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Trends in Food Science & Technology 31 (2013) 55e62


deficiencies in South found among school-age children and adolescents in
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Vitamin D deficiency (VDD)

Asia e Current status

seemed to affect 84% of pregnant women in India, 70% of
healthy volunteers in Pakistan, 26% of male children in Sri
Lanka and 8% of children in Bangladesh. Data illustrate that
iron deficiency anemia (IDA), zinc and iodine deficiency affect
and strategies all population groups, suggesting immediate measures to be
taken to address the issue. Restricted dietary intake of these
nutrients associated with a number of socioeconomic con-
Saeed Akhtara,*, Tariq Ismaila, straints exacerbates the problem of micronutrient malnutrition.
Sunethra Atukoralab and Dietary diversification, food fortification and supplementation
are the pragmatic and recommended approaches to overcome
N. Arlappac these nutritional deficiencies. However, the goal to virtually
eliminate micronutrient deficiencies in these poorer societies
Department of Food Science & Technology, demands a series of well integrated actions at all levels.
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Bosan Road, Multan
60800, Pakistan (Fax: D92 619270098; e-mails:;
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Recent estimate shows that 870 million people, constituting
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, 12.5 percent of the global population, are undernourished
Colombo, Sri Lanka and 852 million of these live in the developing countries.
Division of Community Studies, National Institute of Global estimates of undernutrition among children under
Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, 5 years of age suggest that 178 million children are stunted,
Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500 007, India while wasting is reported among 55 million children
(Bhutta & Haider, 2008; Ejaz & Latif, 2011; FAO, 2012;
Khor, 2005; WHO, 2004). Deficiencies of iron, iodine,
This article provides a comprehensive review of the extent of
vitamin A and zinc have been more damaging and predom-
prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies (vitamin A & D,
inantly affect pregnant women, women of reproductive age,
iron, zinc and iodine) among different population groups in In-
infants and children below 5 years of age and adolescents
dia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The article also covers
especially those belonging to developing countries. In
several health implications associated with these deficiencies,
particular, vitamin A, iron and iodine deficiencies have
their economic impact and numerous strategies to combat this
been recognized as public health problems in many Asian
issue in low income South Asian countries. An extensive
countries, while precise national data on prevalence of
computer-based bibliographic review of the literature was per-
vitamin D and zinc deficiencies are not available in many
formed via PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google
developing countries. Despite many efforts to reduce the
Scholar by using keywords “micronutrients”, “vitamin A and
proportion of children, suffering from malnutrition in
D”, “iron”, “zinc”, “iodine” and “South Asia”. Data were iden-
developing countries, it still continues to affect a large
tified under various sections and the most relevant full-text ar-
number of children resulting in poor health, low cognitive
ticles and abstracts were selected and screened for inclusion in
performance and productivity.
this review. The results indicate that micronutrient deficiencies
Moderate to severe deficiencies of iron and zinc affect
are widely prevalent in these regions and are now a significant
growth, cognitive and reproductive performance and pro-
public health problem. Preschool-age and school children,
voke pregnancy complications, leading to low birth weight
pregnant women and women of childbearing age are at the
and birth defects. Health implications associated with VAD
risk of these deficiencies. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) was
include xerophthalmia (night blindness and Bitot’s spots),
eventually resulting in the development of corneal xerosis,
* Corresponding author. corneal ulceration and keratomalacia. VDD results in
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
56 S. Akhtar et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 31 (2013) 55e62

rickets and osteomalacia and is also considered a major risk and 60% child deaths are attributable to diarrheal and res-
factor for cephalopelvic disproportion (Haskell & Brown, piratory infections associated with VAD (Mahmood et al.,
1999; Seshadri, 2001; Sommer, 1995; Talat, Perry, 2008). Restricted availability of balanced and diversified
Parsonnet, Dawood, & Hussain, 2010). diets is another potential determinant of VAD among
Micronutrient deficiencies continue to be a major public economically constrained population groups in Pakistan
health problem in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri (Bharmal & Omair, 2001; Bhutta & Haider, 2008; WHO,
Lanka. Estimated economic cost associated with micronu- 1995). Various studies and surveys have demonstrated 5.7
trient malnutrition in India accounts for 0.8%e2.4% of million children under 5 to be affected with VAD and
the GDP (OMNI, 2005; Stein & Qaim, 2007; UNICEF, 0.057 million manifested xerophthalmia in Pakistan. Preg-
2008; Vijayaraghavan, 2002). Similarly, micronutrient defi- nancy complications due to VAD result in 25% under-
ciencies are widespread in Pakistan and pregnant women weight birth owing to mothers’ poor nutrition during
constitute the most vulnerable group. Maternal undernutri- pregnancy (Kazi & Qurashi, 1998; Mahmood et al.,
tion and intrauterine growth retardation have been poten- 2008). Recent National Nutritional Survey of Pakistan indi-
tially associated with these deficiencies (Bhutta et al., cates a gigantic increase in VAD prevalence among women
2009). in Pakistan from 2001 (5.9%) to 2011 (30.3%) (NNS,
Undeniably, micronutrient deficiencies hamper produc- 2011). However, coverage through National Nutrition Sur-
tivity and economic growth and provoke poverty by reducing vey has been insufficient (study population comprising a
physical work capacity, loss of cognitive development and few thousand subjects only) to truly represent the gravity
school absenteeism. Economic cost of micronutrient defi- of VAD hence, more concerted efforts are needed to
ciencies is reported to involve billions of dollars and this appraise the magnitude of VAD in Pakistan.
cost is aggravated in the developing countries where this sit- Sri Lanka has been considered a model country among
uation seems to prevail for an unknown length of time. Pre- South Asian developing economies and the country has
dictably, malnutrition in South Asian developing societies shown exceptional success to achieve high literacy rate
will paralyze the entire health and economic infrastructure and health outcomes even with limited resources. However,
if corrective measures are not taken in a timely manner. a significant development could not be seen in the realm of
public health and nutrition (Rajapaksa, Arambepola,
Micronutrient deficiencies in South Asia Gunawardena, Rosa, & Opatha, 2011, p. 1). The magnitude
Child malnutrition in South Asian developing countries of the problem of VAD in Sri Lanka was assessed in a na-
particularly in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh has been tional survey during the period 1995/1996 (MRI, 1998)
the highest in the world and is a substantial barrier to eco- which showed that although the prevalence of clinical man-
nomic growth and wellbeing of these communities. Poverty ifestations of VAD did not exceed the cutoff values, the per-
is severely prevalent in these regions and is an underlying centage of children having subclinical deficiency (serum
cause of child undernutrition. Deficiencies of vitamins A vitamin A <20 ug/dl) was very high (36.3%). Subse-
and D, iron, iodine and zinc in these countries exacerbate quently, VAD control program in the form of vitamin A
the disease burden resulting in multiple health implications supplementation was formulated with a focus on improving
and higher mortality. the vitamin A status of pregnant and lactating mothers,
preschool-age and primary school children, and adults.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) Around 51% of pregnant women in Bangladesh had
Global estimates show that one third of world’s pre- vitamin A deficit in diets and 18.5% suffered from VAD
school-age population suffers from VAD and the popula- (serum retinol <0.70 mmol/l). Likewise, 1.5% of 381
tions from South Asian developing countries are the most (ages 11e16 years) school children in Dhaka manifested
vulnerable groups. Around 44e50% preschool-age children serum retinol level <0.70 mmol/l (Ahmed, Rahman, Noor,
are severely affected by VAD and 1 to 2 million pregnant Akhtaruzzaman, & Hughes, 2006; Ahmed et al., 2012;
women have been reported to die of childbirth-related com- Lee et al., 2008). The intervention programs of vitamin A
plications (Kaleem, 2004; WHO, 2009). supplementation launched in the past (HKI, 1999a, 2006;
India has the largest number of vitamin A deficient chil- NIPORT, 2009, p. 346) yielded encouraging results to con-
dren in the world (World Bank, 2005). Nearly, 62% of trol VAD in Bangladesh. However, population coverage for
preschool-age children in India are deficient in vitamin A vitamin A supplementation still remains a significant chal-
(Laxmaiah et al., 2011; MI, 2012a). Diets of rural lenge and more strenuous efforts to scale up vitamin A sup-
preschool-age children were grossly deficit in terms of plementation programs are required to cover the entire
vitamin A, where the median intakes were deficit by vulnerable population in Bangladesh.
66e81% as against the RDA of 400 mg. About 84% of Prevalence of VAD in South Asian developing countries
preschool-age children were not even meeting 50% of their is possibility higher than the reported data as several cases
RDA (NNMB, 2006). go unreported due to the absence of precise monitoring,
VAD has been reported to be much damaging in appropriate health services and inadequate nutritional edu-
Pakistan as 9.4% of the population tolerated night blindness cation. Extreme poverty in these regions seems to be one of
S. Akhtar et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 31 (2013) 55e62 57

the most significant markers for severe VAD prevalence. Bangladesh is mainly a Muslim society where purdah
Numerous success stories for elimination of VAD such as (veil) is a common practice of women in almost all
sugar fortification in Guatemala and Honduras (Mora, socio-economical classes. Amongst several determinants
Gueri, & Mora, 1998) show the possibility to get rid of of VDD, restricted exposure to sunlight and intake of
this menace through sagacious planning and serious vitamin D deficient diets have been shown to affect Bangla-
actions. deshi population especially those living in poorer settings
(Ahmed et al., 2012; Islam et al., 2002). Lactating mothers,
Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) having inadequate dietary intake of vitamin D, are at a
Sufficient literature demonstrates worldwide prevalence higher risk of bone loss. Rickets is primarily caused by
of vitamin D deficiency. One billion people have been the clinical deficiency of calcium, hence a curative treat-
suffering from VDD. The problem is more common among ment by supplementing calcium at a level of
purdah [veil] observing women of childbearing age (Tare 350e1000 mg elemental calcium per day is generally rec-
et al., 2011). VDD is epidemic in India despite of the plenty ommended (Craviari et al., 2008).
of sunshine. Almost 75% of the study population had hypo-
vitaminosis D [25(OH) D] <20 ng/ml (Shivane, Sarathi, Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
Bandgar, Menon, & Shah, 2011). Prevalence of VDD was Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most widely preva-
shown to be 76% and 70% respectively among women of lent nutritional problem across the world, affecting almost
reproductive and postmenopausal-age groups in South In- all age, sex and physiological groups. Preschool-age chil-
dia (Harinarayan et al., 2011). Several studies indicate dren, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating
that VDD is very common among males and females of mothers are vulnerable groups. IDA significantly contrib-
all age groups in India (Harinarayan & Joshi, 2009; utes to heighten morbidity and mortality among children.
Marwaha & Sripathy, 2008). Many groups of researchers A plethora of publications in the literature is available to
have reported 16.5% of women of reproductive age group suggest anemia to be highly prevalent and poses an
to be affected with VDD in South India and the prevalence increased risk for maternal and child mortality (WHO,
was estimated to be about 84% among pregnant women in 2011) in low income developing countries. IDA exerts a
North India (Harinarayan et al., 2011; Marwaha et al., deleterious effect on productivity and cognition among
2011; Sachan et al., 2005). children (Fuglestad et al., 2012) suggesting immediate ac-
Studies covering large samples of Pakistani population to tions to be taken to overcome iron deficiency in South
assess the magnitude of VDD prevalence are scant however, Asian developing countries.
numerous representative studies (Bhatty et al., 2010; Qamar, Nearly, 66% nonpregnant women, 85% pregnant women
Akbani, Shamim, & Khan, 2011; Sahibzada, Khan, & Javed., and 90% adolescent girls in 16-districts of India were re-
2004) illustrate that VDD is negatively correlated with ported to be iron deficient. Malnutrition is the underlying
several health implications targeting almost all population cause of higher IDA prevalence among these vulnerable
groups. Nearly, 95% of the children, 48% of nursing mothers population groups particularly the diets of preschool-age
and 52% of breastfed infants are reportedly the victims of children are grossly deficit in iron and the pregnant and
VDD in Pakistan (Karim, Nusrat, & Aziz, 2011). menstruating women do not meet additional iron require-
Multiple micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent in ments in India (Menon et al., 2010; Toteja et al., 2006).
various Sri Lankan population factions. Epidemiological Similarly, IDA has been shown to affect 90.5% pregnant
studies are scant to validate the gravity of prevalence of women and 65% children below 5 years in Pakistan (Baig-
vitamin D in Sri Lanka however; numerous small studies Ansari et al., 2008; Nestel & Ritu, 2000). In addition to iron
have demonstrated that VDD prevails in the country. deficiency, prevalence of folate and vitamin B12 defi-
Serum concentration of 25(OH)D <35 nmol/L among ciencies in Pakistan have also been very common
male (26%) and female (25%) was reported, respectively. (Hashim & Tahir, 2006; Iqbal & Kakepoto, 2009;
Sri Lankans residing in Norway manifested lower 25(OH) Kakepoto, Iqbal, & Iqbal, 2000). Numerous determinants
D (31.5 nmol/L) as compared with those living in Sri Lanka have been recognized for high prevalence of IDA in
(54.2 nmol/L). The study suggested that season had a sig- Pakistan including poverty, consumption of cereal based di-
nificant effect on vitamin D status among Sri Lankans ets, incorrect dietary habits, poor hygiene and sanitation.
living in Kandy and those Sri Lankans living in Oslo, There is hardly any study conducted with a target popula-
Norway. Relatively lower prevalence of VDD noted among tion in Pakistan showing any reduction in the prevalence
Sri Lankans living in Sri Lanka could be due to increased of IDA.
endogenous synthesis as a result of exposure to sunlight. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and National Surveys
In fact, promotion of outdoor physical activity in Sri Lanka confirmed that 40% adolescent girls were anemic in
would have the dual benefit of increasing endogenous Bangladesh (HKI, 1999b, 38 p., 2006) associating IDA
vitamin D synthesis and also maintaining desirable body with early age pregnancies (BBS, 2005). Low dietary intake
weight (Hettiarachchi & Liyanage, 2012; Meyer, Holvik, of iron, bioavailability in the presence of phytates, failure to
Lofthus, & Tennakoon, 2008). meet iron needs during rapid growth and pregnancy,
58 S. Akhtar et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 31 (2013) 55e62

menstrual blood loss and parasitic infections are some of of zinc deficiency that could be partly due to low intake of
the substantial determinants to provoke the risk of IDA animal foods and low bioavailability of zinc in plant based
among Bangladeshi populations. diets that are commonly consumed.
Iron deficiency is the commonest cause of anemia in Sri Zinc deficiency at early pregnancy has been associated
Lanka and it has been used as a proxy for iron deficiency in with complications in pregnancy outcomes at later stages
the national surveys. The prevalence of anemia is relatively (Lindstrom et al., 2011). Relatively serious outcomes are
higher among nonpregnant women of childbearing age than observed in lactating mothers already experiencing zinc
pregnant women in Sri Lanka, highlighting the need to deficiency and they are more prone to infectious diseases.
target this group for interventions. One survey conducted Supplementing zinc and iron as a multiple micronutrient
in 2009 revealed that an individual dietary diversity score strategy can reduce morbidity and mortality rates in such
of 4 or more was significantly associated with a lower populations (Akhtar, Anjum & Anjum, 2011; Baqui et al.,
risk of anemia in Sri Lanka (Piyasena & Mahamithawa, 2003). Sufficient evidence indicates that intervening zinc
2003). can prevent 30,000 to 75,000 child deaths by preventing
diarrhea in Bangladesh (Ahmed et al., 2012; Jones,
Zinc deficiency Steketee, Black, Bhutta, & Morris, 2003; Ruel, Rivera,
Zinc deficiency, an important public health problem, af- Santizo, Lonnerdal, & Brown, 1997).
fects almost half of the population worldwide, and it is esti-
mated that 1e13% of the population in Europe and Iodine deficiency
68e95% in North America have low dietary intakes of Estimates indicate that 60% of almost 600 million peo-
zinc. Children from developing economies are more prone ple in Europe suffer from iodine deficiency (de Benoist,
to zinc deficiency as 61% are at the risk of low zinc intake. McLean, Egli, & Cogswell, 2008; Vitti, Delange,
Zinc deficiency is a major risk factor for morbidity and Pinchera, Zimmermann, & Dunn, 2003). Similarly, iodine
mortality contributing nearly 800,000 additional mortality deficiency, resulting mostly from an insufficient dietary
cases every year among children under 5 years (Brown & supply of iodine is also a major public health problem in
Wuehler, 2000; Brown, Wuehler, & Peerson, 2001; most parts of India (Kapil, 2000). Iodine deficiency is
Haider & Bhutta, 2009; Yakoob et al., 2011). widely prevalent in Pakistan as well and a large part of pop-
Prevalence of zinc deficiency among preschool-age chil- ulation is at the risk of iodine deficiency. Pregnant women
dren of five states in India was 43.8% (Kapil & Jain, 2011), suffer from iodine deficiency and expose their newborns at
49.4% among adolescent girls in Delhi (Kapil, Toteja, Rao, high risk of disorders caused by iodine deficiency. Salt iod-
& Pandey, 2011) and 52% among non-pregnant women of ization program initiated in Pakistan in 1995, appears to be
central India (Menon et al., 2010). a viable approach and this project has shown promise for
Assessment of the extent of prevalence of zinc defi- the future with an increase in the production of iodized
ciency in Pakistan is hard due to the paucity of data as salt from a mere 17 percent to as much as 67 percent
no surveys or studies have been carried out at national (Anon, 2007). Similarly, 250,000 MT of adequately iodized
level. National nutrition survey conducted in 2011, however salt, is being processed in Punjab, the most populous prov-
gives a comprehensive picture of prevalence of zinc defi- ince of Pakistan. The availability of iodized salt benefits
ciency in Pakistani population. The survey exhibited that more than 90 million people in the region (Rose, Khan,
major population fractions (41.6% nonpregnant and Larik, & Mohammad, 2007).
48.3% pregnant women) had zinc deficiency (NNS, 2011) There have been several national surveys on prevalence
Limited studies revealed zinc deficiency to be prevalent of iodine deficiency in Sri Lanka. Universal salt iodization
among children at 54.2% in addition to 37.1% of was launched in 1995 in Sri Lanka as the main approach to
preschool-age children in Pakistan. Approximately, 54% control iodine deficiency. The impact of mandatory salt
pregnant women from Sindh province were reported to suf- iodization was assessed in a survey carried out among
fer from zinc deficiency. High incidence of foodborne 8e10 year old children (Jayatissa, Gunathilaka, &
illness has been reported in developing countries, therefore Fernando, 2005). Iodine deficiency control program was
mortality associated with infections like diarrhea, pneu- strengthened by more effective monitoring of salt iodiza-
monia and malaria is heightened among zinc deficient chil- tion and distribution. Awareness and education about the
dren (Abdulla & Suck, 1998; Akhtar, 2012; Akhtar, correct use of iodized salt is an important factor to ensure
Mahfur, & Hossain, 2012; Bhutta, 2000; Yakoob et al., success in overcoming iodine deficiency.
2011). Preventive zinc supplementation can be exploited Prevalence of iodine deficiency was measured up to 71%
to reduce this mortality due to these common infections. in different study population groups in Bangladesh in 1993
Similarly, zinc supplementation has shown to exert a posi- and a national salt iodization program was also initiated to
tive effect on linear growth (Imdad & Bhutta, 2011). overcome the endemic iodine deficiency. Successful execu-
Studies on zinc status in Sri Lanka are limited. Several tion of the salt iodization program remarkably reduced
studies at small scale (de Silva & Atukorala, 1996; iodine deficiency therefore, a significant decline in total
Hettiarachchi & Liyanage, 2012) depicted high prevalence goiter rate among children and women of ages 6e12 and
S. Akhtar et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 31 (2013) 55e62 59

15e44 years respectively was witnessed in the country. A Dhansay, & Benade, 2002). Nevertheless, it appeared to
mass survey program conducted in 2004e05 reported be a demanding task to carry on this practice in the absence
very impressive data showing reduction of iodine defi- of adequate counseling in nutrition (Faber & Laurie, 2011;
ciency and total goiter rate in children from 71% and Tontisirin, Nantel, & Bhattacharjee, 2002).
49.9% to 33.8% and 6.2%, respectively (Yusuf, Khatun,
& Rahman, 2007, p. 158) (Table 1).
Food fortification
Being more economical, cost effective and socially
Interventions to combat micronutrient deficiencies
acceptable, food fortification has gained tremendous popu-
Dietary diversification, supplementation and food fortifi-
larity among nations facing micronutrient deficiencies. In
cation have been considered three potential approaches to
South Asian developing countries where wheat is the staple
address micronutrient malnutrition in developing countries.
food, emphasis is being laid down to fortify the wheat flour
Successful application of these strategies demands a com-
with multiple micronutrients, therefore multiple fortifica-
plete knowledge of the foods, supplements, fortificants
tion of whole wheat flour is gaining much popularity in
and bioavailability (Akhtar et al., 2011).
this region. Flour fortification program was initiated in
Pakistan in 2007 and was centered in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Dietary diversification
province where half million people now have access to for-
Dietary diversification means consuming a variety of
tified flour (MI, 2012b) and coverage remains to be 11% of
foods to meet nutrients requirement. Economic, social
the entire population.
and cultural barriers substantially limit the consumption
of diversified foods that normally carry vital minerals and
vitamins to effectively lower micronutrient deficiency Supplementation
burden among vulnerable groups. Dietary diversification Two significant determinants ensure the success of sup-
is more advantageous for being sustainable and does not plementation programs namely, level of coverage and
call for any external support. India being a vast and exten- compliance. Iron, zinc and vitamin A supplementation for
sively multicultural state, has been attempting to control target population has been a successful approach in the
micronutrient deficiencies by exploiting dietary diversifica- developing nations.
tion strategy. Recent studies reported significant success Iron supplementation was suggested in communities
through food based approaches to combat micronutrient de- with high prevalence of anemia. The strategy was found
ficiencies (Arlappa, Balakrishna, Laxmaiah, Nair, & to be more effective in improving iron status and reducing
Brahmam, 2011; Kapil & Tyagi, 2012). morbidity from upper respiratory tract infections in chil-
Homestead gardening projects were initiated in 1999 by dren aged 5e10 years (de Silva, Atukorala, Weerasinghe,
HKI to promote fruits and vegetables production with an & Ahluwalia, 2003; Malkanthi, Silva, & Jayasinghe-
aim of increasing micronutrient intake in Bangladesh. Mudalige, 2010). Educational intervention alone resulted
The approach yielded outstanding results. About 719 bene- in a significant improvement in nutrition knowledge and
ficiaries of the project revealed a significant increment in iron status in Sri Lanka. Evidently iron supplementation
the serum retinol level including mothers from 30 to 230 seems more effective in communities with better health ed-
retinol equivalents (RE) (Faber, Phungula, Venter, ucation, therefore this approach has been recommended in

Table 1. Prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in South Asia.

Iron deficiency Vitamin A deficiency Iodine deficiency

IDA in IDA in IDA in Maternal Child deaths Children Children Children Total Total
children women pregnant death from precipitated <6 w/ <6 w/ born goiter goiter
<5 y (%) 15e49 y women severe (no.) subclinical clinical mentally rate rate
(%) (%) anemia/yr VAD (%) VAD (%) impaired (TGR) (TGR)
(no.) (no.) (%) in school
Afghanistan 65 61 50,000 53 535,000 48 e
Bangladesh 55 36 74 2800 28,000 28 0.7 750,000 18 50
Bhutan 81 55 68 <100 600 32 0.7 e e 14
India 75 51 87 22,000 330,000 57 0.7 6,600,000 26 19
Nepal 65 62 63 760 6900 33 1.0 200,000 24 40
Pakistan 56 59 e 56,000 35 e 2,100,000 38 e
South Asia region 25,560 471,500 10,185,000
Total world 50,000 1,150,000 19,000,000
Source: UNICEF/MI (2004).
60 S. Akhtar et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 31 (2013) 55e62

iron supplementation programs (Senanayake, Premaratne, Acknowledgments

Palihawadana, & Wijeratne, 2010). We, the coauthors highly appreciate and acknowledge
Progressive development of iron deficiency during preg- the significant contribution and the substantial amount of
nancy was reported in Bangladesh. Iron deficiency appears time and efforts by the author Saeed Akhtar in the prepara-
to be low, during early pregnancy and can develop into iron tion and revision of this manuscript.
deficiency anemia as the pregnancy progresses (Lindstrom
et al., 2011). One group of researchers demonstrated the References
ameliorating effect of early supplementation in pregnancy
Abdulla, M., & Suck, C. (1998). Blood levels of copper, iron, zinc, and
on the occurrence of stunting among boys aged 0e54 lead in adults in India and Pakistan and the effect of oral zinc
months. The study further elucidated food supplementation supplementation for six weeks. Biological Trace Element
to women during early pregnancy to be a pragmatic Research, 61, 323e331.
approach to reduce early childhood malnutrition, especially Ahmed, T., Mahfuz, M., Ireen, S., Ahmed, A. M. S., Rahman, S.,
stunting (Khan et al., 2011). Islam, M. M., et al. (2012). Nutrition of children and women in
Bangladesh: trends and directions for the future. Journal of Health,
A practical strategy to control anemia and deficiencies of Population and Nutrition, 30, 1e11.
vitamin A &D, iodine and zinc in Bangladesh is critically Ahmed, F., Rahman, A., Noor, A. N., Akhtaruzzaman, M., &
needed in addition to launching of large scale training pro- Hughes, R. (2006). Anemia and vitamin A status among
grams for workers. Community awareness campaigns can adolescent schoolboys in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Public Health
play a vital role to reduce the extent of micronutrient defi- Nutrition, 9, 345e350.
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ciencies in addition to routine approaches like dietary diver- Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
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Food Research International, 44, 652e659.
High prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies, espe-
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cially in low income countries, has led the world’s scientific food safety e a dilemma of developing societies. Critical Reviews
community and international organizations to critically in Microbiology.
appraise health and economic consequences associated 1040841X.2012.742036, (Accepted).
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positive results. Daily Times,
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malnutrition remain two instrumental determinants that pg7_35.
hamper economic growth of this region. Compelling evi- Arlappa, N., Balakrishna, N., Laxmaiah, A., Nair, K. M., &
dence suggest high prevalence of vitamin A & D, iron, Brahmam, G. N. (2011). Prevalence of clinical and sub-clinical
zinc and iodine deficiency in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka vitamin A deficiency among rural preschool-age children of West
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ulation especially children and pregnant women. High Pasha, O., et al. (2008). Anemia prevalence and risk factors in
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as a corollary of the deficiency of these vital nutrients in Bulletin, 29, 132e139.
this region. This situation warrants immediate actions and Baqui, A. H., Zaman, K., Persson, L. A., El Arifeen, S., Yunus, M.,
Begum, N., et al. (2003). Simultaneous weekly supplementation of
implementation of several potential approaches that can
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economies. Priority setting for elimination of micronutrient BBS. (2005). National low birth weight survey of Bangladesh
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assess and document the real burden of micronutrient defi-
Bharmal, F. Y., & Omair, A. (2001). Evaluation of vitamin A
ciencies and putting existing strategies and solutions into supplementation in Gulshan-e-Sikandarabad. Journal of Pakistan
action are a few widely accepted approaches to combat mi- Medical Association, 51, 248e250.
cronutrient deficiencies. Besides, launching media advo- Bhatty, S. A., Shaikh, N. A., Irfan, M., Kashif, S. M.,
cacy campaigns, making huge investment and new Vaswani, A. S., Sumbhai, A., et al. (2010). Vitamin D
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