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NCMB 210: Computer Software

COMPUTER SOFTWARE concept in the evolution of the

→ General term for various kinds of
programs used to operate computers AUGUST 2, 1790
and related devices
America’s founders decreed that a census
1. Programs
be taken every 10 years and the first
2. Package
census was done.
» Translate instructions created in
Found out that manual method of
human language into machine
processing census were inadequate.
» Packaged or stored software is JOSEPH JACQUARD
needed to make the computer an
 A weaver from France and invented the
economic work tool.
Jacquard Loom
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER  Jacquard Loom - A device that uses
PROGRAMMING AND SOFTWARE blocks of wood with holes drilled in
such a way that the threads to be
woven into cloth could form a program
 Countess of Lovelace to the loom.
 Mathematician who described the  The program varied the way the cloth
concept of a stored computer program. was worked by the loom so that a
 Loop Concept - Use of automatic particular design would be produces in
repetitious arithmetic steps that the the fabric.
analytical engine would follow to solve
a problem.
 First programmer in computer history.  Used Jacquards ideas but developed a
machine that could read punched cards
and tabulate the result.
 Invented (but never built) a device that  (1884) Patented his machine and
he named the analytical machine. punched-card system.
 It could perform mathematical  Formed a company called “Tabulating
functions and instructions Machine” and was soon became “
communicated the machine. International Business Machine (IBM)”

JOHN VON NEUMANN (1903-1957) 1984

 Proposed that both data and IBM discontinued selling its card puncher
instructions could be stored in the thus stopped the promotion of the
computer and that the instructions punched-card method of entering
could be automatically carried out. programs and data into computers.
 Stored program concept was MID -1980s
subsequently implemented as a major
NCMB 210: Computer Software

Keypunch machines and punched-card - Consists of instructions permanently

readers were withdrawn from the burned onto a computer chip.
computer centers. 2. OS
- Responsible for the management and
coordination of activities and the
 Mother of Computing sharing of the resources of the
 Worked with the first digital mainframe computer
computers (Mark I and Mark II) - Acts as a host for applications that are
 Developed many concepts and run on the machine.
mathematical foundations of computer - Handle the details of the operation of
programming science. the hardware relieving application
 Debugging – checking the program to programs from managing these details
ensure that the computer is free of and makes it easier to write
error. applications.
 Recognized that obscure assembly and 3. OS-DOS
machine-like programming languages - A medium through which the user and
limited access to the computer and external devices attached to the system
therefore the utility of the machines. communicate with the system.
 Her work formed the foundation for - Translate the command issued by the
the first truly English-like language user in the format that is
(COBOL) understandable by the computer and
 Had an early vision of computers instruct computer to work accordingly.
working independently and together so - Also translates the result and any error
that more could be accomplished. message in the format for the user to
- A program that enables a person to
communicate with a computer through
→ A program that manages and supports the use of symbols, visual metaphors,
the computer resources and operations and pointing devices.
of a computer system while it executes - Replaced the arcane and difficult
various tasks such as processing data textual interfaces of earlier computing
and information, controlling hardware with a relatively intuitive system that
components, and allowing users to use has made computer operation not only
application software. easier to learn but more pleasant and
→ Starts up and initializes the computer natural.
system. - Is now the standard computer
interface, and its components have
1. Basic I/O System become unmistakable cultural artifacts.
- Considered the first level of system 5. UTILITY PROGRAM
control since it searches the OS in the - Designed to enhance the functions of
hard drive and loads it in the RAM as the OS or to add facilities that the basic
the computer is turned on. OS does not offer.
NCMB 210: Computer Software

- Include programs that provide - Software application for retrieving,

algorithms (formulae) for efficiently presenting, and traversing information
sorting a large set of numbers or resources on the Worldwide Web
character-based items, copying files or (www)
parts of files, security programs, and - Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet
the like. Explorer, Opera, Safari
- Language Translation Utilities, www II. Media Players
and Web browsers - For playing back multimedia files
6. APPLICATION SOFTWARE (music, videos or both)
- Programs that specify the information 9. MEDIA CREATION SOFTWARE
processing activities required for the a) 3D Graphic Computer Software
completion of specific tasks of - Programs used to create 3D computer
computer users. generated imagery.
7. DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE - 3DsMax, Maya, SketchUp, Blender
A. Word Processing Software b) Game Development Tool
- Writing tasks such as keying in reports, c) Animation Software
letters, tables, as well as merging - Used for generating animated images
documents, editing, revising, by using computer graphics.
formatting, copying, storing, printing
and availability of font styles and sizes
to make the document attractive can
B. Spreadsheet Software
- Permits performance of an almost Admission, Discharge and Transfer (ADT)
endless variety of quantitative tasks systems that help with patient tracking and
such as budgeting, keeping track of Medication Administration Record (MAR)
inventory, preparing financial reports, software.
or manipulating numbers in any fashion Charting Software that computerizes at
C. Presentation Software least some parts of the nursing record.
- Organizes a slide show for an audience
including text, graphics, sound, and Computerized Patient Acuity System used
movies. to help with nurse staff allocation.
D. Standard Office Software Hospital e-mail system used for hospital
- Most common software packages sold communications.
with computers
- Includes: Word processing, COMMUNICATION SOFTWARES
spreadsheet, presentation and
Chat Rooms - Electronic conference calls
database management system
where multiple users can send and receive
messages at the same time.
- Open Office, Free Office, Microsoft
Office Suites
8. CONTENT ACCESS SOFTWARE Social Network- Refers to any number of
I. Web browsers web addresses designed to create online
communities that are focused around
NCMB 210: Computer Software

common interests, goals, or simply away PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES

for people to interact.
→ A programming language is a
Electronic Bulletin Board- An early form of means of communicating with the
computer conferencing but may be called computer.
discussion boards or electronic forums
where users can post messages at the time
of their convenience. (ASYNCHRONOUS)
Ҩ Drug guides
Ҩ Medical Dictionaries  The true language of the computer.
Ҩ Consult guides  Consist of binary numbers 1 and 0.
Ҩ Nursing Books (E-Books)  Machine-dependent (unique)
PROGRAM - Result of  Intermediate languages that are very
expressing the close to machine language
algorithm in a
 One command in machine language is a
single instruction to the processor
 Instructions have a one to one
- Organized
instruction sets correspondence with a machine
ALGORITHM - Set of language instruction.
instructions 2ND LEVEL
and the order
have to be
performed.  Requires the programmer to specify
- Sequence and both what the computer is to do and
steps the procedure for how to do it.
PROGRAMMING The process of  Far more English-like language
writing an  A single comma or letter out of place
algorithm using will cause the program to crash.
programming  The style and sequence of a language
language are called its SYNTAX.
PROGRAMMER The person writing
instructions using Generation Language)
languages FORTRAN

 First high-level computer language and

the progenitor of many key high-level
concepts, such as variables,
expressions, statements, iterative and
NCMB 210: Computer Software

conditional statements, separately 2ND LEVEL

compiled subroutines, and formatted
 Are specialized application programs
that requires more involvement of the
 First universal programming language user in directing the program to do the
 The first truly English-like language necessary work.
 A language that can be run on any  A user specifies what the program is to
computer makes and models. do, but not how the program is to
 Designed for writing business programs perform the task.
with minimum of time and effort  The how is already programmed by the
manufacturer of the language program.
 Statistical Package for Social Sciences
 It was named after an earlier prototype (SPSS)- A statistical analysis program,
program called simply B. the user enters a command that tells
 Most popular computer language for the computer to compute a chi-square
writing new OS and other system statistic on a particular datasheet. The
programs formula is already a part of the
program; the user does not have to tell
C++ SPSS how to calculate
 Used for a variety of applications, 3RD LEVEL
especially those that allows users to
interact with electronic companies NATURAL LANGUAGE
through the Internet.
 The user tells the machine what to do
JAVA in the user’s own natural language or
through use of a set of very English-like
 Was developed by Sun Microsystems to commands.
be a relatively simple language that  Any user could give understandable
would provide portability across commands to the computer in his or
differing computer platforms and the her own word style and accent is being
security needed for use on a huge, performed.
public network like the internet.  Voice recognition technology is
 Critical for any serious web developers integrated with the language so that
VISUAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES voice commands are recognized and
 Developed to facilitate program
development in graphics-based COMPUTER PROGRAMMING: STEPS
environments. PROBLEM Involves
 Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic DEFINITION identification of
Instruction Code (BASIC) - The first the problem to be
lingua franca of microcomputers solved regarded as
 Often taught to beginning the most crucial
programmers step in
NCMB 210: Computer Software

PROGRAM DESIGN Where the process
designing takes
WRITING THE Includes structure
CODE AND and narrative
PROGRAM documentation
ALPHA TESTING Alpha testing (desk
checking) where
components are
checked to see if
all the processes
appear to be
functioning as
specified in the
flow charts,
specifications and
design spec.
AND PROGRAM installation to
environment that
signals program

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