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Our company will produce a unique and different product for the market to
change the trend of people from vegetable snakes to fruit snakes. We will
provide specific unique products to our targeted market customers for their
maximum level of satisfaction. There is no firm that produces (fruit snacks)
now in our national market. We will offer these new trended products at
moderate prices for the customer's benefit.


.To provide a quality product to consumers at a reasonable price.

.To change the mind of people from vegetable snakes towards fruity
.To compete in the market on quality behavior, not on price strategies
. To provide jobs.



The main target people are the young ones who like to eat chips very much
but can also refer to children and adults. Its target market is the different
snack zone specifically on school canteens, non-school canteens like
grocery and stores around the province, moreover on terminals for
pasalubong purposes.

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