Case Study

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This explains the relation between soccer and the fashion world. In some
cases the marketers use the players of FIFA to make marketing which
means that they use their popularity to let people buy something from their
brand at the same time the player benefits money.

For example
letting a player wear branded shoes while playing will make fans buy the
same brand. Or making advertising of a product using a popular player will
increase the buyers

Q) Is FIFA's “sartorial strategy” likely to influence Americans'

perceptions of soccer ?


The FIFA collection was launched in the United States. FIFA is seeking
revenue growth by boosting soccer’s popularity in America . By this
strategy of using popular faces in soccer to increase the sales of branded
merchandise. So the U.S has a real opportunity to grow by using this
strategy and changing their perceptions of soccer.Using popular faces in
soccer to increase the sales of specific brands will increase the profit and
specially in America there are many popular faces that can help and profit
at the same time increasing the sales of a variety of branded products. Like
David Beckham, the popular face of football who is used to increase the
sales of brand Adidas for example. So Americans’ perceptions of soccer
will be influenced by FIFA’s sartorial strategy because it will show them to
be able to increase their sales.
Q) Discuss your thoughts on whether soccer can be transformed
into a mainstream sport in the United States.


In the US, 2010 World Cup merchandise such as T-shirts, hoodies, and
Official Match Balls was available at Walmart, Sports Authority, and FIFA chose Total Apparel Group (TAG) to boost soccer’s
visibility and popularity among Americans. As TAG CEO Janon Costly
noted, the talk is to establish soccer’s place in mainstream US
culture. He said that sport and fashion and entertainment are
interchangeable, and that they have to strategize with that in mind. Clothes
put the sport squarely in front of people who might not see it any other way

Q) With the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, FIFA faced a number of
challenges pertaining to security, ticketing, and transportation. The 2014
World Cup will be held in Brazil, where key infrastructure areas
such as telecommunications and airports are undeveloped. What must
FIFA do to ensure the 2014 World Cup is successful?


The 2014 World Cup will be held in Brazil this time. To ensure the success
of this global competition, FIFA must ensure the proper planning and
execution of investments in infrastructure.Transportation and
telecommunications are the two main investments to make this global
competition successful. Hence, FIFA needs to cooperate with the Brazilian
government to make sure their airports, trains,buses and others are well
developed and complete the unfinished infrastructures. FIFA also needs to
make sure their telecommunication system can function well during the live

. FIFA can establish and manage the World Cup working group. The
objective of the group is to give the Brazil government some advices for
holding World Cup 2014
. FIFA also needs to raise sponsors for this competition, not only sponsor
the money but the infrastructures.
. FIFA should raise volunteers or provide part-times to ensure the
competition runs smoothly. Before the volunteers or the part-timers work for
World Cup 2014, they must undergo training,to make sure the staff teams
are good.
In conclusion,
To make World Cup 2014 successful not only is the responsibility of FIFA.
Hence, the Brazilian government also needs to provide the best they can to
make this event happen.

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