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Journal of Geophysics and Engineering

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 doi:10.1093/jge/gxab003

Geophysical investigations for stability and safety

mitigation of regional crude-oil pipeline near
abandoned coal mines
B. Butchibabu1 , Prosanta Kumar Khan2,* and P.C. Jha1

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National Institute of Rock Mechanics, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560 070, India
Department of Applied Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
826 004, India
Corresponding author: Prosanta Kumar Khan. E-mail: khanprosanta1966@iitism.ac.in

Received 20 August 2019, revised 18 October 2020

Accepted for publication 9 January 2021

This study aims for the protection of a crude-oil pipeline, buried at a shallow depth, against a
probable environmental hazard and pilferage. Both surface and borehole geophysical techniques
such as electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), ground penetrating radar (GPR), surface seismic
refraction tomography (SRT), cross-hole seismic tomography (CST) and cross-hole seismic
profiling (CSP) were used to map the vulnerable zones. Data were acquired using ERT, GPR
and SRT along the pipeline for a length of 750 m, and across the pipeline for a length of 4096
m (over 16 profiles of ERT and SRT with a separation of 50 m) for high-resolution imaging of the
near-surface features. Borehole techniques, based on six CSP and three CST, were carried out at
potentially vulnerable locations up to a depth of 30 m to complement the surface mapping with
high-resolution imaging of deeper features. The ERT results revealed the presence of voids or
cavities below the pipeline. A major weak zone was identified at the central part of the study area
extending significantly deep into the subsurface. CSP and CST results also confirmed the presence
of weak zones below the pipeline. The integrated geophysical investigations helped to detect
the old workings and a deformation zone in the overburden. These features near the pipeline
produced instability leading to deformation in the overburden, and led to subsidence in close
vicinity of the concerned area. The area for imminent subsidence, proposed based on the results
of the present comprehensive geophysical investigations, was found critical for the pipeline.
Keywords: subsidence, cavity and sinkhole, electrical resistivity tomography, seismic refraction
tomography, cross-hole seismic tomography

1. Introduction subsidence under the mining environment. In one such case,

a segment (∼42 km) of 300-km long crude-oil pipeline in the
Shallow buried pipeline networks, deployed for transmission
eastern part of India, running over old abandoned coal mines,
and distribution of economically vital products such as crude
came under thorough investigation because of such associ-
oil, gas and so on are occasionally subjected to instability
ated subsurface problems. Poorly planned and unauthorised
because of volumetric changes in the near-surface soils due
mining activities close to this segment led to ground subsi-
to failures in the form of cracking, sagging and buckling be-
dence (figure 1), and the formation of minor and major weak
cause of surface deformations. Probable causes could be nat-
zones such as voids and sinkholes (figure 2), with significant
ural forces, high groundwater fluctuations or any impending

© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of 145
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 1. Photographs showing numerous types of subsidence occurred in the study area. (1) Pipeline passing over the area of large subsidence, (2)
series of subsidence occurred along the pipeline, (3) subsidence occurred close to the pipeline, and (4) surface runoff recharging water into the subsidence
area through feeder channel.

risk to the stability of the pipeline. Failure of remnant pil- normally preferred for such near-surface high-resolution
lars in the shallow old workings (<50 m depth) is a poten- imaging (Wang 2021). Geologically, the subsurface around
tial cause of ground subsidence and sinkholes. Such ground the troubled segment of pipeline is composed of soil with
subsidence led to an abnormal sag in the pipe line leading clay and sand, followed by alternating sandstone and coal.
to opening of a joint in its structure. Subsequent leakage of Presence of weak zones in the form of cavities and sinkholes
crude oil caused concerns of an environmental hazard in the brings out a contrast in the electrical properties of the soil
surroundings. (Maillol et al. 1999; Van-Schoor 2002; Cardarelli et al.
It is plausible to address such problems by comprehen- 2006; Kim et al. 2007; Martínez-Pagán et al. 2013; Metwaly
sive geo-investigations. Geological and geotechnical studies & Al Fouzan 2013; Bharti et al. 2016b; Das & Mohanty
yield information based on direct observations and point 2016). Several authors followed an integrated approach to
tests, but they may not be adequate for comprehensively delineate the subsurface weak zones (Drahor et al. 2015;
designing a solution. Thus, geophysical investigations that Bernatek-Jakiel & Kondracka 2016; Drahor & Berge 2017;
are capable of bringing out the hidden causes by mapping Cueto et al. 2018; Vargemezis et al. 2019). Electrical re-
the subsurface in detail are of economic choice and are sistivity tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 2. Photographs show the locations of sinkholes and cavities near the pipeline. (a) A 10 m diameter and 30 m deep sinkhole, filled with fly ash
below the pipeline, (b) tree roots exposed through the sinkholes, (c) sinkhole located close to the alignment of pipeline and (d) sinkhole with shallow

(GPR) are potential tools for locating such weak zones Ortiz & Martín-Crespo 2012; Chatterjee et al. 2015; Sahu &
(Ballard 1983; Yelf & Turner 1990; Fenner 1995; Carpenter Lokhande 2015).
et al. 1998; Dobecki & Upchurch 2006; Gómez-Ortiz & The present study aims to map the subsurface voids and
Martín-Crespo 2012; Carbonel et al. 2014; Simyrdanis et al. cavities in the vicinity of the pipeline by deploying surface
2018; Mogren 2020). In addition, it would be useful to derive geophysical investigative techniques, such as ERT, GPR and
the engineering properties of the zones for planning suitable SRT, to assess the shallow subsurface conditions and bore-
reinforcement measures (Singh et al. 2017a, 2017b). This is hole techniques, such as CSP and CST, were used for map-
better achieved by seismic techniques from surface and bore- ping the deep-seated anomalies. Integration of both surface
hole. While surface techniques could yield information on and borehole results leads us to infer the possible hazards
the weak zones closer to the surface (Lankston 1989; Cohen zones below the pipeline, and motivates us to adopt the re-
& Donahue 1994; Sheehan et al. 2003; Cardarelli et al. 2010; medial measures to enhance its stability.
Butchibabu et al. 2019b), borehole imaging is used to better
resolve the deep-seated features (Miller & Steeples 1991; 2. Study area
McDowell & Hope 1993; Mufti 1995; Rechtien et al. 1995;
Flecha et al. 2004; Grandjean & Leparoux 2004; Inazaki et al. Coal mining activities began in this area about 300 years
2004; Cha et al. 2006; Debeglia et al. 2006; Xu & Butt 2006; back in a random manner and standard coal mining prac-
Park et al. 2008; Balasubramaniam et al. 2013; Butchibabu tices such as board and pillar were adopted during the late
et al. 2017, 2019a). Similar studies have been carried out to 19th century (Srivastava & Mitra 1995; Lahiri-Dutt 2003).
successfully detect underground cavities, ground deforma- The sizes of the panel and coal pillar vary around 200 m,
tions, mine shafts, mine and sinkholes subsidence in several and between 20 and 24 m, respectively. The average thick-
coal mines elsewhere (Fisher 1972; McCann et al. 1987; ness of the coal seam varies between 4 and 6 m and the
Marino 2000; Johnson 2003; Prakash et al. 2009; Gómez- overburden thickness ranges from ∼15 to 50 m (Singh &

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

Yadav 1995). The occurrence of high-grade coal at a shallow borehole casing was repeatedly going down or sinking. To
level led to illegal extraction, and caused serious concern stop the sinking, we tied two sticks to the borehole casing
to society (Lahiri-Dutt 1999). Combustion of coal due to (figure 3) during the present study. Groundwater level was
assimilation of oxygen into the underground methane in the identified at a depth of 10 m from the ground surface in an
coal seams was documented in the area (Martha et al. 2005; open well (figure 3) close (∼5 m) to the pipeline alignment.
Guha & Kumar 2012). These unauthorised mining activities
associated with coal fires resulted in the development of mine
voids, land subsidence, sinkholes, cavities, potholes, etc., and 3. Geology of the study area
posed threats to the environment with respect to health and
Geologically, the Raniganj coal fields comprise rocks mainly
safety issues (Kuenzer & Stracher 2012; Saini et al. 2016;
from the Gondwana group of the Early Permian to Lower
Butchibabu et al. 2019b). These illegal coal mining oper-
Cretaceous (Guha & Kumar 2012). The Gondwana group
ations caused severe horizontal and vertical deformations
was stratigraphically subdivided into the upper and lower
in the ground and created foundation problems in nearby
Gondwana series. The lower Gondwana was again divided

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structures such as buildings, road/rail links, pipelines, etc.
into three sub-series; these were the Panchet, Domodar
(Can et al. 2012).
and Talchir Formations, respectively. The lower Gondwana
A number of cases of premature collapse of small pillars
group (permo-carboniferous age) of rocks contains valuable
during the early part of mining in this coal belt were re-
resources of coal and is covered by a thick blanket of alluvium
ported, and consequently extensive roof-falls, collapses of en-
near to the Durgapur area (Das 1970). The study area marked
trances and water logging forced government agencies to de-
on the geological map of the Raniganj coal fields (figure 4) is
clare the areas unsafe for human habitation (CMPDIL Tech.
known for several environmental hazards such as subsidence,
Report 1988; Areeparampil 1996; DGMS Interim Report
coal fires, sinkholes, cavities, etc. related to shallow coal work-
1997). The Government of India rehabilitated 60000 people
ings. Recent studies have established the extension of the
affected by mining induced subsidence and designated 60.55
Raniganj Gondwana basin around Durgapur to form a new
km2 of land as severely damaged due to subsidence, aban-
sub-basin known as the Durgapur sub-basin, and is separated
doned quarries and spoil dump (Chari 1989; Areeparampil
by a subsurface ridge around Andal and Muchipara (Ghosh
1996). The study region is the second highest urbanisation
et al. 1993). The Raniganj coal belt comprises sedimentary
area in the state of West Bengal. It attracted human settlement
rock formations with recent alluvial and lateritic deposits. La-
due to its long history of mining, and equivocally faced seri-
teritic soils in the area appear to be a sheet rock on the surface
ous threats of subsidence, loss of human lives and property,
and borehole drilling indicates red lateritic soil up to 4 m, fol-
etc. (Lahiri-Dutt 1999).
lowed by anthropogenic stowing sand up to 17 m and broken
The study area has lateral dimensions of 750 × 150 m,
pieces of sandstone up to a depth of 30 m (figure 3). The lat-
lies close to the Kajora coalfield of West Bengal, India and is
erite deposition is composed of numerous quartz grains and
characterised by an undulating ground surface, sloping gen-
these quartzose laterites pass into lateritic conglomerates, la-
tly toward the SW direction. In the area of concern, signifi-
teritic gravels, etc. The principal lithological units of lateritic
cant ground subsidence (∼8–10 m, figure 1) and large num-
types and sandy gravel beds are laterites, quartzose laterite, la-
bers of sinkholes with diameters ranging from ∼2 to 10 m and
teritic gravels and conglomerates. Figure 5 shows the location
up to 30 m deep were found in the vicinity of pipeline (fig-
of the study area including the layout of surface geophysical
ure 2). The probable causes of the formation of sinkholes and
lines and borehole sites.
ground subsidence were shallow depth cover, weak overbur-
den, geological discontinuities and dislocation of rocks. Low-
ering of groundwater and rainfall further aggravated their oc-
4. Data acquisition and processing
currences. Two types of subsidence, such as sinkholes repre-
senting collapse of cover as well as trough formation, were ob- The area of present concern comprises abandoned coal
served in the area. The land is still not stable and events are mines. Drill data for the vertical section show three main
active either in the form of troughs or sinkhole subsidence, layers: the top one is predominantly characterised by lat-
which might have been caused by subsurface cavities formed eritic soil, the second one is made up from loose sand and
in the area. Earlier incidences of sag in pipes and breakout there is a bottom third layer of sandstone layer. GPR and
at joints were reported. A sinkhole with the dimensions of ERT techniques were used for mapping the subsurface cav-
10 m diameter and 30 m deep occurred very close to the ities and weak zones. The weak zones in the strata of coal
pipeline in 2015 and was subsequently filled with fly ash (fig- were later confirmed by the SRT technique. Borehole inves-
ure 2a). During the borehole drilling for cross-hole tests, one tigations were carried out to resolve the deeper information,
full-length (∼3 m) drill bit was suddenly dropped at a 13 m and simultaneously provided the detailed information of the
depth, possibly in a void or abandoned mine gallery. This strata as well as associated weak zones.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 3. Site conditions of the study area. (a) Lateritic soil is exposed close to the pipeline, (b) open well close to the pipeline illustrates the ground
water level at a 10 m depth from surface, (c) borehole drilling has exposed anthropogenic stowed sand and (d) sinking of borehole casing under its own
weight and sticks tied to the borehole collar to arrest sinking.

4.1. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) were expected to be significant in subsurface features. As the
data were relatively free of noise, a damping factor of 0.05
ERT data were acquired using a dipole–dipole array laid out was used for ERT inversion. Vertical to horizontal flatness,
at a 2-m distance from the pipeline that was buried at a depth the filter was set to 1.0 to reduce the elongation of features
of 2–3 m in the ground. The array measured 744 m in the that were neither along the horizontal nor vertical directions.
NW-SE direction along the pipeline (AL-1) with electrode Nodes between adjacent electrodes were set at four to opti-
spacings of 8 m, in roll-along mode with an overlap of 24 mise apparent resistivity values for the chosen electrode spac-
electrodes (see Table 1 and figure 5). In addition, 16 ERT ing. A Jacobian matrix calculation was applied using a quasi-
profiles were also gathered with a 3-m-spaced 48-eletrode ar- Newton approximation, and the width of the model blocks
ray orthogonal to the AL-1, each of 141 m in length (R1- was set equivalent to the electrode spacing. This inversion
R16) in the NE-SW direction. These lines were laid at 50- parameter file was read several times and minor values were
m intervals. The ERT line along the pipeline was profiled to changed for achieving the minimum ABS error. Thus, the
map the deeper horizons (up to 50 m), while the across ones ABS errors were reduced to 5–10% during the processing for
aimed to decipher shallower features close to the pipeline, as the along (AL-1) and 16 across (R1-R16) profiles.
the subsurface was expected to be criss-crossed with irreg-
ularly formed tunnels and the size of the troublesome weak
zones was expected to be ≥2 m. The assumption of aban-
doned mine workings is that they are more or less internally 4.2. Ground penetrating radar (GPR)
homogeneous with sharp boundaries. We used the blocky Step frequency GPR (SFGPR, Kong & By 1995) was used
inversion method (l1 -norm) in RES2DINV processing soft- for subsurface profiling along the pipeline over a length of
ware (Claerbout & Muir 1973) as the resistivity contrasts 700 m (AL-1, figure 5) covering the span by ERT spread.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 4. Geological map of the Raniganj coalfield area (after Murthy et al. 2010). The study area is demarcated by a rectangular box.

Figure 5. Study area is shown by a dashed rectangle, located only 2 km away from the National Highway (NH2), passing through two important indus-
trial belts, Asansol and Durgapur. Andal Railway Station, along the main track between Howrah and New Delhi, is just ∼700 m away from the study area.
The solid black line passing through the study area represents the pipeline (A). Surface geophysical investigations (ERT, GPR, and SRT) were carried
along profiles in-line with (AL-1) and orthogonal (R-1/S-1 to R-16/S-16; R: Resistivity, S: Seismic) to the pipeline. Six CSP (O) and three CST (⊕)
investigations were done in the boreholes B1-B18 (B).

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.
Table 1. Parameters used for data acquisition in the field and software for data processing in the laboratory

ERT SRT GPR CSP for S-wave CSP and CST for P-wave

Syscal Pro (10 channels) ABEM Terraloc SFGPR Source: Sparker Source: Sparker
Dipole–dipole array Geophones: 24 (10 Hz) Survey mode: reflection Impulse generator: IPG500 Discharging energy:
100–300 Joules
No. of electrodes: 48 Geophone spacing: 5m Source: network analyser Generated waves: SH and P Source frequency: 1.5 kHz
Spacing: 8 and 3 m Source: sledge hammer Antenna type: dipole (2 m) Receiver: borehole Receiver: 12 hydrophones
Source: 12 V battery Sampling interval: 50µs Frequency band:10–200 Natural frequency: 30 Hz Recording frequency:
MHz 10–400 Hz
Software: RES2DINV Software: RAYFRACT Software: ASYST Signal frequency: up to 4 Software: SIRT based

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Measurements were made in static mode using a 2-m long the curved ray path of seismic wave propagation. The final 2D
dipole antenna at every 0.5-m step, in the frequency range of velocity tomogram for a P-wave was reconstructed by gener-
10–200 MHz (Table 1). This bandwidth was chosen on the ating velocity contours against depth based on the WET out-
basis of resonant ground response and signal power. Com- put with an average RMS error of 2.5%.
mon move-out profiling was done to obtain velocity of the
subsurface. The radar wave velocity arrived from the move-
out in the study area was 0.11 m/ns. With the selected reso- 4.4. Cross-hole seismic profiling (CSP)
nant frequency range and the medium velocity, it would be The CSP survey was carried out in 12 boreholes (figure 5):
feasible to resolve weak zones as small as 1 m in the top 10 six each located on either side of the pipeline. The locations
m. The computed velocity values were used in ASYST data of the boreholes were chosen based on the surface geophys-
processing software to convert the time section into a depth- ical test results, wherein the potential weak zones were in-
section (RADARGRAM, figure 6b). A radargram is color- dicated. The 12 holes were drilled 30-m deep for profiling,
coded imagery depending on the amplitude of the reflected juxtaposed on either side of the pipeline to measure the vari-
signals. ation in VP and VS until the 30 m depth. Seismic data were
acquired at every 0.5-m depth interval from bottom to top
(surface) of the borehole. The P-wave borehole sparker and
4.3. Seismic refraction tomography (SRT) S-wave borehole source were used for generation of P- and S-
The SRT data were acquired for a length of 700 m along waves. A pneumatically clamped system was deployed as the
the AL-1. In addition, 16 lines (S1–S16) were laid out (or- source for the generation of P and horizontally polarised SH-
thogonal to AL-1) as was done for R1–R16, with a spacing waves. A hydrophone (fn = 10 Hz) was used as a P-wave re-
of 50 m. These 16 lines, each 115-m long, were added to a ceiver and a borehole clamped tri-axial geophone was used as
24-channel seismic array with 5-m geophone (fn = 10 Hz), an S-wave receiver. Boreholes were prepared as per the stan-
the spacing was adopted for profiling using a 16-lb sledge- dard of ASTM D 4428/D 4428M 2000. P-wave profiling was
hammer (Table 1). Each profile was gathered with nine shot carried out between all the six pairs (figure 5) lying on ei-
points (forward, middle and reverse) for a good data coverage ther side of the pipe, while S-wave profiling was done across
along the profile and multiple stacking at every shot location three pairs (B5-B6, B7-B8 and B15-B16) due to limited sig-
was done to enhance the signal to noise ratio. With this ac- nal strength and adherence to the ASTM standards, restrict-
quisition setup and the signal acquired, data were analysed ing the borehole separation to 5 m only. P- and S-wave veloc-
to resolve features of at least 2–3 m dimensions in the top ity profiles were generated from travel times across the corre-
10 m, based on the combined manual and automated pro- sponding pair of boreholes.
cessing techniques. First arrival times were manually picked
up for all the 24 channels for each shot position and used
4.5. Cross-hole seismic tomography (CST)
in manual and automatic processing based on conventional
techniques (intercept-time and cross-over distance) as well The locations for CST borehole pairs B3-B4, B11-B12 and
as an automated Δt-V technique (Gibson et al. 1979; Ge- B17-B18 (Table 2, figure 5) were chosen to optimise the ap-
brande & Miller 1985). The initial model for inversion was plication of borehole techniques to complement and supple-
generated based on velocity inputs of the weathering layers ment surface techniques and CSP data, respectively, to gain
and inverted using wave path eikonal tomography (WET) al- insight into the subsurface for most vulnerable zone. The
gorithm (Schuster & Quintus-Bosz 1993) based on tracing sparker was used as the source for generating P-waves and a

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 6. Images illustrating the results of surface investigations along the pipeline (AL-1) alignment. (a) ERT showing the resistivity distribution
of water filled rooms marked as rectangular boxes (see 1 to 9) and four depressions marked as inverted triangles, (b) radargram showing hyperbolic
reflections (1–9) of the caves and (c) SRT showing the distribution of velocity in different layers along the profile (AL-1). The weak zone is marked by
two vertical red colored dashed lines; the sinkhole and large cavity are shown by white elliptical circles. Note the very high resistive zones marked are
separated by a vertically aligned low resistive zone (a).

Table 2. Details of borehole pairs and borehole separations selected in for the three locations were analysed independently, and cor-
the survey related with the results of other techniques adopted for this
Site no. Pair of boreholes Separation (m) site. A comparative analysis of the results, evaluation of the
subsurface conditions along the pipeline and interpretation
1. B1-B2 8.3
along with combined visualisation is discussed in section 5.
2. B3-B4 23.5
3 B5-B6 4.5
4. B7-B8 4.5
5. B9-B10 8.5
6. B11-B12 14.7
5. Results and discussion
7. B13-B14 9.0 5.1. Surface techniques
8. B15-B16 4.5
9. B17-B18 15.0 The top soil layer along the pipeline is characterised by highly
weathered laterite along with sand and clay. Such a medium
is known to exhibit significantly low range of resistivity under
12-channel hydrophone chain was used to receive them. Data saturated conditions. However, the geophysical surveys were
were acquired from bottom to surface at 1-m spacing using carried out in the month of January 2016, when there was
a digital signal enhancement seismograph (Terraloc MK6) no seasonal rain nor any large water bodies to influence the
with a sampling interval of 25 µs and 4096 samples. The presence of shallow water table. Thus, the near-surface con-
borehole seismic survey was carried out to evaluate the likely ditions were reasonably dry and therefore of higher resistiv-
engineering properties of the weak zones based on VP and VS ity. Several low resistivity (<20 Ωm) pockets, numbered 1 to
to derive as much information as possible in correlation with 9, were mapped within the top 20 m depth (ERT2D section,
the surface geophysical test results. All the tomogram results figure 6a). There were no other pronounced low resistivity

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

zones elsewhere along the AL-1 in the top 20 m; more specif- generally in the depth ranges of 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30m, re-
ically, in the 9–17 m depth range. These low resistivity pock- spectively.
ets could be the manifestation of water-saturated or clay-filled Combined visualisation of all the 2D resistivity sections
cavities left over due to unauthorised mining. These pockets reveals a series of low resistivity pockets and is suggestive of
are located almost equidistant within the surrounding high- an elongated subsurface feature, probably cavities that might
resistivity strata, which is represented by sandstone and coal. be extending like a tunnel type feature. The abandoned mines
Moderate resistive (∼330 Ωm) pockets in-between low resis- have possibly undergone marked changes due to failures or
tive areas are presumably the locations of pillars used during deformation of pillars and collapse of the roof whose ef-
excavation. fects might have been extended up to the surface by way of
The up-arching ‘gaps’ in the GPR radargram (1–9) are stressed arching. This phenomenon subsequently affects the
in close agreement with the locations of those low resistiv- surface topography and occasionally leads to surface subsi-
ity pockets. The clear absence of any high-amplitude reflec- dence. SRT sections are not indicative of any significant con-
tion is an indicator of a medium that is capable of attenuating trast in the subsurface velocity coinciding with ERT features.

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electrical and electromagnetic signals. That is probably the Hence, the discrete but significant features of ERT cannot
impact of saturated soil with higher conductivity trapped in be directly correlated to any inferred subsurface feature from
the abandoned void. The high-resistivity values below 15 m SRT. This is most likely the effect of size of the subsurface fea-
and lack of high-amplitude reflections below this depth are ture vis-à-vis the velocity variation with depth. Scattered low
indicative of no significant contrast in the resistivity or di- velocity zones observed in the SRT sections could be due to
electric permittivity caused by gradual change in rock char- uncompacted zones in the sand or voids in the background
acter from weathered to hard rock mass. The amplitudes of of highly weathered rock. However, distinct low resistivity
radargram reflections decreased below a 12 m depth, whereas pockets lie in the relatively low velocity zones. Thus, it can
the resistivity values and P-wave velocities increased at this be construed that low resistivity features at less than 7 m in
depth, which is inversely related to GPR. Thus, the intermit- depth could be influencing the velocity distribution in their
tent presence of water or water-saturated rock mass, like ex- surroundings, however, distinct contrast in velocities is not
cavated rooms, probably filled with acidic water and was sur- prominent. Therefore, such low resistivity features might ap-
rounded by more compact and relatively dry rock mass. A pear as single shallow low velocity anomalies in SRT tomo-
drop in resistivity in the ERT at a 310–360 m distance and grams.
the coinciding multiple up-arching reflections in the same
stretch of radargram are probably caused by the effect of
filled well or shaft-like feature. The SRT shows the presence 5.2. Borehole techniques
of a three-layered rock mass scenario with the layer appar- The CSP results (figure 9) show an increase in P-wave veloc-
ently dipping at the end. Beyond 550 m along the profile, ity, which is comparable with that of SRT lines S5-S6, S9-S10
three prominent low velocity zones are identified. One of and S15-S16 (figure 8a and b). However, the S-wave veloc-
them is a dump zone, while the other two (VP = 400–600 ity shows a reversal in trend beyond 9 m in depth (figure 9).
m s-1 ) indicate the presence of a sinkhole (figure 2a) and Decrease in the S-wave velocity is attributed to the effect of
cavities. ground water, which leads to dilation of the subsurface hori-
The overall resistivity distribution is in the range of 2– zon mixed with the collapsed fragile roof of the underground
3900 Ωm along the 16 ERT profiles (R1 to R16) across AL- galleries and uncompacted saturated sand that might have
1 (figure 7a and b). The overall scenario can be simplified been stowed. Thus, such intriguing velocity variation at 9–
by a three-layered subsurface with highly resistive (∼1350 17-m depths is identified as the dilatant zone (Kwasniewski
Ωm) lateritic soil at the top (0–3 m) followed by low resis- & Rodríguez-Oitabén 2012; figure 9). Such velocity reversals
tive (∼350 Ωm) anthropogenic stowing sand (3–11 m) and indicate impending deformation of strata around the mined-
high-resistivity (≥1500 Ωm) sandstone at the bottom (11– out zone. P-wave velocity varies from 1500 to 3000 m s-1 up
25 m). Conspicuous low resistivity pockets (see the rectan- to a depth of 30 m. The highest velocity of 3000 m s-1 was
gular boxes in figure 7a and b) indicate the presence of a shal- measured at a depth of ∼16 m and might be associated with a
low level features (∼6–15 Ωm) of lateral dimensions of 6– boundary between the second layer and bottom (sandstone)
9 m mapped in the depth range of 9 to 17 m. SRT across layer. However, the presence of a low velocity (∼1000–1500
AL-1 lines also accounts for similar subsurface character as m s-1 ) zone in the 5–10 m depth range (figure 10) probably
identified by ERT profiles with three-layered strata condi- causes voids in top lateritic soil. They are isolated anomalies
tions (figure 8a and b). They can be classified into three and, unlike with other weak zones, are found elsewhere due
major velocity zones representing lateritic soils (400–1100 to abandoned mine galleries. Presence of low resistivity pock-
m s-1 ), moderate compacted and/or saturated sand (1100– ets in ERT profiles (figure 7a and b) might be the resultant
2000 m s-1 ; Telford et al. 1990) and sandstone (≥2000 m s-1 ) effect of such isolated pockets.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 7. ERT sections along R1-R8 (a) and R9-R16 (b), orthogonal to the alignment of the pipeline (vertical red colored solid arrow line), illustrate
the variation of resistivity up to a depth of 25 m in the subsurface medium. Resistivity all along the profiles (R1-R16) shows the presence of abandoned
mine gallery marked by a dashed rectangular box (black). The identified shallow level low resistivity pockets were marked by rectangular boxes. The star
symbol (R) on R4 ERT and S4 SRT sections confirms the presence of an abandoned mining gallery exactly below the pipeline.

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Butchibabu et al.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162

Figure 7. Continued.
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Figure 8. SRT sections along S1-S8 (a) and S9-S16 (b), orthogonal to the alignment of the pipeline (vertical red colored solid arrow line), illustrate the
variation of P-wave velocity up to a depth of 30 m in the subsurface medium. Identified shallow level low velocity pockets were marked by rectangular
boxes (red) and circles (red) along each line. CSP results were superposed on the corresponding SRT sections (S2, S10 and S14) and corroborate the
presence of shallow cavities. The triangle symbol (࢞) on S4 and S16 SRT sections represents the shallow cavity confirmed with CST results (tomograms
B3-B4 and B17-B18).

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Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162

Figure 8. Continued.
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Figure 9. Plots illustrate the variation of P- and S-wave velocities up to a depth of 30 m obtained through cross-hole seismic profiling (CSP). Note the
zone marked by the light-yellow color, where the velocity of P- and S-waves vary inversely at depths between 9 and 16 m.

Figure 10. Plots illustrate the variation of P-wave velocity up to a depth of 30 m obtained through cross-hole seismic profiling (CSP). Note the zone
marked by dashed elliptical red colored circle, where the velocity of P-wave sharply decreases and this is probably associated with a cavity.

CST was conducted between a pair of holes at three lo- in the medium (Suwal & Kuwano 2012). Such deformation
cations (figure 5) affirming the trend of velocity profiles ob- is related to the dilatancy of the rock mass (Kwasniewski &
tained by other techniques. The overall distribution of the Rodríguez-Oitabén 2012) observed in the respective depth
seismic P-wave velocity (400–3400 m s–1 ) up to a depth of range. Most likely, this dilatancy phase of the rock might have
30 m in the three tomograms (figure 11) has an embedded facilitated subsidence of the overburden through deforma-
low velocity (∼1200 m s–1 ) pocket between 5 and 10 m in tion.
depth. This once again reaffirms the low velocity found in Thus, the integrated geophysical investigations compris-
SRT and CSP (figures 8 and 9), which were identified as ing ERT, GPR, SRT, CSP and CST exposed an intrinsic mate-
voids in the top lateritic soil. The effect of dilatant zone is rial property of the subsurface along and across the pipelines,
not prominently visible in the P-wave tomograms as the con- ascertaining the locations of the weak zones. The features
tours demonstrate increasing velocity, so it is unlikely to be were mainly confined to the top 20 m of the subsurface, con-
the S-wave, which would have shown a velocity reversal at firmed by both the surface and borehole geophysical tech-
the same depth range. The estimated poison’s ratio between niques. The ERT section along the pipeline (figure 6a) de-
9 and 17 m depths in the dilatation zone is computed as marcates a series of low resistivity (∼6 Ωm) anomalies in the
0.4–0.5 (Table 3), indicative of soils deformed elastically at background of higher resistivity (∼160 Ωm). This was de-
small strains and no significant volumetric change occurred tected because of a higher contrast in resistivity between the

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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Figure 11. Travel-time tomograms, obtained through cross-hole seismic tomography investigations, illustrate the variation of P-wave velocity up to a
depth of 30 m. Note the zone of abandoned mine gallery marked by solid-line box identified in B3-B4. Low velocity cavities and feeder channels at
shallow depths, extending from the surface to 10 m depth. Δ indicates a shallow level low velocity pocket also mapped in corresponding SRT sections
S4 and S16. R indicates a corresponding low velocity depression on S4 and low resistivity zone on R4.

Table 3. Computed Poisson’s ratio based on measured P- and S-wave velocities between 9 and 17 m depths for three pairs of boreholes

B5-B6 B7-B8 B15-B16

Depth Poisson’s Poisson’s Poisson’s

(m) Vp (m s–1 ) Vs (m s–1 ) Vp /Vs ratio Vp (m s–1 ) Vs (m s–1 ) Vp /Vs ratio Vp (m s–1 ) Vs (m s–1 ) Vp /Vs ratio

9 1307 626 2.38 0.4 1800 1030 1.75 0.3 1500 780 1.92 0.3
10 1433 601 2.38 0.4 1826 1041 1.75 0.3 1531 793 1.93 0.3
11 1536 631 2.43 0.4 1853 984 1.88 0.3 1598 774 2.06 0.3
12 1620 677 2.39 0.4 2230 906 2.46 0.4 1909 767 2.49 0.4
13 1795 710 2.53 0.4 2710 818 3.31 0.4 2194 695 3.16 0.4
14 2099 760 2.76 0.4 2897 696 4.16 0.5 2774 657 4.22 0.5
15 2483 847 2.93 0.4 3073 754 4.07 0.5 3267 637 5.13 0.5
16 2483 805 3.08 0.4 3111 716 4.35 0.5 3267 785 4.16 0.5
17 2811 1192 2.36 0.4 3000 992 3.02 0.4 3196 1246 2.57 0.4

water filled, saturated sand filled gallery and the surrounding 2012; Yu et al. 2020). The prolonged effect of the deforma-
high resistive sandstones. A radargram also produced hyper- tion facilitated subsidence below the pipeline and nearby sur-
bolic reflections around the same locations (1–9, figure 6b), rounding regions, straining the pipe at locations where the
although similar congruence could not be seen prominently ground subsides beyond normal because of developed local
in the seismic sections due to the nature of moderate velocity weak zones in the vicinity. Based on the results of comprehen-
changes. sive geophysical investigations, we recommended the area for
Results from borehole techniques were in reasonably future subsidence in close vicinity to the pipeline. Sinkhole
good agreement with that of the surface techniques mutually subsidence was found later on in an area with diameter of
validating the overall geophysical findings. An interesting fea- 8 m and depth of 10 m near the CSP borehole B13-B14. It
ture noted among them is the extension of a possible feeder was further filled with gravel and compacted subsequently
channel up to ∼12 m in depth. The computed Poisson’s ra- by running over it with a roller. Thus, the pipe comes under
tio clearly points toward the state of the soil/rock in the early greater risk of damage due to the ground instability, and this
stages of deformation (Kwasniewski & Rodríguez-Oitabén has raised concern about its safety.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 145–162 Butchibabu et al.

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