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I have always been ambitious since I was young. I always pictured myself as a library

owner because I pictured the wealthy people as library patrons and owners. I imagined myself

gazing at floor-to-ceiling oak bookcases brimming with great literature in a variety of languages.

Perfect accomplishment and control over the activities a child enjoys is a fantasy that only time

can dispel. At the time, the only distinction I saw between the wealthy and the impoverished was

between library patrons and library owners. The only thing standing in my way was my age and

ambition, both of which I knew I could overcome by gathering and applying knowledge. When I

started attending a private high school, I realized that the distinction between necessary

economic security and its absence was more challenging to draw.

However, as I grew up and began to discover the world and the opportunities, I realized

that there are many avenues to create wealth. I began to imagine being a business person and

slowly developing my business into an empire. Over time, I have noticed that I am unique in my

way compared to my peers. I realized that my story is not anybody else's. I have always been a

teenager who looks after myself, works after school to help pay for bills, and never complains

about lacking essential needs as most kids do. The only people who can understand my situation

are those who have experienced the same as I have.

My ambition was enhanced by the aspiration of the many businesspeople dominating the

world. I believe that entrepreneurship is the way to be sustainable and wealthy. However, it is

not all about the wealth but the satisfaction to do what I love. I believe that entrepreneurs are

born, but most are made. Some qualities come naturally, such as creativity. However, qualities

such as patience, perseverance, and knowledge are learned over time—a strong work ethic and

desire to grow to differentiate a successful entrepreneur from a less successful one. I believe I

possess these innate abilities, but I am well aware that they will only take me so far. To construct

my brand and establish myself as an authority in my field, I need to understand how to build a

profitable business. That is why I am interested in pursuing a degree in Entrepreneurship and

Operations at Pepperdine.

I believe that establishing an empire and a successful career entails more than a degree. I

need to learn about the working of an actual business outside of a classroom. My mentors who

are doing well in the field will facilitate this. I have learned that capital is an essential component

of starting a business from my studies. To garner funding, I need to learn how to create a

compelling business plan to persuade lenders to invest in my idea and business. Fear of failure

paralyzes many people. As an entrepreneur, I feel compelled to try new things and be

uninhibited. In life, take calculated risks. Each failure teaches a lesson or provides an opportunity

for character development. I look forward to establishing myself and benefiting the entire

Pepperdine community.

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