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rocess or service, with the aim of improving efficiency, y or competitive advantage. ee ra tis meine Gaiden for Fs example, a process, a product, or a service. ... Innovation ieentigs poet a product, Cea seats teamed BUD e ee Ing new proces: ETCCRE CEO ishing successful ideas to create new value. techniques, or est Why is innovation so important? * Organizations have several options to increase their competitiveness: they can strive for price leadership or develop a strategy of differentiation. In both cases, innovation is essential. Companies that choose price leadership must secure their long-term competitiveness by developing innovative, highly efficient processes. Process optimization and continuous improvement in terms of costs are important for them. aN Companies that strive for a diffe DVCAM CBT CNEL on) PATEK erste L ORO Mueln asics EMSC Tet yy UO MUTE Canoe COCO) nem T enon yecelttas or sé! fos The Innovation Innovation requires more creativity and more willingness to take risks than the implementation of typical ~ projects. ¢ To successfully realize innovation projects, a different mindset is needed. ht Mindset r Break the rules! With traditional approaches and conventional methods, you will often not get anywhere in the field of innovation. © Challenge the status quo consistently! And explore new paths off the beaten track. Collect ideas everywhere! Cc © Innovation projects constantly need | new ideas: To overcome obstacles, to change concepts, and to optimize _ strategies. | Put together an innovation team of individuals with different perspectives and thinking styles! Innovationneeds the diversity of various competencies and diverse ways of thinking. ae — Process Innovation Co) Process innovation is about implementing a new or improved production or delivery approach, including changes in operational methods, the techniques used and the equipment or software. Examples of process innovations: The first firms betting on SaaS (software as a service) technology, and using, for instance, cloud contact centers from Jalkdesk, changed the way their customer support processes used to be organized The first hotels that decided to make decisions based on big data using, for instance, insights from the Climber Hotel, made changes on their decision-making approach > + Product innovation is the introduction of a new or improved good or service. + These inventions or changes may have to do with improving technical specifications, the materials or the software used or even advancing on UX (user Product experience). LC aT a Reo innovations don’t need to Innovation —ESehitterenh ss —— specifications. + An improvement to or addition of a new function can also be merged with a loss of other functions or the downgrade of some other specifications. * Moreover, a product innovation musyq@d available to potential users but doesn’t necessarily need to generate sales * Because if it did, then innovations with low demand or, for instance, digital products like apps that are free would be excluded. At the same time, routine changes or updates aren’t considered product innovations as they are only correcting errors or making some seasonal changes Examples of product innovations: The first electric vehicles introduced in the car's market were also an innovation, and new batteries with longer ranges that keep coming outare also an example of innovation Marketing Innovation Marketing innovation means developing a new marketing strategy that produces changes in, for instance, the way a product is designed or packed, or even other decisions regarding price or promotion. Eco-innovation And The Sustainability Approach: A 5th Type Of Innovation * Eco-innovation is an innovation resulting in significant progress towards the 2030 goals sustainable development established by the UN. « In practice, it means reducing the impacts of our production modes on the environment, improving nature’s resilience to environmental stresses, or achieving a larger efficient and responsible use of natural resources. * ithelps to address challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity. Creativity Examples of creative thinking skills include: problem solving, writing, visual art, communication skills, and open- mindedness. 1) Deliberate and Cognitive creativity ‘Types of Creativity 16 + People who possess deliberate and cognitive characteristics are purp: iE + They have a great amount of knowledge about aparticular subjectand combine theirskills and capabilitiesto prepare a course of action to achieve something. + This type of creativity built when people work foravery long time ina particulararea. + People who are categorized as deliberate and DY emotional let their work influenced by their state of lib emotions. + These types of creative people are very emotional De 1 Poe ues and sensitive in nature. mG etel + These individuals prefer relatively quiet and a onal time to reflect and they usually have a Emotional fiabit of diary writing, CHE + However, they are equally logical and rational Cre Pie awL ay indecision making. . taneous and emotional creativity takes ost the “amygdala” part of the human brain. 4) + Amygdala is responsible for all emotional type of Spontaneous thinkingin the human brain. + Spontaneous ideasand creativity happen when And conscious and Prefrontal brain is resting. Emotional + This type of creativity is mostly found in a great artistsuch as musicians, painters, and writers Creativity ete. Spontaneous and (ereiieiya Coweta hala oe wit + There are times when you spend a long time to crack a problem but can't think of any solution. + For example, when you want to make a schedule for a month to get a job done, but you can’t seem to think of any possible way and when you are watching television and having your relaxed time and suddenly you think of a Solution and everything falls in place. + The same case happened with the great scientist Isaac Newton. + He got the idea about the law of gravity when an apple hit his head while he was sitting under a tree and relaxing. in Components of Crea + The method or idea must be new and unique. It 2. should not be the extension of something, whi 1) Originality alread exists. However, one can take ae a i already existent methods and ideas to fans © Something new and unique. + Another important component of creativity is its 2) functionality. A creative idea must work and produce results, otherwise, the whole ea will be atitastoitleiagae invain. Difference between Creativity & Innovation Core ee CEO ECR RECs Ut Discsrce Oe eater met ent ee get Tr Creativity is the novel step of being the first to identify that something might be SR se Cee ears RU eer Romer mince ce re tuste | pli BUTE Reo See ue AERC eC ROR Ceo y Amen Piraril ci memo tTRom tmnt m chen echt m te eta Cite tt totes about introducing change into relatively stable systems. It's also concerned with the work required to make an idea viable. * Over the-last-decades, innovation and°¢reativity have become critical skills for achieving success in developed economies. The need for creative problem solving has arisen as more and more management problems require creative insights in orderto find suitable solutions. Creativity and innovation within a well-run companies have always been recognized as a sure path to success. Stimulating creativity and exploring completely new and unknown before territories lead as result to increasing the productivity of the organization. Encouraging the employees to think outside of the box and giving them time and resources to explore new areas for innovative ideas is the key to cost-effective business solutions. liane ff recess of Design fhinking oe 5 STEPS OF THE DESIGN THINKING PROCESS + The Design Thinking process starts | with empathy. In order to create desirable products and services, you need to understand who your users are and what they need. ” + Whatare their expectations in relation to the product youre designing? + What challenges and pain-points do they | face within this context? {sii si mmammamaanmamamaalallatea eimai a, In the second stage of the Design Thinking process, you'll define the user problem that you want to solve. + First, you'll gather all of your findings from the empathize phase and start piecing them together. + What common themes and patterns did you observe? + What user needs and challenges consistently came up? + The third stage in the Design Thinking process consists of ideation—or generating ideas. + By this point, you know who your target 3 CJ usersare and what they want from your product. ifclehus +» You also have a clear problem statement i that you're hoping to solve. Nowit’s time to come up with possible solutions. -In the fourth stage of the Design } process, you'll turn your | ideas from stage three into prototypes. - A prototype is essentially a scaled- down version of a product or feature— be it a simple paper model or a more interactive digital representation. I TTT EET + The fifth step in the Design Thinking processis dedicated to testing: + putting your prototypesin front of real Tpersendsecinghow they geton. « During the testing phase, you'll observe your target users—or representative users—as they interact with your prototype. + You'llalso gather feedback on how your users felt throughout the process. Implementing Design Thinking Process to drive innovation | Design thinking is linked to creai in improved future and seeks to | build ideas up — unlike critical thinking, which breaks them down. ... Design thinking informs human centered innovation and begins with developing an understanding of customers' or users’ unmet or unarticulated needs. 4 Steps to Implementing Design Thinking at Your Organization + Focus on the problem. ... » Develop design thinking skills on your team. ... « Have (or start having) more debriefs. ... « Embrace the feedback loop.

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