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11 HUMSS - 2
1. What is the historical and religious background of the event depicted in the film?

The film has depicted the religious event of the death of Jesus Christ and how it forever
changed the Catholic Church until the present times. It also shows how the romans were
involved during this timeline proving that they continuously conquered and evade places
to rule. The film also shows how Judaism is intertwined with Christianity due to the fact
that the pharisees didn’t believe in Jesus as the new messiah in the New Testament.

2. How does the film depict the suffering and death of Jesus, and what impact does this
portray have on the viewer?

The film depicts the suffering of Jesus Christ as everlasting, unhealable burden of the sins
of humanity, it showed that the pain is one-sided. That humans are cruel and continues to
side with evil. That death is the final bout of saving after all suffering given out by God.
It can be understood by the viewers as a guilt or hated with a touch of hypocrisy. Guilty
because some suffered on their stead, that someone sacrificed himself for all. Hatred with
a hint of hypocrisy because it made it feel like torturing someone will save does who
believe. That blood must be shed first before one shall be accepted in the house of the
3. What are the key scenes or moments in the film that stand out to you, and why?
The scene that stood out to me the most is the moment where a woman was helping Jesus
to drink some water while he was kneeling during his procession when a soldier suddenly
kicked the jug of water out of their way to prevents Jesus from drinking. It probably
stood out to me because that moment felt so serene, so solemn, so warming yet
interrupted by a fool of a soldier, it showed pure affection and adoration for someone
who they thought will save them yet ruined by those who do not believe in such feelings.
4. How does the film connect contemporary issues or concern, such as religious faith,
violence, and sacrifice
The film connects modern day issues or contemporary issues in a straight-forward
manner. It actively showed violence against people who are weak and powerless, that
many are easily persuaded to commit violence after a little taunt from people who are
more powerful. It portrayed how people take on hurting others and their sufferings as an
entertainment. The matter of sacrificing is more evident. Sacrificing Jesus Christ for all
shows a level of hypocrisy from a God. It made people think that they have to sacrifice
something for somethings they already have, they blindly decide the good and the bad
according to their whims. This shows on the part where they decided who to free, even if
the person is good, if they affected, they will give up that person up yet even if they are
evil but they are unaffected or unrelated to this evil it’s okay, this can be reflected upon
our current government, a very ruined system. The cherry picking in religious faith,
people randomly choosing what they would believe in according to their own preferences
and not believing everything according to their circumstances and claim they are always
correct and right no matter what.

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