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Mówienie o zasadach w języku angielskim
Today we are going to talk about:

• Have to/Don’t have to

• Mustn’t
• Be allowed to….
• Examples of Rules
• Example Sentences
• Exercises and Questions
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Have to/Don’t have to–
Rules and Usage
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Czasownika ‚have/has to (don’t/doesn’t have to)’ używamy do:
• Wyrażania konieczności, gdy mówimy, że musimy
coś zrobić, a szczególnie gdy nakaz pochodzi od
zewnątrz, tzn. są zasady, które nas do czegoś obligują.

We have to wear uniforms at work. (because those

are the rules at our workplace).
You have to drive on the left side of the road
in the UK. (those are the rules of the road there)
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Positive sentence form:

Subject + have to/has to + verb in the present

( he/she/it -→ has to)
I have to work from Monday to Friday.
She has to go to school.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Negative sentence form:
Subject + don’t have to/doesn’t have to +
verb in the present
( he/she/it -→ doesn’t have to)
I don’t have to work at the weekends.
She doesn’t have to go to school on Sundays.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Do/Does + subject + have to +
verb in the present
( he/she/it -→ Does)
Do you have to do the housework?
Does he have to clean the bathroom?
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Short answers:
Yes, I/you/we/they do. / Yes, he/she/it does.
or: No, I/you/we/they don’t. /
No, he/she/it doesn’t.
Does he have to work until 7 pm?
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Wh-word + do/does + subject + have to +
verb in present form + ?
(Wh-word: where/who/which/when/why/how, etc.)
What time do we have to come back?
We have to come back at 5pm.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences

She has to finish her project by tomorrow.

Ona musi skończyć jej projekt do jutra.

He doesn’t have to wear a uniform at work.

On nie musi nosić munduru w pracy.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences

We have to obey the rules at work.

Musimy przestrzegać zasad w pracy.

Do they have to work on Sundays?

Czy oni muszą pracować w niedziele?
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Mustn’t –
Rules and Usage
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Czasownika ‚mustn’t’ używamy do:
• Wyrażania zakazu, dosłownie znaczy: NIE WOLNO.

You mustn’t enter this building! (because it’s not

We mustn’t use our phones in class.
(it’s not permitted)
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Sentence form:

Subject + mustn’t + verb in the present

They mustn’t come to work tomorrow.

She mustn’t answer this message.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.

Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Mustn’t vs. don’t have to
You mustn’t copy these documents!
(It’s not allowed.)

You don’t have to copy the documents if you

don’t want to.
(It’s not obligatory.)
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Mustn’t vs. don’t have to
We mustn’t eat sweets in the evening.
(It’s not allowed.)

We don’t have to eat vegetables if

we don’t want to.
(It’s not obligatory.)
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences

We mustn’t forget to obey the rules at work.

Nie wolno nam zapomnieć o przestrzeganiu zasad w pracy.

You mustn’t park your car here.

Nie wolno tutaj parkować samochodu.

(Nie wolno Tobie zaparkować swojego samochodu tutaj.)
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Let’s practise!
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Choose the right answers in the sentences below.

1. They mustn’t/don’t have to come to the party if they

don’t want to.
2. He doesn’t have to /mustn’t make breakfast today,
he’s going to a cafe with his friends in the morning.
3. You mustn’t/don’t have to enter the country
without a valid passport.
4. I mustn’t/don’t have to read this book but I want to.
5. He doesn’t have to/mustn’t smoke in the office building.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Complete the sentences with the words below.
has, to, have, don’t, doesn’t, do, does

1. ……. you have to stay late at work?

2. They ……….. to wear uniforms at work.
3. She ……….. to repair her car before the inspection.
4. He ……… have to come to meetings at work.
5. …… he have to help at home?
6. She has …… lose weight before her next doctor’s
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Answer the following question/questions.

Tell us about rules at your work/school.

I have to ………
I don’t have to ……
I’m allowed to…..
I’m not allowed to…..
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Answer the following question/questions.

Tell us about rules in your country.

I have to ………
I don’t have to ……
I’m allowed to…..
I’m not allowed to…..
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Answer the following question/questions.

Is there anything you mustn’t do at work/school?

I mustn’t ………

Is there anything you mustn’t do at your home?

I mustn’t ……….
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Be allowed to –
Rules and Usage
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Struktury ‚be allowed to’ używamy do:
• Wyrażania informacji na temat tego na co mamy
lub na co nie mamy pozwolenia.

You aren’t allowed to enter this building!

(It’s not permitted)
We aren’t allowed to use our phones in class.
(it’s not permitted)
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Positive sentence form:

Subject + be allowed to + verb in the present

( I am, you are, he/she/it is, we/you/they are)
I am allowed to buy tickets with discounts.
She is allowed to work from home.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Negative sentence form:
Subject + be + not allowed to + verb
( I am not (’m not), you are not (aren’t),
he/she/it is not (isn’t), we/you/they are not (aren’t))

I am not allowed to buy tickets here.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Questions form:
Be + Subject + allowed to + verb …..?
( Am I ….. ?, Are you ……?,
Is he/she/it ….?, Are we/you/they …?)
Are you allowed to be here?
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Short answers:
Yes, I am. Yes, you/we/they are. / Yes, he/she/it is.
or: No, I’m not. No, you/we/they aren’t. /
No, he/she/it isn’t.
Is he allowed to smoke here?
Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences

We are allowed to stay up late.

Możemy nie spać/siedzieć do późna.

Is she allowed to write the report on her own?

Czy ona może napisać raport sama?
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Example Sentences

He isn’t allowed to come to the office before 7 am.

On nie może przychodzić do biura przed 7 rano.

Am I allowed to sit here? Yes, you are.

Czy mogę tutaj siedzieć? Tak, możesz.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Let’s practise!
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Complete the sentences with the words below.
are, is, am, allowed, to, you, isn’t

1. ……. you allowed to work from home?

2. They are ……….. to wear casual clothes at work.
3. She ….. allowed to stay here as long as she wants.
4. He is allowed ……. park his car in front of the company
5. …… I allowed to print my documents here?
6. ……. aren’t allowed to do your homework here.
7. She ……… allowed to go home before 5 pm.
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules – road and traffic
don’t go over the speed limit
nie przekraczać ograniczenia prędkości
obey traffic regulations
przestrzegać zasad ruchu drogowego
don’t talk on the phone while driving
nie rozmawiać przez telefon podczas prowadzenia samochodu
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules – road and traffic
stop at the red traffic lights
zatrzymać się na czerwonym świetle
stop at the pedestrian crossing
zatrzymać się przed przejściem dla pieszych
be kind to other drivers
być uprzejmym dla innych kierowców
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules - work
meet deadlines
dotrzymywać terminów
cooperate with other employees
współpracować z innymi pracownikami
follow your company’s dresscode
przestrzegać zasad ubioru w firmie
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules - work
wear a uniform
nosić mundur/specjalny strój w pracy
be punctual
być punktualnym
follow health and safety regulations
przestrzegać zasad BHP
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules - work
take good care of your company’s equipment
dbać o sprzęt w firmie
don’t gossip
nie plotkować
don’t ignore projects
nie ignorować projektów
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules – family and home
do the housework
robić prace wokół domu
do the shopping
robić zakupy
save water and energy
oszczędzać wodę i energię
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules – family and home
keep good relations with family members
utrzymywać dobre relacje z członkami rodziny
spend quality time with your family
spędzać dobry jakościowo czas ze swoją rodziną
don’t say bad things behind people’s back
nie mówić złych rzeczy za czyimiś plecami
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules - travelling
read about other country’s customs
czytać o zwyczajach innych krajów
obey local rules
przestrzegać lokalnych zasad
respect other people’s customs and traditions
szanować tradycje i zwyczaje innych osób
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Examples of rules - travelling
buy insurance
wykupić ubezpieczenie
be open and talk to the locals
być otwartym i rozmawiać z lokalnymi mieszkańcami

prepare all necessary documents

przygotować wszystkie konieczne dokumenty
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Answer the following question/questions.

Do you always obey the rules on the road?

(i.e. stop at the red traffic lights, don’t talk on the

phone when driving, don’t go over the speed limit,
stop at the pedestrian crossing, be kind to other
drivers, etc.)

I usually…….
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Answer the following question/questions.

What rules do you have to obey when you travel?

I have to ………
I don’t have to ……
I am allowed to….
I’m not allowed to…..
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.
Answer the following question/questions.

Tell us about the rules in your neighbourhood.

I have to ………
I don’t have to ……
I am allowed to….
I’m not allowed to…..
Copyright Sunco Sp. z o.o.

Mówienie o zasadach w języku angielskim

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