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Appendix 2

Thiauba Prophecy
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Appendix 2: Thiauba Prophecy

The Thiaouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet (2004)

Excerpt from Chapter 11: Who is Christ? , Pages 145-146

“Our plan is to spark the public imagination by sending messengers of peace. As you know, the story of the birth of Jesus, whose mother was Mary, is very realistic.

“The Annunciation was accurate down to the last detail. We sent a spaceship and one of us appeared before a virgin who was really a virgin and said we were going to her.

pregnant. While she was under hypnosis, the embryo was implanted into her body.

“Okay, Michelle, you’re having a hard time believing me. Don’t forget that we have the knowledge. You haven’t even seen one-tenth of what we can do. If you listen carefully, here are some examples: Let me give you an example.

Just to help you understand what I'm trying to say.

Tao seemed to stop talking and concentrate. I instinctively rubbed my eyes as I saw her face blur. Of course, that didn't help. In fact, she became more and more transparent until I could see right through her.

Finally she was no longer there, completely gone.

“Tao,” I called out, a little worried. "where are you?"

“Hey, Michelle.”

I was startled because the sound sounded like a whisper and came so close to my ear. “But you are completely invisible!”

“Now yes, but you will see me again. Look!

“Oh my god, what’s going on?”

Just a few feet in front of me I saw Tao's silhouette. All gold and white, but shining, as if her body was on fire, the flame was brief but intense. I recognized her face, but every time she spoke

The eyes seemed to be shining little by little. Who is Christ?

She began to rise several feet off the ground without moving a single muscle in her "body" and began to spin around the room so fast she could barely move. Focus on her.

Finally she stopped and sat down like a ghost. It was as if she was made of glowing mist, and although she was still recognizable as Tao, she was quite transparent. The next moment she was gone. I looked around but she was completely

It had completely disappeared.

“Don’t hesitate any longer, Michelle, I’m back.” In fact, she was sitting down again, shedding blood and flesh.

how did you do that?

“We have knowledge, as we just explained to you. We can raise the dead, heal the deaf and blind, heal the paralyzed, and cure every disease you tell us about.” .

Not masters of nature, but masters of nature, we can do the most difficult tasks and produce life naturally.

“By releasing spacecraft, we can create all kinds of life, including humans.”

“So does that mean you’ve mastered in vitro fertilization?”

“Not at all, Michel. You think like an Earthling. We can create a human body, but this can only be done with infinite care by the great Taori. Because the human body, as you know, is made up of several bodies.

Because you have to pay attention. Astral, etc. Otherwise, you are just a robot, so this task requires perfect knowledge.

“So how long does it take to make a baby?”

“You don’t really understand what I’m talking about, Michelle. I’m not talking about babies, I’m talking about adults. Age 20

I, a 30 year old man, can take him to Taori. Made on Earth. In about 24 hours.

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As you might expect, I was completely shocked by this revelation. I traveled at several times the speed of light in a spaceship and found myself billions of kilometers away from home. I met an alien, traveled the stars

Traveled through time and witnessed scenes that occurred thousands of years ago. You can now see auras and understand languages you've never heard before. I even briefly visited a parallel universe of Earth. i am them

Thanks to the explanation you gave me, I thought I knew what the people of Earth needed to know about these people and their abilities. Now I feel like I'm being told that what I received was like an appetizer. My master is within 24 hours

You can make a living person in!

Tao looked at me and read it as if it were an open book.

“Now you see what I mean, Michel. Since there are some distortions in the Bible, I will complete a story that will be of interest to many of my countrymen.”

“So our ‘angel’ implants the embryo and the Virgin Mary discovers that she is pregnant. In this way we want to draw attention to it and emphasize that the coming of Jesus was truly an amazing event. Ah.

After the teeth are born, we appear in front. We send out shepherds in the way I just showed you. Rather than incorporating the three famous 'wise men' of legend into actual events, it is literally a group of shepherds and a group of men.

led them to where Jesus was. This was accomplished by sending one of our spheres to glow. The resulting optical effect literally made the sky above Bethlehem look like stars. These days we

If you do something like this, people will shout 'UFO'. '!"

“After this the priests, and those who were called prophets by the priests, recognized his birth; and the prophets by the appearance of stars and angels announced to the people the birth of the Messiah, saying,

He is the King of the Jews.

“But Herod, like most leaders, had spies on all sides; so when they told Herod this wonderful thing, he did not understand it and was afraid.

In a time when human life was considered worthless to leaders, Herod did not hesitate to order the killing of 2,606 local infants.

“While these deaths were being carried out, we transported Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and two hypnotized donkeys to a spaceship and stored them very close to Egypt.

location. Do you know how the facts are being distorted?

Now, other serious stories have been reported, but some of them are inaccurate due to lack of information. Let me explain. in bethlehem

Through the miracles associated with his birth, baby Jesus proved that he was very special and that he was indeed the Messiah. So we captured people's imagination, but when a baby is born, the baby's astral body is

You don't "know everything" about expressions. Moses was like that too, but he was a great man.

“We need a messenger who can convince humanity that there is another kind of life through astral reincarnation and other means that are no longer generally accepted.

As civilizations disappear, Earth's civilization is becoming more and more corrupt. Atlantis.

“You know, if you try to explain some immaterial fact to your best friend, you're going to get skepticism. People look for material evidence, and unless they see it with their own eyes, they won't believe it.

“To get our message across, we need people who act like extraordinary beings, like people from ‘heaven’ who create what seem like ‘miracles.’” Such a person will be believed, and he will listen to your teachings.

all. Who is Christ?

As you know, when one incarnates as an infant, the astral body passes through the 'river of forgetfulness' and the initial material knowledge is erased. Therefore, a child born in Bethlehem cannot perform a ‘miracle’ even if he or she lives to be 100 years old. But he also

It was a superior being like Se. This was proven when he surprised the temple doctors at the age of twelve. "

Like the young people on Earth who are now called geniuses, Jesus was also a human being with a highly evolved astral body. However, even if you study at a very advanced school on Earth, such as the Nagas, you will not be able to resurrect the dead or heal the sick.

You can never get the knowledge to fix it.

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“I know that there are people on earth who believe that Jesus studied in Indian and Tibetan monasteries from the age of twelve until his return to Judea. When Jesus disappeared from Bethlehem, this is what they tried to explain:

There are gaps in the Bible.

When he was fourteen, he left his parents' home with his twelve-year-old older brother Oriki. He visited Myanmar, India, China and Japan. His brothers accompanied Jesus everywhere until Origi died unexpectedly in China. Because Jesus loved Urich so much, he

took the hair of

Jesus arrived in Japan at the age of 50, got married, and had three children. He finally passed away in Shinmura, Japan, where he lived for 45 years. He was buried at Shingo on Japan's main island of Honshu, and next to his grave was another grave containing a small box containing Orimi's hair.

There was a bonus.

“Compatriots who want evidence can go to Cusen County Report, formerly known as Herai.

"But let us return to our exact mission here... The only messenger we can send to this earth must be one of our own. The "Christ" who was crucified in Jerusalem was called Ari Och.

He was taken by us into the Judean wilderness and voluntarily changed his appearance. Therefore, he abandoned the androgynous body in which he lived for many years in Tiaua and replaced it with the body of Christ, created for him by our Taori. By doing so, he learned about Thiauba and

Knowledge was completely preserved.

“Why couldn’t he stay inside and reduce the size of his body like Latori and Fiastra did before me?

Hasn't he been in his 'shrunken' body long enough?

“There is another problem, Michel. He must be like the earthly man in every way. And since we are hermaphrodites, we cannot risk the Hebrews recognizing this messenger from God. Half of all women are at risk. there is.

“We rarely see children in Thiauba because they can regenerate their bodies at will. As just explained, they can also create objects and reduce their size.

Don't look at me like that, Michelle. I know it's hard for you to understand everything and trust what I say, but we've revealed enough information to let you know that we have the power to control most natural phenomena.

“Jesus, who came from Tiaoea, was led by us into the wilderness. You know what happened next. He knew that he would face many hardships and that he would be crucified. He knew everything because He was already with us.

He "saw" his own life, but did so in the form of an astral body within his own body.

“He remembered, just like you remember and always remember your journey to Mu and what your past life was like.”

“I repeat: the vision that the astral body sees in the physical body is not as indelible as the vision that the astral body sees in the Higher Self. Therefore, he knows everything and knows what to do. Of course, he has the power to kill people.

He was resurrected, He healed the blind and deaf, and when He died on the cross, we were there to hold Him and raise Him back to life. We rolled Stonehead out of his grave and quickly took him to a nearby ship, where he was resurrected. At the right moment he again

Appeared and offered immortality, showed that there is life after death and convinced people that they belonged to the Creator and that each of us has the fire of life, so hope was reborn among people. His divinity.

“So all the miracles he performed were to prove that what he preached was true?”

"Yes, because if he had not proven himself the Hebrews and Romans would never have believed him. This is a good example of what the people of Earth thought of the Turin Cloth. It is very doubtful, although millions of people

Although they believe in the coming of Jesus and adhere to some degree of Christianity, they would like to hear expert research on whether the shroud covered Christ after his "death." Now you know the answer to this question. But people keep asking for evidence, more evidence.

I'm looking for something. Because doubts still linger in their minds.

Buddha, an earthling who gained understanding through his studies, did not say “I believe” like your fellow citizens, but “I know”. Faith is never perfect, but knowledge is.

"When you come back to Earth and tell your story, the first thing we ask you to do is provide evidence. For example, if you give me a piece of gold that doesn't exist on Earth, there will always be an expert to analyze it. People argue.

Please prove to me that the metal was not created by some clever alchemist you know or someone like that.

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“Can you give me some evidence?”

“Michelle, don’t disappoint. You won’t have any physical evidence, and for the exact reasons I just explained, it won’t make any sense.

Faith is nothing compared to knowledge. Buddha “knew”. And when you return to Earth you will also be able to say, “I know.”

There is a well-known story about a man who had doubts in his heart and wanted to touch the wounds of Christ because he could not be sure just by looking at them, but when he did, he still felt doubt. He suspected some magic.

all. Michelle, you know nothing about nature on Earth. And when something happens that you don't understand, everyone will claim it's magic. Levitation = magic, invisibility = magic But we are just applying the laws of nature.

It's just that. Instead, we should say that suspension = knowledge, and invisibility = knowledge.

"So Christ was sent to earth to spread love and spirituality. He had to face the less evolved people and speak to them in parables. The first and last time He got angry was

He made a declaration against money by overturning the tables of merchants in the temple.

"His mission was to spread the message of love and kindness: 'Love one another' and to enlighten people about astral reincarnation and eternity. In the following ages, all this was distorted by the priests.

Numerous disagreements have now led to the emergence of many sects that claim to follow Christian doctrine.

“For centuries Christians have killed people in the name of God. The Inquisition is a good example. The Spanish Catholics in Mexico behaved worse than the most barbaric tribes. All this in the name of God and Christ.

It was ruined."

“Religion is a real curse on your planet, as I said and as I have proven. The new sects that have arisen and flourished all over the world are based on brainwashing and control. Look at your body. A person who is physically and mentally healthy can save you.

It falls at the feet of con artists who call themselves ru and gurus, but all the latter is good at is empty words and amassing huge sums of money. Of course, this gives them strength. They take pride in seeing that they dominate all who obey them, body and soul.

I felt it. Not long ago, there was a leader who asked his followers to commit suicide, and they obeyed. On Earth they are here because they like “evidence”. Good for them: the laws of the universe forbid suicide.

If this “master” is truthful, he will know this. .. The fact that he demanded such a sacrifice from them completely demonstrated his ignorance.

“Sects and religions are a curse on earth. Seeing the Pope allocate millions of francs or dollars for travel, he could use less money to help those suffering from famine.

Folks, you and I cannot convince me that it is the words of Christ that guide such actions.

“There is a verse in the Bible that says, ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.’”

“The Vatican is undoubtedly the richest church on earth, but its priests have sworn to live in poverty. They are not worried about being damned (but they believe in damnation) because they say it is the church and not them.

the rich. This is just a play on words about what constitutes a church. It's like a billionaire's son claiming that he isn't rich, only his father is.

“The church did not distort the Bible about wealth, but used it for its own benefit because the church’s interests make the rich poorer.

“The younger generation of the planet is in a process of self-reflection. They have reached a tipping point where events have led them to this turning point, and I know they feel more alone than any younger generation before them.

Sign up for Don't let loneliness ease you.

Firstly, if you want to 'improve' yourself you need to meditate and then focus, these are two different things although they are often confused. You don't need to go anywhere special. Because man's greatest and most beautiful temple is within himself. There

Through concentration, he can communicate with his Higher Self and ask for its help in overcoming material difficulties on earth. However, some people are willing to join others like themselves who can come together for this purpose.

Communication is needed. The more experienced among them may give advice, but none of them should assume the position of master.

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“The Master came 2,000 years ago, so I guess I should say ‘one of the teachers,’ and he was crucified. But here you are, about 300 years ago.

The information taken was always complied with. Then, in a twist, we are now in a worse situation on Earth than we were 2,000 years ago.

“The younger generation I just spoke of is waking up on your planet and realizing the truth of many of the things I said, but they must learn to find the answers for themselves.

Don't wait for help elsewhere. Otherwise you will be disappointed. "


Michel Desmarquetteÿ "Thiaoouba Prophecy"(2004),

Excerpt from Chapter 12: Special Travels Meet Special “People,” pages 150-154

Without any negotiating obstacles, we gradually increased our pace until we were in line next to me. Companions do not often get lost.

It's so exciting. I never imagined feeling like this. The device created a force field around me, making me weightless, so I didn't feel like I was suspended in a ball or held up by wings. Plus I'm completely surrounded by a force field

I couldn't even feel the wind blowing on my face. I got the impression that I was an integral part of the environment, and the more control I had over the device, the more fun this new way of moving around became. I wanted to test my control, so I went down a bit and then back down.

It went up. I've done this several times, choosing to go higher or lower than others. Finally, I moved closer to Thao and telepathically communicated my happiness, as I intended to pass by the endless sea below us.

informed her that

She agreed and the whole team followed me up to the water level.

It was amazing that we could all skim over the crest of a wave at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour, as if we were all powerful gods who had conquered gravity. Occasionally a silver flash indicated that we were passing through a herd.

I was so excited that I didn't even notice the time passing, but the voyage seemed to last about 3 kars.

No matter which way I turned my head, all I could see was the horizon. Then suddenly a thought came to Thao's mind: "Look over there, Michelle." In the distance, I could see a clump growing quickly on the water, and it looked like a mountain island of a reasonable size.

We soon came across huge turquoise rocks that dropped steeply into the turquoise water. The higher the altitude, the more the entire island becomes visible. There was no beach in sight, and access from the sea was blocked by huge black rocks. The waves hitting the huge bottom

It appears iridescent in sunlight, reflecting sparkling colors that contrast sharply with the uniform black of altite.

About halfway up the inland slopes are covered with gigantic trees, whose leaves are strange dark blues and golds. Their tree trunks are red. These trees cover the steep slopes all the way to Emerald Lake. in some place

The lake is shrouded in golden mist.

In the middle of the lake, you can see a huge doko with its end pointing upward, as if floating on the water. Later I found out that its diameter was about 560 meters.

But its enormous size is not its only characteristic. The color is another thing. So far all the Dokos I have seen in Thiaooua have been white. Even the ones in the City of Nine Dokos were the same. But pure gold

It seems to have been made with . There was something sparkling in the sunlight, and its color and size made it majestic despite its plain shape. Another thing that surprised me was that there was no sign of Doko in the lake water.

My colleagues took me towards Kindoko Dome. We were walking slowly across the water, which looked even more impressive from this angle. Unlike other lie detectors, this polygraph has no threshold to indicate entry. I am Tao and Latoli

I followed and quickly went inside.

has disappeared.

There were two people next to me, each holding me by the arm to keep me from falling into the water, but to my surprise, I let go of the litiolac.

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I was really shocked by what I saw. Here's what I found on doko:

About 200 people could be seen floating in the air without the aid of any equipment. The body appears to be asleep or in deep meditation. There is no bottom inside Doko, so the closest thing to us is about 6 meters above the water.

Yes. The bottom of the “egg” is actually in the water. As I have already explained, once you are inside the doko you can look out as if there is nothing between you and the outside world. So in this case, there is a view of the lake, hills, and forest in the background.

, and there are about 200 corpses floating in the center of this “scene” near me. As you might expect, this is a complete surprise.

My colleagues looked at me in silence and remained serious, unlike other times when I laughed in surprise.

As I observed the corpses more closely, I began to notice that they were often smaller than my hosts and that some had very unusual, sometimes gruesome, shapes.

What are they doing? Are they meditating? I whispered to Tao next to me.

“Take the litiolac, Michel.” It's on your arm.

I obeyed and she answered my questions. they are dead These are naked bodies.

dead? Since when? Did we all die together? Was there an accident?

"Some of them have been here for thousands of years, and the most recent I think have been here for 60 years. I don't think we will be able to operate Litiolac effectively in our current state of consternation. La Toli and I will guide you. They each one me

Holding us in our arms, we begin to wander among the naked bodies, and without exception, all of them were naked.

Among them, I saw someone sitting cross-legged. His hair is long and red-gold. He was 2 meters tall. Boasting golden skin and unusually beautiful facial features, he is actually a man, not a hermaphrodite.

A little further away lay a woman, whose skin was as rough as snake skin or tree skin. She looks young, but her strange appearance makes it difficult to tell her age. Her skin is orange and her short, curly hair is green.

But the most amazing thing was her breasts. Although they are large, they have two nipples, each about 10 cm apart. Her height is almost 180 cm. Her thighs are thin and muscular and her legs are rather short. Each foot has three huge toes

But her hands are just like ours.

We move from one place to another, sometimes stopping, sometimes moving on, like people do among wax figures in a museum. The men had their eyes and mouths closed, and were either sitting cross-legged or on their backs with their arms at their sides.

I was lying down.

“Where do they come from?” I asked in a low voice.

“Various planets.”

We spend time in front of the man's body. Clearly in the prime of his “life”. He has long, curly, light chestnut hair. His hands and feet are just like mine. His skin color was the familiar skin color of a person from a certain country. earth. His

He is approximately 180cm tall. His face was smooth, his features noble, and his chin had a soft mountain beard.

There was this.

I looked at Tao and his eyes were looking at me. “Some people will say he is from Earth.” I said.

“In some ways it was, but in others it wasn't. You know a guy when you hear about him.

Out of curiosity, I looked at Tao's face more closely until he spoke telepathically.

“Look at his hands and feet and the sides of his body.”

Thao and Latoli pulled me close to his body, and I could clearly see the scars* on his feet and wrists, as well as a wound about 20 cm long on his side.

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What happened to him?

“He was crucified, Michel. This is the body of Christ we are talking about this morning.

Fortunately, the owner anticipated my reaction and supported me under my armpits. Because I was sure I wouldn't be able to control Litiolac. There I looked at the body of Christ and saw many people on earth worshiping and talking.

He has been the subject of numerous controversies and studies over the past 2,000 years.

I reached out to touch myself, but my companion stopped me and pulled me closer.

“Your name is not Thomas. Why should you touch him? Is there any doubt in your heart? Tao said, “Look, you confirmed what I said this morning and found the evidence. "

I was very ashamed of my actions and Tao understood my regret.

"I know, Michelle. It's instinct. I understand. No matter what happens, you can't touch this body. No one but one of the seven waves can touch it. In fact, it was Tori who moved this body. The body is locked away." It is saved and suspended.

As you can see, only they have the ability to do this.

“Is this your actual body when you were alive?”


“But how are they preserved? How many people are in them and why?

“Do you remember what I said when we took you off your planet there were questions we couldn’t answer?” At that time I explained that you would stay with us, learning everything you need to know.

Some things remain “mysteries” because specific details cannot be recorded. Because of this, we are unable to answer the question you just asked. But I can tell you that there are 147 corpses in this doko. "

I knew it was useless to ask any more, but as we lingered among the corpses, I asked another burning question.

“Do you have Moses’ body?” Why are they all hanging in this bottomless doco?

“We have only the bodies of Christ on your planet. They are hung for perfect preservation, and the unique properties of this lake contribute to this preservation.

“Who are the others?”

“They come from different planets, and each plays a very important role.”

I remember the corpse very clearly. They are about 50 cm tall and look exactly like creatures on Earth, except they are dark brown and have no eyes. Instead, there is an angle in the center of the forehead. I asked how I could see it.

It is said that the monster had two multi-faceted eyes at the end of its protrusion, like the eyes of a fly. Several cracks were visible in the closed eyelids.

“Nature is strange.” I whispered.

“As I said, all the bodies you see here come from other planets, and the conditions they have to live in determine the details of the bodies they inhabit.”

“I’ve never seen anyone like Alki.”

“You too.” I don't know why, but I "feel" like we shouldn't discuss this topic any further.

During this terrible visit I saw corpses that resembled, but were not, Red Indians. I saw other people who looked like black Africans, but they didn't, and the bodies floating in the air weren't Japanese. As Tao said, the body of Christ is the only body that comes from the earth.

After spending endless hours in this special and fascinating place, my guide took me out. A light, fresh breeze caressed us with the scent of the forest, which was very good for me after such a visit.

But later on

It was so much fun and I was so tired. Of course, Thao realized this and said in a lively voice, “Are you ready, Michelle?” We were on our way back home.


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