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MNGT 3556 Training and Development

Group Project (10%) and presentation (10%) Specification

Project submission 11 May 2023
Presentation starting from week 14

 The purpose of the project is to give you an opportunity to develop a set of important skills,
including team-working skills, persuasive communication skills, business networking and negotiation
skills, critical thinking, and academic writing skills as well as practical application of training and
development. This would be applied in the form of choosing a topic for training in class and applying the
practical aspects of training and development

1. In this project, you are to develop a training module for a local company. You have to assume a role
of a certified trainer or training consultant that trains people on people management.
a. Choose one of the following topics:
1) Emotional Intelligence
2) Stress management
3) Team Management
4) Time management
5) Artificial Intelligence
b. Once the training module is complete, you are to present before your colleagues, who
will act as your clients and assess and evaluate your training module/program.

c. To design the training program, you are to refer to the Instructional System Design (ISD)
model learnt in class.
2. The team will be formed according to your serial number between 6 and 8 members. A team leader
should be identified to facilitate communication with the instructor.
3. You will be doing a group presentation starting from Week 14
4. The deadline for submission is in Week 15. Marks will be deducted for late submission but early
submission is encouraged and may attract additional marks.

Good luck!
Step 1: Select topic, Leader Step 2: Work on preparing the module Step 3: Prepare
by referring to the book Report, Slides

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1. There are two types of document that you need to prepare:

a. A written training module (Report/project)
b. Slides presentation and the materials used for the training session.
2. The written module Report: should use Times New Roman 12, double spacing, fully justified.
3. Length of training module: 15-25 pages; Length of slides: Not more than 20 slides.
Introduction: ( 1page) why did you choose the topic (include its importance and role)
Content: (between 5 and 10 pages)
- Literature review on the chosen topic, include references in the paragraphs and It should be
between 2018 and 2022
- Application of chapters 7,8,9= What did you apply from the concepts to your
- Chapter 9: focus on how this topic would help in developing your career, you can interview
people and include in your project. They could be managers (up to 5), clients (up to 20)
Conclusion: (1 page) brief on the topic, what did you benefit, include your feedback from students,
recommendations for future training module
References: use APA

4. Cover page should include:

a. Student name and ID, Serial
b. Course code and name
c. Title of assignment
d. Date of submission

5. Submit in Moodle by the leader of the group: Part I= project, Part II= presentations slides

6. Save your soft-copy documents as: groupleader’sname_MNGT3556_Section 10. For example:

Maha_MNGT3556_Section 30.pdf

7. Marks will be deducted if any of the requirements is not met.

Presentation = 15%

You will be all presenting on the topic chosen, slides, activities in class to apply the topic concepts. You
can bring a guest speaker, do games and exercises. There will be additional marks for creativity. The
purpose is to apply the concepts as a training for the class that will help to build on their skills. You need
to apply presentation skills such as body language, attention to the audience, creativity and clarity. All
the members of the group will be involved in the presentation. Each group will take a whole class.

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SP 2023


Name/Student ID:



1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Good 4 = Excellent Marks

Organization Not organized, Some organization, Organized, discussions Good organization and
(2%) discussion makes no discussion jump are somewhat jumpy discussions are
sense. around, start and end logically ordered.
are unclear.
The content is not Content is rather Content is easy and Content is very
interesting. difficult to read and interesting to read. interesting to read.
fairly interesting.
Content Provide little or no Insufficient Gives general Discusses pertinent
(9%) information on information on information about the background
background and background and topic, but some information. Clearly
significance. significance. Some relevant information explains significance of
Information is information is may be missing, or topic. Information is
inaccurate or with accurate, but enough significance is not consistently accurate.
many errors. Reader errors are made to be clearly explained. No
learns little. distracting. significant errors
Mechanics Errors are frequent and Enough errors in style Writing is generally Writing is free of errors
(1.5%) distracting; therefore it or grammar occur that error free, but some in grammar,
is hard to determine they become errors in language or punctuation, sentence
meaning. distracting. grammar may occur. structure,
capitalization and
Aesthetics Unacceptable Appearance is Appearance is Excellent formatting
(1%) appearance. Does not acceptable but a lot generally good; only and appearance. Use
use appropriate font, could be improved. some elements need appropriate font, font
font size, line spacing to be improved. size, line spacing and
and border areas. border areas.
References References are not Few references are Most references are Complete references in
(1%) cited in text, and no cited in text and cited in text and text and references
references list is incomplete references. appropriately provided list.
provided. in references list.
Style/format is Many references use Most references use References is in the
incorrect. incorrect style/format. correct style/format. correct style/format.

Timeliness Report handed in more Up to 1 week late. Up to two days late. Report handed in on
(.5%) than 1 week late. time.
Total Points:
Scoring Key
Undergraduate Postgraduate
Poor 0-10 0-17
Fair 11-20 18-24
Good 21-30 25-34
Excellent 31-40 35-40
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