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Name……………………………………………………………. Teaching Group/Class………..

Coding Systems – ASCII and Unicode

LO: Exploring how coding systems are used
Confidence checker
Success Criteria Before /5
Explain the what the two most common character coding schemes After /5
used in computing.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of both of the character coding schemes.
Explain the workings for both character sets and alternative versions of each

1. Explain what is mean by a character code.

2. The ASCII binary code for character 'a' is 11000012. How would the word
"be" would be encoded in the binary form of ASCII.

3. A program has been developed to convert a string so that all of its characters
are in upper case. The computer does this by taking each character’s ASCII
binary code and applying a bitwise AND operation to it, using the mask
Convert the lower case character 'c', ASCII code 11000112, into the upper
case character 'C' using the method described above.

4. Describe the differences between ASCII and Unicode.

5. Describe the similarities between ASCII and Unicode.

GFS Computer Science 2021 Year 12 – Coding Systems

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