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Digital Media and Risks for

Adolescent Substance Abuse

and Problematic Gambling
Dan Romer, PhD,​a Megan Moreno, MD, MSEd, MPHb

abstract Digital media provide increased opportunities for both marketing and social transmission
of risky products and behavior. We briefly review what is known about adolescent exposure
to favorable presentations of addictive substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana,
as well as behaviors such as gambling, on social and other online media. Our understanding
of these influences and whether they require greater regulation is still developing, and
recommendations for future research to address these gaps in our understanding are
described. Potential strategies to intervene in these environments to protect adolescents
and young adults from the adverse effects of these products are described, as well as future
challenges for developing interventions.


aAnnenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and bDivision of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Hospital,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained in each paper are solely a product of the individual workgroup and are not the policy or opinions of, nor
do they represent an endorsement by Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development or the American Academy of Pediatrics.
All authors contributed equally to the writing and conceptualization of the paper and approved the final manuscript as submitted.
The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or the US
Food and Drug Administration.
DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2016-​1758L
Accepted for publication Apr 19, 2017
Address correspondence to Dan Romer, PhD, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, 202 S 36th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104. E-mail: dan.romer@
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).

Supplement Article PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017:e20161758

Adolescents and young adults are 17 have tried a tobacco product, the United States has been inactive
uniquely vulnerable to the effects including use of traditional cigarettes since 2010, when the Annenberg
of social media in particular and (13%), electronic cigarettes Public Policy Center last tracked
digital communication in general: (11%), cigars (8%), hookahs (7%), the practice. Despite not involving
they are at once early adopters, and smokeless tobacco (4%).‍9 an addictive substance, inability
nearly ubiquitous users, and highly A major source of information to control gambling is regarded
susceptible to peer influences.‍1 Our about these products is available as a behavioral addiction in the
workgroup considered the risks of online, especially on the widely psychiatric literature.‍16 Adolescents
digital communication in regard accessed YouTube video platform.‍10 who engage in online gambling
to enhanced exposure to favorable Researchers have confirmed that, exhibit heightened levels of
presentations of harmful substances, in addition to smoking cessation problematic gambling symptoms,​‍17
such as alcohol and tobacco, on social content, YouTube contains a making this form of gambling
media and of increased opportunities multitude of protobacco messages.‍11 particularly worrisome. In addition,
for engaging in behaviors that can there is increasing evidence of
Although less is known about the
lead to addiction, such as online simulated forms of gambling not
online presence of content regarding
gambling. involving money proliferating on
illegal drugs, there is growing
social media, such as Facebook.18
Alcohol use in adolescents and evidence that marijuana use has
These games may provide a gateway
young adults is of particular concern increased among both adults and
to encourage adolescents to progress
because it is involved in many forms young people.‍12 The increasing
to actual online gambling.‍19 Just as
of injury, both unintentional (eg, legalization of marijuana in states
for drug use, early progression in
motor vehicle crashes, violence and jurisdictions will undoubtedly
gambling is a risk for later problems
victimization) and intentional (eg, add to its presence online. While
in controlling this behavior.‍20 There
self-inflicted injury).‍2 Although marijuana advertising on social
is also evidence that excessive
rates of alcohol use initiation have media is currently not allowed,
use of alcohol is comorbid with
declined over the last 2 decades,​‍3 marijuana businesses can create
the development of gambling
early adolescent progression in “business pages” to promote content

use of alcohol and other drugs is and engage with users on social
associated with later incidence of media, and these business pages are
substance use disorder.‍4 Past studies accessible to social media users of
Current State and Future
have described content and posting any age. The authors of at least one Research
timing of alcohol use on sites such study have examined the presence
as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.‍5 of marijuana messages in social Alcohol researchers in particular
In particular, displays of alcohol use media,​‍13 with a focus on Twitter, an have begun to measure the exposure
on social media have been found online social messaging system that to and impact of alcohol-related
to be indicative of personal use is increasingly popular with young content on social media and to
among young people6 and are likely people.‍1 The authors of the study develop intervention mechanisms
to enhance normative perceptions found that most of the messages for these media platforms. However,
among followers of those posts.‍7 contained favorable sentiments about the ways in which these social
Marketing of alcohol products is the substance and that 59% of those media exposures may be similar to,
also common on social media. Many tweets were estimated to be sent by different from, or reinforcing of their
alcohol brands have a presence youth less than the age of 20. Many offline counterparts are not yet fully
on social media, giving them the of the senders of these messages understood. As the field of social
opportunity to connect with young had large numbers of followers, media research is still in its infancy,
people and develop brand loyalty.‍8 suggesting that such messages can further work is needed in several
Although marketing programs may reach and influence large networks. arenas.
require age verification before
Adolescent use of online gambling First, research that fully harnesses
allowing users to access online
sites has become an issue of the social aspects of social media
content, those restrictions are
international concern.‍14 Online by studying interactions between
difficult to enforce and can easily be
gambling proliferated in the peers, distribution of content
United States during the 2000s, through a social network, or
Use of cigarettes by adolescents during which time it was generally interactions between adolescents
has declined in recent years.‍3 considered illegal.‍15 Unfortunately, and adults are needed.‍21 These
Nevertheless, according to a recent research on the prevalence of online types of studies would help deepen
survey, ∼21% of youth ages 12 to gambling among adolescents in our understanding of how alcohol

PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017 S103

and other substance use content Researchers at the Annenburg might defraud users are unlikely to
is distributed and shared through Public Policy Center have recently occur on such sites. Thus, concerns
networks, and they could potentially examined popular protobacco about robot players and illegitimate
identify intervention partners who content in YouTube videos with the access to players’ hands are less
have access to and are willing to aim of identifying and classifying likely when the government runs
confront adolescents and young misleading or otherwise tobacco- gambling sites. In addition, various
adults regarding references to promoting messages that frequently limits on gambling activity, such as
alcohol and other drugs. appear there.‍27 They developed a time and money spent per session,
coding scheme that could reliably are made available. In contrast,
Second, the interactive nature of
sort the claims in these videos, with privately run gambling sites are more
social media sites provides new
the aim of developing messages that apt to rely on revenue derived from
opportunities for interventions. Such
can be posted online to debunk these problem gamblers.‍28
interventions must be developed
“patterns of deception.” An initial
with an understanding of the privacy The Ontario example suggests
test of the effects of these messages
settings within each network. Only that, at present, gamblers who use
revealed that young people ages 18
individuals who are able to view online sites in the United States
to 24 did not find the claims credible;
the content and are comfortable may not enjoy the protections
nevertheless, their expectations
with communicating about it that gamblers in Canada do. For
about the pleasurableness of the
would be able to conduct such an example, online gambling in New
various types of tobacco use featured
intervention. Preliminary work has Jersey is licensed by the state but
in the videos were enhanced, with
explored communication strategies not run by it. As a result, gamblers
stronger effects among current
for these encounters and potential must depend on the integrity
tobacco users.‍27 Thus, there is a risk
intervention opportunities.‍22 of casinos. Thus, there is strong
that such content, which is largely
However, further work is needed need for research to monitor the
unregulated, may serve as a vehicle
to understand how this knowledge prevalence and potential ill effects
for promoting tobacco products,
can be translated into clinical on inexperienced adolescent
especially among those already
practice or educational interventions users. To the extent that online
favorably disposed to the use of
appropriate for different settings, sites are benefiting from sales to
those products. Future directions for
such as schools, clinics, or adolescents, greater regulatory
the study of misleading content on
universities. In the case of online oversight would be appropriate.
YouTube can apply the same methods
gambling, potential interventions
to the study of alcohol use.
include pop-ups that remind users
of the time and money they have just Recommendations
It is not known how many young
spent gambling online.‍23 There is
people are currently using online In future studies involving social
also evidence that online counseling
gambling sites, the likely sites they media sites, attention to 2 factors
may be effective in helping youth to
are using, and any adverse effects of will be critical. One is attention to
reduce the use of substances, and this
this use. In 2011, the Department of privacy settings on sites and users’
may also be a potential mechanism
Justice ruled that the laws pertaining expectations for protection of their
to intervene with youth at risk for
to some forms of gambling, such confidentiality. Previous work has
gambling problems.‍24
as sports betting, may not apply to illustrated that older adolescents are
Third, research is needed into the online forms of casino games, such willing to interact with others, such
extent to which young people are as poker. Nevertheless, with a few as parents or other adult role models,
exposed to advertising from alcohol exceptions, few states have approved regarding their displayed health risk
and tobacco manufacturers across the practice. Online gambling is legal behaviors on social media sites.‍29
social media sites. The same social in some provinces in Canada and However, they are wary of interacting
marketing approaches that may be the experience there provides useful with those they don’t know, limiting
used to promote alcohol and other experience for how such activity can the potential of a researcher engaging
legal drugs on social media can be controlled. For example, Ontario with youth via social media. In
perhaps be harnessed to promote hosts its own online gambling addition, social media sites may vary
abstention before age 21.‍25,​26
‍ In programs. This gives the government in users’ expectations for privacy,
these ways, the new landscape of the responsibility to safeguard the and terms of use may restrict what
social media can be understood and interests of gamblers. For example, researchers can do when interacting
perhaps used to reduce the negative age restrictions are enforced to with users. A second critical factor is
consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and reduce the chances of adolescent use attention to involving social media
other drug use among youth. of gambling sites, and practices that sites with the same ethical and

S104 Romer and Moreno

regulatory rigor that is expected On the basis of this review, there to reach and assist adolescents and
in offline studies involving human is great need for a wide-ranging parents to avoid the progression
subjects. For example, obtaining research agenda to inform our of these behaviors. With so many
parental consent for studies involving understanding of how the use adolescents engaging with each other
interaction with adolescents can pose of social media and other online and with marketers of addictive
challenges on social media.‍30 Several sites, such as gambling venues, are products, the opportunity for
guidelines have been published influencing adolescent uptake and health promotion appears
that identify best practices in study progression of potentially addictive sizable. This is a challenge that
design and working with institutional drugs and behaviors. There is also the hopefully will be engaged in the near
research boards.‍30 opportunity to use online resources future.

Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Dr Romer was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Center for Tobacco Products (P50CA179546). Research reported in this
publication was partially supported by the National Cancer Institute of the NIH and the US Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products under
Award Number P50CA179546. This special supplement, “Children, Adolescents, and Screens: What We Know and What We Need to Learn,​” was made possible
through the financial support of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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