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Research Methodology

Methodology is a method to analytically explain the

research problem (Kenpro, 2012). It provides information on the
researchmethod of the study. This chapter presents and discusses
the method and procedure of this study and how the researchers
will gather the necessary data and information that will be use
in the entire study. This research aims to investigate the
results of inflation and coping strategies among the residents
of Barangay Lawaan, Roxas City. This chapter reveals the methods
of research to be employed by the researcher in conducting the
study which includes the research design, respondents of the
study, research instrument, validity and reliability, and
statistical treatment. By providing a clear overview of the
methodology, this chapter aims to ensure the transparency and
reliability of the research findings.

Research Design

This study will use a descriptive research design,

specifically through interviewing residents of Barangay Lawaan,
Roxas City. The study will focus on understanding the effects of
inflation on the community and the coping strategies that
residents use to manage its impact. The population of the study
will be residents of Barangay Lawaan, Roxas City. A purposive
sampling technique will be used to select participants who are
knowledgeable about the community's economic situation and
coping strategies. The sample size will be determined by data
saturation, where additional data collection will no longer
yield new information.

Respondents of the Study

The research will focus on the effects of inflation and

how people in Barangay Lawaan, Roxas City deal with it. The
participants will be chosen based on their age, gender,
education level, and socioeconomic status to ensure a diverse
representation of the community. The goal is to gather a wide
range of viewpoints and experiences regarding inflation and its
impact on residents. By including individuals from various
backgrounds, the study aims to gain a comprehensive
understanding of how inflation affects the community and how
its residents adapt to cope with it. The responses and
perspectives of the participants are crucial for illuminating
the specific difficulties faced by the people in Barangay Lawaan
and the strategies they employ to manage the consequences of inflation in their everyday

Instruments of the Study

As cited by DiscoverPhDs (2020) a community blog, research

instrument refer to any tool that may use to collect or obtain
data, measure data and analyse data that is relevant to the
subject of your research. The format of a research instrument
may consist of of questionnaires, surveys, interviews,
checklists or simple tests.

In this study, the primary data collection method for the

research will be semi-structured interviews, which will be used
to thoroughly investigate the impact of inflation on the
residents of Barangay Lawaan and their methods of dealing with
it. This approach allows researchers to delve beyond surface-
level information and uncover deeper insights. By conducting
interviews, researchers create a safe and supportive
environment that encourages participants to comfortably share
their perspectives. This inclusive approach facilitates the
exploration of diverse viewpoints, contributing to a more
comprehensive understanding of the subject.

The research instrument will include a set of open-ended

interview questions and prompts that delve into the
participants' experiences, perceptions, and strategies for
coping with inflation. It will also provide guidelines for
conducting focus group discussions, which will foster
interactive and rich conversations among participants.
Additionally, the instrument will outline parameters for
observation to record behaviors and coping mechanisms exhibited
by the citizens in the barangay. Throughout the interview
process, researchers will have the flexibility to ask follow-up
questions, seek clarification, and delve deeper into specific
aspects of participants' experiences. This flexibility allows
for a more profound exploration of complex issues and the
opportunity to uncover unexpected insights. Interviews serve as
a dynamic instrument that enables researchers to adapt and
explore emerging areas of inquiry.

The comprehensive research instrument aims to collect in-

depth qualitative data, providing a nuanced understanding of the
effects of inflation and the coping strategies employed by the
residents of Barangay Lawaan. This research will offer valuable
insights into their experiences, challenges, and resilience in
the face of economic instability.

Reliability and Validity

To ensure reliability, the researcher will conduct a

pilot study to test the interview questions and procedures. The
researcher will also use member checking to verify the accuracy
of the data and interpretation of findings. To ensure validity,
the researcher will use triangulation by collecting data from
multiple sources and methods, such as interviews with different
residents and reviewing secondary data sources, such as
inflation data from government agencies. The researcher will
also maintain a reflexive journal to document any biases or
assumptions that may affect the findings.

Statistical Treatment

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