2.4-Estravo - Leegerald U

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Southern Luzon State University

College of Engineering
ECE Department
ECE08L – Data Communications Lab

Activity No. 4
Applying Simple Mail Transfer Protocol in a Wireless Network

Estravo, Leegerald U.

Date of Performance: March 7, 2023

Date of Submission: March 13, 2023


Engr. Katrina Ruth L. Avillo

1) Build a wireless network and apply Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
2) Configure the devices in the network.
3) Test the connectivity of the devices in the network.

Step 1:

● Create the network topology Open Cisco Packet Tracer and create a new project.
● Drag and drop two laptops, one wireless router, and one server into the workspace.
● Connect the laptops and the server to the wireless router using copper straight-through

Step 2: Configure the wireless router

● Double-click on the wireless router to open its configuration window.

● Click on the wireless tab and enable wireless on the router.
● Choose a network name (SSID) and a security method (WPA2-PSK recommended).
● Set a password for the wireless network.

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Step 3: Configure the laptops

● Double-click on each laptop to open its configuration window.

● Click on the desktop tab and select the command prompt application.
● Type "ipconfig" in the command prompt to check the IP address of the laptop.
● Make sure that the laptops are connected to the wireless network by typing "ping [IP
address of the router]" in the command prompt.

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Step 4: Configure the server

● Double-click on the server to open its configuration window.

● Click on the desktop tab and select the email application.
● Configure the email account with a username, password, and server settings (e.g. SMTP
server IP address).
● Test the email account by sending a test email to another email address.

Step 5: Test the SMTP connection

● Open the email application on the server and compose a new email.
● Enter the recipient email address and a subject and message.
● Click on the send button and wait for the email to be sent.
● Check the sent items folder to confirm that the email was successfully sent.
● Congratulations! You have successfully applied Simple Mail Transfer Protocol in a
wireless network using Cisco Packet Tracer.

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Sending Emails

Received Emails


Device IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway

PC-PT (kat)

PC-PT (karylle)
Laptop (leegerald)

Laptop (leegerald)

Wireless Router

Cisco.com Server

During the activity, our group built a wireless network with Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP) using a wireless router, a cable modem, a cloud, a server, two PCs, and two
laptops. The devices were configured and connected to the network
Our group used the wireless router as the internet service provider (ISP) of the network.
Then, we assigned the IP addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways of the PCs, laptops,
and the server. Next, we configured the devices in the network by setting the IP address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway. The PCs and laptops were configured with IP addresses. The IP
addresses assigned were,,, and, with a Subnet
Mask of, and a Default Gateway of For the wireless router the IP
address is and the subnet mask is Lastly, for the Server the IP

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address is, the subnet mask is also, and the default gateway is also We also configured other settings of the server such as the EMAIL in the Services
function. We set a Domain Name and added user information needed to test the connectivity of
the network.
After that, we tested the connectivity of the devices by sending emails back and forth on
all of the end devices in the network. All of the PCs and laptops were able to send and receive
emails to each other successfully, as well as the server. This indicated that the network was set up
correctly and all devices were communicating with each other without any problems.
Overall, this experiment demonstrated how we can apply the Simple Mail Transder
Protocol or SMTP on a wireless network. It emphasized the importance of configuring devices
with correct IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, domain names, and other settings.
The activity also showed how to test network connectivity by emails on end devices.

In conclusion, the activity successfully demonstrated the process of building a wireless
network with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Our group was able to configure the
devices in the network by assigning correct IP addresses, subnet masks, and default gateways.
We also successfully configured the server with the SMTP software and set up the necessary
domain names and user information to test the network connectivity. Testing the connectivity of
the devices through sending emails was an important aspect of the activity. It allowed us to
verify that the SMTP was functioning correctly and that all devices were communicating with
each other without any problems. This experiment provided hands-on experience on the
importance of properly configuring devices on a wireless network and the importance of testing
connectivity to ensure proper connection between devices. It demonstrated the practical
application of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol in a wireless network and its importance in
enabling the communication of devices in the network.

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