset Proactive behavior – Effect (+)
P2 Stress mindset Perceived somatic symptoms – Effect (–)
P3 Implicit stress mindset Proactive behavior – Effect (+)
P4 Proactive behavior Psychological wellbeing – Effect (+)

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P5 Proactive behavior Perceived stress – Effect (–)
P6 Proactive behavior Physical wellbeing – Effect (+)
P7 Proactive behavior Academic performance – Effect (+)
P8 Perceived somatic symptoms Psychological wellbeing – Effect (–)
P9 Perceived somatic symptoms Perceived stress – Effect (+)
P10 Perceived somatic symptoms Physical wellbeing – Effect (–)
P11 Perceived somatic symptoms Academic performance – Effect (–)
P12 Stress mindset Psychological wellbeing – Effect (+)
P13 Stress mindset Perceived stress – Effect (–)
P14 Stress mindset Physical wellbeing – Effect (+)
P15 Stress mindset Academic performance – Effect (+)
Indirect effects
P16 Stress mindset Psychological wellbeing Proactive behavior Effect (+)
P17 Stress mindset Perceived stress Proactive behavior Effect (–)
P18 Stress mindset Physical wellbeing Proactive behavior Effect (+)
P19 Stress mindset Academic performance Proactive behavior Effect (+)
P20 Stress mindset Psychological wellbeing Perceived somatic Effect (+)
P21 Stress mindset Perceived stress Perceived somatic Effect (–)
P22 Stress mindset Physical wellbeing Perceived somatic Effect (+)
P23 Stress mindset Academic performance Perceived somatic Effect (+)
Denotes whether the hypothesis specifies a positive (+) effect, a negative (–) effect, or no effect.

Fig. 1. The hypothesized stress beliefs model.

1050 ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–1059

mindset would predict higher psychological wellbeing adequate for maximum-likelihood model estimation. As
(P20), lower perceived stress (P21), higher physical well- there are 20 parameters, 200 was the target sample size.
being (P22), and higher academic performance (P23) indi-
rectly through perceived general somatic symptoms. Measures

Materials and Methods Proactive behavior

Proactive behavior was measured using six questions
Participants scored on a five-point Likert scale (1 = never to 5 = very

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often). Participants were asked to indicate the extent to
Participants were young undergraduate university stu- which they have engaged in planning, were proactive,
dents (N = 218, 66% females) ranging in age from 17 to and avoided procrastination, while under stress, or to
25 years (M = 19.26, SD = 2.19) recruited from a univer- cope with stress, in the last month (e.g., “In the last
sity in South East Queensland, Australia. Participants month, how often did you engage in planning your time
were recruited via three methods: face-to-face at the to cope with stress?”). The proactive behavior measure
university, online through email and social media (i.e., was evaluated using exploratory and confirmatory fac-
Facebook), and posters advertising the study displayed tor analysis, suggesting a single-factor structure. Items
in common areas at the university. Undergraduate stu- of the measure of proactive behavior and results of fac-
dents aged 25 years and younger were eligible to partici- tor analyses are available on the project website (https://
pate. Potential participants were advised of the eligibility Internal consistency was also adequate
criteria prior to indicating their interest in participating. (Cronbach’s α = .77). After recoding negatively worded
Two participants were deemed ineligible to participate items, a composite score was formed by computing the
due to age after indicating their interest in participat- mean of item scores.
ing. The majority (79%) of participants were born in
Australia, and 75% of participants indicated their eth- Psychological wellbeing
nic identity as Australian. Almost all participants were
enrolled in their program of study full-time (96%) and Psychological wellbeing was measured using the Warwick-
8% of participants were international students. As an Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS; [32]).
incentive to participate, individuals received course The WEMWBS is a 14-item scale that has been vali-
credit if they were a first-year psychology student or a dated in student populations [33, 34]. Participants are
voucher for one free coffee and entry into a prize draw asked to indicate the extent to which they generally
for the chance to win a department store gift card valued experience wellbeing states (e.g., “I’ve been feeling good
at approximately USD35. about myself ”) on a five-point Likert scale (1 = none of
the time to 5 = all of the time). Internal consistency was
Design and Procedure excellent in the current study (Cronbach’s α = .92). The
WEMWBS was scored by computing the sum of item
The Griffith University Human Research Ethics
Committee (reference: 2015/723) approved the study.
Physical wellbeing
Prior to participating, students were provided with
details of study requirements and then signed a con- Physical wellbeing was measured using the U.S. Centers
sent form. The current study adopted a correlational for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health-
design, with participants completing study measures in Related Quality of Life Healthy Days (HRQOL-14)
a research laboratory between March and October 2016. measure [35]. The Healthy Days measure was developed
Participants completed a survey containing self-report by the CDC as a shorter alternative to existing health
measures of psychological and behavioral constructs and measures such as Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form
questions capturing demographic characteristics using 36 (SF-36), measuring the same underlying constructs.
an online survey tool (Qualtrics©). They then completed The validity of the Healthy Days measure has been
a Single-Category Implicit Association Task (SC-IAT) established in several studies [36] and has demonstrated
using Millisecond Inquisit 4 Web© online research soft- acceptable criterion validity with the SF-36 [37]. The
ware measuring their implicit beliefs about the nature Healthy Days measure has been used widely, including
of stress as enhancing or debilitating. To minimize bias, in U.S. national surveys such as the National Health
the experimenter followed a standardized script and and Nutrition Examination Survey [36] and in prior
procedure in administering the study. Minimum sample research investigating stress mindsets [5]. Contrasting
size was calculated based on Kline’s [31] recommenda- with other self-report measures of health, the Healthy
tion that the number of parameters multiplied by 10 is Days measure does not have specified summary scores or
ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–10591051

psychometrically derived subscales but was designed to the measure. The T version asks respondents to answer
comprise of a series of individual indicators [36]. These in reference to symptoms in general while the S is in ref-
indicators are combined in different ways to fit differ- erence to symptoms in the moment of answering the
ent uses. In the current study, we used the two indica- questionnaire. The STICSA-T was used in the current
tors of physical health that are scaled according to days, study as more enduring physiological responses to stress
whereby participants indicated the number of days their are a proposed mechanism through which stress affects
physical health was not good or that pain interfered health [24–26]. The STICSA-T is measured on a four-
with their daily activities in the past month on two items point Likert scale (1 = almost never to 4 = almost always)

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(e.g., “Now thinking about your physical health, which and exhibited good internal consistency in the current
includes physical illness and injury, for how many days study (Cronbach’s α = .85). The STICSA-T somatic sub-
during the past 30 days was your physical health not scale was scored by computing the sum of item scores.
good?”). The scores were averaged and subtracted from
30, to give the number of “healthy days” experienced in Stress mindset
the past month [36]. Internal consistency between the
two items was acceptable (Cronbach’s α = .70). The Stress Control Mindset Measure (SCMM) was
developed to assess stress mindset in the current study.
Perceived stress We sought to overcome divergence that exists between
stress mindset theory and measurement by developing a
Perceived stress was measured using the 10-item Perceived measure of stress mindset more closely aligned to how
Stress Scale (PSS-10), which measures the extent to which stress mindset is theorized, and more closely aligned to
current life situations are perceived as stressful [38]. The mindset theory more broadly. Specifically, the SCMM
measure has been associated with higher cortisol levels, is designed to measure stress mindset in a manner that
increased biological markers of aging, and suppressed aligns to a nuanced view of stress such that stress “can
immune function [39]. Participants responded to items be” enhancing. Thus, the SCMM includes the domains
(e.g., “In the last month, how often have you felt you were of the stress-is-enhancing mindset contained within the
on top of things?”) on five-point Likert scales (0 = never Stress Mindset Measure [5]—performance and produc-
to 4 = very often), and the scale exhibited good internal tivity, learning and growth, health and vitality, and a
consistency (Cronbach’s α = .88). The PSS-10 was scored general domain—but also encompasses malleability of
by recoding negatively worded items and computing the the consequences of the stress response (e.g., “Stress can
sum of item scores. be used to enhance my performance and productivity”).
Participants are asked to indicate on six-point Likert
Academic performance scales (1 = strongly disagree to 6 = strongly agree) their
Participants’ semester grade point average (GPA) was agreement with the presented statements about the con-
provided by the university to objectively measure aca- sequences of stress. As a part of a larger project aimed
demic performance. The GPA score is measured on a 1–7 at validating the SCMM in a series of samples, the struc-
scale, with scores from 1–3 indicating an average grade ture of the SCMM was evaluated using exploratory and
of <50%, 4 indicating an average grade between 50% confirmatory factor analysis, and validity regarding
and 64%, 5 indicating an average grade between 65% conceptually related constructs was examined. For fur-
and 74%, 6 indicating an average grade between 75% ther information on these analyses, see Supplementary
and 84%, and 7 indicating an average grade of 85% or Material 1. Internal consistency of the SCMM was
greater. excellent (Cronbach’s α = .93). After recoding negatively
worded items, a composite score for the SCMM was
Perceived general somatic symptoms formed by computing the mean of item scores.

The State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic

Implicit stress mindset
Anxiety–Trait Version (STICSA-T) somatic subscale (11
items) was used as a self-report [40, 41] proxy measure A single category implicit association test (SC-IAT)
for chronic elevation in SNS activation. Participants based on Karpinski and Steinman’s [43] original meas-
indicated the extent to which they generally experience ure was developed to measure implicit beliefs of stress
a range of somatic symptoms (e.g., my breathing is fast as enhancing or debilitating. An initial pool of stimulus
and shallow). Experimental research has found that words for the SC-IAT attribute (“enhancing” and “debil-
participants reported significantly increased STICSA-S itating”) and target (“stress”) categories were rated for
(State Version) perceived somatic symptoms and corti- their appropriateness by a small subset of participants
sol when exposed to a Trier Social Stress Task [42]. The from the target population. Twenty-one stimulus words
STICSA-T and -S differ only based on the preamble to each for the enhancing (e.g., vitalizing, enriching) and
1052 ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–1059

debilitating (e.g., limiting, depleting) attribute categories Stress Mindset Measure as the social readjustment rat-
and seven stimulus words for the target category (e.g., ing scale [45]. Stressor severity appraisal was measured
stressor, stressful) were identified based on participants’ by asking participants to identify the primary source of
top-ranked stimulus words from the pilot study. The stress in their life right now, and then asking how stressful
list of stimulus words is presented in Supplementary they perceive that stressor to be on a seven-point Likert
Material 2. The four-step SC-IAT procedure comprised scale (1 = not at all stressful to 7 = extremely stressful).
two practice rounds (one and three) of 24 trials each, and This measure was also used by Crum and colleagues [5]
two test rounds (two and four) of 72 trials each. Rounds to examine convergent and discriminant validity of the

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1 and 2 were “compatible” rounds, in which “stress” and Stress Mindset Measure. Because Crum and colleagues
“enhancing” categories were presented together on one [5] found amount of stress and stressor severity apprais-
side of the screen with the “debilitating” category on als to be significantly correlated with stress mindsets,
the other. Rounds 3 and 4 were “incompatible” rounds these variables were included as covariates in the analy-
in which “stress” and “debilitating” categories were sis, allowing us to examine the unique variance in health
presented together on one side of the screen with the and performance accounted for by the proposed stress
“enhancing” category on the other. During each of the beliefs model.
rounds, stimulus words from the three categories were
presented in the center of the screen in random order. Data Analysis
Participants were instructed to use the “E” key on the
computer keyboard to match the presented word to cat- Path analysis using Mplus version 7.4 [46] was employed
egories presented on the left side of the screen or the “I” to test the hypothesized stress beliefs model with maxi-
key to match stimuli to categories presented on the right. mum-likelihood estimation method (i.e., ML in Mplus).
The composition of the SC-IAT used in the current Indirect effects were estimated with bias-corrected boot-
study is presented in Table 2. Participants’ D scores were strapped (replications N = 10,000) 95% confidence inter-
calculated using the improved scoring algorithm [44] to vals. Seven univariate outliers were detected in initial
provide a measure of implicit stress mindset, with higher data screening (z > ±3.29). As it is possible that the out-
positive scores indicating stronger endorsement of an liers are true scores, and removal of the outliers did not
implicit stress-is-enhancing mindset. Those with higher affect the significance of any estimated paths, all cases
D scores are on average able to more quickly associate were included in the analysis. Multivariate skewness
words related to “stress” and “enhancing” together than (ratio of skew to SE > 3.29), univariate kurtosis (ratio
words related to “stress” and “debilitating”, which in of kurtosis to SE > 3.29), and heteroscedasticity with
theory reflects a stronger automatic association between academic performance as the outcome were present.
the two constructs for that individual [44]. Internal con- Therefore, significance of effects was evaluated based on
sistency was calculated by correlating the mean latency the bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% confidence inter-
scores for the two test rounds [44]. Reliability of the vals for all paths to guard against nonnormality. Three
stress mindset SC-IAT (r = .68) was comparable with participants’ academic performance data were missing
values found for SC-IATs in other domains [43]. due to their withdrawal from university prior to collec-
tion of data on academic performance. There were no
Covariates other missing data. The three missing data points were
imputed using a full-information, maximum-likelihood
Amount of stress was measured on a single item regression procedure. Due to statistically significant cor-
(“Overall, how much stress do you have in your life right relations between some of the variables in the model,
now?”) that used a seven-point Likert scale (1 = no stress the following error terms were allowed to covary: pro-
to 7 = an extreme amount of stress). This measure was active behavior with perceived somatic symptoms, per-
used by Crum and colleagues [5] to examine convergent ceived stress with psychological wellbeing and physical
and discriminant validity of the Stress Mindset Measures wellbeing, and psychological wellbeing with physical
and exhibited the same strength of relationship with the wellbeing. The proposed set of predictions were tested

Table 2 Composition of the stress mindset Single Category Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT)

Block Trials Function Left-key response Right key response

1 24 Practice Enhancing words + stress words Debilitating words

2 72 Test Enhancing words + stress words Debilitating words
3 24 Practice Enhancing words Debilitating words + stress words
4 72 Test Enhancing words Debilitating words + stress words
ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–10591053

simultaneously as a single nomological network [8–11], with all variables except implicit stress mindset. Implicit
with fit of the proposed model with the data evaluated stress mindset exhibited no correlation with any of the
using goodness-of-fit criteria for structural equation study variables. Stress mindset composite scores ranged
models including nonsignificant chi-square test of model from 1.13 to 5.07 (M = 3.28, SD = .81), with scores above
fit, RMSEA < .06, SRMR < .05, CFI > .95, TLI > .95 3.50 indicative of a level of agreement that stress can
[47]. Pending confirmation of good fit, we evaluated be enhancing. Implicit stress mindset SC-IAT D scores
individual effects within the network. We adopted an ranged from –1.01 to .61 (M = –0.30, SD = .33), with
alpha level of .05, and corresponding 95% confidence positive scores indicating a stronger implicit stress-is-en-

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intervals were used in evaluating the paths in the model. hancing mindset.

Results Model Effects

Preliminary Analyses The final model exhibited a good fit to the data,
χ2(6) = 4.20 (p = .65), RMSEA = .00, SRMR = .02,
Means, standard deviations, ranges, and intercorrela- CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.02. Standardized parameter esti-
tions among study variables are presented in Table 3. mates for the structural relations among the varia-
Stress mindset was significantly correlated with all var- bles in the proposed model are presented in Fig. 2,
iables except implicit stress mindset (measured using the and a summary of standardized path coefficients and
SC-IAT) and academic performance. Proactive behav- bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals is
ior was significantly correlated with all variables except presented in Table 4. Stress mindset had a statistically
implicit stress mindset and stressor severity appraisal, significant positive direct effect on proactive behavior
and perceived general somatic symptoms was correlated (P1) and a statistically significant negative direct effect on

Table 3 Observed Pearson correlations and descriptive statistics for study variables and covariates in the stress beliefs model

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Psychological –
2 Perceived stress –.77*** –
3 Physical wellbeing .31*** –.28*** –
4 Academic .11 –.16* .02 –
5 Proactive behavior .38*** –.42*** .03 .12 –
6 Perceived gen- –.54*** .60*** –.33*** –.24*** –.19** –
eral somatic
7 Stress mindset .27*** –.38*** .26*** .12 .27*** –.24*** –
8 Implicit stress –.07 .01 –.01 –.02 .06 .01 –.00 –
9 Amount of stress –.46*** .58*** –.31*** .03 –.16* .38*** –.20** –.09 –
10 Stressor severity –.43*** .55*** –.21** .01 –.11 .35*** –.24*** .01 .59*** –

M 44.45 20.04 25.28 4.98 2.93 19.63 3.28 –.30 4.52 5.45
SD 9.44 6.31 5.49 1.05 .66 6.09 .81 .33 1.15 1.23
Minimum 19 6 0 1.50 1 11 1.13 –1.01 1 1
Maximum 67 34 30 7 4.33 41 5.07 .61 7 7
Skew –1.67 –.62 –13.61 –2.05 –2.61 4.89 –1.33 1.04 –2.27 –4.89
Kurtosis –1.03 –2.28 18.75 1.26 .07 .58 –1.17 –.23 .81 3.02

Skew = ratio of skewness to skewness standard error. Kurtosis = ratio of kurtosis to kurtosis standard error. Scale ranges: 1. [1] none of
the time to [5] all of the time (responses summed; possible range 14–70); 2. [0] never to [4] very often (responses summed; possible range
0–40); 3. [0] to [30] healthy days; 4. [1] to [7] grade point average; 5. [1] never to [5] very often; 6. [1] almost never to [4] almost always
(responses summed; possible range 0–44); 7. [1] strongly disagree to [6] strongly agree; 8. [–2] debilitating orientation to [2] enhancing orien-
tation; 9. [1] no stress to [7] an extreme amount of stress; 10. [1] not at all stressful to [7] extremely stressful.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
1054 ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–1059

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Fig. 2. Standardized path coefficients for path model of hypothesized relations between stress mindset and four stress-related outcomes,
mediated by proactive behavior under stress and perceived general somatic symptoms. Broken lines between constructs indicate effects
proposed in the model but not found to be statistically significant. Effects of variables controlled for in the model are not included in the
diagram for clarity: amount of stress → stress mindset, β = –.09, p = .30; stressor severity appraisal → stress mindset, β = –.18, p = .03;
amount of stress → proactive behavior, β = –.11, p = .17; stressor severity appraisal → proactive behavior, β = .01, p = .83; amount
of stress → perceived general somatic symptoms, β = .26, p = .001; stressor severity appraisal → perceived general somatic symptoms,
β = .16, p = .02; amount of stress → psychological wellbeing, β = –.18, p = .01; stressor severity appraisal → psychological wellbeing,
β = –.17, p = .01; amount of stress → perceived stress, β = .26, p = .000; stressor severity appraisal → perceived stress, β = .22, p = .000;
amount of stress → physical wellbeing, β = –.23, p = .001; stressor severity appraisal → physical wellbeing, β = .05, p = .47; amount
of stress → academic performance, β = .14, p = .05; stressor severity appraisal → academic performance, β = .05, p = .45. *p < .05.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.

perceived general somatic symptoms (P2), as predicted. indirect effect of stress mindset on physical wellbeing
There were no statistically significant direct effects of (P18) or academic performance (P19) through proactive
implicit stress mindset on proactive behavior; thus P3 was behavior, indicating a lack of support for these predicted
not supported. Proactive behavior had a statistically sig- effects. There was a significant positive indirect effect
nificant positive direct effect on psychological wellbeing of stress mindset on psychological wellbeing (P20) and
(P4) and a statistically significant negative direct effect a significant negative indirect effect on perceived stress
on perceived stress (P5), as predicted. There were no sta- (P21) through perceived somatic symptoms, as predicted.
tistically significant direct effects of proactive behavior Finally, as predicted, there was a significant indirect
on physical wellbeing (P6) or academic performance (P7); effect of stress mindset on physical wellbeing (P22) and
thus these predictions were not supported. Perceived academic performance (P23) through perceived somatic
somatic symptoms had a statistically significant negative symptoms.
direct effect on psychological wellbeing (P8) and a statis-
tically significant positive direct effect on perceived stress
(P9), as predicted. Perceived somatic symptoms had a Discussion
statistically significant negative direct effect on physi-
cal wellbeing (P10) and a statistically significant negative The purpose of the current study was to test a stress
direct effect on academic performance (P11), as predicted. beliefs model proposing the mechanisms by which beliefs
In contrast to predictions, there were no statistically sig- about the consequences of stress influence physical and
nificant direct effects of stress mindset on psychological psychological wellbeing, perceived stress, and academic
wellbeing (P12) or academic performance (P14). However, performance. The role of implicit beliefs and explicit
a significant positive direct effect of stress mindset on beliefs about the consequences of stress in this pro-
perceived stress (P13) and physical wellbeing was found cess were evaluated in young undergraduate university
(P15). students. The model identified the key behavioral and
Turning to the indirect effects, there was a significant physiological mechanisms by which these beliefs influ-
positive indirect effect of stress mindset on psychological ence health and performance outcomes. Specifically,
wellbeing through proactive behavior (P16), as predicted. proactive behavior had a positive direct effect on psy-
There was a significant negative indirect effect of stress chological wellbeing and a negative direct effect on per-
mindset on perceived stress through proactive behavior ceived stress but no direct effects on physical wellbeing
(P17), as predicted. There was, however, no significant or academic performance. Perceived general somatic
ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–10591055

Table 4 Summary of standardized path coefficients and bias-corrected bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals

Prediction Paths β p 95% CI

P1 Stress mindset → proactive behavior* .25 .000 [.10, .38]
P2 Stress mindset → perceived somatic symptoms* –.15 .03 [–.28, –.02]
P3 Implicit stress mindset → proactive behavior .06 .34 [–.06, .18]
P4 Proactive behavior → psychological wellbeing* .25 .000 [.14, .36]

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P5 Proactive behavior → perceived stress* –.26 .000 [–.34, –.18]
P6 Proactive behavior → physical wellbeing –.09 .14 [–.22, .03]
P7 Proactive behavior → academic performance .08 .28 [–.06, .22]
P8 Perceived somatic symptoms → psychological wellbeing* –.38 .000 [–.48, –.22]
P9 Perceived somatic symptoms → perceived stress* .35 .000 [.26, .44]
P10 Perceived somatic symptoms → physical wellbeing* –.23 .01 [–.41, –.05]
P11 Perceived somatic symptoms → academic performance* –.28 .000 [–.40, –.13]
P12 Stress mindset → psychological wellbeing .04 .50 [–.07, .15]
P13 Stress mindset → perceived stress* –.12 .01 [–.21, –.03]
P14 Stress mindset → physical wellbeing* .20 .01 [.06, .33]
P15 Stress mindset → academic performance .07 .29 [–.06, .21]
Indirect via proactive behavior
P16 Stress mindset → psychological wellbeing* .06 .01 [.02, .12]
P17 Stress mindset → perceived stress* –.07 .004 [–.12, –.03]
P18 Stress mindset → physical wellbeing –.02 .18 [–.07, .00]
P19 Stress mindset → academic performance .02 .32 [–.01, .07]
Indirect via perceived somatic symptoms
P20 Stress mindset → psychological wellbeing* .05 .04 [.01, .11]
P21 Stress mindset → perceived stress* –.05 .04 [–.11, –.01]
P22 Stress mindset → physical wellbeing* .04 .10 [.01, .09]
P23 Stress mindset → academic performance* .04 .06 [.01, .10]

*Significant path at 95% CI.

symptoms had a negative direct effect on psychological to reports of lower perceived general somatic symptoms,
and physical wellbeing and academic performance, and a which, in turn, results in higher psychological wellbeing,
positive direct effect on perceived stress. Moreover, stress lower perceived stress, and higher physical health. These
mindset directly influenced perceived stress and physical mediation pathways provide preliminary support for the
wellbeing, and indirectly influenced psychological well- mechanisms outlined in the stress beliefs model whereby
being and perceived stress via proactive behavior under beliefs about the malleability of the stress response influ-
stress and perceived general somatic symptoms. Further, ence wellbeing by exerting changes in behavioral and
general somatic symptoms mediated the effect of stress physiological responses to stress.
mindset on physical wellbeing and academic perfor- In contrast to expectations, indirect effects of stress
mance. Implicit stress mindset had no effect on proactive mindset on physical wellbeing through proactive behav-
behavior, and was not related to any of the outcomes. ior were not found. Given the correlational nature of the
An important contribution of the current research is study, it is possible that behaviors used in coping with
the identification of key indirect pathways by which stress stress had not yet resulted in an observable effect on
mindsets influence health and performance outcomes. health. Future research should therefore consider lon-
Indirect effects of proactive behaviors and somatic gitudinal comparisons of the effect of stress mindsets
symptoms mediated the effect of stress mindset on psy- on a range of specific coping behaviors known to dir-
chological wellbeing and perceived stress, suggesting that ectly influence health to further explore the mechanism
stress mindset leads to uptake of more proactive and through which stress mindsets may determine physical
problem-focused behaviors under stress, which, in turn, health outcomes. Measures of health in which respond-
results in increased psychological wellbeing and reduced ents are required to indicate their physical health over
levels of perceived stress. Conversely, stress mindset leads a longer period of time may be better placed to detect
1056 ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–1059

health effects that take some time to manifest, and future the two attribute categories (e.g., depleting, enriching).
research may consider extending the follow-up period of In the current study, the attribute categories were repre-
health measures to determine long-term effects of stress sented with two stimulus words: enhancing and debilitat-
mindset on health outcomes. ing. These stimuli may not have been sufficiently familiar
Consistent with expectations, stress mindset was indi- compared with stimuli that represent positive/approach
rectly related to academic performance through per- (e.g., good, happy) and negative/avoidance (e.g., bad,
ceived general somatic symptoms. This suggests that sad) attributes to adequately capture the implicit beliefs.
the lower subjective tension afforded by stress mindsets Future research aiming to measure stress mindset implic-

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when under stress may be an important mechanism itly should seek to use more common attribute catego-
for the effect of mindset on academic performance. In ries and stimulus words such as in the standard test [43].
contrast and contrary to expectations, stress mindset Alternatively, dual-category implicit association tests
did not predict academic performance directly or indi- [44] use a smaller range of words for each attribute cat-
rectly through proactive behavior. This raises the possi- egory, which may help to reduce the potential for lack of
bility that performance outcomes in academic contexts familiarity with the stimuli. Further refining the meas-
may not be as strongly influenced by stress mindset as urement of these implicit beliefs will help to answer the
health outcomes. An alternative explanation is that question of whether stress mindsets do to some degree
stress mindset may represent an individual difference influence health and performance outcomes outside of
that affects individuals’ behavior beyond their aware- conscious awareness, or solely through the tendency to
ness, but our implicit measure was insufficiently sensitive consciously utilize a technique for interpreting the stress-
to capture any shared variance between stress mindset ful response in a given moment. For example, recent
and academic performance attributable to this “impul- research has found that techniques for reappraising the
sive” pathway. Evidence that this effect may reflect an physiological arousal associated with stress and anxiety
impulsive process arises from the mediation of the effect in a given moment [49–54] lead to lower perceived stress
of stress mindset on academic performance by somatic and better performance in stressful situations.
symptoms, an emotional response consistent with more
impulsive, nonconscious behavior. Recommendations for Future Research and Practice
It was expected that implicit stress mindset would
have a significant direct effect on proactive behavior The current study makes several important theoretical
under stress. This prediction was based on dual-process contributions and identifies areas for future investiga-
theories of cognition [15], which postulate that observed tion. First, stress mindset has been found to influence
behaviors are regulated by Type 1 (intuitive) and Type proactive behaviors under stress and perceived general
2 (reflective) processes, with the Type 1 processes not somatic symptoms. This supports two key predictions of
requiring working memory and thus regulating behavior the stress beliefs model and suggests that beliefs about
when working memory is limited such as while stressed the consequences of stress are important determinants
[16]. While this theoretical proposition is well suited to of the choice of coping behaviors utilized when under
predicting behavior in stressful situations, our implicit stress, and the experience of chronic physiological stress
Stress Mindset Measure did not predict proactive behav- symptoms. Second, proactive behaviors under stress and
iors in the current study. To speculate, we propose two perceived general somatic symptoms emerged as medi-
explanations for the lack of effect. First, our implicit ators of the relationship between stress-is-mindset and
measure of stress mindset tested the speed with which some stress-related outcomes. This is an important theo-
participants associated stress-related stimuli with either retical implication in that some of the mechanisms driv-
debilitating or enhancing attributes. Similar to Henderson ing the effect of beliefs about the consequences of stress
et al. [48], who identified that successful past coping on health and performance outcomes have been identi-
strategies were encoded in schematic representations of fied. In addition, the effects were observed even when
illness, behaviors previously effective in promptly reduc- controlling for amount of stress and stressor severity
ing stress (i.e., emotion-focused strategies) may also be appraisal. This suggests that the stress mindsets are an
encoded in schematic representations of stress. Given important determinant of these outcomes, regardless of
that stress is generally labeled as a potential health threat how much stress a person experiences and their apprais-
that must be reduced or removed [5], these schematic als of the stressor, which aligns with prior research [5].
representations may be for the most part incongruous to The current research also has practical ramifications
the stress mindset being measured and, thus, potentially for stress management. For example, future interventions
unlikely to predict proactive coping behaviors. aiming to manipulate stress mindsets can include infor-
Second, the implicit mindset SC-IAT used in the cur- mation about the malleable nature of the stress response
rent study may not have been suitable. The standard alongside information about the enhancing properties
SC-IAT [43] used 21 stimulus words to represent each of of stress and can also provide skills training in proactive
ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–10591057

and problem-focused coping strategies. This is important as it cannot be assumed that current results will translate
in that it has the capacity to enhance the effects of short to individuals in stressful occupations (e.g., police, emer-
and easily accessible nonclinical stress mindset interven- gency workers, army personnel) or environments (e.g.,
tions. Based on the findings of the current study, there floods, earthquakes, war zones).
are some specific strategies to consider when changing The results of the current study must also be consid-
peoples’ mindsets toward stress. First, rather than simply ered in light of some limitations. First, while the correl-
drawing an individual’s attention toward the enhancing ational design is appropriate due to the study being the
properties of stress, attention should be drawn to the first test of the stress beliefs model, the results of correl-

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malleable and controllable nature of the stress response ational research do not provide strong evidence of causal
to elicit the belief that one is in control of their personal links between variables. Future research should seek to
response to stressors. Supporting this assertion, recent experimentally manipulate stress mindsets framed con-
research has found that showing a video presenting a sistent with the SCMM that stress “can be” enhancing
balanced conceptualization of stress results in more to establish causal links between these beliefs and health
adaptive physiological outcomes under acute stress in and performance outcomes. Second, self-reported gen-
contrast with presentation of an unbalanced-positive eral somatic symptoms to indicate students’ general level
or unbalanced-negative conceptualization of stress [20]. of physiological activation were reported. While the
Second, a recent meta-analysis [55] reviewed 24 univer- STICSA is a well-validated scale that has been found to
sity student stress reduction interventions, all of which be related to cortisol in prior research [42], direct ana-
required engagement in a cognitive (including mindful- lysis of hair cortisol or other biomarkers of chronic
ness) or behavioral strategy to deal with the stress. The stress would be beneficial. The current study evaluated
study found that these interventions were effective; how- the role of proactive behavior under stress in mediating
ever, all rely on an individual consciously engaging in the effect of stress mindset on health and performance
the strategy. Because we identified that stress mindsets outcomes but did not evaluate the role of other emo-
underpin actual engagement in coping behaviors, a key tion-focused behaviors that may be used to cope when
practical implication of the current study is that mindsets under stress in this process. Future research should fur-
could be targeted alongside imparting coping strategies ther explore the causal links between stress mindset and
in future research. Finally, while a focus on imparting specific behaviors aimed at reducing tension or proac-
proactive coping strategies paired with changing beliefs tively meeting demands under stress. This would help to
about the consequences of stress is important, there is a inform future interventions using proactive coping skills
potential gap between coping goals and coping behav- training in combination with eliciting a mindset that
iors, and volitional targets may also be useful in maxi- stress can be enhancing. While we did include amount of
mizing the influence of these beliefs on actual health and stress and stressor severity appraisal as covariates in the
performance outcomes. model, it may be fruitful to measure and include depres-
sion and trait anxiety as covariates in future research
to understand whether they exert an influence on the
Strengths and Limitations nomological network. Finally, stress mindset is currently
conceptualized as beliefs about the consequences of
The current study has several strengths that enhance our stress. We anticipate, however, that an understanding of
understanding of how beliefs about the consequences of how stress mindsets influence the experience of feeling
stress influence health and performance outcomes. First, of stress during stressful moments would provide further
the study tested a novel and comprehensive stress beliefs insight into how they operate and is therefore an impor-
model and revealed potential targets for future interven- tant avenue for future research.
tions aimed at reducing the effect of stress on health and
performance in nonclinical populations. This is impor-
tant, as many people do not seek professional support Conclusion
in coping with stress [4]. Second, as GPA was requested
directly from the university system, an objective meas- The current study tested a novel stress beliefs model which
ure of academic performance was used, which contrasts proposed that the effect of stress mindset on health and
from previous studies that have tended to rely on self-re- performance outcomes is mediated by proactive behavior
port performance measures of performance [5]. Finally, under stress and perceived general somatic symptoms. It
the current study evaluated the role of stress mindset in was also proposed that implicit beliefs influence behav-
predicting health and performance outcomes in under- iors seeking to proactively meet demands. The study fills
graduate students, a population that may be susceptible a significant gap in knowledge in that it begins the pro-
to stress [4]. However, future research should also seek to cess of understanding the mechanisms through which
test the model in other contexts and population groups beliefs about the consequences of stress, stress mindsets,
1058 ann. behav. med. (2018) 52:1046–1059

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