Eng Lang History2

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Exercise 1

1 Palatal mutation (a - æ) 15 Palatal mutation (i-umlaut) (o - e)

2 Palatal mutation (a - å) 16 Palatal mutation (i-umlaut) (æ - e)
3 Palatal mutation (a - a) 17 Palatal mutation (i-umlaut) (u - y)
4 Palatal mutation (â - æ) 18 Palatal mutation (i-umlaut) (eo - ie)
5 Palatal mutation (â - ō) 19 Diphthongization after palatal consonants (a - ea)
6 Breaking/fracture a - ea 20 Diphthongization after palatal consonants (e - eo)
7 Breaking/fracture (æ - ea) 21 Back/velar mutation i - io
8 Breaking/fracture (æ - ēa) 22 Contraction (i - ī)
9 Breaking/fracture e - eo 23 Contraction (i - ī)
10 Breaking/fracture e - eo 24 Contraction (im - ī)
11 Breaking/fracture (æ - ea) 25 Contraction (un - ū)
12 Breaking/fracture (i - ie) 26 Contraction (iȝ - ī)
13 Breaking/fracture a - ea 27 Contraction (eh - ē)
14 Palatal mutation (i-umlaut) (a - e) 28 Contraction (ih - ē)

Exercise 2
1 Palatalization of the sounds k"(c) 11 Metathesis of r (hro - hor)
2 Palatalization of the sounds k"(c) 12 West Germanic gemination (hsj - x)
3 Palatalization of the sounds k"(c) 13 Loss of consonant n
4 Palatalization of the sounds k"(c) 14 Loss of consonant h
5 Palatalization of the sounds sk'(sc) 15 Assimilation (f - m)
6 Palatalization of the sound c (c - ch) 16 Assimilation (f - m)
7 Palatalization of the sounds sk'(sc) 17 Assimilation (d - t)
8 Palatalization of the sounds kg' (cȝ) 18 Loss of consonant h
9 Metathesis of r (þri - þir) 19 Loss of consonant h
10 Metathesis of r (ri - ir) 20 Loss of consonant h

Exercise 1
449 Beginning of the Anglo-Saxon Invasion
793 Ruining of the Lindisfarne Abbey by the Vikings
1066 The Norman Conquest
410 The Romans left Great Britain
1016 Wessex gained victory over the rest of the Anglo-
Saxon kingdoms
878 The Treaty of Wedmore. The Danelaw
1-5c AD Great Britain under the Romans
828 Restoration of the Anglo-Saxon line
597 The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized
1042 England becomes part of the Scandinavian Empire

Exercise 2
The written records of the Wessex dialect
Translation of Pastoral Care
The written records of the Northumbrian dialect
Caedmon's Poetry
The religious works of the Old English period
Cynewulf's Poetry
Wulfstan's Homilies
Alfric's Homilies
The poetic monuments of the Old English period
Translation of Ecclesiastical History of the English People
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Exercise 3
The written monuments of VIll (8)c.
The Franks Casket (8th century)
The Ruthwell Cross
Glosses in the Lindisfarne Gospels
The written monuments of IX (9)c.
Translation of Consolation of Philosophy (880 - 950)
Charters of Mercian kings
The written monuments of (10-11)X-XIc.
Translation of World History (900)
Aelfric's Lives of Saints (990-1002)
Genesis, Exodus (Caedmon Manuscript, 1000 AD)
The Durham Ritual (10 c)
Seafarer, Wanderer (the Exeter Book, 10 c)

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