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(Group 2)


 Brief definition of Electronics?

 Brief history of Electronics and its development
 Tools and Equipment
 Safety and Security in Electronics


- Electronics encompasses an exceptionally broad range of technology.

- The term originally was applied to the study of electron behavior and movement, particularly
as observed in the first electron tubes.

- being negatively charged, are attracted to positive charges and repelled by other negative charges.

Electric current
- is created by the motion of electrons, whether in a vacuum, in a wire, or in any other electrically
conducting medium.


1745 – Discovery of the Layden Jar. It was the first electrical capacitor– a storage mechanism for an
electrical charge.

1706-1790- Benjamin Flew kites to demonstrate that lightning is a form of Static Electricity (ESD).
He would run a wire to the kite and produce sparks at the ground, or charge a Leyden jar. This led
Franklin to invent the lightning rod.

1775-1836- Gave a formalized understanding of the relationships between electricity and magnetism
using algebra. The unit for current (ampere) is named after André Marie Ampère

1789-1854- George Simon Ohm, a German physicist, found that some conductors worked better than
others and quantified the differences. He waited quite some time to announce “Ohm’s Law” because
his theory was not accepted by his peers. The unit for resistance (Ohms) is named after him.

1847-1931- Thomas Alva Edison invented or refined devices that made a profound impact on how
people lived. The most famous of his inventions was the incandescent light bulb (1878), which
would revolutionize indoor lighting and forever separate light from fire.

1856-1943- Nikola Tesla worked briefly for Thomas Edison, who as the advocate of direct current
became Tesla’s unsuccessful rival in electric power development. Tesla’s other inventions included
the Tesla coil, a kind of transformer, and he did research on high-voltage electricity and wireless
communication. He was declared as the “father of radio “and the unit of magnetic field density
(Tesla) is named after him.

1879-1955- According to Einstein’s viewpoint, light could be imagined to consist of discrete bundles
of radiation. Einstein used this analysis to clarify the effect of photoelectric, where certain metals
produce electrons once they are illuminated through the light at a specified frequency. Einstein’s
theory has formed the source for Quantum Mechanics.

2006 – The First WII and PS3 Gaming Console were Launched.
2007 – First Apple iPhone and iPod were Launched.
2008 – First Android OS for Smartphones was Launched.
2008 – The Large Hadron Collider.
2010 – The First Apple iPad and Xbox 360 Gaming Console were Launched.
2011 – Solar Panel Revolution as Alternate and Renewable Source of Energy.
2011 – Curiosity, the space vehicle launched by NASA landed on Mars.
2014 – Microscale 3-D Printing Available.
2018 – Parker Solar Probe Launched by Nasa.
2019 – India Launched Chandrayan-2 to the Moon.


 Hand tools
 Soldering Tools
 Measurement Tools
 Prototyping Tools

Hand Tools
The most basic category of tools used in every electronic project is the hand tool. These tools are
manually operated without any power source and have been in use since the Stone Age. These require
a lot of dexterity as well as precision to operate.


DRIVING TOOLS are usually used in projects while dealing with tightening, loosening, and
removing the screws. These are also used to remove bits, screws, nuts, and bolts from surfaces and
require manual force during operation.

1. Screwdriver: It is used to turn, tighten or remove screws

- Standard/Flat Screwdriver- It is a wedge-shaped driver

resembling a negative sign (-) at the tip and is used for driving
screws with a single slot head.
- Philips screwdriver- It has
a cross tip resembling a
positive (+) sign and is used
to drive screws with cross
slot heads.
- Stubby screwdriver- It has
a short shank or blade and is
used in tight spaces where a standard screwdriver can’t be

2. Allen wrench- A wrench is used to turn objects, usually rotary

fasteners like nuts and bolts, or to keep them from turning. The
main function is to drive screws with hexagonal slot heads or
Allen-headed screws. In other words, it is used to drive crews in places where regular
screwdrivers don’t work.

These tools are used for removing certain parts of materials from a workpiece by means of operations
like deforming, turning, or shaping.

1. Utility knife- It’s one of the essential elements while dealing with
electronics as it can cut through most of the materials.
2. Hacksaw- It’s a fine-toothed saw made for cutting metals but it can
also cut various materials like plastic and wood. These can be either
manual or powered and come in different varieties.
3. Pliers- are hand tools used to hold objects firmly, possibly developed
from tongs used to handle hot metal in Bronze Age Europe. They are
also useful for bending and compressing a wide range of materials.


- Long Nose Pliers

- Side Cutting Pliers
- Channel Lock Pliers
- Combination Pliers
- Slip Joint Pliers

Boring is the act of making narrow holes in a material such as in wood or metal. Holes are bored in
materials with tools called bits or drills.

1. Volt Mini-Drill It is used to bore or drill holes in the printed

circuit board (PCB).
2. Metal File It is a hand tool used to shape metals by grinding.
A file series of sharp, parallel ridges or teeth. Most files have
a narrow, pointed tang at one end to which a handle can be


A soldering iron is a device for applying heat to melt solder to form an electrical and physical
connection between two surfaces. It is composed of a heated metal tip and an insulated handle. For
electrical projects, wires are usually soldered to PCBs, other wires, or terminals.

1. Soldering station/stand- The soldering tool stand is used to keep the

soldering iron in a place away from flammable materials.
2. Desoldering pump- These
tools are used to remove the
soldered wires and
components on printed
circuit boards for repair and
troubleshooting usually
when there is a fault in the
Electrical measuring instruments are all the devices used to measure the magnitude of an electric
current with different objectives.

1. Multitester A multimeter or a multi-tester, also known as a volt-ohm

meter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit.
2. LCR meter- LCR meters are used for measuring
inductance, capacitance, and resistance involved in an
electronic setup.
3. Clamp meters- Clamp meters are used by electricians, sometimes with the
clamp incorporated into a general-purpose multimeter. It is simple to measure
very high currents with the appropriate current transformer.
4. Oscilloscope- An oscilloscope displays time-
varying signals like voltage waveform patterns on a
screen which help in visualizing the circuit functions.

Electronics Prototyping involves a combination of hardware and software designs with PCBs
assembled into a functional prototype.

1. Breadboard- A breadboard is a flat plastic base with a matrix

of holes in which wires and components are connected.
2. Zero PCB- A Zero Board is a board with copper patches
devoid of any connections. In
order to work on such a board,
the user has to either solder the
components or connect them by
soldering their legs to the wire.


Safety is always important when working with electricity and electronics. This includes both the
safety for you as well as safety for the circuit components you are working with. Concerns such as
high voltage or currents can affect the human body, while static safety and proper component use can
affect the life of your circuits.


- Work on electrical devices should be done only after the power has been shut off in such a
manner that it cannot be turned on accidentally.
- All electrical wiring and construction must conform to standard safety practice
- Wear insulating gloves made of leather or heavy cotton or rubber while working with high
- Use only tools and equipment with non-conducting handles when working with electrical
- Never change wiring with circuit plugged into power source.
- Avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials
- Check circuits for proper grounding with respect to the power source
- Don’t use bare hands to remove hot parts.
- Always wear safety goggles.
- Look out for damaged wire insulation, overheating of electronic equipment, damaged circuit
boards and corrosive components like batteries.
- If there is a burning smell on your electronic equipment, disconnect the power source.
- Always read safety procedures that come with every electronic equipment you’re about to test
or work on
- Recheck all wires for bad connections

Prepared by Group 2:

Daroy, Katrina F.
Dela Cruz, Joshua Andrei A.
Madrilejos, John Alexis D.

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