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Learning Area Empowerment Technology Grade Level 11/12

W7 & W8 Quarter Fourth Date

I. LESSON TITLE Publishing and sustaining an ICT Project
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING  demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) promoted for maximum audience impact
 generate a technical report interpreting data analytics, e.g. Google, Facebook, or similar
traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility, reach, and virality (CS_ICT11/12-
 generate a report on the performance of their ICT Project for Social Change based on data
gathered from available monitoring tools and evaluating techniques (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-
 create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application of choice on the
learning experience undergone during the semester (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIt-23)

III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Publishing and Sustaining an ICT Project for Social Change
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 10 minutes)
In the previous lessons, you are prepared to accomplish an output for social change, special this time of pandemic. These two lessons will guide
you in publishing and sustaining your ICT project. Particularly, you are expected to demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are
uploaded, managed, and promoted for maximum audience impact. In addition, you are required to generate a technical report for data analysis, e.g.
Google, Facebook, or similar traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility, reach, and virality. Moreover, you are anticipated to create a
reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application of choice on the learning experience undergone during the semester.

II. Development (2 hourS)


Uploading and publishing ICT projects you can upload your files in different platforms:
 Wordpress is a free and open-source content management systems based on php and MySQL
 Microsoft office project server is a project management server solution made by Microsoft that allows you to view and upload documents file
manager is an uploading tool web interface that allows you to manage all your files

Website Management
A website management platform is an integrated set of tools that allows teams to create, design, develop, launch, manage, administer, and
monitor website contents. a Web Content Management System (WCMS) is a software content management system (CMS) specifically for web
content. It provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools that help users with little knowledge of web programming languages or
markup languages create and manage website content. web building involves web management, navigation support, homepage layout, content writing,
and design for multimedia. content search engines link social media forum email MKTA banner ads

Examples of Web Management Platforms:

1. WordPress -Is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.
2. Drupal -A free and open-source content- management framework written in PHP and distributed under the GNU public license.
3. Joomla -Is a free and open -source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content. Joomla is written in PHP, uses object-
oriented programming (OOP) techniques.


To get more traffic and traction, you should not only be good in writing/designing, but also good in promotion. You should combine
promotion campaigns in high quality content to get more shares, more e-mail subscribers, higher search rankings promote, validate, grow your
products, get, keep and grow costumer and users.

1. Use Multimedia- there should first be a way on how the teaser will encounter your post. One way is to blend search, social and e-mail, created in
different channels and formats to stay connected to different kinds of audiences in different ways.
2. Use various online tools - create headlines grab in attention in email, Twitter and Facebook post.
3. Use images - create images in Pinterest, Instagram, SlideShare and YouTube what will catch the attention of viewers.
4. Use blog-use your blogs to frequently connect with other people and build relationship and network.
5. Collaborate- collaboration with friends, influencers, readers will strengthen your network.
6. Update - Always have a fresh content and regularly update post, news, write ups, or images.
Tools for collecting validation and feedback for business to business/enterprise products and ideas.
1. LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered
members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally........................................................Basic
membership for LinkedIn is free. Network members are called “connections.”
2. AdWords (Google AdWords)- is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network.
The AdWords program enables businesses to set a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads. The ad service is largely
focused on keywords.
3. Reddit (/ˈrɛdɪt/)- is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content
to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.
4. Facebook ads A Guide to Facebook Ads- are purchased on an auction basis, where advertisers are charged based on either clicks, impressions, or
actions............................................................The ads are delivered all across Facebook, and some formats are eligible to show in
the Facebook News feed.

Evaluation Through User Feedback/Interaction

User feedback Is the information coming directly from customers about the satisfaction or dissatisfaction they feel with a product or a service.
Customer comments and complaints given to a company are an important resource for improving and addressing the needs and wants of the customer.
An example of viewing website statistics is Awstats in cPanel offers several built- in statistic reports, and AWstats is one of the most popular
Hands on: using Wordpress to publish/manage ICT contents

Signing Up to Wordpress
1. Enter on your web browser then press enter.
2. Select create website.
3. Select what type of website you are creating.
4. Choose a list of my latest post as our homepage look.
5. Pick any theme. you can change it to a different theme later.
6. Enter your domain. this is what people type into their web browser to visit your website.
7. Select the free plan.
8. Enter your e-mail address and password. then click create my account
9. Click continue. go to your email to confirm your email address
10. You will be sent to your website at default theme and settings

Sustaining and Reflecting ICT Projects and Sustaining an ICT Project for Social Change
After creating, designing, and launching your website, there are other works that you have to do you have to regularly maintain and update it
to keep the contents fresh. This will encourage people to view your site more often.
1. Update Contents Regularly. Add fresh, new contents like write-ups, pictures, videos, infographics, blogs, news articles, and ideas
regularly. Aside from the reason that it will attract new visitors, search engines can recognize when you are being active, and act accordingly
by visiting your site more often too.
2. Update Links- Regularly check links to other sites to make sure they are current and better if you have new links to add. you can also utilize
an RSS feed that will update subscriber each time you publish fresh content to the website.
3. Reply to Inquiries- be active and reply to your visitors on any inquiry, questions, or comment that they may have, activity in your site will
increase more traffic and visitors.
4. Maintaining Your Site- maintenance will ensure that your files and file directory structures are up and always running properly, and all your
links are functional. check that any changes or addition you make will not affect the links and loading of images and pages. make use of e-mail
feedback portion of your site to make you aware of the problems that visitors may convey to you so that they will be resolve quickly.

Monitoring Social Impact of Advocacies via an ICT Project

As the world continuous to change and grow, many negative effects have emerged out of the continuous development. People who have
limited access to that modern life can offer are logging behind, including the "digital divided" that separates those who have access to technology and
to those who have none.

Reflecting On the Learning Process - ICT

In the beginning, computer was created to facilitate engineering and scientific calculation. Then gradually the computers useful found its way
into business and industry. Computers were quite expensive initially, and only those with enough budget would be able to afford them. Lately,
computers have reached a point that they have also become common learning tools, finding their way into school and homes to accomplish tasks, and
obtain knowledge and information.
Reflecting on the Learning Process - Self
Integrating and effectively ICT as a tool for efficient and effective learning is what every computer-based educational system can hope for.
ICT is a tool for enriching as students’ cognitive skills such as critical thinking, synthesis analysis, and problem-solving capability. As an individual
learner in school or at home, the student now has access to enormous educational resource in advancing and learning more than what the regular
classroom can offer, the students have now in their fingertips the resource that were not available without ICT, and the efficiency and ease in
accessing them has never been as fast as today. ICT also allows learning outside the confines of a classroom and beyond the time usually designated
for learning. ICT in education has helped in student collaboration, effective teachers are more of guiding and interacting rather than simply
downloading information from teacher to students. The challenge today is the self-discipline and self- management of young students in the use of
ICT, since computers also tend to attract them to entertainment and games, which distract them from learning.

Reflecting on the Learning Process - Society

ICT as means to improve the quality of community life is real and feasible. The opportunities and challenge of implementing ICT for
development need further and deep study to ensure its effective application. Providing reliable, timely, and accurate information to the resident or
citizens of the locale or country would be beneficial to everyone.
An effective ICT execution should provide the following benefits:
1. Better income and business climate
2. Superior help system
3. Improve educational system
4. Constant information campaign
5. Participative decision-making for constituents
6. Equitable sharing and utilization of resources
7. Effective feedback and mechanism to enhance government services.

V. Assimilation (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

Learning Task 1
Reflect on the ICT learning process that you follow and how your world view has evolved over the past semester. Write your answer in the form
of blog and post in on your Facebook timeline.

*Click the link for the rubric:

VI. Formative Assessment

Learning Task 2

On a piece of paper, Enumerate the following:

1. What are the six ways of promoting?

2. Give the four examples of traction tools.

Retrieved May 22, 202
Retrieved May 22, 2021
Retrieved May 22, 202
Retrieved May 22, 202
Retrieved May 22, 2021
Retrieved May 22, 2021

Prepared by: Alejandro D. Tatlonghari | Samson G. Melitante

Checked by: Erlito B. Orlinga Flor I. Tomas Cristeta M. Arcos Delsife D. Canta Rizamia E. Calipay
Joyce E. Advincula Angelo Carlo Gulanes

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