Research Consent Form

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Title of Research Project: Information Gap Activities as a strategy to enhance speaking

skill among A1 level students at Institución Universitaria de Barranquilla.

Name of Researcher: Paula Michelle Zapata Dimas

Please read and complete this form carefully. If you are willing to participate in this
study, circle the appropriate responses and sign and date the declaration at the end.

 I have had the study satisfactorily explained to me in verbal and / or YES / NO

written form in a language I can comprehend by the researcher.

 I have been informed that my participation is voluntary and that I am YES / NO

free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without
there being any negative consequences in the instruction quality I
am expecting to receive.

 I have been notified that all information about me will be treated in YES / NO
strict confidence and that I will not be named in any written work
arising from this study.

 I have been informed that any use of my own words will be solely YES / NO
for research purposes and will be destroyed on completion of the

 I agree to take part in the above research project. YES / NO


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