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\ -h1A0 DUC VA DAO TAO DE THI CHQN HQC SINH GIOI CAP QUAN Jan NGO QUYEN NAM HQC 2022-2023 MON: TIENG ANH LOP 9 Thos gian: 150 pluit(khing ké thai gian giao dé) HQ TEN, CHU KY GIAM KHAO sO PHACH Gidém khio Gim khio ‘SECTION ONE: LISTENING Part 4. You will hear a young student asking the social organizer of his school for information about organized trips. For each question, filin the missing information inthe numbered space. Write NO MORE THAN ‘THREE WORDS or NUMBERS for each answer. You wil isten to the recording TWICE. (5 pts) NOTES ON SOCIAL PROGRAMME "Number of trips per month: (1) Visit places which have: Historical interest Good shopping -@). Cost: between £5 and £15 per person, depending on (3) Note: special tips organized for groups of 4) people Time: departure ~ 8.30 am. and retum ~ 6.00 pm. To reserve a soa: sign aname onthe (5) 3 daysin advance Part 2. You will hear a successful fashion designer talking about his career. Choose the letter, A,B, C, of, D, to indicate your answer to each of te following questions. You will isten tothe recording TWICE. (5 pts) 1, How well did the speaker do at school? ‘A. He was excellent at every subject. B. He didnt pay any attention to his study. C. He was an average student. . He had problems passing exams. 2, Wha did he do when he lft school? ‘A. He got ajob to eam 2 lat of money. B. He went oat college. He took a gap year. D. He did a business course. 3. What dd he leam from hs parttime job? ‘A. How clothes are made B. How to use sewing machines. CC. How to rn a lage business . How to manage money 4, Howlong did he stay in Mian? ‘A For hree months For nine months C.Forone year .Forthree years 5, Why did he have dficutes in New York? ‘A. He couldnt stat a company ther, B, He didn't have many tends there, CC. He wanted to be nearer to his home. D. His jab didnt come up o his expectations. Part 3, Look atthe six questions for this part. You will hear a man called Steve and a woman called Caroline talking about summer jobs, Decide if each sentence is correct or incorect. itis correct, select A for Yes. IMitis not correc, select B for No. You wll listen tothe recording TWICE. (§ pts) (0. Steve hasnt arranged any work forthe summer yet. AYes B.No 4. Carcline's work wil allow her to have fee tie dung the day. Aes B.No 2. Caroline's work wil be located in a city. AYes B.No Poge 1 of Scanned with CamScanner 3 Caroline found out about the job from the Ileret. AYes B.No 4, Caroline says that work at music festivals is badly paid. AYes B.No 5. Caroline does not have to pay for her accommodation. ALYes B.No SECTION TWO: PHONOLOGY [Choose the word whose underined part is pronounced differenti from the others. (5 pts) 4. equation 8 option inspiron ——D.gradvaton : 2. A-northem 8. anyting C. worthy D. breathing 3. A.defnton B. prescription C.exploration ——_—D-repetion 4. Afi B. devour © scour D.ftavour 5. Adis B, escape C.aisle Diisend 1. Choose the word whose stress pater sditferent from the others. (6 ps) 4. Acsufer 8. parade . absorb D.teport 2 Apolican B. disadvantage. horizontal D authority 3. A.residemtal ——_—B biological C.enlertsinment —. communism 4. Acatitude Bloutnumber ——_C.reipe D instrument 5. AJapanese interview deposit D. mountaineer ‘SECTION THREE: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR |. Choose the correct answer (A,B, C, or D) to each ofthe following questions. (10 pts) 4. My fatheris @___ who s responsible forthe family finances. {A breadwinner B. homemaker C. caretaker . cook 2. He was also the first ____aristo have four singles to ener the Top 40. A.chorts B. solo C. single D. private 3. [wish | coud do something to reduce the financial _ on my parents. capital 8. burden init D. gap 4, Volunteer work helps young people know their strong and weak points Before they enter the _. A.job market —_B, job world C. poston market. professional market 5. Parens ae always wing to lend a sympathetic__to their children when they have problems. A hand Bear C. eye D. heart 6. The goverment hopes ther program wil help new immigrants __wellin the community. A. enter B. immerse . exchange D. integrate 7. ter having used the new technique, the factory produced _cars in 2014 a the year before. ‘A.astwice many B. asmany twice C. twice many as D. twice as many 8. think you should book ajazz band for your bithday party,_? Adal B. don't | . should you _D. shouldnt you 9, You's batter pay __ vist tothe dentist. ‘A normal B. regular . habitual D. customary 10. The coloris wonderul andthe acke fis ike a_, but it’ the price that puts me of buying it Asuit B, sock glove D. shirt 11. wish you'd do the accounts. | don't have _for numbers. A.ahead B.amind C. the heart D. the nerve 12, Annais holding her shopping bag with one hand and! turing the door handle with _ A.otherone —_B. the other . another D. other 13. got up so late that |___had ime to catch the eal train A. nearly B hardly C. actually D. virtually 14, He applied for training as apt, but they tumed him down __ his poor eyesight. ‘A although B. because of | _C. inspite of D, with regard to 18. Linda: "Where would you suggest go this weekend?” Jack: ‘_* A. Lets goto the Folk Museum B. fd suggest you the Folk Museum C. fd prefer the Folk Museum . Id recommend the Folk Museum Poge 2 0f6 Scanned with CamScanner 46. He wasrit attending the lecture properly and missed most of A. wha the teacher said B. which the teacher said C. things said by the teacher D-that the teacher said 17, My father gave me__as a bithday present on my bith. ‘Aa digital useful alarm clock B. an alarm useful digital clock . a useful alarm digital clock D. a useful digital alarm clock 18. 70 percent alohals more effective than 100 percent alcoho An antiseptic used 8, When used as an antiseptic C. An antiseptic when used 1D. How an antiseptic is used 419. We'd been working hard for a month and so decided to go out and_. A. steal the show B. face the music . read between the lines D. paint the town red 20. Peters inviting Mary to his house for lunch Peter: "Im having some fiends over for lunch this Saturday. Would you like to join us?” “Mant ‘A.Can [take a rain check? B, Come on. Its your turn , Thanks, but | mustnt. D. Asa matter of fact, | dont. Il Give the correct tense or form ofthe verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. (5 pts) Tom (ek to another student when I (se) him today ‘After (stop) by the police, the driver admitted (brea the speed limit. {ts time we (tum) onthe central heating. It (get colder every day. {Tm afraid bythe time he (gf) tothe sirpr, the plan (take) of. (practise) for over 3 years, he is now considering (fake) part inthe contest. ee Ee fa 4 2a awe 5 3 II Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each ofthe following sentences. (5 pts) She's determined to prove his imocence, (regard) of how long it takes. | was ate because | ad (estimate) how much time 'é need. My dictionary was here yesteday, butt has (mystery) disappeared (consume) should complain if they are not satisfied wit the service they recieve. If your work i (satisfy, you won! eta raise. IMy sister studies (account) at univesily. The tee has been (colour) decorated for hrstmas. New comers are requested to (familia) themselves withthe stict school regulations ‘School (drop) have increased over the past few years. 410. (conserve) are alarmed bythe rate of deforestation, penonsens IV. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10 pts) 1. Lalvays feel. 2986 WHEN | AM nnn Sane 2. FRESH I nnn FOAL USE our heath. 3 heat from the sun, there would be no fe arth, 4. The robbers shared the money .. themselves, 8. Being lacking... Confidence, Margaret withdrew...» the competion. 6. Ihaventtheard John «his return. 7. Disputes . we fortory can Wd... WO Be semunannn bis way Out of the room, he shut the AoOT son him silently. 9, The joumalist was praised his report svn he consequences ofthe tsunami 40. We can't do anything the situation NOW. IS... UF eBAO Page 30f6 Scanned with CamScanner Wet Sx NON Yan 197 =n V. Identify one error in each sentence and gett right. (5 pts) ©. Improving yourhealth, you'd better try todo requar exercise, A 8 cD 41. My favorite exercise in the moming is jog around the cent park. A 8 co 2. Each ofthe members ofthe group were made to write arepor every weet. A 8 c D ‘3. Sandra has not rarely missed a pay ar concert since she was 17 yeas od A 8 c 0 4, John lived inthe United States from 2015 and 2020, but he is now living inthe Netherlands. A 8 c D 5. We solved the maths problem by using a calculator rather than todo tal by hand A 8 c D 0. Ace ve To improve Basta? fa (ree Deanne P 5. > SECTION FOUR: READING |. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B,C, oF ) to each of the questions that follow. (10 pts) Two Englishes ‘American English is the name given to the form of the language used by the people of the United States. (Note that ‘American English does not include Canadian English, The two nations use very similar pronunciation, but in other respects, ‘Canadian Engish is more lke British Engish, Briish English, or Commonwealth English, isthe varity use inthe United Kingdom and ts former colonies, including much of Arica, the Indian subcontinent, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Southeast Asia. While American and British Englsh are for the most part recipfocally ineligible, the differences are humerous enough to cause awkward misunderstanding and the occasional breakdown of communication, ‘Some ofthe mast obvious differences are in vocabulary. Many ofthese developed between the mid-19" and the mid-20" centuries, This was a period during which a variety of new concepts arose requiing new words, For example, a large ‘umber of words connected with automobiles and other modem vehicles are diferent in the two forms of Engish. The Biiish use the Celsius temperature scale whereas Americans are more used to Fahrenheit. An American “trunk” is @ Bish “boot! In the US., they put ‘gas” in their cas, but in the UK, it's “petro.” Americans say “subway" while the Bish say “underground” or “ube. While many of these differences are wellknown in both counties, there is an inequality in the comprehensiblty of “American lerms forthe British, compared wih that of British terms for Americans. The use of many British word, such as ‘semi (em:-detached house) or “busk (to play music in public inthe hope of geting donations from passer-by) is ikely to completely baffle an Amercan. The global populatily of American movies and television shows, onthe other hand, means that few Americanisms are unknown to Bish Engish speakers. Less noticeable, though also numerous, are differences in grammar. The present perfect tense ‘Ive gone” is more ‘commonly heard in British English whereas Americans use the simple pas ‘| went" *Did you eat yet” is anormal question in the U.S. while “Have you eaten yet” isthe only acceptable form for Bish speakers. Collective nouns, singular nouns that describe muliple people, are another point of difference, In British English, they are used with a plural verb: “The family ‘are worried." Americans use them with a singular verb: ‘The family is wore.” 1. Which ofthe following best describes the reading passage? ‘A. An explanation of how American Engish and British English are often confused B.A discussion of differences between American Engish and Britsh English C. An argument for choosing Bish Engish over American English . A\kstng of varieties of English and where they are spoken 2. According tothe reading, Canadian English and American English are most alike in. A.grammar —_B.speling pronunciation D. meaning 3. The word “reciprocal” inthe passage mosty means _. ‘A.muualy ——B.periodcaly —C. differently _—_—D. similarly ‘4. Which ofthe sentences below is NOT mentioned inthe second paragraph? ‘A. New English words appeared 8. The Bish use °C, whereas Americans are more used to °F. C.There are two equivalent words in British Engish for ‘subway’ in American Engish. 1. Inthe US, people don’ use cars on petrol Page 4 of6 Scanned with CamScanner J BSS ib Fl 5s il 5, According to the passage, the diferences sometimes cause _. ‘A-awkward customers , communicative disrupons vocabulary tems 1. vacation breakdowns 6. The word ‘bain the passage mostly means _. Acenhance —_B, confuse . worsen 7. Recording to the passage, American movies are _ ‘A. ot wel-known in Britain B. famous in the U.S. only C. wotd-widely popular D. not normally watched 8. The word “they” inthe last paragraph refers to _. A.nouns B. people C.speakers ——_D, Americans 9. Itcan be infeed from the passage that in India, the “subway” might be called Athetunk = B. the train . the tube , subcontinent 40. According tothe last paragraph wich of the following is LEAST likely aid by the Brish? ‘A. ‘Hasthe come yet” B. "The crond were exciting’ ."The crowd cheered excitedy’ ——_—D."Didhe come yet?” 4 5 6 ee ee D. dismiss Il Read the passage and decide which answer (A, B,C, or D) best fis each gap. (5 pts) For Nigel Portman, a love of traveling began with what's called a'gap year. In common wth many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) to study for his degree, After doing various jobs to (2) some money, he lft hore to {gain some experience of fe in diferent cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the {G) the challenge they are likely to (4) themselves forthe gap year, and for some, tke Nigel, it can (6) in a thirst for adventure, Now that bis university course has come to an end, Nigel s just about to leave on a three-year trip that will take him (6) ‘around the word. What's more he plans to make the whole journey using only means of transport which are (7) by natural energy. In other word, he'll be (8) mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there's an ooean to cross, he wort Be taking 2 (9) cut by cimbing aboard a plane, hel be jaining the crew of asaling ship instead. ’As well s doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to (10) on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behing the whole idea. D. holding back 4. A.setting down B.getingup _—_C. taking over 2. Rachie Braise C.advance Own 3. A.stronger 8. wider ©. greater D. deeper 4. Aput B.set C.aim D. place 5. A-result B.lead C. cause D. create 6 A.just B. complete C. whole Diright 7. Acpulled B. charged forced D. powered 8. A-relying Busing C. attempting —_D. tying 9% A.quick B. shot C. brief . swit 40. A.leave B. keep C. pass D. give IN Fill each blank inthe following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts) When you want to book a fight to a certain place, visit your nearest travel agent. Tell the travel agent the (1). when you want {0 travel andthe destination to which you want to go. The travel agent wil then type ths information (2) . a small ‘computer. After checking everything on the computer screen, helshe wil (3)... tis information to a central computer. This ‘central computer contains al information about bookings and destinaions, and sends a reply, showing which are the (8). suitable fights. It also shows whether the fights are fuly booked or not. The information (5). is now shown on the small ‘computer screen is continual changing as other bookings are (6)... in other pars ofthe word. The travel agent now types in your booking. Then the computer wil ask for your name and address as (7). 8 for oer information. It wil so ask {@)... you wl pay for your tickets (r cash or by creditcard). Next the compuar confirms the booking and makes a request for payment. When you have paid 2). for your bcket, the travel agent types this information ino the computer 2s wel. Finally, some computers print outa ticket before you (10)... te travel agents. fee ee ol oe 4 Gherrermnen Geese: Teanamninn rn @: poe 10. Poge Sof 6 Scanned with CamScanner WES” O° AY SECTION FIVE: WRITING L Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (10 pts) 4. People believe that Leonardo da Vinci foresaw the invention of aircraft ‘The invention of arraft 2, Imsureit wasn't Ann you saw yesterday because she is now in London, ReaN nnn 5. ound is ey the bss realy extng, 3 Whit telly. : srennnnimnnan 4. itu einen tht J se ese }} The teacher wanted 2 % 5,_ Nets prin th race beau is ends ecoraged him - Without 6 Thyd peterme noo accel te demanding. They'd rather 7 Hef pb ater ratory NO S00 €..Thobook asso neresing hat colt pat don, twas .. : ” e 6. dnt get Rome un eer might | thas. al 10. The exam was eaerthan had expected lexpected Il.Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the original one, using the word given in brackets. You must use between THREE and FIVE words, including the word given. (5 pts) 4. The vilagers said that they opposed the plan forthe new shopping center. (disapproval) The vilaget .. the plan forthe new shopping center. 2. oitfrgett coat me when ou ae in Londo, touch). Dontforget to... when you are in London. 3. Could you possibly help me wt his box? ind) Would... essen With hs BOX? 4. Because of his illness he could rot work effectively. (possible) Hisilness made 0 sone Work effectively 5, He wishes he had attended the lecture yesterday. (regrets) He the lecture yesterday. THE END Page 6 of 6 Scanned with CamScanner ho DUC VA DAO TAO DE THI CHQN HQC SINH GIOI CAP QUAN NGO QUYEN NAM HQC 2022-2023 MON: TIENG ANH LOP 9 gar , ‘ANSWER KEY ‘SECTION 1. LISTENING Part 1. You will hear a young student asking (5 pts) 1 point for each coredt answer 1.fveS 2 guided tours 3 stance 4 more than 12 5 notice board Part 2. You will hear a successful fashion designer talking ..(5 pts) 1 point for each correct answer 16 2D 3A 40 &C art 3. Look atthe six questions for this part. You will hear a man called Steve and a woman (5 pts) 1 point for each correc answer 1A 28 38 48 5B ‘SECTION TWO: PHONOLOGY Choose the word whose bold partis pronounced differently from the others. (5 pts) 1 point for each cored answer 1A 28 3B 40 5B [LChoose the word whose stress pattem is different from the others. (5 pts) 1 point foreach corect answer 1A 2D 3D 48 5C ‘SECTION THREE: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR L Choose the correct answer (A,B, C, oF D) to each ofthe following questions. (10 pts) (05 point for each corect answer 1A 28 38 4A 5B 6D 7D 8D 98 10 1A 128 1B 148 15D 16A 17D 188 19D 2A IL Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. (5 pts) (05 point for each coect verb 4. was talking - saw 4. ges —willhave taken 2 being stopped — breaking 5. Having practised — taking 3.tumed ~is geting IL Supply the correct form ofthe words in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. (5 pts) (05 point for each comect answer ‘.regardless underestimated 3. mysteriously 4. Consumers _ 5. unsatisfactory 6. accountancy. T-coloutly 8 familiarize 9. dropouts 410. Conservationists \V.Filleach blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10 ps) (5 point for each correct prepasition or adv particle 2.of-to 3, Without-on 4, out-among _§. in-from 6.from-since —T.over-t0 8. On-behind 9. for-on 10. about - beyond Scanned with CamScanner V. Identity one error in each sentencs nd gett right. (5 pts) 5 point for each correct identification and 0.5 for each correction 0.4 Toimprove 3.4 nobharely 1. B — jogginglto jog 4,8 between 2.8 was 5.C—> doing ‘SECTION FOUR: READING [Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A,B, C, or D) to each of the questions that follow. (10 pts) 1 point for each correct answer 1B 20 3A 4D 5B 70 ac 100 1 Read the passage and decide which answer (A,B, C, or D) best fits each gap. (5 pts) (05 point for each corect answer 1A 2B 3C 4B 5A a) 9B 10.C IL Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts) 1 point for each comect answer 1.dateltine 2. into 3. send 6. made 7. well ‘SECTION FIVE: WRITING I Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (10 pts) { point for each correct sentence ‘The invention of aircraft is believed to have been foreseen by Leonardo da Vinci, Itcan't have been Ann you saw yesterday because she is now in London, Seen oenens What really excited me was his reply tothe boss. A. most 9.for 5. which 10.leave ‘The teacher wanted to know whether Jane had had a good sleep the night beforelthe previous night. Without his friends’ encouragement, Nick wouldn't have taken part in the race. ‘They'd rather | didn't accept the demanding job. ‘No sooner had he graduated from university than he found a jb. It was such an interesting book that | couldn't put it down. {twas not until after midnight that | got hore. | expected the exam to be more difficult expected thatthe exam would be more dffcut Il Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the original one, using the word given in brackets. (5 pts) 1 point for each correct sentence The villagers expressed ther disapproval ofthe plan forthe new shopping center. Don't forget to get in touch with me when you are in London. 1 2 3. 4. 5. Would you mind helping me with this box? His illness made it impossible for him fo work effectively He regrets not attending te lecture yesterday. THE END Scanned with CamScanner ‘AUDIO SCRIPT PART1 Part 4, You will hear a young student asking the social organizer for information about organized trips. For each question, fil in the missing information in the numbered space. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or NUMBERS for each answer. You will listen to the recording TWICE. Good morning Good morning, How can |help you? | understand thatthe school organises... umm, tips to diferent ‘Yes, we run ive every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternaon tips. What sot of places? Wel, cbvousl it vais, bu always places of historical interest and also which oer a vary of shopping, because our students always ask about that... and then we go for ones where ve know there are guided tours, because tis gives a good focus forthe vst * Do you travel far? ‘a Well, were lucky here, obviously, because were able to say that all our visits are less than three hour dive. How much do they cost? ‘Again it varies - between five and fiten pounds a head, depending on distance. Anta ‘Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know, there are more than twelve people. ‘Oh right, keep that in mind. And what are the times normally? Wie ty to keep it prety fixed so tha, that students get to know the pattern We leave at eight-tity am. and retum at six pm. We figure i's bes to keep the day fay shor. Man: ‘Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place? Woman; You sign your name on the notice board. Do you know whee itis? Man: Ab ha. saw it this moming Woman: And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know weve got enough people interested fo ‘unit, and we can cancel f necessary, with fll refund, of couse, Man: That's fine, thanks, PART2 Fashion designer: Im quite often asked how | got into fashion. For me, it was something | always wanted todo, However, because my mother was a university teacher and my father a headmaster, they found it hard to accept that fashion coud be ‘a serious career, | wast bad at schoo, | mean | was a typical student, passed enough exams and so on, and they could Understand | might want fo goto art college, but fashion just wasn't a serous subject for them. ‘Anyway, they said | had to doa years business course fist. | did Ike it at the time, but te, it made a big dference to me. For example, when | started my art college course, | coud use @ word processor, | knew about managing money, | had ‘an idea of how to talk about business. None ofthe other students had that. And the other thing | dd during that year was to get a parttime job inthe ofce ofa smal factory making good-qualty clothes. The pay was evil, but I Teamt a fot there ‘bout that end of the industry, so | began fo understand whats possible and what isnt. | mean, by watching people, [realised what you can and can't do with different types of cloth, what takes a long time to make on a sewing machine, you know. ‘Then | did tivo years atthe local art college. | wanted to go to London straight away, but my parents insisted. | think they thought I was foo young, | was stil only seventeen by then, but nthe end, it was cost. London is @ very expensive plac for a student. So | stayed at home unt | won a prize fora design which actually gave me a place ata London college for rine months, Ther, | was able to make a lot of useful contacts ~ | was already working for an Iaian fashion house three months before | lft. | went onto spend three wonderful years in Milan, then | got the job in New York fora year, which was really exciting, but unbelievably stressful. | thnk probably because | was too far away from my family, more than any actual problems withthe work itself. So, | ended up in London, starting my own company, which is stressful in a diferent way, but really, | enjy it very much. PART Scanned with CamScanner

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