MWMS Manual

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The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS).

Reference to use:
Gagné, M., Forest, J., Vansteenkiste, M., Crevier-Braud, L., Van den Broeck, A. et al. (in
press). The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven
languages and nine countries. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

**It is free to use the MWMS if it is for academic research purposes. It is not allowed to use
the scale for commercial purposes, such as paid consultation.**

Amotivation (A1-A3)
Am1 I don't, because I really feel that I'm wasting my time at work
Am2 I do little because I don’t think this work is worth putting effort into.
Am3 I don’t know why I’m doing this job, it’s pointless work.
Extrinsic Regulation – Social (E1-E3)
Ext-Soc1 To get others’ approval (e.g., supervisor, colleagues, family, clients...).
Ext -Soc2 Because others will respect me more (e.g., supervisor, colleagues, family,
Ext –Soc3 To avoid being criticized by others (e.g., supervisor, colleagues, family,
Extrinsic Regulation – Material (E4-E6)
Ext-Mat1 Because others will reward me financially only if I put enough effort into my
job (e.g., employer, supervisor...).
Ext-Mat2 Because others offer me greater job security if I put enough effort into my job
(e.g., employer, supervisor…).
Ext –Mat3 Because I risk losing my job if I don’t put enough effort in it.
Introjected Regulation (J1-J4)
Introj1 Because I have to prove to myself that I can.
Introj2 Because it makes me feel proud of myself.
Introj3 Because otherwise I will feel ashamed of myself.
Introj4 Because otherwise I will feel bad about myself.
Identified Regulation (D1-D3)
Ident1 Because I personally consider it important to put effort into this job.
Ident2 Because putting effort into this job aligns with my personal values.
Ident3 Because putting effort into this job has personal significance to me.
Intrinsic Motivation (I1-I3)
Intrin1 Because I have fun doing my job.
Intrin2 Because what I do in my work is exciting.
Intrin3 Because the work I do is interesting.
Note. The stem is “Why do you or would you put effort into your current job?” and is
accompanied by the scale: 1= not at all for this reason; 2= very little; 3 = a little; 4 =
moderately; 5 = strongly; 6 = very strongly; 7= completely for this reason.

**It is recommended that you mix the items in your questionnaire.**

Scoring methods are described in the following article:

Howard, J., Gagné, M., Van den Broeck, A., Guay, F., Chatzisarantis, N., Ntoumanis, N., &
Pelletier, L. G. (2020). A review and empirical comparison of scoring methods: An
application to self-determination theory. Motivation and Emotion, 44, 534-548.
The MWMS is also available in the following languages. Please contact Jacques Forest at to obtain a copy of the scale in languages other than English.

 French  Greek
 German  Italian
 Dutch  Spanish
 Indonesian  Swedish
 Arabic  Norwegian
 Chinese (Mandarin)  Polish
 Portuguese

Psychometric information

Standardized pattern coefficients ranged from 0.48 to 0.96 across the three languages. Out of
35 alpha coefficients (five subscales in 7 languages), only 2 (identified and introjected
regulation in German) were below .70, and a majority were above .80.

Fit Statistics

RMSE RMSEA 90% Model

Language N S-Bχ2 df CFI
French 790 463.94 .93 .054 .048, .059 181.94
Final model English 568 509.96 .90 .068 .062, .074 227.96
Dutch 530 231.78 .97 .035 .027, .043 50.22
Configural English and 188 41
1400.01 .91 .061 .058, .065 566.01
Invariance Dutch 8 7
Metric English and 188 44
1550.14 .90 .063 .060, .066 664.14
Invariance Dutch 8 3
Structural English and 188 46
1732.58 .90 .066 .063, .069 806.58
Invariance Dutch 8 3
Note. S-B = Satorra–Bentler; df = degrees of freedom; CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA
= root mean square error of approximation; CI = confidence interval; Model AIC = Akaike’s
information criterion.

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