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3 BIOLOGY In which part of human digestive tract common bile ducts opens? a Stomach b Liver ©. Duodenum a Rectum ‘The neurons has capacity to generate and conduct impulses which travel across the: a Synapse and pass from the receptors to effectors » Effectors and pass from the synapse to receptors Synapse and pass from the effectors to receptor 4 Receptors and pass from the synapse to effectors Which letter shows the site that controls heart rate and breathing rate? HCL is the main component of gastrie juice and is secreted by : a Mucus secreting cells b Zymogen cells © Goblet cells ad Oxyntic cells % age of CO2 carried as carboxyhaemoglobin is: a 5% b © 20% a In the given diagram the structure A represents: 10. ML Capillaries Lacteals, Epithelium Artery Pick up the correct sequence of events right from production up to the action of oxytocin: a. Posterior pituitary — hypothalamus, nerves —* smooth muscles of uterus b. Posterior pituitary — nerves — hypo- thalamus —> smooth muscles of uterus ©" Hypothalamus + nerves + posterior Pituitary — smooth muscles of uterus Hypothalamus —+ posterior pituitary nerves — smooth muscles of uterus Blood returning from the lungs enters into which chamber of heart ? a Right atrium b Left atrium © Left ventricle 4 Right ventricle ‘The hormone, produced by the corpus luteum, and promotes the development of the uterine lining in females is called: a LH b FSH Progesterone 4. Estrogen irst line of defense against pathogens is provided by: a Skin and mucous membrane Phagocytes, Antimicrobial proteins Inflammatory responses ‘The effect of reversible competitive inhibition is neutralized by: ‘a Decrease the concentration of enzyme 12, 13. Mu 16. 18, Increase the concentration of inhibitor , Increase the concentration of substrate 4 Decrease the concentration of substrate 2nd m \n in oocyte is completed: a. When an ovum is discharged from the ovary ‘When an oocyte is fertilized by sperm © Just before fertilization 4 Before the onset of menstruation ‘The type of muscle present in our: a. Heart is involuntary and unstriated smooth muscle Intestine is striated and involuntary ‘Thigh is striated and voluntary 4 Upper arm is smooth muscle and fusiform in shape Which of the following is true regarding expiration? a It isanactive process. b Caused by contraction of external intercostal muscles Relaxation of diaphragm making:itdome shaped. 4. Sternum will move outward and upward ‘The function of calcium ions in muscle contractio Bind to troponin molecule and cause them to move b Aid in the transmission of nerve impulse © Polarize visible light 4 Bind to tropomyosin molecule and cause them to form cross bridges ‘Zn¥? is an inorganic activator of: a Phosphatase b Carbonic anhydrase © Enterokinase 4 RNA polymerase Darwin’s theory of evolution was mainly based on the evidence from the: a Geographical distribution of species b Fossil record © Population genetics 4 Geographical distribution of species and fossil record Optimum pH for trypsin is: a 68 > 80 21 19. 20. 21. 24. « 20 45S ‘The theory that explains evolution of chondria and chloroplast on the ba: ‘of two separate mutually beneficial invasions of prokaryotic cells is called: a Catastrophism b. Recapitulation © Membrane invagination 4. Endosymbiotic theory Four identical samples of plant tissue, each with a water potential of 700 Kpa are placed in four different solution which Solution induces full plasmolysis with in tissue? a -200Kpa b. -700Kpa © -1000Kpa 4. -400Kpa All of the following is true regarding enzymes except: aveThey are act at specific PH They increase the activation energy in chemical reaction ©. They are act at specific temperature de They are Thermoliable ‘The aetion potential developed locally spreads along the entire neurolemma. This b. Action Potential © Propagation of Impulse & Synapse Forelimbs of human, cat’s paw and front flipper of whale are examples of: a Vestigial organs Analogous organs Homologous organs Rudimentary organs By the reconciliation of Mendelism and Darwinism, a comprehensive theory of evolution was developed, that became to be known as: a Moder synthesis, b. Neo synthesis, Modern Darwinism 4. Neo Darwinism 26. 21. 28, 29. 31. Synthesis of ATP during Glycolysis is occurs vi a Substrate level phosphorylation b Cyclic Photophosphorylation ©. Oxidative phosphorylation 4 Non-Cyelie Photophosphorylation Oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from? a Water b Oxygen © CO 4 Water + CO: Some cells of the hypothalamus secrete a hormone that stored in the nerve endings located in the posterior pituitary acts on the mammary glands and uterus, Name this hormone: a Prolactin b ACTH © ADH @ Oxytocin is a free swimming larva. which is ciliated ,reciprocally type of different enidai a Grubs > Planula © maggots 4 Amphiblastula A hormone secreted from the thyroid gland response to the raised blood Calcium evel. What is the name and function of this hormone? a. PTH, To decrease blood Calcium level b Calcitonin , To decrease blood Calcium level ©. Caleitonin , To increase blood Caleium level 4 PTH, To inerease blood Calcium level Infolds or invaginations in cell membrane are used for following functions, EXCEPT: a Exocytosis b Phagocytosis © Microvilli formation 4 Pinoeytosis ‘The endoplasmic reticulum that stores calcium inside its lumen is called: a Smooth endoplasmic reticulum b Rough endoplasmic reticulum © Sarcoplasmic reticulum 131 4. Myoplasmic reticulum 32. An activated enzyme consisting of polypeptide chain and a cofactor is known as: a Apoenzyme b. Holoenzyme ¢ Co-enzyme 4 Pseudo enzyme 33. Which type of blood vessel(s) contain(s) valves? a Artery b. Vein «Capillary 4. Lymph vessel ¢ Both Band D 34. Find the correct order about systemic circulation? a Right ventricle —> Aorta —rbody systems b Left ventricle —-Pulmonary artery—+ Lungs Left ventricle Aorta—rbody systems ‘deRight ventricle Pulmonary artery—> Lungs 35, In Drosophila the dominant allele for Normal wing is V and recessive allele for ‘YVestigial wing is v. The dominant allele for body color Gray is B and recessive allele for body color Black is b, Ifa heterozygous (for both traits ) fly is crossed with a homozygous recessive . Provided that there is no crossing over takes place at this time. ‘The result of this cross will be: a. All offsprings are heterozygous (gray bodied , normal winged). b. All offsprings are homozygous (gray bodied , normal winged) © 50% offsprings are homozygous (gray bodied,normal winged) & 50% offsprings are homozygous recessive (black bodied , vestigial winged), 4. 50% offprings are heterozygous (gray bodied , normal winged) & 50% offsprings are homozygous recessive (Black bodied , vestigial winged) 36. Bones present in the shank are known as: a Tibia and Fibula b. Radius and Ulna ¢ Ilium , Ischium and Pubis 4. Tarsals and Metatarsals 37. 38, 3. A Identify purine and pyrimic following: e e 4 e “ Cr f roe a. aand b purine, ¢, d and e pyrimidines b. dand b purine, ¢, a and e pyrimidines © aande purine, ¢, d and b pyrimidines 4. aand c purine, b, d and e pyrimidines Which of the following produces thé inale sex hormone? a Rete testis b Seminiferous tubule Leydig cell Scrotum Fever is___ defence against Specific; Physical injuries b Non-specific; Microbial infections ©. Non-specific; Physical injuries 4 Specific, Microbial infections ‘The above diagram represent the process a. Metabolism b. Hydrolysis Condensation d, Neutralization Peripheral spinal nerves are formed by: a Vemtal root b. Dorsal root ganglion i 2. B. 44, 45 46. 47. Merging of Ventral and Dorsal root 4. Dorsal root ‘Type of joint shown in this diagram is Pivot joint Ball and socket joint Hinge joint Fixed joint From which structure is a mesosome derived from? a Plasmid b. Cell wall c Ribosome 4€ell membrane In prokaryotic e¢ a 70S b 80S © 60S +408 ‘d-S0S + 40S s, ribosomes are: Which of these structures is used in bacterial transformation? Plasmid Cell membrane Ribosomes Genomie DNA Bundle of long and parallel closely packed multinucleated cells of skeletal muscles are known as: a Sarcolemma b Muscle fibers « Myofibrils 4d Sarcomere A virus is made up of. a Protein coat and nucleic acid b. Protein coat and mitochondria c. Nucleic acid and cell membrane 4. Nucleic acid, cell wall and cell membrane 49. a All of the following have bilateral symmetry except: a Mollusca b Annelida Nemathelminthes 4 Cnidarians Hepatitis is generally characterized as: Inflammation of stomach b Inflammation of liver © Inflammation of small intestine @ Allofthese HIV causes AID! It is characterized by the Decrease in the number of eytotoxie T cells » Decrease in the number of helper T cells Increase in the number of helper T cells 4 Increase in the number of memory T cells Light dependent reaction ean produce: a NADPH and ATP in mitochondria b Oxygen ©. Oxygen, ATP and NADPH 4 AandC L-band consists of: a Only thin filaments b Only Thick filaments Thick and Thin filaments d Allofthese What is the role of oxygen in cellular respiration? a Itacts as primary electron acceptor b It acts as final electron acceptor © Itacts as primary electron donor 4 It isan initial-product Flagella are the extremely thin appendages. ‘They help in the motility of a bacteria. They are made up of flagellin protein with how many microtubules? b d What is the location of gene of haemophilia? a Itis located on autosome no.21 bItis located on X chromosome Is ©. Itis located on Y chromosome 4. Itis located on both X and Y chromosomes 56. Find the mismatched Option | Column Re Column: Rha Green podin pea plant [AB blood group Haemophilic female 57. Thyroid stimulating hormone levels: a Would be raised ina patients with Hyperthyroidism, b. Would be low in patients with Hypothyroidism ¢ Would be unaffected in Hyperthyroidism 4 Would be high in patient with Hypothyroidism 58. The below pedigree analysis of a family shows that individual-no. 1 is a carrier of heiiophilia, What is the genotype of individual no.6 and 7 respectively? Zz 12 6= XX" 7=XOXh OXY, 72 XY 59. A couple has three girls, the percentage to be girl is: 60, 62. 63, Herpes Shingles is caused by: a Reo Viruses > Parvo viruses © Medium-Genome and Large-Genome DNA viruses 4 Minus-strand RNA Viruses ich of the following is a compensation point: Leaves respire and utilize O2 and release COr Photosynthesis and respiration occur at the same rate, So there is no net exchange of gases between atmosphere and plants ©The rate of photosynthesis increases, so does the O2 production, with a net release of oxygen coupled with the uptake of COs 4. The rate of respiration becomes more than the rate of photosynthesis Find the right statement about thickness of walls of heart chambers. Atria are thicker than ventricles; b Left atrium is thicker than right venificle Left ventricle is thicker than right ventricle 4. Alllchambers of heart have same thickness Right atrium is thicker than right ventricle ind the right choice for the right series of ‘Z-scheme observed in photosynthesis. a NADPH — P700 — cytochrome bf complex — P680 — water b Water — P700 — cytochrome bf complex > P680 > NADPH «NADPH — P680 — cytochrome bf complex ~» P700 —> water 4 Water —> P700 — cytochrome bf complex —> P680 > NADPH © Water —> P680 — cytochrome bf complex —» P700 > NADPH ‘The above diagram shows structures related to Nucleus. The structure labeled as help in the formation of Ribosomes and the structure labeled as helps in the transportation of ribosomes in the cytoplasm respectively. {6} 66. 67. 68. lined by the germinal epithelium con: of: a. spermatids b. cells of Sertoli © Spermatogonium 4. spermatocytes A man with blood group “A” marries a woman of blood group “B”. Both are heterozygous. What is the off-springs having phenotype “O” a Zero b. 25% © 50% a 75% A pea plant with yellow seed was crossed to a plant having green seeds. What will happen in FI; if plants are true breeding: a. All seeds will be yellow b. Half of the seeds will be yellow © All the seeds will be green 4. Both will be present in the ratio of 1:2:1 How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are present in Pisum sativun a Five pairs b. Six pairs © Seven pairs 4. Bight pairs CHEMISTRY 69. Which of the following organic compound answer both Iodo form test and Fehling’s test? a Ethanal b Prop none © Ethanol 4 Methanol 70. ()2Cs41100s+11,0 Enzyme A— Culln01+Hb0 Enzyme B—> 2Cdl0. Calli20« Enzyme € —- 2C:11,011+CO: Enzyme-A | Enzyme-B | Enzyme-C A [Zymase | Maltase Diastase B | Maltase | Surcease Zymase © |Diastase | Surcease Zymase D TDiastase — [Maltase Zymase ‘The molecular formula of ether is: a Chan b CnHan+10 © CnHant20 4 CnHanOCnH2n 2 CO +Con HNOs —-> HEAT ‘ x [ th, 73. Which of the following has high boiling 171 74. 75. 76. 71. 78. 7. 80. Diethyl ether Ethyl alcohol Methyl alcohol Acetone Which of the following outer transition show oxidation state up to +7? Mn Fe Cr Ni Electronic configuration of a transition element X is +3 oxidation state in [Ar] 3d" atomic number of X and element Tollen’s reagent is: a Magnesium complex b. Iron complex ‘ee Chromium complex 4 Cobalt complex. Silver complex Tra because: ‘a they absorb electromagnetic radiations b. their penultimate d-subshells are fully filled © of ded transition 4 none of the above n metals are generally coloured One of them is not an alkali metal, mark it? a Francium b. Caesium © Rubidium 4 Radium Metallic character depends on, 2 a Electron Affinity b Ionization energy ¢ Electronegativity 4 All of these Isoelectronie species have same a. electronic configuration b. Tonic size c Reactivity 4 PH 81. 82, 85. 86. 87. The deliquescence is a property in which a solid: a Absorbs moisture and remains solid b Absorbs moisture and turns to liquid form Loses water of erystallization 4 Increases the number of water of crystallization To remove am electron from an atom is always, 2 a. Exothermie process » Endothermic Process © Neutral 4 Energy wasted ‘The second ionization potential of alkali metals are very high due to: a. Being s-block elements b Inert gas configurations © ns electronic configuration 4 Being metals Which of the following famil plant ashes ? a Nitrogen Family b Alkali metals © Rare earth metals 4 Oxygen Family Ked with, According to vital force theory: a Organic compounds can be synthesized from inorganic compounds b. organic compounds cannot be synthesized from inorganic compounds © organic compounds can be synthesized by animals, organic compounds can be synthesized by plants ‘The correet electronic configuration of Cr [Arjas? 3a [Ar] 45°34" [Arjas?3¢° [Arjas'3® b 4 Which of the following is Baeyer’s reagent? Acidified KMnOs Alkaline KMnOs Acidified KoCr207 Aqueous KMnOs 88. Which of the following I not characteristic of alcohols? a They are lighter than water b. Their boiling points rise fairly uniformly with increasing molecular weight Lower members insoluble in water and organic solvents but solubility regularly increases with molecular weight 4 Lower members have pleasant smell and burning taste, while higher members are codourless and tasteless 89, The general formula of cycloalkene is: a Calan b CnH2n+2 © CaH2nel 4 CnH2n-2 90. Which one of the following compounds shows intense knocking: a N-pentane b. Iso-heptane © Is0-oetane d. Neheptane o. Th industrial processes, transi and their oxides are used as: a Aurfactants beclnsecticides «Catalyst Any of them 92, Which set of hybridization states of C1, C2, and N of the following molecule is correct? ci C2 CI sp2, C2 sp3, N sp3 CI sp2, C2 sp2, N sp3 CI sp2, C2 sp2, N sp2 Cl sp2, C2 sp3, N sp2 93. Find the i nucleophile: ‘a A nucleophile is a Lewis acid b. Nucleophiles do not seek electron «Ammonia is a nucleophile \correct statement for a 4. 9s. 7. 98, ”. 4 Nucleophiles attack low electron density sites Which configuration of the following belongs to d-block element? a [Xe] 4f14, 5d1 632 b [Xe]6s2, 5d10, 4f14, 6p3 [Xe] 62, Sd10, 4f14, 6p2 ad [Xe] 632, Sdl 41 [Xe] 652, 53, 4f14 Incorrect statement of following is: Properties of elements are a periodic function of atomic weights b Mendeleev’s table had no position for isotopes ©. Lothar Meyer’s table contained eight groups 4. Periodicity of elements depends upon electronic configuration © Inperiodic table the elements just after zero group elements are alkali metals Decreasing Order of reactivity of halogens with ethene a F2>Ci>Br2>12 F2Br2>CI>F2 F2>Br2>12 Which reaction can be used to test the ‘unsaturation of an organic compound: a reaction with Br reaction with 1% alkaline KMnO, solution (Bayer’s Test) reaction with water reaction with H-X Both A&B > bond length in benzene is: Equal to Ethene Intermediate of Ethene & Ethyne Intermediate of Ethane & Ethene 4 Equal to Ethane Product “P” for the given reaction is: CHyC=CH + HBr Petar | Br 191 100, 102. 103. 104, ahaa Br Br Br | CH3-C-CH3 | Br (CHy-CH-CHy Br Br (CHy-CH=CHp Br Br ‘The preparation of ethane by electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium acetate is known as? Grignard reaction Wurtz reaction c Kolbe’s synthesis, 4 Frankland reaction TUPAC name for tertiary butyl chlorid a 2chlorobutane b. 2echloro-2-methy! propane ¢ I-chloro-2-methyl propane 4 2-methyl-I-chloro propane I-chlorobutane Which one is incorrect about isomorphic crystals: They have similar chemical properties ‘They have different physical properties ‘They form mixed erystals ‘They show over growth of erystals b Particles of solids tend to become oriented positions of: a Maximum attraction, maximum energy b. Maximum attraction, minimum energy Minimum attraction, maximum energy 4. Minimum attraction, minimum energy Which of the following crystal system possess the given all parameter: agbée at pe #90 a Tetragonal ». Orthorhombie © Trigonal 4 Hexagonal Trielinic 105, Half mole of a gas is contained in a vessel at S.T.P. What would be its volume if pressure reduced thrice & temperature increased by four times? a 448dm3 b> 33.6dm3 « 89.6dm3 4 134.4 dm3 © 24dm3 106. If the ratio of rates of diffusion of two gases, is 1:3. Then the ratio of their molecular mass is: a 16 93 o1 18:1 and 107. If'gas molecules are allowed to spread in vacuum, then itis ealled as: a Diffusion > Effusion| © Expansion 4 Compression 108. One mole of N2H4 loses 10 moles of electrons to form a new compound y. Assuming that all nitrogen appears in the new compound, what is the oxidation state of nitrogen in y. acl b 3 . 3 a4 109. According to Lewis concept an acid in is a substance which: a Accept proton b Denote proton © Accept a lone pair of electron 4 Donate a lone pair of electron 110. WI ich one is true about isotope? ‘Same number of neutrons, ‘Same mass number ‘Same physical properties ‘Same chemical properties ILL, Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophile because: a They have an electrophilic carbon b. They have an electrophilic carbon & a good leaving group ¢ They have an electrophilic carbon & a bad leaving group 4. They have a nucleophilic carbon & a good leaving group 112. The best method of preparation of alkyl halides is a reaction of the alcohol with: a Zn/ HCI b. SOCI2/ Pyridine © PCI a PCIS 12g of magnesium reacts with 40g of HCI: Mg +2HCI— MgC + H2 Then, the amount of hydrogen produce will be controlled by: a Mg ‘beeMg, HCL © HCI 4 MgCl 114, One mole of NO: contains: a 6022x10atoms of oxygen b.-23:moles of electrons © 6.022x10atoms of nitrogen 4 Both B&C 113, The electronic configuration which obeys Hund's rule for the ground state of carbon atoms 116. The nature of anode rays depends upon: a Nature of electrode b Nature of residual gas ¢ Nature of discharged tube d All of these 117. 118. 119, 120. 121, 12, Which compound has bond angle nearly to 90°? a 120 b HS © Nik 4 CH ich option shows all the molecules with bond angle 109.5°? a CH, CCl, NE b SiCls, HO, BeC! © CH4, NH4, PH3 d SiC, NHs+,CHs In exothermic reactions, the heat content of the: Products is more than that of reactants b Reactants is more than that of products Products is more than that of reactants and Reactants is more than that of products 4 None of these Which one of the following reactions will represent enthalpy of formation as well as, enthalpy of combustion? a Cy + Oj) — CON b H20q) + 1/2 02.) + H2020) & CO) + 1/2 Oj) > CO) & CH4)+ 202) > CO2)* 2H20.) In an exothermic reversible reactis temperature will shift the equil towards the s a Decrease, backward b Increase, forward © Increase, backward 4 Decrease, both Decomposition of ammonia on heated tungsten is. 2NHa(g) > Na(g) + 342g) a Istorder b 2nd order © Third order 4 Zero order PHYSICS 123. Negative space rate of variation in potential equal to ; a Electric field b. Electric force © Electric potential 4. Capacitance 124, A Lu capacitor is connected to 12V battery. The energy stored in the capacitor iss a 12x10-F b. 24x10-85 © T2x108J & 48x105) 125, Praetically eapacitance is increases by; Introducing oppositively charged plate b. Introducing dielectric between plates © Both A and B 4. None of these 126. The capacitance of a capacitor doesn't depend upon; a Thickness of plates b. Distance between plates eyArea of plates, 4 All of these 127. What voltage is necessary to produce a current of 10A through a resistance of 10 ohm? a 10V b 20V © 30V 4 100 128, The factors that influence the resistance of metallic conductors are ; 1_The material of which conductor is made 2_ The length of the conductor 3_ The thickness of conductor 4 The temperature of the conductor. a Land 2 only b. 2and4 only © 123 and4 4 Tonly 129, When current is flowing through conduetor then which statement is correet? 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. Drift velocity is superimposed on thermal velocity Thermal velocity becomes zer0 ‘Thermal velocity is converted into drift velocity 4 None of these A current of 1.6 A is passing through a metalic wire of cross_sectional area is Imm, If the density of charge earriers(n) of the wire is 510" mr3,then the drift velocity of the eleetrons in the conductors is; a 210! m/sec b 210° m/sec «2108 m/sec @ 2x10? m/sec What is the power dissipation in a 10 ohm resistor when a current of 5 A passes through the resister is; a 200W > 220W © 250W a 300W ‘Temperature co_ efficient of conductors is always; a Negative b Positive © May be positive or negative 4 None of these ‘Mass is attached to horizontal helical spring, The factor which remain always ive is ; a Acceleration b Spring constant ©. Restoring force ad Amplitude © Allof these A particle is executing SHM,then the physical quantity which doesn’t change periodically iss a Velocity b Acceleration Amplitude 4. Restoring force « Allofthese A sound wave has a wavelength of 3m. ‘The distance from a compression center to the adjacent rarefaction center is; a 075m (2] « 3m 4 Need to know wave speed 136, A fire whistle emits a tone of 170Hz. Take the speed of sound in air to be 340 msec. The wavelength of this speed is about; a 0.5m b Im © 2m 4.3m 137, If two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic motions of same frequency, amplitude and phase are superimposed the resulting motion is; a Uniform circular motion b. Linear simple harmonic motion along a straight line inclined to the straight lines ‘of motion of components ones © Aneliptical motion Nor 138, Which list Option consists of quantities that Temain constant when a body moves in SHM? a Acceleration:: Force ~ Total energy b. Amplitude:: Angular frequency Acceleration Angular frequeney:: Acceleration:: Force ‘4. Total energy:: Amplitude:: Angular frequency 139, A wave is characterized bys Wavelength Speed Frequency All of these 140. Special type of wave which does not require medium for propagation is called; a. Mechanical wave b EM wave Matter wave All ofthese 141, What happens when a transverse wave is reflected from the boundary of denser medium? If crest strikes with medium, it returns as; a Crest b. Trough « Compression 4 Rarefaction 142, 143. 144, 145, 146. e NOT Energy transmitted by harmonic wave produced in string in proportional to; a Amplitude 1/2 of amplitude ‘Square of amplitude 1/3 of amplitude constant current of 2 A is flowing through a ong thick copper wire held horizontally in east-west direction. If the direction of current in the wire is from west to east, the direction of the magnetic field produced would be from north to south directly above only at the mid-point of the wire b below only at the mid-point of the wire © above at all points of the wire below at all points of the wire A conductor of axial length 30 em carries a current of 100 A and lies at right angles to-a magnetic field of strength 0.4 Tesla. What is the force in newtons exerted om i a ON b 12N © 12N a 10N A circular coil of radius 4 em and of 20 turns carries a current of 3 amperes. It is placed in a magnetic field of intensity of 0.5 weber/m?. The magnetic dipole moment of the coil is. 0.15 ampere m2 b 3ampere m2 0.45 ampere m2 4 6 ampere.m’2 An electron is projected with uniform velocity along the axis of a current carrying Jong solenoid, which of the following is true? a The electron will continue to move with uniform velocity along the axis of the solenoid. (13) b. The electron will experience a force at 45° to the axis and hence execute a helical path ‘The electron path will be circular about the axis, 4. The electron will be accelerated along the axis, 147, Ifa charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to it; a. both momentum and energy of particle change. b._ energy is constant but momentum changes ¢ momentum as well as energy are constant 4. momentum is constant but energy changes 148, How many milligrams of tritium will remain after 49.2 years if the starting amount is 32 mg? The half-life of tritium is, 12.3 years. a 8mg beedimg © 2mg 4 img 149, Find the half-life of 614C if A is 2.31 x 10-4, a 4*10° years 2X10? years © 3*108 years &. 35x10" years 150. 200 mg of 14C will become 25 mg in how many years if the half-life is 5760 years? a 11520 years b. 17280 years © 5760 years 4. 23040 years 151, What would be the remaining concentration of 300 g of radioactive substance after 18 hours if the half-life is 3 hours? a 468g b 234g c 334g 4 9378 152. What would be the remaining concentration of I g of radioactive substance after 400 days if the half-life is 100 days? 12 16 8 4 153. On calculating which of the following quantities, the mass of the body has an a Force b Time of flight Range @ Velocity 154. When do we get maximum range in a imple projectile motion? a 45° b 90° © 30° a 15° 155. Calculate the resistance between A and B. 3.56 ohm Tohm 14.26 ohm 29.69 ohm of a wire depends upon ‘a material b length © Area ad Allofthese 157, The Compton effect can be explained on the basis of _ a Wave nature of light > Quantum theory of light «Ray optics 4 Wave optics 158. What kind of photon is required for the Compton effect to oceur? Visible light photon bX ray photon «. UV photon Infra red light [14] 159, 160. 161, 162. 163. 164, X-rays with wavelength 0.1 nm are seattered from a carbon block. The scattered radiations are viewed at right angles to the direction of incident beam. ‘Whaat is the Compton shift? a 0.0014nm b 0.0034nm ¢ 0.0024nm 4 0.0044nm ‘The following graph is seen for which angle? i Wveenath a 30° base © 90° de 120° Identify X in the expression for Kinetic energy of recoil electron: ke=hy(x(1-cos0)/1+x(1-c0s0)). hivimo hy/moc hwimoc2 hv/e2 Valence band is full and conduction band is empty in; a Semi conductor Insulator Conductor 4 Allofthem In intrinsic semi conductors Si and Ge charge carriers are; a Electrons only b. Holes only «Both holes and electrons 4 None of them ‘When positive charge moves in magnetic field,then force is experienced on it. The direction of the force can be determined by a Right hand grip rule b. Left hand grip rule 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170, 171. 172, © lefthand grip rule 4. Flemings right hand rule Which of the following is not deflected in magnetic field? Alpha particles > Gamma rays © Electron Proton is numerically equals to; a Electric field b Electric flux ©. Electric potential a None of these gravitational field; a Is always zero b may be zero may not be zero © Isalways negative 4 Isalways positive None of these Power depends upon; a Force b Velocity © Time 4 Allofthese Work done against gravity between two close points which are at some height from surface of earth is equal to; ‘Negative of potential energy difference Initial potential energy Initial potential and kinetic energy None of these Positive of potential energy difference Work is a? a Scalar quantity b Vector quantity © Fundamental quantity 4 Base quantity ‘The distance covered between two specific points is called as; a Time b Displacement © Velocity 4 Acceleration ‘The path travelled by projectile is called as; a Projectile Range [15] 173. 174. 175. 176, 177. 178, 179. b. Projectile time of flight «Projectile trajectory Projectile Height Ability to do work can be written as; a Energy b. Momentum © Force 4 Allofthese Free fall motion is an example of; a Uniform circular motion b. Zero accelerated motion ‘© Uniform accelerated motion 4. Uniform velocity motion Which of the following process indicate the wave nature of light? a Photo electric effect b. Compton effect © Pair production 4d. Interference Propagation of light confirms ; ae=-Quantum nature of light b. Wave nature of light ¢ Both wave and quantum nature 4 None of these ENGLISH Correct the spel a Pencilin b. Penicillin ¢ Panicillin 4. Penicilin Choose the appropriate option regarding the Subject Verb Agreement: The principal and the science teacher not come to school today. a Has b Have Were als Out of the following group of the wordings choose the word which is inappropriately spelled: Adventitious Extreme Capitle b. 4 Acceptable 180. 181. 182, 183. 184, 185. 186. A compound-complex sentence is formed by: ‘a One independent clause b One dependent clause + One independent clause Two independent clause 4. Two independent + One dependent clause he had run fast , he would have won. The given line indicates which type of sentence: a Zero Conditional sentence First Conditional sentence ‘econd conditional sentence ‘Third Conditional sentence b d We are studying while the fan is working, ‘The given sentence is an example of : a Compound sentence b Complex sentence Compound - Complex sentence ad None of these Spot the error of word order , style, vocabulary and subject - verb agreement in the written text: I did not barely understand what you were saying. Did not Understand You Were Complete the Sentence with an appropriate option: All glitters is not gold. a Who Which. © That ad These Regarding Clauses: The sentence given below is an example of which clause. Before the food gets cold Independent Clause Dependent Clause Principal Clause None of these Identify the sentence with correct grammatical and style structures: a He kicked a ball and he scored a goal b. He kicked the ball , he scored a goal He kicked the ball and scored a goal, [16] 187. 188. 189, 190, 191, 192. 193. 4 he kicked the ball , and he scored a goal Regarding the rules of punctuation, Which of the following sentence having correct punctuation? a My sister, Ayesha lives in Islamabad b. My sister Ayesha lives in Islamabad My sister, ayesha lives in Islamabad 4. My sister, Ayesha live in Islamabad Identify the wrong sentence: a. She scarcely visited her grandparents b. He had completed his job when I had reached. Twill phone you if he arrives. 4. Walk slowly lest you should fall Regarding Articles: ‘Ahmed is___ better poet than novelist. a A, The b An, A © A,Noatticle 4 Noatticle, No article ‘Regarding preposition which of the is not true: a There is a bank right across the street. bo ‘The wind whistled through the branches of the tree. ‘Hemet me on the comer of the street 4. Tused to live in Islamabad Put an appropriate preposition: ‘The woman was sheltering a tree. Under Below Over At Which of the following is correct? He is suffering to anaphylactic shock He is suffering in anaphylactic shock He is suffering from anaphylactic shock He is suffering into anaphylactic shock Identify the sentence with incorrect grammatical styles and structure: a Honesty is the best policy b. We took delicious breakfast © Seeing the hours of school stretching ‘ahead was a dismal experience on a Monday a The Himalaya is the highest mountain range in the world, 194. Identify the tense: Had you taken tea before the guests arrived? Present perfect continuous Past perfect Past perfect continuous Present perfect LOGICAL REASONING 196. ST. 197, STATEMENT: What come next in the se 102,90, 78, 66, ? ,42 4 6 58. 64 ‘ATEMENT: i, Some copy is pen. No pen is marker. iii, Some marker is red. CONCLUSION: Some copy is not red. Some red is pen. Only I follows Only II follows Both [ and II follows, None follows No country is absolutely self-dependent these days. CONCLUSION: i. Itis impossible to grow and produce all that a country needs. ii, Country's men in general have become lazy. Only I follows Only 11 follows Both follows None follows 198. Question # 198 to 199 A tiger when killing whicl in wait for it, depends for the success of its attack on its speed and toa lesser extent on the natural prey does either by stalking or lying (17) 200. b. 4 199, TIGER KILLS MEN ONLY WHE! condition of its teeth and claws. When therefore a tiger is suffering from one or more painful wounds or when its teeth are missing or defeetive and it's claws worn down, and it is unable to cateh an it has been accustomed to eating i driven by the necessity to killing human beings. HUMAN BEINGS ARE NATURAL PREY OF TIGERS. Definitely true Probably true Definitely false Probably false als is HAS BEEN INCAPACITATED THROUGH WOUNDS. b 4 Definitely true Definitely false Probably true Probably false ‘STATEMENTS: i, All the employees of Ahmed's ‘company will receive a bonus this month, ii, Ahmed's company has booked double profit this month, ‘Statement I is the cause and statement I] is its effect, Statement IL is the cause and statement I is its effect, Both the statements I and Il are independent causes Both the statements I and Il are the effects of independent causes Good Luck

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