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Asking and Giving

The Purposes of Today's Lesson
At the end of the lesson, the participants are expected to:

1.Be able to understand the vocabulary related to directions.

2.Be able to comprehend the content of the video.
3.Be able to read the dialogue and pronounce the words in it correctly.
4.Be active in the breakout room speaking sessions.
3.Lead in Questions
4.Vocabulary bank
5.Listening for gist
6.Listen and watch a video
7.Practice reading the dialog
8.Exercise 1
9.Exercise 2
10.Breakout room questions

Let's say, you are lost in the middle of a downtown

while going sightseeing and nobody is there. What
would you do to find directions?
Matching the words below with their similar words!

To look for Road

Get to somewhere Turn left

Street Go forward

Go ahead Search

Take the left Go somewhere

Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Meaning Example Sentence

1.Wonder Ingin tahu I need help. I'm wondering if you could help me?

2. Look for Mencari I'm looking for my wallet.

3. Lost Tersesat My younger sister was lost at the mall when she was 6 years old.

Menuju ke suatu
4. Get to somewhere Let's just ask people how to get to the bank.

5. Located Terletak My friend's house is located on Lily street.

Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Meaning Example Sentence

6. Wrong way Jalan yang salah Oh my god! We are definitely going the wrong way.

Jalan yang
7. Opposite way Someone told us to walk the opposite way.

8. Keep Tetap/Terus Keep going straight and you will find the fire station.

9. Along Mengikuti You need to walk along this street for 300 meters.

10. Left-hand side Sebelah kiri When you see a store on your left-hand side, turn right.
Listening for gist

1. According to what the man said, where should the woman walk instead?

2. After seeing the fire station on the left-hand side, where should the woman turn?
I’m lost
The woman: “Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me?

The man : “Sure!”

The woman: “I’m looking for this address: 19 Grant Street. But, I think I’m lost. I
have no idea how to get there. Do you know where this address is located?

The man: Hmm, let me think. Ah! You’re going the wrong way. You need to walk
the opposite way.

The woman: “Walk the opposite way?”

The man: “Yes, the opposite way. Keep walking along this street for around 300
meters until you see a fire station on your left-hand side. Then, take the next left.
That will be Grant Street. From there, you can easily find number 19.

The woman: “Thank you so much”

The man: “Don’t mention it”

Choose the correct answers!
1. Based on the video, what has happened to the woman?
a. She is lost b. She is tired c. She wants some food

2. What was the next thing that she did?

a. Checking a compass b. Asking the man the directions c. Opening up google maps

3. Where was the address that she looked for?

a. 19 Grant Street b. 15 Round Street
c. 19 Mirabella Street

4. How far should the woman walk until she saw the fire station?
a. she should walk around 10 km b. She should walk around 300 Meters
c. She should walk around 800 Meters
Rearrange the words below into correct sentences!

5. Was - wondering - could - me? - help - I - you - if

6. the - way - wrong - You - going - are

7. you - Do - know - located? - address - is - where - this

8. is - the fire station - on your left-hand side

Breakout Room
1.Join the breakout room as soon as you are invited.
2.Take turn to ask and answer all of the questions.
3.One participant can start answering the question number 1, then
he/she can ask another participant in the breakout room
4.All of the participants in the breakout room have to answer the
question number 1, then they can continue to the next question.
1. How do you usually get to a place if you don't know the way? Explain.
2. Do you think there are still some people who use paper maps to know directions?
Tell us the reasons.
3. Have you ever got lost before? Explain and tell us how you could get lost.
4. If somebody get lost, what is the first thing you think they should do?
5. Have you ever helped someone that is lost by giving directions to them? Explain
to us how you help them.
6. Which type of directions do you often use when you ask or give directions? Do

you use the non-cardinal directions such as "right, left, forward, and backward"
more or the cardinal directions such as "north, south, east, and west" more?
7. Are there any stores or supermarkets near your house? Can you try to explain
how to get there?

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