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Marsha : Good morning mr.

zain, I would like to inform you that our product is out of stock
for the stainless steel iron.

Zain : Yes, good morning too, how much do you think we need and when do we need them?

Marsha : around 1500 pcs and as soon as possible, the latest will be 1 month from now.

Zain : alright then, I will order some and report it immediately.

Marsha : Yes, but if possible we can take a different company, because the one from the
previous one there are some customer complaint to the point they return it.

Zain : Alright miss, I will look for a better product.

Marsha : Very well then, in the mean time I got an information that there is a company
called Alfron that sells high quality product.

Zain : Alright miss, I will search and ask about the company more.

Marsha : Okay then, thank you Mr.zain

Zain : your welcome

Percakapan zain dan vendor

Zain : Good morning miss syahmi, I have a recommendation from my coworker that your
company sells the best stainless steel ?

Syahmi : Yes that’s correct, may I know which company are you from and your necessities

Zain : Im from Phillips company, the purpose of this meeting is that our company needs
some stainless steel for our product which is an Iron and we need it as soon as possible to
our company. If possible may I ask for the advantage that you can provide us so that we are
sure about your product.

Syahmi : Alright sir, if its alright may I know how much does your company needs and the
estimated time. As for the quality we are indeed the best one in this field. As for the
advantage of our product its doesn’t leave a stain on both the iron and clothes.

Zain : 1.500 pcs and for th estimated time if its possible for 1 month.

Syahmi : Alright, we will do our best and try to fulfill youre request at the estimated time,sir.

Zain : oke siap bu, ditunggu barangnya dan ditunggu kabar baiknya. Very well miss, we will
wait for the product. Thank you very much for your time.
Syahmi : yes thank you as well sir, for trusting our company.

Marsha : how was it sir? Have you got the stock that I asked for?

Zain : yes its already been dealed with. It will be processed and will be sent in a short time.

Marsha : alright thank you very much sir.

Zain : your welcome miss.

Via telpon

Syami : selamat pagi pak zain, good morning mr zain

Zain : iya selamat pagi bu, yes good morning miss

Syahmi : barang sudah selesai dan akan dikirimkan hari ini pak, the product is already
prepared and will

Zain : baik bu, saya tunggu ya bu

Syahmi : oke pak semoga memuasakan dan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan

Zain : iya bu, senang bekerja sama dengan ibu. Terima kasih

Syahmi : iya pak sama sama

Zain : pagi bu , barangnya sudah sampai dan sudah tiba di warehouse bu

Marsha : wah cepat juga ya sampainya pak, oke baiklah pak terimakasih ya pak

Zain : iya bu sama- sama, semoga memuaskan ya dan sesusai barangnya ya bu

Marsha : oke baik pak.

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