MAPEH 10 Finals Reviewer

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Festival Dance - cultural dances that are performed by a group of people that share the same culture.

-performed to either honor a patron saint (Sinulog in Cebu), or to show gratitude for a bountiful harvest
(Kadayawan in Davao city).

Street Dances - popular in festivals like in the Kadayawan festival in Davao City, and the Masskara festival
in Bacolod city.

Every region, province and city has a variety of festivities and events.

Festival Dancers - serves as the highlights in festivals.

Examples of Festival Dances

1. Ati-Atihan Festival - in Kalibo, Aklan where people cover the bodies and faces with charcoal or black
paint as they depict Filipino natives know as the Aetas. On streets, they dance enthusiastically as they hold
images of the Sto. Nino.

-one of the oldest festivals of the Philippines, formerly celebrated about 800 years ago.

2. Sinulog Festival - in Cebu; this dance festival is so famous that there is even a tagline for this festival:
"One beat, One dance, One Vision."

-word "Sinulog" translates to "like the water current"

Basic Dance Steps of the Sinulog Festival

1. Natural - two steps forward, one step backward

2. Kinampilan - one step right foot forward and one step backward, while the left foot stays in place.

3. Kaamulan Festival - hosted by seven ethnic Filipino tribes- Bukidnon, Talaandig, Tigwahanon, Manobo,
Umayamnon, Matigsalog, and Higaonon.

-originated from the word "amul", meaning ‘to "gather".

4. Moriones Festival - most dramatic and active festival in the Philippines.

-relates to the life of St. Longinus, the centurion who pierced Jesus with a spear during the crucifixion.

-word "Morion" means the "helmet of Roman soldiers".

5. Panagbenga Festival - hopeful and the prettiest festival in the country.

-term "Panagbenga" means "A Season of Blossoming".

-includes a Grand Float Parade, where giant floats of different characters are made of flowers and
displayed in the parade.

6. Giant Lantern Festival - celebrates Christmas the right way, an entire month of giant lanterns lighting
up the Christmas Capital of the Philippines- San Fernando City.

7. Dinagyang Festival - celebration of the Santo Nino and the pact between the Datus and the locals
after the arrival of Malay settlers.

-"Dinagyang" is a Hiligaynon word meaning "merrymaking".

8. Pahiyas Festival - parade of locals in costumes, giant paper-mache, and designed floats.

-celebrates the patron saint of farmers for a good harvest- San Isidro Labrador.

10. Kadayawan Festival - celebrates the region's bountiful harvest and marks the survival of their native

-"Kadayawan" is a native expression in the Dabawon tongue, derived from the word " madayaw" meaning
"good, valuable, and superior".

-includes a parade of flowers, float parades, and people dancing on the street known as "Indak-indak sa

11. Masskara Festival - done with performers wearing colorful masks and costumes while dancing on the

12. Higantes Festival - based on the Angono folklore that tells us about "higantes" or giant paper mache
made by the locals to protest against the Spanish inquisition.

13. Pintados Festival - most anticipated festival since 1987, probably because of its raw cultural richness.

-showcases the native people who lived here before the Spanish, and how they lived their life.

-symbolizes the brave warriors of the past.

Community Health Workers - people who help local communities receive health care from social service
systems and government.

Responsibilities of Community Health Workers

1. Help people understand their health conditions so they can develop strategies to improve their
health and well-being.

2. Provide health services such as monitoring blood pressure and providing first aid.

3. Provide informal counseling, support, and follow-up.

4. Deliver health information using the language of the community.

5. Make home visits to chronically ill patients, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the elderly.

Environmental Health (EH) - studies how the environment influences human health and diseases.

Environmental Specialists - professionals who do works related to the environment by means of

research, outreach and education, environmental clean-ups and more.

People whose Works are Related to Environmental Health

1. Sanitary engineer

2. Radiation safety officer

3. Environmental radiation officer

4. Hazardous waste director

5. Industrial waste director

6. Water quality scientist

7. Health physicist

8. Radioactive water specialist

Careers Related to Drug Abuse Treatment and Prevention

1. Psychiatrists and Psychologists- helps people suffering from drug abuse problems and understands
the cause of their problems. Psychiatrists can also prescribe medications for the patient.

2. Psychiatric Nurses and Detox Specialists - tracks the physical progress of patients.

3. Counselors - professionals who work with teen and adults who have drug abuse problems.

4. Professors, Researchers, and Social Workers - less involved with direct care but they try to
understand the problem through studies and research so that they can provide solutions for drug abuse
related problems.

Dietetics - concerned with the relationship between health and nutrition.

Dietitians - professionals who design nutrition therapies to help the body be protected against disease
by means of natural food nutrients.

-designs nutritional therapies to people who have specific health issues like hypertension, diabetes, or

Health Education - profession that involves educating people about health. Your health education
teacher is one good example of people in this profession. The health areas that are taught are physical
health, social health, environmental health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health.

Medical Specialists and Their Field of Specifications

Anesthesiologist - administration of anesthesia like in surgery

Epidemiologist - investigates the cause and source of disease outbreaks

Cardiologist - coronary artery disease; heart disease

Family Practice Physician - general care physician

Gastroenterologist - stomach, intestines, digestive system

Geriatrician - diseases and conditions of the aged

Gynecologist - female reproductive system

Immunologist - diseases of the immune system

Internist - treatment of diseases in adults

Neonatologist and Neurologist - nervous system

Nephrologist - kidney disease

Neurosurgeon - surgery of the brain and nervous system

Obstetrician - pregnancy, labor, childbirth

Oncologist - cancer, tumors

Ophthalmologist - eye disease and treatment

Orthopedist - skeletal system

Otolaryngologist - head, neck, ears, nose, throat

Pathologist - study of tissues and essential nature of disease

Pediatrician - childhood disease and condition

Plastic Surgeon - use of material to build tissues

Primary Care Physician - general health and medical care

Psychiatrist - mental illness

Radiologist - use of x-ray

Rheumatologist - diseases of connective tissues, joint, muscles, tendons

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