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Requisites for the Exercise of Criminal

Jurisdiction There being no showing that the offense was

committed within Makati, the RTC of that city has no
jurisdiction over the case.
Trenas v. People, 664 SCRA 355
The petition is granted. The resolution by the CA are
● Private respondent Elizabeth was the niece of
set aside on the ground of lack of jurisdiction on the
Margarita who wanted to a buy a house and lot in
part of the RTC. Criminal case is dismissed without
Iloilo city.
prejudice and referred to the IBP Board of governors.
● They mortgaged a property at Maybank. Appellant
Atty. Hector Trenas assisted them with the transfer of
Lacson v. Executive Secretary, 301 SCRA 298
● Elizabeth paid 150k to Trenas and was given fake
receipts upon checking with the BIR.
● 11 persons believed to be members of the Kuratong
● Elizabeth demanded the return of the money and
Baleleng Gang, reportedly an organized crime
trenas issues checks that were dishonored by PCI
syndicate, were slain in Quezon city by elements of
Bank Makati because the account was closed.
the Anti-Bank Robbery and Intelligence Task Group
● Estafa was filed against appellant before the RTC of
of the PNP. ABRITG was composed of police officers
Makati City
from Traffic Management Command, Presidential
● Trenas was not able to attend the pre-trial and trial of
Anti Crime Commission (headed by Panfilo Lacson),
the case because he lives in Iloilo City and due to old
Central Police District Comman and the Criminial
age and poor health.
Investigation Command.
● RTC found the petitioner guilty of the crime of estafa.
● A media expose of SPO2 Delos Reyes, a member of
● Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied by
the CIC, revealed that what actually transpired was a
the RTC.
summary execution and not a shootout.
● Petitioner filed a notice of appeal. The CA affirmed
● Ombudsman initially absolved the PNP of criminal
the decision of the RTC
liability and said it was a legitimate police operation
● Petitioner filed a motion fo extension of time to file
● Review board by Deputy Ombudsman Francisco Villa
petition for review on certiorari. The court granted 15
modified the finding and recommended the
indictment for multiple murder against 26
● Petitioners were charged with murder before the
1. WON the CA erred in ruling that an accused has to
Sandiganbayan’s Second Division.
present evidence in support of the defense of lack of
● Upon motion for reconsideration, the accused
jurisdiction even if such lack of jurisdiction appears in
questioned the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan
the evidence of the prosecution
asserting that under the amended informations, the
cases fall within the jurisdiction of the RTC pursuant
to Sec 2 par. A and C of R.A. No. 7975.
1. YES. In criminal cases, the venue is jurisdictional.
Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on Criminal
Procedure of 2000 provides that subject to existing
WON the Regional Trial Court and not the
laws, the criminal action shall be instituted and tried
Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over the multiple murder
in the court of the municipality or territory where the
case against the petitioners
offense was committed or where any of its essential
ingredients occurred”. This fundamental principle is
to ensure that the defendant is not compelled to
YES. The multiple murder charge against petitioner and
move to, and appear in, a different court from that of
intervenors falls under Sec 4 par. B of R.A. 8249. Sec 4
the province where the crime was committed as it
requires that the offense charged must be committed by the
would cause him great inconvenience in looking for
offender in relation to his office in order for the
his witnesses and other evidence in another place.
Sandiganbayan to have jurisdiction over it.
This principle echoes more strongly in this case,
where, due to distance constraints, coupled with his
Sec. 9 Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Court Mandates:
advanced age and failing health, petitioner was
Sec. 9 Course of accusation — The acts or omissions
unable to present his defense in the charges against
complied of as constituting the offense must be stated in
ordinary and concise language without repetition not
necessarily in the terms of the statute defining the offense,
but in such from as is sufficient to enable a person of ISSUE:
common understanding to know what offense is intended to WON City Court of Roxas had erred in dismissing the
be charged, and enable the court to pronounce proper case because it did not have jurisdiction
judgment. (Emphasis supplied)
We find the amended information for murder against herein NO. It is firmly settled doctrine that the subject matter
petitioner and intervenors wanting specific factual averments jurisdiction of a court in criminal law matters is properly
to show the intimate relation/connection between the offense measured by the law in effect at the time of the
charged and the discharge of official function of the commencement of a criminal action, rather than by the law in
offenders. effect at the time of the commission of the offense charged.
Thus, in accordance with the above rule, jurisdiction over the
There is no specific allegation of facts that the shooting of the instant case pertained to the then Court of First Instance of
victim by the said principal accused was intimately related to Roxas City considering that P.D. No. 818 had increased the
the discharge of their official duties as police officers. imposable penalty for the offense charged in Criminal Case
Likewise, the amended information does not indicate the said No. 7362 to a level-in excess of the minimum penalty which a
accused arrested and investigated the victim and then killed city court could impose.
the latter while in their custody.
We believe that the mere allegation in the amended The subject-matter jurisdiction in criminal cases is determined
information that the offense was committed by the accused by the authority of the court to impose the penalty imposable
public officer in relation to his office is not sufficient. That under the applicable statute given the allegations of a
phrase is merely a conclusion of law, not a factual averment criminal information.
that would show the close intimacy between the offense
charged and the discharge of the accused's official duties. Should the criminal information be refiled in the proper court,
that is, the proper Regional Trial Court, that court may not
Consequently, for failure to show in the amended impose that more onerous penalty upon private respondent
informations that the charge of murder was intimately Libertad Lagon (assuming the evidence shows that the
connected with the discharge of official functions of the offense was committed before 22 October 1975). But the
accused PNP officers, the offense charged in the subject Regional Trial Court would remain vested with subject-matter
criminal cases is plain murder and, therefore, within the jurisdiction to try and decide the (refiled) case even though
exclusive original jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court, not the penalty properly imposable, given the date of the
the Sandiganbayan. commission of the offense charged, should be the lower
penalty originally provided for in paragraph 2(d) of Article 315
of the Revised Penal Code which is otherwise within the
exclusive jurisdiction of the City Court of Roxas City. In other
words, the circumstance that P.D. No. 818 would be
People v. Lagon, 185 SCRA 442 inapplicable to the refiled case would not result in the
FACTS: Regional Trial Court losing subject-matter jurisdiction, nor in
● The accused allegedly issued a check for payment the case falling back into the City Court's exclusive
of goods or merchandise knowing she did not have jurisdiction.
sufficient funds to cover the check so it bounced.
● The crime was committed in April 1975.The penalty
under Art. 315 of the RPC was arresto mayor in max
period to prison correccional in minimum period
which fell within jurisdiction of the city court of roxas Asistio v. People, G.R. No. 200465, (20 April 2015)
● In July 7 1976 a criminal information for the crime of FACTS:
estafa was filed with the City Court of Roxas City.At ● Petitioner Assistio was charged with violation of Sec.
the time of the institution of criminal prosecution, the 46 of the Cooperative Code of the Philippines (R.A.
penalty imposable for the offense has been 6938) for being the Chairperson and Managing
increased by PD No. 818 to prison mayor in its Director of A. Mabini Elementary School Teachers
medium period.. Multi Purpose cooperative and having complete
● On December 2 1976 the Court dismissed the control to manage the entire business of the
information on the ground that the penalty prescribed cooperative entered into a contract with Coca Cola
for the charged offense was beyond the court’s Products. The sale of which went into her pockets
authority to impose. instead of the cooperative.
● Criminal charges were filed with the Regional Trial or misprints which, if uncorrected, would render the
Court of Manila. statute meaningless, empty or nonsensical or would
● Asistio argues the RTC had no jurisdiction as the defeat or impair its intended operation, so long as the
crime charged does not carry with it a sanction for meaning intended is apparent on the face of the
which she can be held criminally liable. whole enactment and no specific provision is
● RTC dismissed the case for lack of jurisdiction. abrogated.
● CA set aside the decision and remanded the case to
the RTC. Conciliation or mediation is not a pre-requisite to the
filing of a criminal case for violation of RA 6938
ISSUE: against petitioner, because such case is not an intra-
1. WON the RTC has jurisdiction over the criminal case cooperative dispute.
for violation of Sec. 46 of RA 6938
2. WON the dismissal of the charge against petitioner 2. NO. The RTC granted the demurrer to evidence and
on demurrer to evidence amounts to an acquittal dismissed the case not for insufficiency of evidence,
hence final and unappealable but for lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged.
3. WON the remand of the case to the RTC violated her Notably, the RTC did not decide the case on the
right against double jeopardy merits, let alone resolve the issue of petitioner's guilt
or innocence based on the evidence proffered by the
HELD: prosecution. This being the case, the October 14,
1. YES. In criminal cases, the jurisdiction of the 2008 RTC Order of dismissal does not operate as an
court is determined by the averments of the acquittal, hence, may still be subject to ordinary
complaint or Information, in relation to the law appeal under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court.
prevailing at the time of the filing of the complaint
or Information, and the penalty provided by law 3. NO. Double jeopardy does not attach. The requisites
for the crime charged at the time of its that must be present for double jeopardy to attach
commission. are: (a) a valid complaint or information; (b) a court of
competent jurisdiction; (c) the accused has pleaded
Offenses punishable with imprisonment exceeding to the charge; and (d) the accused has been
six years, irrespective of the amount of fine, fall under convicted or acquitted or the case dismissed or
the exclusive original jurisdiction of the RTC, in terminated without the express consent of the
accordance with Section 20 of B.P. Blg. 129. accused.

The Court sustains the OSG's contention. the OSG Definitely, there is no double jeopardy in this case as
maintains that the RTC has jurisdiction over the dismissal was with the accused-appellee's
petitioner's case pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section consent, that is, by moving for the dismissal of the
124 of RA 6938 case through a demurrer to evidence. As correctly
(3) A director, officer or committee member who argued by the People, where the dismissal was
violated the provisions of Section 47 (liability of ordered upon or with express assent of the accused,
directors, officers and committee members), Section he is deemed to have waived his protection against
50 (disloyalty of a director) and Section 51 (illegal doubly jeopardy. In this case at bar, the dismissal
use of confidential information) shall upon conviction was granted upon motion of petitioners. Double
suffer a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos jeopardy, thus, did not attach
(P5,000.00), or imprisonment of not less than five (5)
years but not more than ten (10) years or both at the
court's discretion; (Emphasis supplied)
Criminal Jurisdiction of Courts
The OSG points out that Section "47" in the above-
PD 1606 & 1861
quoted provision is a clerical error because the
2. RA 7975, 8249, & 10660
"liability of directors, officers and committee
members" is undisputedly governed by Section 46 of
Serana v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 162059 (22 January
RA 6938, while Section 47 thereof deals with the
compensation of directors, officers and employees

The Court, in order to carry out the obvious intent of

the legislature, may correct clerical errors, mistakes
● Petitioner Hanna Serana was a senior student of the ● In 1998, the Senate Blue Ribbon committee carried
UP-Cebu. She was appointed as student regent to out a joint inquiry in the coup rumors and anomalies
serve 1 term from Jan 1 2000-dec 31 2000 in the AFP Philippine Retirement Benefits Systems
● ERAP gave 15 Million for financial assistance for ● The modus operandi was buying lots with 2 deeds of
renovation of vinzons hall in UP Diliman sale. One deed would be signed only by the seller
● No renovation happened, succeeding student regent the other would be signed by the Seller and Buyer
filed a complaint for malversation of public funds and (AFP RSBS).
property with office of the ombudsman ● The buying prices differed in the deeds
● Ombudsman after investigation filed estafa against ● The deed signed only by the buyer (unilateral) was
Serana and her brother registered with the Registry of deeds, this had the
lower buying price.
ISSUE: ● The deed signed by the AFP RSBS would be kept in
WON the Sandiganbayan try a government scholar and her the dark and only uncovered during the committee
brother for swindling government funds? investigation.
● Criminal cases were filed with the Sandiganbayan.
HELD: YES. A government scholar in U. P., in her capacity ● Petitioners filed motion for reconsideration and
as student regent who is not receiving any salary, may be sought dismissal for lack of probable cause.
charged with estafa in the Sandiganbayan under Section Sandiganbayan denied the motion
4(A)(1)(g) of P.D. No. 1606 which provides that the ● Petitioners filed motion to quash citing the
Sandiganbayan shall exercise jurisdiction over “Presidents, Sandiganbayan had no jurisdiction.
directors or trustees, or managers of government-owned or ● On arraignment, petitioners refused to enter a plea
controlled corporations, state universities or educational so the anti graft court entered not guilty.
institutions or foundations. Petitioner falls under this category.
A student regent performs functions similar to those of a ISSUES:
board of trustees of a non-stock corporation. Compensation 1. WON the court committed grave abuse of discretion
is merely incidental and not an essential element of public in sustaining the Ombudsman’s finding of probable
office. cause for the 148 counts of estafa thru falsification of
documents and 148 counts of violation of R.A. 3019
A public official may be charged in the Sandiganbayan with and not dismissing the informations
estafa if it is alleged in the information that she committed the 2. WON the court had no jurisdiction over the offense
same in relation to her office under Section 4(B) of P.D. No. charged in the information
1606. A public officer is said to have committed the crime in
relation to her office if (a) she committed the same while in HELD:
the performance of his official functions or if (a) she took 1. NO. We are not convinced by petitioner’s claim that
advantage of her office to commit the crime. there is no probable cause on record for the filing of
the Information against him. It bears stressing that
Well-established is the rule that when a motion to quash is probable cause need not be based on clear and
denied, the remedy is not a petition for certiorari, but for convincing evidence of guilt, neither on evidence
petitioners to go to trial, without prejudice to reiterating the establishing guilt beyond reasonable doubt and
special defenses invoked in their motion to quash. Remedial definitely not on evidence establishing absolute
measures as regards interlocutory orders, such as an order certainty of guilt. It implies probability of guilt and
denying a motion to quash, are frowned upon and often requires more than bare suspicion but less than
dismissed. The reason for this rule is to avoid multiplicity of evidence which would justify conviction. The
appeals in a single action. Ombudsman’s finding of probable cause against
petitioner is buttressed by his encompassing and
comprehensive resolution, independent of the
findings of the Senate Committees, as well as the
documents appended to the Informations. Petitioner’s
Ramiscal v. Sandiganbayan, 630 SCRA bare claim to the contrary cannot prevail over such
FACTS: positive findings of the Ombudsman. In fine, the
● This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Ombudsman’s finding oF probable cause prevails
Rules of Court for the nullification of the resolution of over petitioner’s bare allegations of grave abuse of
the Sandiganbayan in criminal case no. 28022 and discretion; that he was not involved in the step-by-
28023 as well as its resolution denying the motion for step consummation of the anomalous transaction;
and that as President he was involved only in the top and employees in relation to their office, whether
level policy formulation and implementation. simple or complexed with other crimes. As gleaned
from the material averments of the Information in
We agree with the Sandiganbayan’s ruling that the Revised Criminal Case No. 28023, the charge against
Rules of Criminal Procedure do not require cases to be set petitioner is estafa through falsification of public
for hearing to determine probable cause for the issuance of a document in the performance of his duties and in
warrant for the arrest of the accused before any warrant may relation to his position as president of the AFP-
be issued. Section 6, Rule 112 mandates the judge to RSBS.
personally evaluate the resolution of the Prosecutor (in this
case, the Ombudsman) and its supporting evidence, and if
he/she finds probable cause, a warrant of arrest or Escobal v. Garchitorena, 422 SCRA
commitment order may be issued within 10 days from the FACTS:
filing of the complaint or Information; in case the Judge ● Petitioner Escobal was a police officer who was
doubts the existence of probable cause, the prosecutor may conducting surveillance operations on drug trafficking
be ordered to present additional evidence within five (5) days at the Sa Harong Caf Bar and Restaurant when he
from notice. was involved in a shooting incident resulting in the
death of Nueca.
SEC. 6. When warrant of arrest may ● A criminal case was filed with RTC charging the
issue. — (a) By the Regional Trial Court. petitioner with murder.
– Within ten (10) days from the filing of ● Petitioner filed a motion to quash, alleging that the
the complaint or information, the judge court martial, not the RTC, had jurisdiction over
shall personally evaluate the resolution of cases involving PNP members and officers.
the prosecutor and its supporting ● Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss citing Republic vs.
evidence. He may immediately dismiss Asuncion arguing that he committed the crime in the
the case if the evidence on record clearly performance of his duties, the Sandiganbayan had
fails to establish probable cause. If he exclusive jurisdiction over the case.
finds probable cause, he shall issue a ● RTC conducted preliminary hearing and declared
warrant of arrest, or a commitment order if that petitioner committed the crime charged while not
the accused has already been arrested in the performance of his official function and that he
pursuant to a warrant issued by the judge did not have Salary Grade of 27 and therefore the
who conducted the preliminary Sandiganbayan does not have jurisdiction.
investigation or when the complaint or ● Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration. RTC
information was filed pursuant to section 7 made a volte face and issued an order reversing the
of this Rule. In case of doubt on the previous one and declared the petitioner was on an
existence of probable cause, the judge official mission during the shooting.
may order the prosecutor to present ● Presiding justice of Sandiganbayan returned the
additional evidence within five (5) days records of the case to court of origin RTC saying that
from notice and the issue must be RTC retained jurisdiction because the petitioner had
resolved by the court within thirty (30) a salary grade of 23.
days from the filing of the complaint of ● Petitioner filed petition for certiorari
2. NO. The anti-graft court correctly ruled that it has WON the Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of
jurisdiction over the crimes charged. In People v. discretion in ordering the remand of the case to the RTC.
Sandiganbayan 40 and Ramiscal, Jr. v.
Sandiganbayan, 41 this Court ruled that the AFP- HELD:
RSBS is a government-owned and controlled NO. The respondent Presiding Justice acted in accordance
corporation, and that its funds are in the nature of with law and the rulings of this Court when he ordered the
public funds. Under Section 4(a)(1)(g) of R.A. No. remand of the case to the RTC, the court of origin.
8249, the Sandiganbayan has exclusive jurisdiction
over offenses committed by presidents, directors, Under Section 4(a) of P.D. No. 1606 as amended by P.D. No.
trustees or managers of government owned or 1861, the Sandiganbayan had exclusive jurisdiction in all
controlled corporations. 42 Under Section 4(b) of cases involving the following:ςηαñrοblεš νιr†υαl lαω lιbrαrÿ
R.A. No. 8249, the Sandiganbayan has exclusive
jurisdiction over offenses committed by public officers
(1) Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, extinguish the crime nor did it remove the basis of the charge
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, of conspiracy between him and private respondent. The
Republic Act No. 1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII of death of Secretary Enrile does not mean that there was no
the Revised Penal Code; public officer who violated Sec. 3 of RA. 3019. In fact, the
Ombudsman found probable cause to indict Secretary Enrile
(2) Other offenses or felonies committed by public officers that were it not for his death he shouldve been charged.
and employees in relation to their office, including those
employed in government-owned or controlled corporations, The requirement before a private person may be indicted for
whether simple or complexed with other crimes, where the violation of Sec 3 of RA 3019 is conspiracy with a public
penalty prescribed by law is higher than prision correccional officer. The law, however, does not require that such a
or imprisonment for six (6) years, or a fine of P6,000.00. person must, at all times, be indicted with the public officer.
Such a person may be indicted alone.
Under the law, even if the offender committed the crime
charged in relation to his office but occupies a position
corresponding to a salary grade below 27, the proper Garcia v. Sandiganbayan, 603 SCRA
Regional Trial Court or Municipal Trial Court, as the case FACTS:
may be, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the case. In this ● Major General Carlos Garcia of the AFP was the
case, the petitioner was a Police Senior Inspector, with salary deputy chief of staff of comptrollership. After
grade 23. He was charged with homicide punishable by investigation of the office of the ombudsman, they
reclusion temporal. Hence, the RTC had exclusive jurisdiction filed a complaint against petitioner and his wife and 3
over the crime charged conformably to Sections 20 and 32 of sons for violation of R.A. No. 1379 as conspirators,
Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as amended by Section 2 of R.A. conduits, dummies and fronts of petitioner in
No. 7691. receiving, accumulating, using and disposing of his
ill-gotten wealth.
● Petitioner argues that Sandiganbayan is without
People v. Henry T. Go (25 March 2014) jurisdiction over civil action for forfeiture of unlawfully
FACTS: acquired properties maintaining that jurisdiction
● This case is an offshoot of another case wherein the resides in the RTC.
DOTC entered into a contract with PIATCO, where
Go is the Chairman and president, for the ISSUE:
construction, operation and maintenance of NAIA WON the SB has jurisdiction over petitions for forfeiture
Passenger Terminal 3 which is grossly and under R.A. No. 1379
manifestly disadvantageous to the government.
● A criminal case filed against the respondent and the HELD:
sandiganbayan issued an order to give the YES. BP 129 expanded the exclusive original jurisdiction of
prosecution 10 days to show cause why the should the Sandiganbayan including cases involving violations of
not be dismissed as the respondent is a private R.A. No. 3019.
● Prosecution complied contending that SB has An action for forfeiture of illegally acquired properties
already acquired jurisdiction over the person of Go partakes the nature of a penalty. Forfeiture is a divestiture of
because of his voluntary appearance when he filed a property without compensation, in consequence of a default
motion for consolidation and posted bail. Prosecution or an offense. A forfeiture is thus, imposed by way of
argued jurisdiction because he was alleged to have punishment not by the mere convention of the parties, but by
conspired with Sec. of the DOTC (who is already the lawmaking power, to insure a prescribed course of
dead). conduct.
● SB granted motion to quash to Go because of lack of It is logically congruent that violations of R.A. No 1379 are
jurisdiction placed under the jurisdiction of the SB, even though the
proceeding is civil in nature, since the forfeiture amounts to
ISSUE: penalty. The soundness of this reasoning becomes even
WON the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over Henry Go more obvious when we consider that the respondent in such
when the public officer he conspired with is already dead. forfeiture proceedings is a public officer or employee and the
violation of R.A. No. 1379 was committed during the
HELD: respondent officer or employee’s incumbency and in relation
YES. The only thing that was extinguished by the death of to his office. This is in line with the purpose behind the
Secretary Enrile is his criminal liability. His death did not
creation of the Sandiganbayan as an anti-graft court—to
address the urgent problem of dishonesty in public service.
Sanchez v. Demetriou, 227 SCRA
People v. Benipayo, 586 SCRA ● Mayor Sanchez rapist and killer of Eileen Sarmenta
FACTS: and Allan Gomez in UPLB case.
● These are two consolidated cases filed on certiorari ● The case was raffled to Manila, to respondent Judge
GR 154473 Demetriou.
● The chairman of COMELEC delivered a speech in ● Petitioner filed motion to quash the informations,
UP that was published in the Manila Bulletin. Judge denied the motion
● Petitioner corporation believes that they were alluded
to in the speech as “hoodwink us into a contract that ISSUE
is so grossly disadvantageous to the government that WON as a public officer, he can be tried for the offense only
it offends common sense to say that it would be by the Sandiganbayan
worth the 6.5 billion peso price tag”
● An affidavit-complaint for libel was filed with the RTC. HELD:
● Petitioner later filed a motion for inhibition contending NO. There is no direct relation between the commission of
RTC judge was appointed through recommendation the crime of rape with homicide and the petitioner's office as
of respondent’s father in law. municipal mayor because public office is not an essential
● Motion was unresolved so petitioner moved for element of the crime charged. The offense can stand
dismissal of the case asserting the RTC had no independently of the office. Moreover, it is not even alleged in
jurisdiction since respondent is an impeachable the information that the commission of the crime charged was
officer and that the case should be filed with intimately connected with the performance of the petitioner's
Sandiganbayan. official functions to make it fall under the exception laid down
● RTC dismissed the case stating that SB had in People v. Montejo.
jurisdiction as the speech was delivered in his
capacity as comelec chairman. We have read the informations in the case at bar and find no
GR 155573 allegation therein that the crime of rape with homicide
● Comelec chair and comelec commissioner imputed to the petitioner was connected with the discharge of
Tangcangco were guests of talk show Point Blank his functions as municipal mayor or that there is an "intimate
with ces drilon. connection" between the offense and his office. It follows that
● Benipayo said Photokina funds were being used for a the said crime, being an ordinary offense, is triable by the
PR campaign against him. regular courts and not the Sandiganbayan.
● Petitioner filed a complaint-affidavit for libel in the
RTC De Lima v. Guerrero, G.R. No. 229781 (10 October 2017)
● Respondent moved for dismissal stating he was an FACTS:
impeachable officer and jurisdiction is with SB. ● Senate and house of representatives conducted
several inquiries on the proliferation of dangerous
ISSUE: drugs syndicated at the New Bilibid Prison. Inmates
WON the RTC has jurisdiction over libel cases to the executed affidavits in support of their testimonies.
exclusion of all other courts ● DOJ Panel conducted a preliminary hearing.
● Petitioner argues that the Office of the Ombudsman
HELD: has the exclusive authority and jurisdiction to hear
YES. The law dictates that criminal and civil actions for the four complaints against her. And DOJ
damages in cases of written defamations shall be filed prosecutors should inhibit themselves and refer the
simultaneously or separately with the RTC to the exclusion of complaints to the ombudsman.
all other courts. A subsequent enactment of a law defining ● During the hearing on Dec 2016, petitioner decided
the jurisdiction of other courts cannot simply override, in the no to submit her counter affidavit citing the pendency
absence of an express repeal or modification, the specific of her 2 motions. DOJ ruled it will not entertain late
provision in the RPC vesting the RTC jurisdiction over filed counter affidavit.
defamations in writing or by similar means. The grant to the ● Petitioner filed with CA petition for prohibition and
SB of jurisdiction in offenses committed in relation to public certiorari.
office DID NOT divest the RTC of its exclusive and original ● While CA petition was pending, DOJ proceeded with
jurisdiction to try written defamation cases regardless of preliminary investigation and recommended 3
whether the offense is committed in relation to office. informations be filed against petitioner in the RTC.
● Petitioner filed motion to quash citing lack of judgment of high-ranking government officials is not
jurisdiction omnipotent.
● RTC issued warrants of arrest against petitioner
without bail for violation of R.A. 9165, conducting a Duncano v. Sandiganbayan, 762 SCRA (2015)
drug trade in the NBP. Petitioner was committed to FACTS:
the custody of the PNP. ● Duncan was the regional director of the BIR with
● Petitioner presents the instant petition. Salary grade 26. The ombudsman filed a criminal
case against him for not submitting his SALN and
ISSUES: declaring businesses registered to his family.
Whether the RTC or Sandiganbayan has the jurisdiction over ● Prior to arraignment petitioner filed a motion to
the violation of R.A. 9165 averred in the assailed information. dismiss before Sandiganbayan for lack of jurisdiction
since his salary is Grade 26 citing Serana and Inding
HELD: cases.
THE RTC HAS JURISDICTION. The pertinent special law ● SB ruled that position of Regional Director is
governing drug-related cases is RA 9165, which updated the exempted where it has jurisdiction even if the position
rules provided in RA 6425, otherwise known as the is not Salary Grade 27. Sec. 4 of R..A. 8249 provides
Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972. A plain reading of RA 9165, as that respondent court has jurisdiction over officials of
of RA 6425, will reveal that jurisdiction over drug-related the executive branch of the government occupying
cases is exclusively vested with the Regional Trial Court and the position of regional director and higher.
no other.
Yet, much has been made of the terminology used in Section WON the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over Regional
90 of RA 9165. The dissents would highlight the provision's Director of the BIR with Salary Grade 26
departure from Section 39 of RA 6425 - the erstwhile drugs
law, which provides: HELD:
No. A certification issued by the OIC – Assistant Chief,
SECTION 39. Jurisdiction of the Circuit Criminal Court. - The Personnel Division of the BIR shows that, although petitioner
Circuit Criminal Court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction is a Regional Director of the BIR, his position is classified as
over all cases involving offenses punishable under this Act. Director II with Salary Grade 26.

For those in the dissent, the failure to reproduce the phrase That the phrase "otherwise classified as Grade ‘27’ and
"exclusive original jurisdiction" is a clear indication that no higher" qualifies "regional director and higher"
court, least of all the RTC, has been vested with such
"exclusive original jurisdiction" so that even the SEC. 4. Jurisdiction.– The Sandiganbayan shall exercise
Sandiganbayan can take cognizance and resolve a criminal exclusive original jurisdiction in all cases involving:
prosecution for violation of RA 9165.
"A. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended,
As thoroughly discussed by Justice Peralta in his Concurring otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act,
Opinion, such deduction is unwarranted given the clear intent Republic Act No. 1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII,
of the legislature not only to retain the "exclusive original Book II of the Revised Penal Code, where one or more of the
jurisdiction" of the RTCs over violations of the drugs law but accused are officials occupying the following positions in the
to segregate from among the several RTCs of each judicial government, whether in a permanent, acting or interim
region some RTCs that will "exclusively try and hear cases capacity, at the time of the commission of the offense:
involving violations of [RA 9165)." If at all, the change
introduced by the new phraseology of Section 90, RA 9165 is "(1) Officials of the executive branch occupying the positions
not the deprivation of the RTCs' "exclusive original of regional director and higher, otherwise classified as Grade
jurisdiction" but the further restriction of this "exclusive ‘27’ and higher, of the Compensation and Position
original jurisdiction" to select RTCs of each judicial region. Classification Act of 1989 (Republic Act No. 6758),
specifically including:
The exclusive original jurisdiction over violations of RA 9165
is not transferred to the Sandiganbayan whenever the "(a) Provincial governors, vice-governors, members of the
accused occupies a position classified as Grade 27 or higher, sangguniang panlalawigan, and provincial treasurers,
regardless of whether the violation is alleged as committed in assessors, engineers, and other provincial department
relation to office. The power of the Sandiganbayan to sit in heads;
"(b) City mayor, vice-mayors, members of the sangguniang fall within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
panlungsod, city treasurers, assessors, engineers, and other
city department heads;
13. Inocentes v. People, 796 SCRA (2016)
"(c) Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the position 14. Edgar Crisostomo v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 152398
of consul and higher; (14 April 2005)
15. Esteban v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 146646-49 (11
"(d) Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, March 2005)
and all officers of higher rank; 16. RA 8369
17. RA 6734 (as amended by 9054)
"(e) Officers of the Philippine National Police while occupying 18. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175)
the position of provincial director and those holding the rank 19. Bonifacio v. RTC of Makati Br. 149, 620 SCRA [ONLINE
of senior superintendent or higher; LIBEL]
20. Disini Jr. v. Secretary of Justice, 716 SCRA (18 February
"(f) City and provincial prosecutors and their assistants, and 2014)
officials and prosecutors in the Office of the Ombudsman and
special prosecutor;
Institution of Criminal Actions
"(g) Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers of
Jimenez v. Sorongon, 687 SCRA 151
government-owned or controlled corporations, state
universities or educational institutions or foundations.
● Petitioner is the president of Unlad Shipping and
Management Corporation, a manning agency while
"(2) Members of Congress and officials thereof classified as
the respondents are some listed incorporators of
Grade ‘27’ and up under the Compensation and Position
Tsakos Maritime (TMSI), another local manning
Classification Act of 1989;
● Petitioner filed a complaint affidavit against
"(3) Members of the judiciary without prejudice to the
respondents for syndicated and large scale illegal
provisions of the Constitution;
recruitment. He alleged that the respondents falsely
represented their stockholdings in TMSI to secure a
"(4) Chairmen and members of Constitutional Commission,
license to operate as a recruitment agency from the
without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution; and
● Some of the respondents submitted a counter
"(5) All other national and local officials classified as Grade
‘27’ and higher under the Compensation and Position
● The city prosecutor filed the corresponding criminal
Classification Act of 1989.
information with the RTC of Mandaluyong.
● RTC found probable cause and ordered issuance of
"B. Other offenses or felonies whether simple or complexed
warrants of arrest against respondents
with other crimes committed by the public officials and
● One of the respondents, Alamil (he did not submit
employees mentioned in subsection a of this section in
counteraffidavit), filed motion for judicial
relation to their office.
determination of probable cause with a request to
defer enforcement of warrant of arrest. RTC denied it
"C. Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to and in
for probable cause had already been found.
connection with Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A,
● Alamil moved for reconsideration and for inhibition of
issued in 1986.
Judge Umali for being biased. P
● Judge Umali voluntarily inhibited herself from the
We have held that
case and did not resolve the motion.
1. a member of the Sangguniang Panlungsod,
● The case was raffled to Sorongon who granted
2. a department manager of the Philippine Health
Alamil’s motion for reconsideration. The case was
Insurance Corporation (Philhealth),
dismissed because it lacked probable cause. No
3. a student regent of the University of the Philippines,
evidence to indicate they gave false information to
4. and a Head of the Legal Department and Chief of the
secure a license and Alamil voluntarily submitted to
Documentation with corresponding ranks of Vice-
the RTC jurisdiction through filings of pleadings
Presidents and Assistant Vice-President of the
seeking affirmative relief.
Armed Forces of the Philippines Retirement and
Separation Benefits System (AFP-RSBS)43
● CA dismissed petitioner’s RULE 65 petition for lack of ● Edwin then pleaded that the judgment for P02
legal personality to file on behalf of the People of the Eduardo valdez be also applied to him because it
Philippines. Only the OSG has legal personality. would be beneficial to him as an accused.

WON the CA committed a reversible error in dismissing WON the judgment of a plea of a co-accused will affect the
outright petitioner’s Rule 65 petition for certiorari for lack of other co-accused insofar as it is beneficial to him as an
legal personality accused

NO. It is well-settled that "every action must be prosecuted or YES. The downgrading of the crimes committed would
defended in the name of the real party in interest[,]" "who definitely be favorable to him. Worth pointing out is that to
stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit, deny to him the benefit of the lessened criminal
or by the party entitled to the avails of the suit." responsibilities would be highly unfair, considering that this
Court had found the two accused to have acted in concert in
Interest means material interest or an interest in an issue to their deadly assault against the victims, warranting their equal
be affected by the decree or judgment of the case, as liability under the principle of conspiracy.
distinguished from mere interest in the question involved.

By real interest is meant a present substantial interest, as DOCTRINE:

distinguished from a mere expectancy, or a future, It is unavoidable for the court to pronounce P02 Valdez guilty
contingent, subordinate or consequential interest. of 3 homicides, instead of 3 murders, on account of the
informations not sufficiently alleging the attendance of
In this case, the petitioner has no legal personality to assail treachery.
the dismissal of the criminal case since the main issue raised
by the petitioner involved the criminal aspect of the case, i.e., The averments of the informations to the effect that the two
the existence of probable cause. The petitioner did not accused "with intent to kill, qualified with treachery, evident
appeal to protect his alleged pecuniary interest as an premeditation and abuse of superior strength did x x x
offended party of the crime, but to cause the assault, attack and employ personal violence upon" the
reinstatement of the criminal action against the victims "by then and there shooting them with a gun, hitting
respondents. This involves the right to prosecute which [them]" on various parts of their bodies "which were the direct
pertains exclusively to the People, as represented by the and immediate cause of their deaths" did not sufficiently set
OSG. forth the facts and circumstances describing how treachery
attended each of the killings. It should not be difficult to
see that merely averring the killing of a person by
Sufficiency of Complaint or Information shooting him with a gun, without more, did not show
People v. Valdez, 663 SCRA 272 how the execution of the crime was directly and
● PO2 Eduardo Valdez and Edwin Valdez went to a jai specially ensured without risk to the accused from the
balai betting station of Moises to congruent Jonathan defense that the victim might make. Indeed, the use of the
Rubio who was the teller of the booth. Moises went to gun as an instrument to kill was not per se treachery, for
the 2 to pacify them but he was shot several times, there are other instruments that could serve the same lethal
Ferdinand his brother went to aid him and was shot purpose. Nor did the use of the term treachery constitute a
also in the head and then another victim, Joselito sufficient averment, for that term, standing alone, was nothing
was shot in the back. but a conclusion of law, not an averment of a fact. In short,
● The 2 accused were tried for 3 counts of murder and the particular acts and circumstances constituting treachery
convicted by the RTC. as an attendant circumstance in murder were missing from
● The CA upheld the decision but modified the the informations.
damages to pay.
● The 2 accused appealed to the court but Edwin
Valdez withdrew his appeal. Miguel v. Sandiganbayan, 675 SCRA 560
● P02 Eduardo Valdez’s appeal went through and he FACTS:
was charged with 3 counts of homicide instead of ● Before the Court is a petition for certiorari under Rule
murder with sentence reduced. 65 filed by Fernando Q. Miguel (petitioner), assailing
the January 25, 2006 and March 27, 2006 resolutions
of the Sandiganbayan. These resolutions (i) ordered
the petitioner’s suspension from public office and (ii) numerous pleadings filed for and against them have achieved
denied the petitioner’s motion for reconsideration of the goal of this procedure. The right to due process is
the suspension order. satisfied nor just by an oral hearing but by the filing and the
● Petitioner was charged with violation of R.A. 3019 in consideration by the court of the parties' pleadings,
connection with consultancy services for engineering memoranda and other position papers.
and architecture of the Koronadal City public market.
● Petitioner invited a private company for the bidding
even without the publication of the invitation yet so People v. Soria, 685 SCRA 483
they could pre-qualify. FACTS:
● The petitioner claims that the Sandiganbayan gravely ● this case involves a father’s detestable act of abusing
abused its discretion in ordering his suspension his daughter through rape by sexual assault.
despite the failure of the information to allege that the ● Appellant pleaded not guilty to the crime charged.
giving of unwarranted benefits and advantages by Pre-trial and trial thereafter ensued.
the petitioner was made through "manifest partiality, ● The daughter was raped one day and was witnessed
evident bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence." by her brother. She complained of pain in her vagina
He alleges that the phrases "evident bad faith" and so an aunt brought her to the hospital.
"manifest partiality" actually refers not to him, but to ● The medico legal found that the victim’s virginity was
his co-accused,25 rendering the information fatally intact.
defective. ● Appellant alleges that he did not rape his daughter
and this crime was instigated by his wife whom he
ISSUE: caught was cheating on him
WON the information charging the petitioner with violation of ● RTC found him guilty beyond reasonable doubt and
Sec 3 of R.A. No. 3019 is valid was sentenced to death
● CA found partial merit to his appeal. They are
WON the absence of an actual pre-suspension hearing convinced he raped the victim but because the
renders invalid the suspension order against petitioner. prosecution did not present the victim’s birth
certificate, the crime was only a simple rape because
HELD: the victim cannot be confirmed to be a minor so he
YES. The test of the information’s sufficiency is whether the was sentenced to reclusion perpetua.
crime is described in intelligible terms and with such
particularity with reasonable certainty so that the ISSUE:
accused is duly informed of the offense charged. In WON the guilty committed rape by sexual intercourse or
particular, whether an information validly charges an offense sexual assault
depends on whether the material facts alleged in the
complaint or information shall establish the essential HELD:
elements of the offense charged as defined in the law. The HE COMMITTED SEXUAL ASSAULT.
raison d’etre of the requirement in the Rules is to enable the The Information in this case did not specify with certainty
accused to suitably prepare his defense. whether appellant committed the rape through sexual
intercourse under paragraph 1 of Article 266-A, or rape by
In arguing against the validity of the information, the sexual assault as described in paragraph 2 thereof. The
petitioner appears to go beyond the standard of a Information stated that appellant inserted his penis into the
"person of common understanding" in appreciating the genital of "AAA," which constituted rape by sexual intercourse
import of the phrase "acting with evident bad faith and under the first paragraph of Article 266-A. At the same time,
manifest partiality." A reading of the information clearly the Information alleged that appellant used force and
reveals that the phrase "acting with evident bad faith and intimidation to commit an act of sexual assault. While these
manifest partiality" was merely a continuation of the allegations cause ambiguity, they only pertain to the mode or
prior allegation of the acts of the petitioner, and that he manner of how the rape was committed and the same do not
ultimately acted with evident bad faith and manifest invalidate the Information or result in the automatic dismissal
partiality in giving unwarranted benefits and advantages of the case. "[W]here an offense may be committed in any of
to his co-accused private individuals. This is what a plain the different modes and the offense is alleged to have been
and non-legalistic reading of the information would yield. committed in two or more modes specified, the indictment is
sufficient, notwithstanding the fact that the different means of
YES. In the case at bar, while there was no pre-suspension committing the same offense are prohibited by separate
hearing held to determine the validity of the Informations that sections of the statute. The allegation in the information of the
had been filed against petitioners, we believe that the various ways of committing the offense should be regarded
as a description of only one offense and the information is not Tomas’ deliberate and intentional assertion of falsehood was
thereby rendered defective on the ground of allegedly shown when she made the false declarations in the
multifariousness." Certificate against Forum Shopping before a notary public in
Makati City, despite her knowledge that the material
Any objection from the appellant with respect to the statements she subscribed and swore to were not true. Thus,
Information is held to have been waived failing any effort to Makati City is the proper venue and MeTC-Makati City is the
oppose the same before trial. He therefore can be convicted proper court to try the perjury case against Tomas, pursuant
of rape through sexual intercourse or rape by sexual assault, to Section 15(a), Rule 110 of the 2000 Revised Rules of
depending on the evidence adduced during trial. Criminal Procedure as all the essential elements constituting
the crime of perjury were committed within the territorial
Place where action is to be instituted jurisdiction of Makati City, not Pasay City.
Union Bank v. People, 667 SCRA 113
FACTS: Based on these considerations, we hold that our ruling in Sy
● Desi Tomas was charged in court for perjury for Tiong is more in accord with Article 183 of the RPC and
making a false narration in a certificate against forum Section 15(a), Rule 110 of the 2000 Revised Rules of
shopping. Criminal Procedure. To reiterate for the guidance of the Bar
● The accusation stemmed from petitioner Union and the Bench, the crime of perjury committed through the
Bank’s two complaints for sum of money with prayer making of a false affidavit under Article 183 of the RPC is
for replevin against spouses Tamondong and John committed at the time the affiant subscribes and swears to
Doe. 1 complaint with RTC and 1 complaint with his or her affidavit since it is at that time that all the elements
MeTC. Tomas executed the certificate against forum of the crime of perjury are executed.
shopping in both.
● Tomas filed motion to quash. She argued the venue RULE 111 - PROSECUTION OF CIVIL ACTION
must be the Pasay City court where the certificates Civil liability arising from the offense is deemed
was submitted and not the MeTC of Makati where the instituted
certificates was subscribed.
● MeTc of Makati denied the motion stating it has Solidum v. People, 718 SCRA 263
jurisdiction because the certificates were notarized in FACTS:
Makati ● Petitioner was the anesthesiologist for an colostomy
surgery for a 3 year old. The 3 year old suffered
ISSUE irregular heartbeat and went into a coma for 2 weeks.
What the proper venue of perjury under Article 183 of the He woke up a month later but he was blind, deaf and
RPC should be – Makati City, where the Certificate against paralyzed.
Forum Shopping was notarized, or Pasay City, where the ● Petitioner was found guilty of reckless imprudence
Certification was presented to the trial court. resulting in serious physical injuries for using 100%
halothane which overdosed the patient suffering a
HELD: cardiac arrest and hypoxic encephalopathy.
We deny the petition and hold that the MeTC-Makati City is ● CA found the case res ipsa loguitur
the proper venue and the proper court to take cognizance of
the perjury case against the petitioners. ISSUE:
1. WON the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is applicable
The first element of the crime of perjury, the execution of the 2. WON Dr. Solidum was liable for criminal negligence
subject Certificate against Forum Shopping was alleged in
the Information to have been committed in Makati City. HELD:
Likewise, the second and fourth elements, requiring the 1. NO. The first element of res ipsa loquitur is not
Certificate against Forum Shopping to be under oath before a present in the case. Gerald was delivered to doctor’s
notary public, were also sufficiently alleged in the Information care of sound body and mind except for the
to have been made in Makati City: imperforate anus yet he experienced bradycardia
during the operation, causing loss of his senses and
We also find that the third element of willful and deliberate rendering him immobile. The hypoxia would ordinarily
falsehood was also sufficiently alleged to have been occur in the process of a pull through operation but
committed in Makati City, not Pasay City, as indicated in the such fact alone did not prove that the negligence of
last portion of the Information any of his physicians or anesthesiologist caused the
injury. In fact, the doctors sensed the lack of oxygen respondent Phillip R. Salvador had been acquitted of
prompting them to administer atropine to the patient. the crime of estafa.
● The Complainant gave and entrusted to the accused
Res ipsa loquitur is literally translated as "the thing or the amount of US$100,000.00 as seed money to
the transaction speaks for itself." start the operations of the business and the said
accused, once in the possession of the said amount
In order to allow resort to the doctrine, therefore, the of money, misappropriated, misapplied and/or
following essential requisites must first be satisfied, converted the same to their own personal use and
to wit: (1) the accident was of a kind that does not benefit, to the damage and prejudice of the
ordinarily occur unless someone is negligent; (2) the Complainant in the aforementioned amount of
instrumentality or agency that caused the injury was US$100,000.00.
under the exclusive control of the person charged; ● Philip and Ramon Salvador denied receiving 100k
and (3) the injury suffered must not have been due to USD from petitioner.
any voluntary action or contribution of the person ● RTC found Philip Salvador guilty of estafa but
injured. acquitted Ramon Salvador.
● CA reversed the decision and acquitted.
2. NO. The Prosecution presented no witnesses with
special medical qualifications in anesthesia to ISSUE:
provide guidance to the trial court on what standard WON the CA should at least retain the award of damages to
of care was applicable. It would consequently be truly petitioner.
difficult, if not impossible, to determine whether the
first three elements of a negligence and malpractice HELD:
action were attendant. NO. A reading of the CA decision would show that
respondent was acquitted because the prosecution failed to
Negligence is defined as the failure to observe for the prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, since the
protection of the interests of another person that acquittal is based on reasonable doubt, respondent is not
degree of care, precaution, and vigilance that the exempt from civil liability which may be proved by
circumstances justly demand, whereby such other preponderance of evidence only.
person suffers injury.
Preponderance of evidence is the weight, credit, and value of
We have to clarify that the acquittal of Dr. Solidum the aggregate evidence on either side and is usually
would not immediately exempt him from civil considered to be synonymous with the term “greater weight
liability.1âwphi1 But we cannot now find and declare of the evidence” or “greater weight of the credible evidence.”
him civilly liable because the circumstances that have Preponderance of evidence is a phrase which, in the last
been established here do not present the factual and analysis, means probability of the truth. It is evidence which
legal bases for validly doing so. His acquittal did not is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief than that
derive only from reasonable doubt. There was really which is offered in opposition thereto.
no firm and competent showing how the injury to
Gerard had been caused. That meant that the Petitioner failed to prove on how she raised the money
manner of administration of the anesthesia by Dr. allegedly given to respondent. There was also no receipt that
Solidum was not necessarily the cause of the indeed US$100,000.00 was given by petitioner to
hypoxia that caused the bradycardia experienced by respondent.
Gerard. Consequently, to adjudge Dr. Solidum civilly
liable would be to speculate on the cause of the Our law recognizes two kinds of acquittal, with different
hypoxia. We are not allowed to do so, for civil effects on the civil liability of the accused.
liability must not rest on speculation but on 1. an acquittal on the ground that the accused is not
competent evidence. the author of the act or omission complained of.
This instance closes the door to civil liability, for a
Castillo v. Salvador, G.R. No. 191240 (30 July 2014) person who has been found to be not the perpetrator
FACTS: of any act or omission cannot and can never be held
● Before us is a petition for review on certiorari which liable for such act or omission. There being no delict,
assails the Decision[1] dated February 11, 2010 of civil liability ex delicto is out of the question, and the
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 30151 civil action, if any, which may be instituted must be
with respect only to the civil aspect of the case as based on grounds other than the delict complained
of. This is the situation contemplated in Rule III of the contractu. It does not pertain to the civil action deemed
Rules of Court. instituted with the criminal case.
2. The second instance is an acquittal based on
reasonable doubt on the guilt of the accused. In We hold that the better rule in ascertaining civil liability in
this case, even if the guilt of the accused has not estafa cases is that pronounced in Pantig and Singson.
been satisfactorily established, he is not exempt from
civil liability which may be proved by preponderance Under Pantig and Singson, whenever the elements of estafa
of evidence only. This is the situation contemplated in are not established, and that the delivery of any personal
Article 29 of the Civil Code, where the civil action for property was made pursuant to a contract, any civil liability
damages is “for the same act or omission. arising from the estafa cannot be awarded in the criminal
case. This is because the civil liability arising from the
contract is not civil liability ex delicto, which arises from the
Dy v. People, 800 SCRA 39 same act or omission constituting the crime. Civil liability ex
FACTS: delicto is the liability sought to be recovered in a civil action
● Petitioner Dy was the General Manager of MCCI. In deemed instituted with the criminal case.
pursuit of MCCI’s business, petitioner proposed to
the president of the company a purchase of a The situation envisioned in the foregoing cases, as in
property owned by pantranco. Mandy agreed to this case, is civil liability ex contractu where the civil
obtain a loan from ICBC and petitioner said she could liability arises from an entirely different source of
facilitate the approval of the loan. ICBC granted the obligation. Therefore, it is not the type of civil action
loan of P20MILLION to MCCI. Mandy entrusted deemed instituted in the criminal case, and consequently
payment of the loan to petitioner. must be filed separately.
● Eventually, MCCI received notice of foreclosure of
mortgage due to default in payment of loan. Mandy The ruling of the RTC Manila was affirmed by the CA. It said
gave check amounting to 21million to petitioner while that "[t]he acquittal of Gloria Dy is anchored on the ground
petitioner said she encashed the checks and gave that her guilt was not proved beyond reasonable doubt - not
the cash back to Mandy (fucking liaaaaaarr) because she is not the author of the act or omission
● MCCI still wasnt able to pay the loan and ICBC complained of. x x x The trial court found no trickery nor
foreclosed the property. deceit in obtaining money from the private complainant;
● Mandy filed a complaint for estafa and the RTC instead, it concluded that the money obtained was
acquitted the petitioner because prosecution failed to undoubtedly a loan."
establish that she was under any obligation to deliver
the checks in payment of the loan. The element of Nevertheless, our jurisdiction recognizes that a crime has a
misappropriation or conversion was missing. RTC private civil component. Thus, while an act considered
ordered petitioner to pay the amount of checks back criminal is a breach of law against the State, our legal system
to MCCI. allows for the recovery of civil damages where there is a
● CA denied the appeal and affirmed civil liability of 21 private person injured by a criminal act. It is in recognition of
million this dual nature of a criminal act that our Revised Penal Code
provides that every person criminally liable is also civilly
ISSUE: liable. This is the concept of civil liability ex delicto.
WON the accused is civilly liable even if she was acquitted of
the crime of estafa because not all elements were present
Suspension of Civil Action
Lim v. Kou Co Ping, 679 SCRA 114
NO. Petitioner was acquitted by the RTC Manila because of
● FRCC a cement corporation was selling withdrawal
the absence of the element of misappropriation or
authorities for cement. Co bought withdrawal
conversion. The RTC Manila, as affirmed by the CA, found
authorities covering 50,000 bags at 63 pesos per
that Mandy delivered the checks to petitioner pursuant to a
bag. He then sold them to Lim at 64 pesos per bag.
loan agreement. Clearly, there is no crime of estafa. There is
● Lim withdrew the cement bags on staggered basis.
no proof of the presence of any act or omission constituting
She withdrew 2,800 bags and sold back 10,000 bags
criminal fraud. Thus, civil liability ex delicto cannot be
to Co.
awarded because there is no act or omission punished by law
● 2 months later, FRCC did not allow Lim to withdraw
which can serve as the source of obligation. Any civil liability
her remaining 37,200 bags because FRCC
arising from the loan takes the nature of a civil liability ex
implemented a price increase and that she needed to
pay the increase or agree to withdraw lesser bags. The independent civil liability may be based on “an obligation
● Lim did not want to do either and said that her not arising from the act or omission complained of as a
withdrawal authority is not covered by the price felony,” as provided in Article 31 of the Civil Code (such as
increase. for breach of contract or for tort. It may also be based on an
● Lim filed an information for Estafa against Co. She act or omission that may constitute felony but, nevertheless,
prayed that 2.3 Million pesos be returned to her for treated independently from the criminal action by specific
the profits of the bags with an award of moral and provision of Article 33 of the Civil Code (“in cases of
exemplary damages as well as atty fees. defamation, fraud and physical injuries”).
● RTC acquitted Co of estafa for insufficiency of
evidence and also relived him of civil liability
● In CA GRNo. 85138 - CA dismissed Lim’s appeal on Independent Civil Action
the civil aspect of estafa Casupanan v. Laroya, 388 SCRA 28
● In Civil Case G.R. 175256, RTC denied Co’s motion FACTS:
to dismiss the civil complaint. CA denied Co’s motion ● The vehicles of Casupanan and Laroya figured in an
agreeing with RTC that the elements of litis accident. 2 cases were filed in the MCTC.
pendentia and forum shopping are not met because ● Laroya filed a criminal case against Casupanan for
there is no same cause of action reckless imprudence resulting in damage to property
● Casupanan the driver and Capitulo owner of the car
ISSUE: filed a civil case against Laroya for quasi-delict
WON Lim committed Forum shopping in filing the civil case ● When the civil case was filed, the criminal case was
for specific performance during the pendency of her appeal in preliminary investigation stage. Laroya filed a
on the civil aspect of the criminal case of estafa? motion to dismiss the civil case for forum shopping.
MCTC granted the motion and denied motion for
HELD: reconsideration.
NO. The first action is clearly a civil action ex delicto, it having ● Casupanan filed certiorari under Rule 65 with the
been instituted together with the criminal action. On the other RTC. RTC dismissed the petition and denied the
hand, the second action, judging by the allegations contained motion for reconsideration.
in the complaint, is a civil action arising from a contractual
obligation and for tortious conduct (abuse of rights). ISSUE:
WON an accused in a pending criminal case can file,
Thus, Civil Case No. 05-112396 involves only the obligations simultaneously and independently, a separate civil action for
arising from contract and from tort, whereas the appeal in the quasi-delict against the private complainant in the criminal
estafa case involves only the civil obligations of Co arising case
from the offense charged. They present different causes
of action, which , under the law, are considered HELD:
"separate, distinct, and independent" from each other. YES. The accused can file a civil action for quasi-delict for
Both cases can proceed to their final adjudication, subject to the same act or omission he is accused of in the criminal
the prohibition on double recovery under Article 2177 of the case. This is expressly allowed in paragraph 6, Section 1 of
Civil Code. the present Rule 111 which states that the counterclaim of
the accused “may be litigated in a separate civil action.” This
Because of the distinct and independent nature of the two is only fair for two reasons. First, the accused is prohibited
kinds of civil liabilities, jurisprudence holds that the offended from setting up any counterclaim in the civil aspect that is
party may pursue the two types of civil liabilities deemed instituted in the criminal case. The accused is
simultaneously or cumulatively, without offending the rules on therefore forced to litigate separately his counterclaim against
forum shopping, litis pendentia, or res judicata. the offended party. If the accused does not file a separate
civil action for quasi-delict, the prescriptive period may set in
A single act or omission that causes damage to an offended since the period continues to run until the civil action for
party may give rise to two separate civil liabilities on the part quasi-delict is filed.
of the offender .
(1) civil liability ex delicto, that is, civil liability arising from Second, the accused, who is presumed innocent, has a right
the criminal offense under Article 100 of the Revised Penal to invoke Article 2177 of the Civil Code, in the same way that
Code, and the offended party can avail of this remedy which is
(2) independent civil liability, that is, civil liability that may independent of the criminal action. To disallow the accused
be pursued independently of the criminal proceedings. from filing a separate civil action for quasi-delict, while
refusing to recognize his counterclaim in the criminal case, is ● The civil action was likewise withdrawn
to deny him due process of law, access to the courts, and
equal protection of the law. ISSUE
WON the suspension of proceeding in criminal case was
The criminal case is based on culpa criminal punishable contrary to Rule 111 of the Rules of Court and Art 33 of civil
under the Revised Penal Code while the civil case is based code on independent civil actions
on culpa aquiliana actionable under Articles 2176 and 2177
of the Civil Code. HELD:
YES. A common element of all such cases for unfair
Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to competition – civil and criminal – was fraud. Under Article 33
another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for of the Civil Code, a civil action entirely separate and
the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre- distinct from the criminal action may be brought by the
existing contractual relation between the parties, is called a injured party in cases of fraud, and such civil action shall
quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of this proceed independently of the criminal prosecution.
Effect of death on the Civil Action
Art. 2177. Responsibility for fault or negligence under the People v. Romero, 306 SCRA 90
preceding article is entirely separate and distinct from the ● Romero and Rodriguez was convicted of estafa for
civil liability arising from negligence under the Penal Code. widescale swindling Ernesto Ruiz who invested in
But the plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for the same their scam P150,000 with a promise of 800% profit
act or omission of the defendant. within 21 days. They issued a 1.2 million check which
was dishonored and they failed and refused to pay
the check. The check amount in words was
The essence of forum-shopping is the filing of multiple suits 1,000,200.0 but the digits was 1.2 million
involving the same parties for the same cause of action, ● The victim and accused met in the radio program of
either simultaneously or successively, to secure a favorable Ernesto Ruiz who became interested in their
judgment. business.
● The two accused denied deceit was employed in the
Caterpillar, Inc. v. Samson, 808 SCRA 90 transaction.
FACTS: ● One of the accused Ernesto Rodriguez died pending
● Caterpillar was a manufacturer of footwear CAT and appeal
Samson was a distributor and proprietor of various
retail outlets in the Philippines under the trademark ISSUE:
CATERPILLAR WON deceit was present in the transaction
● Caterpillar upon application to the NBI and RTC who
issued search warrants for unfair competition had the HELD:
premises controlled by Samson searched and let to YES. The agreement was perfectly clear that at the end of
the seizure of various products bearing Caterpillar twenty one (21) days, the investment of P150,000.00 would
core marks. become P1,200,000.00. Even if the trial court admitted the
● Caterpilla filed criminal complaints for unfair stipulation of facts, it would not be favorable to accused-
Competition against Samson appellant.
● Caterpillar also commenced civil action against
Samson with the IPO as a nominal party for unfair The factual narration in this case established a kind of Ponzi
competition, damages and cacellation of trademark scheme. This is "an investment swindle in which high profits
with TRO are promised from fictitious sources and early investors are
● DOJ recommended that Samson be charged with paid off with funds raised from later ones." It is sometimes
Unfair Competition in relation to Intellectual Property called a pyramid scheme because a broader base of gullible
Code of the Philippines investors must support the structure as time passes.
● However, Samson still continued his acts so
caterpillar filed 26 CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS
● Samson petitioned review which DOJ denied. The Court notes that one of the accused-appellants, Ernesto
● RTC granted Samson’s motion to suspend Rodriguez, died pending appeal. Pursuant to the doctrine
arraignment established in People vs. Bayotas, the death of the accused
● Justice Secretary when caused the withdrawal of pending appeal of his conviction extinguishes his
criminal informations against Samson in Court criminal liability as well as the civil liability ex delicto.
The criminal action is extinguished inasmuch as there is no
longer a defendant to stand as the accused, the civil action For a prejudicial question in a civil case to suspend criminal
instituted therein for recovery of civil liability ex delicto is ipso action, it must appear not only that said case involves facts
facto extinguished, grounded as it is on the criminal case. intimately related to those upon which the criminal
Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives prosecution would be based but also that in the resolution of
notwithstanding the death of the accused, if the same the issue or issues raised in the civil case, the guilt or
may also be predicated on a source of obligation other innocence of the accused would necessarily be determined.
than delict.
Thus, for a civil action to be considered prejudicial to a
criminal case as to cause the suspension of the criminal
Prejudicial Question proceedings until the final resolution of the civil case, the
Magistrado v. People, 527 SCRA 125 following requisites must be present:
● A case of perjury was charged against petitioner for
swearing an oath to an affidavit of loss before notary (1) the civil case involves facts intimately related to those
public in order to be issued a new Owner’s duplicate upon which the criminal prosecution would be based;
certificate of CTC knowing full well that the subject
TCT was mortgaged as collateral to Elena M. Librojo. (2) in the resolution of the issue or issues raised in the civil
● The perjury was raffled to MeTC. action, the guilt or innocence of the accused would
● Petitioner filed a motion for suspension of necessarily be determined; and
proceedings based on a prejudicial question. He
alleged that Civil case with the RTC for recovery of (3) jurisdiction to try said question must be lodged in another
sum of money was still pending and another civil tribunal.
case for cancellation of mortgage must be resolved
first before the criminal case. The rationale behind the principle of suspending a criminal
● MeTC denied the motion for suspension and the case in view of a prejudicial question is to avoid two
reconsideration. conflicting decisions.
● Petitioner filed a petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 A prejudial question is defined as that which arises in a case
with RTC the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue
● RTC dismissed the petition holding that there is no involved therein, and the cognizance of which pertains to
prejudicial question involved as to warrant the another tribunal. The prejudicial question must be
suspension of the criminal action determinative of the case before the court but the jurisdiction
● CA dimissed the petition to try and resolve the question must be lodged in another
court or tribunal. It is a question based on a fact distinct
ISSUE: and separate from the crime but so intimately connected
WON there is a prejudicial question pursuant to the Rules on with it that it determines the guilt or innocence of the
Criminal Procedure accused.

NO. A perusal of the allegations in the complaints show that Pimentel v. Pimentel, 630 SCRA 436
Civil Case No. Q-98-34308 pending before RTC-Branch 77, FACTS:
and Civil Case No. Q-98-34349, pending before RTC-Branch
84, are principally for the determination of whether a loan was
obtained by petitioner from private respondent and whether
petitioner executed a real estate mortgage involving the c) J.M. Dominguez v. Liclican, G.R. No. 208587 (29 July
property covered by TCT No. N-173163. On the other hand, 2015)
Criminal Case No. 90721 before MeTC-Branch 43, involves
the determination of whether petitioner committed perjury in RULE 112 - PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION
executing an affidavit of loss to support his request for A. Definition/Description
issuance of a new owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. N- 1. When a matter of right
173163. 2. Distinction from Preliminary Examination
3. Assigned Readings:
The purchase by petitioner of the land or his execution of a
real estate mortgage will have no bearing whatsoever on Fenequito v. Vergara, Jr., 677 SCRA 113
whether petitioner knowingly and fraudulently executed a FACTS:
false affidavit of loss
● Present petition arose from criminal complaint for ○ Memo of transfer of case from investigating
falsification of public documents against petitioners prosecutor to city prosecutor
which was filed in th MeTC ○ Copies of all documents submitted by the
● Petitioners filed a motion to dismiss the case based complainant and the respondents for
on absence of probable cause. comparison, authentication and
● MeTC dismissed the case. completeness of the photocopies
● Respondent appeals to the RTC. RTC set aside ● Abanado was not able to submit item no. 3. He
MeTC decision and directed the court to proceed to instead submitted a letter the Investigating
trial Prosecutor Jarder initially did not find probable cause
however upon Abanado’s review he found that there
ISSUE: was probable cause. So Abanado disapproved
WON there exist just and compelling reasons to warrant Jarder’s resolution and filed the information in court.
relaxation of the rules in the interest of substantial justice ● Judge Bayona was not satisfied with the resolution
based on the inconclusive and insufficient finding of probable and still did not issue the warrant. Abanado still didnt
cause submit the Jarder Resolution and Judge Bayona
cited him for contempt.
HELD: ● Complainant executed the administrative complaint
NO. It is clear that the PNP crime lab found that the with Office of the Court Administrator alleging that
signatures appearing in the Deed of Sale compared to Judge Bayona was guilty of gross ignorance of the
standard signatures were not written by one and the same law or procedure, gross misconduct and violation of
person. This fact created probable cause to indict petitioners SC Circular No. 12. He asserted that Judge Bayona
for the crime of falsification of public document. unduly burdened himself by obsessing over Jarder
resolution LOL
Probable Cause ● Judge Bayona in Counter-complaint for disbarment of
- Such facts are sufficient to engender a well-founded Prosecutor Abanado reiterated the importance of
belief that a crime has been committed and that Jarder Resolution in deciding whether to issue a
respondent is probably guilty thereof. The term does warrant of arrest
not mean "actual and positive cause" nor does it ● OCA decided that the Gellada Order which held that
import absolute certainty. It is merely based on the resolution of the City Prosecutor finding probable
opinion and reasonable belief. Probable cause does cause replaces the recommendation of the
not require an inquiry into whether there is sufficient investigating prosecutor. The recommendation no
evidence to procure a conviction. It is enough that it longer forms an integral part of the records of the
is believed that the act or omission complained of case and need not be annexed. Abanado cannot be
constitutes the offense charged. held in contempt.
- A finding of probable cause needs only to rest on ● OCA also decided Judge Bayona was not motivated
evidence showing that, more likely than not, a crime by bad faith and cannot be subject to disciplinary
has been committed by the suspects. It need not be action and be REPRIMANDED and gave a stern
based on clear and convincing evidence of guilt, not warning.
on evidence establishing guilt beyond reasonable
doubt, and definitely not on evidence establishing ISSUE:
absolute certainty of guilt. WON the Judge Bayona was guilty of the charges against
Burgundy Realty Corporation v. Reyes, 687 SCRA 524 HELD:
Who may conduct PI NO. The court finds no reason to impose the recommended
Abanado v. Bayona, 677 SCRA 595 penalty of reprimand on Judge Bayona.
● Abanado was city prosecutor who requested for a
warrant of arrest for the accused in People v. Palo We find that there is nothing in the DOJ-NPS Manual
Sr. to respondent Judge Bayona requiring the removal of a resolution by an investigating
● Judge Bayona required documents from abanado to prosecutor recommending the dismissal of a criminal
issue the warrant of arrest relevant to determine complaint after it was reversed by the provincial, city or chief
existence of probable cause state prosecutor.
○ Copy of Memorandum of Preliminary
Investigation Nonetheless, we also note that attaching such a resolution to
○ Resolution of the investigating prosecutor on an information filed in court is optional under the
record named Jarder aforementioned manual. The DOJ-NPS Manual states that
the resolution of the investigating prosecutor should be when apprehended by a family member she says
attached to the information only “as far as practicable.” Thus, that Director Tria already disposed of the property.
such attachment is not mandatory or required under the ● She was a family friend of the Trias but she never
rules. attended the wake nor made a gesture of condolence
to the family.
In view of the foregoing, the Court finds that respondent erred ● Obias denied any involvement in the killing
in insisting on the production of the Jarder Resolution when ● DOJ agreed with contention of the petitioners that
all other pertinent documents regarding the preliminary there is interlocking circumstantial evidence
investigation have been submitted to his court, and in going sufficieitn to show that respondent conspired with
so far as to motu proprio initiating a proceeding for contempt Aclan and Ona.
against complainant. ● On reconsideration, Presidential Assistant Domingo
decided that there was no interlocking circumstantial
However, not every judicial error is tantamount to ignorance evidence of conspiracy. The case was dismissed for
of the law and if it was committed in good faith, the judge lack of evidence
need not be subjected to administrative sanction. In the case ● CA denied motion for reconsideration
at bar, respondent’s act of requiring complainant to explain
why he should not be cited in contempt for his failure to ISSUE:
submit the Jarder Resolution in court was in accordance with WON the CA in affirming the OP’s reversal of the ruling of the
established rules of procedure. DOJ it is necessary to determine whether probable cause
exists to charge the respondent for conspiracy in the murder
We find no merit in the countercharges. It appears from the of Nestor Tria
records that complainant’s non-submission of the Jarder
Resolution was motivated by his honest belief that his action HELD:
was in accord with the procedures in the prosecution office.
We reverse the OP's ruling that the totality of evidence failed
to establish a prima facie case against the respondent as a
Heirs of Nestor Tria v. Obias, 635 SCRA 91 conspirator in the killing of Engr. Tria.
● Nestor Tria the Regional director of DPWH was shot To begin with, whether or not respondent actually conspired
by a gunman while waiting to board his flight in the with Aclan and Ona need not be fully resolved during the
Pili Airport in Cam Sur to Manila. He died as a result. preliminary investigation. The absence or presence of
● The NBI recommended to the provincial prosecutor conspiracy is factual in nature and involves evidentiary
the indictment of Obet ACLAN, Totoy ONA and Atty. matters. The same is better left ventilated before the trial
Fanny Obias for the murder of Engr. Tria court during trial, where the parties can adduce evidence to
● 2 weeks before the incident, ACLAN and ONA had prove or disprove its presence.
already been stalking Nestor Tria in his office from
time to time. Preliminary investigation is executive in character. It
● On the day of the incident, ACLAN and ONA were in does not contemplate a judicial function. It is essentially
the office where they were informed by the Admin an inquisitorial proceeding, and often, the only means of
Officer that those who seek the signature of the ascertaining who may be reasonably charged with a
director should proceed to the Pili Airport. CANEBA a crime.
DPWH employee noticed a man was looking
intensely at him, ACLAN. ACLAN was trying to Prosecutors control and direct the prosecution of criminal
ascertain if he was Tria. offenses, including the conduct of preliminary investigation,
● Tria after signing documents in the parking lot, went subject to review by the Secretary of Justice. The duty of the
to the pre-departure area where he was greeted by Court in appropriate cases is merely to determine whether
Atty. Fanny who shok this hand. It was at this the executive determination was done without or in excess of
juncture that a gunshot was heard and Tria dropped jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion. Resolutions of
like a log with a gunshot wound to the back of his the Secretary of Justice are not subject to review unless
head. made with grave abuse.
● Atty Fanny Obias was the lawyer who brokered a
sale of real estate with the spouses Tria. she The following facts and circumstances established during
received full payment of 2.8 million in behalf of the preliminary investigation were sufficient basis to incite
trias. When Director Nestor Tria died, the family went reasonable belief in respondent's guilt: (a) Motive -
after her but she was always nowhere to be found, respondent had credible reason to have Engr. Tria killed
because of the impending criminal prosecution for estafa In People v. Lopez, et al., Judge Javellana conducted a
from her double sale of his lot prior to his death, judging from preliminary investigation even when it was not required or
the strong interest of Engr. Tria's family to run after said justified.
property and/or proceeds of the second sale to a third party;
(b) Access - respondent was close to Engr. Tria's family and The Revised Rule on Summary Procedure does not provide
familiar with his work schedule, daily routine and other for a preliminary investigation prior to the filing of a criminal
transactions which could facilitate in the commission of the case under said Rule. A criminal case within the scope of the
crime eventually carried out by a hired gunmen, one of whom Rule shall be commenced in the following manner:
(Aclan) she and her father categorically admitted being in her
company while she visited Engr. Tria hours before the latter SEC. 11. How commenced. – The filing of criminal cases
was fatally shot at the airport; (c) Suspicious Behavior -- falling within the scope of this Rule shall be either by
respondent while declaring such close personal relationship complaint or by information; Provided, however, That in
with Engr. Tria and even his family, failed to give any Metropolitan Manila and in Chartered Cities, such cases shall
satisfactory explanation why she reacted indifferently to the be commenced only by information, except when the offense
violent killing of her friend while they conversed and shook cannot be prosecuted de oficio.
hands at the airport. Indeed, a relative or a friend would not
just stand by and walk away from the place as if nothing The complaint or information shall be accompanied by the
happened, as what she did, nor refuse to volunteer affidavits of the complainant and of his witnesses in such
information that would help the authorities investigating the number of copies as there are accused plus two (2) copies
crime, considering that she is a vital eyewitness. Not even a for the court’s files. If this requirement is not complied with
call for help to the people to bring her friend quickly to the within five (5) days from date of filing, the case may be
hospital. She would not even dare go near Engr. Tria's body dismissed.
to check if the latter was still alive.
SEC. 12. Duty of Court. –
Probable cause is defined as the existence of such facts and
circumstances as would excite the belief in a reasonable (a) If commenced by complaint. – On the basis of the
mind, acting on the facts within the knowledge of the complaint and the affidavits and other evidence
prosecutor, that the person charged was guilty of the crime accompanying the same, the court may dismiss the case
for which he was prosecuted. outright for being patently without basis or merit and order the
release of the accused if in custody.

Procedure in Metro Manila v. Outside Metro (b) If commenced by information. – When the case is
Manila commenced by information, or is not dismissed pursuant to
the next preceding paragraph, the court shall issue an order
Uy v. Javellana, 680 SCRA 13 which, together with copies of the affidavits and other
evidence submitted by the prosecution, shall require the
Judge Javellana’s issuance of a Warrant of Arrest for the accused to submit his counter-affidavit and the affidavits of
accused in People v. Cornelio is in violation of Section 16 of his witnesses as well as any evidence in his behalf, serving
the Revised Rule on Summary Procedure, categorically copies thereof on the complainant or prosecutor not later than
stating that “[t]he court shall not order the arrest of the ten (10) days from receipt of said order. The prosecution may
accused except for failure to appear whenever required.” file reply affidavits within ten (10) days after receipt of the
Judge Javellana never claimed that the accused failed to counter-affidavits of the defense.
appear at any hearing. His justification that the accused was
wanted for the crime of attempted homicide, being tried in SEC. 13. Arraignment and trial. – Should the court, upon a
another case, Crim. Case No. 04-096, is totally unacceptable consideration of the complaint or information and the
and further indicative of his ignorance of law. People v. affidavits submitted by both parties, find no cause or ground
Cornelio, pending before Judge Javellana’s court as Crim. to hold the accused for trial, it shall order the dismissal of the
Case No. 04-097, is for malicious mischief, and is distinct and case; otherwise, the court shall set the case for arraignment
separate from Crim. Case No. 04-096, which is for attempted and trial.
homicide, although both cases involved the same accused.
Proceedings in one case, such as the issuance of a warrant If the accused is in custody for the crime charged, he shall be
of arrest, should not be extended or made applicable to the immediately arraigned and if he enters a plea of guilty, he
other. shall forthwith be sentenced.
Section 1, Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of Criminal be delivered to the nearest police station and proceeded
Procedure only requires that a preliminary investigation be against in accordance with Rule 112, Section 7. Under said
conducted before the filing of a complaint or information for Section 7, Rule 112, the prosecuting officer can file the
an offense where the penalty prescribed by law is at least Information in court without a preliminary investigation, which
four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day without regard was done in the accused-appellant's case.
to the fine. As has been previously established herein, the
maximum penalty imposable for malicious mischief in People Since the records do not show whether the accused-
v. Lopez, et al. is just six (6) months. appellant asked for a preliminary investigation after the case
had been filed in court, as in fact, the accused-appellant
signified his readiness to be arraigned, the Court can only
The Revised Rule on Summary Procedure has been in effect conclude that he waived his right to have a preliminary
since November 15, 1991. It finds application in a substantial investigation, when he did, in fact, pleaded "Not Guilty" upon
number of civil and criminal cases pending before Judge his arraignment.
Javellana’s court. Judge Javellana cannot claim to be
unfamiliar with the same. Quantum of evidence
1. Probable cause v. Prima facie
There is no sufficient evidence to hold Judge Javellana
PCGG v. Navarro-Gutierrez, 773 SCRA
administratively liable for the other charges against him
De Lima v. Reyes, 779 SCRA
contained in the complaint. Yet, we call Judge Javellana’s
attention to several matters pointed out by the OCA, that if
left unchecked, may again result in another administrative
complaint against the judge:
(1) notices of hearing issued by Judge Javellana’s court must
state the specific time, date, and place;

(2) in case Judge Javellana is unable to attend a hearing for

any reason, he must inform his Clerk of Court as soon as
possible so that the latter can already cancel the hearing and
spare the parties, counsels, and witnesses from waiting[52];

(3) he must take care in ascertaining the facts and according

due process to the parties concerned before levying charges
of incompetence or indifference against the PAO lawyers
appearing before his court.

1. When applied

Waiver of Art. 125 of the RPC

People v. Valencia, 214 SCRA 89

● "Where there is smoke, there is a fire!" is an old
saying which is applicable in the appeal at bar
considering that the accused-appellant was convicted
mainly on circumstantial evidence.

The accused-appellant decries the fact that he was denied

the right of preliminary investigation. This is not true.

A person who is lawfully arrested, without a warrant pursuant

to paragraph 1(b), Section 5, Rule 113, Rules of Court should

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